OCR Interpretation

The Adak sun. (Adak, Alaska) 1955-1976, May 26, 1958, Image 5

Image and text provided by Alaska State Library Historical Collections

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96060044/1958-05-26/ed-1/seq-5/

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—From A Diary Of Darkness—
\ By Kel Williams
j Dear Diary, ,v ■ ■ • ‘ \ \
"many times I laid awake at night and]
j dreamed of fame* Little did'I know that|
| this moment I would be on a fast Holly-j
wood bound train with the hope of film-|
land fame within the year* When I ar
rive I*11 probably be met by the leading
producer of Surmounta Studios. Now, as
I write in mfc diary, I wonder whether
I’ll be laughing ten years from now when]
I read what I’m writing today* I could]
be crying as well as laughing* I guess!
that would depend on what I make of my
j acting career» As I look from the win-I
^dows of this train, I can literally see j
: my past fading back to misty memories ofj
j mfe youth. All behind me, I have nothing:
I but the future. This shall be my pre-j
j lude to success. I hope®”
”1 hope the next time I look'uponj
] this page of this diary I’ am a success,\
j IF>11 probably laugh at all this melo~j
I dramatic stuff I’m writing now, But ifj
j I ?m successful. It’ll be worth it. The\
| laughing I mean. Even this very minute
1 I have a sudden fear I will never reach
| Hollywood alive. That’s a strange feel
Ling to have but I have it now, I guess
! it’s all due to nerves, Now I have an
| other creeping feeling of failure, It
^scares me to think of failure, Thats my
Wweakness, I guess, Failure I Now I have
j the feeling that I will know poverty and
S poverty will know me.”
"Still, I have the letter in my hand\
j, from- Sam Gasshouse the big producer's, I j
I guess he knows what he’s doing. I sure:
j don’t, I wonder what the people at homes
i are going to think of me when they see j
| my picture on the screen of the ’old:
j Orpheum theatre’? I bet they won’t even!
i recoginize me, Who cares! I guess I doj
| care about Nellie though. My Nellie, ij
j wonder what her husband will think when
| she says, ’lets go see his motde, I used
j to go with himry Well she can have her
j husband, I’ll take Hollywood any day,
I remember the day I told her mother I
wouldn’t be back until they welcomed mej
j back with a homecoming and big parades«1
| (Gon’t top of next Col,)
Well maybe it will all come true. Then;
what will they think? I wonder if I’ll;
really be a popular actor-, Maybe 1*11 be;
another Valentino or a new type of lover;
who can tell. I don’t think I’ll be able-;
to wait until' this train gets to Holly-j
weed« I am nervous• Kinda shaky all =
over.Feel a sharp pain in my right side,^
kinda easing slowly unward, Hope itj
ain’t apnendicatis* I’d hate to have a?
big scar on my belly* Wonder what the
critics will say about my first movieo\
I hope my friends don’t laugh at me, Ij
couldn't stand it. Those bumbs, Whyj
did I ever call them friends. All they}
ever did was try to discourage me from;
becoming an actor. I wonder why I amj
Degmning to ieei so depressed? jl ieei
awful dizzy.The pain is becoming slight
ly worse. I think I’ll go see the doc
tor when I get to Hollywood. . . Brother
I’m sick. If I’m a failure Nellie will
laugh at me* I’d as soon die as have her
laugh at me. Oh man, that would be worse
than death* Some how I feel like I’ve
just written and obituary instead of an
entry in my diary. I hope. . . . .
’’Here RalphJ,’ said Sam Gasshouse,
’’this must have been the last thing he
did”. ”Yeah, I read it. He was a nat
ural. Did you read the page about the
first date with that girl called NellieV
’’Man that guy was emotional, I bet he
would have been another Valentino, maybe
even something new for filmland. To bad,
guess we all have to die for one reason
or another.
Monday T. 26 May 195 8
MOVIE: 1400-1800-2015 ’’THE TRUE STORY
OP"1 LYNN STUART” with Betsy Palmer and
Jack Lord. California© Attorney General
says, .’This picture is an almost unbel
ievable true story’”.
Aleutianiers Band Schedule for week \
ending May 31*
Friday, 30 May- ’’CIVILIAN CLUB’’ ?
Saturday,31 May- ”HAMMERHEAD LODGE”
... ■ ■> **%#%%% i

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