Newspaper Page Text
i- DAILY EPITAPH: TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEIiBUAkY g, 1887. First Publication. Jan. i8, 1887. Notlro of AiiiiUcnllau for V. S, l'ulent (o tUo Sllvor TUrcnil Mining t'luliu .No. 401. U. b. LAND OFFICE, 1 TUCSON, Arizona, Jan. 11, 1887. J Notice is hereby given tint Chas. V. Leach, of Tombstone, CoJue county, Arizona, has filid Ins apphcitio for pitent to 370 llneir feet of thu bilver Hires id vein, lotc. or deposit. bar ing silver.'togctlier with th surface ground. 441 feet in width, situated in Tombstone mini 13 dis trict, Cochise county, Arlzoni, more particu larly described in the field notes and plat of the official survy No 703, on fib in this orifice, and designated as lot No 1831 as follows, to-wit : DigMnlng at the location monument situitcd ujon the north end line of chim vvlvcli is also the south end line of the S Iver H-lt niiuing clatin, at a monument of stones, from which tli initial or location monument of the Silver nelt bears N 170 24' E aoo feet, the north end line of claim bear.n N 73 36' VV an i S 74 36' IS; this claim h iv ng bcin o erUpcd and a mineral blaring lead dUcoreied, and the location monu meat not Dcing over the lead or viin, a post is Set on the north end line over the lead. S ft long, 4 ft sqr and one foot in the ground, on the south side 01 a 4 in post marked S II M C No a, in a monument of stones and evth 4K ft at lusts and 3 It high, ma-kei I M bilver Thread M C No 1. from which USM M No 1 bears 5 29' 05' W 3633 tt distint, and the corner to Sees t and 2, north bound try of Tp 20, S R 22 K bears N'a'co' W 7571 (t distint; thmcc N 74 36' V 144.4 " a monument of Moncslhs location monumen'. 287 ft to a wash drtinlng N V, and 30 j ft to N W cor of cliim. winch is also the S W cor ol the Silver lielt, and eisuidi line of the Empire M C, to a pent 5 ft long and 1 ft in tho ground, on the south side of a 4 in sqr post, mirkcd SB M C No 3, in a monu ment of stones 4 ft at base and 3 ft hih, mirked S T M C No a; thence S 17' 24' V along the east side line ef the Empire M C 373 5 ft to a 414 in past marked K M C No a, a'id 295 It to iol rsect'on of NV si I line of the Tranquility M C, which bears N U 10' K and S 54' 10' v, and at a distance of 273 ft from post No 2 the S -V cor of c'aim is est ibihed by a post aH ft Ion;;, 4 in sqr and one foit in the ground, surrounieJ by a monament of stones 4 ft at base and 3 ft high, marked STMCNo 3, frjm which a 4 ia post in monument of ston3, mirked 12 M C No re heirs S 17" 24' W u s ft distant: thence S 64 36' L" 17.3 to inter- teclion of NV side line of the Tranquility M C, vt a point S 51 I0' W 3I9-4 ft from a 4 ln post marked T M C No 2, o a post sK ft long. 4 in sqr. la a monument of stones mirked ST Si C No 4, and co.itinuing on sime coilrs at 4t2.8ftto intc-section ot the NE end line of , Tranquility MCata point S 39 ea' E 300 ft from a 4 in post nnrked T M C No 2, and at 412.8 ft to Htersection of west side line of North Point M C to a post 5 Ji ft long, 4 in sqr, in a mound of stones and canh, marked S T M C No 5, from Wch a shaft 4x6 and 106 ft deep bears N 28' S4 W 93 ft distant; thence N 23 23' E along the east side line and west side line of the North Point M C 274 4 ft to the NE cor , of claim, which is also the SK cor ol th bi'.ver Bjlt M C. to a post sJf ft long, 4 in sqr. in a monument uf stones on the south side of 4 in post m irked SUM C No 7, sud cor pjst be ing marked S T M C No 6; thence N 74 36' W along the north end line of claim, it being lso the south end lin of Slv r lijlt 14 1. 2 ft to post No 1 and plate of beginning, from which an incline sh lit 418 and P9 fe t derp be irs S 35" 38' V i33ftdUtint, and a shift 46 ft and tli ft deep biTiS 2144' K tot ftdistant. V.inv tion 11 43' E; containtng, exclusive of conflict with Tranquil ly mining claim, 2.13 acres, the san3 being duly rccjrded, as shown by of tide, propt'rly certified to by the County Re corder oi Cochise county, Amen?. Any Hnd all pirsons c'ahung adversely the whole orany poitbn of slid Silver Thread min ing cliim ire required to file th;ir ad.'ersc cl 11.11 n this offi e. during tin period of sixty divs' publication hereof, or they will ba birred by virtue of the provisions of the statute. It is hereby oidered that the foregoing notice be published sity days in the ErtrAPil, a daily newspaper published at Tombstone. Cochise county, Arizona.. C. E. DAILEY, Register. First Publication, Jan. 18, 1887, Notice of Api'Ur.ttlim Tor I'. S. I'atrnt to the . Central niulus t I11I1I1-X0. 4C3. U. & LAND OFFICE, ) Tucsov, Arizonv Ian 11. 1887. J Notice is hereby given that Charles W. 1 each and W. J. Taylor, of Tombstone, Cochise Co., Arizona, have filed -an application fcr pitent to ijop feet'bf the Central vein, lode, or depo'it, bearing silver, situated in Tombstone mining district, Cochise Co., Arizonn, more particu larly describtd in the field notes and plat of the fitricial purvey No. 739, on file in this ofiice, des gnited'as lot No. 182, as follows, to-wit: Bcginmning, at the initial monument at the southwest ce,n"t'r end of claim, at a post 5 ft long and 4 in sqr in mound of stone, mirk.d I M Central, No 1, from which initial monu ment of thsjunetta MC benrs N3o34'W 3723 ft distint, and USM M No a bears N S3 16' E. U S M M r4o 6 bears S 83 02" K 6894 ft distint, and Sec Cor between Sees 1 and a, N boundary, Tp 20, S R a E, bears N 30' 23' E, 18,083 ft distant; thence N 43 42' west 300 ft to a post s ft long. 4 in sqr, in mound of s'oncs, at S V cor, nnrked C M C No 2, thence N 46 18' E 1300 ft to .1 post 5 ft long, 4 in sqr, set in mound of earth and ston js, nt NV cor, marked C M C, No 3; thence S 43 42' E, 300 f t to N E center end post $ ft 'on, 4 in sqr, in mound of earth and stones, marked C M (' No 4; thence on the sme cour-.c 300 It to N K cor post, 5 ft Ions;, 4 m sqr, set in mound of stones, marked C M C No 5; ther.ce S 46' i8v W ijoa ft to S E cor pot, 5 ft long, 4 in sqr, in mound of stones, m irked C M C No 6; thence N 43 43' V 300 ft to initial monument and place of beginning. Variation 1143' K; con aining 23.65 acres. The improvemtnts made by the owners or their grantors, upon mi 1 claim consist ot a sln't 46 ft, too ft 'deep; a tunnel 5x6 .and 20 It long; a winze in tunnel 4x6 and 30 ft deep; an incline shaft 4x6 'end 12 ft deep, and Slopes 20 ft long, 5 ft wide and 30 ft dep, said claim being duly recorded in th" office of the County Recorder of Cochise county, Tombtone, Anrona, as shown by his abstract of title filed in this oftke. Any and all persons cl dm ng adversely thj whole or ,ny portion of sud Ccntrd mining slaim nre required to file th r adverse chim in this office dinng the period of sixty daj s" pub-' licalion hereof, or they will be barred by v.rtt.e of the provisions of the stitute. It is h-;reby ordired that ths foregoing notice be published sltty das in the EpItai'U, a daily newspaper published at Tombstone, Cochise county, Arizona. C. E. DAILEY, Register. First Publication, Jan. 18, 1887. Xotlce or Application Tor r.S. Pntent to the Uurou Jllntu Cialni o. 4 80. U. S. LAND OFFICE, Tucsov, Arizona, Jan, 12, 18S7. Notice Is hereby given that Thomas. Pgdcn, of Tombstone, Cochise county, Arizona, has had filed an application for pitent to 1500 linear feet of the Huron vein, lode, or deposit, bear- Ing silver and gold, with surface ground 600 ft In width, situated 1n Tombstone minirg distr.ct, Cochise lounty, Arizona, more, partlcuhrlv de scribed in: he field notes and pHt of the official survey on file in this office, to-wit: Beginning at the initial monument at the south end center o! claim at a post 5 t-a ft long, 4X4Trrs rJC marKcu i ,i uuron u v o I, irom which u S ,i r.l io 1 Dears a l-,- 41- w 5180 ft dUUrit. the cor tc Secs"'-Snd- 2, HQrtli boundary ofT p 20, S R 2a L, bears N y 10' V 6187 ft (list int, and a shilt 4x6 and 100 It deep beirs N 300' W 44 It distant; theuce N 4 3 W 87 ft to a wash draining NW, and 300 sect to SW cor post, which, is also th&NV cor of the Silver Belt M (. , 5 i-'a ftet Ion-, 4x4 Ins sqr, in a mound of stones, marked II M C No a; thence N 17' 4" E 83a t to rnonumtnl o" stones marki k NEcor of he Banner MC, I39S f t0 wash driinins; N NV, and 1500 't to NW cor post, s -5 ft long, 4Z4 ins sqr, in mound of earth and stones, marked II MC Nu tbeoca S 74 36' E along north end line 158 ff to intersect north line of Tombstone town site, and 300 ft to : orth and center post, 3 1-2 ft long 4x4 ins sqr, in mound of earth and stones, marked H M C Oo 4; thence S 74 36' E 300 ft to NE cor posts 1-2 ft long, lx. ins s ft in nKund of earth and stones marked II M C No 5, theme S 17 24' W57 ft to inter section ot north line of Tombstone townsite bearing S 67 12' E and 1500 It to SE cor post, 5 1-2 ft long, 4x4 ins sqr, in mo md of eirth and stouts, in irked 11 M C No 6, SMd correr Icing uko the NE cor of Silver Belt M C, with post marked S 1) M C Io 6; thence N7j 36' W 300 It to post No 1 and place of bejinmng. Va riation, it 43' E; containing 20 6 acres. Said claim is situated inside of the tow nslte of Tomb stone, with the i-jtcptton of a snnll tn-'iieu'ar piecj at NE corner of chim, and is bounded on the south by th hilver Belt M C, on the west by the Banner and M indard M C, and is dulj recorded in the ofr.ce of the County Rrt-jrdtr at Tombstone, Cochise cunty, Anzani, as shown by his certified abstract of title on file in tins omc Any and all persons claim'ng adversely the whole or ary portion of said mining claim nre hereby notified tint they must present their ad verse claims in this office within the period of sixty diys' public ition hereof, or they will Le baricd by virtue of thj provis'ons of the statute. It is hereby ordered tint the foregoing no'ice bepubli.hcd for the period of 60 dtysinthe Tombstone El'iTU'll, a duly ntwspaper pub lished at Tombstone, Cochise county. Anion 1. C. E. DAILEY, "Register. First Publication, Jan. 10, 1S37.I Notice r 4ppllrntli:i for V. tt. i'.itrnt to tlir Itaunei'Ulul:i: t'Iani-o. -tin. U. S. LAND OFFICE. Tucson, Arizona, Jan. 12, 1887. Notice is hereby given th tt Thomas Ogdcn, 01 Tombstone, CochLe county, Arizona, has had filed his application for a patent to 1500 linear feet of the limner vein, lode cr deposit, b anng silver and gold, with surf ice ground 600 feet in width, situitedin the Tombstone mining dis trict, Cochise county, Arionn, more particu larly described in the field notes and pit1 of the o.tunl survey now on file in thi olfice, to-vvif Begining at the in tial monument situated at the south end center of chim, at a 4x4 m post m triced I M Banner M C No 1, from which U b M M No 1 benrs S 10 16' V ,tl'3 ft distant, and the corner to Sees 1 and ?, nor h bound ir, to Tp 20 S R 22 E, beirs N 1 58 w 6,29 ft; thence N 7243' V 124 ft, intcr.-ect SE side line of WnJ Up M C, lot No 53, and on same course 300 It to SV cor, nnrked b) an iron pin 1 ft long, njcj ins in dn, driven into thc round, and at a di.tince of 7.7 ft a pest 5 1-3 (t iang, 4 ins squire, is set 111 a mound of e Till at d stones, marked IJ M C No 1, deamr.g SV cor of claim; thence N 17 24 879, intersect NE end line of Way Up M C, on sime cur e i;on ft to NW corner post, 5 i-U ft lo. g, 4x4 ins sqr in a mound of earth and stones, marked B M C No 3; therce S 72 4s' E 300 ft to no-th end center of clum, to post 5 i-a ft long, 4 ins sqr in moun 1 of stones and earth, mirked B M C No s; thence b 17 24' W along castside line of claim, which is also the west side line of the Hu-on M C 8J2 It to bW cor of Huronard the NW cor of Silver Be t M C, and on same course 1500 ft to SW ior post, 4X ins sqr, in mou'id of sto'es and euth, marked B M C No 6; this point is also the NE cor of the Empire M C, ile'ined by post marked E M C No 5; thence N 72 43' W 300 ft lo pest No 1 and place of beginning vamttrn, 1143' Kl con" tawing, less co-.fln.t with the Way Up M C, Kt No 53, 1391 acre!. 'I his claim is cutirtly 111 sideot the line; of the tovvnsite of Tombstone, and is bounded on the south by the Empire 11 C lot No 46 on tho west by toe Way Up ,M C lot No S3, on the north by the S anchrd MC. and en the cist by the Huron and bilver Belt M C, the same beinr drly recorded ia t'.e ofiic o the bounty Itcrorder at ToniVslorc Co.hise county, Ariiona, as shown by cr if'ed alr.'.rut of title furnished by the Count) Rcc rJe'anJcn fuu In this office. Any and all persons chimin? adveisely tho who'eorany pcrlioa o! sa'd mining ihun a e hereby notified that they must ;'rtsnt their ad verse cliims in this ofiice v. i I11.1 the period o sixty da) s' puhlicatiou he'eof, or tluy willlc barred by virtue of the p'ovis'ons of the statute. It is hereby ordered lint the foregoing not. is be pub! sh-d for the pe-unl of sixty ciais ta t c Tombstone Epitafa, a daily newspiper pub lished at Tombstoie. Coch'se ccuntv, Ai zona. C. E DAILEY, 'Register. First Pnblitation, J in. i3, i8."7 .Suti.i orAppllcallou fur t'.S. i'ntrni to Iho h tier licit Jllnlnj; Claliu-Xo. 407. U. S. LAND OEriCE. ) Tucson, Arizona, Ian. 13, 137. J Notice is hcreny given that 1 l.onia's Ogden, of Tombstone, Cochise coun.y, Arizona, hahnd filed an application for pitent to iscohr.irai feet of the b Ivor Helt vein, lode or cl -pj it t ,r ing silver and fold, with surface giound 000 lect in width, s.tuved in I om'btonc mining district Collide couutv, Ar,zoii.i, more prt tularlv c'--scribed in the fie'd notes and pint 01 the nftiwial survey No 703 on file in tins ofh e, and de ij' nated as lot No 186, as follows, to w t Ik.-5innin; at the monument of stone dtscrlb d in location noti. , ai a p'st s'j 't lung 4 ins sqr, in a mound ol outii ..i.d -tone, mmked 1 M buver Buit No 1. S 19 12' E 239 It to a iost s 1-2 ft long, 4 ins iqr, set 1:1 .1 mund of earth and s one, 111 irked S H M (J No 2. from which U s M M No 1 b.a's b 290 03' V. 363s ft dijlnnt, corner tobies 1 and a, rorin boundary of Tp 20, S R 22 E, bers N 4 03' W 7558 ft d.stiiit, a shaft 4x6 and 198 Itd-cp bears N 20 E 158 ft distant, and shaft 4x6 ft and 14 It deep bell's N 19 I: no fi distant; thence N 74 36' W 144.4 lo ,ne 'd location nionu m -nt, 150 ft to a 1 ft cut, 3 ft to the right. 179 ft to W end of cut. 8 ft to the right, 287 ft to a wash draining NW and 300 It to snn'l monu ment ot stjni'j, upon sast line of Empire M C, it being alio fie NW cor of the Silver 1 lucid and the SW cor of the bi'.ver Belt, to apj.t 5 i-s fc long, 4 ins sqs, in mound cf, milked S B 1 I. N03, from whUh a 4x4m po 1 marked EMC No a bears S 17 24' W 27 ft distint; theme N 1724'E 33ftto.1w.iMi draining N W, 374 ft to intersection cf sou h line of Tombstone townsi'.c, which bears b67 12' E 455 ft, and 95 ft to ths light a sh It 4x4 and 30 ft diep, 527 ft to a tmn wash dr.ui ing w -t, 83a ft lo a 4x4 past milked L M C No 3 and 1500 ft to N e ir post 5,'i ft long, 4 ins sqr, in a mound of earth .ir.d stones, marked S B M C No 4, from which U S M M No 1 hears S 2248' W 5174 ft oist; and a shaft 4x4 and 35 ft deep bean. S 46 38 E, 112 s ftdistant; thence S 74 36' E 213 ft to wash draining north, and 300 tt to i.orth end center post. 5 ft long, 4 ins sqr, in a 11101 nJ of earth and stones, marked S B M C No 5, thence S 74 56' E 300 ft lo NE cor post, 5 1-3 ft long, 4 ins sqr, in mound of earth and stones, nnrked S B M C No 6; thence S 23 23' W 1201 ft to intersection of oiitli lino of Tomb stone tow mite, b-ar ng b 67' 12' E ond 1513 It n snine course to SE cor post, 5 1-2 ft loi g, 4 irs sqr in a -mound of stone-;, marked b 11 1 CN07; tht'iiceM 74 3'j' V 38 It across bE cor of shift 4x6 and 60 ft deep, 93 6 ft and 3 it to th right, to n shift 4x6 and 13 ft deep, and 141.2 ft to rgt No 2 i-nel plicc of beginning the cxteniin survey of claim. Variation, rt 43' E; containn g 17.90 acrs. Snid chim is snuitid cast of th town or Tombstone and is bounded on the south by the Silver I ore d M C, on l1 1 n-rth b) the Huron M C, and on the east by the N'orth Point M C, and sold chim untHh, a portion of the Tonil -stone towu.iu; the sime being duly rtcorded in t 0 office of the County Ilecordcrat Tombstone, ochise county, Arizona, as sh wn by ecrlihed uL !r , t ni title en tile in th-s otTic. Any and all persons claiming adverse') the whole or any portion rf sMd Silver U'lt mining chim are requned to file th' ir ndverse claims in this otlicc during tin-Cod. v' perKd of publica tion lereof, or ti tv wi 1 b bur.d by vntue of the i rovwons of tli statute. Itislnnb) ordecsd 111 t th foregoi'g not cc be palhsii" d or sxtj'onpsin the Tombstone El iTAl'll, a daily new ..p iper published 111 T mb stoiie, Oo'.hise count), A izoii,', by me ricig n ited as the pai er published nearest to said daim. C. E. DAILEY, Register. I First Publication, Jan. 15, 1837. .VoIIcp or .tpiilicnti ni for V. H. t'atent to the t'i! iuce Jllulas t'talm-So. in;;. U. S LAND OFFlCf.. 1 Tucson, Arizom, Jan. 13, 18S7. ) Notice Is hereb) glvm that Charles V. Leach, of Totiustoni, CoJiise county. Ari zona, has hid tiled an np;:licjt on for pitertto I'coolineir tcet of the Chance vein, loJeor de posit, beunnj silver and poll, with suiface ground Con feet in v ijth, situued in Tombstone lnmrnu dMiiet. Coclii-.e eounty, Arizona, moio puticilarly fj-jcnbcd in the held not s .mil tli of the o'Uei d iiirvc , No. 790, on li'o in lliij office, and de.ij.iated as lot No. 18;, as fol lows, to wit: B-cin ng at the ln.lial monument, situitcd at the noitii C3. end oMcr ol el.vm at a Mst c ft. long, 4x1 in hes "qr, 1.1 a mound of ston-s mid cirtl, mtrked I. M. Chance 11 C. No. r, from which a hift ovrr loo ft dte bear1: b 7 33' W, 121ft d.stant; thente N 64 28', W 58 7 to .1 4 inch post marked b center, and thence on same course 300 It to N W cor. post, s ft Icrg, 4 ins sqr, in mound of stones, marked C. M. C. N 2; thence S 31 io' W 1500 ft toS W cor. post, 5 ft long, 4 ins sqr-.-in mnund of stones, niir!-et C M C N ) j, thence S 6 , 23' F 300 ft to b W end 1 r 'ter p ist, t ft '. !. t ins sqr, in a mound of sI.lrs, nnrkd CMC No 4, Irom whieh cro; pings b -ir N 31 40' K 400 ft distint; thence S 64 23' J'" 300 ft to S E cor post, -, ft long, J Ins 'qr, in a niojnd of stoncM, nnrked C MC No 5, from which U SM M No 3 ben 3 N 45 3' W 7,096ft distant USM M No. 6birs S 7.1 40' n and t Tiler to sri-tions 1 and 2, no-th lyundary of Tpo, b R 2j E, l.rirs N 4j02' K i3,otS It rii tint; theme N 324o'E rs'O ft to N E cor post, 5 ft long, 4" ms sqr) in n moun I of stone,, maikc! C M C No 0, thence N 6; 28' W r;.,l ft, to pnstin 1 neVnnrking t ." S E cor of Bjnmza M C, an 310 fevt ti po-t No 1 and place of beginning. Variation, 1 1 43' L; area, 20,66 acies. Said chim being lo cited about 2 mil s 'outhwesterly fion the town of Toiubs'oric nrtl about too ).nrds soiuhust etly Ir .m the .xlcnmae M C, and i, bound it jn 0a N E b) the Bonanza M C; the same If.n duly iccoreled in the of ce of the ccurty re coicIt at Tomb, tone, Cochise countv Arizona, as s.ovvn by his unified abstract of title f l.-d in this oflire. Any and all persons claiming adversely the v.h-jle or any por.i m of wl t.lnu-e 11 mm.; el.ini are req'imd to pre ent their adv-ise cliims in this effic. ilntin.; the p'nod of six'y days pulihen ion hereof, or f ev w.ll b barred by'virtne of ine jjrovis ens of the sMiuf. It is hceby ord-rrd th it the for-vtoin j notice be publi-h' d 'or the peri id o' sixty dn)3 in tho roniln'oiie I'l'lTAl'H, n ds'ly ie."pnper pub lished at Tn-ubitone, ' olne ccuntv, Arizona. C. E DMLLY, Kegi-tiT. Notice of Forfeiture. ToS. . Mu'bcrry, sou are hereby noti'cd that the uncle riijued expended one h jndml ($roo! dollars during the )ears tH-lcSj-iFSs at d 1S86 in the performance o' the amrnl hbor upon the hodiinn-Ma,'inte, and Vangiiaid mu'ing c'liins, situ itrd in the Tom'istune Min m' di-lrict C'oclu e countv, Arizona Territory 111 order to hold the s une ns r qui ed by Section 2321, Rci cd btati.lcs 3f the Lnite 1 Mates, and )OUr p.opor ion o sill sum so expended and tire to th- unde'si jned is one-sixth of tne nmount so expended t eicliof the abo.e men tioned ek mis. nil 1 if vou '.our heirs or as lns fill or refu c to contribute )o ir proportion ol tne sum expended within nine') ihys alter tl c piibhcmtion of thii notice, )our inicrest in the said mines will lie 0111c the property of the undersigned, who lias made such expendiluie. TH mxsOgu.'N. To.ubt'one, Feb. I, 1S07. Notiue of i'ro-eniDtip.a L'ror, (D;chratory S; ttcment No io-)) UNrrr;i)STAT.'s Lam) Ornci:, ) Tucjov, -n?., Jan. 25, 1S57. ) Notice is liereb) gi xn th t the fullow rg nonied settler has filed notice of his intent'oii to n..ike final proof in svppo-t of ids Pro eniption Chun No ic9r, and that said proof will be made befoie the Register and Receivei of the U. S. Land Office "at Tucon vrrona, on 'Ihursdiy Mirch 10, 1C87, vi-; W. G. tireen wood, of Benson Cochise ounly. A, I. foi the E )i of b. W. J,' and W. H of S li. )( of Sec 23, Tp. 16 S. K. 20 F., Cl. & .-. K. M He names the following witncSies to ptovc his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation ot sa ei land viz: D. H. cg.111, r civ ton Smith, T. II Robson and 'Iiiomis 'Turner, all of Benson, Coehi.e countv, A. 1. C. 1 . D mi.i.y Register. Tirst publication Jan. 31, t8i7. ITotico of Fo-feiture. To John M. Collins: Yo 1 are hereby r.cli f.ed li i 1 lie'.ei igr-cl Ins ex im d-l .' the v red.i, 1ai mber 31, Hj35, 01 1 1 .mi i.dt'.iiars in tin" ptnf'ii tai'ce of th? n 111 .1 liborupm ll.i Weiooj) Up umic, suuit el 1 t e Turo, 1 12 miMi g district t'crttv of C Cti e, T r.i'oiy of Aiircr i. 111 order to h Id t' t m ,is;, puri-d b) ?.et'n 2,3J ol the Uc'c d bt.tuiisof th UnindM-.t : .nd soar pro:ir 11. a o. the am 1 so -X) eiyi 1' .mil cue tc 1I10 uivlorsi; ne-d is lif d-! ir , ui.-l it )OU, voar heirs or assyn, I r.I to contnlmJe )jur p,o prfon of the um pxpemli 0 .vithin ninety iays after the publ'ct em o' this notice, )oinrter est 111 said Whoop Up mine will become the property of )our re -owner, the urdersigned, who has made such expenditure. Patrick mcmahon, Dated Toir.bston Jtnuary 15, 1887. Sumnioss. In die D.stnct Court of the Frst JuUnd Distri.t of th- Te-r.ttory of Anzoni, in an J f-.-tht Coti'iiy o'C'och se, JeiS""liHivflr, pin tut v-. George R'llledge, dofundasL Action brcught in t'.e 'Ji.tnct Coa-t of the Fr,, J 1 di !:.! Di-.tnc: of ihr Tcrn'i.ry of r120aa, in and li r the ( km i of Co.hii, a",d the eon. plum fil rt in tli- sud eour. y oc Lochis', in th. office ot tli- C! rk of snid D.itnci curt In" lcr.ltory e-' r .- .1 1 s nils ;J'ntnig 10 G-org Ruilcdj'e, defendant: You arc hereby uquicd to appeer in an action brought aiilnst )ou bv the above named 1 111 titt, in the D sinct Couit of the I irstjudicnl Di ti'ct of the Territory of Arzora, in ind f ;i th county of Cenhlr, ar.d to answer t!c coi..plunt r ed th icin, will in'iii) d.i)s(j.xeisive of the eln)o' ceivic-) af ter the trv ce u,jii vou of this imnioni (n served within th's eoumv, or if s rvd out of this county, but tn th 'i r,c. withn lb rly ay, others 'i will iniony rta.' ) or Judgm nt by n' fault w 11 y tnl en .if. i ust t - a. eoidu g to tli-" p-iiver of taiil c u pln.nt. I he said ncuon is brought to Inven mist deed construed a mort gige, for tlu foteclo.iire of the same and fortle ri'eoverv ot Js.e'co, mte es, itanngcs anil cots And )..u are hereby notifuil thit 11 you fail O npp'ir anJ in ver the siul cjmpliint, as above reijuired, the s 'id p'jintilfwill i.iki- judgment by elcfiult as pr.ije-d 'or in s: id co npl tint. Given ui'der my hand a 1 "al of the U.ufit Court of the Tir-,t Jiidieul Ihstnct of the Territo-v of ilzor.a. in and for theccun 1. S.J ty of Cuchi e, this tv-e-niiethdiy of No vember, in the )eir of our lord 01 e thousand cght h"nc!'ed and ciglitj-si-f. B. A. FICliAS. Cleik. First publication Jan. 4, 1886. Dissolution of FartnershiD. The firn of Cuniniinfs & llwcr, under the nnmecf Tl o Whu'esilc iulchor Con pan), is hercb) d so veil T.ed Casl e will oil ct a 1 ecci U'.ts clue sud firm ar.d pvv all accounts due by said company. Cummings A Bauer. Tombstone, Jin. iS 1887. Notice of Sale of Real Estate Administrator's S:ile. Notice is hereby given that ia pursuance of .in order of the Probue Couitol Cochise Ceiin y Tenitoiy of Anronn, made en the 21st dny cf DccenK - ".;6 1,. di. u Uter cf the estate of Am1 .' .: Ljall, dtctused, the undersigned, the d'uaisti3tor of the said estite, will sell at pub he auction, or ptiv ite s.ile, to'lv liigh"s; bid ler for ensh, gold com of the Un ted btatt:. mid subj -ct to cii ti u ilion b) i'ie si cces. or o! t1 c prescrt Probata J udg-, on and alter Siturdi), tl.j2i.-'I diy of J ,nu ry, tC'-'7, between ih louisotoa in a id 4 p. in. of raih diy u il th: mt-iest iu t . re d 1 tate ire sjld, . vfcat iskiiov.n as the H"iie Rairch of the 1 . -Hose I ja'l, decewd, in Coc'use eo'inty, Ari sonaTenlisiy, nlLth- r e-ht tit c and interest and c- tate cf th snl A.i.bro.. L) til,, at th time of bis death, end .01 iIm title ana lnteTcSl that the said estate has by opera lion ol law or othcivvise acquired m and to all thj pieces or ptrce'hcf 'ar.el situate. Kintr and ben n the lid county of C ochi.-e, Tctritory of Aiirona and described' As fo'los, to wi': The one-eighth of what is known ns the hcid'crs' Ho'e hanch the 01 e sixfemtli of whit is ai the H.U Rmch, and th- on-! all cf wl if is known as ties Home L'ss 20 ae es -el cip.rt to the .vtiovv ha. I the minor tlnllren, and the iinprov rn. r.ts thereon. The mt.-rests spcciSul ar eich undivided mt'rcsts. 1 trms of ale ','a-h, go'd col- of the Uritid S ats to hi pni I to tie .ndininistm'or on ill. d ty of s di", snbj"ct to th ; confirm ition by the coiut. D-elat theeip. ns? of th- pi.rchasor. Sh"Hberod all tvet.i r or in d'stinci pircc'3, os in "iv bj lor the bet snterft : tlu estate. JOtL LYALL, Ad.nmitrator of the E.tue of Amb' .sj Lyail DecrasOi). JAMES S. ROBIXSDV, Attorney for ICstnt.'. SumBions. In the County Court mand for the County oi CochUe, in the Territory of A&artt. D. H. Sm th and John C V. I1, cr co-pirtneis in ' of D. II. juii'h&Co, pUlntils, vs. II. II CitrjntPr def r. nt. A.ttun brojht in tlie iebi" 'trt o ( ochi,e, lojriirij ofA'ZOP.t, ard the eu.i p'ur.t fiei iiitc:an: Com ty 01 Co.h sc, 111 the cifi e- of the e'e k cf sa d t ennt) Court Die 'I Tiitory of Arizom cnd greeting to: II II, de'endnnt. You a'o hreby rcquln-d to aw; car in an action brought Jgunst joii by the al eve niiucd p'ainiitf', in the County Cor.rt of Coo!n-e count), Ternto-y cfAnona, p.' d to answer the c i.ip'ilntfi' i therein, wit1 m twenty e'.i) . (e.x-1 s.veof t'n 1'. ) ofsoiv, e) nfior tl.; servie-e 0.1 ;ou of .hi., si'm nnns. if withmthis couuiv, 01 if served outot this ccuntv, but in this district, within thiity davs, ort'ierwive within fony dnjs, or udjini.'it by dc null will b" tiken aga r, t you accord tg to the prter of sell comprint, bfd pciion is b. ought to recover thirty-one hun.'red ir.d ninet)-six 94-100 doll irs da'nigis for goods, v. 1 cs and m-ichnndise funiul.e i and tor n'oney paid out for de'endnnt at his speciilii'StjiikU and liquet nsfuly ntn,irs by Ihe complaint fil-d h rem, a duly cer.iii.-d cnyofuhchii 1 er. unto ittnched And ).vi iv hcicby nonfi I th l if vou fil to appiar ard ansver the ud cop'plamt, ns above requrnl, the s,.id plaintiff, will take p-ijment r.s nt vou lur tho s'imof thr-e thoiiKini no'id and mnetv-ix 94-100 dollars toj,e:lr with s' it Horv per entae and costs cf suit, Gi a v U' dT my In id and seal cf the County Court ot Co hi " County, Territory of Anon i, thh 17 dnvvf December, A D. (8J5. sr.ALl A. O. WALI-ACE. Notice of ForfoiUi: To T. D. B-rne and J . A. Be l.'io'.Vr co owner, in tve 'omScctt mine situ l-tl i the Tu quels mining dis'rlct, C'ochse c.'rt. Tor--i' jry of Arizjn. Yjiur. h.'reb n-'.i'.-d that Ilinvci-xp ode.! one bundled (109) clolars 111 hlMra. dn:i,irov. merits upm ihe ao'.vo mnvd ni'iungchim dunpythe jeir iPH5, in oidrr tn hhl the s imo ,vs v d d lo -men, as rfquired by Section 2-21 Kov-'d Statutes c t tl.o United Sti'.es. I h-Ti'fon if cc) di;. afier and th. public it.on v i di or ref.isi tjeoatnbuta )ourpro,wr pon.-i cf slid ex p iiht'iix'S and the cost of thi-f bhcition, as oowirre, fo'ir liU'c : m . d mi ewillb" 00111 tl.e oriVi Tt, tf the tine'erMned under si'-' so.ti .a jjt. ' f: II. Bryant, "um'istone, Jen. it, 18S7. Hotico oi Forfeiture To R. P. Man fi-ld, you are h'tebv nolfi'd hni 1 lie un! uga.vl hns expend'd dnriu. ihe je.n' ending JVjjTj.r 3:. i3i0, 01, ' a (Stoo) dollars ia the nerloi mince of tl'' n'iniijl la .cl lo.un tin "s m fi "ti ross u ir s 'iited in thi Tjmb ton Miuind s r e ( oeh c eou ty, I crntory of A'iZ ni in order to ho'd the same csrecuur-d by '1- t.on 212; of i'i Rev.s d b atutr. ofth; in't"d b it., and four propir- ianOthr vnount sj cxp-bcW.iiid du" to thj undoi-jucd i fi ty ($;o)dilU'S, u.n'i if vou or )our lurb or ajij;ns tail or lefiise to coninbiilo )a r prjporti.n of itui sin ixp-n:d niht 1 timet rtny's after l'publipi'nn efth's nctiie, jo ir iivtfiest 111 'lie sud vrjtuh in Cn's nun: vvnl b con e th' -ioj erty cl t-.e uiiduMigrcd, vvl.o his made such expenclitun, Dvted Tomb .tone, Jan. 24, 1SS7. . Pl-.lEll BlTTH. KING ALCOHOL DETHRONED GREAT- ACME REINED-! Th. Ac n feitni'-nt i. a poiitiie" cure for all stniof COHOLlbM, renovhvj; a 1 erav iiiis of the ..ppsuta for ei her sp rituous or m lt liquors. It cm be ti'cen at nnm- vrthout fntcrrcrin? witii ihe social eir busnus'Mt i-s e5fnfp,a d' vill effe ta moio si'i-'.uy .so n.isiANU...r crKB thn em ta derived from alonjjnad, expensive eours ot foaimmt at u.tbrntJ pitils, "' i Hi Acvik trcitmert is simpl? in fsrni and inexiiensive, comin'j withiti the mcnn3 of uvtRV UNmiTw"! ".Tl. MiNor v.onnn thit r.ny have contrictod an appet'tr for stioiift dnnl. It is enunlly potent ns a cure for the OPIUM or iORPHfE lubit or nu. i:v"e,s-ivi: ust: of NAitc out s or toft iceo. sick iirADAriic, NPRVot;! 't Ss an ' !!V.T,.i;i ittnnd. unrivdVd when usi-d ns eitmr a rai i Nrmvi' or 1 cunt. In the periods if I hvs'eal dernr- em nts and nutunl el. pr in t'i f sirDiifti; !NU, it ii"- n Iv u stores th. fi t ' olmto.e, and lends a soothin ; ard influence to the dittmbed mind If the treatment is co itinuril Irom lhi' stic of restoration the desire for stnu uhtinfr chii.l. will tn a brief time be wholly erad icated In nil eves of Mr.NTAl. TATtGUn, C'ON'IU rtc).i or nio'JGHT or a cloudi-d memur), it is onit cul.rly t'cn'-fieial and nn t i'e lrai-le.n us rcsulis. It stimui. its nu. I nti l.i.r.cT, leav ing the mind in a CLi. vk and EXAi.rcn STAnr, without depression of spirits or periods of icag tion ift-r its ire. It is not a nauseating medicine and may be administered in cooling drinks or food. Its presence cannot Le detected by the most'accute p ihtu nrf stiehous stomach. If )ou no net find it at )Our druggist's send Jt.oo by 1 J til order or postal ncte to Acme Mnnufatu-ing Company, Box 141. kamas 1 uy, ar.u )ou will re'ceive one paclige cl tne icme Remedy in plain package, secure horn ob en ition. . All t-ttrs of enquuy containing stimp an cw crcd picmptly. Lib? ir.l discount to druggists and dealers. ' ACME CCMPANY, Box 1,41, Kansas City, Mo, Probato Notice. In the Probue Court o' Cochise county, Arisona. 'leni.o-y; (nlhe in liter of ih' estate of W. J, IsiMriiSc, ducaird On reading and !i ing Ihe petliiem of Hcnrv P. Bddr.doo, pray, ing ;or a elccrec of eliitnburion cf the pu oad estate cf th'- said dz's.M d lo t e s.,id cmi:ner as iii- sole hr-ir at 'aw of the said 'eexasd. It is tint a l.e 11 ing of the saij-i. cation be app-unted for ftaiurdijv eh-iih ir. c'Jinuaiy. i3'J7, at too'vbclca. m of lint day at th co-11 room of aii curt at r.mijjtone, C clii- count), A T , and lint personal not.c. of such apji'icaiinn bivn lo jl. persoism ttrcvel i s.vd i.uij... if r.-nliiig m ti-i, Ti -ritory and it rer.l.ling witrout the Territory tiiea ly publ.e-atto 1 01 ihn eir.l."r for tlust lour w..-ks in th-- IKil, tonbstone I .piup-i. beforj th iim -.Appo ul t for the L.-i-ng oVt'-e sai I jyilioetion. Dit.d D-cem')er7th, t.j.1'5. ai, PEEL. P.-olnt- Jj !g.- Motice of Forfoiturd. To lohn t. Collin.. You nre h r-by not' fied that the undrslnei hare ecpeodcl, dur iig the year erdmg D cemh;: -t, 1880, 01c haadrrd it'thr! 111 Ihe pei romnnco of the ar.-nuillalM- unnn TaeQiem of ti Hill miae iltute-d in theTurquois maun dij'mt, c-ouiry of I'r.chise, Territory c' r nsi, 1 1 oraer to h)'d thi ami. :-s lcqu-c! bv S clon 2.314 cf the R-ire-d S td of tne Un't 1 States, iii'i ynr pro, o-tion of the amc ai.t cp ex en ltd anil d.e to 1.15 uniters'gne.1 is fifty uolian. i.nd il )cu, xour 1 ciri-or hs gns. f d! or rcme to c 11 tribute ynur pniport, n of the su-n ex j uric i, within ninety d ) M'j r the ; v. I'lfalto.t 1 f tr ij notice, yiur i,;crt 111 the s...i Tl: Q 'c-cr. ol the Hill ni'iv will become the pio,)er:yof )onr underj-gced, i.'.uh wmn I: sue h expenditure. JOHN' McMAIION. ELI ULLVMI'R. Dated Tombs'c: e, January it, 1887. I'ty-iuft of t'xv-j-inyfioH Ps'i;f'. (Dtclara'o.-) Statfrrent Nc 10,0 ) V. S. LANDtJPHCb A.TCCSON, AK1Z., 1 D-coinb jph, iis?o. No'nv Is hercbv ;;.yen tht it'tu folA-mg-m v d .e't f h s Si -d no'te M h s i it. ii'ion tc nuke tni'l j rojf Hi u; port cf his t r. t (,ip 100 chim No rorrj, and ib?l jiJ piojf v.nll be nu o b f'nr tho Re-gis'er.nn 1 Re. eivc- rl Tn. sju. Ariioni m i eluuirv ed. 187, vz: Jnhh Huff deer, of Pre- Vanto, Cue his " A. ., for th- Si of SEV cf fi.-. 3;. Tp. 1-,, S. I! 20 li, Ci. H S U, M .lo 'limn tb idilovv i inc; v.itresses top ove his cntip 1 ns 1 idnc' rpon ciiii cultivd ct: 01 i t Thois B ker, Jora D. Ail. n, T! o 11 .s I nrnrr. Tuei. is, all of Tres A!aiii., Cu hisj csanty, A::zqna. C. E DA'LfY. R-;i ft I'lirt F'tl'Veitua D.i ?o. i3.c $1.00 FOR 25 To any oe who will send 113 sc ard act as our -g'-nt w j will senel the foll.iv inu goods, thu could not bu iijuht e!vwiicre for ! ss t.'an St co: 1 Dozen snei-u ol bit :.nneConiri r 11'. l"apcr, j Dozen Env. lop's :o much, 2 xua-fir- Und'. 5' .Steel IV"::, nrn' Coldtni i'-'i, 1 iSk ROLLHD v3JI.D HTi, north mo.eth.n vch.irge 'or the p.-kute-; t Uixo.n I a id Pen cil, 1 Fiber's fVneil R ib'i., a'i ar-t-cl c-si ood ' I v'ie-ct fi fJVini," f 'rr-r, 1 ! 0 le! Go'd'"J Collar B.i.on, bet or Co'il 1 uff Ba' lutis. We" h ve elated lint li goou' iwuj'.t s?ixirate!y co .Id net b IkjuI.i fcr less ttn, l.u tovcur rfv f-t we Ai'l a, '1 t'-e.n put up tn a pioiagi fcr zy. ACME IsiFG. CO. Ks.jOx, Conn. IjOtlce of Forfeiture, Tc G::e). V. SrK-.v !-t: You are hcreliy no-lifi-d that the unJcr.'gnecl his expended one l.iudrc! elollir' on the K'icn less mi.ic. situ , 10J in Tombs one Mi nng Distr.ct, county of C"o:'iise, Te-mo. v of V.ion.1, fo-tlie)cir e"d mj rjxi:.Ikr 31st iCIe, i.i o-de- to I eld tame, 15 required by bee1 '.11 2324 of Itevi.ed SMtul- s i t'i.. I'm' d Satis. Your proportion of amount expended and due the undersigned i twelic and fi iy.on.-iiunilredth dol.ira, ard 'f v ou or ) our he t- or ns ijr.s fail to co Ui tbute v ropon:oii of the iim so exnerded. to g' tlicr with thn ot ense of this 1 otiic, within n.nett d3)safl:r thu fir,t pi.biicati n of this nc ii;o, )our interevt 111 Slid Lelcn Loss mine will become the p.opcrtv of)oir co-ovner, who has iiiaele said iv.pndiiuiv. H. U Fisher. Dated Tombstone, Keb. ,4 1887. The '-.icriffof the: County of Cochise ;; hereb authorized to offer ;: reward of I51250 for the arrest and conviction uf the party or parties who at tempted to.fcill J. S. Clark and wife on the evening of January 4th, 1887. John H. Slaughter,, Sheriff: 'Ti. A. SnATrucic, Under Sheriff. $250 Regard. .Tho ubovu l'c.v.'ifd xs'ill ba pair) i'pr tiie nirost Knd conviction of 1 .iny p-rson. r'j)t,i-.i.,n.i unlawfullj' h.-iii'tlin'.; anv or my stock, brand TIG onMt'iiip. H. V. iTashelguicn. Clinvleston, A. T. , jcv2-ly InjpectDr's STctlca To all parties wishing tn cross thel'rie between Sonora and Arizona vnih cattle, notiec is hereby given thai accoreiinj lo the law of Arizona befnr: enteiir-j said Territory with cattle, they must first be inducted by the r gnl irly appointed in spector, vvliose ofTice is in the Viz'tai builtlinr, first door e st of court hou c,. Torabsleuio, Arizona. 13. A. Packard, Inspector. ' 4 ' Ocolilontai,'; Rotfl ., - .' This is ' ihV only 'fitst-cjaslieitel in Tombstone" It'is. hanejsoiiiely fmniihed with all modern impmvements. Trav elers vvho stop at this bouse 'will find every comfort and attention. Private rooms for commercial travelers at reason able rates. A splendid billiard utile and a card room. Tlie bar is supplied with pure brands of wines, liquors and cigars.'j ' ' ' tf D cSSKGUS ORUGS-' XCdit to Cuirrol J'lT.'CttiMly All 8ne Hurrlb'n tlablt. VJirWer, .V 1". I'ctt-Erpnvt. A gentle who has epent tho sum mer abroad, said to ojr reporter, that the tiling that iinpren'o 1 him most of all vrrn tlie number of hidiey one en cotmlprs abroad nnd the little anxiety the peeue display m tho rouduct of bul npft aftjirs. ''M'i n loait hf.e." h3 said, "that they writ f r yeais vs ithout a day off; in K :icr thst would bo considered a crime." Mr. H. II. Warner, tv ho was present at tlio titn., ga'il, ''This is tho first Bum m?rln yiar.i 'hat I h-xva not Eentan tho water. U"ou tco busv." "Then, I suppose jou )iavu been ad vcrtininir ostcahely?" "Kot at u'l. Wh "haro always hereto fore eiloevd our Ivbor.iteiry during July, Antrtwt and iSnpte inter," but thi Bura tnerive have kijit ii ninning dav and nijht tosnpj'ly the d.nnnnd, which has been three tirr.M (letter than ever be fore in our hi:tory at f!ii3 se;on." "Hr dooiiaiioieut for this?" "T!.o iii-r in? 1ms eoitio frra the Mtt urtal refoj.ii.ton of th; excellence of our prtpanuh' s We lutvo been nevly ten year h'-feei'tho puiilu: and tbe sides are cemstauli i:tcrc&ing while our uewspaper ndvertit-itit; ii coit'oniJy dimir.iihingi Wlrj", h:h golf nt i! : arid mceiieal u thoritiesi, r'ir pub.W'ly (imccda that our Warner's kah cure it tlio only scientific "pecific fcr kidney and Hirer diseases ami for all tha many iffvaso? caused by Iht'in." "flavo you evidenro of thh?" "Alinp.elanr?! Only a few weeks ago Dr. J. L. Stoph-rtn, of Lebanoti, Ohio, a sn."WSift it thu care of mvcoiic, etc., habits loM flint- & number of emi-ne-nt scintii'ie n.e n:t-i, had been op'rinintiti, or ynan-, ttvtiii mid an ftlyzlnj: nil L'".ir. c n r-wlk-n fer tho kid Payu a-iid livo , fi r, as vou may he aware, ll.e exi'piiivA iv of all nafcotics and Elimulanta dvtroy tho.e orjnuis, and until tlitycai be re.-.torod to iie.ilth tlie litibits KWinot be broken npl Among Iho invp.-.iiptt'W vro ench men as J. M. Kail, t. 1) , I'i-h.iiV of the F Ute Board ot Health of Iowh, rv-i? Alexander K i-, 31. D-. Iofc-wi- of 'ixirwtj in tho col hi to of rhwU'rft .r:d ii'wins and p .id'lnt cf fins A .! ri'y of llcilieine at Columbifi, who, ."v."t.rox!mti?li ye inquiry, reported th-it tbcire no rciueoy known to -e'StiVil o si-miiiiie inquiry lo VT..rr.rrV i-Jtr i"im!" "Are many ir-nnir nddti ted to the nee of deadly dnij-.V "Tliere art) forty iMiU'tev.i of paoplo in tho world who use .tlono, and llietiv ate mtny hundrp-!' f ihouiands in thieti'O'i'itry" who ar viotiitw of mor phine, p tin, ipimue nii.t corahie. X'itv tl.i- ' they have i o ptirli habit aliont th"'ii ne ins. iv r.or:li' n- uncon Fc;"tw vie-tims oi the'.' h-i'jits. They have paitH and svinptomi of what they call tutiWru and oth r dit-AS-s, when in teality it m the dr'nund in tho system fcr tlti' wri i'.de dni-i, a ilemind tliat 13 cause' t l.irpeiy by p'' iro3erip li'i"ahi !i icnthin o nuny danaerous riri'v.-), c.ti.l alronu spiiilR. and one that int'Kt he a lettered or Mlt-nessl in tho kiel-n'-vs Kid livpr l,v Dr. rjti'phona rij-i is the only kiehioy and hvf r specific, fl.'t abo fayR 'that mal'-a'c epium and oiluT lira CAters, if ti-.y i-ivaia Ihe k.iim-y an.lli'.or viov with Hut gteat re!ii3ify, rin S.etip up Ui habits in lmlciarjr.n," "Wol! deh-p tot tiiU d'tccovery give yon a no-. rvvlR.'.H't of tlu pov.'cr of Bafo cire'"' ';., tir ; lx vvr I h i v tried to con viniB th? p-t'iliu thtl r-faify all the dic tates of the toiwi. rotten oir mutate in soliiw ili-oieleT rf tJs fcih' or liver, and hi'rtci? I hiwj lo'.cillr declared that if otirsp'cific were tr.wl, ove?r ninety per cont. cf thsne allmertu vyiuld diiap par. Tho iiver a-id kid n'y seem to absorb these poieoii's :V::i t!i" blood and become depraved tnl die.tHed." "Wi.eit 'Si'ro mlr.o:it a'-.thorities thus puWtely .' nit the-o is no like curs t ruable the- ki'b.ev mid liver to ti-.rov. t Ilia frijihtiul c"Jat;th of all deadly d- ,'eand piet"--ivn mo ofctim ttlanta it . -s'i adm'.s'ie-n o! it-j power as greAt as i.-iy o-.o cull dc'.ri; for if throii):h its iiiihieiiee tilotte tno opium, morpiiitie, quin.i'o, t'fw-aip and liquor hab'ts can be ovorvoaw, what hintier tostirriiui.'il of itBpcoilu; pnvier t;ould bo asVcrtfe.r?" "You bslierotben, Mr. Warner, thst tin m tjivify .r diiiups come from kuiriev and uvor omiplalnttt?" "leio! When ymt ti a pron moping r.d crt'TeliitS about, IiaH ilcad and half clivf, yo-.r aftnr y-er. ro-r-miv surely put liim di- n an Ivavinsunjo kidney and Fiver Ironble." "Xlw other lay'I .was falkin'j with Dr. Fowler, the eminent orcni'Mt of th'iS city, vrlio --,u t'nUl.a.lf the txili-jnts who cam to him iir tyc trealrrtont nere affected by tidyvcwlkidrK'T dinaaw. Mowwany peoylj Tv-:di A"hy in "tU'o life their 6u Bi;;ht bseTi'M" rnvjr A thorough cori.'i.of .rJ iit v th Warner's s.tfo cure- u ';i' ti n---: ir ev than a pair of c-j o --tHi. .'. aNWtay pr.eK:i in tho blood aiwayi iu.w t'.u iwkest p.irt of tlia bodj ; with Hrae it affoets the cyis; with othorv a head ; with othara tlu itomach o.r thu f.r;t7, nr rheumatic dibordvra fo"oiie .snel Mrurlgia tears then in pieces, or they loe the potiert of ia.i.'er, swell or lec-mr impotent ia other function of the bcly. Whiit man would not yd vu hi? a'.t to have the vior of youth at command?" "Tho intelii'.'onl pbyeirian knows that IliCMi comphiint? arc hut p,mptom; they ate not tho disorder, and tliev arc symp tom'? nr of of tlw head, tlie eye or Btomacli, ot ol virility, aecofoatilv, but of Iho kidney p 50 in the blood and tliev may prevail and no pain occur in the kidnevi.." It in not gtrantte tKat the enthusiasm which Mr. Warntr diplftv in his ap preciation of his own remedv, which re itored him to biMlth when the doctors will ho e on .1 not live six in" ll w. should Scvome .rttrv'iois-i an.l that tin entiru A-orld should D.iv tribute to lis tvovver. For as Mr. Warner bays, tlio Kales are coiis'aiitV ir.. rc.te. us, while tha new& pape' adverli.e'.ii tsfonstantly eiimiuiah ' nc. Thi.1 pjieaks vohimoi iu praieo ot thtrestraoi-iinary metits of It'w prepare .Uous ' Dissolution Notice. Tlie pirtnerslup heretofore existing but ween T. M. Tanner and The Kric Can e Company, doniK business under the firm nam-j und style of the Bisbee Butcher Cccipany, is, th's 13th cby of December, 1886, dissolved by mutuil con sent, and neither party will be nwponsible for bills contracted by said firm from .ind after this data F. M. TANNER. THEERIECATTLECO. dl8-30 By W. W. WHITNEY.