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Buy a Clock and Watch Now and Save Money MANTEL (LOCKS . . $10 to $30 Kequldr Price SI "> to S50 ALARM CLO('l S, Guaranteed for I year SIMPLEX S day. regular price $5. now $1.00 AUTOMATIC Sclav, regular price $5, now $1.00 BIG BEN I day, regular price $4, now $3.25 BABY BEN I day, regular price $4, now $3.25 TATTLER 1 day, regular price $4, now $3.00 PIRATE 1 day, regular price $2, now $1.50 TATTOO 1 day, regular price $3.50, now $2.50 NEW ECHO 1 day. regular price $3.50, now $2.50 LARK 1 day, regular price $2.50, now $2.00 IINGERSOI WATCHES YANKEE present outside price $2.25 our price $1.75 TRIUMPH present outside price $2.50 our price $2.50 RADOI.ITE present outside price $3.25 our price $2.75 BRACELET WATCH outside price $5.50 our price $5.00 RELIANCE ‘‘7 jewel” outside price $7.50 our price $7.00 POCK! I HI \ Wat( iies $2.00 values, our price $1.50 BOY PKOOl Watches $2.00 values, our price $1.50 You will not be able to bus at these prices when this supply is exhausted, so yet busy. SUTER The Live Jeweler NOW HERE NEW Overcoats FOR Men and Young Men I Correct Styles (or Fall and Winter, 1919. ALEX SIMSON’S CLOTHES SHOP Corner Front and Easy Street LET US help you save time temper and money I Have your laundry done WET WASH 8 cents the pound New Cascade Laundry Phone 171 QUIET IN HONDURAS WASHINGTON, Sept. 13 UP) Tin- state department tonight an nounces that it has received advices to the effect that all is quiet in Honduras. The rebels are in t control of the situation and th occupation is a very quiet one, then being no disturbances. (Ussitied Advertisements A SNAP $200 cash down will st-eure .1 homo 2, 3 and 4 room house For further particulars apply to HIE PITIZEN Mm TONIGHT Pat lie News I ! ! HLANOI SWEEI ANL> | IHOMAS MtIGHAN IN “The Storm” One Show 50 Cents 8:30 p. rn. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS iwpip———P—■■■ 1 .. 1,11 11 ' 1 ■ ' ■” THE FARMERS BANK OF FAIRBANKS hereby au nounces that after the close of business this date, no fur ther deposits will be accepted. WILL LIQUIDATE 1MMEDIATLY ALL DEPOSITORS are requested to withdraw their accounts at the earliest opportunity. All parties owing this institution are requested to settle their notes immediately. We desire to thank our patrons for their support and l regret that conditions will not warrant our serving you further. We have ample cash on hand to settle all obligations; ALL DEPOSITORS WILL BE PAID DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR. The Farmers Bank of Fairbanks DATED SEPTEMBER 8, 1919. The firm of ST. GEORGE & CATHCAItT will con tinue In the Safe Deposit and Fire Insurance business as heretofore. BAD FIRE IN KANSAS CITY M X I'FI IX I h l«» M XVK FIRNFF ill 1»i \ T11 AN I'm »TH1\RS \Rt i:, irrfi» KANSAS i l l V. Mo. A the re ul i nt .1 fin- iii two larg. gram levator lu te .m old man i. ini * lig. Who i believed lo ||H\e been (Mil lied lo d*\d h. and tllleeii ol he! injured, 'Mil* ol III. Ill e| loll |v Mil; l • I Iho.a- iniUied then hurt: while lighhUr lit. 111. Which W a nd\ controlled all. i . veral houn d \.-i> hard work on Ihe pari of the hie department, a led by cilrzeli.H file .all-, ol the lire i aid to have he. n . potilalieoli. eomhil lion l. lilt mg from an evplo ion oi . lain dn i i lid bailey MAN SHORTAGE FOR THE NAVY \V 11KI’ MM M KNT M >MI'I, MN: ui ,i i i il \\ | \ i; i-.Ni .1 i,l| Ml.N M >l; \V Ml \ FSril.I.S \\ ArilllM, I UN, riepl Th, navv d» |». 111111 * • 111 11: t. announced llial l lici t- i; a - t i mm lioi l age ol seamen i .tilt] ullni sailor: with I lie hip: of ! lie na v > on I lie Atlantic c oasl The* j shortage i. dlle, il i slated, to the laid llial maiiv «»I lie men enlisted loi naval service for Ihe duration ol tin war, have received their di charge. II i furl lit - | slated lhat man) ol (he vvai \t 'I- are now moored al dock, al varioll place: for lln* i*-a sou that there are not enough men to man them properl) CARLISLE PUTS LAUNCH ON WAYS FlNIrililKri RI\T R \\ uRK Fi >R Mil. \rii i\ DOWN IMA I i; ms I RU'T'ri Ql ii:t S»■ i *t • f- i a I \. • ut * , 11 11 • I • 11 I, * » u lio ii i. i K • ■ hi In .ohpiarters in I’ail hank; alni |»»-1 n I most of hi. linn lining from Kagle to the Ku ko k wini and hack to Fail h.inks. arriv ed n town vesterdav with tin- land ollii »• launch \!a>ka which he is now ♦ ■ noa • d in lai.inr1 out of the w at- i IP has had enough of tie nvei tiavel ten one > eai and i- aw.titing tmpat it lit |v lilt- coming. Ill .MOW - o that It i a ii he* cum a dog lulls In 1 sh aking of tin . oiidit ion: aloitf i h» low • i iv• i Mi Karli. I- lated i t hat t her. w lit tl- a- t iv i?.a .1 n;. i oiiit. 1 P • online. ■ ious i * ports I.rot ip regarding a • nou- fish short ag» de». taring that the nativ. will uliei linm such a hortatre during tin < ..ining winiei I h< 1 «■ i; I ill ollt I.liall.r !e .11*1 min n ut salnum can be caught tor dog t.-ed. thi? being m the run • >! ilv «-i alnion w bieli i du* tins month II tin- tail; b. aid a . ei ion. . oinliiion wail . unfront the i i\ei nativ.-: b' toi * • |u mgs an i v < OREGON A I SEA I I LF SEATTLE, Sept lu (AJ) I be bi turn battleship Oregon, forerunner of tin- Pacific licet, arrived here to da\ It i- from her deck: that Piesi dent Wilson and Secretary IkiimP will make a review of the fleet on Saturday JAPAN MAY NOT RATIFY TREATY NEW YORK. Sept PI (/p) liar n l oitlo. l mm be i of tile Japanese national commission who c now in * il> having recently arri\«d here ! I Mill the pear confer* ll< < ill Pan tale: that it bis belief that Japan nil refu. e lo ratify tin- peace treat v it' ill.- I nited States excludes the i Ian * regarding Shantung peninsula in it ratification proceeding.- 'fills tat.-nient has lead to consul* cable j talk here both for and against rati neat ion but it is gem-rally conceded that there is nothing that can be done legarding tin- matter until the senate acts. Kst COLORADO MOB LYNCHES TWO PUEBLO, Colo., Sept 13. (yf>) A mob of several hundred men, armed to the teeth, tonight took two Mexi cans from the local police station and hung them to the railroad bridge across the river here. The Mexicans were being held by the police in connection with the murder of a city patrolman The police at first pre pared to defend the jail against the mob but, seeing that they were over powered by a superior force decided that discretion was the better part of valor and gave up their prisoners. -ne EATON, CRANE and PIKE'S STA TIONERY— BOX and TABLETS. MTNTOSH & KUBON, Druggists. . i Hil l \\ MINISTRY RI I< \ IN I'»»1 *\ BAh EXISTS I HERE \ N i I AHt > ( hile Sepi it,.p> h, le w ‘ paprl - ol till » it v III t fit'll u< ni (In rv. mug riiiiiam inform lion to ili hi* i l that tie < lnh in mi 11 > todav tendered it- resigna on to t lie pi 1*1111.*i in a on n aition ha ho* n anloipaii-l lot nine I * ov. Ill' to I ||.- 1 t l that 1! I non lain Known that the ininr ii v at - tn with tie president and the pie in ier FELT IN ITALY . . I: I HQE \K1; SH AKE: EVER \l l < >\\ N. KILLS i >NE \N1 » IN .11 RES M \N V K’om i: iiaL., s* i*i. ii/Li i »n« »»! Ill*- !n-a\i»*?l * a rt IlijUn ki-S ill wai i ilril I In- pi’o\;111 »• of Sn-na hula s ...1111j• In inlTinn.11 nhi ri i■ *• i • i'll * i . * ■ n * • 11 \ ilia;-'. Im in . ^ i . L lia k**n 111• \ I I 'a i lira - l iV lia.ji > a mini .*t I n mw*i. liak'-n iluwn. .in* i" 1 *'n I' 11l'*'l tnd « v *-i a I iiijui ' ll l» < ! i Him; iK-lii r w liil* al 11»• 11«-. L- n |»* i u i i *- injin *-H mt HAKES I'UFIT EIRE IN HOLD IS I; \ TINE, l I SHED RV LAND EIRE E1CI TI ERS LONDON, Sept 13 (/P) A report j received here tonight is to the effect that the British steamship \ estri. I arrived at St Lucia, British West Indies, with a fire burning liercely in her hold. It is also stated, how • AST, that the tire wa. suppressed I.shortly after the ship arrived in port The Vestris was bound from i New York for Rio Janiero SEARCH TO BE ' I L NINO \Yl A TOR.” T» > BE III I I O I 11 FIR FA I L WH A I l \ FR IT MAY HAVE BEEN SAN DIEGO, Sept 13 (VP) It is announced here tonight that all • •arch for tin missing army aviatOi; \\ uterhous* and Connelly has been given up b> tin war and navy <h pal tim nts The men have been mir ing for nearly a month and during that time practically every toot <*: ground over which they could hav*' traveled enroll! e irom Yuma, An zona, to this city, has been scoured lui some flew lu then Whereabout, but all iti no avail YUKON HEADED A Y \ STEAMER LEAVES DAW SON WITH SMALL CARGO AND FEW PASSENGERS. DAWSON \ ii\. Sept 13 The steamer Yukon of the American Yu kon Navigation company sailed from l-oi I here last night with a large car n id mail for Eairbank: Tin treight la- carries comprises lilty tolls for .a liana and thirty for Eairbank: 1 'here are also two tons of freight for hot Springs. Iln* passengers being taken to Tatiana river points are: EoR FAIRBANKS Ned Hyman, George liering, Mrs. Ben lloerler and t hild and Territorial Superintendent id' Schools, L. D Henderson FOR NENANA Y\ A Coghill and wife. FOR HOT SPRINGS—F. W Wag ner. DENEKINE IS BEATING BOLS DESTROYS TWO BOLSHEVIKI REGIMENTS AND CAPTURES 9.000 PRISONERS. LONDON, Sept 13. (/Pi It in of fic-ially announced tonight from the I British war office that General Dene kine has gained another victory of [ considerable proportions over the bol j sheviki The battle, It is stated, took place al Tsaritsyn. Denekine in be ! ing credited with the complete de struction of two bolsheviki regiments end the capture of 9,000 bolsheviki soldiers. Don’t Fear tomorrow The Worry Con nut/ht hurt lit ed till non If she d only saved her breath; But she feared her hay wouldn't last all day So she choked herself to death MORA I. Non can't cat tomorrow X dinner todav \■ 11 ■ r nr \ on patch and clean \ our old Sill and mal.e ok .1 or \ oil rsel I lie I ie ve II S X I \\ , so w 11 \ work ( ) \ 1 TI M I on - oniei hiiie that will not a t i 1 \ von. I ’ e 11 it ret a new one and iace l< ,)MOI\ IV ( >\\ without lnt ini" an I 'i I \\ i- have :ii le;i l l< M) nit-, all i a11.1 aiaI « nI i'.( X > | Ui i' III . a In I I I ■ illl S 11 I I K I I, , SI I K I Suit flu : |M I I ' \ a 111 (.III I III \ I Ill'll I I III I In' I lul lile Tin I III .11 \ 1 fin n-i ,i '-fiiiil Sun lui ."Ini 11H i. belli i uin fur SI Sell, Sal), St i r I u uii iiv \ uii i t\ tin- I ><-l hi 'nil toll "ft. We ,.l u li,i\f ,i I ;ii"i- l.iiii* ul i \l I . 111 • I W 1 NT IT’ ( ) \ f id fits, l ■ ii I i uca i. SI 1111 s, SI u if -. Il;ii. lur IT il i. I )uu 11 i )i i i It -. in tail, b \ b KW TI I I N I'. 1m Mm' Cniu luii. fall ;iinl liiuk i>ui stock ovei be lore 111,11,i■ i■ • \mi J «n if 11 a .■ We will 11-11 S i, 1> -\\ a \ to pita • M. A. PIN SKA .S ih Vf.v.vm In Still/, ill mill I'lliska /■rout Slrci'l I'nil ho ill: \ ’I lie next steamer arrivin'.' Iia \eu I A » n I I.. r it in abundant e, uitabk foi Fall and Winter Wear ( t >mpl Pc I in the lot a re Siloes in leather, bell and k libber Suit- tor Mm a in I A i m 111 • < )v civitals and I I t• i b laniiel Sbii't • AI addict vs in (oat- and I ’a 111 Stag Slnrts. Hath Kobe', \erkvveai Puttees, Cap lot ball and \\ mtei Stisjiemk i I loisci s and mans otliei Inn loo numciou in mention ()m Stock is positis els ness and 1 ivsli, eai e I tills ekvi ed, and our guarantee >es with em , allude Nothing lioddv ni < k11 ioia Fairbanks Clothing Co. Fair bank an<l \ aiiana |. k. b'osvk' Joe I'l' i'll,'!' LADIES Visit Our Full Shotriin/ o/ Millinery and Coats Personally Selected MON DA Y. SFPTFMDFP loth. J P M THE FASHION SHOP EXTRA FINE Select Roasting Chickens Fresh Stock Broilers Bologna, Frankfurters DRY PACK CREAMERY BUTTER Waechter Bros. Co.