RECORD RAWINSONDE (con't from page l) | failure in the flight instrument or gro | und equipment resulting in loes of sign f al. Other high soundings reached by this \ activity since the beginning of the In i' ternational Geophysical Year on 1 July, \ 1957 and. since the use of special 800 \ gram balloons have been to 136,000 and \ 131,000 feet with several others above j 110,000 feet. Personnel in the upper air section of j the Navy Weather Service Office on Adak j who made this noteworthy observation are | Dale R, Barnett, Aerographers Mate First J Class, USN, (RAWTMSONDE Supervisor) of P Marshall, Illinois, James F. Gadow, Aer j ographers Mate First Class,USN (RAWINS - j ONDE Observer) of Preston, Maryland and j Dale A. Clay, A rographers Mate Second j Class, USN, (RAWINSONDE Observer) of | Hemet, California. Since there is a high j competitive spirit in the Navy and other j weather services in reaching the highest j average and maximum altitude in RAWINS 0 I NDE Observations, the personnel who made | this 'observation and this Command are :• proud of, this apparent record altitude I observation. WHO WANTS A TRANSFER?? V Sen Diego (AFPS)- Something new has | been added to the Long Beach-based des j troyer tender Frontior-and it’s not a j missile. It’s a second mess line. Here are the details as they were j recently proposed in several plans of i the day. "A new system will take effect in j your General Mess* Two lines will be I used. The starboard line will continue j to serve the regular menu as posted we ] ekly. The port line will serve frank j furters, hamburgers, petatio chips and I rolls at all meals. '’’The salad and dessert bar will be 1 available to all hands. Complete self ] service will be in effect, but you will | be required to eat all that you place on I your tray. The procedure will be in ef ! feet at all noon and evening, meals... I "FLEET RESERVE ASSOCIATION" | Once again we wish to bring to the| attention of all that an organization; can funtion only when it has membership,! Here on Adak there are a great number! who are eligible to belong to the F.R.A, but have not joined because those - -who belong have forgotten that the club can only do its best when its membership isi large; However even with a large member ship the club will not function if all are not behind it. This club is like any other club and we can make it a place where all want to go if we get be hind it. We have elected new Officer’s: and we are sure that they will, do their. best to make the club what we all want if everyone of us help them, It is of course up to the officers to do the: work, but it is every members job to at-: tend meetings and to come to the club: when it is open as it can only operatei when it has sufficient customers. We j now1 wish to extend to all members of the j F.R.A., their ladies, and their guests ,\ and invitation to a .banquet ior tnem-j stagnation of Officers to be held on 2; June 195Bo The club will open at 1800* I The Installation ceremonies will be at. 1900« The Dinner will then follow - -at! approximately 1930, We have gone to the j great length to bring to all a very won- ; derful evening which will include dan- : cing,now then just let me say once again! ’’Lets all come and enjoy ourself and get; behind our club to make this coming year ' the best year here on the RockU Yes, it: is all free. See you at the F.R.A. Firemen in Battle Creek, Mich., werej given permission to set fire to a con- \ dernmed house so they could practice the j latest firefighting techniques; it took! them two hours and 7 cans of kerosene to j W.sV>V«