Newspaper Page Text
Windy in Oregon. PORTLAND Ore April I" High winds have been preval- :. tl:r u out the s'at.- during tl- • a-t hi hours ami a number <>f ai.iiiut have been blown down Free Speach League. ALLANY April 1 - II.. Kr« > Speech league was imorp rated her* today with Leonard Abl.e t. t r«. ~i dent, and llrand Whitlock, major et Tole la Ohio, v ice prcrid.-nt Up'iRirtg in Chin «. LONDON, April t" A seriou. uprising is reported from Canton and already there has luen Id odshc-.t the Tartar gen. ral in command et the troops having bet n murdered Three Negroes Lynched. KLKYILLK. Ga„ April 10 At noon Saturday 1" 1 masked men stormed the county jail and to- k three negroes ou‘ ttnd hanged them. The men were charged with the murder of white people. Glad He Was Soaked. SAN FRANCISCO. April 1 Several ministers of this < itv y< tt*ltJrt,y |rronc hcvl It •* oortMowo • •• praise of the jail semen •• Imposed on Jack Johnson, the prizefighter, for speeding his nut n ->i>ile luster than the law allows. Taft Uncommittal. WASHINGTON. April 1 I't.- t dent Taft declines ..limit him self regarding the < on.-tr f i-.ii t Arizona Will Cut Out All Fees. CHICAGO. April T- One of the first ref-rms Inaugurat'd h> Mayor Carter Harrison will be th- cut-jug off of all fees of city oil.. al.~. mak ing them depend entirely i;* n tIn ir salaries for their pruM - Big Casualty List. PHILADELPHIA \; til 1 istics just puldi-!."'l American au 1..!'.. d a' m . a a yearly in the < m i.< - Pnited S’.ties Railroad Man Passes Out. LONl« >N, April 1 ■ Georf ler. president ot t a .•• - quehanna railroad. die", ■ i today, of heart dist a.-* Is Easily Satisfied. NEW YORK. April 1" I i Hex . Aked. of this city uh > has a* • <',.'*-d — a *ttesrt- ■ ‘at* L.. ' preached his farewell rm ye terday. 1I>- gave thuni.~ to tin- Al mighty for the pro: *min lie weld. of President Taft ami Anil < ■ t r negie, whom he described a lit leadt rs of the movement . 1 ma n al peace. Tokio's Row Destroyed. TOKIO. April 1". Tin- i. fur ious Yoshiwari. the* prim-ii ai n ■ light district of the city, was yes terday destroyed by lire. lendt-nt. more tlian 6.0n0 women homeless. Had a Narrow Escape. ST. LOl'IS, April 10. — Pour mem bers of tlie signal corps and a narrow escape fr m d ath today, the balloon in which they made an ascent dropping rapidly to earth from a considerable distance Af ter striking the ground the* men were dragged for some distance- be fore they could disentangle them selves from the basket, and all were injured. The membt rs of the party were Lieutenants Drew and Hari and Sergeants Bookman and Ober ineycr. Princess Irene Floated. NEW YORK. April lit. — The North German Lloyd steamship Princess Irene has been Hunted. Sev eral large holes were torn in the null of the big ship, bur she can he repaired. Carpenters on PORTLAND. April 11. — Building operations throughou* the entire city are at a standstill today be cause of the strike declared by the carpenters who are demanding a raise in wages of 50 cents a day. Hyde Gets a New JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., April 11. —The supreme court today handed down a decision granting to Dr Hyde a new trial. Revolt in Northern China. LONDON, April 11.—Advices here been received here that the soldiers have revolted in Northern China One Monster Airship. BERLIN, April 11. — Capitalists today organized a company to build an airship which will be able to carry 200 passengers at a trip. Battleships for Pacific. WASHINGTON, April 11. Within the year 10 battleships will be sent to the Pacific coast, to re main on duty there until after the Panama Pacific exhibition at San Francisco. Tom Johnson Passes On. CLEVELAND. O.. April 11. — Torn Loftin Johnson, exmavor of this city died here last night al 9 o’clock after a lingering illness. The deceased was one of the best known men in the United States and he leaves thousands of ardent ad mirers in this state to meurn his loss. Johnson was first elected mayor of this city in 1901 and re-elected in 1903, 1905 and 1907 Speaks Up for Wappy. SEATTLE, April 11. — The man ager of the Pacific Coast company denies that Wappensteiu extorted money from that company. Army Founder Celebrates. LONDON, April 11. — General Booth, head of the Salvation Army, celebrated his 82d birthday yester day. Lorimer Witness Is Dead. MITCHELL, 111., April 11—Form er State Representative Link, who had confessed to accepting a bribe , f to vote for I primer for senator, and who was an important witne.-s against Korimcr in the* r<n gr< ssiotial investigation of l.orimer's i ic'. n. vva.- found dead in a bath tub in his home here ye- erday. Ind ctcd fer Manslaughter. MOW YORK. April 11 — The own r- of the Triangle shirtwaist factory have been held responsible by the grand jury for the death of heir girl employes, the principal wrier- of the factory being indict ed on the t harge of manslaughter. Say It Wasn't Their Fault. l'KRNIK. April 11. — The owners of the coal mines throughout west ern Canada have issued a state ment to the government in which they i laim the strike of the mine workers vva- brought about entirely by themselves, through their refus al to 'rea' with the operators One Defendant Gets Off. SKATTKK. April 11. - Counsel for the I'nitcd States today so ured the dismissal f the indictment against Karl Siegley, one of the de fendants in the Alaska coal lands i'll a i iiiiu «!.li t uu.'plrnt v .11 an alleged attempt to it fraud the government urn ol et r t a in coal lands near Ka alla. When asked f u' an explanation A'torney Townsend, of the govern Hen' staff refused to make a state ment. Will Break Deadlock. DKS .MO INKS, la. April il l'liere will he a night session of the state senate this evening and it is given out on good airhority hat t lie balloting for a Cnited states senator will be e ntinued un il a eh it e has lieen made. Transportation Officials. UH1T1NA. April 11 — The stage .vhieh left Imre ye- erday carried I \Y Hill, tin Alaska manager of W--1I- l-’areo; Murray N' Miles for Al.i-i.a 1 ... ... Daw ( n: Yoltiey lUehnu.ud il.d 1! h Melizio. of 'he N. U Do., md Captains Lemley. McRobins. McCann and .1 \\ Parker. Steamer Turns Turtle. VICTORIA. April 11 The little • 'earner Iropt i-. plying between his point and neighboring small town.; along the const turned tur • Ic yc- erday mar Sydney Twen '■ p.i.- •imers teat bod the shore in -afe-ty. and according to the first ulviees only the purser was drown d. Ltrer advices say that 2u were : iwned. including the captain. Five f the bodies 11 tlie drowned have floated ashore this morning. Quakes in Italy. UOMK. April 11. - Two severe curilwpiuke shocks were felt here at an early hour this morning. No dat age of consequence has been re . ported hut the quake was of great ■extent c \ ry p< rtion of Italy living m ire or le.-a- affected by the shock. MESSINA, April 11. — Earth luake shocks awoke the inhabitants early ibis morning. Taft to Attend Game. WASHINGTON. April 11 — Un less prevented by pressing business at the capitol, President Taft to ! morrow will attend tlie opening game of baseball between Washing ton and tlie Boston Americans. Hailstorm Creates Havoc. NEW ORLEANS, April 12.—Great ■ damage to property and growing ! crops has been done throughout this : section by the hailstorm which vis ited Mississippi yesterday. Forming Aerial Trust. NEW YORK. April 12. The avi j ators are engaged In the formation i of an aerial trust. Treasurer Critically III. AIKEN, S. C., April 12. — George . Terry, assistant treasurer of the t United States, is critically ill at i tliis place with pneumonia. D. A. R. Election. WASHINGTON, April 12. — Mrs. i Matthew Scott is announced as the i tidmistration candidate for the pres ! ideney of the Daughters of the | American Revolution. Socialists Mustn’t Vote. TACOMA. April 12. - The social ist leaders have issued a statement threatening to drum out of the party' i all of those who support either the present mayor, or the public welfare j candidate. Seymour in the recall i election. Factory Owners Indicted. NEW YORK. April 12. — Max Blank and Isaac Harris, owners of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory, in the destination of which 120 work ing girls lost their lives, have been indicted by the grand jury. Actress Dies In Poverty. BOSTON. April 11. — Nellie Brown, once prosperous and a well known actress of this country, died ! here today in abject poverty. Snowstorm in Puget Sound. SEATTLE, April 12. — Snow fell yesterday a!! over the Puget Sound district. Oklahoma Primaries. OKLAHOMA CITY, April 12. — J The first primaries to be held un der the commission form of govern ment were held here today. Jans Warren was selected to head the 1 Republican ticket. To Probe Bakery Trust. NEW YORK. April 12. — Advices received here from Washington are to the effect that the government will immediately begin to investigate the bakery trust recently formed here by John Gates. Say Captain Was Coward. VICTORIA, Apil 12. — An inves tigation into the capsizing of the steamer Iroquois and the loss of 20 of her passengers, has brought out tile fart thn* the shtf'inw of it. tarn i caused the boat to turn tur tie. Witnesses also testified to the cowardly desertion rf Captain Sears and insist the captain availed him self of the first opportunity to es cape Trial is Postponed. VITERHO. April 12 — The Cam orrists have been granted a stay of trial until after Easter Some Steamboat News. DAWSON Ai>ri 1 12 The Can adian Houndary survey is building ’two small s'ei uwhccloro ai tho fou nt' Lake Laberge. One of them will carry food and supplies up 'be !’ r rtipinc river, and the ■ thor will •ake a load from Yuk- n Cro-sing to Dawson and the lower camp as soon as the river breaks The Daw.-on will he the first boat of tin- season • 1 tho Yukon river licet, and will leave Yukon On ssing in about four w eeks. Dr. Hyde Much Pleased. KANSAS CITY. April 12. Dr Hyde is vastly pleased at the news tlmt he is to have a new trial He gives the c redit for the result to his if . who hna worked unceasingly to that end. He has been remanded to the care of the sheriff without hail, and his wife is permitted to visit him at will. I.OS ANGELES. April 12. Mrs. I. C. Swope, the sister-in-law of the millionaire refuses to discuss the ro i opening of the Hyde case. Prince Makes Long Flight. DARMSTADT. April 12 - Prime llonrv of Prussia, yesterday ma !e i long (light witt) Aviator Euler. He was up in the air for nearly an hour Municipal Newspaper. .MILWAUKEE. April 12. A daily paper will soon make its ap pearance under the direction of the municipal government, whi'di 4 present dominated ly the f4 1 '14 4 Democrats. DIack and White for Canada. Cl"! HIDE, April 12. On< him dred negroes left here lodtr fnt Canada, where ihe> "ill huild m" hemes. ST. JOHNS. April 12. five hundred immigrant Iron Britain arrived here enrou'-■ nrstrill provinces. Puzzle Expert Dies. NEW YORK. April 12 Samuel Lloyd, the puzzle expert, whose puz zles in the Sunday papers haw- at tracted attention of r.-.tders all vet' the United State. . died here yesterday at the ripe old age ot seventy years. Fairbanks Boy Drowned. SEATTLE, April 12. Joseph M< Cluskcy, a student of the University of Washington, was drowned in Lake Washington today. For several years past McOluske? had mined in the Fairbanks dis trict and on Kenai peninsula, and there he saved the money with which he was obtaining an educa tion at the time of his dea lt Couldn't Break Deadlock. DES MOINES, April 12.—The state senate adjourned this morning for a few hours rest. The night ses sion called for the purpose of bal loting for a United States senator, was without result, although the balloting was continued throughout the entire night. Baseball Season Opens. SEATTLE, April 12.—The _ba.-e imll s. asun begins today. Of the Nationals, Brooklyn "ill ploy the Bostons at the lifer cite, Philadelphia will meet New York at Manhattan; Pittsburg will play at Cincinnati and the Chicago and St. Louis teams will me t in the Windy City. The New York Americans "ill open the season at Philadelphia; the Bostons at Washington. Chicago at Detroit and Cleveland at St. Louis. No Reform in That. RICHMOND, April 12. — Reuben Hill, the negro cashier of the sav ings bank of the United Order of True Reformers, has disappeared and an investigation of the books at the bank, shows that there is a shortage of more than $30,000. Kidnaped Own Nephew. LAS VEGAS, N. M.. April 12 — Will Rogers, uncle of Waldo Rogers, the boy who was kidnaped several weeks ago. and for whose recovery a large ransom was paid by the par ents, was arrested today as the re sult of the confession of his con federate. Joe Wiggins, an ex-eon vict. . The uncle is accused of complicity in the abduction, it being claimed that tiis share of the rans on was $12,000. it is understood that he has' expressed a willingness to return the money providing the case against him is dropped. Much Freight at Laberge. DAWSON, April 12. — Arrivals from Whitehorse report that there are 800 tons of freight now crossing Lake Laberge for shipment from the foot of Laberge as soon as the river breaks. The freight is making good progress, owing to the the pro longed cold weather, which reaches 20 below every night, and the freight will all be there in time. Almost the entire lot Is for Fairbanks and Iditarod by the first boats. Cremated En Temple. BOMBAY, April 12. — During the observance of one of the feast days in one of the largest temples in this city, 200 women and children were yesterday cremated as the result of their inability to escape from the burning building, which burst sud denly into flames. Cholera in Hawaii. HONOLULU, April 13. — Great ' " '' 1 i ‘'.'o- throughout the 1 the discovery yes of several m. r. ases of \ but two or *htee ntrai ed the drewt disenst the cases bring i i It and recently im port*-! Filipinos Champagne Riots. DAMKIIV F mi r. April 13. — As result of triable over prices be tween the viat •>aril 1sts and the sell 0- i oham'-imie. in the province I m ■ p« . ,wer vest onlay en . .. I !■ • an- and emptied the Hi,:- tr of tip r vats into the streets and ihrci'f!.. -lie merchants with violent o. 1’AKIS A; | l:: - The early ’ ri it - re a - indicate a spread f he ''oin i no riots throughout i'r.iti ■ ai.d ■ 1 it i■ ■ i-iI soldiers have 1- ' : ..!•■:■ d ai i.i quell tlie dls i arbanee i: i ’F!{N \ 1 April 13. Soldiers loir: ■ d l.ampagne rioters and "'aii of e*.i . . re injured. I’AUIS N . i! la The govern mtnf I- a a o'er the rioting Defaulter Commits Suicide. FOlFi I.ANP April 13. fills how z. a in. sti" ! lliis city, has dig eared i sought by ttie ].o '1 t l " i'z Pet time involved ill business transaction s • ! pi" 1. let' i he tii> bet ween *vo days. ['i:\vi:i: April it iius i.owitz, t! • I* i"!;" merchant, who skip ied ' : i that city bet ause of tinan ial nit.P ul today jumped from he third st rv window of his hot el. ' tie lie wa- hiding from the au ti ri' it -. and a-, crushed to death. Trial Wm Be Long One. VITERBO \ ril l- it is pre ' i- ■ '! (lilt '■ I 111 lit till- OnnnnnrLtil .ill li-i t' i .. ir before all the caxi n eti of. Sum ; 'or Damages. XKW YORK April 13 K®1* .. of ihe shirtwaist it: t i1111oil heavy a -ail t the owners of 'he pi: t". C -' oes in the South. st. i.'oits. \inil 13. — A cyclone violence sw spt across •, ,ii- of Missouri last today show tha Oklahoma were also in ip ruction. So far, i r, n p-p of the death of be wren ~ -.-•** people. AT.. OKI.NS. April 13. — A .is weeping across the , p.p ; ■ o, and it is thought man-,- - ... a - have been wreck , i p'l ti... • .n:i, which came on with unusual suddenness. Has Had All He Wants. WASHINGTON, April 13. — Sen op.. I : -p. 1:111 *1111, of Colorado, am i.i.i-i.t ay that senatorial work il r mi' appeal to him, and -p i) iu w ill a let* no circumstances in- a cainiiiia'" for re-election. Williams No Deserter. Xi;\Y oKi.iiANS. April 13.—Army 0i;:,.tr (p i - ory that Colonel Williams, the dead rebel leader, was a dcsi-ru r from the United States. Taft Invited to Seattle. WASHINGTON. April 13. — i’res iileni Taft toiaty received an invi tation iron i the people of Seattle, . hroi;--!! the Commercial club, to j vjii that cit; during the coming fall . a h( ■ asion or i he Indus trial i-vp' i-: i ion which it is proposed I) Hold there at that time. Army Officer a Burglar. SAN UK AAP TSCO. April 13. — Captain Urank Cook, of the regular ai my. iii . (l.iio-croitsly wounded at tin (ir. li , i :il. He lmd been on u j -,' r.o p“l spree, and when dis covered by a nightwatchman, was in tin- aci of breaking into a small grocery -lore. When asked what lie wu.- 1 r. iug to Uo, Cook made a rush for the nightwatchman, who was compelled to shoot him in self protection. Kidnapers Committed. I .AS A EGAS, April 13. — Will | Rogers ami Joe Wiggins were to day bound over to the grand Jury ! on the charge of kidnaping. The j child figuring in the case is the j nephew of Rogers. Wiggins, who is an ex-convict, confessed and impli-j ca'ed Rogers. Gives Much to Charity. CHICAGO. s.pril 13. — It is un ib rsto d that James Patten, the wheat gambler, has given away over J2.000,bin) to various charitable in stitutions doing the past two months. Pioneer D es in Bathtub. BERKELEY, April 13. — Garland i Dugan, an old-time resident of this city and a man known to nearly ! everyone in t uis part of the state, I was found dead this morning in a 1 bath tub at his home. General Greely Selected. WASHINGTON. April 13. — Ma- i jor-Geueral A W. Greely, retired, has been selected as the peace rep-1 rcsentative i i tlit; United States at1 ihe coronation of King George IV. j Dr. Hyde Asks for Bail. KANSAS CITY, April 13. — The ! attorneys of )r. Hyde are seeking' his release on bail, pending his - new trial for the murder of Million- j aire Swope. Editor is Oh Trial. SEATTLE, April 13. — The trial j of Editor Duij. who was indicted by the late grand Jury for libel, was begun yesterday. Leave for Coronation. TOKIO, April 13. — Prince Ngy; and General .Yogi left for England today to attend the coronation of King George Colorado Deadlock. DENVER. April 13. — The dead lock still continues, and there Is no indication tlint the legislature will he able to elect a senator Tom Johnson’s Funeral. CLEVELAND. April 13 The funemi of former Major Typi I. Johnson, which was held lore >< terday. was attended hy more than 1.'o.imo imople The body was prepared for ship ment to Brooklyn, "here the re maths will he interred Federal Offic als Go Home. SEATTLE. April 13. — Federal Agents Townsend and Rust, who have been here on business connect ed with the prosecution of tlie coal cases, are returning to their posts today Time to Plead Extended. SEATTLE. April 13 Former Police Chief Wappensteiu, who is under indictment f r gracing while in office, has been given until Sat urday to plead. Nevada Hotel Burns. GOLDFIELD, April 13. The ’•terchants’ hotel, the largest hotel in Ni-roda. was totallv destroyed by Arc last night. Cliff Bullong. a former Alaskan, was the proprietor of the Merchants’. l_,,I'I”mer Governor Dies. ATlHIoU.N, \pQp mer Governor Geilick of this stan died here today. Women City Officials. MCXXEWELL, Has.. April 13 — Mayor-elect Ella Wilcox took her oath of office today, and Rosa Os born accepted the position of chief . f police, which was tendered her hy the mayor. Miss Osborn stipulat ed she should have a male assist ant Urges Commission Form. TRENTON, N. J.. April 13. — In a special message to the legislature Governor Woodrow Wilson urges tbit a bill be passed compelling a commission form of government in all the municipalities of the -da’e. Banker a Bankrupt. NEW YORRK, April 14. Will iam Cimmins, the former head of the Carnegie Trust company which fail i d recently for such large am tints, today Hied a petition in bankruptcy to escape from his share of the losses He gives his liabilities at $.■>.000,000 and his assets at $100,000, and says that he can pay 10 per cent of his debts. Remains Laid to Rest. BROOKLYN, April 14. — The re mains of Tom Johnson, of Cleveland, were laid to rest yesterday in <;reen\vouu ttmvtvL'. n course attended the last sad rites to the distinguished Ohioan. Fnrgiv^Q .luHas Iscariot. BOISE, April 14 — Mrs. Steunen berg, widow of the former governor f Idaho who was murdered by a charge of dynamite pi. nted by Har ry Orchard, visited Orchard at tlie prison here today and conveyed to him her forgiveness f r the intfder of her husband. Orchard, however, did not appear to tie at all moved by her forgiveness. In Re Lorimer Case. SPRINGFIELD, April II. — Spec ial Investigator Lean, of the senate committee, who is m charge of the Lorimer investigation, today pre sented to the legislature affidavits which prove the truth cf the state ment that members cf the legislature received $100,000 for electing Lori mer to the United States senate. Hillman Raises Bail. SEATTLE, April 14 — C. D. Hillman, the realty agent convicted of using tlie United States mails to defraud investors and who is now in jail here, has raised $211,000 bail to secure his release pending his appeal to the higher court for a new trial. First Copper Welcomed. SEATTLE. April 14. — The whis iles of Seattle blew a great welcome to the Northwestern last evening, when .t arrived from the North with the first shipment of copper to be brought here from the mines of Alaska. Folk to Make Talk. SEATTLE. April 14. — Former Governor Folk of Missouri will ad dress the Democrats of this city on Monday night next, and a great reception is being prepared for the distinguished Missourian. To Study Bird Life. WASHINGTON, April 14. - The Smithsonian institute will send out scientists who will spend the en tire summer in the Aleutian islands studying bird life there. Tacomans Coming Here. TACOMA. April 14. — One hun dred business men will invade all parts of Alaska in July next, all of them being from Tacoma and after business in the north. Marriage Restrictions. VANCOUVER. Ap-il 14. — The courts of British Columbia have der ruled that it Is unlawful for a brother to marry the widow of ills dead brother. Women Detectives There. MINNEAPOLIS, April 14. — Wo men detectives will be added to the police department of this city at once. Cyclone Destroys Town. ST. LOUIS, April 14. — Advices received here state that the little town of Valley Mines was complete ly wiped out by a cyclone last eve ning. Soldiers Check Riots. EPERNAY, France, April 14.— French troops arrived here today and have effectively checked the champagne rioters. Sunny Jim Buys Box. WASHINGTON, April 14. — Vice President Sherman has purchased a box for the baseball season in this city. Town Wiped Out. PAWHUSKA, April 14. — One thousand people were rendered home less yesterday by a cyclone which destroyed the town of Big Heart. Oregon Secretary III. REDLANDS, Cal., April 14. — Sec retary of State Benson, cf Oregon, is set iously ill in this city. Blizzard in Mid West. ST. PAUL, April 15 — A fierce! blizzard is raging over North and [ South Dakota and Minnesota today. Honduran War Minister. NEW ORLEANS. April 13. — Ac cording to late advices received here. Raphael Uuiterrez has been ap pointed minister of war in Hondur as. Bad State of Affairs. WASHINGTON, April 13. — I'rcs Jdent Taft today received from Commissioner General of Immlgra •ion Keefe. I lie statement that the majority of the residents of the Hawaiian islands are literally slave* to the sugar growers In the sugar trust, and that t.e Japanese work ers In the plantati ns. of whom there are many, are ready at any and all times to head an attack against America If war Is declared against this country by Japan Giants Lose Grand Stand. NEW YORK. April 14 — Fire yesterday destroyed the great double dock grandstand and right-field bleachers at the National league bal park, at 4he I’olo Grounds, resulting in a loss that will easily react] $100,000. A high wind was blowing at thr i time the lire was discovered and ii was with the greatest difficulty thal i lie flames wire rhecked before they had spread to the buildings sur n unding the park. The erection ol a new grandstand, larger and bettei I even than the one destroyed, wll ! !>e started immediately. Strikers' Side Heard. ol I AW A, A pin IS. Tho Olriu ing coal miners of Western Caaaili have appealed to the government ti I compel ti.e operators to meet thi n halt-way in their efforts to terminati he strike. The miners deny tin charges of the owners that they re fused to arbitrate claiming tha hey have at all times been willini .to do so. Editor Is Not Guilty. SEATTLE April 14. — Frank C Doig, editor of the Seattle Star, vvh< was indicted on a charge of erim ' inal libel in connection with the re ; cent recall of former Mayor Hi Gill ! was yesterday found not guilty Clark Does Wonders. WASHINGTON. April 14. — Gov | ernor Walter E. Clark, of Alaska held a conference with Attorney i General Wiekersham yesterday, ont of the results of which is the prom | iso of the attorney-general to gram i in salaries of certain of th< minor court employes < f the foul judicial districts of Alaska. The gov ernor has the assurance of the re j establishment of the Indian polica in Southeastern Alaska to aid the 1 present officers in stopping the sale of liquor to the natives. Preparing for Peace. VICTORIA. April 14. — It is ru flioreu l Itcl l Japan IS |Mc|>arluh «. expend $200,000,000 in the building of new battleships and in strength cuing her defenses. Jefferson Banquets. HARRISBURG, April 14. Sena tor Gore was the principal speakei at the Jefferson banquet held here last night. WASHINGTON, April 14. — Tht College Men's Democratic leagu« gave a banquet here last night it honor of the third president of the United States. Champ Clark de livered the address of the evening and was given a great ovation. Tin new speaker of the house spoke It , praise cf Jefferson, describing bin '• as a scholar and a statesman. Ffsher May Come Here. WASHINGTON, April 14. — Wal ter L. Fisher. secretary of 4lie inter J ior, has promised to include Alaskf in his coming tour if he can span the time to visit the territory. German Ammbassador Quits. WASHINGTON, April 15. — Am bassador to Germany Hill resigned his office today, the resignation tc take effect July 1. President Taft ! accepted his resignation, for which I no cause is given. Treasurer Terry Dies. AIKEN, S. C„ April 15. — George Terry, assistant treasurer of the United States at New York, died here today of diabetes. Are Selecting Sites. SAN FRANCISCO. April 15. — The -election of sites for the buildings for the exposition of 1915 began yes terday. Duke of Connaught Dying. LONDON, April 15. — The duke of Connaught is dying of bronchial troubles. Attorney in Trouble. NEW YORK, April 15. — Attorney James O'Reilly, formerly the attor ney of Harry Thaw, surrendered to day to the warrant Issued upon the charge that he acted as the go-be tween in restoring $85,000 worth of stolen securities to Aaron Bancroft, and then dividing the reward of $5,000 with the thieves. Bq Griff Is Coming. CHITINA. April 15. — The passen gers leaving here on yesterday's stage were E. W. Griffin. Louis Gar Tinkle. Joe Sterling, II. W Atwood, A. A. Pucher. M. E. LeBlanc, F. Breen. Julia Contard and I’ora Burke. More Bribery Charges. NEW YORK. April 15. — There will probably be an Investigation of the alleged bribery of legislators to secure their vote for Sheehan for United States senator from this state. To Probe Third Degree. SEATTLE, April 15.—The city council will investigate the alleged brutality of the police in adminis tering the third degree to their pris oners and suspects. Rioting Has Ceased. PARIS, April 15. — The riots at Champagne have ceased, the strik ers being awed by the soldiers. Cudahy to Wed. SAN FRANCISCO, April 15. — Ed ward Cudahy will wed leonore brewer on the 25th of this month. Denman Thompson Dead. WEST SWANAY, N, H, April 15. —Denman Thompson, the famous ac tor, died at his home here today, aged 78. He created the character of Joshua Whitcomb, which play he afterward remodeled into "The Old Homestead." City Is In Mourning. PORTLAND, April 15. — The city is in mourning for Secretary of State Benson who died in Galifornia today. REDLANDS, April 15. — Frank Benson, secretary of state for Ore gop. died here today of kidney trouble For Direct Election. BOSTON, April 15. — The state 'l representatives yt- erday voted sol Idly f r the election of Fnlteil States senators tiy direct v te of Un people Congressional Matters WASHINGTON. April II Dele gate Wit kersliani will continue to occupy a place on the territorial < mmittee and the committee on military. Former Speaker of the House ttit:01 ! : 1 ■ n given a place on tlie approprlatl n . mmlt te<> and Victor I.. Hetrer. the Sot dal lst-Demot rat w ill he a member of the District of Columbia commit tee WASHINGTON. April 11 Con gressman Calmer reports that there are scores if employ's ■ n the pay rolls of the house and sena’e who actually perform no labor, and that they should be cm oft the payrolls. WASHINGTON. April 12. At a ' caucus held by the Democrats last night, a program was outlined for I the special session. Canadian recl : procity w ill he taken up Immediate iy WASHINGTON, April 12. For the first time in the hist ry of the American congress, the house of rep ' resentatives yesterday elected its own committees, which wire the (same committee* st-i<-rted hv th« (j Democrats. , WASHINGTON. April 12 Rep , resentative Humphrey has recent , mended that Major Glassford, form erly in charge of th Alaska cable service, he promoted to succeed . Central James Allen, wh'se detail expires in a few months. WASHINGTON. April 12. Breaking all precedin'- of t tigress, the house today adopted resolutions Con the death of former Mayor Tom Johnson of Cleveland | WASHINGTON. April 1.: The house is expected to call up the j reciprocity hill tom rrow and the senate .s due to consider it the first I of next week. WASHINGTON. April II The hill providing for t lie ebetion of United Stales senators by direct 1 vote was yesterday paved by the house anil doubtless will be taken up by the senate during the coining week. The matter was brought up j by the Democrats and passed with J out serious opposite n. It was announced by the Demo crats today t lint the scope of the j proposed tariff reform would lie ex ■ tended, which is taken to mean that ! the whole schedule will lie taken ! up and revised. WASHINGTON. April II Wil J liam Woodville Hrckhill was vester \ nay nominated as ambassador to 'itirkey, succeeding Otar s Strauss j Curtis Guild, Jr., sou of the founder land editor of the Bn.-ton Commercial Bulletin, lias been named to sut ct ed Rockhill as ambassador to Russia. WASHINGTON, April 14, - The new ways anti means committee last night favorably reported the reci procity bill to the house. WASHINGTON, April It - Sena tor Raynor in a speech in the sen ate yesterday lashed I’res'dent Taft unmercifully for his Mexican policy, : saying that the Monroe doctrine | does not cover such procedure as that pursued by the president in the Mexican case. WASHINGTON. April 11. — The j house today agreed to examine the proposed constitutional amendment fer the direct election ot' senators j by the people, and to then vote ui>on j it within a few davs. ; WASHINGTON. April It. — Fob ! lowing the election of Kenyon to the j senate, it is believed there are enough senators inclined that way to unseat f.orimer. Advices re j ceived front Kenyon, however, state | that he will not take his seat in the I senate until he has pr< se u ed lev eral important anti-trust cases with which tie is connected. WASHINGTON. April 11. — South Carolina Republicans last night launched the presidential boom of President Taft. NEW YORK. April 14. — The boom for Governor Woo Irow Wilson of New Jersey for next president cf the United States was launched at the Jeffersonian dinner last night in New Jersey. HELENA, April 1 I — Before de parting for Madison. Theodore Roosevelt stated here that it is Governor Wilson of New Jersey whom the people of America wish for their next president, and not ; Theodore Roosevelt. INDIANAPOLIS, April 14. — Gov ' ernors Wilson and Marshal were the star attractions at the National Democratic banquet held here last evening. They were given a great reception. WASHINGTON, April IT - The lengthy debate on the reciprocity bill which was to be expected, has been limited to four days in the house. Joe Cannon today announced that he will fight the reciprocity meas ure to the death. WASHINGTON, April IT — Rep resentative Tucker introduced in the house this morning a bill providing for the publication of the campaign i expenses of all candidates, and the house this afternoon passed the ■ bill unanimously. ANNEXATION Discouraged at the manner In which Alaska is treated at Washing ton, petitions from all over the dis trict are being sent to President Taft asking that the United States government release Alaska in order that she may be annexed to Cana da. This is a bold move on the part of Alaskans, but they have been driven to it by the treatment ac i corded that district at the national I capital. There is one thing that 1 would have to he considered in I turning Alaska over to Canada, and that would he Majcr Wilds P. Kic-h ! ardson’s job as road commissioner. : Of course, Wild P might also be j annexed, but being a Texan, suh, : he might have something to say | on tnat subject. At any rate, it would be ten times better for Alas ka to belong to Canada than to re main as she is, the subject cf more government prostitution than lias I ever before been visited on any | country since the dawn of civiliza ! tjon.—Whitehorse Star. Can’t Be Beat. "Oh, yes, we have a wonderful climate,” said the man from South ern Texas. "Why. only last season we raised a pumpkin so large that after sawing it in two my wife used tne halves as cradles in which to rock the babies." "Yes,” replied the man from New York, “but in ray state it's a com njen thing to find three full grown policemen asleep on one beat.”— Lippincott.