Newspaper Page Text
. / < / Worlds V JNM*. ' WOULD OPEN COLD FIELDS. SKATTLK. July 17 ntly Secretary of War Dickerson lias gone on record as being in favor of •lit immediate opening if the coal tields in Alaska by the federal gov eminent CONTROLLER BAY CASE. WASHINGTON. I) (' , July 17 Hearing on the Controller bay ease, in which the locations by Richard Ryan aie involved, will be resumed bv the house investigating commit tee on Thursday The principal wit ness will be Herbert Knox Smith, commissioner on corporations in the department of commerce and labor. CASE UNDER ADVISEMENT. WASHINGTON. I) C July 17. In the supreme court of lie Dis trict of Columbia today, the attor ney I r Samuel (lumper.-. John Mit chell and Frank M rrison argued thai the defendants were no’ punish able for contempt, as charged in the action instigated by the court, j Justice Wright lias taken the case under advisement. M’FARLAND FAILS. NKW YORK. July 17 Signal tiles were attached here today to arti cles of agn ement for a light be tween Lackey McFarland and Matt Wells, to take place in Milwaukee The date will probably he August L’v SALOONLESS NATION. ATLANTIC CITY. N J . July 17 A saloonless natii n by July -L li»20," is the new slogan in the anti-liquor crusade, adopted by the Christian Kndeavor convention here. GARFIELD BOOM. WASHINGTON. July 17 Insur gent Republicans are now re ferring; to James 15. Garfield, son of the martyred president and re cent secretary of the interior, as good presidential timber. NICARAGUAN REVOLUTION. PANAMA, July 17 Steamships arriving from the north bring ad vices to tite effect that Rivas, the capital of Nicaragua, is in a state of siege, and that the great fortress there is tilled with political prison ers. Revolution is on the verge of breaking out. SEATTLE STORE ROBBED SEATTLE, July 17 Yeggmen broke into the London department store dining the night, blew open the sale, and secured $1.2no in cash. DIAZ OFF TO PARIS. RAl) NAUHEIM, Germany. July 17. - Former President Diaz, of Mexico, who lias been taking the water here tor two weeks past, ex jiects to leave soon for Paris. AL FRESCO MEETING. WASHINGTON. July 17 — On ac count of the extreme heat this af ternoon. the president nievailed up on the members of the cabinet a* 'lie regular meeting to remove their coats, and for the tirst time in the history of tlie present cabinet t lie session was held in shirt-sleeves. HEAT TOO MUCH FOR HIM. SALT LAKE (TTY. July 17. Craz ed by the heat. William Morse, a wealthy tancher. shot himself while traveling through here on a pass enger train today. His recovery is doubtful. HELD WITHOUT BAIL. CHICAGO. July 17. President O'Donnell and Agents Garvin and Enright have been denied bail and are being held in jail to answer t< r the murder of Vincent Altman. ADJOURNMENT SOON. WASHINGTON, July 17. The indications are that the adjournment of congress will follow immediately after the vote upon the statehood of New Mexico and Arizona, which will be taken August 7. ROSEN STEPS DOWN. ST. PETERSBURG. July 17.—Bar on Rosen will return to his post as ambassador to Washington. SUNDAY UP IN AIR. WARSAW. lnd„ July 17. Billy Sunday the evangelist made a two mile tlight in an aeroplane with Glenn Curtis this morning. ARE FIGHTING CHOLERA. WASHINGTON. July 17. — The entile machinery of the nation has been set in motion to light the cholera Invasion from Europe. POTLATCH IS OPEN. SEATTLE, July 17. The Golden Potlatch opened here today, with an imposing attendance, the crowd be ing nearly as large as that which attended the opening of the Alaska Yukon-Pacific exposition. EXPLOSION IN COAL MINE. DUBOIS, Pa., July 17. — Twenty one miners were killed this afternoon by an explosion of afterdamp in the Cascade Coal & Coke company's shaft. STEEL MERGE ON COAST. SAN FRANCISCO, July 17. — The consolidation of the steel interests on the Pacific coast are contemplat ed. Two representatives of the trust are now working in Portland and Seattle. ROYALTIES IN~ SCOTLAND. LONDON, July 17. — King George and Queen Mary left today on their visit through Scotland. NELSON WON’T COME. WASHINGTON, D. C„ July 17 Senator Nelson, chairman of the Joint committee to investigate the condition of Alaska, resigned his position today. He says that he dues not believe that the committee will be able to go to Alaska this season. I WALES COMING HERE. WASHING ION. Inly 17. Il is ifiriall. announced Int the I’rince of Wahs will soon embark upon a tour of th" world, upon which he will pay a \ isil to the I'niled Slates. CHOLERA IN NEW YORK. NEW YORK, duly 17 Three are dead and fifteen others ill from cholera, th" t tradition of the patients Ring alarming. Kxpetts are hasten ing here fr tn Washington to take charge of the condition. DENTIST ARRESTED. CnilVAIddS. Ore. duly 17 - Hr Kdward North. ;t dentist, was arrested today for the murder of Mrs. Kliza Griffith, whose body was found hidden in the brush POWDER LETS GO. I.()!' VIKR. Colo, duly 17. Hy an expl sioti in the Hup tit Det.iouts plant today three workmen were blown to atoms. GIRLS DROWN HIM. (IRANI) JUNCTION. Colo.. July is. The c••roller's jury today held that Gladys Thompson, aged 17. and Lillian Osh >rne. aged 14. are guilty of felonious action in the drowning of (’lark Wolfkill. a rich bachelor ranchman, who was drowned Sun day while bathing with the girls. AFTER READING RAILROAD. WASHINGTON. July IS. The government today tiled suit against the Reading Railroad company to compel the separation of the road from the coal companies which the load officials alleged have advanced $7o.immumm) to the* road for ccpiipmem and maintenance. LARGEST FLIGHT VET. 11RCSSKLS. July is The Bel gian aviator. Olieslagers. made a lligltt ol ::ss miles in his motmplane without stopping, which beats the previous rec ords < f monoplanes throughout the world. MUST ASSUME TOGA. WASHINGTON. July Is. A res olution was passtd by the* house <f representatives today calling upon Governor Hoke Smith to lesign the governorship immediately and pro ceed to Washington, there- to assume the* duties f United States senator from Georgia, that Georgia may have its full representation in the sen ate. DEADLOCK ON SITE. SAN FRANCISCO. July is Af lei a mouth's (Illiberal ions, the directors are still deadlocked re garding the site for the Panama exposition. FATAL TO BATHERS. SEATTLE. July IS. Eight bath ers have been drowned in the .North west waters within the past J4 hours. CHOLERA IN EUROPE PORT MAHON. Spain. July Is - Several cases of cholera were dis eoveted by the health officers here on board the German steamship llis pania when that vessel arrived here last night. NEW YORK, July IS. Every steamship that arrives from abroad is watched with closest scrutiny for cholera. LONDON. July IK. — Cp to the present time, only four cases of cholera have been discovered in England, and these are believed to have been detected in time. HOLDUP THAT FAILED. BELLE I’l.AINE. la.. July IK — The early morning eastbottnd pass enger train on the Chicago & North western railroad brought here the body of Win. Morris, a bandit, who tried lo hold up the train lib miles west of Belle Plaine. He was shot down by the express agent while trying to board the express car REFUSES TO RETURN. SAN FRANCISCO. July IK. Lewis Wilde, against whom a Port land grand jury has returned an in dictment charging embezzlement of funds of the Oregon Tmst & Sav ings bank, refuses to return to Port land to make answer to the indict ment. QUARANTINE LIFTED. DAWSON. July 18. Yesterday was a day of general celebration aver the raising of the quarantine restrictions ft out the city and the port. The churches were opened on Sunday for the first time since the smallpox appeared. The American government lias withdrawn all restrictions upon trav el across the boundary line, in tit her direction, provided only that the traveler out of Dawson can show a certificate of recent vaccination. Passengers from the Outside, bound for lower river points, are now permitted to stop over in Dawson, and to proceed across the line to Kagle. provided they have been vac cinated at any time before, their arrival at Kagle. Whitehorse and lower river steamers will call again at Dawson as before. The first boat to leave Dawson for the lower river will be the Susie, which sails on Wednesday with freight and passengers. CONFERS WITH FAIRBANKS. CHICAGO. July 18. — Upon the arrival here today of Attorney-Gen eral Wickersham. he went into con ference with Charles \V. Fairbanks, recent vice-president, on the sub ject of lands in the Controller bay region in Alaska. TROUBLE IN HAITI. CAPK HAITIKN. July 18. — Sev eral encounters have taken place to day and yesterday between the forces of the government and the rebels in the Southwest. The govern ment issues the statement that the I situated is not serious. KINGSTON. July 1' Susi>erted of fomenting the rebellion in the Southwest, prominent Germans are In ing i xpelled from the republic of Haiti. WASHINGTON. July lx For the protection ■ !' Americans in Haiti, the I'ni'ed States gunboat Petrel has been dispatched to that country. STOKES TRIAL SOON. NEW YORK. July IS. Immedi ate trial will he granted the two girls who are indicted on the charge | of felonious assault upon William Stokes. Stokes appeared before the grand jury t< day and testified. WANTS OLD HANDS FIRED. MEXICO CITY, July lx On ar t ount of friction among government officials General Madero has railed upon the provisional president to dismiss all the officials who have held ' ver from the Diaz regime INCITING TO RIOT. DF.S MOINKS. la.. July IX. On the charge of inciting the working men to tint, Fred Murphy, an or ganizer of the International Bridge Workers' union, was arrested here today. TROOPS FOR CANAL. WASHINGTON. July lx In at cordanee with directions of c tigress, troops will lie stationed at the forti fied posts along the route of the Panama canal. They will not be sent until next year. HONOR OLD WARHORSE. BROOKLYN. July IX. i'pon the occasion of the birthday of the late Tom L. Johnson today, numbt rs of j admirers honored his memory by covering his grave with Moral offef ings. MACCABEES CONVENE. CI.KVKI.AND. (>.. July IS. — The unnmil c nvention of the Knights of tiie Maccabees of the World be gan litre today, with an attendance of ti.iioo. CHARGE DISMISSED. I.OS ANGKI.KS. July IS. The charge of contempt, preferred against Mrs. Mc.Manigal on behalf of the grand jury, was dismissed by Judge Hoi hell this morning. TO REPRIMAND WILEY. WASHINGTON. July IS. Pres-| idem Taft has decided to administer a public reprimand to Ur. Wiley, and allow him to retain his official p sit ion STRIKING SEAMEN RIOT. ANT W Kit 1*. Belgium. July IS. Many shots were exchanged, and a score of people were injured, when the police charged upon a mob of striking seamen along the water front here today. CHRISTOPHER SUMMONED. PITTSHCHG. I’a.. July IS. — Cor nelius Christopher, the coal baron, has been summoned to appear be for the investigating committee in congress that is looking Into the matter of Alaska coal lands. FISHER'S SECRETARY QUITS. WASHINGTON. July IS. — Doll M. Carr, private secretary to the secretary of the interior, has re signed. CHARGE DISCRIMINATION. WASHINGTON. July IS - Discrim ination by the Alaska Syndicate against the steamship Humboldt was (barged today in the hearing be fore the house committee of expendi tures. which is holding sessions this week for the benefit of Alaska. The charge was made by the counsel for the Humboldt company. ADELE VERGE INSANE. SAN FRANCISCO. July 18. Ad ele Verge, who shot herself and ser iously wounded Frederick Kohl, the millionaire, has been adjudged in sane and was today committed to an asylum for the insane. CAMPAIGN EXPENSES. WASHINGTON. July IS. A most drastic campaign publicity hill has been adopted by the senate, in which n > candidate for congress shall he allowed to spend over 10 cents upon each voter in his dis trict. The limit of the senatorial candidates in the matter of exitense at the general elections is set at $10,000. while $0,000 is the limit for representatives, and the strictest publicity for primary campaign con- j trihut ions is provided for. RAISE INSURANCE RATES. VICTORIA, II. C„ July IS. He cause of the dangeis to navigation along the "Inside Passage" to Alaska Lloyd's will soon make another ad vance in the rates of insurance on vessels plying between sound ports and Alaska. MENACE IS WORLD-WIDE. LONDON, July lb. — Kxperts de clare that the cholera menace is [ world-wide in Its scope, chiefly be cause the Italian government permit ted the infection to spread. NEW YORK, July 19. — Five “cholera carriers” were detected among the emigrants on Hoffman's island today. HUMBOLDT CHARGES. WASHINGTON, July 19. That rhe White I’ass route is controlled by the Guggenheims is the charge that has been made before the House committee on territories by the Humboldt Steamship company, which is fighting the Alaska syn dicate for fair treatment in the Alaska tiansportation business. The company alleges that the White Hass has annulled its traffic agreement at the demand of the Syndicate. RICHARD RYAN TALKS. NEW YORK, July 19. — Upon leaving for Washington this morning to testify in the Controller Bay in quiry Richard Ryan said: 1 did not write the alleged 'Dick to Biik' letter, nor its postscript. I would not have so addressed a let ter to Solidary Ballinger. 1 never situ Charles Taft in my life, and 1 do not r> present the Guggenheims in any capacity whatever." WASHINGTON'. July lie Richard Ryan, of the Alaska syndicate, whose whereabouts were unknown, has been located in New York, and has been sumtnt tied to appear before the house committie tomorrow and testify in the investigation of the Controller Bay affair. MEXICAN LEADERS CLASH. MKX1CO CITY. July lit. Del.a bara and Madero have clashed over the demand of the latter that all Diaz holdovers in officialdom be dis missed Madero claims that they are responsible for the recent trou ble at Pueblo. FISHER COMING SOON. SKATTLK. July lit. Private dis patches received here this morning from Washington state that Seere tar.v of the Interior Fisher will leave Washington August fdh for Alaska for the purpose of considering the coal land situation in Alaska on the grounds. He will institute a thorough inquiry into coal conditions in Alas ka. and it is believed he will be accompanied on the trip by Governor Clark and Land Agent Dennett. ALL PLAYING POLITICS. ('(>1 .I'MHI’S. July IP Address ing lie Socialists here today. Vic lor Herger. Socialist member of con gress from Wisconsin, said that ev . ryhocly in c mgress is playing poli : its. BAD GIRL BANDIT. AKRON. ().. July IP. Armed with a revolver. Kdna Cable, a 18 year-old girl, this morning attempt ed to hold up the Cuyahoga bank, but failed. DOCTOR OWNS UP SANTA ROSA. July IP lit II 0 Chisholm has confessed to the murder of John l>. I’owell. whose dead It -sly was discovered near here last spring. FORGER RECAPTURED. CANYON CITY. Colo.. July IP.— C. It Kverelt. a bank forger who es caped from jail at Hot Springs, Ark., and who swinded Ketchikan. Alaska, and Seattle banks, was captured hete today. I. C. C. TO FIX RATES. nri.l'TII. July ip — Attorney Gent ral Wic kersbam. addressing the local bar association today, advocat ed the interstate commerce commis sion being given the power to lix the market quotations of the trusts. CASTRO NOT LANDED. WASHINGTON. July IP. - Con sular agents say the report that Former President Castro has land ed on Venezuelan soil is erroneous. The world-search for the "the man without a country" is unrewarded as yet. WAPPY IS SENTENCED. SKATTI.K. July 19. Former Chief of Police Wappensteiii was to day givin tin indeterminate sentence of from three to ten years. PLEADS NOT GUILTY. NKW YORK. July 19. — Kthel Conrad was arraigned today and pleaded not guilty to shooting Mil lionaire Stokes. CAUSE OF MAINE WRECK. HAVANA. July 19. — The coffer dam around the Maine has been able to lower the water in which the Maine lies another eighteen feet, and it is now revealed that the Maine was undoubtedly wrecked by an ex ternal explosion. MISTAKEN FOR A COUGAR. SKATTI.K, July 19. Mistaken for a cougar. Superior Judge Robert F. Prigmore was this morning shot and killed by Robert F. Kvans. a former law partner of the judge, wit it whom he was hunting at Rak er Lake. BREAK GROUND FOR EXPO. SAN D1KGO. July 19. — Ground was broken today for the San Diego exposition. John Rarrett, represent ing President Taft, turned the first spadeful of earth. S. O. BACKED MADERO. NKW YORK. July 19. — That the Standard Oil company was responsi ble for the Instigation and the suc cess of the revolution in Mexico is charged by several newspapers here today. It is asserted that the big trust backed General Madero. and that it was the cause of this that he was able to make such progress in the civil war. DON'T WANT A LHANtit. JERSEY CITY. July 19. — After a «iuiet campaign ami an apathetic election, the voters of tlie city yes terday decided not to adopt the commission form of government. MARSH EN ROUTE. DAWSON, July 19. — Samuel J. Marsh, former United States com missioner in the Chandlar district, left Dawson tonight on the Susie for Caro. He will employe 12 men continuously on his tiuartz properties and in the mill which he has al ready in operation here. MARTIAL LAWS THERE. DOUGLAS. Ariz.. July 19. Mar tial law has been declared within the limits of Agua Urieta. a strong rebel rendezvous. JUDICIARY RECALL. BUTTE, Mont.. July 19. — Recall of the judiciary is advocated by Cbailes W. Moyer, president of the Western Federation of Miners, in his annual rejeort issued here today MANUEL’S BARGAIN. LISHON. Portugal. July 1!* -- Se cret papers Jus discovered in the royal palace show that King Maim ed had eirered into c onespondence with the King f Kngland and the emperor f Germany looking to them for ass: i.mce iu warding oft the threatened revolution in Portugal. In return. Kir." Manuel promised that in time he would see to it that they would sec ti e sane of the Portu ! gue c po.'ves.-l ns in Africa. KNOCKING PROMOTERS. NKW YORK. July 1H. Jack John son. in London, is knocking America and American sports and promoters, and the sporting editors in this city today neat the big smoke to a big panning FORTY COMING HERE. DAWSON. July 19. With 40 passengers f r Fairbanks. 30 for j other points in Alaska, and ISO s icks j «»f mail for various points between Dawson and the Iditarod. the packet Susie -n'Ld this evening from Daw j son. tb* first boat to sail for Hie i lower liver since the quarantine ; was rai: ed. . Among the passengers for Fair banks is o H. Perry, general man ager of the Yukon Gold company, of | Dawson, whic h is controlled by the | < ’•iiggenheims. Other passengers are as follows: A P. Gregory. A. If. Hansen. W. D. i Stewart. G. J. Roach. (’. A. Ferrin. If J. Christopher. V. Krickson. O A Wilc ox. O. P. Gust ad and wife. Rev. C. K Ret tic her. Mrs. Thomas Davis. Miss M V. Ilolgate, Miss L. | M. Pamielee. Miss M. S. Grider. Miss Helen Callahan. Lee M. Dice. W W. Hondurant. H. W. Maynard. Miss Sherlock. D. Danterlil. Miss Lena Ti nelson. Mrs. F. F. Welch, Mrs. A. J Pauli. Miss Hazel Pauli. Miss Klla Snyder. Mrs. C. N. (’reamer. .Miss Genevieve Creamer. II. S. Taylor. A. N. Jacobson. L. Hrclitn. Miss K. Ross. Mrs S. Wile x. Del Adkins. D A Houk. K. Perle. A. K. Hoak. ANOTHER CORONATION. SKATTI.K. July 19. The crown ing of lhe king and the queen of the Holden Potlatch was the print'! pul | event of the festivities here today. FAVOR CAPTAIN GUPTILL. SKATTI.K, July 19. All the testi mony today before the board that is examining into the wreck of the t steamship Kp> kune favors Captain Cupt ill. who was in command of the ship. Pilots testified as to his ; ability and as to the danger of Hey j racinr narrows. BANKER'S WIFE SHOT. ItICHMONH. Va.. July 20. Mrs. j Heat tie. the wife of l.ottis Heal t ie, Jr., the Manchester banker, was j shot and killed today as she sat in their auto by the side c f her I husband, the shot being tired by a | pedestrian who stepped to the cen ter of the pike and refused to grant lie machine the right of way. WELCH GETS CONTRACT. HPOKAXK, July 2u. — Patrick Welch and associates, who are among the most prominent railway builders in the West, were today awatded the contract to build that part of the Canadian Northern railway lying between Port Arthur. Ontario, and | Suulmry. Ontario, the contract price being $12.0110.000. The Canadian .Northern is the Mackenzie & Mann railway, and the section in ques tion is that to the eastward into Toronto. BLACK HAND OUTRAGE. CHICAGO, July 2(1. - Because of (lie failure lo comply with iheir de mands for money. Black Hand men dynamited and completely destroyed the grocery store of Vincent La cognata. and the three families liv ing in the upper story of the build ing narrowly escaped with their lives. BUD MARS THROUGH. Kill K. Pa.. July 20. Aviator Mars, who suffered a fall from his aeroplane recently, is out of the hos pital today and announces that he hus made his last (light THIEVES GRAB DIAMONDS. KANSAS CITY. July 20. Imi tating the Seattle jewelry rubbers, two men entered Franklin's Jewelry store today and grabbed a tray con containing $.-..000 worth of diamonds. One of them was captured later, but the other escaped with the diamonds. ENGINEER IS SHOT. GRAND FORKS, N. 1).. July 20.— Shu ting S. P. Olson the engineer t.f the North Coast Limited on the Northern Pacific railway, twice, be fore he would comply with their de mands. bandits held up the train this morning and relieved the passengers of $.-.00 in cash. Olson has a slight chance for recovery. GOLD SHIP ARRIVES. SKATTLK. July 20. — The Pot latch gold ship, the Portland, con voyed by the Mythlind, entered the harbor and was received with all the honors. Today Lieutenant Kly in his air ship is circling the tops of the Alaska. Washington and other hotels while the carnival spirit is given full swing in the streets below. The city is thronged with visitors, and the greatest celebration ever is the result. AUTO RACER IS KILLED. BI.DERI VEIL Win., July 29—Lewis Slicing, a noted auto racer, was killed here today when his auto plunged over an embankment. FAMOUS PITCHER DYING. PEORIA. 111.. July 2U. — Uobby Can others. the famous baseball pitcher, is dying .at his home in this city. TROUBLE IN HAITI. CAPE HA1TIEN, July 20. — The city is at the mercy of the revo lutionists. who are pillaging it in dustriously. BRANDEIS IS EMPLOYED. WASHINGTON. July 20. — The hcuse committee on territories has employed Louis Brandies, of Boston, as special attorney to conduct the Controller Bay investigation, and Richard Ryan and Miss Abbott ate bo; It litre and will be examined to day. CHOLERA IN RUSSIA. LONDON. July 20. — The cholera condition in the province of Samara. Russia, is alarming. Fifty-six are dead to dale, and there are many cases <f cholera throughout the province CHARGES AGAINST WILEY. WASHINGTON. July 2n At the meeting of the cabinet today. See retarv of Agticulture Wilson sub mitted his report regarding the charges against I)r Wiley, chief of the bureau of chemistry. The attor ney-general remains convinced that the chief chemist should not be con tinued in office. DETROIT. July 20. — At today’s sessii n of the National Editorial us ! sociation hete, a resolution was , passed endorsing the administration I of Dr. Wiley t hief government t hem i ist. during the past 2s years. MORAN IS PEEVED. PLYMOUTH. Eng. July 20. . "Wolgast is a wrestler, not a pugil ist." said Owen Moran niton his nr I rival here today front America I am willing to Iiet $‘>,110(1 that 1 can knock him out next time." says Mo ran. "He is an inlighter entirely, and I was n >t preparetl for that game, that is all.” LOOKING FOR FAKE. LONDON. July 2’n That Jack Johnson is going to lay down to Bombardier Wells in the coming light is i penlv charged by a number of tight fans here. CHOLERA IN RUSSIA. ST. PETERSBURG. July 20. | l-'orly-six deaths and two bundled : new cases of cholera art reported today from the government of Sa mara. in the Southeastern part of the empire SIGNAL FOR FIGHT. lll'TTK. July 2n. It is pti liable, judging from ibe attitude of the Western Federation delegates here today that the day of the trial of the McNamara brothers lit l,os An geles will be the signal for a gen eral strike by the members of the j federation I OKLAHOMA CITY. July 2n. ! Heavy rains during the past two i days have caused the rivers in this | part of the state to overflow their i hanks, carrying out bridges and cutting into embankments so that | railway traffic is tied up and the ; transportation business Is at a J stand still, it will take several days j to repair the damage. ANOTHER CHANGE IN HAITI. CAI*K HAITIKN. Hat!. July 2n General Simon, president of the re public has been put to flight by the forces of the revolutionists, the city is in the hands of the hostile forces and Americans and other foreigners are seeking safety aboard the yes | sels in the harbor. The revolution j ary forces are plundering and pil laging the city American yachts in jthe harbor are protected by guns j mounted ready for action, j POUT AC PUINCK. Haiti. July 2U. The government troops withdrew J from the city this afternoon amid a shower of bullets from the revo lutionists. The city is now at the mercy of the revolutionists, and riot j and pillage prevail. The leaders are tillable to control their men. WASHINGTON, July 2n 'III,, i scoutcruiser Chester was caught by j wireless this afternoon and given I orders to hasten at full speed to Cape llaltieu. RYAN TESTIFIES. i WASHINGTON. July 2o, In the I witness chair today before the Con troller bay investigating committee, Richard S. Ryan, president of the ! Controller Railway & Navigation | company, testified that the transac S tion involving the terminal tract on ^ < out roller bay had been begun by | him during the term of office of Gif ! lord Pinchot. while Plnchot was head j of the forestry service. The forest service at that time had entire Juris diction of the lands bordering on Controller bay. According to Mr. j Ryan. Mr. Pinchot had full know] i edge of the desire of Mr. Ryan to secure the terminal tract for his I railway, ami there was never, at any time, anything underhand about ; it. FATAL FIGHT NEAR NOME. NOMH, July 21. — Wednesdav for. noon, while the schooner Mai my, hound from St. Michael to Nome, was passing HIuft' City, Philip Gill, one of the passengers aboard the schooner, shot and killed a man by the name of Winiani Wilson Heath was instantaneous. Gi'l main tains that he shot in self defense. Moth men were formerly Yukoners, and came recently from Ruby City. DIAMOND JO BOAT SUNK. KKOK UK. la., July 21. — Shortly before noon today, the steamboat Dubuque. plying between local points on the Mississippi, struck a snag that lay four feet below the surface and teceived a fatal punc ture. The 100 passengers aboard were all safely landed. PAY ON UPPER YUKON. DAWSON. July 21. Reports from Britannia ami Canadian creeks, tributaries of tiie Yukon llu miles upstream from Dawson, i elate that prospectors on those creeks are taking out good pay. and are hopeful of sturting a big placer camp. A stampede is now < n from Dawson. Placer pay is also reported to exist on Nansen creek, to the southeast of the Britannia and Cana dian diggings. FIGHT FOR KAUFFMAN. SAN FRANCISCO, July 21. Al Kauffman will figure soon in a match with Bill l.ang or Jack Lester, lie gave it out today that he had ac cepted Hugh McIntosh's offer of $r>.OHO for such a tight. REBELS VICTORIOUS. CAPK HAITIKN. Haiti. July 21 — Reinforcements of Holdit rs sent to recover the losses of the govern ment troops yesterday in the vicin ity of Fort Llberte were themselves attacked by the rebels today and re pulsed. CAN COME THROUGH NOW. DAWSON, July 21. — Hereafter It will be necessary to show a certi ficate of vaccination in order to pass the boundary line at Kagle. there not being a single smallpox case in Dawson now. BOILER LETS GO. PORTSMOUTH. Kng. July 21. During a speed trial today, u boil er on the British torpedo boat de stroyer Kangaroo exploded and five men were killed and eight were in jured. STONE THE LEGATION. BOOOTA, Colombia. July 21. — The Peruvian legallcn was stoned by indignant citizens today. All the windows were broken before the p »• lice succeeded in clearing the street ANOTHER BUREAU PROBE WASHINGTON. July 21 Gharg es have be en filed in congress against Willis L Moore since IMP. chief of til* Gnited States weather bureau, and another official investigation of a g vernment bureau is anticipated It is asserted in the charges that Professor Moore spent money unlaw fullv iii the ♦ mployment of experts | in the weather bureau, in a manner I similar to the methods of I>r Wiley in the bureau of chemisty. WAS DELIBERATE ACT. MILWAGKKK. July 21 — Lewis Strang, the famous autom- bile racer who met death yesterday at Hlue Liver when his machine sjied over a high embankment is supposed to have committed suicide. INFORMATION READY. ^ WASHINGTON. July 2»» In re ^ spouse m a house resolution «all ing upon Herbert Knox Smith, corn tnissioner of corporations in the de partment of commerce and labor. I to furnish information as to the intentions of the government toward I the trust. Mr Smith replied that he | could not furnish the information I without instruction from the presi | dent to do so. JONES FOR RECIPROCITY. WASHINGTON. July 2n. Sena tor Wesley I. Jones, made an elo quent plea this afternoon for reci procity with Canada. The general ef feet of the treaty, he asserted, would he so overwhelmingly to the advant age of the whole section that no tight would he put up for s|ieclal amendments of any kind TRIP CALLED OFF. WASHINGTON, July 21 — To day tlie joint congressional commit j tee appointed to visit Alaska and i investigate eonditi us there, prepat | atorv to intelligent legislation for | Alaska, decided to call the trip off. as the protracted special session of congress prevents their giving the necessary time to the trip. Secretary of the Inter!' r Fisher, and probably Commissioner Oennelt of the land office will leave the tlrst of August, however, and will see as much of Alaska as they can this year. PACKY AND AD. CHICAGO. July 21 Parky Mai I Garland and Ad Wolgast have been I mat cited to ligitl ten rounds at MIL j waukee. September IS. CHOLERA IN ITALY. CHIASCO. Switzerland. July 21 j Italy reports *it» dead < f the choleia and 2!Kt persons afflicted. SWEETHEART SUSPECTED. RICHMOND. July 21 Meulah Min ford, the schooldny sweetheart or Louis Meattie. the Manchester hank er whose wif. was shot and killed 1 yesterday while riding with him in their automobile, is held in eon nection with the killing, while Meal tie himself is iimh r suspicion WELLS BESTS HYLAND. ALMANY. July 21 Mat Wells was last night given the decision in a ten-round Ismt with Dick 11> land. CLAIMS HE'S NAT'S SON. NKW YORK. July 21 — John K Goodwin. London-born, aged 2o. has set up the claim that he is the son of Nat c Goodwin, the marrying ac tor. COULDN'T STAND SHAME. ATLANTIC CITY. July 21 Me cause < f the suit brought by his wife against Mrs. Leicester Holme, a wealthy divorcee, for the alietm (ion of his affections. James Dunn, former manager of the St. Francis hotel of San Francisco, suicided here toda> by tiring a bullet into his head. WOULD IMPEACH HIM. M KXICO CITY, July 21 Deputy Gamhot t* day introduced a resolu i tion asking for the impeachment of 1 Finance Minister DeLabara. who j Gamboa as erts is responsible ’ for the riots at Muehla. WICK WOULD BE GOVERNOR. July 21 The Tim*** ! tonight prints a story to the effect that, according to advices from Washington, the delegate from Alas ka is training with the Democrats and giving them assistance in their efforts to harass the administration, in return for this, lie is giving the Democrats to understand that, if a Democrat is elected president next year, it will he up to the new pies j idem to appoint him governor of j Alaska. The chances of this frame j up are regarded here as more than ordinarily good. VOTE ON RECIPROCITY. WASHINGTON. July 21. Sena lor lYnrcse. chairman of the tlnance committee, in conference with I’res idem Taft today, promised the pres idem that lie would lay the Cana dian reciprocity measure on the pres ident's desk tomorrow afternoon for his signature. He is c< ntldent that the senate will pass the measure by a two-thirds vote, although only a majority is necessary. CHECK TO CHOLERA. i NEW YORK, July 21. The in 1 vaslon of cholera into the Culled j Slates has been checked. No new leases have been reported, and then: I is no danger of eontagl' n from the | hospital in the harbor. AFFILIATION URGED. HCTTH. July 21. — At today's session of the Western Federation of Miners, a resolution was introduced directing the officers cf Hie federa tion to apply to the United Mine Workers of America for admission into that organization. RECIPROCITY PASSES. WASHINGTON, July 22. — The reciprocity measure passed the sen ate today without amendment, by a vote of .13 to 27. The measure, how ever. cannot become a law until Wednesday, and has been leturned to the house where it will be en grossed. The senate adjourned un til noon Wednesday, when the reci procity measure will receive its tin lshing touches. TO ANSWER CHARGES. WASHINGTON. July 22. - Alter ney-Genera I Wlckersham will ou Monday next take Hie stand before the house Judiciary committee lo an swer the charges tiled against him by Delegate Wlckersham.