Newspaper Page Text
TOMBSTONE ARIZONA, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1887. VOL. VIII. No. 86. DAJLY EPITAPH. TIMID SCHEDULE fiw Mexioo and Arizona Rail- road Company. Faolflo lm 90 minute Blower than ol tlm. All trains dally. . GOING NOKTH. I.KAVE. GOING SOUTH. I.EAVh. STATIONS. Gran 1 Central De pot 11.30 am ii;:oant 10:55 am 11:25 nt 10:10 am 9:25 am o 00 am 8.20 am 7:50 am f 6 40 am I 7 01 am O'oo am 5 3 am 4:15 am 1:30 pm IMS l'm 2:10 pin 1:S Pm j 00 pm 3M5 lm 4:15 pm 5-00 pm MS P' 6'20 pni 6:40 pm 7:25 pm 8.05 pm 8:45 pm Benon.... Canlste .. Contention Kairbtinlc .. Brcokline.. Hiuchuca.. iin.,.-.., Stnoita. . . . 1-iCtntenlion, f.r tl.v Sanford's., Calabasas , 'Nogalft . . .BOB DARRAGH'S STAGE LINE. o tonuect with Weitorn lound trilu lev 'Jllf.cicck. in. HustoauectwltH Jittrn to'l trv'n !.- JitaKOeoaict with Ouyw- Irni.. re i TlooJcp. u. Staxo for OkarlMton leaves i 7 111. Ate 'or BI1m le at 0 a. n.fMcupt SuUj). D9im-4M Allen atrett, uadtr OooldenUl Unto). This paper la kept on file at E. O. Dake'a AdTerttalnK Aremcy, 04 and 05 Mer ohsnts' Kxchaags, San Francisco, Cal, -where contract .for advertlslnc can be aade for It. LOCAL NOTES. Jack. Martin and G. Hopkins, liae gone to Bisbee, on irtining business. One year" .ago to-dav Gen. W. S. Han- k died. The presence of President Cleveland and bis wife at the Baltimore Charity ball increased the receipts hy $;,ooo. Mrs. A. Baur presented her husband yesfrday with a bouncing fiirl. The child and mother arc comfortable. A hundred head of stock cattle in charge of Mr. Williams, passed through town yesterday, en route to pastures new. Don't forget that the Paper Carnival will be t;iven one week from to-night at Turn Verein Hall. It bids fair to be very pleasant, and all should attend. The magnificent mirror which has so long ornamented the walls of Miano & milurdo's tonsorial establishment, has been boxed and will hereafter ornament the walls of a saloon at Volcano City. The whole of San Francisco was as tonished by a snow-storm of eastern pro portions on the 5th instant. It fell to the . depth of one foot. Our mountain snow ttorm fell two days later. Ceorge Stevens, of Graham, and Burt JFosteT, of Yavapai, are the tools which Governor Zulick, proposes to use in fois ting Tom. Farish, upon the peeple of jAritona, as Commissioner of Immigra tion, Tie lrith comedians, Dan and Josie Morris, will give one of their popular performances at Schieffclin hall this eyening. All papers where they have played, are loud in their praise of these jjiflcd artists. Read advertisement, Fred Dodges little boy received quite aerere bite fromhis pet horse yester day. The little fellow was standing by the horses head whilst his father was grooming him and tho pony deliberately laid hold of the boys ear giving him quite a severe bite. John Y. T. Smith is regarded by many as the ablest member in the House. Mr Smith is an ardent republican and a first class all around citizen, and he will make the democratic majority in the House be lieve that one in the right is nearly a majority. The removal of the County Seat of Mohave county, from Mineral Park to Kingman, caused some interested parties in Mineral Park to make a "mighty kick," on the groundrol technical elect ion points, one .of the strongest of these, was, "that parties voted upon the Reservation," and they therefore had the cast-iron-gall, to pray the Supreme Court, to set tside the will of the people and declare that the majority dors not rule, and order that the County Seat be re-established at Mineral Park. Judge Barnes, who wrote the decision and de nied the petition of the Minen-,1 Parkitcs, ignored the flimsy fhws of technicality and squashed them. This is manly. It shows the Judge to possess a fearless consciousness of right, and by it he has established a precedent, which will hereafter make pettifogging lawyers of the technical school be wary of his court. ARIZONA'S MINES. Her Bullion Producers Through out the Territory. Tho Dividends Poured Into Their Owners' Coffers. Among the great mines of this coast that have attracted distinguished, as well as general attention throughout the mining world, and particularly in the United States, are eight mines in the Territory of Arizona. Their mineral pio ducts Inve been phenomenally great, and have established the reputation ol this country as the great silver mineral belt ol the world, and yet the develop ment of its immense ore fields have barely begun. It is in the babyhood of its growth, and to-day leads the world in the amount and, value of its silver and copper mines. To stand unrivalled, in the face of the stupendous drawbacks, such as isolation, and more particularly the paralyzing influence of Indian trou bles, is truly astonishing. Following are the names of the mines that have done so much in attracting attention to Arizona: THE COPPKK QUEEN MINE is located in this county, in the Bisbee Mining District, and is now, .and has always been from the date of its discov ery, about the largest copper producing mine in the known world. The shares of the mineare 250,000, the par value of which are $10 per thare, thus represent ing a capital stock of $2,500,000. Up to date it has paid nineteen dividends, the aggregate of which amounted to the handsome figure of $1,350,000. The mine is now in a better condition than for several years past, and is booming right along. In August, 1885, it consoli dated with the Atlanta. THE SILVER KING MINE is located in Pioneer District, Pinal county. There are fifteen hundred feet in the mine, which ate cut into 100,000 share;, whose pir value are $100 each, thus mailing its capital stock $10,000, 000. There has never been an assess ment levied on this mine. It has paid the enormous number of sWty-two divi dends, tho last having been paid on the 151I1 of December past. The total num ber of dividends disbursed up to the above date wrre $1,825,000. 1HK OLD DOMINION COPPER MINE in Globe District, contains 300,000 shares, with a represented par value of $10 each. Its. capital stock is $3,000, coo. It seems to keep its business to itself, for we can in4 no way ascertain anything relating to its financial con dition, further than that it ranks high as a wealth-producing mine. T1IE UNITED VERDE COPPER MINE is located in the Black Hills Mining District of Yavapai county. Its princi pal owner is Ex-Governor Tritle. It is divided into 300,000 shares of $10 each, thus making its capital stock $3,000,000. It is a non-assessable piece of property, and has paid two dividends, the sum total of which was $97,500. THE GRAND CENTRAL MINE, located in Tombstone District, is cut up into 100,000 shares of $100 each, and its capital stock is $10,000,000. Up to the time of its destruction by fire, it had de clared sixteen dividends, amounting to $00,000. THE lOilBSTONEMILL AND MINING CO'S properly contains 4.500 feet, which is di vidtd up into 500,000 shares of a par value of $25 each, which lepresents its capital stock to be $12,500,000. It is not an assessable piece of property, and up to the present time has declared twenty-five dividends, amounting in the aggregate to $1,250,000. THE VIZNA MINE, located in the city of Tombstone, is un assessable. Its capital stock is $5,000, 000. It is cut up into 200,000 shares of a par value of $25 each. It has paid dividends, amounting to $145.0110. THE CONTENTION MINE, of Tombstone District, has produced more money than any of our mines. While under the name ol the Western it paid $1,475,000 in dividends. This was up to December 10, 1881, since which tunc it has been lun under the name of Contention, and has produced under that name $1,187,000 in dividends, making a grand total for the mines under both names of $2,662,000. It is divided into 250,000 shares of a par value of $50 each. Its capital stock is $12,500,000, and has paid twenty dividends. This grand showing of Arizona's hid den wealth during the past few years holds out high and alluring hopes of fu ture greatness. Her vast mineral de posits, which for long ages past have re mained concealed, will, under the intelli gent guidance of capital and experience, tend in no small degree to swell the bullion production of the worl . It is not even contended that the mines of Arizona have been developed. The men who brought them up to their present standing have, as a rule, been poor men, but b) good management hive succeeded in securing large and profitable returns. There has been up to date paid by the mines mentioned in this article the enor mous sum of eight million forty thousand dollars in dividends, and the Epitaph looks forward with renewed hopes for an era of great prosperity for Arizona. Handlers Questions' TOMDSToNEFcb. 8. 1887. Ed. Epitaph: Questions for the Arizona Legislature: Why do we impose a tax on commercial travelers? I see no reason for the tax myself except it be for the benefit of the local jobbers who wish to keep out competition. It being a benefit to the few and a detriment to the many. Commercial travelers go through the Territory encog. If they stop ofTand offer goods for sale, they have a tax to pay that would more than balance their profits. The hotel, the saloon, the furnishing goods men, have all lost a customer, and the miner the rancher, and the laborer all have to pay the old price because no individual merchant can get the benefit of lower rate which might be offeicd. Rancher. County Records. The following instruments were recor ded at the office of the county Recorder's to-day: LOCATIONS. Old South Wales mine near Dos Ca bezas peaks, Scott White. Way Up mine, Ramsey Canyon re located and renamed Chance mine by J. N. Lccarce. , Piotection mine, Tombstone district, adjoining Fremont street, located by Thos. Ogden. Union mine, between White Tail Deer and Dila Mack mines, Campbell Groups Mule Mountains, by William Bam buck. deeds. Alice Cook mine, Tombstone district J. P. Rafferty to Kate RafTerty. I. M. Isaacs and Bertha Isaacs to Martin Costello, lot and house on 5th street consideration $200. The body of H. E. Gray, a miner, who was buried here six years ago, wa-; taken up yesterday and found to be in an excellent state of pieserv.ition, still it was repulsive to look a. The remains will be fnnvaid-dto his wife, Hattic L. Gray, Columbus, Georgia, to-day. W. G. Wharf, the popular agent of the Hercules giant powder company is stop ping at the Occidental. EPITAPH OULLINGS. Cornelius Vandcrbilt's new milk house has tiling on It which cost over $t,ooo. Senator Hearst is ill with malarial fe ver at San Francisco, but is not in dan ger. Lucy Stone predicts that a woman will be President of the United States in the year 2000. Evangelist Sankey is trying to sing New York sinners into the path which they ought to tread. Henry Probasco, of Cincinnati, has sent his splendid collection of pictures to New York to be sold. It is said that there are no indication at Hoiland Patent that Miss Cleveland contemplates marriage Willi im E. Chandler, late Secretary of the Navy, is thinking of starting a paper in Manchester N. H. Hannibal Hamlin told the Maine Press Association the other day that "the newspaper dethrowned kings." Governor Hill, of New Yook, was one of thirteen diners at Joe Drexel's house in New York last week. Thomas A. Edison is mending slowly but surely, and will go to his home in Fort Mers, Fla,next week. Pat Connelly, ofGalvaston, has become a raving maniac through persistent rend ing of Henry George's, books Fred Douglass and Theodore Tillon went about Paris a great deal together and attracted much attention. New Tirao Table- . Stage leaves Tombstone for Fatibanl: to connect with train for Nogales at 8.30 a. m. Stage leaves Tombstone at 3 30 p. m, for Fafrbank to connect with East and West bound train at Benson. Arrive at Tombstone 11.40 p. m. Stage for Charleston leaves Tombstone at 12,15 P.m- Attontion! Hooks!! On and after this date the regular Company meetings will be called by nine taps of the Fire-bell, one half hour before meeting, and nine taps when the meeting is called to order. G. S. Bradshaw, 4t President. A Black Walnut bed room set for sale cheap. For particulars apply at this office. The Beginning Of The End. The beginning of disease is a slight debility or disorder of some of the vital organs, the stomach, the liver or the bow els usually. Thereare despeptic sympt oms, the liver is troublesome, the skin grows tawney and unhealthy looking, there are pains in the right side or through the right shoulder blade. The climax is often an utter prostration of the physical energies, perhaps a fatal issue. But if the difficulty is met in time with Hostettei's Stomach Bitters, which is al ways effective as a remedy, and it should be resorted to at an early stage, there will be no reason to apprehend those in jurious subsequent effects upon the sys tem often entailed by entirely cured dis eases. Far better is it, also, to employ this safe remedial agent in fever and ague and other malarial complaints, than qui nine and other potent drugs, which even when they do prove effectual for a time, ruin the stomach and impair the general health. The compliments of the season colds, coughs, catarrhs- -may be effectively delt with by taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. To neglect prompt treatment for these ailments is to risk consumption, which is. said to causa one-sixth of the mortial tyof all civilized countriics. Shortness of Breath. Dr. Flint's Heart Remedy should be taken at once when slight exertion or hearty meal produces shortness of breath or a pain in the region of the heart. At all druggists, or J. J. Mack & Co., 9 nd 1 1 Front St., S. F. For Sale. All kinds of choice eggs for sitting purposes. Dark Brown Leghorns, White Leghorns, Golden Poland, Silver spang led Hamburg, Black Langshang and Wyandotts. A sitting of 15 of these fine eggs will only cost you $2.50. Apply at the Can Can and give two days notice and all nrdis will l filled. A. D. Walsh. tf. Can Can. Sheriff's Sale. I5y virtue of an order oi sale Issued out of the County court of Cochise county in and for the County of Cochise, Territory of Arizona, to me directed and delivered on a judgment rendered m said court on the 2d day of December, 1886, in favor ol J. W. Hooper and against J. W. Slump and E. Stump, wherein I am com manded to make the sum of $3,963 damages with inlciest thereon from date of judjment at the raie of 24 per cnt per annum until paid, together with $525.56 costs and accruing iosts. 1 have this day levied upon the follow ing described property, to wit: Those certain mining claims bearing gold and silver and other inftals situated iu the Huachuca Mountains, Cochise County, Anzora, and known as the Cjrcen, Mary E., Summit, Silver Contact, Poor Prospector, Outlook, Stella Helton, Sobrante, Kearsing, Hooper, Blue Hell Extension, Golden I.ily and '84, together with all and angular the right, tenements, hereditaments, improvements and appurtenances to the same belonging or In .-.ny wise mudent or appertaining. Public no tike is hereby given that on Thursday, the 3d day of March, 1887, between the hours of o a. m. and 4 p. m , in front of the Sheriff's office, in the cily of Tombstone, Cochise county, Ari zona Terntry, I will sell all the right, tit'eand interest of the said . W. Stump and E. W. Stump in and to the above described property at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, tor cash, lawful 11 v-niy of the United States, to '.itisfy snd judgi.ieut, ouIlt of sale and all costs. Dated this the 71I1 iliy of February, 1887. J. II SLAUGHTUt, Sheriff. By E. A. Siiattuck, Under Shenff Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of the ist Judicial District in and for the County of Cochwe, Territory of Arizona, to me diircted and delivered on a judgment rendered in said Court on the 3th day of Feb ruary, 1887, in favor of II. Gerwein and against Sara Goldbaum and Sara Goldluum as admin istratrix of the estate of M. Goldbaum deceased, and guardian of his minor ihlldrcn, and Joseph J, Goldbaum, Julius Goldbaum and Emil Gold baum, adult heirs, and David Goldbaum, Solo mon G'-ldb.iuin, Fanny Goldbaum and Abram Goldbaum, minor heirs of said M. Goldbaum, deceased, defendants, wherein I am commanded to make the sum of . . . damages with interest thereon from r.ate of judgment' at the rate of 2 per cent, p'r annum until paid; to gether with . ..costs and accruing costs, and attorney's fees of $100 and legal interest from date of judgment, I hue this day levied upon ihe following described property, to-wit: Lots numbered 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block number a 1 according to the official map of the town of Benson, (.ocluve Count), Ariuni, situated in said town, together with the improvements thereon, Inown as the 'livoli G.iiaens. Public notice 1, hereby given tint on the 5th day cf .M-irri, ibJ7, I'clive en Hie Iiours ol 9 a in, and 4 p. m., 111 fiont cf the Sheriffs uiTico, mthecity of Tombstone, ( ochise Count), Arizen Terri tory, I will sell all the ryht, tit c and interest of the said defendants above named in and to the public auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, law ft money of thejUmted Slates, to satisfy said t cuiion ana an costs. Dated this the oth dayof I'ebruary, 18; J. H. Slauchtlr, She. By li. A. SIIATTUCK, Under TWEED'S OUR MOTTO: Live & Let Life. urns iff& tfiffeiPNHMp ;E? Corner Allen and Fourth Streets, TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA. Goods for tie People at Popular Prices ! H. K. Tweed desires to call the attention of the TowbtOm public to his immense and varied stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Which he is now offering at prices that place the godi wilhlki the reach of everyone. All Eastern Goods purchased direct in the Eact, Ml second hand through California firms. Among the thousand and one articles which fill thli mammoth store will be found FAMILY GROCERIES 01 every description. Finest California canned goads. Eu ropean and California dried fruit. Table delicacies. Choic coffee roasted and ground on the premises. Colgate's k and other well known brands of soajj. Clothing and Furnishing Goods Of which a large assortment of both Eastern and California goods will be found at very moderate prices. The latest styles of everything in these lipea cheajjer tfcw you can purchase in San Francisco. Wines, Liquors and Cigars Of choice imported and California brands by the cask, tl tie or gallon. Finest American and imported liquors High grade cigars, tobaccos and cigarettes. Also a full assortment of !LSLX3'7rJ3Lrt.E3 And everything usually kept in a first-class GentraJ chandise Establishment. lost Complete Stoci No make. STORE GOOD KOM At Low Prices staple articles ol Mcr of Goods m Arizona,