Published Weekly In The Interest Of The Wori ing=C!ass.
Vol- 1- FAIRBANKS, ALASKA, June 2o< 1914.
f Organ;i:cd Labor In Colorado On T-he .Verge Of
One Reason Why There Was No War In Mexico
Labor and Socialist papers received In 'the reeorsi
mails from the outside bring news «f,a. serious condition of
affairs that obtained two month- ago in-the state of Coio
orado, in fact all over the country, because cf the terrible
repressive measures adopted by the Rockefeller coa1 mine
Interests in the southern part of the state, and in the inhu
man cruelties inflicted upon the miners who for almost a
year have teen ont on strike for decent working condi
tions and a sufficient wage to enable them to live some
thing like human beings, in their efforts to subdue and
drive the men back into the mines. The following from the
*’Worker’s World” (Socialist) published in Chicago, re
veals a state of affairs bordering .on insurection.on the
part of organized labor in Colorado, out of sympathy for
striking miners
Never iii American history h is
J.hIhi]' bone what ii is doing to •
• day in Colorado. 'A lien courts
Lave or pressed, it has replied
•voth oratory and printing ink
* ami demands for legal redress.
\\ hen police and militia have
V'l-aten and slabbed. it nas sta.
gered on in sullen silence, ri 'L
, sung its own i:inbiii• y to oiler
©iirani.-.ed res? stun :<•
Hut today t.'idorado r uigc v--it.!i
the cry “TO AliM-N"’
Unions are voting war funds
as openly as if they wore in"e
poitdeiu nations. They ere aim
ing and dril ing their own mem
Lot's as openly as they would
play base ball. They arc answer
ing war with war. They are giv
ing sh -t for sliot
That such things sire possible
is due to a peculiar situation in
Colorado. The state government
is divided against ii-elf there
are many local capitalists and to
C'-il newspapers that do not shed
tears when Rockefeller s guards
are killed and Uookeloller's
mines set on five. Instead of
finishing imitv on tlio part of
tLo govi-niu out. iho ciij i’alisi
class ami (lie newspapers the
•eiiemv is weakened by thi.- «i:*i
«io£, and in tha face of it the
jvorker? are flocking to battle.
'The fed low ug ‘Call to Anns’
Issued'by tho state Federation
of Labor and printed in the Jden
ver Socialist papei, is probably
the most daring manifesto ever
promulgated bv a body of work'
ing men in America.
“Oroamre the men in your Com
jnunity ill companies of volun
teers to protect the people of
Colorado against tbs murder and
cremation of men, women and
children by armed assassins in
the employ of coal corporations
serving under the gm so of si ate
Gather together for defniMVi
purposes all arms and ^munition
leg a ly avail able. Sand name of
leader of your Company and ae
[ren enlisted at
or mail to
ry of State
fr, order, People ha inu >rrns 1 >•
spare for these defensive m«a
•suras are requested to furnish
s'um to local companies and
where no company crusts, send
them to the -Slate ffederution ui
1 .tutu r.
The state is furnishing tie no
protection and we must, nrolect
• ur.-elvcs, our wives : >.d chi!-.
■Jron uiii»t these murderous as
sasains. \V9 seek no quarrel
with the state and w« expect to
bteak no law Wcin'en l to c-.v
eroise our'awful t’ as citi
Zens,, defend our homes unit our
conMiuuiomd right*.
Here is another sneeimeo. ol
militancy. It is part of an edito
rial from the Colorado Worker
(Socialist >
Working men of Colorado a
roust ! Plutocracy has thrown
down u e gauntlet.
1 ho latest- ancl boldest stroke
of plutocracy has startled (In en
lire nation Innocent women aim
clrldren slum at the ;ntur ol
greed. Miners who will not yield
to corruption and brow Dealing
must be murdered ahum aim
then wives and children. This
is liie edict ot ti e Colorado coat
ct mpanies and their fuanuiiru
On hackers.
The previous reports of law
lessness on Uie part oi the strik
lug mmers is a ghastly lie, a
criminal calumny, and is onlv
an excuse to nitmter these men
and llteir families, who are Lou
rigidly honest to betray tbeir
n ust and too courageous to sue.
ctiinh 10 threat, ami intimidation
Hiu by tiie gods! The slung b er
of innocent men. women atm
children must he stopped. If un,
the weaklings who are resnonsi
de and their tnttshrs from We i
*s-reel. New York, to the Rocky
Mountains hurt bettei' prepare to
billow tliem. The crisis has come
and we have got to meet it.
They have driven us to t!m
wall and now let us rally onr for
ces and face them and fight, [f
they continue to murder onr
brothers, a million revolution
ists at least, will meet them with
guns. If tiiis slaughter contin
ues every state in this lTui0n
/ ■ i • -
will resound with the tramp of
revolt!!!, n. Get ready, fh>mrad«s
for nctic.’iNo (v he- course in
left w> th ■ working ehwu. Their
courts tire closed to its except to
pronounce our doom. To enter
!their courts >s simply t? be mule
■ted of our meager ii.cnn* hound
I n
l and and foot; u> have our cy«s
I'luvku! ii! by the ruhures that
i fatten up-.m our misery. Whotev
jar is done wn ninsl do ourselves,
j and if ,vo stand . p like men
I from the Atlantic to tlio Pacific.
i , ’
land Iron 1 lunada to t :»o Gulf, wo
1 will strik > error h> their coward
iy hearts, and ■ hey will be but
t»o (■!<<».■; tr> relax- tire .r grip up
on our hr > it."
liiK iiT^PiiNGr;.
1 rori coast, to cons*, the work
. ing class re.-pouded to the cell.
i'housHnd-t of men volunteer d
with fli-icrity to join tlm ranks,
lluno.rud- of mas* meetings were
hold and thousands of dollars
were sent, in for arms and
nitiou. The miners in one slate
alone wired Mo.Ohu ir. two days.
1 Conset— alive tr de> unions .<}i
i in sieepy old rinc-.didpbiu held
| rousing meeings. Tho spirit ..f
'O.uif.isvs»*pj over all crjfiy,
in responding to the need of
i Jumv ratios in f -olorado.
I'iie mhowmg telegram from
‘ i,(,nvtr under date of April 21,
(to I Up L.nor Argus ol Charleston
| W 'r,i. givei an account of what
thappened, and which went fir
I'owuids arousing the worker.!
' liii*>ughout tne Unci, and bvii;"
iiig a I io u I micii u spontaneous e»
inbiii'M '.•! working class unity
lirtlior iV. Va.
J/iuliow i- ni colonv, which
! housed ,i .2* n striking miners
‘ was burned o the ground alter
: four msn, three vomeu and soy
, en chihlien were murdered. I.5U
gun men in militiamen's uniform
: and with statu etpjf pineiit, have
with ,m.x inai hiue guns, kept up
h 00111 taut attack on men,women
j and children since daybreak.
Monday morning. The iinliea.
: lions ure that the mine guards
intend to in'mlcr all strikers who
icfuse to go lo work o.i -compa
1 oiea' terms, Chic boy of 11 was
murdered when lie ran to get a
'JiMik of water ror his mother
; who lay wounded in cellar Four
| other children limn 4 toll years
old. were driven back by bullets
oi un i funmr. ^’Jnuion iiuo
ing tent and burned to J.-nth.
Are You, One Of Jfie
Socialists wtio Says
the t i«;k:-'
ill that l i'1
:i..a ,i socialist—been one for many years—always vote
.mi, ' .Jo not l>* lonij to the o"ciuiizs«liou.'’ If
you nro
you should £tf. mil of it The only Socialists that
jaunt nr-tlic .w that pay their 2r» f • dues mouth, ami
1 aul ”• thr •• irk of the party o*
zati . i'.hes the fellows that
: are.making • ,e Socialist I any the
?feat f r 'or the coimr.1 n go in
A tote ten. Theeat.i ilist. e’as-- w
■ fin-rnoi* oik* party a ui w.
i wiiti! them to. Its ■ iii: tv.i n y-!ivu
rents per month fr >m its thousands
of red Socialists that keep the
a ! .'els of the organ rathe gong.
Coir.e on )>. i.mi find out h tv we
run things. You wil* have iuel hv
much •<> -ay.os a:, th^r. Wo have
made it ctsy for you to take toe
(ii.-t s'up-" •> low is a coupo n which
H'U S! oultl
Cut Out, Tear Off And Mail Today.
Kn,S> ! AGarden Island or L. Westenvik
Cleary City. j
1 am oonviVced that I sin l.jd he a member of tlx; organjz’ili a yca re_
present. I lease send seine onato take toy application-.
Name. ..
I hilibeathoma.. ..k.
;_ —
guard all roads, r :ssen
gere on railway trains report
I hrn I > or.2d men o;i.
tiro lying on prairie i ■ rn:ua of
t!ie tout- colony, -Society women
• iHViod to nurse injured men , w>
men juid bubas but are refused.
A score or more of women and
children are probably miotherodl
to deatli in Hie ruins of their vt
iage. It is tlie most terrible i.ias
saer»» in America's industrial his
•orv The water supply of the
■•oi'.my was cut oft' early Monday,
morning and..women and babes lie in ditches and
cellar* for M4 bout's without food
■>r w.* tp r, .1 h t* M u rd e r e rs, a re kaen up the attack and all may be
slaughtered, Will you for God's
sake, and in the name of humani
ty, "all upon all your citizenship
the United States and both hous
1 ses ■ f «on grass that they leave
Me aco alone and come in’.o Cole
i rado to relieve those miners, their
1 w h es and children. "/hi arc beip#
:.'-if,'i.whteivd in cold blood by
(.those murderers?
K, L., Dov Jo, Sso’tv
• .’’strict 15. U. M. W. of \.
1 Champ ClarK’s rictus d«
, cerates a ten dollar counter
feit bill. An old part}' politi
cian'* portrait on a eeunfcer
feit bill is highly appropriate.
i .. ___ ..
A doctor aays that there
arc 80,000 feeble minded peo
pie in N. V. State and 38,000
lunatics. From the old party
,'yote cast, last election, that
■ looks like a low estimate.
;Old Sourdough of Jack Wade Creek chosen *by Tn
Socialists to make race for. Delegate. ■ ;<\
j .A? a result of tho refr.-rendum vote taker, by th« Social
ists of Alaska, as canvassed last Wednesday evening A,
Lena Morrow Lewis, provisional territorial secretary, ana'
representatives of Fairbanks and OJnea locals. John 31,
Brooks of Jack. Wade Creek, was nominated a* candidate,
for Delegate to congress from this territory, ■ defeatitig
Dan -McCabe of Vault Creek by a narrow margin. The
nominating referendum was seat c.vv. by the provisional to ■
ritoria! secretary March 17, thus giving the membership
three months in which to vote and get the returns back to
Fairbanks. The Nome and two or three other outlying lo
cals, were not heard from., owing probably to their great
distance from Fairbanks and poor mail facilities, conge
queidy. the members of these locals were deprived of a
voice in the nomination of the. Candida la. It is probahia
V wev®", that a fairly full expression of the membership
; was had, for returns were received from widely scattered
icints in the territory, an d it is doubtful if the result would.
! have been any different hud
! every local reported.
| .Comrade Brooks received
‘ his iarges; support from the
Fairbanks local and his own
| local, Jack Wade and from
! several points along the
| Coast. Comrade McCabe got
! his best support whore he is
i known best - from the creeks
■ .where be has lived and work i
■ oci and fought the battles of
i his class both at short and.
| long ranae ti c: th« days
j when the camp was young j
j Nor was he by any means j
| overlooked in Fa irbanks and1
: other points throughout «he
'territory Sts the easvass of!
i the rote showed.
!--- ■ i -
John M, 1!rooks was born
ion a farm in Michigan about
'40 vears age.. He spent his
| boyhood and early youth on
i the old homestead, then w/'-n
before he had reached man’s
! estate, drifted West. Cast
ling h's lot in the mining
1 camps of the Y7est he adopt
ed the occupation of a miner, ;
! \bout seventeen years ago he!
i came north, landing at Ju-i
I neau and after spending sev;
eral years in that city7, and’
points along the coast wenti
on to Daws n where he en-j
gaged in mining and .pros
pecting. When the stampede
to the Tanana occurred In
joined the rush, reaching!
here, and on looking about j
engaged in the wood and ice
business which he conducted
for. several years building it
up to prosperous proportions |
Four years ago because of
ailing health he disposed of
after taking a trip outside to I
recuperate and. visit the oVi 1
folkfa* home, returned to A- 1
lasks, and acquiring ground
on Jack Wade Creek in the 40
mile country, has been en
gaged in mining to the pre
sent time. While a rc.v-dern
of Fairbanks, Mar—
served two terms in ti\e City
Council, which office he
with credit to himself rnu
to the .satisfaction of the
Jack Brook:", was an earlv
j men1 her of the Western Fed
oration of Miners, and has a
I 'vine acquaintance among
I the members of thru militant
land progressive organization
throughout Alaska.
1 fie is a Socialist ,of
long standing, and as amir.;
boy was known as a missions
ry m the cause: awl in the
early d^.ys of thi; camp, lone
before a Socialist organiza
tion was thought of here,
he was agitating, distribu
ting lit mature and _ doing
what lie could to spread thy
He .ha* engaged in 3ereal
political campaigns in this ter
ritory but always on tile side
Dissolution of the a trus s
>esn’« seem to wdrk is ykelV
of the working class, giving
of his time and means and
been actuated by no other
motive than an honest,
unselfish desire to promote
the principles cf the people
who werjs.