HHHEI THE ALASKA CITIZEN 1 WmW^ VOLLVE II. FAIRBANKS. ALASKA. MONDAY. JUNE 5. 1911. NUMBER 14 HOW lit LEAGUES STAND LEADERS OF A WEEK AGO MAIN TAIN THEIR PRIDE OF PLACE. ATHLETICS ARE COMING STRONG World's Champions Arc Rapidly Overhauling the Detroit Tigers. Who Get Away With Such a Re markable Burst of Speed. SKAT’I I.K. June J — Little « Mange is apparent In the standing of the dubs in the thtce leagues. X* w York and Chicago maintaining th»ir plates in the National and Detroit and Philadelphia in the American The Athletic* had a \erv good week gaining very con siderahly on 'he Tigers Spokane retains the lead in the Northwest ern The full standing follows American League. non i .out rri Detroit 24 11 .735 Philadelphia 31 16 659 Boston 2;: 19 4 s (’hit ag • 21 is 539 New York 21 21 .500 (’leveland lv 27 400 Washington 15 2 s 349 St Louis 13 2S 317 National League. Won. Lost. Pet. New York 26 15 634 ('hi< ago . 25 16 .610 Philadelphia 26 17 .604 Pittsburg 24 IS 571 St Louis 21 2m 512 Pin* inuHMi 19 22 463 Pro kiwi 16. 26, 3K1 Boston .11 32 256 Northwestern League. Won Lost Pt t Sp -kane 29 13 ,69m '! :i* onin . 27 is 600 Y;o ouv- i 26 19 577 Por land 19 23 .452 Seattle D* 24 44* > ietoria 11 32 .25 • Bill STRIKE IN VANCOUVER Business Stagnation is Threatened In Canadian Town Today. [The Citizen Special Service.) VANVurVKK June I If the promises of the laboring men art made good this city. in an industrial sense. will be tied up com pletely tomorrow when the gigantic strike starts Sevelal mysterious explosions in uncom pleted buildings took place last night and they are attributed to the labor element, although the police are completely at sea and can tind no clues to the perpetrators of the out rages. Some "2 labor unions will be involved in the strike and there will be absolute stagnation in trade if the general strike actually goes into operation. HONOR JEFF DAVIS. MOmi.lC. Ala.. Juno 3 The one hundred and third anniversary of the birth of Jefferson Davis was observed in this city today. •>. NASHVILLE. Tonn . June 3. Jef ferson Davis' birthday was observed today throughout all of the sur rounding district. NEW ORLEANS June 3. Today is being generally observed as a holiday in honor of the birth ot Jefferson Davis. MACON. Ga.. June 3. — Thous ands cf Southern patriots gathered here today to witness the unveiling of the Davis monument. IMPORTANT JF_IT IS TRUE Iron Worker's Sensational Confes sion Implicates McNamara. [The Citizen Special Service.| . MUSKOGEE. June L John De laney. a member of the Structural : ironworkers’ union, today confessed -that he had been employed by John McNamara, the secretary of the union, for months to travel through the country and carefully inspect structures being erected with non . union labor. His particular duty was. he claims, to mark the spots where dynamite could he employed to the best advantage to wreck the build ings The alleged confession has created a profound sensation here. . • TIMES AFTER P.-l. SEATTLE. June 3. Proprietor Wilson. Editor Braiuerd and Busi ness Manager Chapin of the Post Intelligencer today pleaded not guil ty to the charge of criminally li beling the management of the Times, and they have been remanded for ’..trial. In addition to bringing the criminal charge against the three members of the P.-l. staff, the man agement of the Times has also in stituted a civil suit against their rivals in the local newspaper field, and if the criminal charge can be ■' made to stick, they will endeavor in addition to collect $100,000. POLICE CHIEF SENTENCED. [The Citizen Special Service.) NEW ORLEANS. June 4 — Ed ward Whitaker, formerly chief of po lice of'this city, has been sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary on conviction of crimes involving young girls. must Dissolve at once. WASHINGTON. June 3. — The final action taken by the supreme court before adjourning for the sum mer vacation was the issuance of a mandate to the circuit court of Mis souri. directing that bcdy to put in to effect immediately the order pro viding for the dissolution cf the Standard Oil combine. TO IMPRESS HIS BRIDE. [The Citizen Special Service.! HARTFORD. Conn . June 4 Brant Valdehurg. protnin. nt social D. admitted today on being arrested that he was guilty of stealing large utr.s of money from a lodge of which he was an officer for the pus p >e of making a big showing with his bride He was taking her on a 'I'Vtulid honeymoon when he was arrested His wife is prostrated and he in jail being unable to s*»< lire t ai. TRIAL IS POSTPONED. 'The Citizen Special Service.1 VITKRBO. June 4 — Owing to the illness of one of the jurors engaged in the trial cf the Oamorrists there has been a postponement taken until next Wednesday i he case still con tinues to be a great sensation tbrough< ut the country and every day the seats in the court room are eagerly sought by the crowds at traded here by the trial NOTES PRESIDENT IS OFFERED LAND IN WASHINGTON FOR SUM MER HOME. ROOSEVELT MAY BE WITNESS There Is a Probability That He Will Be Called On To Tell W at He Knows Regarding the Operations of the Steel Trust. Th»* Citi/tn Special Service.) WASHINGTON. June 4 The sen ate committee will tomorrow consid er the request < l Senator Lorimer that he he allowed to give testimony in his own behalf. There is a strong probability that 1 heodore R osevolt will he sum moned to give Testimony in the in vestigation of the steel trust that is pending. President Taft today cabled con gratulations on their birthday anni versaries to King George and King Frederic. The president today received a generous offer of 200 acres ( f land on Lake Pen d'Oreille. near Spokane for a summer home. WASHINGTON. June 3. Form terday it was decided to turn the the investiga*ion of Senator Lori iner over to the sub-committee on privileges and elections, and today the members have begun active preparations to take up the matter. WASHINGTON. June 3. It is an nounced today that a majority of the party leaders have decided to put the Fnderwood tariff bill through immediately. TO GRUBSTAKE MINERS. i The Citizen Special Service, j DKNVFR. June 4. — '1 he Chamber of Commerce orts a splendid time. He intends to reopen for business here shortly. On the steamer General Jacobs, which arrived early Tuesday morn ing were Lieutenant Kingman and family, Mrs. Paterson. Miss Schae fer. Clerk of the Court C. C. Page, and Deputy Marshal P G. Charles. FRENCHMEN Lire LONGER. IThe Citizen Soecial Service. 1 l'AIMS June 4. Statistics re •« n11 > compiled show i hat the dura ti n of life in Frame has increased 2" per cent . the average now lielnti 4s years NEW WASHINGTON LAWS. I The Citizen f.necal Service. I SF Vm.lv. June 4 On Thnrs da> n the state law limiting the working day for women to eight hnir- will -M iit'o effect, a- will alsc the law permitting tit" sale of cigar cites to adults. BIG DEPOT READY. Tre Citizen Srecial Service.! CHICAGO. June 4 The new $23.i»mi,.. depot in the Chicago Xorthwt stern Railr vul company will be thrown open to the public tomor row with appr■piia'e exercises to I e ':iK■ n pan in l«\ nm.' of tin prominent railroad non in Go- Mid die West. GREAT COMMONER CAME OUT FLATFOOTED AT Si. PAUL CONFERENCE. TO BE PLANK III PLATFORM Tnor.e Who Were In Attendance As sert That There Is No Doubt Alaska's Welfare Will Be Attended To By the Democrats. | The Citizen Special Service.} SKATTU!. .Inlit* l. Tin* hcino j e ra's uii , wriii from here »o tin* Si I 'mil c nfen m stall* t hat Will iam .lenninm- liryaii wont on rout'd unlit - .-if 51 * intP in favor of hntm* rule for Alaska Tin* opinion pn vails hat his will undotihtodly ho made a plank of in IV:m «• i;t!i< plivfnrm aeain next year. T A FI OPTIMISTIC. | Tt.e Citizen Soecial Service.] i UH’AdO .Tunc I. Presided Taft. in an add! • deliver* 1 here ne t nieht predic : d tha' tIn* reci proeity lull will pass without any trouhl. II-' in'lmated that tin* only opposition h«* antieipaied would i* in* • from the lumber interests DIAZ IN CUBA. I The Citizen Soecir.l Service.1 HAVANA June i I'nrfiri I iia/. I'on.n rh pn i ;i:t of Mexico, i ni : i>. «•«i hep unlay. I’:i.- the work of enforcing the ab surd regulations «» :t ridiculous ex treme. is the opinion of F. (’ Million, a former juris!, who for the past three months ha- been hunting in the X*Tth. LIGHTNING HIT OIL. I The Citizen Special Service.1 XFW ORLFAXS. June I. Thirty thousand barrels of oil were destroy ed this morning when the tanks were struck by lighting. For a time it appeared certain that many of the adjacent buildings would be destroy ed but a favorable wind headed off this calamity. MOVING PICTURES THURSDAY As good a moving picture show as was presented last week is prom ised b> Martin Koon for next Thursday, and everybody that was present last Wednesday admitted i hat no better pictures were ever exhibited here. Of course, all of the pictures will he new and there will j be a generous proportion < f the comic ones which have pleased so well. Tickets will he on sale at Hall’s Bookstore and can be obtain ed at popular prices. TO PROBE BANK SCANDALS. ]The Citizen Special Service. | ALBANY. June I. Governor l)ix has issued orders to George Van Tuyl. the newly appointed state bank examiner, to investigate l.'» hank scandals which have occurred in the state under the Republican reg ime. SMOKE OFF TO LONDON. TThe Citizen Special Service. 1 CHICAGO, June 4. — Jack John son and his wife will leave here for New York in the morning. From there they will go to London to he present while the coronation is in progress. MiECTOSl RESTLESS IN SPITE OF PEACE BEING OE CLARED THEY ARE IN FIGHTING MOOD. NEAR-ANARCHY IS PREVAILING In Juarez a State of Terror Is Pre vailing and Unless They Are Soon Disarmed More Trouble Is Cer tain. The Citizen Special Service.] II AK 1.7 June » flip Insurrec •os are again gr wing restless and it is feared that further trouble will n ult unless they are disarmed at nti< » There Is much disorder pre vr'i'ing and the condition here bord er- mi anarchy. MI.XK’o t'll'N June it. — Contin m <1 disorders an* giving the gov ‘ nun tit n«. little annoyance. They i‘r mostly to he chargeable to anarchists. NOUAUKS. \ii/. June 3. Arriv 'I' fr in (luavmas report the axsas in i' ion »■ d* partiuent. and notwithstand ing tha’ an«g|ier man has been ap* !» k i • wi.-h their friends God speed. Dobbs, the moving picture man. was also on band and secured a -ei of films just prior to the de parture of the boat. CASHIER IN TROUBLE. MIXXKAI'OlJS. Minn.. June 3. linen claims to have been • * ui><*n l»v three highwaymen and relieved of $13..imio. which he was conveying lo the hank at which he is cmj'l yed. Oflicoiv immediatel> w« re sent out in -eareh <»f the des P»*rad« cs I’p to a late hour tonight 1 no trace of 'he highwaymen had he. J! found. Kite stor> of Hi ecu being doubted, 1* was placed under arrest this af ternoon <»n the charge