OCR Interpretation

Mohave County miner and our mineral wealth. [volume] (Kingman, Ariz.) 1918-1922, October 11, 1919, Image 7

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96060547/1919-10-11/ed-1/seq-7/

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Thumbnail for PAGE SEVEN

Yesterday the mining editor visit
"Tsd the camp of .the Senate Silver min
es near Hackberry and was surprised
with the amount of work that has been Robert DeBritton was in for a few
done there since his last visit. An days from Hackberry this week.
ideal camp has ben established con- , Bollinger left Wednesday en
sistmg of boarding house, bunk hous- rf )n w , ,
es, dwellings and mine buildings. A i b
10x10 compressor, 35-hp. gas engine, m. C. Cleveland, manager of the
and 25-hp. hoist was installed on the Rjco Mine, has purchased a Dodge car.
mine and the work of sinking the i .
shaft on the big vein was undertaken j George Grantham was in this week
last July. Yesterday the shaft had ! from the state highway camp on the
reached a depth of 200 feet, a station river.
cut ana umbered up in line snape and ,. . ,. Rondv Kichardson. of
Abound The Townf
0 ii iEwi flf"
the drift started into the vein.
i Hackberry, were Kingman visitors
The shaft was carried down on the . ,...ol.
vein over 100 feet, but a straighten
ing up of the vein carried it out of Mrs. B. Ryan, from California, ij
the shaft to a point below the 200 i visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. H.
foot station level. At this point the Townsend.
vein was broken into and shows ai , , TT ,
fine grade of ore. Just how large the ' T. R Walsh was down from Hack
ore body is will not be known until berry Saturday night to attend the
the drift is carried into it to the north, j dance at the Rose Tree,
where it will be cut through. The ox- Vernon Hubbs came in from the
idized part of the vein carries excell-, h vesterdav, wnere he has been
for the past few weeks.
Howard Smith, Lin Smith and Billy
Carr made a trip in from thu s-tate
highway camp on the river this week.
Mellvill Templeman left for Ana-
ent ore, similar tq that found in the
old Hackberry in the early life of that
property. It is on the same vein and
the shaft of the Senate is only 130
feet from the south end line of the
Hackberry. When John Howell was
,his work on the 400 level into the heim a ?ho ti aS0' d h,a ,tek"1
ground of what is now the Senate Sil-,a P,ace ,n the GaraEe of G- U- Frank
ver and extracted a considerable ton- 'in'
nage of high grade ore, .for which he v p Turner, who resides in the
had to make settlement with the own- state of 0hi0( ig visitine his niece,
ers. At that time this property was Mrs. I. L. Anderson in Kingman this
owned by Breon & Spear, merchants wce
and mine operators of Mineral Park1 '
and Fort Mohave. The Senate Silver Mrs. S. N. Graves and children re-
was lots of water and few deer.
Harold Davis has decHi'd that he
can't put on enough weight to get ir
to the Navy and has taken a job at
Welch's goat ranch as n goat pun
cher. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Smith and fam
ily were visitors of Mr. and Mrs E.
F. Cagle Sunday evening aftei which
they returned to their home in Goffs.
G. I. Gibson accompanied to Phoe
nix this week his little nephew Char
les William who has beer, visitinj; his
grandparents Mr. an! Mrs. George
M. F. Ryan, who his jut returned
from France is visitinc; hi? uncle and
aunt Mr. and Mrs. James P. P.ice at
Hackberry. Ryan like-) it here ind
expects to remain in Mohave Cuinty.
Mrs. F. W. Freeman who has been
visiting l-elatives in Kingrnn left Fri
day for Seligman where yhe will join
her husband, and they .vill .spend a
two weeks's visit at the Grand Con-
Charles L. Ware, of Pittsburg,
spent a few days this week visiting
with his brothers, Allen E. Ware and
John Ware at Kingman. Later he
left for Los Angeles for a short visit
before his return east.
property has been regarded as an in
tegral part of the big Hackberry vein
and miners who worked in the proper
ties are firm believers in its wonderful
General Manager A. G. Keating and
visitimr relatives and returned to
m I TTviMAn Cnnrlnif Airnninrv wrVi AVfl C Vl A 1
mirifc superintendent Sievert are get-!ww sphno1
turned to Kingman early this week !
after spending, some time in San Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sage, of Chloride,
Diego. left Monday for a two weeks trip at
Ethel Crop was in Kingman Friday I ' . ov ... ...
teaching school.
Mrs. A. A. Stowe returned to her
home in Barstow Thursday evening.
Mrs. Stowe is the mother of Mrs.
Charles Duncan.
Mrs. I. R. Bai-tholomew and children
ting big results from the money ex
pended on the property and will have
it on a producing basis before the
stockholders of the company realize
it. The company is financed-in Los
Angeles by Sam Warmbath and asso
ciates and has a treasury sufficient to retUrned last evening from San Fran- unexpected visit. Mr. Staten con
carry me wore ueiuw me ouo level.
Arizona points. They say that this
is their deferred honeymoon. Inci
dentally Ray expects to shoot a buck
on their trip.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Staten, of Po
mona, California, parents of Lear
Staten surprised Mr. and Mrs. Staten
early this week by paying them an
cisco, where they visited with relativ- ' eluded his visit last night and return-
es the past three months. ed to the coast but Mrs. btaten re
mained for a few days longer.
R. S. Billings returned this week
from a trip to the Imperial Valley i . ,.. , ., , , , ...
to look over the new oil fields there! .W. Coffey, who has been with
for Kingman men. He will prepare he Bale Barber Shop for the past
i an informal report on his findings'" J?"10' " l""c" - """" " ".""
, ... . ., , , . . within iw ,in v Elliotts grocery department, taking
The mill at the Hackberry mine is w 'thin .i few days. ' "
,- Special to Mohave County Miner
By G. M. Sparkes.
Tom Mix, with a company of forty
artists, and a carload of horses ar
rived in Prescott yesterday. The fam
ous Fox Film star is in the Mile High
City for the express purpose of tak
ing part in the program of the North
ern Arizona State Fair, which will be
held in Prescott, October 16-17-18th.
Every lover of the "movies" knows
that when it comes to real western
"thrillers' Tom Mix surpasses them
all. In addition to the splendid pro
gram, which has been arranged by
Chairman Lester Ruffner, who won
fame as a director of wild west con
tests during the 1919 Prescott Fron
tier Days, Tom will put pep and gin
ger into the general line-up.
Fun and frolic will prevail at the
Fair. Airplane flights and exhibition
stunts will be given by government
planes from Rockwell field. Poole
Brothers carnival, with good clean
concessions, will play during the even
ings of the fair and on each night
of the fair, dances will be given by
Earnest A. Love Post of the Amer
ican Legion.
The exhibits of the Northern Ari-
i zona State Fair will far excel those
I of former years. Each county of the
j north will be represented with beauti
ful displays in the mining, agricul
tural, livestock and other departments.
From Babbitt Brothers Trading Post,
at Flagstaff, will be sent the entire
display of rugs, curios and blankets
which were shown at the International
Farms Congress. A collection of
paintings from the Ten Painters Club
of California, known as one of the
most beautiful collections in America,
will be shown in the Art Department.
Low excursion rates will be in ef-.j
feet from the northern counties to
within a radius of seventy-five miles
south of Prescott. Keep the dates of
the Northern Arizona StateFair in
mind and remember that on October
16-17-18th, the biggest treat of the
season will be held at Prescott.
running on a splendid grade of ore
Wallace Keith and H. C. Topp re- Williams the first of the week. Mr.
and is making a high saving of the , tm.ne(, Thursday fronl a- hunting trip Coffey has had previous experience in
.values. October should be a banner
month for the company, as the mine j
is 'fast getting in shape to output)
enough ore to allow of the mill oper-,
ation full 24 hours daily. The ore on
the deeper level is being opened
through the big ore bodies and some
exceptionally rich ore has been found.
As soon as the further financing of
the Hackberry company is completed
another big shaft will be sunk on1
the ore body to the north of the pres
ent workings, which will make pos
sible the better exploration of the ore
bodies without interfering with the.
extractio nof ore. The vein near the
north end of the Hackberry is very;
large and snows good mineralization.
south of Seligman. They say there the grocery business.
Had Enough
Lady Janet; have you given
goldfish fresh water, Janet?
Janet No, mum. They ain't
ished the water I give 'em t'other day
yet. Edinburgh Scotsman.
MinmnlBiTtl. I IBM
twin imfWmtUW
Business Man
To be a business man, whether you
are an executive or -a helper implies
that you are orderly, systematic, ex
act, competent, reliable; that you keep
j our appointments; that you pay your
debts, that you do all the good you
can in all the ways you can. There
may be other definitions, but he who
measures up to these qualifications is
entitled to receive, and does receive
the respect and confidence of the community.
An account at the "CITIZENS" will be a help in the orderly con
duct of your affairs.
The Citizens' Bank
Capital $150,000
Kingman and Oatman, Arizona
U. S. Mineral Surveyor I kingmam. abizona
a Hituiiimiiitii HimmttiiiiiuiiiuimiiiiHuiuuuniuitn
The following letters remain uncall
ed for at the Post Office at Kingman,
Ariz .for the week ending Oct. 11,
Ross, J.
Corona, Sr., Miguil
Batuel, Porter
French, Lou
Harbin, E. Julian
If the above letters are not called
for at the end of two weeks they will
be sent to the Dead Letter Office at
San Francisco, Calif.
IRENE WRENN, Plaintiff.
JOHN WN WRENN, Defendant.
In The Name of the State of Arizona to.
JOHN W. WRENN, Defendant.
You are hereby summoned and requir
ed to appear in an action brought again
st you by the above named plaintiff in
. me superior (jourt or juonave county.
State of Arizona, and answer the Com
plaint therein filed with the Clerk of
. this said Court, within twenty days af
ter the service upon you of this Sum
mons, if served In this said County, or
.in all other cases within thirty days
1 thereafter, the times above mentioned
I being exclusive of the day of service,
or Judgment by default will be taken
against you.
I Given under my hand and seal of the
I Superior Court of Mohave County, State
1 of Arliona, this 10th day of October,
1 1919.
(Seal) J. T. MORGAN,
Clerk of said Superior Court.
First insertion Oct. 11.
Last insertion Nov. 1, 1919-4t-up.
The winze below the 130 foot level
in the Daisell mine, at Cerbat, has
reached an approximate depth of 225
feet and has entered a splendid body
of ore. This ore body is now of ship
ping grade and the vein is large and
gives promise of permanency. Supt.
Erickson is quite enthusiastic over
the new ore body and is rushing the
work of sinking as fast as possible
to get connection with the 300 level.
The winze has been connected up with
the old 90 foot shaft and is to be
made the main working shaft of the
The Lost Chord
"While on his way to the dance
Friday night Mr. Carlin left the tune
in the mud where he broke off the
neck of his violin when he fell."
Newport (Ark.) Independent.
1 Iwlw
Women must work together, Bays
Mrs. Lloyd George. Her views In
clude these points:
"During the war It was the wom
en, working together, who bound up
the wounds of their soldiers who did
battle for them. Now we are at peace,
but there Is still many a rent to be
mended in our social fabric, and war's
waste and ravage yet to be repaired.
And women must still work together !
In this labor of reconstruction.
"But If we are then to go on and !
build In the light of the new con- !
ceptions which, learned from war, we
are embodying In our peace, then our
whole social fabric must be renovated, 1
If not rewoven.
"There are immense social prob
lems, and for us they can be met sue- I
cessfully only if we bring to bear on j
them the finest thought of the best
minds. Many of these questions are
Drlmarllv women's Questions, and I
feel the time has come when women can and should play a larger part In
national and International affairs.
"Yes, the war has brought our men closer together, and It has brought
our women closer together, too. They have worked shoulder to shoulder In I
war, and now they must work together In peace.
"Peace has her problems no less acute than war. And the gracious tact
and sympathy and unfailing loyalty of women are needed to help solve these
1914 OVERLAND for sale, cheap.
Good engine, in first class condition.
Apply to Box 504, Kingman. 1
WANTED Competent Dining Room 1
Girl. Good pay, Taylor's Cafe.
WANTED to rent a furnished house.
See Edith Buckner. tf. '
DRESSMAKING at your home or,
mine. Phone Black 98. Mrs. Cur-1
tis. '
Line Transfer Co. Blue 160. We
will buy from you for cash or han-,
die on commission. ,
kinds of hauling. House hold goods '
packed and stored, Second hand '
goods of all kinds bought and sold.
New quarters in Band Boys theater. '
Phone Blue 160. House Phone
Blue 205. Geo. Sargent, Mgr.
APARTMENT for rent at Commercial '
Hotel. Partly furnished.
FOR SALE Two desirable business
lobs on Front Street cheap. A Pa
vell, Box 6, Tempe, Ariz.
Candy That Makes
You Want More
Made in the
Crystal Candy Kitchen
by an expert.
Chocolates, Carmels, Bon-Bons
and the famous
Crystal Cactus Candy
We Appreciate Your Patronage
Crystal Confectionery
Prepare Now For
Your Holiday Fruit Cake
Just received a fresh stock of Citron, Orange, and
Lemon Peel, Currants, Raisins and Nuts Everything
for the FRUIT CAKE.
Try Our Chapman Brand Honey
A Mohave County Product.
Pints Glass 55c
Quarts, Glass .... 1.00
Two and One Half lb. Tins .75
5 lb. Tins 1.45
Use a Well Known, Reliable Butter N
Brookfield at 70c per pound
Fleishman's Yeast 2 Cakes 5c
UHm -CQnir d where quality meets price

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