Martlærn ngltt Volume i Unalakleet.Alaska,April, 1914. Number & 23TTHK OLD FASHIONED *• SCHOOL EXHIBITION OF March 27 tli. is now a matter of history and PLEASANT MEMORIES. EXHIBITION 4* 4* 4* 4» '4*' We are led to believe that the school Exhibition given by the Unalakleet School Friday evening and at night also was equal to any ever rendered in Alaska. It would be quite difficult for pupils in any school to do ere lit to themselves and their teachers in a more meritorious mat er. yhe m lie quartet of small boys singing all parts perfectly was the first ever given l;e c. It isi eedless to say it was appreciated. The original dia logu.e. “Humbug” took the Poor Supt. Green struck a live wire when lie trie ! to hypiioti/.e the s:hool. Ale u. co lldn't keep from eat ing nuts in school. Miss. Bird, the teidler, had her hands full with Tig, Charlie, Gale, and the girls. The music by the string band was a genuine treat to all. The primary room added much to the merit of the entertainment And the Kindergarten pupils seemed only to anxious to do their part,and alwaysi 1 a creditable maimer. OUR NEXT ISSUE WILL LE TH15 USUAL SIE This is our special exhibition number. As far as v. e are a b 1 e to ascertain this is the only ESKIMO PAPER ON EARTH. + *»* *h ♦!• * £®~THE COMING $ EVENT jv IS AN INDUSTRIAL EXHIBIT which will occur some time during the first part of May. Music will be a feature of the \> SHOW The dialog “Grandma Shaw” brought forth many a hearty laugh. Poor Jobie seemed to te bothered with some skin trouble. Eetty and her song, “Kelly from the Emerald Isle” brought forth Grandma’s snuff box which : e xrly broke the necks of Phyl lis and poor Petty in the sneezing act. Miss Eeu&n gave two excellent readings of jast the kind to captivate the audience in such a way that not only was she e '.cored but later asked to give them again. Mrs. van Ness gave two aifnicult, and highly amusing readings. One in negro dinle t being a true account of the ex peri; a e of mi ole! negro manimie and witches. The dialog,Dr. Amputation, was rendered so vividly that the amputa ting of Tig’s leg startled the old folks and scared the children. The preperation for the entertain ment required both time and patience But after it was all over we felt rc p lid. It was two hours of genuine fun. AT WAR fighting has BEGUN between the U.S. AND MEXICO Cattle ships ordered to M e x i c a a WATER.