Newspaper Page Text
FINANCIAL STANDING OF CITYON MARCH 31 . ■ • ■ ■ • ■ ■ ef Cltj Clerk W W Clark turned in on Friday t.igh- at the eouneil meeting. It shows tha* the tity's finam es are in a very fair c n i t ion The appro priation of ill.. to pay « ff the old warrants is net minuted in he re port. as the payment of any of th. warrants was withheld until the nec f-s ary ordinance ex nerating the i ity treasurer had not at the time the report was made out been passed This has now been done, hmveve*. nnd the payment of the Id warrants, will n >w be proceeded with Following is the report CLERK'S REPORT. Cash on hand Math 1. loll— t i i fund verdrawn . . $ 8.594 17 Salar> fund 61.96 <'••!-.• tefy fund 151.25 $8,807.38 RKCKIKTS Kinos 15.00 Taxis 191" Cash $19,182.62 Taxis 191 • IK 1 warrants . 1.721.04 20,903.66 Taxes 19 9 Cash . 15.83 Tuxes. 19 :< — old warrants 414.96 430.79 Taxes 19 x Cash 75.42 Tax - 19 ' Old warrants .. . 71.66 147.08 Federal liltin'- 600.00 I »1 SI1C R S! ’ K R S K M K NTS Fire dt ; arment . $ I’ollct department . 579.25 S:ret dt partment . 559.05 General i X| i-nse ... . . .. 4"9.50 City mi ss . 202.93 Hospitals 212.00 Knar at count ... Schools . . 2,0"".00 Interest . . ... 435 15 Old indeh'i ln. - .. . 12.772.51 Cash on hand March 31. 1911 Gtneral fund. $11.23906 Salary fund . 9".21 Cemetery fund 151.25 $11.48".52 $30.9"3.91 $30,903.91 FAIRBANKS FIRE LOSSES DURING THE PAST YEAR At the final met'ing of the old (ouncil held last Friday night the annual report of Fire Chief liuckley was read. I' shows tha' the city suffertd fr m fire i a greater ex tent than in any par since l'J"S. the year of the lag fin-, the principal losses being those occasi nod at the courthouse fire tho destruction of the Peoples warehouse on Carden Islam and the Front street lire of Decern her last. The cost of maintenance <f the de parnunt was nearly H.injO less than during the previous year and then was a very much la-ger amount cl insurantc collected than ever before The full report fol.owr: Report of lire department, April 9. 191a, to April 7, 1911 — Cost of department from April 9, 191 to April 7, 1911, includ ing the tn< ss . . . $28,426.12 I. ss by fire in the town and Garden Island . 44.515.00 Amount f insurance e licited again.-: the loss .... . 26.610.00 Balance not covered by insurance... . 17.905.00 The department responded to 62 alarms. The 1.' -c company has traveled It' milts, 4.5so feet The chemical has traveled 25 miles, v>" feet. The hose company has laid 35 65 > feet of hose. The chemical lias been out of service 23 hours. 2S minutes. The It sc c ompany lias been out of service 27 hours, 53 minutes. April. IP o, to April. 1910— Cost of maintenance . . . $32,373.99 Loss by tire .... .• •. 5,555.Oil Insurance collec ed . . . 2.350.00 Balance not cove red by insurance . 3.205.00 Fire loss on Garden Island . . . 15,025.00 Total loss . . . $18,230.00 Number of alarms responded to, 7". The tie se c mpany traveled 31 miles, 2,570 feet. The hose company laid 44,-50 feet of hose. Department out of service. 33 hours. 5 minutes. April. 1908, to April, 1909— Cost of maintenance .... . . $27,965.59 Loss by tire . . £.281.00 Number of alarms responded to, 59. April. 1907, to April. 19oS— Cost of main'enance . . $28,"49.10 Loss by fire in town of Fairbanks. . 1,705.00 Loss by fire on Garden Island . . 1,725.00 Total loss .. $3,430.00 Number of alarms responded to, 53. The hose company traveled 19 miles. 1,500 feet. The hose company laid 29.850 feet .ose. Department out of service 9 hours, 39 minutes. April, 1906. to April. 19"7— The expenditures for the year with the chief and two men only on salary (tie department then run with call men) was $23,736.44. Cost of fire protection. April, 1904. to Apri1, 1906. $13,066.33. PERSONAL MENTION Ole Hjelvick arrived from Glacier City, Wednesday. Dan Green arrived from the Out side on Wednesday. Dr. Danforth, of Chatanika, was in the city during the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Voegtlin re turned on the stage Saturday. Henry Rowe of Nome, was in the city last week en rou'e to Valdez. j. L. Anders, the shooting gallery man, arrived over the trail on Mon day. Sam Newman, the Seattle drum- . mer, left for the Outside, on Men- j day. Monty Gummere of the Ester dome, was in town at the latter end of the week. Carl S'arkenberg, who was Out •side a'l winter, returned to the camp last week. Henry Riley, Harry Monroe and F. J. Kelly left for the Iditarod, on Fri day morning. Ben Drury arrived from Hot Springs on Monday to testify in the district court. Jack McHugh and Pete Jorgen son have tak n a lay on 11 below. Fairbanks creek. The Entre Nous 500 club was en tertained on Saturday afternoon by Mrs. J. A. Healey. A. G. Stamm, of the Yukon Val ley News is reported to be working on a Valdez paper. Tom Lloyd, <f Mount McKinley fame, returned Saturday from a trip to the Outside. Jules Marion, the N. C. company's ■mail agent at Tanana arrived in the city on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Spicer, of Eureka creek, who have been Out side arrived during the week. A. C. Troseth. T. Akrom and A. Brewik, of Cleary creek, arrived from the Outside on Wednesday. J. J. Mullally, of the Pacific Cold Storage corapanv, plans to leave for the big Chena hot springs today. Mrs. Clara E. Wright, who has spent the most of the win'er Out side, arrived on the stage Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Frank Berry, who have been wintering Outside arriv ed on the stage on Saturday even ing. Ole Lakin and Ed Cleary, of Cleary creek, came in from the Outside on Tuesday by way of Val dez. Paul Hopkins, who recently re turned from the Outside will he em ployed as assayer at the American bank. Louis Levy, interested with Bar ney Simon in the clothing business returned from the Outside en Sat unlay. George Baird, formerly foreman for Harry Atwood, on 5 below Pedro has re'urned from a visit to New Zealand. Dr. J. A. Cleveland, who has beer in the Kuvokuk dis'rict for nine years, arrived in the camp during the week. Miss I.enore G. Hyde, a sister cf Mrs. J. J. Crossley, arrived on Sa' urday’s stage and will make her home here Dr Kobron, William Turton, G. G. Lemons. Mrs. Lemons and Mrs. Sie bc left for the Outside cn the stage on Thursday. Archie McBride, cf Coldstream, is one of the recent arrivals from the Outside, where he has been spend ing the winter. Bi'ly McDonough returned from Valdez during the week with a consignment cf 150 cases of eggs and some lemons. N. J Geoghegan and Mrs. Anna I). Mitchell were passengers on the Hot Springs stage which left on Thursday morning. T. L. Murphy, the transportation agent of the N. N. Co., at Tanana, left for down river on the Hot Springs stage Thursday. II. L. Hedrick, who will be the second engineer on the Julia B this coming summer, arrived from Tan ana on Wednesday nigh*. Miss Belle Crosse, a sister of Mrs. Fred A. Martin, arrived on Satur day’s stage and will make an ex tended visit with her sister. Deputy Marshal H. P. Shepard, who brought up tho insane patients, started on his re’urn to his station at Ophir on Friday mormng. Jack Macdonal. of the Mendham jewelry store, left on Fridav after noon for the Iditarod to look over the situation in the lower river camp. Ernest I. Foster and E. Moss, the Seattle drummer, arrived from the Iditarod on Monday night. They made the trip in nine and one-half days. Bob Vinlng, the well known com mission man, came In on Tuesday evening over the Valdez trail, bring ing with him a horse he is ready to match against an> horse in harm -- In the camp. Mr and Mrs Bergman of G hi s'ream came into town Sa'urda t> meet their sister. Miss G ;■ - • ; .ri nison. of Seattle, who am I ,t Friday's stage. Mr and Mrs. (J. \V Spi < r. Mr and M rs Giorge Morrisi n George Shirley. Mr. and Mrs William MeFadden and O W Shirk 1 • f f r Hot Springs on Friday Rev. Btiisi h s’arted ctr dring the week to < ndnet Bas er service- a Netiana. but was forced to turn bai k at the Twelve-Mile 1 ar in at count of the bad trails. .1 II Groves and II nr\ Bro m« who are interested in 'lie Fl-h daim. adjoining Bock'- rich ground on Sullivan, started for the Hot Springs district on Friday. S Howell. Jake Mi Krnz e 1’ Strandie. Olaf Nelson and Charle Van Dyke, most of whom have hecn in attendance on the district court, left for Hot Springs on Fridav. A son was born to Mr. and Mr Jack Woods, at their residence on Fourth avenue near Cowles, on Fri day evening. Dr. Su'hcrland reports mother and boy di ing finch Word has bet ti received to effect that J hn Francis, who wa sen' Outside as an insan patien' !n September. 1!»"!'. lias recovered nd is now w rking in Portland. Frank Griffin, formerly employed at the discovery n adliousp i n Fair banks ereek. is now i mploye 1 in j -he Face Palace, at San Francisi n. I He is married and has two children IF W. Gumm. wh > is interc-'ed [ on Boulder creek, in the II t Spring listriet. arrived during the week from the Outside and plans to start right away for the down river camp Kmil Hultgren. of Kster ertik. who narrowly escaped freezing to death in the Indian river c aintry this winter, arrived in the camp ct Thursday, sh-wing no had resitPs of his experienre. John heights, working for Sam ’lagan at the mottnth of First Chance I -Teek. drove a pick through his f ot in Monday while working in the Irift He was brought to town for i-dical treatment. Tom Cullen and Alex liamilt n eft on Wednesday for the steamer 'ulia B , which is in winter uuar ers below Chena. They will help >ut the lr at in shape for the cani ng season's work. Andrew Norland and Fouls Antler on. of tlie tirm of Anders n Bro-fi rs and Norland, and Ar'hur .'ti'i.r -on. a brother of 'lie Misses Ellen •nd Anna Anders n. arrive I over he trail on Tuesday. Vo’ney Richmond and Boli Mcn-ie 1 if tlie N. (’. company and Jamt V. Hill, who will he the agent of he Wells-Fargo express eompnn •cached Cordova on Friday and will e in town this week S. S. Caruthers and hi- son wen n town on Saturdav. The' ice., | ;ust finished the delivery of ' in ir | applies for the season's work j he homes'eak hydraulic pr pert’e n the Cha'anika river. Mrs. \j Mal’ey, Mr-. A Morgan Mr. I ipd Mrs Chi. Miss Clyde Fat \r'hur Hyde, Charles Suit 1- mi 1 'harks Daws n arrh < 1 from the 'tig Chena hot springs on T>p d vith Tom Roberts. Jink Willis .1 . ante in from the Home calcic The following were he arrh ds • n ''riday evening's stage' A1 \ Sim on Paul Hopkins. W. F. Cocilat; 1. Geo V Bell. Fred Nix. Charles Ju'mi- u. f’t’arles Williams. William Darby Warren R. Thompson, T. P. Beil. C. E. Kern. Fred Huppiek and F. Levy. MARK SULLIVAN'S REMAINS ARE SHIPPED OUTSIDE The remains < f the late Marl Sullivan, who died two weeks ago Thursday, were shipped our on the Orr stage last Thursday, in pursu ance with instructions received from Mrs. Sullivan, who at present is it I Seattle. New Shipment Over-the-Ice Eggs j at Peoples. -- Filed for Record During the Week Monday, March 27. 1911. lot -f I1 l iii'tpn. A Morency .• t; * l.inti v- J' down, iti' t ! I 1.*12. for lower two cr<i k. in'. i-' ■!' Washington Ui-ka lank fi r 3.jn. 1911 I’ er of Attor M tr; ; Hi, pa 'o K. It. Peoples I per ' ' of fi.r 2 al Fairlanks creek. . i : . ■ ■ I ■. No 33, treet. Fair and pay i: • • ITl 1911 i > er oi Attorney, 't .i K. X i - to M K 1’nderwood. .tenoral. M . . I ’ll q C Deed. Mort t c n it. r l.i mons Jl. Mil -i\ti n h it. i r. in the follow ng i , n laitns on Nome of lien' er. Nos. 13 n .1. it, 1 N .... and all interests v la Kai ‘i-hna iii< rii t. x . 9 1 ’111 • Partnership be 11 ii .1 K Slo re. W I. Hnguel. I., \ Fail! irm , F \. Si haul. To mine >1 r oia half of 7 bid w and part i s t clow Fish cro( k. Tuesday. March 23. 1911. X ■ '.. la ■ Partition Deed.! I I! S'nrtevant. P. MrCor a • 1“ W. Httssell and John Mi mic k Mahaliik is to be the own r . f the 1 .a r «7n fci r < f 2 below 'ripple creek and the < titers take he balnnee. in! ■ 11 F*I’ wer of attor ■ii' . At.'. 11< Marly to II Manti , pi : il a- ;o mining property in Ma-ka. wilt power of substitution. Jin. II. 1a' |’n\\ er of Attor :te .1 ah Marty to It. Manti the - Mile its No. 3. J im 11 la ." P wer of Attorney. Mar: in Mart y t IP Manti the ante ns Xo. 33.' a .lull 29. 121 a q (’. Deed. C I., iti i 1 In W. .1. King. $1. All inter f in Invar 7 ,-e< end tier left limit j af Coldstream creek. • rsi. One-half lot 5 block .. lot 1 block IT; one-third interest in Dome group, on Dome creek; three quarter interest in Isabelle. < n Vault cree;k lot 5, block 14 and part of lot 5. block 38. Friday. March 31. 1911. March 3. 1911. Renewal fanati t Valley Railroad Co. to Knit kerb < k er Trust Co. (Trustees) $673... Renewing Chattel Mortgage No 18415. Saturday, April 1, 1911. May 5, 1910.—Q C. Deed. S R Weiss to H. I.epsoe and Kd Slin ning. All interest in Idaho on An act nda creek, tributary of Little Chcna. March 31. 1911. — Rill of Sale T. W. Mucker to .1. A Webb. }1 Cabin and garden used by him as a barber shop at Fox City. Aug. 31. 1909. — Q. C. Deed. F (J. Manley to L. C. Hess. $25u. All , interest in 4 and fraction at 1 left limit Coldstream, 6 above Pedro, l a Twin. 1 anti 2 Granite gulch, tributary of Pedro. July 1. 19'>7. — Q. C Deed. A C. Rice to L. C. Hess. $1. All in terest in the same as No. 33625. April 1. 1911. Q. C. Deed. I). 11 Cascaden to L. C Hess. $1. All in terest in 4 Twin Gulch, tributary Pedro creek. June 8. 1910. — Forfeiture. L. C lit ss to A. G Hell. Forfeiture t f a one-fourth interest in Discovery. FirstChance creek, tributary of Coldstream cret k. dune 8. 1910. Forfeiture. L c Hess *o A. C Chapman. Forfeiture of a one-half interest in Discovery First Chance creek, tributary if Coldstream criek. WITH THE ILL AND INJURED Mrs. Day, wife of the keeper of the clog pound, is down with typhoid fever at St. Joseph’s hospital. I. ouis de Francisco, who was sic k with typhoid fever, has passed the danger p int. Judge Miller, who is slowly recov ering from his long illness expects to leave for the Outside on one of lie early boats. Klmer Carlson, who fell down a > foot shaft <n the Alabama asso ciation mi Vault last Monday and had his uft arm broken above the elbow is getting along nicely. John Conna is slowly getting the use < f his leg at St. Joseph’s. II. H. Huey, the photographt r is hack in the hospital with his in jured knee. Jack Healey, of Fox. who broke his leg eight weeks ago, will be able to leave St. Matthew’s during he week. On the first Monday of next month the local igloo of the Pioneers of Alaska will hold another big sm< k er. It had been intended to hold it wo weeks sc oner, hut this idea was abandoned when it was found that lie St. Matthew’s Shirtwaist dance vas to occur on that day. The moker will be planned on the usual generous scale of the Pioneers’ af fairs and will undoubtedly bo an entertainment well worth while. At the meeting last Monday John Cock, D. . Keller. Daniel Schofield, and Andrew Swanson were initiated into the order. UnwritSen Law Again. FORT WORTH. April 8. The unwritten lawr scored a triumph to day. showing that it works for wo men as well as men, when Mrs. Elizabeth Rrooks was acquitted for killing Mrs. Mary Binford who alien ated the affections of Mrs. Brooks’ husband, after Mrs. Brocks had ad mitted the killing. Wednesday. March 29, 1911. .Man h 2d. 1 Deed. J. P. Sher man to N (' S'cwart. $1. Two-fifths; ii i ri si in Quern Mali. Elizahe'h. 1 Xa'lutinc. S',mart. all on Plait i • K and Pres poet and Homestead; n 'dma iiii"ka i reek, d. • ■ \ Pin. (j (’. D • 1. Th s. ) to J. P. Sherman. $1. < a ' ii ipii ri -i in Queen Mah. i 1 -1 i' i deck. Pi i'S, mil. p wer < f A tor Mi nn .ii ('. S' • '. art to J. P ’la ri an. Power in sc’l the same i- No. i t: 77. • ! m s. ill Power of Attorney, i ; ;. 1 D n to M. .1. Gar n. Ge neral to Ann lee Dam Estate in I Vl-t-'ka. I 111* 7. 1 a. Di l. John Renza ■ II. 11 Mi D i l l. $lv One • ; h i ;a in Owl i n Engi lire r ircili. < 2 1 1 ■. I.ea-e, II Wap. nr. A. \V. 11 i h .nn. C. II. Ward V! 1 i . Th mas, y.I, Ko . I) & S . Ilk. M. Onak. As i 1 i ■ a n'.i a i. f 1 helow . ar k i far 1 ; ear. .: n. • a mil Heal and Chattel ili a . Ed (I'lP ii h and E. Crop . . 1 , 1 $3 i . One , : iir e: e- in d v - eii uppe r one- | t _ iel v. lie I d' Cleary e reek. ■ I a Jim, mil. M i 29. 1911. Chattel Mori-| D. I' t' in a i ■ :o I. P. Sehu ‘". i wo i ll s, s, liar- j (•--•. X-led. due July 1. mil. .V .!■ ii 2a. mil. Dim harge of : • Mjrvn.c. t. M Gilmore to Wor an Discharging inorigage No. 23, .'■ • ia■ 11 -7. lhll Renewal. J. I). McIntyre to X. C. Co. $Sei',.l7 and n eie i re i: it.; chattel mortgage W). ;pit|f2. Thursday, March 30, 1911. March is. mil. — Deed. E. T. nd Isabel Harr. to F. W. la2 in l E. II. Mack t Ilceeiv DAN SLIPPED IN Martin 8 Koon MOVING PICTURE ENTERTAINERS AUDITORIUM WEDNESDAY APRIL 12 He keep faith with the public and exhibit ALL NEW FILMS 25c, 50c and 75c SEATS ON SALE AT HALL'S BOOK STORE MARTI nZ^KOON G.G*G.Go. GHATANIKA WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES And our prices are bettor than you can get by going to Fairbanks WE A c the very best brands of goods Get our prices before Going Elsewhere IF RECEIVER'S SCRIP ON THE W.-A. BANK IS ISSUED WE WILL TAKE IT AT PAR PICTURES WERE EXCELLENT CHINESE CONSUL liRATEFUE One f ih ■ largs st ■ muds of the 1 seas' n auindcd the moving picture .-how stayed by .Martin A Kona.: ,ast Tliui'sda., night anil the pictures were mm li enjoyed. Through the] kindne < . promoters the sch ol i .tdri a • (ft admitted free and the bunch made up a very happy I -owd in tin front ol 'lie house. 'll" ’it-tun - shown '..ere: "A mod-! cm (iindi rc 11a,.i v o Clc\ er i)<■ I-clivcs.' ‘‘ 1!y ti Woman’s Wit." "A Workingman's Dream..The Flash of Light.” "Fighing tile Flames,” j and "'file Country laid.” The election of officers who will serve it 'lie ensning -iv months were elected tit last Tuesday's meeting by the 1 'til camp of the Arctic brotherin oil. The lumiimn ions were made the. same evening as the elee t ion. Aft er the meet ing ret n sh ments were served and a social ses sion held. Foil wing are the offi cers elected: Andie Chief — d. It. Mail - ws. Vice-Arctic Chief- d • M or row. Arctic Chaplain d. K. Chirk. Antic lie. filer H. T. Kay. Keeper if Nugget- It. L. Hebert, j Trustees -d. 10. barrack. W. F. Wliitely. W. ("tit Ik art, C. 10. lJcruud. Hid 11. H. Scales, Man u is. r.m. Kililor nf Ala.-ka Citizen, Sir -'hiwnair Clark has t>« l ive i he following Idler from the lmpe ial Chinese Consul a Seattle: "Se;u tie, Wash., March 7. rail <1 iv Walter K. Clark. Juneau, Ala.-ha. Sir A numln r i f Alaskans hav very gi m idiu-ly contrihu'ed to th funds anil sii|i|iiic \v 1.i• h have hee Ueete 1 and w ng n llee i- I in Scat!le l r tin purpose c si tiding tu the relit 1' of my sufferin '.!lo\v coutr i y men in mu', hern Chin and lienee 1 desire 'o i xpress to thus Alaskans through you the gre£ thank- which mv i • tint rynien fet fur tlu se noble deeds. Y iirs most l'e ..fully. (ilKI.Y DIP. Imp rial t 'him e Consul." It will ! gn ul' appreciated i you will gi\e pa -iu in to this le ■or through the i "'minis of you valuable p..pcr. Kc-pi cifully. W11.1.1 A M 11 i.Ul.I.KU, Secretary i ■ the (iovernor. "How does y our new auto run? "Oh. it runs any old way." "What do men by that?" The other day "hen I was ci. in ii, it ran over a p de rian, ra down a cop and up against th law." lialtimore American Happy Home Canned Goods Gold Shield Coffee Schwabacher Bros & Co., me. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS MHrmnTinim ls NOW A whole claim, hav rKAIillllN ING ANNEXED ADJOINING PROP IlinUIIUli erty. highspire rye is still SELLING AT $1.00 THE BOTTLE. WM. F. KRAMER, Prop. You are Invited to Drop in and Mingle