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UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF FAIRBANKS, ALASKA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000.00. Drafts and Telegraphic Exchange Issued on All Parts of the World UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION Miners’ Home Wines, Liquors Gt Cigars. Rooms, Steam Heat, Electric ight & all Modern Conveniences Opposite Tanana Valley R. R. Depot I*. O. BOX 767, FAIRBANKS, ALASKA. Pioneer! otel Oldest And Largest|Hotel In Fairbanks. Warm Stables AndfDog Houses. DAVE PETREE, PROP - -_-___ r-r. r-[ FAIR VIEW HOTEL First Gass Accommodations. ROOMS 50 cents AND $1 Your Patronage Solicited FRONT STREET PHONE 245 A MISS MARY HART I I p——■——————————————————. First Gass Accommodation Nordale Hotel Yoot Patronge Solicited. 44444444444444444444444444 4 4 t | I Patronizethe | I Miners Home | | Restaurant j i MARKS The Expert Tailor Next to Meat Market Just received for the fall, Silk Velvet Collars, and Overcoat and Fur-coat Lining. Also, Pressing and Cleaning. First Class Work Guaranteed. 44444444444444444444444444 WORKING MEN! When Ordering Beer Should Call Por BARTHEL BREWING COMPANY’S * Bottled Beer \ Made in Fairbanks out of Pure Ingredients. BURNS FORMER W. F. of M. OFFICIAL, NOW N. C. TOOL Union Man Tells What He Thinks of his Dirty Work. Candidate W. T. Burns’ switching from the victorious popular non-part isan ticket, which, if anything, is pro gressive, to the reactionary regular Murphy Democratic ticket, with its Tammany methods, seems like an an anomaly! It’s one of those events pec uliar to politics that cannot be explain ed. Though at that it’s not inconsistant with Candidate Burns. Billy’s record on public matters, since as a roughneck and president of the local W. F. of M. shows that he is some switcher. As leader of the miners, in the Tanana lab or struggles, Burns was a valiant knight of labor, and right manfully did he fight for and plead the cause of labor. Billy was one of the lucky ones, he land ed on the paystreak. Followed prosper ity andlhe grand switch. Was it for a Democratic riband in his coat lapel that he left us ? that our former guide flopp ed from a radical to an ultra-conservat ive ? And, as a big landlord and holder of a vast area of low-grade mining ground and prospective employer of la bor, make common cause with T. Mc Gowan, attorney for Alaska’s largest corporations, E. W. Griffin, personific ation of Big Interests, and other react ionary lawyers and elements? Was it on account of Bunnell’s promise of a cent ral “power plant’’ and other cheap con ditions for working the mines that Can didate Burns changed his principles and philosophy? Oh William! On November 3, retribution will come! A UNION MINER. An Organization to Fight Corruption I J. T. Solward, of San Antonio, Texas, J is head o f a n organization which will refuse to vote for any more lawyers for office. Solward believes most of the cor ruption and weakness in government is because of too tnauy lawyers holding office.—-Ex. Solward is right. There is no one thing causing as much corruption in governmental affairs as the permitting of lawyers to control politics. They as sume that everyone else is a client of theirs and shall keep still while they sell out to the other fellow’s lawyer. A lawyer, as a rule, is a legal harlot, al ways chasing the man with the most money.—Ex. Solward should come to the Tanana and organize his anti-lawver society. Best Equipped Roadhouse In the Interior of Alaska. THE IGLOO INN In the Heart of the Quartz District. COMFORT FOR MAN AM) BEAST j TftH ROCKWELL CUM CUT | Sour Dough Express HACK, Day & Night. Wood for Sale. Call up Sour Dough Office at M. A. PINSKA'S. VOTE IT STRAIGHT For Delegate from Alaska JANES TOMAN For Members of Territorial Legislature, Fourth Division FOR SENATOR . O. P. GAUSTAD FOR REPRESENTATIVES E. B. COLLINS DAN DRISCOLL A. E. MALTBY C. ft. SNOW GREAT SKAGWAY CONVENTION In reading an account of the Skagway convention one cannot h e 1 p observing that it was a body of lawyers and feder al officials. Davidson was there to call the convention to order, and Bunnell, the “leading attorney of the Third div ision,’’ was there to serve as secretary. Cobb, the Juneau lawyer, and Chenv, formerly of Douglas, were both there; Troy, a tenas lawyer formerly of Clall um county, Washington, was also there Mr. Noll, a Ketchikan lawyer was there and Roth, of Fairbanks, was there. A number other would-be lawyers were there, all working for their “clients.” That is what they call tbe man or cor poration w ho has handed them a retain er these days. If one of them were to receive $5,000 for doiug some dirty work for the N. C. Co. or the Guggenheims, he would then call those corporations his “clients,” and the graft would be entered ip his books as a “retainer” as “counsel.” Their candidate is the local attorney fora steamship corporation, and most every attorney in Alaska will vote for hint. Every agent of every steamship corporation and cannery compnny will vote for him and call it a matter of bus iness,” Then, why can’t the producers and all the common people who earn their bread by toil, vote for Judge Wicker sham, for in the convention which nom inated uim not a lawyer tvas seen or heard. Their “powerful speeches’’weTe not wafted over the audience to arouse them to “tremendous enthusiasm.’’ Now, these same lawyers and corpor ation agents who met at Skagwav will soon be pulling off a “non-partisan con vention to nominate their henchman to go down to Juneau and pass some min ing laws,’’ and Dan Sutherland can plead with them until his hair turns gray to enact laws to control the caner* ies and other corporations, but he might just as well be singing psalms to a dead mule and expect said mule to rise up and bray in behalf of the people. Don’t be a Henry Dubp. Keep your eyes open. Read the voter's psalm found else where in this paper.--Valdez Commoner. BE SIND TO THEM Contributed Treat him with kindness, Don’t cause him pain, Don’t let passion master you. Be lenient with the cane. For children will be children, And remember though they’re wild, That you can’t put a Man’s head l On the shoulders of Bunnell.