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THE WEEKLY ALASKA CITIZEN VOI. VIII.FAIRBANKS, ALASKA. .'iONP.U MORNING, Pec. II, 1917NO. 45 BRITISH DRIVE TURKS BACK OVER TWO MILES NORTHWEST JERUSALEM OVER BIG FRONT (Associated Press) ASSOCIATED PRESS SUMMARY, Dec. 29.—The Turkish armies in Palestine to the north and northwest oi Jerusalem today attempted to start an oltensive movement having for its object the recovery oi Jerusalem and the ex pulsion of the British, forces from the Holy Band, hour des perate attacks were made on the British forces, all ol which were repulsed with heavy losses. The attempted offensive was broken up by the British, and by fierce counter thrusts the Turkish troops were forced back two and one-half miles over a front thirteen miles wide. 'The British took hundreds of prisoners, among whom were main German soldiers. It i- believed trotn this that tile Berman government has dispatched troops to aid the Turks in their effort to regain Palestine. ATTACKS IX WEST l.OXDOX, Dec. 29. General Haig reports intense ar tillery lire around Ypres and in the St. Ouentin sector. Xo infantr\ activities are reported on the British front. Paris reports fresh German attacks in I.orraine which v. ere broken up and the enemy forced back into their trench es. 'The artillerv duel continues in the Verdun sector. GERMANS TAKE CEOT1IKS WASHINGTON, D. C\, Dec. 29.—The Belgian lega tion has been informed that the Germans are rushing troops through Belgium into the Handers sector. 'These troops; are declared to be stripping the country bare through which i ev are passing. The people are being deprived of all clothing, slices and food* Their suffering is said to be more intense than at any time since the German invasion._ CAPTURED SUB’S CREW WELCOMES ITS CAPTIVITY ( Aft.HOCia.-w'd 1 *r»*ss) WASIIINCTUN, \). l\, I>«*e. 29. Details of tiie engagement which took place between two American tie : strojers and a huge German subma . line November Ti were made pub ■ lie today by tiie navy department, j The Germans who were captured in tills engagement welcomed being ! made prisoners by tiie Americans and cheered heartily when they were landed to be taken to prison camps. When the submarim was discov end by tiie American destroyers. Nicholson and Fanning, it was pre- j paring to make an attack upon a fleet of merchant vessels which file warships were convoying. The two ships immediately attacked the F boat, and one shell struck tiie con ning lower A depth bomb was also launched successfully by the destroy ers, and tiie submarine immediately came to the surface, and the crew, wearing lifebelts, jumped overboard and swam to tiie destroyers. Two American sailors are com mended for heroic action in connec tion witli rescuing the swimming Germans. One of the enemy was so badly exhausted that he was evi dently in distress, when two sailors from the American warships jumped overboard and supported the exhaust ed German until a small boat came to their assistance, in spite of the attention which was given this Iiun, lie died shortly after being taken on board the destroyer. Four officers and thirty-five men were taken aboard the destroyers. All of them were apparently very much contented and relieved to be freed from the submarine. After be ing dried out, they began to sing, and when put ashore they cheered lustily. FOUR SUBS CAPTURED BOSTON. Dec. 29. American sail ors aboard merchant craft arriving at an American port bring informa tion that twelve American destroy era recently captured four German submarines without a struggle. The story of the capture is confirmed by a former Boston newspaperman. According to the newspaper writ er, the American warships discov ered the U-boat3 lying on the sur face with their conning towers open, recharging batteries. The destroy ers swept down on them and took them without firing a shot. They were carried into a French port. Another German submarine was ac counted for a short time later. This craft came sailing into a French port flying a white flag and sur rendered. The commander was the only uninjured man on the vessel and was unable to operate it below the surface. Every man in the crew was either killed or wounded in an engagement with American destroy ers. Finding himself unable to navi gate the craft with any degree of accuracy, the commander decided to purrender. k amine Stalks Over Finland; Many Suffer SHIPS NEEDED TO TRANSPORT POOD FOR FINNISH RELIEF FROM UNITED STATES. i Associated 1‘icssi WASHINGTON, H. t., Dec. lib. Finland oflicials fear that a grave famine will soon spread through Finland unless ships are secured in which to transport tlie food recently secured from Am ericn. The situation is pictured as desperate, with hundreds of peoph already on the verge of actual starvation. It is now believed that two ships will be obtained. The Unit ed States, upon reliable evidence that many people will die unless aid is given by America, recent ly gave Finland permission to export limited quantities of food by way of Sweden. The food lias been purchased and is await ing transports to take it to a Swedish port. ARMY BALLOON CROSSES LINE (Associated Pnss> LAJiEDO, Texas, Dec. 29. The missing American army balloon was located today at Hidalgo, Mexico. It carried a signal corps captain and eight student aviators. The balloon ascended from San Antonio Thursday night at midnight, and owing to an extremely high wind, was driven from its course and was unable to land In American [territory. The captain finally brought it safely to land at Hidalgo, without j injuries to either crew or machine. Auto trucks have been dispatched after the balloon and crew and will bring them to this place. Mexican troops stationed at Hi idalgo were taken by surprise when the balloon was brought down there, and shortly after it come to earth | fired three bullets through it. When I they found that it was not hostile, the firing ceased and the Americans were shown every courtesy. No serious damage was done the bal loon bv the rifle fire. BRITISH BOATS ARE DESTROYED (Associated Press') LONDON, Dec. 29.—Another naval loss was made public today by the admiralty. Official announcements state that three British destroyers were sunk by either mines or tor pedoes from submarines off the coast jof Holland on December 22. The British lost thirteen officers and 180 I men on the destroyers. No details of the Incident were published. It is unknown whether the warships engaged a squddron of Ger man submarines or ran into a bunch lot floating submerged mines. MILLIONS SUFFER FROM INTENSE COLD IN EAST gy — w (Associated Press) \\ ASlil NGTON, 1). C., Dec. 2'f I uheralded and unlooked lor, a great, thick blanket oi intensely cold air settled last night and this morning over a great portion ot the country. It is now lying sluggishly over the country from the upper Mississippi river across the country to the Atlantic coast. The entire eastern half of the country has been plunged into the coldest snap ot the vear, and the weather bureau officials are lorecasting no immediate relict. \\ ails ot anguish are heard from many places where a shortage of fuel prevails. Much suffering: is already reported and much more is looked lor as a result ol the unexpected severity oi the weather. The fuel administration is busily engaged in preparing to meet the unusual demands w hich are certain to be made on it. All coal operators have been notified ol a probable j extra drain upon them, and the railroads will be requested to give priority to shipments ol , fuel destined for places suffering from a coal lamine. BOSTON SITTERS BOSTON, Mass., Dec. 29.-—The coldest wave lelt in this city in recent years is now apparently settled all over the New England states. Tor the first time this year the poor; in the Boston tenement district are suffering on account oi the lack ol fuel. Long lines of women and children are besieging the offices of the state fuel admin istrator begging for relief which is not in sight. City and state authorities have been j appealed to for assistance. There is very lit tie surplus 1 uel on hand, and the suliering will j be intensified if the snap does not break soon. The temperature tonight is five degrees be low zero. ST OR MAR WORK W ASHINGTON. D. C., Dec. 29.— National Fuel Administrator Garfield was ad vised tonight by James Sorrow, the New England fuel administrator, that the luel short age in that section is threatening to stop all w ork on government war contracts. This j step will be necessary in order to conserve the scanty supplies of fuel to prevent suller-i ing from being widespread. Hundreds of millions ol dollars’ worth oi contracts are in-j volved, and immediate relief is asked for. COLDEST EVER RECORDED NEW YORK, Dec. 29.—For the second time in a few days, New 'i ork is again facing a serious coal famine. The weather is the coldest ever recorded in New York j for the month of December, the thermometer standing at six degrees below zero. The poorer classes throughout the city are suffering greatly from the cold. The civic relief organizations are extending all the assistance within their power, but they are unable to care for all the needy. Appeals .o*Thv national fuel administration have been wired. The local weather forecast contains no hope for immediate milder weather con ditions. Unless large shipments of fuel are received within a few hours serious suffer ing will prevail in many quarters. __ RAILROADS NOT MEET REQUESTS FOR INCREASES 1 Associated Press) WASHINGTON, 1). Dec. IT). - Tin eastern railways today refused to meet the demands of the four big railroad brotherhoods for an advance in wages amounting to approximate ly forty per cent. These demands were made several weeks ago, and were in a great measure responsible for the fall down of the roads in meeting t lie transportation crisis. The roads by tlieir action today turned the responsibility for these demands to the government, and it now rests with Director McAdoo whether or not tlie advances are al lowed. The officials of t lie brother hoods announced tonight that they will not press their demands for immediate answer, but will grant the government thirty days’ time in which to make a decision. It is generally believed that the question will be amicably settled before the end of that time. Practically all of the railway ex ecutives today admitted that gov eminent operation is a long step toward government ownership. They ! declare that both the public and the stockholders of the roads demand tiiis step. RUMANIAN KING HAS COLD FEET (Associated Press) PETROGRAI), Dec. 29. It Is per sistently reported here that King I Ferdinand of Rumania lias abdicat ed in favor of his son, Crown Prince Charles, who is to take the throne j immediately. What effect this will S have on the future policy of Ru ■ mania is somewhat uncertain. It was recently reported here that | Rumanian revolutionists were plot ting against King Ferdinand, and it is believed that he abdicated on this account. A number of Bolsheviki agents and Germans are stated to be working among the Rumanian 1 soldiers in an effort to overthrow ‘the present regime, which Is unfavor jable to the Hohenzollerns. News was received In Fairbanks j yesterday that Peter Vachon had | left Copper Center with a horse and double euder for this city. TRAITOR HELD WITHOUT BAIL ( AssociaK-tI 1'! • .'S i NKW YORK, Due. i"j. Paul 1I« n- 1 nine, a naturalized German, was to day arrested by federal secret ser vice agents and is being held in the federal prison, being denied bail. He is charged with high treason. This is believed to be tie- first case of j treason to be discovered in the Unit- ! ed States since the war began. Henning was formerly employed us a foreman in a large Brooklyn fae- | tory making torpedoes. The officials say that he mutilated the gyroscopes by means of which the course of the torpedo is controlled. The dam age done to the gyroscopes render ed them useless, as it was impossi ble to direct their course. The officials making the arrest de clare that there is no question as to the guilt of Henning. The muti lated torpedoes were traced to the j Brooklyn factory and back to Hen ning. He will probable be tried in a short time. If found guilty, he is liable to death sentence. (Associated Press) WASHINGTON, IX (\, Dec. 29. The total amount of credits given the allied nations by the American government passed the four billion dollar mark today, when Secretary McAdoo made additional loans of $348,500,000. These loans are divid ed as follows: England. $185,000,000; France, $155,000,00; Belgium, $7,500, 000, and Serbian, $1,000,000. These countries will use the cred its thus authorized to make payments for January purchases In the Unit ed States. The total issued to date to all nations is $4,236,400,000. Prac tically all of this sum has been used to pay for American purchases. There is still remaining on hand to be loaned to the allies, by the authority of congress, practically $3,000,000,000. TEMPERATURE Headings at McIntosh <fe Ku bon’s Drug Store 7 A. M.—43 below zero. 7 H. M —40 below zero. ( A SSOC la t *.*< I I '! t SS ) LONDON. Dec. 29. Intense aerial j activity is reported by General Haig in his ollicial statement tonight. The war otlice is advised that thirteen Gerinan airplanes were brought down by British flyers, while only thret 1 British machines failed to return to their bases. The air battles began earls this morning and continued throughout the day. They were especially num erous near Lille, where the British machines were engaged in bombing German lines and depots. Hundreds of bombs were dropped on three aero dromes by tli*’ Knglish aviators, and iwo of them were completely de stroyed, while the third one was badly damaged. Swarms of German planes rose from Hie ground lo drive off the | bombing machines. These in turn j were reinforced by speedy battle j craft from the British lines, and the German flyers were routed with the loss of thirteen planes. RAFFLED DOLL MAY MOVE TO OTHER TOWNS When Bob Gunn gave the doll, Ruth Panama, which he won at the Christmas dance, back to the Camp Fire Girls to be sold or raffled to raise more money for the French orphan fund, the girls were in a quandary as to just how to dispose of it to obtain the best results. They will decide at their next meeting what will be done with the doll, but the following means of rais ing money on it has been suggested and may be adopted. The latest idea is to send the doll on to every other Camp Fire Girls organization in Alaska, and there are several others, and have each of these dis pose of the doll in some way to raise money for the fund. In this manner the doll would probably al ways come back to the Camp Fire Girls, whatever camp It might be, and they in turn send it on to the next camp. In this wa? a consider able sum could be raised. FRENCH START TEMPERANCE MOVE TO PROHIBIT SALE OF INTOXICANTS TO AMERICANS (Associated Press 1 WITH Till'. AMKKICAN ARMY IN FRANCK, Dec. —From all indications, Sammy will soon be taking a big ride on the water wagon. General Pershing has announced that the French government is now considering the prohibi tion ol the sale ot intoxicants to American soldiers in France At present American soldiers are the onl\ men in uni torm who can purchase intoxicants. Both the British and hrench soldiers are barred from drinking strong liquor-. The proposed move ot the hrench government has the ap prnval of General Pershing and other commander The proposed action is not being caused by am im proper use of liquors by the Americans, it is declared, b rather a move for greater efficiency. The prohibition will not be absolute, however. Fight wines and beer will be excluded in the order, a in the case of the British and French armies. There is 1 ot enough alcoholic strength in these to be detrimental to tie users. It has been determined by tests that the French v a ter is not pure, and for the most part unfit for drinking purposes. The French issue a wine ration to their soldier and the same plan may be adopted by the American- T! French wines and beers are very light. Dupont Powder Plant Shaken by Explosion TWO KILLED AND SEVERAL IN JURED WHEN LARGE POWDER MILL HAS AN EXPLOSION i Associated I'i - ss) SALT I.AKK CITY, Utah, Dec. Jil Two workmen were killed ami -•■vend others injured when the Dupont Powder plant, locat ed about eighteen miles from here, suffered from a serious ex plosion tonight. Some of the in jured are so badly wounded that it is no! expected that they will recover. The officials of the company are puzzled over the explosion. There was apparently no chance for an accidental explosion, and the property is closely guarded, that il is practically impossi ble for outsiders to get near enough to make trouble. A thor ough investigation is being made to ascertain the exact cause. TWENTY MILLION MEMBERS ENROLL WASHINGTON, I). I'., Dec. 29. The lied Gross officials at national headquarters announced tonight that 20,000,000 members are now enrolled in the American lied Gross society. The Christmas Drive for new mem bers was most successful, and the managers of the campaign are being wired congratulations on their suc cessful efforts. The expectations of the officials .ere more than realized, and as a result of the highly successful cam paign, many new branch organiza tions will be formed. THE KEYS ARE GOING OUTSIDE Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Keys, of Fox, Alaska, will leave on the stage in the morning for the Outside. They are going to Montesano, Wash., where their eldest son with his family has been living almost ever since leav lag the North. It is twenty-two years since Mr. Keys has seen the Outside, and eighteen since Mrs. Keys last came north. The Keys were among the first to teach Dawson during the Klondike rush, coming to Fairbanks in the spring of 1904 on the first rush here. Ever since Mr. Keys has been mining on different creeks in this vicinity, in which work he was al ways assisted by his three stalwart, handsome boys. E. M. Jr., as stated, left Fairbanks with bis family, and the two younger boys went out a short time ago to enlist as quickly as possible in some branch of the service of Uncle Sam The Keys family stand second to none in the love and esteem of the hundreds who have had the pleasure of their friendship and acquaintance during their long residence in the North Mr. Keys expects to return in the early spring, Mrs. Keys probably not returning until later In the summer. Have you Coupon No. 80? If so, call and receive tltlo to lot at Port Angeles, Wash. WASHINGTON. I». I 29. ■ I rile American governim nt v.a.. to I day notified that the civil.*n food ration of all 1.mop an nation.- will have to be reduc d itiiin diately. This step has been mad*.1 nee > ary by tlie alarming shortage in alj supplies. In France 'he wheat . hortage is the cause of some uneasiness. The proportion of wheat used in French j bread will bt cut radically and »*f i forts will b' made to . apply the !-diortagv with "tie r commodif i**s. Denmark’s f«->d apply . • \tr> ine y dmrt Th'-re Is very little prop pert that that eountr> will 1>< able ; to import an. food-tuff. from across 1 e Atlantic on account of tin \m l . jean embargo. Figures furnished by the Swiss j gov.. ninent reveal that tin* supplies ol' Su ii/.• rlaiul are very m ar tin* danger point Switzerland, howrv.-r, has made satisfactory arrangements ’with tin* lTnlt«*d Stated to purchase i certain food -taph s With this as sistance. It is believed that there ! will be some improvement in In r ; situation. It is extremely probable that the American food administration will shortly Issue instructions ft- neater saving in wheat and other art id* so greatly needed in Europe The needs of France will be filled if it is possible to do so. EAST ARRESTED NKW YORK. Dec. 29. Joseph Tau sen, one ol tiie most acftive oi (lei' many’s agents in tli* east, \v; - at rested tonight Ui Pennsylvania The arrest was made by secret servlet' operatives after a long hunt. Tausen is said to have lv n re sponsible for a large numb* r *<f wa terfront fires m various Atlantic coast ports. He is said to have con fessed to having caused at least on* fire. He will be prose t ilted for con spiracy against the government. HOT SPRINGS MAN S DEAD Word was received in Fa.rbunks yesterday that 11 K.tubiook had died at Hot Springs. No detail-, ot tin death could be learned beyond tin fact that the man was found dead in his cabin. Estabrook was a wood cutter by profession and lit d just taken out a wood permit to cut for the winter. Nothing is known as to his family or personal history. MARKUS GETS A LIFE RED CROSS MEMBERSHIP It was discovered yesterday that ticket No. 399 from the tickets taken in at the Civic Club entertainment, and one of the two which were drawn for life memberships in the National Ited (’toss, was owned by George Markus, and he will therefore be awarded the life membership. The other door ticket that was drawn was possessed by Jesse Rust