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Merry Xmas gifts for men Combinations of Ties, Handkerchiefs, Hose etc. Lounging and Bath Robes. House Coats and Smoking Jackets. Gloves and Mitts. Fancy Slippers and Romeoes etc. etc. FREE— Fancy Christmas boxes with every gift purchase. FOR BOYS Suits, Overcoats, Shirts, Hats, Moccasins & felt Shoes The Home of Hart Schaffner aud Marx Clothes. We are closing oat a large assortment of choice Soyvenir Jewelry at less than Cost Price See os for goaranteed Watch Work MENDHflM’S Pioneer Jeweler of the North p&one 28 a. Established 1897 iw^a. He Gets On Their Nerves _ (Continued front page 3) t lie international police,” “tlie most dangerous man in the world,” “the brains of the anarchist lovement,” “the king of anarchists,” etc. But here is his record. Malatesta is now’ 61 years old. About forty years ago, when he was a medical student in Naples, he threw off the rank ' £iid station to which he was born and assisted in the fomenting of a Rouman ian uprising aaainst Turkey. The Porte hunted him out and he returned to It £lv. Next he appeared preaching an archy to the south Italian Peasants and bringing about an uprising there. Next ]ie figured in the Milan bread riots. Hunted out of Italy, he went to Spain and brought about the industrial riots at Xeres and Barcelona. In 1899, having been successfully driv en out of Italy, Turkey, Spain, France, Russia, Germany, Switzerland and Bel gium and proscribed in every European country save England, he came to the Uuited States at the call of Paterson and Reading radicals to become editor of La Question Sociale in Paterson. First, however, he had to be rescued from a small island off the Tunisian coast to which Italy had exiled him. Malatesta lectured for a short time in America, was shot in the thigh at one of the an archist meetings and saved from death by Gaetano Bresci, who iugratiated him self with the great leader by the rescue and socn became an intimate. In 1900 Malatesta went to London and establish ed himself in Soho and Islington. A lit tie later Bresci sailed for Italy with two companions. And then came the news of the assassination of King Humbert. The police have ndt j’et been convinced that the plot to kill the king was not hatched in Patersoe by Malatesta and that Bresci was only the instrument. But a little later Malatesta appeared in Paris. Almost immediately there were two attempts on the life of the Persian Shah, then visiting the French capital. A shot at the French President followed In Switzerland and Belgium riots at tended the visits of Malatesta. In Ger many, it was said, his influence brought about an attempt on the life of the Kaiser. Wherever he passed or paused it seemed, assassination and violence sprang up. Once.Malatesta was sent to prison for commending the assassination of Pres ident McKinley, again ipr advising the Italian strikers to fire back at the troops. * / So this firebrand lives. Asked once, after the assassination of King Humbert for his creed, he said: ‘‘I personally-—and no real anarchist can speak for anyone but liimself-regret that these deads of violence are commit ted from time to time, but it seems to me that in the natural order of evolu tion human violence has as much a place as the eruption of a volcano. All great progress has been paid for by streams of blood. I cannot see how the present conditions, based upon brntal force, can be changed in any other way than by force, . . . No ruler, no matter how safely guarded, is safe from the man who is willing to lay down liis owu life in exchange for that of*the tyrant.” No vronder the police are aflame with anxiety. No wonder that kings quake. Probably in the course of events Mal atesta will slink back into his little shop in Soho, live his uneventful days until some fresh zeal calls him forth. But, meantime he has eluded the police a gain. Somewhere in Kurope he is at large. Bloodshed stalks in his van. So there is no peace where crowned heads lies uneasily.—N. Y. World. PETE STORY (Continued from Page 3.) rozen over an covered with snow, Ole started across an when he was in the middle o the clearin in the willows th‘ ice gave way an like a shot he went down, clean out o sight1 I waited what seemed an hour. Poor Ole. Well, I said to myself, it’s just as well, it’ll soon be off with me too, I tottered over an pul ed down a dry pole, rotte^i at the roots, an jammed it down full length where Ole disappeared. It didn’t reach bottom. Of a sudden I felt a mighty tug an lay in all my weight I began to pull! An j what d’y’ think—eh ? Up conies Ole holdin on to the end o the pole, agrinin •i ' " ' . r, > ,a ' ’ Fresh Cape Cod Cranberries Given Away With Each Turkey Fresh Young Halibut Fresh Columbia River Salmon Fresh Alaska Black Cod Fresh Red Snapper Smoked Col. River Salmon fiippered Smoked C. R. Salmon Fresh Oysters, Olympia Fresh Oysters, Eastern Fresh Shrimps Fresh Smelts Finnan Haddie Fresh, Young, Outside Veal Fresh Chickens, Stewers J^esh Chickens, Roasters Fresh Chickens, Broilers Ducks Turkeys Geese Beef Loins Beef Ribs Beef Roasts Beef Tongues ucciitjraHKaz&ESiimmmaaaaBMgassmsaammmmsxssmKi j Beef Livers Pork Sausage (Columbia Brand) Pork Loins Pork Tenderloins in Pails Shoulders of Pork Spareribs Hutton Saddle Fresh Pigs’ Feet Imported Salami Sausage Horseradish 111' ■ II limn III I II ■ II I ——I. IlillBim I I Hill II II I GOLDEN’S MARKFT i Wickersham and First Telephone II7W r She saw it at the Fair. She longed to possess it! That beautiful Cut Glass Dish! It is the prettiest she saw in town! Come and get it for her; it will make ... her happy;!! / ' < The Stock of Christmas Presents at our store is Superb.— Bring the Children to see the Toys!— Victor Phonographs fit Records at Outside Prices. The Fair Second Avenue Opposite Orpheum Theatre Fresh Over the Trail (Turkeys) 50 Cents per Pound We will cut into steaks and roasts to suit customers FresfrBeef Ribs 40c lb. Fresh Beef Loins 40c lb. Ribs weigh about 35 lbs and Loins weigh about 60 lbs. FAIRBANKS MARKET Phone'42 WAECHTER BROS. -Phone 42 .4 like he’d gone loco! Well sir, no use talkiw he was some lucky Swede, our lives whs saved. Will you d’leive it? S’lielp ne, by the great guns! In the webbin o’ Ole’s six loot snow shoes, jumpin, wus twenty seven-twenty sev en, mind you, o the prettiest an plump est rainbow trout ever mortal clapped eyes on!!! Yessir”— Pete whitied on his / pipe bat it had gone out. AN ALASKAN. The Fairbanks Citizen on the eve of election, brayed forth from Erwin donkevdom: “We appeal to the people of Alaska to use common, ordinary horse sense in the matter of voting for a delegate to congress.” Well, row that they have voted, what do yon think a bout it.—V. Commoner. Wlv’" * Useful Xmas Gifts For Men at M. A. Pinska’s