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PAGE SIX THE MOHAVE COUNTY MINER AND OUR MINERAL WEALTH. SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1920. MINING NEWS Here and Elsewhere Xnson h sg SILVER TRAILS MIS CO. GRANTED PERMIT The Arizona Corporation Commis sion has granted a permit to the Sil ver Trails Mines company, of King man, to sell a block of its stock at the price of 20c per share. This company was organized by E. C. Bradshaw and others for the purpose of developing and equipping the Dia mond Joe mines. Mr. Bradshaw has so far secured sufficient financial aid to keep the mines in operation, but one of the essentials is the driving of a deep tunnel under the old work; and the opening of the property from a lower level ,and the erection of milling plant at the portal. It will take considerable money to do this work, but the ultimate cost will be far less than to maintain operations from the old shaft. Mr. Bradshaw is now in Los Angeles conferring with his associates. As an illustration of the value of the mine run of the ores the mill has been running on dump ore that have been assorted three times and the heads show values of 30 ounces of sil ver. From these dumps better than $5000 in silver has been taken and more than $9000 has been sent out from the mill during the experimental work. The company has built a road from the mill to the mine at a cost of $5,000, the road being almost com plete at this time without calling upon money from stock sales. Upon com pletion of the road the company will be able to mill from 35 to 40 tons of ore per day, this ore to be furnished from the stopes recently opened. A raise is now being driven into the old glory hole from the tunnel level, where it id expected a rich body of ore will be picked up. The old glory hole was driven down in the rich ore body some years ago and a miner was caved upon, since which time that part of the mine has not been touch ed, owing to superstition of the old owners. VISITS PROPERTY BIG FOUR METALS This week John Garrison, a well known mining engineer, visited the Big Four Metals mines, situated east of Kingman, near the north end of the Wallapai mountains, in the interest of J. E. Castle. Mr. Garrison was so well pleased with the property that he will make arrangements to at once begin active development of the min es and at the same time plan a mill ing plant for early installation. The property was discovered by R. O .nerson, who i holding a large in terest in it. A company is to be or ganized for the exploitation of the mines, although Mr. Castle will be the principal man in the financing of de velopment and the building of the mill. The mines are among the most promising in the Wallapai mountain country and being well situated there is no reason why they should not be soon on a producing basis. Vulture-18 Mng The famous old Vulture mine that has been in operation more or less since 1864, is to be dismantled. The mine was first found by Henry Wick enbuxg in one of the hills 16 miles south of the town of Wickenburg and has been worked intermittantly up to a year ago. The first mill was erect ed at Wickenburg where water in plenty could be had, but after some years of operation the mill was re moved to the mine. The ore produc ed from the upper part of the mine was wonderfully rich in gold, some of the most remarkable specimens ever seen in the world having been taken from it. The specimens of "crysta lized" gold sold as high as $200 per ounce for cabinet purposes. This gold appeared in the rock crystals and was in cubical form and sparklingly beautiful crystalizations of the yellow metal. The mine developed a number of faults that made the operation of the property rather hazardous below the 400 level, but the vein was picked up below that level several years ago, although it failed to produce enough ore to repay the expenditure. ADAMANA WELL DOWN 2040 FT. The drill at the Adamana well, in the Holbrook Jtield, has reached depth of 2040 feet and is in a lime forma tion. The company is now equipped with cable sufficient to go to the 3000 foot depth, and it is believed that be fore that depth is reached either oil will be encountered or granfte will be entered. The drillers are of the opin ion that when shale is encountered btmeath the lime it will represent an oil cap, through which the drill must be driven into the oil bearing sands. Adamana has a large number of shareholders in this county and no l matter whether personally interested or otherwise the people here wish the company the best of luck and hope that a gusher will be brought in. Oil in Arizona means much for the state and the sooner it is found the better it will be for every interest miner want "inraifc BUSI- -'J WILL WORK PROSPECT IN THEJMR VALLEY James Martin arrived from Los An geles a few days ago and has gone to his mines near Cedar, where he ex pects to do a large amount of work this fall, He took with him two min ers and will put them to work sink ing below the sulphide zone, where he encountered some very good ore in the early part of this year. The property owned by Mr. Martin is well situated on the road to Cedar Valley, about two miles from the old Berkeley. It was a producer of good ore some years ago and we believe it capable of coming back and entering the producing class with small amount of work. GOLD MINING NEEDS rN. Y. Tclci-raml ' The gold mining industry in the United States has fallen asleep avait ing some legislative action that would enable producers to obtain a reason able profit on the metal produced as in the case of silver. At the present time gold miners are doing very lit tle in the production field for the sim ple reason that the gold mining in dustry, under present conditions is not profitable in most.of our districts. Reports from many of the districts disclose the fact that many of the smaller gold mines have been forced to cease operations until some relief is forthcoming in the form of a bon us as introduced into congress recent ly. Larger mines have curtailed their operations so that now they are op erating on about one-third their capa city, due to the high cost of material and all other needs that go with the mining of tho yellow metal. For the past few years, as isMvell known to the average man, costs in all walks of life have risen nearly, 100 per cent, this is also true in the gold mining in dustry. But, other industries have advanced the price of their products to offset the advancq in operations, but the poor gold miner must not take any advantage over the "non-profiteering jeweler." I say -this because if a tax were placed on gold it would be the manufacturers that would have to pay the tax and still have no ef fect on the monetary systems! It has been these interests that opposed the bonus plan and have 'succeeded in de laying the measure until congresr meets in December, at which time it is expected that the members will see their way clear to give the gold min ers half a chance to put the industry back to where it belongs and relieve the threatened shortage of the metal. Gold is the only commodity! the price of which is fixed by statute. The prices of all other commodities rise and fall with demand and sup ply. The price of gold was fixed by international agreement in 1792 at $20.67 an ounce ,and the price was legalized in 1834. The process of fix ing the price was by an estimate of the time required by man to produce an ounce of gold at placer mining and based on thejhen market rate of wages. Since that time more gold bearing fields have been discovered, steam power has been introduced into gold mining and various mechanical, chemical and electrical agencies have been applied for extracting and sep arating this precious metal from the earth with greater ease. And all the while the price of gold has remained the same on a man-nower basis, he- fore the age of steam, when man, by the force within himself, was the only means of producing gold. Copper Prospects ui uuua j? or yzu It is hard to foresee what improve ment can be expected in 1920 but the quantity of copper sold in the early part of 1920 indicates that the year will be better than 1919. Any im provement, however, will be tempo rary and no stability or security can bd found until existing .troubles are settled and industry and trade become more stable. The prosperity of the copper industry is peculiarly depend ent upon the establishment of stabili ty in other industries, and before the industry can receive any great stim ulus tne condition of labor and of trade generally, not only in America but in Europe, must be greatly im proved. When that time comes the industry will undobutedly be as pros perous as ever. BANNER MINE TO BE DEVELOPED B. L. Vaughn, who has been at Win head of the Banner mine, in the Union Pass section, reports that he has se cured finances for that property and will be here as soon as the weather moderates to begin further develop ment of the property. The Banner is contiguous to the Sheep Trail and the showing is very good. The sur face pres.qnthe proferty gayebiff-re-J suits, in gold,-being one of the most Inviting' outcrops in-that' region' GOLD DOST WILL INSTALUfW MILL The Gold Dust mine at Oatman is preparing to install a milling plant to care for its production. The com pany has a portion of mill that can readily be converted into a plant cap able of handling the product of the mines with small expenditure of mon ey. The old mill was built by the Mohave Gold Mines company some years ago, but part of the machinery was removed to Baker City, Oregon, where it was installed on the Ben Harrison mine. The buildings were left at the mine and can be made to do the duty as covering for the new plant. The Gold Dust has been operated for several years and large tonnage of ore opened. During the old days it was stated that there was many thou sands of tons of good ore above the $00 level, but the operating expense of the big mill, which received its mo tive power from the Needles, was too great to return a profit. With a smaller plant there is no doubt of the profits in these ores, and later when the mine is developed to a new level we believe it will outpiit sufficiently to maintain a large mill. demaKSfare eor mexican labor Demands that American companies agree to defray the expenses of Mex ican contract laborers from their homes to the scene of their labors in the United States and return will be made by the Sonora government im mediately, according to Manuel N. Bernal, chief of the State Labor Bur eau, sponsored by the States of Maya rit, Colima, Jalisco, Sinaloa and Son ora. Twenty-three thousand laborers are wanted from the West Coast States of Mexico by the sugar beet, cotton and other agricultural interests in the United States this year, figures com piled by the Labor Bureau show. Statistics prove that last year the cot ton growers had planted 38,000 acres against 20,000 this year. In permitting 23,000 Mexicans to enter the United States to harvest this and other crops, the Sonora govern ment, under previously prevailing conditions, would assume the respon sibility of returning them to their honies. This, if all returned to the border with insufficient money to de fray their expenses back into Mexico as between 90 and 85 per cent did last year, according to Bernal, it would cost the government $26 each, or $299,000 in American money. This the government is unwilling to pay, in as much, the representativ es say, as the Mexican laborers" fur nish a large profit on their work "to American companies and leave practi cally all their earnings in the United (States. Bernal said today: "It is not the desire of the State Labor Bureau to prevent Mexican workers from entering the United States when it is assured that thev will be fairly treated and not be a burden on their own government af ter five or i six months of labor abroad." "Careful investigation has shown us that many of the Mexicans who return to Nogales, alleging poverty and demanding fare home, either have ample money to buy their own rail way tickets or have wasted their earnings. These men are being fer reted out and will be punished ac cording to their deserts. Many of the- false alarmists have confessed to tneir falsehoods. "One feature of the present method, however, is serious, in as much as it menaces the friendly feeling we wish our people to entertain toward the United States and her interests. "Occasionally it happens that a man with his wife, sons, daughters and other relatives, all under contract, go to the United States. The husband may be unfitted for the tasks impos ed upon him or unwilling to perform them. He is returned to Mexi hv I the company he worked for as unfit, DUt tne rest of the family is returned under their contracts. Therefore, and naturally, the Mexican returns to the border cursing all Americans as hav ing robbed him of his family. In many instances the wife is held and compelled to work out the cost of defraying the husband's expenses to the border. The ravings of the hus band has a bad effect upon the friend ly relations between the ,two coun tries, and these are exceedingly anxious to prevent. "I am confident that the entire mat ter will be worked out in a way that will reflect upon neither side of the cases involved, and expect soon to have everything adjusted so that the United States can) get all the Mex ican labor it wants and the govern ment of Sonora be freed of the heavy expense which it heretofore has borne in caring for workers who return, either penniless $or with insufficient funds to take them to their homes." MINES WANT"ABB ARE BUSI- NESS WINNERS 11 1ITED.AMEU SINKING TO 400 The sinking of the shaft of the United American, at Oatman, to an- l other level is under way. This new level is to be the same as the 400 level , of the Tom Reed, which is now 'being driven toward the American. With the opening of the new level good air will be had, as well as the exploitation Of the big vein through the two prop erties. All development is being car ried on along the Aztec vein, or what f is believed to be that vein in the American. The drifts on the 500 of the Amer ican have shown good values for nearly 200 feet to the west and the farthei) east drift has shown some good values in the crosscut. While values have been found in stringers it is possible that further exploitation will bring to light larger bodies. A. S. & R. TO LOCATE SMELTERALAMARILLA George W. Mark, who has been looking! after oil property in the Commanche, Texas, field for Mohave county people, arrived in Kingman yesterday morning. He reports that there is considerable interest being shown among the oil men in mines and that it is probable investments will be made in this county by a group of rich men from the big Texas and Louisiana fields. Mr. Mark also reports that the Am erican Smelting & Refining company has just brought in a gasser of 100, 000 cubic feet capacity near the town of Amarilla, Texas, and that another company has secured another well flowing 70,000,000 feet. As a result of this great valume of gas the A. 5. &R. Co. has decided to put in a big smeltery to take care of ores of cop per, zinc and lead, as well as the dry ores of gold and silver. The plant is to be one of the largest in the Uni ted States and will use gas as fuel. Other big gassers are expected to be brought in soon and the town of Ama rilla will be largely benefited. The gas wells of Oklahoma brought to that state the big zinc plants and it is probable that the gas wells of Tex as will make that state one of the most important for the reduction of ores in the United States. The new plants are to be on the main line of railroad to the Gulf of Mexico, where seagoing vessels will carry the pro ducts to Europe or to the north At lantic seaboard. a f INSPECT COPPER PROPERTIES J. R. Ritter, of Kansas City, presi dent of the Consolidated Copper Com pany of Mowry, Santa Cruz oCunty, accompanied by R. E. Houren and Henry Pater of Gary, Ind., also in terested in the oempany are making an inspection of the property on both sides of the border. They left yester day for Santa! Barbara, Sonora, the first stop in the inspection trip. o RETURNS FROM VACATION Will Halloran, superintendent of the Kingman Consolidated Mines com pany returned a few days ago from a short vacation on the coast. During his absence the big compressor en gine was over hauled and repairs made, so that better progress may now be expected in the big bore. O Airy Bedding: If one can't find a house, he might sleep outdoors on some political bunk. Baltimore Sun. MINER WANT ADDS. BRING RESULTS L WE LIME - u IfX DTTTinrDC UADmUADU IV1 B or new work with E Tarr, McComb & Ware R COMMERCIAL COMPANY R . I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 T - T ' ' T PLANS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THEJtEAT REPUBLIC W. D. Grannis was called to Los Angeles Thursday evening to hold a conference with his associates in the Great Republic property. It is un derstood that a number of men have agreed to finance the development of the big vein and that as soon as Mr. Grannis returns a compressor and other machinery will be installed to handle further development. The Great Republic is one of the most promising properties in the Cedar country and with further de velopment it should readily be placed on a producing basis. It lies just be low the Diamond Joe mine, which at the present time is producing rich ore, and was formerly one of the rich pro ducers of silver in that section. HIT IN EYES BY HOT METAL An accident at Oatman last Wed nesday evening may rob Roy Perry of his sight. He was pouring silver sol der into a mold when some of it ex ploded and caught him in the eyes. Evidently the mold was moist. He was brought to Kingman at once and taken to a Los Angeles hospital for treatment. It is not known yet what the outcome will be. TRIED TO KILL WIFE AT NOGALES, JULY 28. Walter McGee, of Detroit, at his preliminary hearing, which lasted al most a day and a half, has been bound over to Santa Cruz County Superior Court charged with having shot his wife while in a jealous frenzy. Mc gee's bond was fixed by Justice John N. Wilkey, at $1500. The evidence showed that McGee first beat the woman over the head with his six-shooter, then shot her through the thigh. She will recover physicians say. McGee must face a charge of as sault with intent to kill. SLACKER) GIVES BOND. B. N. Valenzuela, arrested several days ago on suspicion of being a slacker, has been released under $500 bond. Valenzuela, whose home is in Tucson, is charged with going to Mex ico immediately after war was de clared. He returned but a short time ago and was immediately taken into custody. Blue Printing Drafting Surveying Mine and Hill Examinations Reports, Surreys and Maps E. Ross Housholder Engineer of Mines BOX 855 Kingman, Arizona iiiriiuitiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiimuntiitin L. H. FOSTER If and Civil B N G I N B E R I UNDERGROUND U. S. Mineral Surveyor f kingman, Arizona H. Y. BASHAM GATES TIRES jm.Ey Authorized Service Station RcasTenco VULCANIZING 6th and South Front Streets (Rear Mohave Garage) Kingman, Arizona. Gates Half-Sole Tires Only Cost Y2 As Much HAVE CEMENT - PLASTER BEAVER BOARD BUILDERS HARDWARE Anything to do your remodeling - - - - - - - - - Full Line of LEGAL BLANKS Now in Stock at the Miner Office. Among them are the following;. Power of Attorney Bill of Sale Bondjfor Deed ; Leases Mining Location Blanks Chattel Mortgage Realty Mortgage Bill of Sale Notice of Non-Liability Agreement or Contract Bargain and Sale Deed Leases Affidavit of Labor Performed. SEE US FOR ANTHING IN THE LEGAL BLANKS LINE MOHAVE COUNTY MINER ARIZONA BULLION COMPANY OPERATING Great Republic Silver Mines "WATCH US GROW" For particulars write W. D. GRANNIS, Manager. Kingman, Arizona. E. Everett U. S. Mineral Surveyor and As sayer. Complete analysis and Mino Reports. Underground and District claim maps. Cor respondence promptly answered. CHLORIDE ARIZONA. y.-nt" gn.--..--w.--t-- '"" I u.s.pT.orr. IT J I B ( y 1 -4) t '