VOLUME II, Number 40
8 October 1962
It seems odd, but long after October 12th, the day we now celebrate as Columbus
Day, Columbus insisted that San Salvador, the Island in the Bahamas where he and
hiis.men first came ashore, was part of Asia* This oceanaut of his age had no
notion of his true achievement* He had discovered a new world*
Throe little wodden ships; ridiculously frail and unseaworthy by today*s stand
ards.^ Their total crews numbered less than 100 man, good sailors all, but some of
them in their hearts must have remembered the old theory that the world was flat.
A lot of people still believed it. . *
Mot Christopher Columbus. He knew where he was headed, by sailing 2,400 miles
west he*d reach a group of Islands near Japan. A now, short sea route to Asia
would be opened.
Think of the obstacles he'surmounted to pursue his dream. Today our astronauts
and^the army of scientists engaged in Project Mercury and Project Gemini and
Project Apollo are backed by the resources of a great nation. They're cheered on
every step of the way. ‘ * .
What did the oceanaut have in 1492? Precious little and he wouldn't have had
that if Isabella of Spain hadn’t listened to her royal treasurer. It was the bp<;+
investment any queen ever made*. ' esx