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'A VH. fi-VeLS ey«+C^ Aut%jtm {■M'CT.tAt^ <//jf&A 4?*. t* C*«-V c</ A/^-t. 4n.f\ elyiuCe. Ay*<l CdpS/ze. A*S /rydk. /At Welter *MV J# cAtW/yto A e «//W A'X/Xc- -7"y a u.*-1/■%* fc \W&5 » tp sAtrc,—i tc «. .____ f] Qh. tr/yu o 'ty'1 *•' * . u*uc(ar /Jersey /*5 a /&$*■• y»n/fou<.<, oc, d y<t^V>t c-AcL>U Aourut/ytp SC&/s{ o>L tAc lCC -f/oaS of ' *31 r > Vi &'■&/ /ci /' tS /l/^/tf ruy^.ryyc^.r . '■'•ir /A? dr/ft Siway \ ?r-^ e k y t of vvAom art \ -r. c i/er fu z a r ci fro nt. <X —/ <?'0.;A- Jvyn. (L, ar^ <za/■ /7e«{ across -tAc. 6tro-t i\ o'tA'CrS, A rtn*Sre4 of r"L/'/&s T^o-rff Soudfl Oefor*. tLav ^fCt $~tle ti , f e ic A/an//d&J-ik. ; Foy tut yu ate. ly ?to J/y&S j A Sccru /odd' tAf'S ytscit. /riot.* ^ Scare \ CaL^r/dd off on four1, d/ffaranir A t a atVavtS ; rind ort-fy <S cy cC <s<£.d £,&/'' / Ac fe,ack t'?lo /<*LVX*d \ after &ndu*.r,yoo yerar^f <x! cL&ys of d.yi</elryj > £' o/-c/ A o cr cef£ qf ■tA t V v? t~: on. ~/A e. dr/ft-' h-ug f/oes O^cCr of c u*'o cL oq tennis £At*. fosirt^ C o O' S fc Cicryf^ a, d a ffe r ; d n ZAsertce. o f twin tod one 4^yst in <3, “dt fore tin ^ C on dit /oyi . 7k c. c.iced'de.Hets or ' iloCt d c at. t s of its i(> ‘yoi. o /'ft c/re, S u. Q'OCStr Ve. */-/>/£ ' <7'..vir/6<-<*t>0~nr of tfe.\ recce. _ ) 7 iie Ccipe, rnid. i £ <$ o /co^4 /\jd‘S h e&ye ' ry )> gktridt^ttyv^rj tt <l> v v S % C7<n. n e, ! 3 £ A. ^ rir C C/cLrencc/ \ Dr. K* tt'fls'tn* Nlick&l s/)& >i,C TAnn/rup W*t g ^ day 4* 'tktGdpt*. — 4K« OoCc ! A.e/’VorS drought j+ti.// o>l S/'Cols, /’n, Deczr*. jtr. — ^?ee//vfc a y»uH.g Za/j/avK/er, wlS > S“ft>d "tc> d>t- £sk/md. /&//e /'h tfGi/ti'Vi fcr.\ -^~TLt. ft,'**•>*• cfr* d j Q'fecr Jo&Hcd'ttt fin.~" t~cs//**k /si /&?¥, y fire, years , v^erc w/AX cfr&y+'rbm )YvV, /eai^-1 / s4nt'C$*'f&a/fa ctfcuf ■ JYo cfec,rt Vf - t wc © rt //re a [ sr/fi A~u.*'dre.<l c/ec.r of trLc Gorcrnryient h*rd\ /ti^e Zee*u Vr/rcn ^3 1 £>ie /*.«•#*' skd.mi/o>l , d^* ZAt-a. /a’4/c«X> Tilt J^&ppS i>&ckrted fray* Atra t*r*SiL feet" /Jaaem /©r Sl^oS &/z /*/ Z/<H« dV4 j\\*.rcL2Z- r Seventy- fteftCt were {*>ft Afire W*^( .Z X )* e e* Z«f X t Xfir<y fb iff "TO NS dfr{ ift'b i~ o/f (c.oh*ti *«eV peg «.y) vto rt* ore t/c&n. the USu-<±L et,yyie>UKtof ''HsirtL, /r///«</, foocj W»ul4 /- z rr 6/ Afrt'/ /; orj ' ti Spyy^Z 4.C C i ‘dZ Yut* \ Sheu/c( £/£«./> SCousy SuppA of stdrei SLLtfikrikg Defat'//*,« J ^ /3 zrthofr to*AireWk&u 'p/tis k*.«/*aC &*tr*ss] t-o rtoixe* 6u.~c. SuL4».<d 'th.iy u\r4.Y*JlvoC oy^to Qo/oiz/n /3ly vvA*r-e tAey v**et Gai/ ern, A*-rd ^»i Ms , **•/'* OiU* 'yi/y+g tc,jn.c/eer/ 'S/e */S, «ih.^ <*>*/Ve-rS tAey Auff/e«f ay*, ito Gkd>r//e& (Arn.teS//o^A) pfa.dc. /tzar Cape Nome. 4rrnn,% , vt'* ‘tk k *'>*- To f o a>t and Atca mpar^y h.fs h er/ f and le, a vimo Dr, Gaff ^%ere m ChaY^c, ffeuf ^Jarr/s drove, vtu ~t° Port CUre-n ^tL,. ■ ^ ^ v firoy*. A e-rtL. h*, v/eyvi U> jC^p.R.p yyx/es,.ifA*r? he arrange a wtj-r ( I fill's* 10 tv a*'^ hf rrtr?s ' Ur the. to**, of l/ce.r C$0/) , Zc WHS With Ac.St td-ne-y rth^t A/lr, Lop/* e.o>t a e n.t cd f&o £*A«- O.U*r§*. of the_ herd. $.ruf hc,rdcrSt \tkt* Cfipe <ft tfon, k</i/c4 yvoul d yicde St ta te. a ^t. . ads « v»^u^ 0Z s~ d vet a l ) 'yy^.on.ths from fats ./ f l n+/f y en\.oC hi •$$ f 0 a^d to o'd. rtspor'Sf' V/c for thz. safty of tA, e- yatrtf&rd </ f'a v tAA, yvk/t^ ~th t.y ** + r*. /o&.rui'yx,G ^ n'f/ce, . , - Jf an'/e 4 /ierc/ of d e £.7 u t /c.S 17t 1:^6 yvL 6 X~~t h, S >M^«t.S <j«, tscyt,£ r/e. </ a.vt*c/< ? doudt/u./ ’P/Us/' of tj£6 Eski ^oS £A.q o w ^/o «M I *n*/t>*n clows kK*%?**{r Jt. > i f c f