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in saving NflHI I AP P £ ^^^PPH I I P^\ Our shop Is always in the lead on Dry or Wearables I BBBBBB ■ m ■ BB m ■ ■ ■ ■ m BB ■ ■ m with whatever Is new in the ■ad making BBBBBB B m M Ifl m B M BK m III B| m side markets, sweeping reductions on Depend- j B ■ III B m | MM -1 B ■ II mM U ■ H _% We spare no expense to get the 1VIILL V LflV I LI I UflLLU r,9h1 aoods into our COMMENCE TODAY, MONDAY, APRIL IOTH—LAST ALL WEEK As is our custom, we have made prices exceptionally reasonable for this Easter Sale. Today is your opportunity to take advantage of the saving possibilities that will characterize this sale as the most important shopping event of the season A Suit Special of extraordinary inter est to the provi dent buyer We are showing a line of suits • n the fashi;nab!e materials of ■ : C • Diagonal. Sack Weaves aid Broadcioth. A I sizes in this lot values to $45.CO. At INFANTS' COATS and DRESSES MOTHERS' OPPORTUNITY. Infants Long and Short Coats in Serge. Bedford Cord, Henrietta. Cashmere and Cheviot. Sizes to fit all from S2.00 Upward In'ants' Long and Short Dresses, ,'Zes to 5 years. Come in Linen. Lawn, All-over embroidery and lace: also a complete line of col ored wash dresses in Ginghams. Uhambrey and Galatea. From $1.00 Upward. • SPRING STYLES AMONG THE WASH FABRICS. Here are some of the newest arrivals. MARIETTE GLACE The new popular cross bar fabric for Wash Dieses and Shirtwaists, O' ng Price, 60* SO IE EOUCLE. Handsome bright patterns in the new Black and W'hite. and Blue ar.-J Wi ite Checks. Same ns Out s . e Price 60' HARLEQUIN ZEPHYRS. This season’s New Patterns ex ci any previous showing. Generally sold fer 50 now 25» FRENCH GINGHAMS. CHAM BRAYS AND PERCALES. Re • . . 3 for $1.00 at 25 CH GIN CHAVIS, CHAN BRAYS AND PERCALES. P .i. . r 2: .at . . 17 . Cn . utta Prints . . 12 y. Apron Ginghams . . 10< Sale oi Housefurnishings Prolific in Value 75c on the SI This includes all of our well known and Dependable Line of Housefurnishings. CARPETS, RUGS. LINOLEUMS, MATTING, PORTIERES, COUCH COVERS. BLANKETS, COM FORTS. PILLOW'S, CURTAINS, MADRAS CRETONNES, SHEETS, SLIPS, TOWELS. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY AT 25% OFF Make your own reductions. The New Spring Styles In Suits, Coats. Dresses and Hats are now open for inspection and are the most comprehensive line ever shown by any house in the territory America’s Foremost Garments ARE REPRESNTED IN THIS OPENING DISPLAY AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE PREVAILING IN THIS CAMP Julius Stein Suits, Julius Stein Coats, P. B. Palmer Suits and Coats, Opoznaur Co.’s Famous Lucille Dresses, Siegel's Suits and Coats, Printz Blederman Suits, Edw. C. Burt Shoes, Fisk Hats ALT. NEW, UP-TO-DATE AND THE LATEST WORD IN STYLE Misses' Confirmation Dresses 1 hese come in sizes from 4 yrs. to 14 yrs. in in Allover Embroideries, Linons, Lawns, Nainsooks and Batiste. Trimmed in Val Lace and Em broidery, from S2.50 L'pward Misses' Spring Coats Come in all the new materials, all colors, at a spe cial price, $2.25 "p <° $12.50 Lingerie Kimonos and Wrappers A large assortment in Jap Silks, Embroidered and Lace I rimmed; Empire and Accordeon Pleated Styles, Plain Colors, Blue, Pink, Red, Yellow and White. Values to $25.00 for SI 5.00 A line of Flowered Silk Kimonos, in a great variety of designs. Values to $1 7.50 for $8.75 DRESS and WALKING SKIRTS Special reductions on every skirt in our stock, which will in sure a speedy clearance. Select yours early. Skirts in all the want ed materials, Chiffon, Voile, Pana ma, Serge, Venetian and Diagonal. Colors Navy Blue. Brown, Tan, Victoria. Green. White and Black. LOT 1. Values to $25.00 for SI 5.00 LOT 2. Values to $15.00 for S7.50 Wash Skirts and Petticoats from SI .00 UP-, You’ll soon neecling a sup, v of summer Lingerie. Take advan tage of this sale and save mom*/. COMBINATION SUITS. Come in Corset Cover and Di . ers and Corset Cover and S' .rts. Muslin Drawers. Muslin Chemise. Muslin Corset Covers. Muslin Gowns. Values up to $3.50, Selling a* $1.75 A SACRIFICE SHOE SALE OF EVIDENT BENEFIT TO THE PROVIDENT BUYER Choice of 100 pairs of Women's and Misses' $4.50, $5.00 and vS.OO Shoes. Complete run of sizes. For Monday and Tues :av only, at $3.50 CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES, $2.00, $2.50 and S3.00 RUBBERS AND RUBBER BOOTS. All Sizes. Buy Your Shoes Today, they won't last long. BURT SHOES FOR WOMEN EDUCATOR SHOES FOR CHILDREN IRON CLAD SHOES FOR BOYS WOMEN'S NEW SPRING SHOES in the Latest Short Vainii. H; ’ Top With Patent Leather Cuff. Come In Laco or Button.. Gc Metal, Patent and French Calf. . $6.50, ... 0, - WOMEN'S NEW SPRING DRESS BOOTS. In Tan and Ch Lace or Button . *'/. = 0 WOMEN'S SUEDE BOOTS. In Black and Grey; also Black Pa! Boots, with Colored Suede Tops in Lace or Button ,0 i SUCCESSOR TO :GORDONS; RICHARDSON STARTS. SK.V1 n.K. A|»l i! - Major Hi. !, ard.'on .11 ■ .. i a ■ nuor on the ■:. . • !a- \ r~ !i to night. He is going direct to Seward to arrange f r the work on the ward-Iditar d trail. !■' '~c i.•. ■ <I is tile Head's •laugh'd'. Hatucs: After you have received your dividend walk toward the big sign on Second Avenue marked “Gordon’s” and see the latest things for Easter wear. Caster di)pcmng THIS MORNING, April 1 Oth, at 1 0 o'clock All that is best in the latest Eastern and and boreign productions in Hats, Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists and Gowns ALSO Neckwear, Belts and Bags| Will be found on display at DREDGES COMING THIS SUMMER TWO ARE TO BE SHIPPED AT ONCE BY COMPANY ORGAN IZED BY LEMONS. At least two dredges will be start ed on their way into the camp this summer and it is possible that this number may be increased before the close of navigation. They will be used on Twin, Pedro and Fairbanks creeks on the property tied up by optii us by G. G. Lemons and W. W. Powell, the English company organ ized by the former having signified ils willingness to go through with the deal. One of the options, that on -f above Pedro, has already been taken up and K. M. Courtnay has received the purchase price. All of the money necessary for the taking up of the other options has arrived and is now in the First National bank. These options will be taken up as sooii as the abstracts caii be completed. Mr. Lemons, Dr. ltobson and Wil liam Turton, the two latter stock holders in the English company, are now on their way to California, where they plan to make arrange ments with the Union Iron Works for the building of a big modern dredge for use on Fairbanks creek. A small dredge will be purchased for use on Twin creek, and it Is possible that it may be in actual operation this summer. The dredge for Fairbanks creek will probably , be shipped to the scene of opera-; , tious over the lirst snows of next i winter. Besides practically all of Pedro j c-eek the company has options cu j Fairbanks creek from 5 above to 12 above inclusive, except the upper half of 7; on Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 Moose creek, a tributary of Fair-, banks creek and on Twin creek from ! No. 1 to No. 5. These options expire I' In the early fall but it is probable j' ! that most of them will be taken up1 much earlier as all of the money is ' here and the company can thereby , get a discount. • The authority for the statement in regard to the plans of the com- < pany is Attorney John Dillcn, who ' has charge of its affairs. He states emphatica'ly that there is nothing < now to hinder the deal from going \ through as the company is compos- , ed of some of the richest men in ' England, and the funds at its ccm j mand are ample to swing very much i larger operations. He also states J that the company Is anxious not ‘ alone to get hold of dredge proposi- i tions but will be ready to take hold cf quartz mines just as soon as i they have been fully demonstrated, j Dupree Lance, the engineer of the , company, who arrived about three < weeks ago, has finished his report j to the company, after thoroughly . testing the ground, and the report j is thoroughly satisfactory. He will j remain here to complete the ar- < rangements for receiving the dredg- j es when they arrive. 4 New Shipment Over-the-Ice Eggs j at Peoples. * 4 GOVERNMENT TAKES HAND. OTTAWA. April 8. —- Because of the failure of the miners and own ers ol the coal mines in Western Canada to arrive at any kind of an agreement, the government has is sued orders for both sides to get together without further delay. LANDS HER NINTH HU5RAND BVAN'SVILIiK, lml . March 4. I’oily Ann Weed, a wealthy multi divorcee, aged TO, was married yes terday to her ninth husband, Harri son Strode, aged CO. Mrs. Weed was married when IS years old to James Weed, and at each recurring death or divo-ce she has re'aken Ins name. She divorced husbands .Nos. 2 and 3. Husband No. -1 committed suicide; N s. 5 and b died naturally and left her comfortable estates and consid erable life insurance. Nos. 7 and K she divorced. She said today she had loved all her husbands alike 1 v i,., ase mini was : was glad there v. a . .■ i. <■ : i.. Lawrence H.u n ■ • p.. 1 ■ i (Mtjar ».n Karth. I: t New Shii met • Ov< •••!•. at People.'. ANDERSEN'S DRY GOODS We are open today and you are invited to inspect our new Spring Stock of handsome Tailored Coats and Suits, beautiful Gowns, Dresses, Skirts, Petticoats, Waists, Under wear and Hosiery. Also new Belts, Bags and Novelties of all kinds. Gloves, Veils and Scarfs. A beautiful line of Babies’ Coats, Dresses and Bonnets, and an endless variety of