Newspaper Page Text
TheAlaska Citizen PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY CITIZEN PRINTING COMPANY . RIVERSIDE BLOCK. > ' * ’ FAIRBANKS. 4. I. UUP g. 1. IE110WS J J. FILIIN J. HARMON CASKEY. MANAGER SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Oh Ye»r, delivered.$10 00 One Month, delivered. 1 00 Slafle-Coffer.'........'. 25 Dnj of Publication .SATURDAY PHONE 'Jti’J ■ r ii_ i .. i i \V.£. rpgd that, .Governor Clark is ‘ strong for Orr." Sure thing. )■ •' »J. tj A lajiy residing in Ket< Itikrin has written an article in favor of home rule f r Alaska mo e lompet nt to judge of the merits of home rule; ttjan .a wpmau? The people of prince Rupert have recently passed an ordinance fixing the amounts to, bp ,paid tor liquor licences. \V)“ suppose it will be known as the Beverage hill, Nb doubt about, the congress just over trussing ' into history, as the New's-'Mlner leihfuks; nor, we may add, is- there inly doubt that most of the Republicans who'composed it will shortly pasd Into merited ob livion. It'hr rumored that Roosevelt is going 'to slVirt a’ new party. If true It is merelv a piece oi polit ical trickery, and will deceive none. The new party w'otild he hut a re flex : of, ..the old. under a new and proUitdy .high-sounding name. If.„th,e rumor should turn out to hje correg.t, the initials "T U." would have a new significance. They, w.o.uUl then mean, "Theodore, Rex." In that event Teddy's arm orial bearings woyld he a rough rider, .rampant, slaying a hear. His .motto would probably be "It pays to advertise.’ r Thve selection of Ed. S Orr. as the Republican standard-bearer is not sS^iliVjglcal as it would appear at ft. 8t ''sight. The Republicans doubtl’esk think that Mr. Orr’s long "Mtffefiehce in' skinning mules in Alaska peculiarly fits him to ar gue thn-poifit With legislative asses at Washington The price of beef to the consumer has increased 50 per cent under the Republican ■ tariff in' 1- years, al through stock breeders receive the same price for a steer ($80) that they received ill 181*8. It is said that the packers receive $480 for a steer dressed, for. market. When will the people of the United States realize that they .are being fooled? Dealing with the extreme heat at St. Louis, Wednesday's Times said .that Old Nick himsell would prefer. Hndes. Certainly, he would. “There's no place like home" prob ably . appeals to his Satanic ma jesty ,a*t much as to the rest of us. Even apart■ from that a dry heat Is endurable, and, so tar as we can leprn, no person in Hell has ever b?en known to complain of an excess,of. moisture there, i _i V - I The editor of the Times says that there is a fitness in the send ing pf. a. man named Orr as a representative from a mining coun try. Well, there.certainly is some thing In tlfe suggestion. If there is one thing, that we have enough of and to.spare in Alaska it's ore, base and otherwise, and we might as well sepd out. some of the sur plus. *TUe fltpess in selecting Mr. Orr thus, becomes apparent. We can label hint: .‘Exhibit A: Sample of Aljp.ka Pry, picked up on the Valdez^Eitirbanks trail. This spe< 1 uien is below par.” A Citizen representative asked an an experlepped prospector to name the mojjt .serious drawback to the development of^,Alaskas enormous mineral wealth., lie .replied: ‘ I he principal drawback to this country la a Tacit Of . sufficient epxeri.enced quartz’*,iheri to demonstrate what the country contains in tlie mineral line. '^£haf We need is more Quali fied prospectors and liberal finan cial asfcista'het to enable them to go Into the hills and prospect.” This la undoubtedly true, and is worthy of the consideration of capitalists, large and Bmall. Many a grub-stake baa led to fortune. m.'K m it vi i< m ri iikm. The full text of file platform adopt ed by the Democratic convention, held at Juneau on May 2t>. is now to band, and we are enabled to examine the documt nt in detail. In both substance and form the platform is a veritable Declaration of Independent e: and we .- ttouil that ti more < impnhensitc. enlightened and progressive program has in tei before been laid before the people of Alaska. The document shows more than careful labor; it shows also keen political insight and a sound knowledge of Alaska's present and future needs. As was to he expet tivl. the pl..t fi rm contains a strong denunciation of the lievcridge bill, whitli is de clared, and with justice, to be tit eriy at variance with tile elementary principles of liberty as understood by a free people. Tit is view can not be too strongly urged upon al! Via: kans. Administration pets, are not wanted in the North. VVhul vv. want, and what we shall insist upon hav ing. is complete t oiitrol *f our own affairs: nothing else will do. The iniquity of the ai.empt of the hand over new Ural resources to monopolists is n \t. dwelt, upon, and also the injus ire of the wood tax. In this latt r cons tie tit.n it may lye of interest to our readers to know that it .costs TKN" dollars to culled every ONM dollar of this ttix. such is the extravagant* of Washington method, of dealing with this country. The phi: form aduncates road.4 and railroads, more lighthouses. a:i;l ter postal and telegraphic nitiiniii nh-ation throughout the country. Iti speaking * »f railroads, the .platform, specifically advises hat the control and regulation of the -ame should remain forever in the hands of the people. as in the case- of Texas, for install e: and that the bonded in debtedness should he limited to the actual cost of construe-*', n. Thus would prevent over-capitalization, with all its attendant e ves of ex tortionate* rates for freight and pass on gers. The* Republican party receives a severe rebuke for not correcting the abuses of tne mining law. and the Democratic candidate i>s pledged to active and earnest effort to abolish the present methods of staking by power of attorney and to insist upon the performance of asses/m tit work equal to $100 for every l'O acres staked, including those claims stak ed in associations. The operation of the road tax L. declared to work a hardship upon the poor man by compelling him to pay more than his fair share* of the tax, and the Republic an party is ex plicitly charged with passing an act to relieve tin- l'l.-h trust from all tax ation. A clause in tile platiorm tlie eua tiuent of laws regulating tlwj. hours of labor, and insuring adetituite protection to llic lives and heal'll o! all employes; hut declares emphati cally that there is no hope of. ob taining the enactment of such laws at Washington, where they do not understand local conditions, and. in any case, are not sufficiently, inter ested to care. The platform doses with a deuun-. elation of the Republican administra tion for its attempt to deprive the people of Alaska of their inherent rights, declaring such tactics to be an insult to our manhood and Intel ligence. Each state and territory regulates its own affairs, and why ndt i Alaska? Our own men, working in our own country, can manage our affairs far better than a bureau id’ irresponsi'bles at Washington, who only succeed to office through ne potism or at tile dictation of the cor porations. After reading the platform care fully, everybody must be convinced that the election of a democrat to congress would mean the'commence ment of a new age for AtasTsal THE SI(i\.\|j COItlN. Tlie annual report of the chief.sto. nal officer of the United States army has the following to say regarding the enlisted men quartered in Alas ka: ‘'The men of the Signal Corps. as} sisted by men from the, line of the army, have cheerfully and faithfully performed their duties in the opera tion of the lines and the mainten ance of communication throughout the year. “A noticeable improvement is ap . II t..' s; it Ton In* n. j». i rf i flai .un.iii 11 * a . .( ... •• b« :i;u',l ?. :»-• «jt > »; h . .i at n» ' ." ' / | • I ^ h ■incized :or ail in n serving on the telegraph lilt* s. and is An emilienth ju»t reward for men engaged in t.ii .service. ■d’lie health ot ’lie < nlfvted men in \ i .Mental death- »e nrnd d » - • year, din to the' sl vc... \ mate." Op .\!;p ;• T 1.. . a - w,\ to the Tinp’rt whi ii pu:;>n’ted *n ><■ : '% lv« * '• ' ; . i,J'a . i-ieJ- • i fin w to**i :ig lir!,l . ? dpi*. a,. We do not blame the local Tn < pflfl ■ w a ait •»ie: ‘ 1' . :■/ an - : • ;. i.^iu'a g.; ha v.- t ■ i.en pin « at* ti nt in r . e *(je • ;! t .v-. t »• •, -ftir €* v£>i” toy'* e Tile d :: > ^ « X •’ ’ ’i: V ill> peals to fin laboring men to • ;»•*.».- • v£< If < apital. iS r i * *:r • r* t-Uft* - : -m r* v.*tiu m ■ i w 1 Vir. r» .us ijr ii.iC’itf!v.v.iv. 4.' .Vk-*» rib'** ;■ 11 who tm*d '«• :,. ad *'I - ■ i.Mii-c. \\! at ih» .. i A4 j <.• ;r- s V 'lat fb 1 ; t ■ to .! fu«i!>\» -- * Jr • ■ . : • *,V ’«f Ji-v . .. . ' • ! S»' • »■, ■* -i* t/~. -v I'V j* \ t i ■ . ’ \ . . ; .' - . s .* !: r\iv| vihn«;iji ! b - lmsl-iii> a 1<> aii.v. rl.s'.h il i\ iid'l; ; i--' * d« f , J . i) 1 •- 111!*' r< .i J4 «:.!•'•; J • . . > . ; V*» iij i. t ;«//!: ; > • •: hi/: . - ’ > > • >4 t ' 'mb . r A 'a 3,iia v hi • • i s it. <iud U* \' : 'A!!..' •• IXMil.KV n \ C.-WWII VI Is. • r ■ ■ *■ 11 inn i. . u., i '.H" Or. i ' iih' . f! rlie i .• 'a i ■ Jeii t! i . e t lie \\ *11 : ': i.1: 1 ' i i i .. t •' : 0* ■ 4 i'f 1 | j . . i:l*ere I IS . II ! 4 e.a I.J , : t; .ijir nr Intel. I.iti I 1' . ■■ , '■ i 11 I 11 ' . . , ... I aim iii j, 11H. ■ - ■ , 11■»;. Rive I i. .1 : I wfj Uj 1 to ... t , r ■ ■ a ,i. hot ' ■ . .. | Wi " t . , ... ill' tel: s ill We i.Jiyli;: !j,t t . in' into opr i ... . ,. ► » .. . j wan , :■ ; , ■ j , . ^ there;, il . v. . ivev want t ... . - iI e their 1111. e are tyliiil, called "a mu si , ■ j . : p . e and \ve'll : i er li*! ... . «■ tililli t ‘ ’ I i ■ • e ’ I; u . • I ,kt, ,'v: : he • i ti ; , .. ^ ...* * * ■ Hiniii ... it .: . . know iimt, v. .. ...... i 1. .... . ; i . . i ■ I) .Mill li III! tjn.t ,1 oi.ei ; i hr !#i. , Uttill' dow.ll til , . Jg; nisK.v. I tell i know 'that wh.iijy r . i.-kn . we ■-j.:. ftfmm, we'll tj,iv'er he aliiiete.j, -, I. conia.iinns ii . ... • , ;.! th' I'.'yt ; !■ I J ’ I 111 e V ,. who el' • » f J.lj... In li . a... 1 tbi »t juan. 111 r: slut gut Io j. -i A, j elf re. S to r lr e.l f trettlile tin v'.ve ILttty off oiir III ill 11 11 111 ii is sy. if there's a man in ill' who lb eounlhry that,. i.t vvih . t,hini tn .grip lit: J ii. list i.t'.4 Hilly, bp aze y.'k: 'pi, !*jjijiiy. i\ ,tliere anytBiujj 111;.it plasms .a ,r : : nput, , .it's to tnrkp !li,j,ai n.t er 4i. at men, - tujd >'■*' l|Hjrt ay: I i.i.'iiiii?^y, lfiUj-'s, a an at Jtia-ii-1 ill' a siijiill jvay i. I I inuissv, .IiHl.v's .a man yf ft iy yvji rrntis:.- hut Ire lay s titim fui .ofi.tytk that ye.eati ni.ver I'erutU-'felliin,. ,tipi.l ?'■ know, Uiiuii-tsV.-Hilly's «i eelf tuadd liiuji. an" iltat'll". S- a -'great featlper in.bis nap. evert i: they * Mould iinj, ImCC-tiiait til' job isn't • unite'1 ti+i - ishedi. ti ■ jut '■ •' - ' Ml[l\ s « .fttail tuft! s fiot M-nil ’alranl 'of vvurrtrK: ‘Wilin' :hV Tome Ture it iniijik1 av years ago, says ‘he-,' "'Ilvt* coiiie nv-tkls itamihrv;'> stiys’“T wunjiSV'’says lie,- "n'lBv' wftn’nk ‘Via’ going tn' !;a\-s" :-Ho die-'i'diis-Vr;, fi: ? sleeves ami hh'klrft- afi4 i'frfili.L rrnt._ (1 ii.iilssy, if hif i»peiicif‘:’tIfirt*’’lie’vi' rit ■'to'wurnlk' l<5r "a nian'That didn't Tfii d', rstkmi his yarysy"IfiVd aR'wa.i?i' \<-iflin" to loam, ''ftl'i&ya lie to 1 fifi> s -y.firid'--' tot? sfwifir’W ‘VJ 'can't mill 'a 'nVan ,iti*"th'“ country that’s willin’ to ride wid ye. so ye’d better git some slower occupation.” “Faith, and I will,” says Hilly, “iv ye don’t want to keep me, I’ll „R l WOOD. Pr, LUTHER C HESS. V. P GEO. HUTCHINSON. Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FAIRBANKS, ALASKA UNI I ED STATES* DEPOSITARY Capital. Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000.00 l nexcelle.l facilities fur tile transaction of every • In ancli nf liankine. Your account ri spi ctfully solicited. DIKKATt UiS : ■l Kcnrv Riley. H E St George. Frank B. Hall. LutherC Hess R C Wood Mf .iy wi.i ■ c a in ith r n innit. I'm a I'la.ll," mi;. * Mill "that ran talk a hnis ,11tiie an.) nhiuly is any the ivia;l' jliy, it. \l!.l I an in- wise w:i] ijt ailin' to nut' It trouble to ^et lS*l ii.ryuU i. in • i ■ - et utth *n :Tr‘C^ ^Jji v ' lit Hi". An! til- lilt Hi* j j;, t I . v ' I . i . !' ji;. j,. . ..1 . . . .'in, .it h 1: " a : ■ . . ; ssi t<i IT I in his ml '«• • I a el:' n. a... o . , 1 . ■ * in n nih Hilly *’.• : : l i , I'llsi . J-Jj.-r. (•:. . -so Ii; ■ m in <11? n .1 ' n' ■" r i out . at. h-ns t.i ll 'i < «>’!• t i: ■ i i: a : J I'm . niii' to make him share it wid me." ier' :: I. ir si . i; i iaH< Hm ■ 1 0. 1}. o • all- at! ii - .111. . • I * : • i n:: i k. I> is;.. Hilly an' Wi Is hi i • ••.' rim! - adin. a'ther th' III" out tie > hail la. ' fall .• Tilen - ; ■. I 'ii:,' w 1 • Wick il do . if si o'.111 t i him to a tin ra n and <un ‘Kin I o *1 ople ol It- limy Hiiil for a ,i • i £ it] ran itii-niy. i\ the t.-rrible .1 r.suns that ho as s ', in W i.dii; atnn . |>a.-.s. ever > h I I* . ■ '.1' i n a i.a' m I tat. in' nil.!. I’m t iiii I in it 'll £■ i hard w ith WI •• is tins- Wi k iv. - nil' hit 1, jtn 'h.yaw tlr elf th. laht loinie tlu'.' canie ti cities'. •’ ‘ e. Hi;::; : > . W i < - k is a laaii that .v<in ^ 1,1 L\;• r iVra**' iv. ye'r«* not ; mart oam^a to t J»' nr-r-eat. 1ii - if* tit ■ ■ '■ ■ this eouutliry, an’ Mi -:;7 “W: ■■ aP o.dnj to Washiie; tot:. . .nna . i ... . A in*, an- says. \Vi.• k. \ u a i ’ nit■ was a I wiz. in ! - . % . . . Y laimv it w a ir< 1 A »• jo; a. r« ; 11;. t to a - k \ e. -• * * ()»11 wid it. says \\ i. k. an iv it’s in inv 'v ' Mar ' i! ' ,n t'"’ th* ma n t s; ‘ nf>.,'*.,.*‘ j-u-ii.” says Ala*. * tlier. k a . I' il* :"'in'er that tv o -.jt ■ ‘ m. - 1 like* \e to do somethin* '• ^ * h i Jh'l' A>>- Ahe. ' 'Ye mane liar 1 V. <*. . *:.#>> s’viWi dc. . “I 'll take him to A\ ..-Ji4i»i:cur? wid tm* and I'll «ive him a chanct t»» In. < hi.- reputation an *”ia k» ■* «' ttwl n a\ hi ..It' a a in. and . ill Miu.. 4 i ite- it me ar : 1 vie I'. vm k' Ov tii’ ji -ir;ii* h" li have Mw M ;.'1 i i: im in in. : s kilo .\ t av all tbh XoA\ ’*\'!(c,i:btv. litnniwhen iViny and Wi-'-tt were batin’ a heart t f i about th’ great W '■ ' . u « Iiiil.v never 'ii r it Mr- k:n»tvn ’ he kin-.v emit • tins: abi :I It. .. d ’ >11‘ it ttieildn't i< • k j;in d i’er’ \V iek to ti ll it liint •li. 1 teil ye. 11 ill ii is. y. it’s enough n niake a I’ersivin' nature like •i . Aii .to sit ■ [uare wid tii’ man Unit tveniil try to keep til’ peo ,p|e in th' dark, tvliin he should have bin .mure , ju.-t an’. s''iu/;ous. t (,i (id’s in * hi; i!H i u;oi>. Aloil \\ ilii I Ilf li. - t :i '.III- OJn-II water v sui:n]>t lers was Thre»-fiiiraer * il i'a.i) Martin, known tor a lonv tnyo in ii t rior Alaska. \yho was just ..from the outside. lie -aid he li ill around in Hn> Idi'.arod under 1 lo tin* (iuggenheims for $ I mi. " O'. I.liter a Mr. Jaffa, claiming to ;' in' ip 111 ■ (luggeuhcints. passed dor.n in a laun.ih, and it was given i that lo- was to inspect the ground ami pass upon it for his company. If tlie dial goes through Martin will -it a snug sum of easy money. Tatiana l.eader. & WIG W AM Harry Phillips, Prop. CARSTAIR’S NO. 6 RYE First five., next Arcade Cafe BOX 731 Assays of Ores and Bullion Taiiana Assay Office L. M. DRURY, Prop. Scientific Treatment of Gold Bearing Sands Nordale Hotel FIRST CLASS ACCOMODATIONS Y'our Patronage Solicited AUTOS LEAVE FOR FOX.10:00 a. m. and 4.00 p. in. ESTER. 9 a. in., 1 p. in., 6 p. m. Mo ving Pictures... The latest and best ever brought to Fairbanks EVERY FIFTEEN MINUTES Come across the Brldgeand enjoy yourself. Miners' Home Hotel Which Is the Best Whisky In Tanana ? ■ t , Overholt Rye — y > ii iimi■ i iiiiii i i1 n'i Mil11 imu-WMM—W3——— —— 1 'IT this'Statement Is true, tell us. If not true tell _ . i . :ia your friends ' thls ''WhisKjy '6an bnly be obtained In the Tanana Valley of ‘mu' -JOHN A: MOE, AT THE GLOBE BAR CORNER OF FOURTH AND CUSHMAN