124 All letters on business should be ad dressed to Kilkoff &. Dean, I‘ublisbers and all matters connected with the Edito , rial Department to Editor Florida Agri culturist, DeLand, Fla. TERMS s TWO DOLLARS a Year, in Advance. Single copies. Five cents. A copy to the getter-tip of a club of ten. should be sent by draft , peetoffiee money order on Jacksonville, or registered letter, otherwise the publishers will not be responsible in case of loss. Advertising Rates Rates for advertisements furnished on application by letter or in person. To Correspondents. Articles relating to any topic within the scope of this paper are solicited. We cannot promise to return rejected manuscripts. All communications intended for publica tion must be accompanied with real name, as a guarantee of good faith. Names will not be published if objection be made. No anonymous contributions will be regarded. Our Agents. The following persons are authorized to receive subscriptions for us: Thayer & Sauls, Enterprise, Florida. Mr. Stockton, Sanford. “ J. H. Stockton, Volusia. “ Charles Smith, Orange City, “ Colcord &. Felt, Boresford, Ashtnoad Bros.. Jackson ville, Dr. Z. H. Mason. Apopka. " S. P. Shepherd, Altamonte, “ Capt.H.S.Williams,RockLedge, " M. D. Rising, Stark, “ Lois Lowin & Cos,. Los Angelos, Cal. Bruce Smith. Los Angeles, “ ./. P. Snow, 7 Ex’ge Place, Boston, Mass. Wm.Estill, Jr.. 278u1l St. Savannah, Ga. If this article is marked your subscrip tion has expired. Persons in renewing will oblige the Publishers by stating that they are old subscribers. Those who wish to keep a complete file must renew imme diately, as we can not furnish any more back numbers. t t Ipw Iffeida PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. KILKOFF & DEAN, P'-blisDors. I r. COOBMOIVA, Editor. DeLAND, AUGUST 28, 187S. WORK FOR SEPTEMBER. The weather this month is usually dry, with occasional wind storms and rain. Commence preparing your strawberry crop. Land descending to a river or lake, of a black mold with a clay sub-soil will be found the best, but Hood crops can be had 09 any of our soil, if it is properly fertili sed and Irequently watt Ted. Plant in rows two feet apart and one foot in the row, or three feet rows and the plants eight inches apart, there are advocates for each plan. "Wilson Albany and Neunans are considered the varieties best adapted to our climate, and best for shipping. We have seen some good raised on high pine land. Prepare fodder for Winter use. Pea vines, rice straw and Guinea grass can be cured for that purpose, every old corn field throws up a heavy crop of crab grass, most of which is allowed to waste, it should be mowed and cured into hay. Hay is worth twenty dollars a ton in the country, and almost every acre of our land can give more than a ton if it is taken care of. All kinds of vegeta bles, carrots, turnips, radishes, peas, lettuce, etc., can be planted this month. Transplant cabbages, but have your land well manured, if you expect to get good large heads. The best cabbages that we have seen in Florida were manured with muck, that had been prepared in the pig pen, a good shovelful to each plant should be given. Rye can be planted this mouth. Hart, Benham & Cos., of Jacksonville, oan supply you with seeds and give instructions how'.heyshould be plant ed. Whatever buds you put iuto the eitrua trees after this should remain dormant until Spring. Inspect your citrus treos and destroy all insects that now commence to look to the baik for their Winter residence, and if ants infest a tree, they are after some mischief, unslaked lime sprink led about the trunk will drive them away. Draw up the sweet potato banks and remove weeds. THROUGH VOLUSIA C’OUNTt TO CRESCENTjCITY. We started last week hi company with Dr. M. M. Voorhis, of this place, overland to Crescent City, to see what progress had been made there in the two years since we last visited the place. Passing through the thriving set tlement of Spring Garden we descend ed to the low lands, every now and then meeting the residences of old settlers and cattle raisers; hundreds of cattle dotted the landscape for the forty miles we passed on our way— sandhill cranes and deer were plenti ful in this section of cbuutry. The regular road, which is very good, lies between two chain of lakes, one of which is to the east of Lake George from three to four miles, then about a mile of pir.e land of good quality, on which most of the old settlers located. East ot them is the other chain of lakes, connecting with each other, some of them very large and clear of underbrush to the water edge. The land to the east of this is the best quality of high pine, free of palmetto scrub and easily brought under cultivation. There are some 4,000 or .0,000 acres of this kind of government land, not one acre of which has yet been entered, and on which hundreds of immigrants can I find homes. There is not a prettier location in the world than lies here waiting fof industrious people to make comfortable homes. All the old settlers are well inclined towards northern people; they are turning their attention to orange growing in preference to cattle raising, with what success can be seen by the thriving groves around their houses. We will venture to say there are no finer trees in the State, or else where, than we saw in some of these groves. At Mr. Underhill's there is a fourteen year old tree the trunk of which is over four feet in circumfer ence. Mr. Causey to the east of Lake George, has a grove of 150 trees, it will be hard to beat, and we were in formed that there were better groves still that we had not seen. The old settlers did not locate on high pine land, their homes are on low land, just a few feet above what is called the flat woods. No fertilizers are used by them except what is collectr ed about a house from long residence on a place. Cotton was formerly ex tensively eultivaied and a few fields were passed on the way,but everything is being thrown aside for oranges. At a Mr. Mcßrides near Deep creek, where we took the wrong road and were nearly swept away, there is a saw mill and cotton gin, he too has a fine grove coming on. We found comfortable for a night at the residence of Dr. M. L. Baker, where we were hospitably en tertained, in fact, we met kindness wherever we went. Mr. Baker will be happy to show the country to any one who wishes to locate there and give them every information, his ad dress is Volusia postoffice. "With an agreeable companion as wo found Dr. Voorhis to be, and with his splendid pair of mnles ahead, the time passed quickly and the jour ney seemed short. On reaching Crescent City we put up for the night at. the hotel of T. A. Capwell, which we found comfortable and the charge# very moderate. Hi place THE FLOKIDA AGRICUITUKIST. can show more completely the pro gress being made in this State than does Cresoent City. What two years ago was an old cotton field now con tains several fine stores, handsome residences, neat church, school house, hotels, etc. The location, overlook ing the lake of that name, formerly Dunns Lake, is admirably situated for "Winter homes for those who wish to escape the cold of the north. It is also the sportsman’s paradise, for game of every kind abounds. Bear, deer, turkey, are easily found. Ven ison was selling at seven cents a lb. on our visit there. Some very fine orange groves are in the immediate vicinity ot the city, one of which, belonging to Mr. W. M. Ncwbold, we visited. It was originally a wild grove, buddc.l, and contains several hundred trees. Mr. Newbold has sixteen varieties of the best oranges, some from California, the buds of which were sent him by S. P. Eix ford, Esq., of San Francisco, had fruited for the first time this year. They were too green for us to judge ; of the quality, but the appearance of, fruit was promising. Mr. Newbold has also a fine variety of lemons and j he informed us that there is more mo- ; ney in them than in oranges. lie j got three cents each for the latter j and they were always saleable, be al so found ready sale for his Bergamot and Tangerine oranges at larger prices than the more common or anges. He approves of whitewash ing the trunks of his trees in the Spring as it washed oil by degrees leaving the bark clean and free of moss. Anew monthly paper called the Florida Fndt Grower has been start ed at Crescent City. It is edited by Mr. G. W. \Gardner, who also lias a good hotel rn the city. Tho old set tlers who aivTmet with in this • part of Putman county are a fine looking class of men and very intelligent, for the limited means they must have had of getting an education. We expected to find them averse to hav ing new people locate among them, but were agreeably surprised to find them otherwise, they are anxious to have the land taken up and settled on, and are willing to give every as sistance and information to new coin ers. Their houses are not very good but they have hilherto answered their wants, and better will be erected to correspond with the advance of the country. Game is so plentiful and the ground products are so easily raised that they have had no incitive to action, or improvement, the Anglo Saxon blood is still there however, and easily stimulated. There is plen ty of fine land all over the State op en to settlement, much of it is out of way, and may be passed by without those looking for locations knowing they are there, the lands we mention are some of these, and every county situated in the same way, out of the regular route of travel, should call at tentioa to it. Our paper is open at all times to furnish tho information il they will give it, there is no occas ion for one place to be jealous of an other, every new settler, wherever he may locate, is valuable to us all and we should put local prejudices aside and work in unity of purpose. answers to correspondents. P. D. S., Orange county.—Rice can bo planted any time from March to June, but the birds are very de structive to the late crop. It is generally cut with a sickle and placed in a barn or stacked until required for threshing. If you have a Bmall quantity it can he beaten out with a rod, the iheavos being placed on a platform, made of rail#, open to allow th • grain to fall tbraagh, and it can be busked out afterward in a mortar made irom a pine log, and cleaned by fanning in a breeze. Golden rice is grown best on low hammock or marsh land, white rice on low pine, upland rice will grow on high pine land. Sweet potatoes will keep well if properly banked up, covered with pine straw and the earth heaped over it; regular potato houses are made by having a double side casing,filled with pine straw or saw dust between the boards. The building should be made so as to keep the temperature as even as possible. C. C. 8., Green Cove Springs. — Tiie white cane gives more sugar and is a softer cane to grind, but the strip ed cane is hardier and makes a stronger grained sugar. A Compost made of cotton seed, liine and muck, has been found excellent as a fertili zer, if you cannot cow pen your laud, which is the best. We have known over twenty barrels of sugar made from one acre of cow penned land, near Mandarin. You can get, if your land is not too poor, good cane from the compost named. We will look j up an excellent receipt we have in the old AfiiacriLTUHiST for making this compost, and publish it for your benclit. Cow peas are used extensively in Louisiana, as a fertilizer for the cane, and sweet potato vines in the West Indies are considered valuable. The sweet potato should not be planted in ridges but the vines should bo al lowed to run over the land, and eith er ploughed in, or gathered in far rows with the seed cane, or near where the seed cane is to be planted. Read the article on sugar chemistry in this number. J. C!., Marion county. —We are quite aware that Bear grass is not Ramie, but gave our correspondents own definition, as it was tiie easiest way of explaining his object. We gave several articles in the <>!d Agiti- CUITURIST on the true Ramie. Hav ing cultivated the simon pure article ourselves we know something about it. The subject you mention has been sadly confused. M. A. 8., Norwalk.— You can plough your young grove in Septem ber, turning in all weeds, have your ground quite clean as frost is not so apt to settle on it. Bone meal can be given to the land at almost any time, it takes some time to act. You had better wait, however, until January before applying it. Keep everything from the young tree* that will help to start anew growth during the Winter. Floridiana. Geographical Divisions of Florida. The Florida immierant divides the Btato into four divisions, for the purpose of con venience in locating comities and describ ing different sections. These divison.s havo been generally adopted, and are as follows: Eastern Florida—la composed of the counties of Suwannee, Columbia. A'achna Levy. Baker, Nassau, Duval. Bradford, Clay, St. Johns, I‘ntnaui and Marion. W est Fiairida— lscompo ed of the coun ties of Escambia. Santa Rosa, Washington. Walton, Holmes. Jackson and Calhonn. Middle Florida —ls composed of tiie counties of Gadsden, Liberty, Franklin, Leon, \V aKnlla, Jefferson, Maaison, Taylor, Lafayette and Hamilton. South Florida —ls composed of the counties of Hernando, Sara ter, Oran arc Volusia. Brevard, Bolt,Hillsborough,Man atee. Monroe and Dade. —Only one death at Ocala this year. —The Greenback theory ib gather ing strength in the country part of the State. —Mr. Charles I* Fildes, formerly of the Montieello Constitution , has purchased an interest in the Ocala -Banner. —Two hundred and fifty dol’nrs is men'ioned as the sum likely to be given as a prize for the best county display at the State Fair. —The vineyard of Capt. Wm. J. Mclntyre is yielding well, and his wine will be made at the vineyard of Gen. Finley by Mr. (Jhas. A. Finlev. this season.— Lake City Reporter. —Dr. Burdett is gathering his sec ond crop of corn from the same land this year; he did expect to get sixt y bushels per acre, from each crop, but if he gets fifty it will bo prett y good. —Orange County Reporter. —"We learn that one Jake Pryne, living in the range in. Manatee coun ty, was killed last week by some unknown party. The cause is sup posed to be his depredations upon other people’s stock.— Bttnhmd Tril> - UK €• —Judge Speer is making seuppor nong wine. He will make several barrels, this year, from his young vineyard. Grape culture will cer tainly boa profitable business in Or ange county. — Orange County Im porter. ■ —Jacksonville is getting alive ti the benoiit of having the State Fair in that city. A public meeting of the citizens has been held to procure the money-ftp- the premiums. At tin meeting five gentlemen subscribed %100 each for the purpose. —One of the experimental well-* that has been sunk in Springfield, by Wrn. Clarke, has reached a depth o': 150 feet, where a stratum of sand was struck, from which a constant stream of water Hows to the surface through the pipe, and rises some five feet above the ground. Th water has a taste of sulphur and i> cool and clear.— Suti and Rnes. —The manipulation of the scupper* nong grape into wine will eommom in earnest next week at Gen. Finley’s vineyard, three miles from town.— The yield of the General's vineyard is reported as unprecedentedly heavy and he will realize a thousand gallon* from the scuppernong alone. Al though the General lias fifty acres of grapes, only ten are in bearing.— Lake City Reporter. —Several fine specimens of nativ wines have been shown us of late, which are really very good. OneVf the best was exhibited by Mr. Ciecrc Mattox. It was from the scupper nong grape, fully ripe, and prepared with home made brown sugar. Such wines as Mr. M. exhibits would fine, a ready sale if put upon the ma rk o'. —Lake City Reporter. —People who come to Eastern. Florida the first time turn up theft nose at our sand and laugh at th - idea of growing anything on it, but I can inform you that this sand is ne t like the sand of New England t Michigan. Ours contains at least 2 r per cent, of lime, and I have neve, seen land in any place that is so grate - ful for the smallest quantity of m;.- irure. The vegetables, strawberries, etc., now being brought into our market, and the specimens of sags? cane etc., I now place before you, is a sample of what can be done with ft. In Central and Western Florida, however, there are as rich lands any one can desire, capable of sup porting a vast population—[From C. Codrington’s lecture on the *• Resour ces of FloridaftJ —Wonderful cotton.—The stalk measures six feet two inches in height, and from side to side six feet ten inches, or nearly twenty feet sir: inches in circumference. There arc thirty-one branches, averaging fife fally-dovelopcd bolls each. On one eleven inch branch nino bolls and four forms were found. The cotton is of the Ilcrlong variety, and was raised by Mr. C. F. Avery, about firv miles from this city Two stalks of