OCR Interpretation

The Adak sun. (Adak, Alaska) 1955-1976, May 26, 1958, Image 9

Image and text provided by Alaska State Library Historical Collections

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96060044/1958-05-26/ed-1/seq-9/

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I 1950 Olds 8S Radio, Heater, Hydrama
j tic* Will sell For $350* or Best Offer
j Call 655W or Qtrs. C-24*
- - - Ray C. Davidson - - --
3 Speed Phonograph-Radio combination,
| Console Dinner service for 12, complete
i with serving dishes One pair of brass
j table lamps with shades* A Martha Wash
i ington Sewing Cabinetc Also A Oval oc
j casinnal table, 11 Crystal goblets and a
| Holmes & Edwards Community Plate flat
ksilver service* For information on the
j above articles please contact P. F.Quin
| lan, Supply & Fiscal Officer or call 171
j after working hours*
Will care for small children in my
| home, Contact Mrs, R. D. Gwaltney at
| 146-B
Enlisted MenTs Christian Union
> The weekly meeting of the Enlisted
Men's Christian Union will be held at Mr*
& Mrs* Kings, 153A, All hands are in
cited for an evening of Bible Study,fel
lowship, and good food* Transportation
will leave the R0E, Bldg, at 7:15 ?• M*
See you at E.M.C.U,
I Catholic - ,
j 0630 - Mass, Bering Chapel
I 0830 - Mass, Radio City, Whiteface Chap#
i: 1000 - Mass, Bering Chapel
I Protestant
i 0900 - LD3 Meeting of the priesthood,
AFRTS Telecasting Room, Bering
■ 0945 - Sunday School, All Age
| (Con!t top of next Col,)
Religious Education Building* i
1000 — Latter Pay*. Sainta, AFRTS Teleeas-j
h v -♦♦±ng Ro»m ,» BSr itij Bldfe„
! 1110 - Protestant Morning Worship, Ber-f
ing Building*
1 1900 - Adak Christian Fellowship, Ber-j
ing Building* • j
Any Publication or submission of No-j
tices for the Adak Sun may be sent by]
Guard Mail to Disbursing Office before;
Thursday of each week, !
Upon submission of Notices, -please-]
state on the memorandum for what length]
of time you wish the notice to be pub-!
lished» !
Thank You . |
- - - --The-Editing-Staff --!

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