/JIA /J1A ^JlA V-M-V *-«*-*. "*
Week’s Doings of the Woriel by Wire
7 >jw
Shipping Ammunition.
.' \N 1 ': \ v, .sco A; ril 3
,: nr ■ • - i f amtnunlti n '
i am ■ - art • ■ k tak*n
i’r> -i i'o atui shipped to
.-■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i» tie*
n. tli. ft* in case of
!!• cl
Te y C-m.-i to Port'and.
PUKTI AM' April .1 Colonel
K , . .-i! i< i xp. cl in this (ity
n AA'r';i. !.n and crr i* prepara
t ... :>r. |. '.it tna-le l*y the city
i > re ci\e him.
Bu " *o Succeed Could.
NKAA luKK. A ril !' C.
11 r ■ i.t of the Wes'ern
A' • . l.r : r . 1. v, ill ..I 0< orce
i. ! h. ml • 'lie Mi-»ouri l’a
Mrs. Ycrkes Is Dead.
NKW A 11;: K, April -- Mrs
V, r; . _ v i 1 . ..f the Chi' aco trio
.. w ho la’ er mar
r;, i v, : Mi'i; r. die '1 licro to
i , v, r\ :.;. i ’. of a complica
tion of diseases.
Tlarite^s Are Unsafe.
NKW At IKK A: ril 15. - The pe -
, i., re :,r. ' in arms hecausf
, p . . . : i l: r us condi'ion
, t: 11v , i • 1 . in. In alers and
, r. • . .! I M"U i- ihl'a-emd mi
j. . . . ure taki i immediately
, . . . 1 1 - l.e 1;Vi - of the ir
l .1 hum
It-i in Quarter Raided.
\ - ' ’ 1 3 - As a .
r • • i . i •. r:.m« murders
-|;i e . ■ . • -.i r.il m nths of
■ - <-f tli Italian
. .nr r. in pelVe la-1 niclit made
I ! 1 ,i par- <■( the ci’y and
i *• i i i umlier of suspected
Mis-ionary Attacked.
SIIAV.ilAl. A; ril U< v. Murry,
n |»r« • ii ri.iu mi-~i nary. Mai ion
,i , • i . mi. vas \. . rday ot
• • k 1 1.. f I.ati. and so badly
> , Kef. r,. l.i .; . rrlv< d. that it
I liniftu ;! if lie will recover.
To Welcome Doctors.
I’KKIN A 1 • In an'idpa
tioii ,t arrival the for.dsn
i i ;il i . ; . . ro :• here for tlie
1 MU ‘ ■ p M i l' of t lie
• ;;l.J ; •; : are niakine
. ; > • n - f r the vis
C ntredicts Gayncr.
xi:w vi»;••;. a h ' Magis
• (' rri.-.iu '> - th.r Mayor
i.. ti Him: ' 1: trip ti
■ n It Fa.' ’his city is
, ' .. H -iT.-rs as
, •• ■■■• • f ■ that -r.-s of jew
' . 1 hO ' i' ■■ 1 IV 1 t' * It
. 't,i in it.r i st -i ti days.
! ■ . r ■ . Tails art
i.. ing ;- d in iheir v,<>rk.
Pc's lo Well Pleased.
PAX r;: '.M'Fi'n. April d In
; . j, ■ -(. ' .!(• -i idl W.
r I. ■ I ■ '• of M uri.
, . • r, . .( ,| '• If i w ell pit n«od
\yi•!i •' ' !•■ f ■ in •: -tires which
v re , i ' • ’ 1 ! ■••• letti -hittire.
O1-' Charrh Must Ge.
SKA : : 1A' A 1 d. — i;s v I'ran
, v. i; it • . ., ! :■ de!iv( red
th h; -1 ' hit "ill lie held
in th 1*1-- • . h Congregational
■ ir the
i rm of IA large an
diem e ■... pr, sir and expressions
< f t . ;. ■ v ci-t hi :ird that the fa
niili: r e! i ! n 1 in ark -h uhl lie sup
jd tutr k T! site upon which the
old t hurtstands v.as ).urehaseii
sotn ' t ini-- ;r.u by cnpi’alis’s and
the >tr.i. ' irt ■ ill 1 e immediately
torn <i.(\sn tn ...: 11- ■ • room tor a
m idem ! csim hi- ck.
On Negro Lynched.
rXIOX. 'In April d Wliile
th • l'■ :is wer • Icing IlltlS
t.-r- 1 • i ■ . ■ ■ - !,.■ lyin hing of
a I,. :rr > • -.tii.• I in the jail here
on th< charge of a saulting a
wiii'e w man. a tn h. lu-aded by
many of ihe 1 a ling ciiizetts took
the man from the jail and hanged
him to a nearby tree
Robberies in Spokane.
Sl’OK A XI:. .April d. The peo
ple of P - li'v at., greatly ex
cited cv r t) .- tli.-i ••v.-ry ■ f thr e
r Ijlia ri. s tha- ook place last night
in the very heart of the business
di-trii'. While the town was
sleeping. robbers entered three
prominent basin ss houses, blew
open 111. ,-afes and made good
their escape with thousands of dol
Where Ir, Bill Wiley?
SEATTI.F. April d. - William
Wil y. many y. ars ago in Alaska,
1 . friend, i A. .1. Metz. The latter
is n w dead and left a fortune he-‘
hind him which i all willed to
Wiley. The executors of the estate
are now searching f r Wily, who
was iast Pi ard from at Fairbanks
in 19"a. and who is supposed to
have gone to the <■ ast cities from
Will Be Two Carnivals.
SKATTI.K. April 3. — At a final
meeting of the members of the
chamber < f of commerce, it was
d* cided to go ahead with the car
nival. the da e ol its opening be
ing set f r July 17. It will be
called ilit "Golden Pntluch.”
It is now understood that the
Commercial club will go ahead with
their own plans, which provide for
a September e* !e' ration that will
he of benefit to the entire North
west and Alaska.
May Be Short Sesion.
WASHINGTON. April 3. — The
announcement made by President
Taft that the only matter he car
ed to have come before the special
session of congri ss is the consid
eration of the reciprocity measure
mee's with gen* ral approval here
and every influence will be brought
to bear to make the session as
short as possible.
Doubt As to Result.
CHICAGO. April 3. — All of the
politicians of this city are at sea
regarding the cutcome of tomor
row’s election. Publicly, both sides
claim they have their candidates
elected, but privately they admit
that fhere is considerable doubt
as to the result.
Snowing in Chicago.
CHICAGO. April 3. — A heavy
snowstorm is rt ging here today,
and traffic all over town is block
Clark Makes Talk.
WASHING I O\, April I!. Gov
Waiter 1 Ma ska
- it iking -in ;i;>!>< il to the legi
. i or- t r some m asuro that will
; r* ■ v < nt Hit- sale of inoxiiants to
■ no Indians of the territory.
Target Practice.
NKW YORK. April 3 The he
lief is sprt ading here among the
pdiiiciitns that William Jennings
liryan v, i ’ 1 be the eandidate ot the
Dem 'tr.i s in the next presidential
• ampaign.
Great Airship Flight.
PARIS. Aril 3 Pierre I»*-\ri
« lit mmle a splendid flight t- day
in hi- iarship. covering a ilistantc
i 212 milt - at the ra e of To
miles an hour.
Bar Sunday Ball There.
I.IWOI.N. Nth, April 4. — The
1-gi-hiture today pascd a bill pro
I ilping Sunday baseball, and the
:.ms t l the si.pc arc dist (insulate,
a - it is f ared mid-week games can
not bo made to pay.
Poor Old Alaska.
SKATTt.K. April 1 Maurice
Rich . John Ste.lc and Henry liar
i iman -.' ill sp' ak upon Hu* subject
of Alaska and her rcsouri es lief re
•hi (- mmcreial club this evening.
H i I Iman Not Worrying.
SKATTI.IT. April 4 C D. Hill
man. the really broker, who is In
the i. unty jail serving a sentence
of d" days for contempt of court, is
transai'ing his business from his
II ll and appears to he in a most
jovial frame < f mind.
Blizzard In Illinois.
CHICAGO. April I A blizzard
raging over the snrr unding coun
■ ■ one of the worst ever
i xpoi'it-iHod hero at Mils season of
the year.
Harrison is Favorite.
CHICAGO. April 4. The city
elect! is a Its ' - ght, and a heaxy
\ o is hi iiic polled. All lie ho k
makers an offering 2 to 1 that Car
ter Harrison will 1 e elected mayor.
Wants to Be Tried.
MAY YORK. April I. — Henry ri
ch ii, the German who assaulted
I! ok or 3'. Washington, and against
whom Washington refus d to pro
i ii.| i- now demanding ihat he be
brought 1 i trial.
Favor Direct Vote.
■ :m-e of the failure of the Colorad
legislanire to elect a senator in
::m for tin- special si ssi a of eon
grt— and other dead’oeks which
hate delayed elections in the states
•here is developing lu-re a strong
ntiment in fav r of popular clee
: ions.
Probe Was a Joke.
SPOKANK. April 1. — Senator
Mill s Poindexter declares that the
tiul'.inui r-Piiichot investigation was
tiotliing less than a whi’ewash. and
|.redl<ts that the I>* mm-rats will
11:~ist upon an ith r investigation in
'In near future.
Packy Bests Paul.
CANTON. Ohio, A pril I — In a
ten-round bout held here last nigh*.
Packy McFarland was given a de
■ •i.-ion < ver Paul Kohler.
Ban on Harem Skirt.
HAVANA, April 4. Right Rev
orend Kstrude. bishop of Havana,has
placed a ban upon the n>-w harem
-kin. giving as his reas-n for so
doing mat he considers the latest
in de in women's wear decidedly
immoral in appearance.
Gaynor Enters Protest.
NKW YORK. April 4. At a
meeting of the c unell last night
Mayor Gaynor stoutly proti sted
against t..c chargi s which have been
spread broadcast over t lie country
reflecting in tlie ability of the ad
ministration to cope with the crim
inal element of tlie city, claiming
t41ut no such conditi ti existed out
-ide of the minds of the yellow
journalists and tlie enemies of the
Mrs. Gates Wants Divorce.
NKW YORK. April 4. — Mrs.
Gates, wife of Charles Gates, who
is a son of the millionaire of that
name, is preparing to itart divorce
pi-' ee dings against her husband on
the grounds of d inestic infelicity.
Taroet Practice Prevented.
NORFOLK, April 4. — Fog. rain.
' and finally a full sized gale com
bined to prevent the scheduled tar
get practice, in which fourteen bat
tleships were to have taken part.
Will Veto Tariff Bill.
WASHINGTON. April 4. - If a
•ariff revision bill passes congress
at this session, it is announced as a
certainty that President Taft will
veto it when it reaches him for his
President Taft today gave an audi
ence to Ct ngressman Sulzer, of New
York, at which Sulzer sta'es that
the president explained fully the
reasons for the present mobilization
of troops, but neither the president
nor Congressman Sulzer will give
any demils of the explanation to the
Want Commoner to Move.
WASHINGTON, April 4. — Prom
inent Democrats of the East have
raised a bonus of $100,000 which
they have offered William Jennings
Bryan if he will move his newspa
p r. The Commoner, from Lincoln.
Nebraska, and publish it here at the
<eat of political warfare. Bryan has
not as yet given them an answer.
Socialists Score Victory.
BUTTE, April 4. — There is
great rejoicing in this city today
over the sweeping victory of the
! Socialists in yesterday’s municipal
election. Besides the mayor, the So
I cialists elected a city treasurer, the
! police judges and five out of the nine
councilmen. The head of the social
ist ticket is Rev. Duncan, a Unitar
ian minister.
City Hall Bl wn Up.
SPRINGFIELD. Mass., April 4.—
This city is greatly excited over an
explosion which last night wrecked
•he new municipal building. The ex
plosion was caused by dynamite.
Only one section of the building was
wrecked beyond repair. This part
will have to be tom down and en
tirely replaced.
VV\ V w
Special Sesion Convenes,
s| 11 ial congress convened at noon
•e'av. many of 'he i ngresstnen n *
ii.g present. I’r< iilent Taft's mi
-ace : ates that the administration
stands nady to meet all criticism
ihat may arise over the mobilization
• f American tr ops along the Mexi
can bor ler
The message urges upon roncri ss
tin- necessity of taking up the reci
procity tu asuro withou' delay, and
doprei ates an' at'empt to tamper
wi'h the tariff until the regular
Champ Clark of Missouri, "ho re
i eived 2*7 votes out of 2(10 "as
eleeted speaki r. Sivecn progres
sives i ast their votes f r C oper of
Wisconsin, and Congri.-sman Mann
was the choice of the regular I!c
publicans, receiving 1 » v*tes.
ftp ak' r Clark briefly outlined the
plans of the Democrats, stating that
it was 'heir Intention to revise the
■ariff downward, admit Arizona and
New Mexit o to full stateho d. and
ta give to the house of representa
tives fair ruhs.
The Democrats announce that > ne
of their first moves will he to probe
all the executive departments of the
governin' nt.
The "Dig Interests" have an un
usually large lobby here. ospi dally
the wool Interests which fear that
the tariff on wool "ill he changed
gnatlv to their detriment.
Suffrace Bill Defeated.
BOSTON. April 7.. The state
legislature today refused to pass tho
suffrage bill granting the right t
women to vote
Headed This Way.
CHITINA. April .a. Th >• passen
gers who left on yesurdnv's stage
for Fairbanks were T. C Fitzgerald.
Dan Fields. (' !., Klaus-urn. .T. D
Str'ker. Steve Bush. G. V. Goss. S.
Wiitner. and wife. Katie l’agetti
Mrs Kora Jacobson and R H.
Socialists Are Defeated.
MIKWAFKICK. Wis . April *■
The Socialists were badly beaten in
Die city elections yestordny. prim i
pallv thr, ugh the voting * f the wo
men. who threw all of their support
to the non-partisan candidate for
mayor, who was elected bv a good
majority, as were a majority of the
council men.
Governor's Good Sense.
LINCOLN. Neb.. April The
governor today vetoed the bill passed
in the legislature last wetk. prohib
ping Sunday baseball games in thi.
Must Enforce Own Laws.
WASHINGTON. April ■"> The
supreme court today rcmlercd 'It
!<., isfon in the appeal from okhilto
ttta's attempt to interfere wi li the
Interstate Comirwerce commissi n's
■ irerogatives. *1 lie dt cisi n is that
Oklahoma must enforce its own
Paws iis best it can when those laws
conflict with the regulations <f the
commission. This interpreta
• p, n the Hepburn law w ill, it is
believed, remedy the commodity evil
by divorcing the railr ads from the
, oal business in which s me rail
roads tire so heavily interested, a~
. to lie coal companies first and rail
read companies after.
Some Washington Items.
WASHINGTON. April .1. — Presi
d. nt Taft’s reciprocity message was
handed to congress today. In a lat
er message he will take up the sub
ject of the tariff, which issue he is
decidedly opposed to congress tink
ering with in any way.
It is said the president favored
t ho appointment of a tariff hoard
during the special session, hut in
view of the threa's of some of the
Democrats to attempt a general re
vision of the tariff if Hie matter
were brought up at this time, Pres
; blent Taft has abandoned ail hope
of accomplishing anything along this
line until the regular session of
i t ongress.
Today President Taft received a
I message from ihe Mikado of Japan
which is full of expressions of Ja
pan's frii ndship for America.
Judson Harmrn of Ohio is frater
iiizing with the Bryan and Clark
men in the city today.
Killing in Kuskokwim.
N PLATO, April 5. — On March
IT last, Joseph F. Plepln (l’lount)
: a French Canadian, was shot and
killed by George Tisdale in a cabin
SO miles below Georgetown on the
Kuskokwim. Both of the nun have
, lived in Dawson and Fairbanks, and
Pit pin also had lays on No. 11
Coldstream and on Cleary, while
I Tisdale is from Ester creek. Full
' particulars are not known, but it is
j believed that Tisdale is insane. He
is now in the jail at Georgetown
and Marshal Siebe lias gone afti r
the remains of Plepln and for wit
Good pay has just been found on
seccnd tier bench opposite No. 2
I above. Otter, left limit.
New Secretary Installed.
WASHINGTON. April 5.—Charles
1). Hilles, former assistant secretary
of the treasury, was yesterday in
stalled as secreetary to Fr< sident
Taft, succeeding Charles D. Norton,
who recently resigned as helper to
the president to accept the vice-pres
idency of the First National hank
of New York.
Coal Cases Suspended.
SEATTLE, April 5. — Mundav,
: Seigley and all of the other defend
ants cn trial here for their con
nection with certain coal lands near
Katalla, were yesterday afternoon
I discharged from custody as a re
1 suit of an agreement en'ered into
by the attorneys on both sides.
The action is the result of the
decision rendered by Judge Han
ford, who ruled that there was but
one p int at issue, whereas the at
! torneys for the United States be
lieve there are several questions
that should be threshed out. As
sistant United States Attorney
Townsend and his associates have
consented to the discharge of the
defendants on the condition that the
case is allowed to be taken immed
iately before the supreme court on
a writ of error. All of the counsel
agreed that a fixed decision rested
with the higher tribunal entirely,
and it was considered the wisest
course to put the important matter
up to the court at the earliest pos
sible moment, in order that the
lands might be opened without un
--- *-» «-~ «-"
in-, ossa”}' ii< lay.
I’• tiding >i. lin.il (iei ision by the
ipn nii r ir■. which will probably
»r, all act! n re
g.irdit .. Al l Ka coal claims Is sus
, i 11 ■ . .m i the ' irt proceedings
. et' a;, at ernoon were the formal
,arr. ng nut of the prearranged
More Election Returns.
ST. I.OUS. Aj>ri 1 a. — After one
of the most hotly contested rity
ell Hi n- it-^the hi -1 ry of St i.ouis.
Rep itiln ans elec ted a majority
of the m :ul rs of 'cie council, but
acre unable to capture the mayoral
ty r any of lie other offices of im
portanc o.
li ART I.MORE April -Y — In the
primary eh ns held here yester
day the De-mu'rats scored a sweep
ing victory e ver the Republicans.
MAY YORK. April a. — R ose
veT' 1 -itite county went Demo
- ra'ic ye st r ay. giving the differ
in' i andida'es greater majorities
than expected.
L>EN\ i R, \pril 5 hYom nearly
all parts of the state the returns
show itu ''wets" have he n victor
ious in ilie eption tights.
CHICAUO. April The Demo
crats score 1 a big victory on Tttes
■! iy when Carter Harrison was dect
. I mayor if t’hieago by a majority
. t more than IT.. votes over Mer
r in in. the Republican candidate.
Nick Married Before.
I .ONDON. April a. — The Euro
pe su pre-s is now publishing the
Czar Nicholas was in
volv’c ; in a m rganatlc marriage
w i'ii a fan.oiis Russian dancer ten
. . ks before lie married the present
(V.arina A sea mini of royal pro
p rtiot.s is promised.
Another Election.
TACOMA, \pril a. - Ileeause of
t!*e large nil'll1'' r of Socialist votes
cast in ye-* onlay's recall election,
m i in -' of !' e otic r two candidates
was ai'li* in secure a majority and
i will l e m i . ssary to hold a spee
al electtoi e'tlc w he her May
or Fawcett will n tain his office or
give way to Seymour, the l’utilie
Welfare b ague candidate, who re
. i\e l a pluralty of the votes.
Lets Smoke Down Easy.
SAN' I’ll A NVI SCO. April a. — The
ec-nd charge against Champion
dark .1 hie.:i for speeding was today
Rami, - el by the c ourt, it being the
belief that .1 hii-on lias had his les
.i-ii and will specd no more here.
In Camp for Maneuvers.
sax 1)1 Elio. April — General
mis- yesterday took a provisional
In i; ,.i!i ini uimp for maneuvers
12 miles south of tliis city.
Bio Labor Parade.
NEW YORK. April This af
• < ns ■on tlie large-1 and longest
parade m the hist ry of labor In
. ; v.; i mark the general dls
; nival of th workers for working
conditions as they exist in this city.
SenterKejMs Commuted.
SAX' El! W'GTSOO. April G. - The
Eniicd Stale- inspector of steam
a'- lias ndueel 'ho sentence of
-uspen i n if Captain Crosky to
, months instead of 12. as was
riginallv codded ution hy tlie hoard.
Captain Cr ky was in charge of
•he steamship Xorth. western when
-he- ran aground off San Juan Island
early in December of last year.
Indignation Parade.
XE\V YORK. April d. — Two hun
dred and fifty th usnnd laboring
it , ii and women paraded yesterday
-,s a racin' rial for 'ho 12" girls who
tost their lives in *10 fire in the
Triangular Shirtwaist company’s
factory, and as a protest against the
lire traps of the city in which SO
many working people are hourly in
danger of their lives.
Peabody is President.
CHARLESTON. W. Va.. April d.—
Captain Charles W. Peabody has
been • leded tiresident of the Alaska
Transo ration and Commercial com
pany cf Xew York.
The company is capitalized at
ttloO.OOO and will trade in furs and
other Northern articles and enter
t]ie general transportation business
on the Yukon and its tributaries.
Berner Wants to Know.
WASHINGTON. April d. — Repre
-en'ative Berger, the socialist mem
ber from Wisconsin, has introduced
a resolution asking far full infonna
ti n regarding the reasons for the
present mobilization of American
troops along the Mexican border.
Made Monkeys of Them.
PORTLAND. April 0. — Theodore
Rooseve't yesterday afternoon was
banciuetted bv the Commercial club,
the banquet hall being decorated un
til it renresented a jungle in Africa.
All cf tiie members cf the orchestra
were dressed as monkeys, the rooms
of the dub were transformed into
scenes r presenting the jungle and
a real 'ion. roaring at the guests
from behind a clump of imitation
date palms.
Quit Opposing Home Rule.
SEATTLE, April 6. — Prominent
Northerners now in this citv today
received information from Washing
ton that opposition to home rule
for Alaska has practically been
dropped at the national capital.
Knew of Slush Funds.
SPRIVGFIELD, April 6. — Pub
lisher Kohlsaat of the Chicago Rec
ordHerald. today, before the senate
investigation committee told in the
l.orimer bribery matter that he
knew there were slush funds used in
Lorimer’s election, and that he can
prove the fact.
Democratic Administration.
CHICAGO. April 6.—In his speech
of frmal acceptance of the mayor
alty today Carter Harrison promised
tlie people a pract'cal Democratic
John McGinn Laid Up.
CORDOVA. April 6.—John L. Mc
Ginn, the Fairbanks attorney, who
was taken down with sciatic rheu
matism upon his arrival at Chitina. |
was brought to this city on Tues- ■
day night s train and taken to the
hospital for treatment. He says
that he will start for Fairbanks
again as scon as his condition war
rants. but the hospital authorities
say that his recovery will be a mat
ter of several weeks at least.
Roosevelt In Seattle.
SEATTLE, April 6. — Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt will arrive in
this city at 3:P‘ this aft. rn on. At
3 3" tne colonel will address the
■stud, nts of the I'nlversity .f Wash
ington. at o', lock he will he the
guCs- <f honor at a ban.pact which
has been arranged to tak" place at
t: e ho .1 Wt hington: at 8 o'< lot k
the distinguished visitor will make
a public address at the Dreamland
and at ln:3<> he will he entertain d
hy a smoker given by the 1 ’re -
Wets Won Throughout.
DKNVKR. Col.. April fi. — The re
turns from all over the sta'e show
that the tight between the wits and
the drys was hotly contested, the
an i-prohib tlonists winning general
ly, but by a very nar-ow margin.
Loots Big Four Express.
Ml'NCIK. Ind., April i>. — At an
early hour this morning, the Dig
Four express was held up a few
mil s west of this place hy a lone
highwayman who demanded all ■ f
the currency in the safe. One thou
sand dollars in bills was promptly
handed over to the masked robber
by the clerk, and the highwayman
then made his escape.
Fatal Powder Explosion.
VICTORIA. April t’> A powder
magazine on Protection Island ex
ploded this morning, killing two
nun and wrecking everything neat
the building.
Jeff Exceeds Speed Limit.
LOS ANGKLKS. April 6. James
.1. Jeffries was amsted today f r
speeding his automobile within the
city limits.
More Offices for Women.
SKA l Tl.K. April G. The Public
Safety Committee this afternoon rec
o mended an amendment to tin
civil service rules permitting wo
men to serve in all branches of
the civil service, including the police
depart me nt.
Snow Storms in France.
PARIS, April fi. — This city was
last night visited hy a heavy snow
fall. and reports from till of the
surrounding country show that the
storm was general throughout France
New American Cardinal.
I’lli i.ADELPIIIA. April G It is
understood here that the Right Rev.
Kennedy will he appointed cardinal
of America.
All Plead Not Guilty.
VITERBO. April ti. — As fast as
the Camorrists are brought int
court to plead, they plead not guilty
and a .eng trial is promised befon
the mysteries surrounding their
crimes will lie unraveled.
Blind Justice Elected.
ARKANSAS CITY, Mo.. April 6.—
Acting upon the theory that justice
should he blind, this city on Tues
day elected James White, a blind
mat), i olice magistrate.
New Captain for Rush.
tain ( hiswc 11 has been made <■ m
mander of the revenue cutter Rush,
iti Alaskan waters.
Young Mayor Elected.
KENOWA, Ok la,. April G. — Orel
Busby, who became 2i years of ago
only last December, has been diet
ed mayor of this city.
Blizzard in Kentucky.
LOUISVILLE, Kv. April G - The
northern part of Kentucky was vis
ited yesterday by a blizzard of un
usual violence and great damage is
reported throughout a nuinbt r of
e unties.
Another New Boat.
ASTORIA. April G. — The steamer
Nome City left for Seattle today to
enter the Southeastern Alaska serv
Fawcett is Confident.
TACOMA. April 7. — Mayor Faw
cett is confident ef winning the
c'ectlon which will lie held within
3u days.
Soldier Graves Decorated.
NEW ORLEANS, April 7. -The
p-aves of both the Union and Con
federate soldiers were decorated im
partially yesterday in this city.
Storm Was Fatal.
MONTGOMERY, Ala., April 7.—
Several people are dead at various
places from falling timbers in build
ings wrecked by yesterday’s storm.
Girls Had No Chance.
NEW YORK, April 7. — The un
derwriters who have been investi
gating the lire which caused the
death of 120 girls employed in the
factory of the Triangular Shirt
waist company report that the girls
had no chance for their lives but
were caught like rats in a trap.
No More Plural Marriages.
SALT LAKE, April 7. — At the
conference of the church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints, Pres
ident Joseph Smith den unced
plural marriages today and declared
that no more of them would be
permitted by the Mormon church.
Stamps Have Been Stolen.
CHICAGO, April 7. — Detectives
have discovered a shortage of $85,000
in the stamp department of the Chi
cago posteffiee, and several clerks
have been placed under surveilance.
Federal Troops Are Bottled Up.
! CHIHUAHUA, April 7. — The
rebels have IS.uOO federal troops com
pletely bottled in this city.
Big Contest for Next Sunday.
EL PASO. April 7. — The rebels
plan to begin their attack up u Chi
huahua on Sunday.
Urges Aggressiveness.
WASHINGTON, April 7. — W. J.
Bryan is urging the Democrats to
go in for politics of the most ag
gressive kind, and they seem inclin
ed to take his advice.
Senator Thomas Staples Martin.
Demccrat, of Virginia, is being urg
ed as the compromise candidate for
the floor leaders .p.
T. R. on Puctjt Sound.
SEATTLE, April 7. — Seventeen
thousand people greeted Theodore
Roosevelt last evening in the Am
phitheatre at the old Exposition
grounds when he delivered his ad
dress. He appeared grey and care
worn, and shows the strain of his
TACOMA, April 7. — Fifty thou
sand people greeted Theodore Roose
velt in this city yesterday when he
addressed them in the famous
Says Clothing's Superfluous.
INDIANAPOLIS, April 7. — Dr.
John Henry Kellogg, of Battle Creek,
Michigan, tne famcus medical author
who nas for so many years been
president of the Battle Creek sani
m, addressed the Teachers' as
iation in this city yesterday upon
• subject of health When he ad
vocated that the public health would
be h'-’tcr if the people wore no
• lo hing. many < f the teachers left
the auditorium where he was dellv
i ring i,Is address.
Lorimer Case Again.
WASHINGTON. April 7. — Sena
t r l.aF'llelte today Introduced a
r< elution which provides for the
re investigation of the I.orimer brib
ery i harges by a c ngressional com
SPRINGF1KM). Ills.. April 7.—The
frii mis of Senator Lorlmer are afraid
of the recent developments In his
PITTSnPRG. April 7. — Senator
Lorimer has nothing to say for pub
lication regarding the agitation for
a re investigation cf his manner of
election. He states that he will
make his reply on the floor of the
JOHNSTOWN, Pa . April 7. Sen
ator Lorimer Is here and will say
nothing regarding the charges of a
slush fund in his election.
Wants Canal Probe.
WASHINGTON. April 7. — Declar
ing Hint the J40.nnit.uoo paid by the
Pnited States for the Panama canal
went into the p ekets of a select
few. Representative Rainey, of Illi
nois today introduced a resolution
demanding a full investigation of
the ru position of the Panama canal
..one by the i'nlled States.
Discussing Reciprocity.
OTTAWA. April 7. — The Cana
dian parliament yesterday resumed Its
disru -ion -f reciprocity between the
I'niled States and Canada.
German Liner Ashore.
NEW YORK. April 7. — With
1 .non tourists on hoard, t lie North
German Lloyd steamship Princess
Irene, on route to this port from
It iii h ashore in a dense fog on
I,- ng Island. It is believed that ail
the pasongers have been rescued.
To Probe Postoffice.
WASHINGTON. April 7. Repre
sentative Shepard today Introduced
a resolution demanding an investiga
tion of the postofllce department ex
penditures. to locate the cause <f the
great deficiency.
Heard Only Confession.
VITKRBO. April 7. — Don Ciro
Vi'07.7.1, the priest who is implicated
•vitli the Camorrists in their crimes,
today testified that all he knows
of their crimes is that which came
to him in the crnfessional.
Armour Stocks Stolen.
KANSAS CITY. April 7. — Stocks
and bonds to the value of Jlfifi.ono
were stolen today from a safety de
posit box evvneti by Mrs. Armour,
widow of the late packing house mag
nate. There are no clues to the
Ahronates American Treaty.
WASHINGTON. April 7. — Repre
sentative Sulzer of New York today
introduced a joint resclution de
claring tlint the refusal of Russia
to respect the passport of Jewish
Atner'can citizens Is an act against
•he freedom of Anterirans and also
abrogates the American treaty with
One Publisher Suicides.
PHILADELPHIA, April 7. — CTaig
l.ippincott, president of the Lippin
e.'itt Magazine Publishing company
and a noted publisher, suicided today
at Ids home by firing a bullet into
his brain. The cause of bis rash
act is not known, but it is tinder
st. 0(1 that lie was laboring under
a tit of aberration.
Was Tired of Life.
REDDING, Cal., April 7. — Edward
Bailey, aged 61. a wealthy banker
of this city, was found dead today
on tlie grave of his wife. He sui
cided by firing a bullet into his
brain, and left a note saying that he
was tired < f living without his dead
wife. He leaves a large estate.
Want Commoner South.
WASHINGTON, April 7. — Declar
ing that the Soutli could raise $1,
iiiin.ftoo to have William Jennings
Bryan publish bis paper south of
•he Mason and Dixon line. Judge
Bowers, of Memphis, today formally
inw.ed Bryan’s Commoner to make
its heme in Memphis.
Root's New Idea.
WASHINGTON. Aparil 7. — Sena
tor Klihu Root of New York yester
day introduced a bill providing for
Hie election of United States sena
tors by a plurality vote of state
Vgislatures. There is much opposi
ti u to tiie measure and it is predict
ed it will not be passed.
Society Buds Up in the Air.
WASHINGTON, April 7. — Misses
Laura -lerriam and Dorothy Williams
two young society women of this
city, today made a sensational flight
over the tops of Washington houses
with Aviator Jannus in his swift
winged monoplane.
Financier Passes On.
cording to a cablegram just received
here, Gardner Cassett, the well
; known American financier, is dead
| at Paris.
Postoffice Clerk Arrested.
CHICAGO, April 7. — John Daly,
htad of the wholesale envelope de
■ partment of the postoffice has been
arrested on the charge of embezzle
ment. in connection with the large
shortage discovered in the office.
Looks Like More War.
MEXICO CITY, April 7. — From
the meager reports which have
reached this city, it is feared that
he peace negotiations between the
Maderos and the representatives of
the government will prove futile. It
is generally believed here that Diaz
is responsible for the failure to
reach terms and the president is the
object of severe criti ism.
Alabama Wets Win.
MONTGOMERY, April 7. — State
wide prohibition was today knocked
out by the legislature, a bill having
been passed granting to the counties
the right to regulate the sale of
liquers within their boundaries.
Oppose Stolypin’s Policies.
ST. PEfERSBFRG, April 7—The
policies advocated by Stolvpin are
creating much opposition throughout
the empire, notwithstanding the fact
that the czar has condemned a num
ber of the former enemies of the
minister, the council is attacking the
hated policies in no uncertain terms.
Calls Contracts Off.
SEATTLE, April 7. — Claiming
that they have discriminated against
points along the railroad, the White
Pass company has notified the offl
i ials of the Alaska Steamship com
pany, the Pacific (' ast Steamship
! company and the Great Northern
t railway, that all tarnfs naming
through passenger and fr» Ight rates
to the interior of Alaska and the
Yukon have been cancelled.
Recall In Michigan.
I.ANTING. April 7. Thn reeall
bill which was introduced last week
has been acted upon favorably by
the bouse and the measure, which
has the endorsement of the entire
j state, is new in the hands of the
senate committee It is confidently
expected that the bill will soon be
come a law.
Gaynor Is Released.
SYRACUSR. April 7. —• Colonel
Gaynor. who. with Ills partner, Green,
was sentenced to a long term in the
penitentiary in connection with the
Savannah harbor scandal, was re
leased from the federal prison at
Atlanta yesterday. The colonel will
make his home here.
Compulsory Pensions.
ROMK, April 7. Giolettl. the
i newly appointed premier, announees
that he will urge electoral reforms
and he promises to secure for the
workingmen a compulsory pension, a
I reform he has long advocated for
■he lower classes
All Passengers Are Safe.
NEW YORK. April 7. All the
passengers of the I’rinress Irene have
| iieen safely landed by tugs, but all
| efforts to dislodge the big vessel
! have so far failed.
Riot at Prince Rupert.
PRINCE RE PERT. April 7 -When
I the city authorities aCempted to fill
the places of the striking city em
ployes with strike breakers some
rioting ensued in which several shots
i were fired. The new men are now
allowed to work without molestation
but it is feared more trouble will
shortly result.
Quarreling Over Rules.
WASHINGTON. April 8. — Neith
i er house of congress Is doing any
1 'bing exrept quarrel over the rules
which shall govern their conduct
Senator Martin has been elected
Democratic floor leader, anti next
week the Dem- crats promise to get
down to work.
Returned From Exile.
ST I.OEIS. April 8. — After re
maining in exile for nine years.
Ellis Walnwright, the millionaire
b-ewer, who was indicted nine years
I ago for bribery, returned to the city
today from abroad to stand his
Racy Divorce Suit.
NEW YORK, April 8. The wife
of Charles Gates, s n of Millionaire
: Gates, bar filed papers for divorce
from her husband. Recause of the
racy details of the case, it will tie
heard in private by a referee.
All Ready to Attack.
EE PASO. April 8. The rebel
forces surrounding the city of Chi
huahua are all ready for their Sab
bath day attack. The moving pic
ture machines are in readiness and
excursion rates are given on all
lines for those who care to see the
Shadowing Widow.
KANSAS CITY. April 8. De
tectives are endeavoring to locate a
I voting and pretty woman w ho has
1 been very close1 to the Widow Ar
mour lately, and whom they suspect
of stealing the widow's stocks and
( bonds.
Has New Dirigible.
! Count Zepelin in his new dirigible
balloon started for Stuttgard today
' with ten passengers.
Probing Holocaust.
NEW YORK. April 8. The grand
i jury today began probing the fire
which cost the lives of 120 girls
] some time since.
Bathtub Case Put Over.
DETROIT. April 8. — The gov
ernment cases against the bathtub
trust have been p^sponed from May
j to December next.
Uroing Reciprocity.
NEW YORK. April 8. - The cham
| her of commerce of this city has
I petitioned congress to pass the re
I riprocity measure, for freer trade
with Canada.
Employers’ Association.
PORTLAND. Ore.. April S. — Em
! plovers from all Pacific coast p ints
I will meet here next week to form
j an association of employers to re
s.st the eight-hour law and other
trade union measures.
Won’t Welcome Teddy.
MADISON. Wis. April 8. The
j Socialistic members of the state leg
j islature absolutely refused to serve
j on the committee which will greet
Theodore Roosevelt on his arrival
here April 15.
Priest Starves Himself.
VITERGO, April 8. — Father Vit
ozzi fainted several times while ho
I was giving testimony todav. His
j condition is due to starvation seif
i inflicted.
More Money for Probe.
SPR1NGHELD, Ills.. April 8.- The
state legislature today appropriated
$10,000 more to continue the Lori
mer investigation until Lorimer’s
guilt or innocence is established.
Discontinue Through Rates.
SEATTLE. April S. — The steam
ship lines doing business with Alas
ka points today discontinued their
through ticket rates and sales, ow
ing to the near approach of the
breakup and because of the uncertain
condition of the trails at this time
of the year. Freight for Alaska is
already being received at the local
docks, although the opening of navi
gation is a long time away.
Rubber Man Arrested.
BOSTON. April 8. — Stillman
Shaw, the fiscal agent rf the North
Rubber company, was todav arrest
ed for using the United States malls
to defraud, he having by the use
of the mails shortened Warren
Wheeler up to the amount of $620,
Wants One Big Salary.
WASHINGTON, April 8. — Wal
ter Johnson, the premier pitcher of
the American league who is wl*h
the local nine, is holding out for
$7,500 salary per year.
Diseharoing Employes.
LOS ANGELES, April 8. — In the
interests of a general retrenchment
in expenses, the Southern Pacific
railway shops will discharge 400 em
ployes today.