OCR Interpretation

The Alaska citizen. (Fairbanks, Alaska) 1910-1917, March 13, 1911, Image 2

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Week’s Doings of the Woriel by Wire i
Murderer is Buried.
SEATTLE, March tl. — John Ford,
the slayer if Patrolman Davis, was
buried in the Potter's field today.
Oheehan Will Hang On.
NEW YORK, March 6. Shct
han announces that he will no
withdraw from the senatorial ion
Chihuahua Surrounded.
EL PASO. March «>. The rebels
have surrounded Chihuahua and cut
off the food supply from the city.
Revolt in Paraguay.
revolution has hr kin out in Para
guay. the people against Prtsident
Jara. and 'he chances are that the
rebels will win.
Assayers Questioned.
SEATTLE. March '■ The assay
office officials were In fore the grand
jury Saturday, presumably in con
nection with the Humboldt gold
robbery ease
Street Car Men Strike.
The street car employees of this
city went out oil s'rlke today fer
higher wages.
Embezzler Gets His.
RENO. March i’>. Howard Chris
tie. furniir city clerk, was sentenced
to six years in the penitentiary for
embezzling city funds
Indicted for Libel.
SEATTLE. March t’>. Frank
Doig. the publisher of the Dally
Wireless, a one-page sheet which
gains Its circulation by being hung
about the streets, has been indicted
by the grand Jury for libel and is
out on »1.."no bonds.
Idaho Solons Fight.
ROISE. March >'.. The Idaho
legislature adj timed today. Ib fori
adjournment several members en
gaged in fights over small matters.
Perish in Flames.
C1.KYKI.AM>, March A »•
story tenement occupied almost en
tirely 11v Greeks, was destroyed by
fire this morning and (jo of the in
mates perished in the flames.
Old-Timers Returning.
CHI'I INA. March <1. The stage
leaving here today for Fairbanks
carried as passengers Mo-dames W
\V. Clarke, c I* Guis. ('. Cornell. A.
I. Weinrich, Misses May Schmidt,
Mary Schmidt, Kdith Neal. I. Pin
zn, Messrs K hert Wurdisch. Frank
Stevens and J. T. Kelly.
Aviator Is Killed.
BATON ROFGE. I.a.. March 6.—
William I’urvuis. tiie Cliirago avia
tor. fell fr. m liis biplane here today
and was fatally injured.
D) ing By Thousands.
WASHINGTON. March tl. — Offi
cial rep ris from China state that
70.000 Chinese have died in the past
12 days from starvation, pneumonia
and the bubonic plague.
Americans Kidnaped.
El. FASO. March ti. —- Evidence
has been telegraphed Secretary of
State Knox that two Americans
named Lawrence C'onversel and
Thomas Edwards were kidnaped by
Mexican soldiers on American soil
and that they are now in Chilhuahua
awaiting trial as spies of the rebels.
Trouble in New York.
NEW YORK. March 6 — The big
gest political battle in years is pend
ing in the Democracy of New York
state, as a result of the open
break of Tammany Boss Murphy
with Governor Dix because of the
governor's r, pudiation of Sheehan’s
candidacy for the senatorship.
Verdict for the Man.
NEW YORK. March 0. — After
deliberating all night, the jury which
has been two weeks hearing the
sensational case of Anna Crunspan
against William Walling, the young
Socialistic writer, for $100,000 for
breach of promise, returned a ver
dict for Walling. Walling’s wife was
the principal witness for him and
claimed that he was being black
Reward is Offered.
SEATTLE. March 6. — Joe H.
Warren, special agent of Ihe Sec
ond district of Alaska, is offering a
reward of $200 for the capture of
William Urquhart, who escaped from
the county jail recently having been
held here for a robbery committed
at Nome last October.
To Buy Church property.
SEATTLE, March C. — Father
Duncan, of Metlakahtla, arrived
from the North today, accompanied
by special agent of ihe government
who is negotiating for the purchase
of the church property there.
Million Dollar Fire.
MINNEAPOLIS, March 6. — Dur
ing a high wind a fierce fire de
stroyed the Syndicate block today,
with a loss of $1,000,000. Two wo
men inmates of the building are
missing since the fire and it is be
lieved they were burned to death.
The origin of the fire is unknown.
Fight Over Leadership.
WASHINGTON, March 6. — The
minority leadership in the senate,
which was laid down Saturday when
Senator Money retired from the
senate, was the stake for which the
Democrats played and which re
sulted in the designation of Senator
Bailey of Texas from the senate.
The Stone faction, or those who
favored Senator Stone of Missouri
for the place, was determined that
Senator Bailey should not be a
contender for the place. Senator
Bailey offered his resignation to
Vice-President Sherman, who refus
ed to accept it, after which Bailey
wired his resignation to Governor
Colquit, of Texas, who refused to
accept it and asked Senator Bailey
to withdraw it.
Before adjournment, the special
committee of the house appointed to
investigate the charges of improper
lobbying for the ship subsidy bill
reported to the senate that there had
been no improper influences used
for or against the measure.
The senate received the nomina
tion of Eller Colwell, for United
States marshal for Oregon, and Ad
miral Dewey was tendered congrat
ulations upon his 12th anniversary
of bis appointment as admiral.
What Yukon Wants.
DAWSON. March >'■ — The Daw
'on Board of Trade ha a hqved
unanimously res I uions endorsing
he ro iprocity treaty proposed to
Canada by the Cnited States, and
petitioning tlie Yukon legislature to
also endorse the propos I treaty.
I'nder the reciprocity treaty pro
posed. all dredge and power h use
tnachin- ry from 'he Ct.ite.l State
would be placed on tie free list.
Canada dots not manufacture the
class cf mining machinery needed
here, and under tiu present condi
ti 11s machinery toed aboard dredg
ers is the only machinery that is
admitted free of eluty. ami that con
cession is due solely to the efforts
ed Senator Hoss. tnaeic several years
ago when he was governor of Yu
The hoarei also adopted a resolu
tion asking the Dominion g vern
ment to ins - all a vvirele-s telegraph
system in Yukon similar to that in
use in Alaska. This r- solution is
based upon the fact that the present
land telegraph is frequently pros
They also reeeuinnend to the Do
mini n government a trunk line
atitotn bile and traction road b -
tween Dawson and Whitehorse, tin
removal of the royalty on gold mined
from quartz, that a federal gen
I legist he attached to the mining
stall of the territory permanently;
that all public tenders le opened
in the presence of bidders; that
a poll tax he adopted for the entire
■ territory.
A stormy discussion was also en
gaged in against members of the
Yukon legislature residing outside
’he territory while retaining their
seats in the local house, hut no
action was taken upon the grounds
that it is not the province < f the
hoard to deal with political matters.
All these propositions are cx
tiected to he dealt with by the Yukon
legislature, which convenes March
What Congress Did.
'f the closing congress the sum
(if positive results was the appropri
ation of $3.GOO.noo for the fortifica
tion < f the Panama canal, and a
provision for two new battleships.
The negative results were the
failure to pass the recipn city meas
ure. the failure to pass the bill for
i permanent tariff b ard. which was
passed in the si nate and killed in
'lie house; the failure of the reso
; 1 u t ion of the sena'e to pass the
■ constitution of Arizona and New
Mi \irr>; the failure to increase the
' postal rates on magazines; the fail
ure to pass the bill electing sena
•ors bv direct vote of the people;
'he failure to act upon the l'allin
uer-Pinchot r. ports and the efforts
■o unsiat Senator I.orimer.
1'proar marked the closing hours
of the house and Sneaker Cannon
was forced to use tactics of a
■ zar to prevent filibustering. When
the final adjournment came Champ
Clark led the singing.
Eleven Women Burned.
LAKE VIEW. N. C.. March 7.—
The Crystal hotel was burned to the
ground early this morning and 11
women perished in the flames.
Seattle Has Election.
SEATTLE. March 7. — This city
; is voting upon nine councllmen at
| the pells today. The voting is very
! heavy.
Southerland In Command.
SEATTLE. March 7. — Rear Ad
miral Southerland's flag was hoisted
'his afternoon on the cruiser West
Virginia, and he takes command of
'he second division of the Pacific
Charter Amendments.
I.OS ANGELES, March 7. — This
city is voting upon 15 charter
amendments today.
Doing on the Mat.
CHICAGO. March 7. — Last night
Zbyszko took two straight falls
from Lemm, the Swiss wrestler, and
Doc Roller took two straights from
Charlie Cutler.
Vote For Commissioners.
SI’OKAXE, March 7. — Today
five city commissioners will lie elect
ed, and there are 92 candidates for
the five positions.
Defense Is All In.
SEATTLE. March 7. — The de
fense in the Hillman case rested yes
‘erday and the government has been
busy with rebuttal testimony today.
Not So Bad As Reported
MINNEAPOLIS, March 7. — The (
fire loss of yesterday was $200,090 ;
and all the inmates of the building I
have been located alive.

Wolaast Fight Arranged.
CHICAGO. March 7. — Packy
McFarland will mret Ad Wolgast
in a 10-round go in New York the
latter part of April, and Jack White
is matched to meet Wolgast next
month. White leaves for Los An
geles today, where he will meet
George Memsic on St. Patrick's
Ship Has Terrible Trip.
SAN DIEGO, March 7. — Two
hundred and seven days out from
Philadelphia, the ship Artman arm
ed here today after a terrible trip.
On the high seas a fire broke out
on the Artman and raged for two
weeks straight. Their supplies ran
low and the captain was stricken
with blindness.
Henry is Chairman.
WASHINGTON, March 7. — The
new house ways and means com
mute today selected Reptcsentative
Henry of Texas as chairman cf the
rules committee, and six other
Democrats and four Republicans
will be chosen later to complete the
Relief for Relatives.
WASHINGTON. March 7. — The
relatives who were dependent upon
•he forest rangers who lest their
lives in the Western forest fires
last fall, will be given several
thousand dollars each by the govern
ment, in recognition of the good
work done by the dead men.
Portland is Charitable.
PORTLAND. March 7. — The
citizens of Portland today cabled
$5,000 to Pekin to assist the starv
ing Chinese.
Arrested for Murder.
SPOKANE, M:.r< h 7. — Stuart I
Moffat ami John Steele. both of;
Scat I . were arres’e.l here today t
harged with murder of Captain of
P li.e John Sullivan. The police
also impli. itp the two men in the
attempt, d murder of Mayor Pratt.
Broker is Robbed.
NEW YORK. March 7. — Aaron
Hanerof . :• local brok r. was -rbbed,
of $joit,. worth of securities in the
Sti ck Ix.hnngi t day, they being
takt n from his pocket.
Teddy and Taft to Talk.
ATLANTA. March 7. — President
Taft. S".r.t;iry of Agriculture Wil
son. Secretary of War Dickinson.!
Thi odori Roosev. it and Governor
Wilson will ho < n the same plat
form March S (today) at the open-,
ing of the Southern Commercial
Taft to Go To Seattle.
SEATTLE. March 7. — President
Taft will be a gueit of honor at
tic- Northwestern Dev. I potent con
gr.ss, which meets here September
.'■’It to 9th. All the governors of
the Northwest staus will be in at
tc ndance.
To Probe the Steel Trust.
WASHINGTON. March 7. — The:
passage of a measure providing for '
the probing of the steel trust Is be
lieved now to lio assured at the !
c tiling extra session of congress.
The majority of the members of
the new ways and means committee
held their tlr.-t meeting today to dis
cuss tariff revision.
Deadlocks Prevail.
SEATTLE. March 7. — There was j
no election of senator at elt h • r
Denver or Des Moints today, while
tit Albany they had no quorum.
Action on Coal Claims.
WASHINGTON. March 7. — Mau
rice l.eliy. n Seattle attorney, was
today i r sented to President Taft
by Senate r Jones. Mr. Lehy asked
the president to take executive ac
tion upon the matter of tlte Alas
ka coal claims end compel Sec
r> tary Ballinger to either puss on
the- pa'ents or reject them, so that ;
the claimants will know where they
or at. The president promised to
take thc> muter up immediately. !
Sheehan Roasts Dix.
NEW YORK. March 7. — Candi
date Sheehan in a signed statement
issued today r asts Governor Dix
for bad faith toward him.
Fight Near Cananea
EL PASO. March 7. A fierce :
battle- ha- just hoen fought near Can-!
an, a by the rebels and the federal!
: roops. r.ntl scores of the federal
soldiers were wounded.
Burns Must Explain.
SEATTLE. March 7. it is un
d'lstc'. d that Detec tive Burns is I
waned in Los Angeles to explain!
what he did with $0.nuo given him to !
capture the dynamite assassins who
destroyed tlte Los Angeles Times
and killed so many people in the j
destruction of the building.
To Impeach Ballinger.
WASHINGTON. March 7. — The]
Democratic leaders in the house are!
planning the impeachment cf Secre
tary Ballinger at the coming extra
session of congress.
It is rum red about the capitol to
day that the resignation of Secretary
of the Interior Ballinger, is in the
hands of President Taft for immedi
ate consideration.
Abe Is Turned Down.
SAN I-'RANCISCO, March 7. — The I
supreme ce cut late yesterday refused I
a rehearing to Abe Reuf, and he ]
must serve his time.
Mrs. Mellen on Trial.
ALBANY, March 7. — Mrs. Edith 1
Mellen, who some time since mur- ,
tiered her son and hid his body in |
a swamp because the man she was i
en r ute West to marry did not like j
the hoy. was placed on trial today.
Ballinqer Resigns.
WASHINGTON, March 8. — After
two stormy years as secretary of
the interior, R. A. Ballinger, re
signed yestrrday forenoon, handing
his resignati n to President Taft,
who accepted it and appointed Wal
ter L. Fisher, of Chicago, to succeed
The resignation was dated Janu
ary 19. and the reason given therefor
was poor health. Fisher's commis
si, n was signed by the president
last night, and he will take office in
a few days.
In a letter accepting the resigna
ti n, President Taft says: "I am
sorry that you feel constrained to
resign. The results, however, of
your efforts have been a cruel trag
edy to you — you have lost your
health, have been burdened finan
ciallv and endured persecution, but '
let me renew my acknowledgement
of my sincerest respect and affection
for you.”
Will Sue Pinchot. ,
WASHINGTON. March 8. — Form
er Secretary Ballinger declares that
it will be his purpose in life to
prosecute the arch-conspirators who
have f r two years followed him ;
with the character assassins’ knife.
He will rt turn to Seattle and prac
tice law. and will sue Pinchot and
Collier's Weekly for libel.
President Taft in an interview •
today unsparingly roasted those men i
and newspapers which have been in- 1
strumcntal in making Ballinger's ■
term of office unbearable. t
Fisher, the new secretary of the :
interior, is the president of the Con- :
servatPn League of America, and a i
well known clubman of Chicago. i
- I
Discuss Hesianation.
NEW YORK. March 8. — All the ,
Eastern newspapers this afternoon ,
treat cf Ballinger's resignation edi
toriallv. They exhibit a difference (
of opinion as to the feasibility of ^
Ballineer’s resicnatirn and many ,
f them assert that it is a shame ,
hat Pinchotism should be allowed to ,
force a good man from the cabinet. ‘
Denett Also to Resign.
WASHINGTON, March 8. — It Is '
learned tonight that Fred Denett.
commissioner of the general land 1
office and a close friend of Ballinger *
will resign in a few days. (
Will Tender Him Welcome. I
SEATTLE, March 8. — Friend* of 1
Ballinger are preparing a warm wel
come i n his re ten here.
Cook Erupting Again.
CHICAGO, March 8. — Dr. Cook
pro ests against President Taft sign
ing the bill retiring Commander
Peary on full pay. Cook says that
Peary is charged with gross immoral
ity anti public and commercial irreg
ularities and that he should be in
vfstigated instead of rewarded.
Georgg Irving Resigns.
KETCHIKAN. March S. — George
Irving, for the past six years assist
ant to the district attorney here,
resigned his office today, John Arc
tander, who wrote the "Apostle of
Alaska." is being endorsed to suc
ceed Irving.
Admiral Fremont Dead.
BOSTON, March 8. — Rear Ad
miral Kremcnt, commander of the
Charleston navy yard, dropped dead
here today of heart failure.
Everett Goes Dry.
EVERETT. Wash., March 8. —
This city goes dry today, no li
censes to be issued because of the
recent election. As an earnest of
what this means the city council
last night voted to discontinue all
s'reet lights for the coming year,
and to cut off several city officials,
including those in the city health de
Seattle Election.
SEATTLE. March 8. — The coun
cilmanic election yesterday was a
quiet affair, but little interest being
taken in it. The nine tnen who stood
highest in the*primaries were elect
1 councilmen.
Briefs In Coal Lands.
SKATTLK March 8. - Assistant
Attorney-General of the United
States Rush arrived In this city to
day and Is busy preparing briefs to
ffer as evidence for the government
on March 28. before Judge Hanford,
against Charles Mundav, George
Simmonds. Cornelius Christopher.
Karl Sigley. Archie Shields, and
others who are to be prosecuted for
alleged conspiracy to obtain coal
lands by fraud.
Ruef Now a Convict.
SAX FRANCISCO. March 8. — At
dusk last evening Abe Ruef entered
the do rs of the penitentiary at San
Quentin and lost his identity to the
world. He was measured, his head
shaved and he was assigned to duty
in the jute mill, beginning his work
there today noon. He is now known
only as "Convict No. 24,911.”
Withdrew Freiqht Schedules.
NEW YORK. March 8. — The
presidents of all the Kastern rail
r ads announce the withdrawal of
their schedule raise in freight rates,
fearing to submit them to the inter
state commerce commission. Louis
Rrandeis. in a speech here last night
announced that he favors federal
control of railroads.
Rouch Riders' Banquet.
NKW YORK, March 8. — After
participating in the $10,000 dinner at
'he reunion of the Rouch Riders to
night, Theodore Roosevelt will de
part on his trip to the South and ■
West, and be In Seattle April 6.
President Cannot Come.
WASHINGTON, March 8. — Presi
dent Taft announced today that he
wrl take the entrer or r A'ctka
coal claims in his own hands and
reach an early settlement of them
in a letter to Delegate Wickersham.
in reply to the latter’s invitation to
visit Alaska, the president savs that
t will pi; impossible fo.' him f.
visit Alaska this year, on account of
he extra session of congress.
Delegate Wickersham left for Sp
ittle todav to held a conference
with Alaskans there before return
ng here.
One Farmer Is Lynched.
ROWUN'O GREEN. Kv.. March 8.
—Last night a mob lynched Wood
Vyres, a prominent farmer of this
•onnty. who a few weeks aeo was
•pleased from Jail on ball after the
lury had failed to reach a verdict
igalnst him for killing his mother
Mrs. Golden Returning.
CHITINA, March. 8. — There was
me passenger on the stage leaving
tere yesterday—Mrs. Louis Golden.
Fntrants Are Indicted.
DETROIT, March 8. — The grand
urv today, following the govern
nent's investiga'lon. reMtrned indlct
nents against Wilbur Alnine. Albert
Ihoe. George Ross, Frank Andrews.
Vrthur Holmes. C. Lcbeau and John
lushnell. officials of the Michigan
Vlaska Development company (or
ganized under the laws of Arizona)
or securing -*8.000 acres of coal
ands in Alaska by fraudulent en
ries. The land involved is at Jun
•au and Homer, Alaska.
He'nze in the Money.
SEATTLE, March 8. — Advices
tave been received here that F.
Vug. Heinze has struck a fortune in
he new Porcupine district's gold
b ids in Northern Canada.
Rebels Attacking.
El, PASO, March 8 — The rebel
ittack upon Casa Grande is now in
Wants Another Hearing.
DAWSON. March 9. — An Ottawa
neoial to the Dawson News sa'’s
hat the White Pass & Yukon route
las applied to the Canadian rall
vay commission (which corresponds
o the interstate commerce commls
lon of the United States) for an
tppcal from their judgment recently
endered and which reduces the com
>anv's freight and passenger rates
n Canadian territory one-third.
The new tariffs will become ef
ective April 1. If an appeal is
ranted it will be to the governor
teneral in council, virtually the
lanadian cabinet. The railway act
lermlts such an appeal, as a matter
if fact. If the appeal is granted,
he new tariff will be deferred for
decision, which will probably
nean that there will be no change
n the rate this year, thus cutting
iff all hopes of Fairbanks-Iditarod
)awson traffic upon reasonable
ates on through business via the
ipper Yukcn.
President Graves, of the White
•ass, is at Ottawa pushing the ap
ieal, while Fred T. Congdon, the
)awson lawyer, and member of par
Lament, represents the board of
trade against the appeal.
Four bills passed by the last Yu
kon legislature and vetoed by Gov
ernor Henderson, from which veto
an appeal was made to parliament,
have been acted upon there, the
veto of Governor Henderson being
sustained in cv< ry ease.
Headed This Way.
SEATTLE, March 9. - The Ala
tneda sailing last night for Cordova
and Alaskan points ha I as through
passengers for Fairbanks via Cordo
va, Mrs. L. G. Eddy, Steve Alba
sine. E. Thomas. I*. ,T. 11. Lettianc
and wife. Mrs. II S. Stewart, M. H
McDonald and wife anti eight of th<
' rt w of th • Merchants!' Yukon Trans
port at ion company.
Will Case Is Ended.
LOS ANGELES. March 9. The
jury in the case of Miss Ileal rice
Turnbull, who was suing ft r a <1 i
vision of the estate of the late Lucky
Baldwin, found against Miss Turn
bull, and the sensational trial is
Anally ended.
John D.'s Pastor Leaves.
NEW YORK, Mart h 9. — Rev
Aked. pastor of John D. Rot k feller's
church, whi resigned because of the
hopelessness of tloing any go d in
the chun h. left for San Front iseo
today to occupy a California pulpit
during the ensuing year.
Indicted for Knocking Down.
KANSAS Cl i Y, March 9. - Twen
ty-four conductors and brakemen on
the Mis; uri Pacific vv. re' Indb :ed tt
day for accepting fares at lower
rates than the regular tariff.
Nick Burley is Dead.
SEATTLE, March 9 Nick Bur
ley. a former prizefigh'er who was
well known in all Alaska ramps
dropped dead of heart disease las’
night in this city.
Traffic Demoralized.
Rain storms, followed by heavy snow
fall have resulted in he demoraiizn
tion rf the traffic in the mountain
and floods In Hie lowlands of Cali
Commercial Congress.
ATLANTA. March 9 — The South
orn Commercial eongrc ss opcne I here
today. President Taft will nddr s
tiie congress during its session lure.
Ballinger's Friends to Quit.
WASHINGTON. March 1'. Whet-,
Secretary Fisher takes office, all tin
adherents of Ballinger • mployed in
tlie Interior department will retire
from office.
To Prevent Strikes.
NEW YORK, March 9 The Wo
men's Trade uni n today received a
donation of Jiu.ono to h used for
the prevention of strikes.
Ambassador's Movements.
bassador to Mexico Wils it left t
day to visit his mother, who is 111
in Indiana. From there he g e
baek to his post in Mexico.
Child Labor Laws.
BIRMINGHAM, March 9. The!
seventh annual conference' of the
National Child Labor congress open
pci here this nt ruing. An effort evil’
be made to harmonize the child la
bor laws of the United States.
Habeas Corpus Denied.
supreme court has refused a wri1
of habeas corpus to the slayers of
Stanley Ketehell, pending their ap
Teddy Talks at Atlanta.
ATLANTA. Marc h 9. - Theodore
Rooseve It spoke at the commercial
congress’ opening today.
Police Prevent Fight.
DENVER. March 9. The police
stepped the 10-round fight of Jack
Twin Sullivan and Jack O'Keefe last i
night before it started.
Taft Goes to Atlanta.
WASHINGTON, March 9. — Presi-j
drnt Taft left for Atlanta this after- J
noon, taking with him the appeals
of Bankers Morse and Walsh for par-]
don. He will study the eases before j
he returns.
K. O. Brown and Wolgast.
LOS ANGELES, March 9. Knock
out Brown and Ad Wolgast will pr b
ably fight here within three months.
Roosevelt to Talk.
BIRMINGHAM, March 9. — Theo
dore Roosevelt will speak here to
White Hope Is Favorite.
TULSA, Okla„ March 9. - The
betting on the Carl Morris-Mike
Schreck fight here on the 2Sth is 3
to 1 on the favorite, who is the
first named.
Wrestler Has Aspirations.
GALVESTON, Mart h 9. Paul
Kardow, the German wrestler is anx
ious to meet Johnson.
Coulon and Forbes.
CHICAGO, March 9. — Johnny
Coulon and Harry Forbes, bantam
weights have signed for a 10-round
fight at Kenosha, Wisconsin, March
Hack Defeats Ordeman.
KANSAS CITY, March 9. — Hack-I
enschmidt defeated Ordeman last
night and Roller threw Am rims.
Ballinner to Sue.
WASHINGTON, March 10. — Sec
retary Ballinger turned his office
over to Walter Fisher, the new sec
retary. yesterday afternoon and walk
ed out of the building a private citi
zen. First Asistant Seer, tary Pierce
will resign within the next two week?
and the clerks and officials friendh
to the Ballinger administration will
Mr. Ballinger announced that he
will at once bring suit against Gif
ford Pinehot f r $300,000 for de
famation of character, and that he
will sue Collirr’s Weekly for an even
larger amount.
Will Pass Up Remarks.
CINCINNATI, March 10. — Gover
nor Harmon has decided to pay no
attention to the remarks of W. J
Bryan to the effect that Harmon has
no right to accept the nomination
for the presidency from the Demo
Biq Fire at Douglas.
JUNEAU, March 10 — A fire last
ing seven hours destroved 21 build
ings in Douglas last night. The fire
departments from Juneau and Tread
well aided the Douglas firefighters,
and at one time there was 12 streams
af water playing on the flamrs. The
weather was cold and the men work
ed clothed in sheets of ice. The
ire started from an overheated stove
in the Douglas eafe. There was not
a i ent of Insurance and the loss will
real h $200,000.
Taft Goes to Atlanta.
WASHINGTON. March 10. — At 4
o'clock yesterday afternoon President
Taft departed for Atlanta. Pefore
leaving he held a short conference
d'h his cabinet at which interven
'i'n in Mexico was discussed, but
he results of the discussicn are kept
s ire'. He will be in constant touch
with the departments here, and noth
ing will be done without his knowl
Miners Walk Out.
WHEELING. W. Va.. March 10.—
Ten thousand miners In the Tusca
rawas district struck today for high
r wages.
Firemen Want More Pay.
CINCINNATI, March 10. — The
firemen on the Cincinnati, New Or
’cans A- Texas Pacific went out on
strike today for higher wages.
Militia Ordered Out.
"he state militia has been ordered
"it to prevent rioting in the street
ar strike.
One Leoislature Through.
OLYMPIA. March 10. — The state
egislature adj urned at 4 o’clock
his morning.
Shock Felt Long Way.
CHICAGO. March 10. — The shock
f the powder explosion at Pleasant
Valley was felt here and created a
emporary panic.
To Bar Hobble Skirts.
SPRINGFIELD. March 10. — The
'rcisiature is considering a bi'l to
prevent the wearing of hobble skirts
Tommy Burns Starts Suit.
SEATTLE. March 10. — Tommy
Hums, the prizefighter, has started
suit against the In'erurban railroad
for injuries received thereon. He
sues for $.10,000.
Lester Off to Australia.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 10— Jack
' ester sailed for Australia today tc
tight there.
Beltran Installed.
Ur. Beltran was yesterday formally
elected provisional president.
Suffraqists Hoping.
MADISON, March 10. — The ad
vocates of woman's suffrage claim
'hat the state legislature is ready
to grant th> ir demands.
Yount Blaine Married.
POSTON. March 10. — James
Blaine. III. the grandson of the late
l imes G. Blaine, was married today
n Miss Marian Dow. the daughter of
t famous international lawyer.
Bryan Confers With Fo6S.
BOSTON. March 10. — W. J
Brian today lunched and conferred
vjth Governor Foss.
Addresses Schoolchildren.
BIRMINGHAM. March 10. — Theo
lore Roosevelt is addressing the chil
Inn of Birmingham today.
Loster and Big Smoke.
laik Pester, the Cle Elum wonder
held a long conference with Jack
Johnson yesterday prior to Lester's
^•tiling for Australia.
Ruef in Jute Factory.
S\N QUENTIN, March 10. — Abo
Ruef is presiding over the destinies
if a spooling machine In the jute
Builders on Strike.
CHICAGO. March 10. — Ten
housand men were railed out todav
in the builders' strike for higher
Captured After 16 Years.
LEXINGTON, March 10. — After
being at liberty for 16 years, Thomas |
Whitson who escaped from Raleigh j
orison while serving a 30-year sen- j
'tnoe ft r murder, has been arrested ;
and taken back to Raleigh.
Fatal Powder Explosion.
to. — Five powder magazines of the!
Dupont Powder company, and which
contained over 600 tons of powder
exploded last night, killing 30 people
and injuring ever 300. Houses wen j
demolished and the shock was felt
for a distance of hundreds of miles.
Seattle Jury Works.
SEATTLE, March 10. — Wappen- j
stein will he arraigned tomorrow to |
' lead to the graft charges against
Former Mayor Hi Gill, and also
Acting Mavor Wardell who held the
office during Gill’s absence in Cali
fornia. were before the grand Jun
todav being questioned as to their
knowledge of graft here.
Gold Robber Indicted.
PORTLAND. March 10. — The
grand jury today returned an in
dictment against Rarnett. the Hum
!i 'ldt gold robber, and he will be
'•rough' here from San Francisco
for trial.
•> •> v + d + ♦♦♦ d

*> d
❖ + + ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Patsrno Felqng Insanity.
ROME, March G. — Raron Pater
no. who killed the ladv-in-walting
and thrn attempted suicide, and
"ho is recovering from his self-in
flicted wounds, is now feigning in
sanity to escape punishment for his
Queen Cares for Children.
ROME. March G — The two little
'aueh'ors of the murdered princess
ire being cared for by the queen,
l he murderer is reported to be in
i worse condition than was be
Cancer Causes Death.
VENICE. March Id.—Antonio Foga
znrro. the noted author, is dead, fol
lowing an operation for cancer.
> 4. 4 4 .5. .5. 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
:* ❖ 4 4 4 •> 4 4 4 + •{• + ♦ + + +
Holocaust in Theater.
ST. PETERSRURG. March 7. —
S’inety persons, many of them chil
Iren, were burned to death today
n a moving picture house.
MELILLA, Morocco, March 8. —
rhe chief of the French military
nlssion at Fez was today killed by
he son of the Moorish minister of
var, in an altercation over the ele
ction of two native soldiers. )
d + + + d + d + dv*d,l, + dd +
+ ♦
t d*
+ ♦ + + + + + ♦ + + + + + ♦♦ +
King Entertains Kids.
LONDON. Mart h 6. The king
will entertain 10,000 children at the
Crystal Palace on June Ho.
Lord Crewe Stricken.
LONDON. Mart h ♦?. — The earl
of Crewe, governor of lhe house < f
lords, has been strickt n w ith apo
Russians Massacre Jews.
LONDON. March 6. Advices re
ceived here from Russia state that
'he massacre of the Jews now In
progress there is approaching the
barbarity of the slaughter at Kish
inev. when woni.n and children
were killed in a wholesale and hor
rible manner.
Wells Defeats Flynn.
LONDON. March In Porky
Flynn and Rombardler Wills fought
a fierce 20 rounds here last night.
Wells getting the decision oil p ints.
Parliament Adjourns.
LONDON. March 1". Afrer nine
'eon hours' c nseeutlve session and
several fights, the house of commons
adjourned today.
t* d d d d ‘I* -I* d d d d d d d d
+ +
+ +
Canucks Praise Taft.
OTTAWA, March 7. — Parliament
•oday passed a resolution praising
President Taft for calling an extra
session of congress to tiring about
reciprocity between the two nations
of North America.
Laurier Lauds Reciprocity.
OTTAWA. March In the
Canadian parliament today. Premier
Laurier made a strong speech in fa
vor of reciprocity with the United
Canadian Reciprocity.
OTTAWA. March 1" Parliament
refuses to postpone its action upon
reciprocity, and the filibustering of
the opposition will he blocked by
the poxtn incut.
Won By a Fluke.
VICTORIA, March 10. — Cyclone
Thompson arrived here today and
said that he simply caught Papke
oV his guard in the 2"th round of
their contest, which accounts for his
t v •> <• * * +
•> A.
+ •>
.5. .5. 4. 4. .5. .> .j. .% .5. .j.
Is Ambassador Recalled?
MEXICO CITY. March 6. - It Is
rumored hero that American Am
bassador WTson lias boon recalled.
WASHINGTON. March *». Henry
Wilson, ambassador to Mexico, who
is now in the city, denies that he
has been recalled.
Some Rebels Mutiny.
MEXICALI.1. March 7. Mutiny
has developed in th^ ranks of the
rebels because of the inactivity of
•heir leaders.
Vice-President to Resion.
is reported that Vice-President C r
ral will shortlv resign upon request
of Preside nt Diaz.
v •> •!• 4* •!« v *!• -!• r *1*
•t* +
•> CHINA ♦
* *
a <j* *j» *j« »j* •** •% .j* »*- »*« »*■ .[«
Refuses Russia's Demand.
PEKIN, March 10. — That China
is not afraid <f war with Russia was
evidenced today when tin* foreign
hoard refused to accede to Russia’s
demand for trading privileges on the
Island of Chinwanto
Object to Expending Money They
Need for Houses and Barns.
TOPPENISH, Feb. 11. — through
their chief. Squire C Waters, the
Yakima reservation Indians have
sent a letter of protest to Secretary
Ballinger against the appropriation
of $100,000 of the Indians’ money
to build roads on the reservation.
Senator Jones recently introduc
ed such a bill In congress and it is
indorsed by local commercial clubs.
Chief Waters complains that the
roads would benefit the white land
owners more than the Indians, who
are in “dire need of houses, barns
and other adjuncts to a comfortable
life.” The money for these roads
was to come from the sale of
tribal lands, which the Indians
think unjust.
Flor de I.ovrra, King of Havana
Clears—Sold Everywhere. *
Llllard Bourbon; Pickwick Club
Monopole Cigars.
W. H. McPHEE, Prop.
Telephone 138 P. O. Box 342
Dome City Cigar Store
Clothing, Stationery, Etc. The
Place where you meet the boys.
First Ave., next Arcade Cafe

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