Law offices of Landis Fish Home of Volusia County Abstract Company CompanyOur CompanyOur CompanyOur
Our Business Interests Interestsand Interestsand Interestsand
and Our Business People
It has often been wondered at no noonly not noonly I
only by strangers and newcomers newcomersbut newcomersbut newcomerbut
but our own people as well whenthe when wherthe I
the money comes from that makes tin tinmare themare thmare
mare go in DeLand Money is a aa as aa
a rule plentiful and business brisk briskEven briskEven brislEven I
Even in the dull dog days of sum summer summer summer
mer money that it is hard to trace tracithe tracthe I
the source of circulates freely in DeLand DeLand De De4Land
Land LandIt LandIt
It must be remembered that our ourin ours oursin ourin
in not a farming country and thisection the thesection thsection
section surrounding DeLand is rather ratheithinly ratherthinly rathethinly
thinly populated For many year yearour yearsour yearour
our people were devoting their entireenergies entire entireenergies entireenergies
energies to the development of tin tinorange the theorange thorange
orange industry and of course athe a athe as asthe
the trees were young and not bearing bearingthere bearingthen bearintthere
there was no revenue from this sourceStill source sourceStill sourceStill
Still there was always a good business busineshere businesshere busincshere
here When the groves finally reached reacheca
a bearing age of course there wa wamore was wasmore wamore
more money and better business businessHowever businessHowever businessHowever
However the disastrous freeze o oseveral of ofseveral oseveral
several years ago wiped out for th thtime the thetime tilltime <
time being the orange industry industrybut industrybutnot bu bunot
not our business interests by ani animeans any anymeans anmeans
means Notwithstanding the heavy heavjblow heavyblow teav teavblow
blow when millions were swept away awajin awayin awa awain
in a night our business people pay puitheir pnttheir paytheir
their shoulders to the wheels with withdetermination i idetermination a adetermination
determination to achieve success from froirdisaster fromdisaster fromdisaster
disaster That they succeeded ii iishown is isshown isshown
shown by the many well filled stores storesof storeSof storeof
of DeLand today and the crowds o opurchasers of ofpurchasers oopurchasers
purchasers that constantly throng oui ouistreets ourstreets ouistreets
streets streetsDeLand streetsDeLand streetsDeLand
DeLand draws business from many manjmiles manymile mail mailmiles
miles around not only from the rura rurasections rur rura rurasections l lsections
sections but also from many of the tinsmaller thesmaller thesmaller
smaller towns This is because our ouwstores ouistores ourstores
stores are metropolitan in their scope scopeand scopeand scopeand
and the stocks carried would do credilto credit creditto
to a town of ten times the size o oDeLand of ofDeLand oDeLand
DeLandThe DeLand DeLandThe DeLandThe
The financial interests of the busi business business business ¬
ness community is cared for by th thVolusia the theVolusia tlrcVolusia <
Volusia County Bank a corporation corporationwell
well equipped for the work with withlarge a alarge a alarge
large capital and thoroughly enter enterprising enterprising enterprising
prising public spirited officials officialsThe officialsThe officialsThe
The lack of space prevents a refer reference reference reference ¬
ence in detail to all our business in institutions institutions institutions
stitutions but in order that th thstranger the thestranger thestranger <
stranger may obtain an idea of what whatDeLand whatDeLand whatDeLand
DeLand is we would say that it haa ha has hasa hasa
a regular alltheyearround popula population population population
tion now of about twentyfive hundred hundredand hundredand hundredand
and in the winter season this number numberis
is largely increased by tourists am amwinter and andwinter andwinter
winter visitors We Ve have one bank banktwo banktwo banktwo
of office office office
two dairies one laundry express
fice ice factory two cold storage storafplants storageplants e eplants <
plants telegraph office five daily dailjmails dailymails dailymails
mails one cigar factory twentyeight twentyeightstores twentyeightstores
stores two blacksmith and wagon wagoishops wagonshops wagorrshops
shops two livery stables one cassavastarch cassava cassavistarch cassavastarch
starch factory cane syrup factory citjwaterworks city citywaterworks citywaterworks
waterworks electric light plant three thrctbicycle threehicycle threebicycle
bicycle shops five negro churches churchesthree churchesthree churchesthree
three printing offices a telephone ex exchange exchange exchange ¬
change seven white churches four fouiphotograph fourphotograph fontphotograph
photograph studios two large tourist tourislhotels tonristhotels touristhotels
hotels numerous first class boarding boardinghouses boardinghouses boardinghouses
houses saw mill and lumber yard
five newspapers and many fraternal fraternalorganizations fraternalorganizations fraternalorganizations
organizations organizationsWe
We Ve regret that we have not space spaceto spaceto spaceto
to illustrate alj all of our places of bus business business business ¬
iness In this and the following followingpages followingpages followingpages
pages pages however we present half tone toneillustrations toneillustrations toneillustrations
illustrations of the interiors of a few fewof fewof fewof
of our business marts which will give givethe givethe givethe
the stranger a fair idea of what to toexpect toexpect toexpect
expect in this connection when he hereaches hereaches hereaches
reaches DeLand DeLandW DeLandW
The illustration of the interior of ofW ofV ofW
W V B Fudgers establishment that thatanpears thataopears thatappears
appears elsewhere shows what a athoroughly athoroughly athoroughly
thoroughly uptodate town DeLand is isThis isThis isThis
This is an establishment with its tiled tiledfloors tiledloors tiledfloors
floors marble counters and other ac accessories aeccssories accessories ¬
cessories that would do justice to toany toa1Y toany
any any city Mr W V B Fudger the pro proprietor proprietor proprietor ¬
prietor is a young man reared in inDeLand inDeLand inDeLand
DeLand and who has made himself himselfand himselfand himselfand
and his business by his unaided ef efforts efforts efforts ¬
forts Mr Fudgers place is a favoriteresort favorite favoriteresort favoriteresort
resort for college students and in fact
all others who enjoy a cool clean cleaipleasant cleatpleasant I Ipleasant
pleasant place in which to partake o orefreshments of ofrefreshments orefreshments
refreshments in the form of coo coodrinks cool cooldrinks coodrinks
drinks cream candies etc Mr MrFudger MrFudger MtFudger
Fudger is progressive in every wajand way wayand wa waand
and is constantly adding to th thequipment the theequipment thequipment
equipment of his already first class clasestablishment classestablishment clanestablishment
establishment establishmentLANDIS establishmentLANDIS establishmentLANDIS
We present on the same page ai aiillustration an anillustration atillustration
illustration of the beautiful brick briclbuilding brickbuilding briebuilding
building of Messrs Landis Fish Fishjust Fishjust Fishjust
just completed This is an architec architectural architectural ¬
tural gem and was erected by MessrsLandis Messrs MessrsLandis MessrsLandis
Landis Fish for a law office anc ancfor and andfor an anfor
for the home of the Volusia V CountsAbstract County CountjAbstract CountyAbstract
Abstract Company Messrs Lands LandiiFish LandisFish LandsFish
Fish who are young lawyers will willa
a practice already grown so large thai thaiit thatit thait
it is the envy of many older practi practitioners practitioners practitioners ¬
tioners have elegant offices in thtbuilding the thebuilding thbuilding
building which is commodious enougl enouglto
to accommodate a fireproof vault foi foithe forthe foithe
the Volusia V County Abstract Com Comuanys Comnanys Cornnavys
uanys books offices for the company companyand companyand companyand
and also several tenants among whom whorrare whomare whonare
are the DeLand Navel Stores Com Company Company Company ¬
pany and Mr S V Hough Houghboth both oi oithese of ofthese o othese
these concerns having comfortable offeces of offices offices ¬
fices in the building buildingThe buildingThe buildingThe
The firm of Landis Fish comprises com comprises comprises ¬
prises Mr Cary D Landis and Mr MrBert MrBert MrBert
Bert Fish and besides their legal busi business business business ¬
ness they control the Volusia V County CountyAbstract CountyAbstract CountyAbstract
Abstract Company of which Mr Fishis Fish Fishis Fishis
is president and Mr Landis secretary secretaryand secretaryand secretaryand
and treasurer The companys books booksare booksare booksare
are very valuable and the abstracting abstractingis
is in charge of Mr E F Oates the theactuary theactuary theactuary
Mr Scott Hodgkins extensive wa wagon wagon wagon ¬
gon works blacksmith and machine machineshops machineshops machineshops
shops are also illustrated Mr Hodgkins Hodg Hodgkins Hodgkins ¬
kins has the reputation of turning out outonly outonly outrunty
only thoroughly first class work and andas andas andas
as a consequence his business has hasgrown hasgrown hasgrown
grown in a few years from a very verysmall verysmall verysmall
small beginning to one of large pro proportions proportions proportions ¬
portions In addition to Mr Hodg Hodgkins Hodgkins Hodgkins ¬
kins shop work he also operates a asyrup asyrup asyrup
syrup factory where farmers bring bringtheir bringtheir bringtheir
their sugar cane to be made into sy syrup syrup syrup ¬
DeLand is proud of many things thingslie thingsshe
she lie has and not least among these isTire is isThe isT
The T le Market of which Mr E L
McBride is manager This market marketwould marketwould marketwould
would do justice to a city of any anysize anysize anysize
size The floor is of tile and the thecounters thecounters thecounters
counters and wainscoating of marble marbleIt
It has its own refrigerating and elec electric electric electric ¬
tric plant and cold storage chambers chambersThe chambersThe chambersThe
The refrigerating and electric plant plantis
is operated by an automatic gasoline gasolineengine gasolineengine gasolineengine
engine and the installation of which whichhas whichhas whichhas
has only recently been completed en entailing entailing entailing ¬
tailing an expenditure of many thou thousand thousand thousand ¬
sand dollars but Mr McBride was wasdetermined wasdetermined wasdetermined
determined that his customers should shouldhave shouldhave shouldhave
have the best bestA bestA bestA
A fine line of northern and native nativemeats nativemeats nativemeats
meats is carried and the thorough thoroughrefrigeration thoroughrefrigeration thoroughrefrigeration
refrigeration appliances keep the stock stockin
in perfect condition A large farm isoperated is isoperated isoperated
operated in connection with The TheMarket Thelrarket TheMarket
Market where native stock is pastured pas pastured pastured ¬
tured and stall fed fedV fedV fedV
In the illustrations found elsewhere elsewhereis
is an interior of the establishment of ofMr ofMr ofMr
Mr V M Fountain dealer in cloth clothing clothing clothing ¬
ing shoes and haberdashery haberdasheryMr
Mr Fountain has been in business businessfor businessfor businessfor
for himself in DeLand about two twoyears twoyears twoyears
years but his thorough knowledge of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the trade his long acquaintance in inthe inthe inthe
the markets of the North and East Eastwhere Eastwhere Eastwhere
where for many years he was buyer buyerfor buyerfor buyerfor
for other firms has enabled him to tobuild tobuild tobuild
build up a splendid business in a ashort ashort ashort
short time His stock embraces the thelatest thelatest thelatest
latest as to styles and the best as asto asto asto
to fabrics Mr Fountain has recentlymoved recently recentlymoved recentlymoved
moved into new and more commodi commodious ¬
ous quarters which his increasingbusiness increasing increasingbusiness increasingbusiness
business made imperative imperativeA
Elsewhere we reproduce from a aphotograph aphotograph aphotograph
photograph the model grocery store storeof storeof storeof
of Mr A H Woodall and our homepeople home homepeople homepeople
people and the newcomer can find findat findat findat
at Woodalls about anything they theycan theycan theycan
can find in any firstclass grocery groceryMr grocerylIr groceryAir
Mr Woodall is an experienced grp grpceryman gro groceryman groceryman
ceryman and his long experience in inthe inthe inthe
the grocery business in this section sectionhas sectionhas sectionhas
has enabled him to build up a large largeand largeand largeand
and profitable business in a short time timeMr timelIr timeAir
Mr Woodall carries a complete completestock completestock completestock
stock of domestic and imported goods goodsand goodsand goodsand
and the newcomer to DeLand can canbe canbe canbe
be assured of fair and honest treat treatment treatment treatment ¬
ment at his hands and prompt and andefficient andefficient andefficient
efficient service and that all goods goodssold goodssold goodssold
sold over his counters will be exactly exactlyas
J as represented
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