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| THE SOCIALIST PRESS . Published ui 20 Third Ave. I - The 0/ficial organ of and en dersedby Fairbanks, Olnes and Cleary Locals, Socialist Party. W. J. Nicley, Manager. Subscription Kates, One y£ar $5.00 Six months $3.00 Three months, $2.60 One month SI. 00 Saturday J une 27. The Bridge. IS'on tliat work lias started on {lie bridge we may t x jccI soon lo l e able to get limn one side of the river to the other uitliou: 1 he annoyanee mi l expense of .1 uving to patioirze the lorry, M.d when it is completed, a sigh of relief will go up, not only from the town but the creeks as veil. The people of this town are accustomed to look upou the Joss of the bridge as a loss to tuemselves, when as a matter of fuel un de i the method adopted jins year for raising the neces airy funds for rebuilding, the greater loss re illy lulls on the j eople from the creeks. \\ e do jiol believe it ;s right. The creeks support this town :md it is asking entirely too much w hen the town looks lo llie creeks to provide the facili ties for their doing so, especially those within the coniines of the town itself. We lmve never so Jar asked the creek t eople to con tribute to the building of our fridewalks and streets, yet the bridge should he as much a pub lie allair of the town as the side vatks and streets are. If the sub seription method of raising' lands is too burden ome to tne tew who contribute and no more equitable way can he de vised, why isn’t the matter put lip to the road commission. J.ooked at in one way the gov- , «, rumeul ougnt to build that bridge and maintain it, lor it 1 ii. necessary to the public high way between the Coast and lliej Yukon as any other on the I jouie, and tiieie is little donotj but the government w ould do it, if the matter were gone at in ! the right way. ] i i Reducing i Our Burden Ja framing revenue laws, the! jirst Alaska legislature, compos-' ed exclusively of Jdemocrats and itepublicans, most of them ■ “friends of tabor” of course, en tirely overlooked the millions of dollars worth of piivate pro perty in the territory which should have bet21 made the sub ject of taxation for government al purposes, as is such property anywhere else, because it is just and equitable, but they did not overlook the'poll lux which falls heaviest on the working man Instead of abolishing it altoge ther as vas demanded and as iho more progressive stales out side have done, they inacb a b uff at ievising it, by reducing it outside of incorporated towns and doubling it on the men in such towns.But along with their other bungling, the legislature forgot to provide means lor col lecting the tax, so that other ad mitted “friend of the working man” James Wickerdi.un, in 11 oduced a hit! 1 nt > c mgress giv lag authority to eel lam 1' cut-rai olljg.als to make collect.on. ll lh' bd lias ii o t id ready pas-eu, it Viul pass, so iliat no man guii iv el call! llig tl.e Liana ol lao^r mill escape. JUie either to or ma lice ilifc Kansas l.'i.y fclur the o thtt day interred lo A lexander Leikman, the well known Lew Y31 k Amuclusi; as * 'the ex-eon \ id boe.t list h udeV.’" lie I klllilU Js Ur mil ll Opposed tobociairsm ; s is lHe i aliens City blur and Urea i-Lobt t>»f S..Ule UnderlainJ metlioi S 111 lighting i. A] peal io Keasuli. noct Cf All Evil. 11is said that love of monev i - the loot, of iill Evil. buppuse that iiitisi t e the reason the cap iialists are so generous minded Lliiit they ham to see the woiking men of the world tempted ol the devil. Anyway tliey take ail the responsibility u on them selves. liOiV 11'ee of llielu! ivx. '1 he greatest divide up system is citj italism, which divides ths people into employers who have without producing and workers who produce without having. And so ilson can’t aid the women to secure the ballot be cause his party has not declaied for woman suffrage. Ami lus par ty will declare for it. the same year that Hades >s made a skat ing rink. A drunken man angering! down the bireet with wild ruv-j ings and crazy antics is only do is w hiskey drunk while ihe oth er is dollar drunk. Some one in the Unfed States Depurituenl of Ag lciiKure is j.i clu.iu to l/e funny, 'i hat depart, lneut is out with a circulai ol in siruciions to tanners on how to c,yn m e their 1 com s ai d make 111» iiieir income mx correctly. Ux. Miners l:or Socialism. I’iiisburg, K in., '1 la- liiiccnth con.-tculive loaven 'on of 1 js trjet]4, Unit'd Mine Wo kers ol America, coin nosed ot 1G j del : egaleS, adopted aierO.Ulijll in fa ! Vor of the Sociali.-t Juilty as a j>(> ! Ijlical organization, declaring !li at “the jmJi icaj party known 'as tnc Socialist jiar.y is of the j workcis on the .industnal lieid, land ins tenets both po.iucuby 'and iudnsinaily, aie what, wo ! are living toaitain on Ihe indns : : trial hcl i ajone. A te’egrnni just received from j the Sunday Morning l’ost of.Ju j liflau gives the information that jJohn M- Urooks, Socialist camii <1 te for de.egate <o congress S .eft th it city on June Id for his home on Jack Wade Creek. ing individually what c *i»italisl society ts doing collectively, One Jack Wade NOTICE, To all members of the Western Federation holding1 withdr >\val card* from locds of the Western Federation of Miners, on the oat side, will please deposit them with Daniel McCibe, Secretary of Local FJ3 W. F. Al. at Vault Creek or with Emil Pozza, Presi dent, at Garden Island. Alaska. Daniel McCabe. i .Wholesale & Retail Bread Cakes Pies • < - Ice Cream Parlors In Connection Creek Orders Prosaptlr Filled 2ndAv. Phone 186 V 1 [modern Study Course^ No. 6. Bourgeois Morals By Marx ar.d Enpe>, From Communist Manifesto, .A A boll i m of the family! Ev'm the most n.'heal flare up at this infamous proposal of the Comma lusts. Cm what foundation is the pre feent family, the bourgeois family based? On capital, on private gain. In us completely developed form this family exists only » mong the bourgeoisie But this state of things rinds its comple ment in 'lie practical absence of the family, among the proletari an!. and m public prostitution. 'i he bourgeois family will van ish as am ter of course .when its complement vanishes*. »nd both will v iiioii vvuii he v r.isn ing of C"pit. *1. 11 o you charge us with wanting .os opt e exploit ■ ion c, ill dr u by their pur ucsV To this crime vv t? jj i ccAu icuii ty. But, you v. ,li say,, we destroy the most iia luweo of i cm. ions, when we leplace tome education by social. And your education! Is not hat also social, and determined oy die soci i* condi ions unuer v< you educate, by trie intervention, uii'cc. or inuuxcg oi society by means oi schools, etc.? The Com. inunists have i.ot invented me intervention ox society .i.i educu uou; tnry tio bat set-K to a.ter the diameter cf thjt interven tion, aou ex rescue education trom tne influence oi me ruling class The b-urgeois clap-trap ab u. the f -mily ana education, about the hallowed co-relation of parent ana cm.a, becomes ail ttie more disgus bag tne more, by the ae ion of Modern Industry, all family ties among tne proletarians are torn asunder, and their children transformed int1 si npie articles of commerce and instruments of £;bor. , P-at you Communist? would in troduce community of vv men. screams the whole bourgeoifia ^ in chorus- j' The bourgeoisie sees in his wife a mere instrument of production. He heats that the instruments of prod u diion are o be exploi ed in common, and naturally, can come to no other conclusion, that the lot of being common to all will likewise fail to the women. He has rot even a suspicion 'hat the real point aimed at is to do away with the s at us of wo men as mere instrumen s of pro duction. For.the res', nothing is more r diculous th« *j the virtuous indig na i n of our bourgeois at the community cf women which,they | pretend, .is o b.e ope dy and o';i ciady established by the commu nists. The communists h-ve no need t<'introduce community of women; it has existed almost from time immemorial. Our bourgeois not content with having the wives and daughters of their proletarians at their dis posal, not' to speak of common pros ittues take the greatest plea sure in s dating each o hers’ Vv'i ves. Bourgeois marriage is in reali ty a system of wives in common and thus, at the mos , w’na the C »mmunists might possibly Le reproached with, is dint they de sire'-o introduce, in subs button for a hypocritically concealed f an openly legalized community of >vnvn. For the rest, if is self-evident, that the > bolition cf the community of women spring ing from that system, i. e., of prostitution bo h public and pri vate. Thoroughly Renovated &: Rebuilt | First Class Baths Furnished Rooms Lunches Heading Hoorn Writing Materials. Electric light and all accommodations. The workers’ Home. Front Street Fairbanks, Alaska. Do You want to enjoy yourself? THE FRACTION Summer Garden Open All Summer, .7 PINTS OE RAN1ER OR OLYMPIA BEER FOR $1.0^ W. F. Kramer, Prop. GERMANIA RESTAURANT i FIRST CLASS MEALS SCIdAJJB A.N1J JOHNSON, Hrops FRONT STREET, FAIRBANKS