Newspaper Page Text
4 KV , if h Pafll firit&pb. VOL. VIII. TOMBSTONE ARIZONA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY g, 887. No. 87. DAILY EPITAPH. TIME SCHEDULE jlew Mexico and Arizona Rail road Company. Paclflo time 36 mtnutoa slower than ooal time. All trains dally. COINQ NOKTII. LEAVE. GOING SOUTH. LEAVE. STATIONS. Grind Central Depot 11.30 am n;aoam 1:30 pm 1:45 pm 2:10 pin 7:45 pm 3-0 pm 345 Pm 4:15 pm 500 pm S:3S pm 6:20 pra 6:40 pm 7:25 pm 8:05 pm 8:45 pm Bn-on Cantsteo Contention Fairbanlc BrooMine Huachuca Soaoita. Contention..,. I iY Sanford's Calabasai Nog.ils 10:55 am 11:25 am 10:10 am 9:25 um 0:00 am 8:ao am 7:50 am 6:40 am 7.03 am 6:00 am 5:25 am 4:15 am 3 . BOB DARRAGH'S STAGE LINE. 8Ug to connect with Wert era bound train le'.vei 9:16 o'clock a. m. SUwtoconueetwitk Eutera boud train lev 9:15 o'clock a. m. SUira to connect wHhOuajrmM trtli eaM t o'clock p. m. SUre for Charleston leaves at 7 a . a. ate (or BUbce loatecat a . m.(exoept 8aidy). OSlnu 109 Allen street, under Occidental lintel. rhls paper Is kept on file at R. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, 64 and 85 Mer chants' Exchange, San Vrancteco, Cal, where contraoU for advertising can b made for it. LOCAL NOTES. H. B. Maxon is around after an illness of two week'. Senator IngdU is after the scalp of the Canadians. The new time table will .suielygo into effect on the lothof February. Goblet says the war talk in Paris is the work of stork speculators. H. G;rwei-i one ofla- best citizen of Benson is visiting this city on business The Knights of Labor of Tombstone are going start a newspaper the need one badly. Mr. B S. CurTman, of the Rattlesnake mine, desires to employ six jjod miners for his mines at one. A complete press report will be found in the columns of the Epitaph this mini ng. Mr R. Clifford, a former resident of this city came up fiom Sonora, on bus iness . Professor Foote arrived last evening from Bisbee bringing with him a large amount of splendid specimens from that camp. There is a letter in the p 1st office for Bill Ritchie. It is probably from Cleve land offering him a position. Go and get her Bill. Fred Wdld of the Philadelphia Beer Hall has been sent some line specimens of silver ore from Stein's Peak. He has them on exhibition. The sudden re-occurrence of pleasant weather, and a sky as clear and fine as Italy's best, yesterday had the effect of doing away wiih the cold snap. There has been but little fro.t this win ter, and vegitation has already begun to sprout. Arizona's climate challenges the world. O. D. Crocker, a gentleman largely interested in the Cananea mines, is here from Cleveland Ohio, and is a guest at the Occidental hotel. The president will in all probability appoint Govsrnor Ireland of Texas as one of the Commissioners of Interstate Com merce. The examination of Tenley, who is charged with blowing up the residence of J. S. Clark was commenced before Judge 3aston yesterday A new evening paper has been started in San Bernardino called the Gazette the names of the proprietors are Nash, Buck and Jones. It is a neat little paper and bears evidence of success. Omaha World: Kind-hearted ' people who wish to send present to the Spies Van Zandt wedding should be careful not to send any neckwear. It might prove unpleasantly suggestive. President Cleveland has signed the electoral count bill and the Inter-State commerce bili, the latter having been de clared constutional by Attorney-General uarland. Our old friend Col. Dean was the re cipient of a nice little windfall yesterday in the shape of a $1500 check for proper ty sold in San Francisco recently. We are glad of the Colonels good fortune, Much Ado AboutlNothing. Our neighbors of the Democrat were slightly incorrect initheir statements in reference to the trouble of Mr. Levy, the "poor abused" drummer they prate so lovingly about. The facts in the case, as near as an Epitaph reporter could ascertain from our worthy Chief of Po lice, George Oakes, were as follows: Mr. Levy having occasion to visit Bis bee in the pursuit of his calling, and as a natural consequence sought out the stage man for accommodations. Mr. Brad- shaw, the proprietor of that line, is known far and wide as one of the very best men in the camp, generous to a fault. The name of Mr. Levy was placed upon the way-bill of the Bisbee stage line, along with two other strangers, but Mr. Levy concluded he would hire a private con veyance, which he had a perfect right to do, but he did not only do that, but he induced the other two passengers to take passage with him, at half the stage fare. This is not the action of a sensi ble business man, so the three took pas sage in a private conveyance, leaving the baggage of the drummer to be bronght by the stage line, and here's where the trouble began. When Mr. Bradshaw presented the bill for the transpoitation of the baggage the worthy drummer reg istered a protest against the price charged, which Mr. Bradshaw assured him was the regular charge, but he would not be content, and some harsh words passed between the two. Mr. Bartholomew passing by, overheard the loud talk, and asked the men to desist, which was clearly the duty of Mr. Bar tholomew, and had he done otherwise he would have been unworthy of the po sition he occupies. The men stopped for a time, but shortly after came to gether again and a quarrel was in pro gress, when the same officer once more interfered to protect the peace, and told Mr. Levy ii he did not stop it he would be obliged to lock him up. This is what r-isedthe righteous cry from the Di mocrat. Wc are satisfied that the officer simply did his plain duty, and, as to Mr. Bradshaw, the people of Tomb stone with whom he has done business fur the pa.i seven year, will testily to his sterling honesty and probity of char acter, and just where the abuse came in the Epitaph fads to discover. PAOmO (JOAST ITEMS- M. C. Conroy a prominent San Fran cisco politition is dead. The New York strike has not interfer ed with shipments of freight by the Sun set route. The woman's suffrage law of Washing ton Territory has been declared uncon stitutional by the Territorial Supreme Courf, Miss Calhoun to whom Senator Hearst's son is married is a native of San Jose and is said to bo a lady of cultnre and intellect. O, R. Putney was killed in a snowslide at Bay Horse Idaho. His brother is in Los Angclss. Deceased was a personal Friend of Governor Adams of Nev ada. Rain has fallen as far south as Jose. In some places it has been heavy. In San Francisco the fall is inches for the 24 hours previous to night. San very 2.22 last An engine on the Santa Fe road after being buried two years in the sand near the Rio Grande river at R indall station N. M. is being taken out in .1 good state of preservation. Charley Smith, and Ek Sheriff Hatch, have returned from Su.ini Peak Charley sas that everything is looking wll there, He reports that Herbert Gage, has discovered a splendid prosepct within two hundred yards of the railroad depot at Steans Pass the shaft is about ten feet deep and the ledc 'u gitting wider, and is rematkable rich. Charley, thinks that it will prove to be 3 splendid property. Newly elected Member of Congress (to a committee of the Woman's Suffrage Association); "I will present your bill ladie, before the house, but you must re member that every voter must be 21 years old, or over that aje to vote,'' Middle-aged Committccwnman "Oh, dear me, girls, we never thought of that; we had better let it go a few years until we are old enough." A I'hilidclphia blacksmith has testified before a committee of New Jersey legis lature that he was paid $10 by Demo crats to pick the ballot box and make keys to it. The Republicans think they will secure evidence to show that the votes were so changed that a Democrat was elected oyer a Republican. The Salvation Army have invaded Tucson. It's no use, brothers, you might as well vacate. Salt can't save Tucson. She is destined to go to the dogs. Not even Governor Zulick will condescend to look at her best citizens. Whilst he is appointing the hardy sons of Maricopa by the dozen, Tucson is left to paddle her own canoe. We would suggest to the praying women to come to Tombstone, as we are a bad lot here. Our floating population made Prescott heidipus, and gave the Legislature the measles all in the short space of three weeks. We will guarantee to at least give the outfit the measles, if nothing more, and probably we can do a little bet ter by them than that. Silver men in Congress declare that Secretary Manning has vialated the law regulating the issue of United States notes, and has also, it is alledged, failed to make purchases of silver bullion every month as required by the Bland act. They are talking of trying to impeach him. Professor Foote brought in from Bisbee last evening some fifteen hundred pounds of fine copper specimens which he will place on exhibition in London. The pro fessor is loud in his pr.u-es of the kind treatment he received from the residents of Bisbee. Mr, W, D. Coleman has purchased the America Bakery and will in the future conduct thai business. Mr. Coleman is a splendid business man and will build up a fine profitable trade in this new business. We heard a remark last night from one ot those floating population who had returned to Tombstone and had not found the "promised land" elsewhere, that a man does not know where to go to hence he had returned to Tombstone. Prescott ha? got the and measels, and Tucson has got a praying band. Phenix is between the two fires, go north brothers go north, we are all O. K. up litre in this mountain city. Chas Talbott night clerk of the Cay oso hotel, Memphis, who Tuesday morn ing robbed Fany Davenport of her dia monds, valued at 20,000, has been arrest ed in Kansas City. All of the jewelery and $100 in money have been recovered. The regular monthly meeting of the Hook and Ladder Company will take place this evening. All members are re- requested to be present. The disbanding of an army corps or two would have more weight than all the protestations of France and Germany that they are in fivor of peace. The Rattlesnake mine is being "painted red" and otherwise improved. A home for the superintendent will soon be built. A report is out that the finest body of ore recently struck in the Tombstone mines is now being developed at the Rattlesnake mine. H. G. Howe is the busiest man in Tombstone. Mr. Howe is a practical surveyor, and very competent in his pro fession. Owing to heavy and continual moun tain storms the press reports of the Pa cific coast will be light for a few days. Sandy Bob leaves for Bisbee to-day. Capt. Rafferty closed his saloon yes terday. There were six passengers on the Bis bee stage last night. J. M. Nash is in the in San Bernardino. butcher business A politician is honest means have failed. when all other Thos. Baker and J. . Huffiker, Tres Alamos, are visiting the city. of The Epitaph will publish the correct time schedule of the S. P. R. R. in our next issue. It is rumored that one of Tombstone's young gentlemen vill soon pay a visit to California with matrimonial intentions. Postponement of Paper Social. For various reasons the Paper Enter tainment has been postponed until the evening of the 16th inst, The ladies hope to give a very enjoyable affair, and anticipate a very liberal patronage by our public Admission only 25 cents. Don't forget. It will surely come off Wednes day evening, 16th inst. Notice. All parties holding tickets for bread on the American Bakery are respectfully requested to present the same for ex change either t the bakery or to the wagon, W, D, Coleman, Proprietor. AEIZONA MINERALS. Specimens Wanted for the American Ex position In London The mineral resources of Arizona as a general thing are little known outside jf bur own Territory, whilst it is univer sally admitted that we have one of the greatest mineral Territorys ia America, yet circumstances in the past have been such that we could not avail ourselves of the magnificent gift which nature has stored in our midst, besides the Tombs tone district which is the best known mining section of our Territory. There are great mineral deposits in every coun ty in Arizona. All that is needed at the present time is a little infusion of the en ergy and enterprise of older mining regions, with this will come an influx of capital which will result in placing our Territory in the frant rank of mineral producing countries. NOW AN OPPORTUNITY is offered our citizens who have the best interests of our Territory at heart to give her a lift in the proper direction. This splendid opportunity may never again be within their grasp. Professor A. E. Foote of Philadelphia, whose splendid mineral exhibit at New Orleans was the admira tion of the world will now turn his atten tion to the Mammoth American Exposi tion, which will commence in London May next. The Professor wiil undoubt edly present to the admiring gaze of the world at that exposition. THE riNUSr DISPLAY OF MINFRALS ever exhibited. If the mining men of Arizona desire to have samples of our wanderful mineral deposits exhibited at that Exposition an opportunity is now offered. Professor Foote returned last evening fiom Bisbee with a large and a well selected lot of specimens, which he will use in his gieat mineral display at London. There never was a better or a more fitting time to exhibit our great min eral worth- than the present. So we once more suggest to our people the advisabil ity of prompt and energetic action in this matter liberal and judicious advertising in the manner mentioned will add great ly to our Territorial prosperity. Herrera and McClure's store has been closed, but the why and wherefore is unknown. General Thomas J. Brady, of star route notoriety, is reported to be almost brok en down by adversity. The Beginning Of The End The beginning of disease is a slight debility or disorder of some of the vital organs, the stomach, the liver or the bow els usually. There are despeptic sympt oms, the livet is troublesome, the skin grows tawney and unhealthy looking, there are pains in the right side or through the right shouldor blade. The climax is often an utter prostration of the physical energies, perhaps a fatal issue. But if the difficulty is met in time with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which is al ways effective as a remedy, and it should be resorted to at an early stage, there will be no reason to apprehend those in jurious subsequent effects upon the sys tem often entailed by entirely cured dis eases. Far better is it, also, to employ this safe remedial agent in fever and ague and other malarial complaints, than qui nine and other potent drugs, which even when they do prove effectual for a time, ruin the stomach and impair the general health, The compliments of the season colds, coughs, catarrhs- -may be effectively delt with by taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. To neglect prompt treatment for these ailments is to risk consumption, which is said to causa one-sixth of the mortial ty of all civilized countriies. There is nothing equal to the Great Acme Remedy to restore your nerves after excessive drinking, and what is still more creditable to the remedy, it will, if used as directed, destroy the appetite for inn and stimulating J-inks. Indigestion or Constipation. A few HAMBURG FIGS are all that is necessary for the cure of the severest cases of indigestion or constipation and one taken occasionally will prevent the development of these affections 25 cents. At all druegists. J. J. Mack & Co. pro. prietors, S. F. For Sale. All kinds of choice eggs for setting purposes. Dark Brown Leghorns, White Leghorns, Golden Poland, Silver spang led Hamburg, Black Langshang and Wyandotts. A setting of 15 of these fine eggs will only cost you $2.50. Apply at the Can Can and give two days notice and all orders will be filled, A. p. Walsh. tf, Can Can. OUIt MOTTO: Li,eUuiLi?fi.l SM l ZL&jr?-2L ! lfartT.Jriri lilHtiliPlpr iiiyiipp fc.trJTi" !- TTJJ'-i- i.' lS-atfCViTi &&xaA-J HVJ&ZM S Corner Allen and TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA.. Goods for tie People H. K, Tweed desires to call public to his immense GENERAL MERCHANDISE Which he is now offering at the reach of everyone. All Eastern Goods purchased direct in the East, not I second. hand through California Among the thousand and one articles which fill thia mammoth store will be found FAMILY GROCERIES Of every description. Finest California canned goods. Eu ropean and California dried fruit. Table delicacies. Choice coffee roasted and ground on the premises. Colgate's toile and other well known brands of soap. Clothing and Furnishing Goods Of which a large assortment of both Eastern and California goods will be found at very moderate prices. The latest styles of everything in these lines cheaper than you can purchase in San Francisco. ines, Liquors and Cigars Of choice imported and California brands by the cask, bot tie or gallon. Finest American and imported liquors. High grade cigars, tobaccos and cigarettes. Also a full assortment of staple articles of And everything usually kept in a first-class General chandise Establishment. lost Complete Stpcl No old goods. Everything fresh and new. Before you make your purchases take a walk through TWEED'S STOBE Oor .A-llexi & F'o-u.rtib. Sts, TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA STORE GOOD GOODS At Low Price! Fourth Streets, at Popular Prices ! the attention of the Tombstone and varied stock of prices that place the goods withltt firms. Mer- of-GeOuSiririzoE k&skzbry JTKf