OCR Interpretation

The Tombstone. (Tombstone, Ariz.) 1882-1885, July 20, 1885, Image 6

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96060683/1885-07-20/ed-1/seq-6/

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iief skhtcit or EACH
. Jones, A. J. Patter, R. S
atch, B. L. Peel, Hon. Y.
,Q. How's, A. O. Wallace.
P. McAllister, John
he men whom Itiepenpie naveen ei.
administer the county government fur
e cumlnir two years are f.t su'tject ,0 aj"d
to the republic veiu Hint tboy are ;'.'nd
en anil true on lot l"i dialed even by their
!lt!cal opponent".
H in. Webster Street our ncwlv appointed
ffcouDtT judire l i. inao,. favorably kiuw.i
to the people of this uuiity having eft his
;iot anion gal us In the cat ly and struggling
days of our camp. Mr. Street Las applittl
t himself faithfuly aud arduously to his profess
ion hs a lawyer and st-p by Mep has climbed
lie difficult height to thcemii.cnl poiiluui
I uo.r occupies on the bench. Mr. Sticet
I born lu Salein Ohio, at whi.'li place Le
an hi studies of the law. He lieu like
r other voung ami ambitious men of the
Trent huuting fjr pn-iurcs new and
ueht up hi Pittsburgh l'.i. where he cct-r-
I upon the practice of law for hi Ihe lyliood
in tlussm ky old town where the bi.'t
cciics of life are daily euaetedaiil wuere o -
ZX and abi'ity :unl the ...quirenicii Is of th.
Dour. Mr. aiiett met Itti iluticriti? sitcu.-...
in hi Youthful undertaking at the bar. bu:
the great west th.it lana of promise a-d
fulfillment attracted the Imagi.iulion nf te
I 3 omig attorney, so hither lie he it his way.
' That he bus Ruceed.-d hi raaUing iii.uelf a
nniac that wi'l lend lutre to the bench ant.
liar of this couuty i evidrncc'1 by tlm respect
in whisti he is held by the uepl j of lhi. sce
tiou. Mr. Street is coiupartiscly a juiim
man yet ami as the'ycirs roll by we predict
for this rising young judge a brilliaut and a
uce.-iful future.
liobt. S Hutch, our slif riff, was born in
the snow clad hiils f .Maine, where in
Ins youth he iinbibe'i the principles ul
liberty and republicanism the lnowni
tials which constitute the ihurictcri-
tics of Bob with his dealings with uiiii.
He like ia my otners of tii.ir stat .oft tin
old pine true far b'li nil in seirc!i ol tit
ew ElDorado. The nM state ol JIuin
wall her-no capped moun'tnus iinn nei
(lofty pine trs.es betnliug to the. M mn
blasts lost her formir attraciions loi
iany ol i.er vming su. k.i uwuy i-
lliegolden vtcst lliev gang i.s the turn
rieir footsteps to the sjt'ing uGu. J) ...
aut vents of h s l:te mhou the liji-
iuing cinips ol Xt.vnda and Cuiilornii.,
nd aboti" eighteen yj irs ago p acj t In-
ZIeet upos the 6iu o: Arizona, Ktiere h
as since remuincd. lie has occuniei.
' ifcaay poeitious nf trait and tai a.tviirs
ftfitlifsiif and coiisciculinutiy per:nriiieil
his duty to the public, ami Inst ts.l r
cciv.n the re)i.bltcnu iin:iiiulion In.
sh-l.ffif Una c-Uiity, he entered tl"
CtdpniD with v.yor, ami nlur one .
the most e.i riny catup.tins ever wn
nened in O ctitsf toiiity us trium
prtnutly elicted. Smcc ciiienn upoi.
liedilBcu.t dudes ofbiitnff he I1.2 l.i
bred hard to maintain umir within 00.
I Albert T-. Tones our county recorriet.
,' who is no serving hij t!rrd ter.n. w-i-
' born on tne hiitnrical j;r'uad s Krn
tucky, but when a mere youth Icit tin
land of duels n::d demi-racy 10 reel
his fortune in the wi.d wctt. Ir. Juui
Bp'Ot many yenr3 in llif mtuin-.' cainj.s
of the const trying in vuin to mttke in
dame nature yie'd up !it-r co'den Ihms
ure. H'aringf the ttnrvelr.us dtscnv
cry d miner its made in Arizona in ISC'J
be it: his fooistep'-. hither, and has ul
cl n f on;: years since up to 1S80 been
t:c 1 i rgthat filje juddes;, dame natuie
When O-cnifc couuty was ushered inti
ejcifiUEce ilr. Jones was appointed
Coaaty Kecordcr by Governor Fretnoni,
?and has held the position ever since, not
withstanding the terrific efforts mtulo to
oust bim from the office he has eccceed
cd in defeating his opponent at two diff
erent elections by hsndsoma mnj'iritics,
id at the last election wn3 the on.y
iiemrcritt elected on the county ticket,
'wlleb prores conclcjively that be has a
lost of friends in this county.
Mr. B. A. Fickas, Mr. Jones' deputy
Teooider, is iireeminectly qualified for
tot pctstion, being an old timer in camp
nd probably has mora triends than any
man in Tocbstoce, and TnE TojrusTOXE
"joins bis friends ia wishing "old boy
Fick" many happy yeais of bliss, ns he
and his peahl wife travel a!cc life'n
- B-L-Pl, Problte Jprlm. ? an rli
iollowsrpf tbe igna Star ,ute L.vintf
b't-n prvent at t.ie birth of freeilrm ii
Tv'.t, hmI ots.isttd very tntiltrislly ti.
tscoasutaitii'n. Judge Pn;l hnd the
onpriccdrnted honor of rrcciTjcj! r.i
inHnimnt'S r-eli-ctttn t the ha. ids nt tl.
fop'e of Ci cMc;ounty to the pi$iiKii
'ie now occupies. A tnitnif steilinjj am
ti flmchini; rn-thoi, quIcK to resent 1
Mitc, and swi't in the apphr-tion ol
lutire, nnd not vrxutinir in ny of ti e
.nrihuH-3 uliicli conbtitu'e n :entli-tnhn
1! the old whtii 1 It "ivi-s vi pl-iuri
o tints sp-Hk f this tinted and iionoKd
ii'iti whore hidr is nliitenii with tl-i-
int of iiixif. Iut wl on;; intellect s
nude liiijthter wjtli the hi! r.tnci ot yc-.is
id it :s i.ur '.-li thxt time nili il.al
i nt'y Vith this eil hero thcklicrt iim.
h-.t be Ii4f to iera-i:i i;ii us.
Ai.drcr.' J .cKson Hitter, our efficient
Count; 'Ireaturer, fiii saw the ttntlLiit
1 I ue o: 1 ?tic ' Indi .on, 1.1, d ;;.
uciid in. liif nmni' ind.ci-tfs t the lirt-as
I' deni cimi y. but ulii-ii tliinc!.tlfif 't
rtu!'' nsouudid thtoujlii'ut tin north.
nd il'iniret thrfii'oned th" o'd fli'4 uon
ujlirii to i'3 re-cue with more nl ti
id fjiint timt uuiiiinteK the brca-t nf tin
tin- Ameri'ii.n than A, J. Kilter. Mi
.Jiiiir, like Ins broihris in fflie cnnn-t
.'nniliiuui when she wii' jiii riisiny hti
ii-nii In. 111 the cradle. He is univi'isi 1
.stt-cniei) mid tea tend ihn uulinut tie
n.Uiilj. Both in l.i- (.livuti; i.rui pub ic
He he is th s-mi -.ft'. hit. Ktin! :i:.d set-
lual ltd man. II1; is a n- U'-iican ot
he old -ehot'l mrl iviievis uutal .r ua .
11 the linen itjt-s tif 15 niiie nml Ln"in.
W. II. S-iTne,! i,r .lir rt Mttotne;'. '
h sun ot the on! so.i, but ti spent ye;.rt
.1 lii life on tin; ftntit!r. aid run U
nml Mtid lalioii.-.U! ilfi.rw m hie oven be
till li.Mflii d 'he pi'Mtinn Ii'.- rn.v r.t'ci:
irs. ilr. Sivx" liaii a stinns; rompp'i
or for the nfik-r in the pitmiii 01 Mink A
itiith, one ot TiMiib-toKei! itiiyiielt attir-aey!-,
butlucaliof his ventures pnitti--ally,
he c-une out with sn tinpitteiUi.t
c.i ni jority, thus ururin' lnr tnniM' 1
nent the best offices in the yilt of tin
A 0. .V.'ail.icc tiic tier!: of the county. I
me of Toin!jtone' oldet eiti7i'., 11 limn
A'linm tie people tliU leinity love to
Honor and to whiun it 'ae piejuie to ice
.p: oii.ttd to the ofiice of triirt uh'uli he iiuw
.(ccupit'j'. Juile V.ill.ice h.n held the i I-l'.t-
of Jusiiee 0! lie rVavc .kU City Uee
rder nlilvli h re-iiriietl t'i bi-rmiit. Urn!..:
olnriU", under .1. L. Wnl. a pi.sitiun he :.'
leeitlailj tilt d fi, having lud -rer il ex-
lust on our ilM is tile b itr.l m!' miih-i
"i.rs nl C-'cl.ife i-ountv, three Mer inv
vpuiiiei-n''. Jilni .M iitisumerv, eh. dr
ain 01 tlie bn.irl wa-i born In 0 tin, am.
r ceive.l h C'mm m school eilucatim
. ii'cn Sited i.trr. for tiie pisition i:.- now
recj iea. Mr. M"iitjj"ni-ry gince his d
.nt in T.iiiiis'iine, tvliiili was it :l
1 rli, litis in ide and re' uncd in-.tiy .-u'i
t.iutia! and w.trm Iriends. Ho is notiv
or iitinj; a in in of sttili" ija.i itits, an-i-is
ir.oie mi i.otii'.-l :.nd ctfirtent ill :.!
J. i. McAilister, h s.ui of 1 1.! E in,
i.tn a r's.'ienl of Tinnbstone, lirii. it
tttcd in the Ii undry buii". and in 1
ue I.ij!tli ami bn.!.dlli ot tl:ii tiri'trnx
u-r. i not a in ro h iinnr.il e or hoi'tft
iii", hii.i Corhisf c- unty Cill s:;fc! till
n r luiercft.- into the hands' of ;ucli 1
ui.ii. A warn; hearted ;ericrnus jjnitii
ix ti. hnii) it is a p!..:Uie to be ntfjiiiiii
i-il witli,
'Ihenlore F. While, the citt'e Vinj; o
.Vriznn.ii- tin reiii'ttniny member of th
nar.i, ft nun vho is utnvi r.-a'iv rcsp'rt
d. and i-iij ys the ett'i in of hts le.l .v
eiiliemcn of tl'-u tirrilory. lis is ilsn a
iiciu'iT of the C chise H.rdw:ire &
frndii'g roinpany, v.luen ilis a 1-rjje :u il
roniny T'de in the county.
II G. II-iHV, the jienid coi.nty Eurvi-v
r, is a trrn well qual.fi-d ft - the n
Hon he occupits, ni.ti Iui- the e tec 111 utid
il'iod will t his fetiow t.iwnnien.
The wars which h.ive been watrcd by Grta
BrilUin since Queen Victoria nscer.tled the
throne miMber twviijy.flve. of which twent
were due to the liberals and live to the Con
servatives: Liberal Yi'.irs.
1SX Afiian wsr t lMT Persian war.
1SJ9 Aden rebellion. lb! Int'inn mutiny
ten Syrian v.ar
1W1 Cliln.i war
lb-.l Cabul Insurrec
tion, war
1847 Second Bikh
.8.7) Kaffir war
11)51 Burmese war
IfSJ Crimean war
1K-Cldna war
IVjO China war.
1SC0 ew Zeal-nd
IWS5 New Zealand
IStJ Ash.intce nnr
187J Ashaiitee war.
l)!!al Train, vaal war.
IbSJ Ejtit;4n war
litol Soudan wax.
Conservative Wsrs
ltMS-Scinde war 1 18T9 Zulu war
1845 Sikh war 1 1373 Afjjuao war
ISS7 Abjfsiniaa war
Jlccortlers Offlcc.
There are in this ofhee 73 Books of Kecord
of which contains. 52S0are minim; locations
2S80 ore deeds of mines, 2170 arc deeds of
real eMat. IC1 mill sitc, 337 markj and
brand!). 'ro this number miit be added Ihe
records trjuiscriced frora l'ima County in
the snriej: of 1S39. which will fully if not
more tlaa double the aboyc numbers.
some of rin; rmyjiPAL
ihe Crystal Palace Saloon.
Ashnum & VTaHcei, And
The Maisota Doree.
J. J . Patton & Co-, A. Fort-
iOus- The 'St. Julian. And
Xorns The lintcher.
Ttie Crystal Fnlncc
sal-ion ii iie of the ld. et taiomi" in town.
Tins tatoi.u '. tM" fctt in v!d h ami one
mndicU feet 111 tleoth. ni.d it ttu t.l. ?t fipel
.lipnltiMl of nny siloon In Aiizi'ita 7.r.-i-.0
y. 'lie au ji was knumi In t..e edil
lays .f Hie cumu as the Goltleu Diile
Urenery and :ts owned and conducted t-y
ehrtntz iX Tiib.lut. In thecoueof lime
die t-roprietois who owned otiivr i.-tierty
.11 n 11 be-Milcs tlili. faranu s.'iocn, tji-s rtd
odis-nlvo taiti citliip. ut tneti a stitkui
ciime ud aid both paitti-f d.r.J to lutvln
l.e btvwery bnl dins.- and inloun.'itml would
'. t fell to exihoti er, anally a'iupp thought
truck them both, that ii to sli.ike the dice
usee who w. ud t-ed -.r.d 3n Wehrfr'.r
.i h 1 is u-iii.1 'ticl. .ft ti the r aht to buy tlie
uuiluimr. wtilcb lie dtt! rt-ry pmniptly. lie
l.en icfi tetl it up ei v fiiiclj 111 conni'tti.-ii
tlth Ids turtle.- .'u iir la.si-r. on--of th"
nnit tmfular .111U t.lde't ci'.lzin of Ailzona.
fliev nt.w have tlie print ip tl snorting hniii.-
in Tnnit.fio.ie where tlio-o- wl-o rtesir- to Hv
tli-ir lut-l: at any L'me tun leuetouimt.d iti d
and he ter-ain Hut he U piayinu- ,,t a tqii.tie
y.tme bec.iu-e Hie (iroj rittois will not all
uiiy otl.tr Had o! a KJ. run in the hmif .
fiiey ahvl.eep nl L of I lie !'.i..'t i-uly niui r
I11.1t cm be pitii'urt'd 10 enter: iin tht ir eii.
ti.uieiit with nil the 1 .lc.ti iT.'f. Anliauer
tud MilwallLi-e beer is Left till dr-'Uht tinu
tir.iwn Ice co'd tliiouli a iiatent (it-riiiun
fountain, tint only one in Uih territoij
br .Uiht it exi-rc-ly from Gel tnaiiv i'J'
Ken Wehrfritz f .r tin? '.'M'tal l.lai-.- ;uloi.ii
Thissi'iHjii to-day i nm of the popular te
soitt of to'.vii.und all str.uu'i-rs will find Ilia;
hey ii: b'-- Perfectly at home, and 0.3 treat
el f..iirteoii-ly by the !-fiieJl proprietor-.
Jaeger A: Wtl.rfiit?.
,. ,. lUtlton tC- Co.
Tliia firm c.n-.podiif Mtr-.J. J. Fatten
Jt 15. A. rickMi bits for 3 ear- Ih-cii reeon zetl
.1- the leintini- h.iti:t-ss and saddlery koneol
...-.itlieilcrn Aii7ina. B.i'h eu-tern and
.e-lcrir mark.Ie .1 e dr.i.vn upon bj tlicin
-ml the waul- Mid rejiiirefi:enti of their
iiilron- clo?e!y fmlowid.
'Ihe .nuraiiUe r-rlttn .Cn." is a- jroed
1- any one whert-ter it lua come Iri re.
Tlie aeulloiin-ii coiuiniinu' the firm are
weJi and e ei silly known thr uhout Ari .
jiuim : obli.ii'ir -ut.e--fiil tm-inrs' men
in-ltoauy i-tn.ii'.'er wmitiiiij good of 11m
de-eiiption in ti eir line e tan sjj call .n
t e-Ti and 1 oil HI be suited loth in pike
n..d tjuallty.
JfftL-ttm Jiorce.
'llii-i o'ie of the oldest te-tauranJs in
ro:ii''u.iia, and is j'.H'.r...iizcd h;- all lover
of p,iod Iivin;;. t it- n.!c.f inditvti - it i
.1 French Returtit. and it ii one ii ever
eii-e of tie wn'd. It M owned and ci.n-Inc'.i-.l
by A. Tusiiirt witii Dan I"ich a
;i iiugiT of the (lining loom, than whn no
-letter could be found. Mr. Tuutt i known
.11 nver the lVeiSc coa-t J one nl the b -t
c ot Ii Ihe Vnilfii State-, lie -up-rvi!.c-'ns
kitclen personally. At tli- fain- c-r-siaiir.
nt you tun iret jiiriliins: -ai r.-.mi
that the inaikrt J.tr..nl. A tr'ul will con--inre
tiie ino-t hn-titlimis that this U the
chief ritaurant m 'I'onib-tonc.
A. F rt tun is.
Thi irrnt'enHn cast hi lot in Tombstone
(.me i-iv year- ago ith a -mall capi'al. lie
opcneil ACiK-arstore nil 'll.-u nn et .11 d tij
lo-e atlciition In hiisun . and square deal
ing he is m.w the Ic.idin whnUa'r b-innr
.nd .-iar dialer in Tomb-tnnt'. He is jlo
propiritor of tlie Co-mnp diian (Ji-rar store
wlili'h he ha reienllv opened and 11 til be
lad to ricehe o!tt an.1 ne-c culom--r3.
Gccitlrntttl ITolr-l.
This i the only lire: clait I.o'el that
Tomb tone can lloat nf, and it I owiirj am'
il I- owned and run by thai Vrincc of .md
follows JotcpTi f'.ijehy. Parties- visiliiiK
rornbslone shonlJ ct to no other hot.se as
this one Is furni-hed cijual to any house in
California. The rooms nre well ventilated,
and no pains n cp-ired by tlie proprietor
to make Ids cutils comfortable.
Union Meat 31ar7;et.
This i one of tie leading meat markets in
this city and 6ell meat at whoVa!e and re
tail. The prl-i'r:e:or Mr.K.Xorr1s, Is one
of the oldent rt lidi'iit in.r! ii .veil and favor.
atily kn ran. He -ells nilhintr but the best
of American be-f. mutton and pork, and is
enjoying one if the zaost lacerative besiaess
in T013 batons.
Ashmun Jb Walker
Are the proprietor! of one of the leadinjr ci
gar stores in Tombstone. Theyhave by tneir
fairdcalmz and by keeping notbinjr but the
best articles ol cigars and tobaccos bu-.lt up
a bnimesi that it will be larj for any one to
wrest frwsi them.
Summerjlcld Jirothers
Read the new advertisement of tlii popu
lar hou-e which appears on another pa;re.
TlieT keep everything in the dry goods and
clotbim; line at prices that defy completion
J Go and examine their ffovds and prices.
Sf Julian.
Thisp'cpc formerly !;amvn Oaker's bf
b e 1 recently purcliatd by Mr. S. S B.rks a
Tjry uopiilur ounjr .irentlenar, veh tbor
ourhly t:ii(Icrtands lis Lni::::i, and If a
hire rnn ot custom is ai indlca'ioii of a
Cool business then t.esurt-ly has It. At tils
placv you cun jrst anjth'cc yea dcsiie
cooked to order or a regular dinner. Try it
aad see if we ore not tellini' you facts.
Chas. Harris.
7W pupuiar tailor carae to thU city about
four niontli! a. and by his industry r.nd
iroocl orkiucn?llp, is now the U-cIt tailor
in this city. HU numerous order? has c.icsed
him to fund to Sail Trane sco f r a lr-re lin-i
of vCoi- Give hint u trlul asd be suited.
Good linen shirt j 515 t Meyers.
JO panta Tor M :lj. Meyerj t Bro
Cveral's 73 cent per pa!r at Mejerb.
riaunal vuuci wear for cot at Meyers
Tea Katie whisky at RalTtrty's saloon
Shoe? for j our on prlee at J. .Meyers &
Eor genuine Tc.i i.utdc whlskyjcoto Capt
1 ole leather trunk .civen away with
evb., t.uiehde at J. Meyers A B103.
All uoods below co.-t at J. Meyers Jt'Bro.
Allen and Fiflh .streets.
Full stock ca;f boots for ?1 Et J. Meyers &
TlePioreer ra"l flour. Sflcraracntc, h tie
t'.-st In the maiket. For sale at the C&sh
nlo re tif Woi.cott .tc Mfs-ick.
The bc-t t dlii'nrnia and lanche butter at
the Cash Store of Ytl COTT A M3SICK.
Tresh esa-alwais 01. band at the C.isli
Store of ALCorr A Mesick.
I'licre "ii i:ue enT-rprisini; man in Tomti
-,lon. , and mu c ,n see It b? bis openiajj J
, " ., .,,",, . . I
u.t itc!i u mnuitnnl 1 CMaldishinent rinlit 1
vi hen the urand icstaiirnnt was fonrcr-
iv. He keep limbing but shoes. A.
S-'hwnri7. his full conGJcuco ia Tomb
.tone's prosperity. je 5.
A. Scliwuriz'ti hiiiH-) til ki Aeli tin
nicy make the Iwo'tes smile. je d.
Tlie tliernioineter rfjisterctl Olderee
nt noon to tiny.
.Music. ingln and sqnare games at the
Crtstal Palice. jeltf.
Fifteen ball pool and billiards at the Bank
Exchange. -
Atiheu-er beer and Fretrels at the Bank
For a schooner of Anheu3cr beer on
draught, ice cold, go to the Bank Exchange.
Piop into the Crytn! Palace for chuire
.'.iihcilser beer nn dr.-t.il.t, lee cold out of
(lie patent German futiutahi. jeltf
When you take your lady t ul, wear
icliwariz.'a shoe, auil you will feci east
mil L'oinlortabie. je C.
After breakfast, to make your-elf fiel
nappy. jo to Asii'cun & Walk-r's and
iurciii-.ye u choice impotteii cigar.
Get a ptirr.f ., -.chwarz's gnts' walk
ii;; s!i"e, and '. vill nevej need s Co'n
Ii't.-tnr. je 0
To be patriotic one must emnke, and
lu; best and cheipt'SI pn.C" to purc'iKa"
;nur tniistco am" ciurd is at Ashmun &
If you want good pasturage for your hor
e-. send tit in : the Callfoini.t ranch, 15
:nlc ln.ni Tml.sloi:e. For term.- ai.d par
titulars.ipili t J. M. Xusli, at tie lTt-i s
bakery on Allen street. i29 tf.
I'nr the liiiot liraml of impr.rte-1 winis
igtnis mid cigar, tin 1'ony saloon takt
the lake. Toui and Johnny are nlwnj
jlaii to meet t":r friend, nml yu i:ii
depend on tcccivins lb-- fiuctt kind cJ
reatuient. jitiOt
Schwart?. only ki cis white men's goods
and :iii3 is more llnm a great many other;
TMos. d. Co'.vel!,
Spcnh'i nd lniM..l.tepl.ig. Ki-y term.
PiactieU methods. C'ra)oii drawing and
licnuiiiamhFp. Childrei's cla- in Spanish
meets at 'J o'clock c.ety inoiniug.
Give tiie new tailoring; estahli-hir.ent n
call. I guarantee perfect satisfaction, o:
mi pay dt'iiiaudad. All .work done a--hurt
notice. 1) m't fail to sae liim
Cias. II irri. Bitter's hotel block on
fourth struct.
J.osl or Strayed.
One buckskin horse, four years old,
about 15 hands b'S't, ITo brand
One black horsa, 8 ytars old, about
M'yi hinds high, Mexican brand on left
hip act! J. II. on tlioulJer. The alove
were last Eeen on the ranch of Thomas
Dunbar at Txes Alimoj. A liberal re
ward will be paid for this return to the
Fhasion Stables.
Charkf IrrU comes to the front. I
received to-day, the latest and finest and
beat psnts patterns ever seen in Tomb
stone. If any gentleman wants s pair
of rDts made of the latest goods and
perfect fit, I will guarantee it or no pay.
Pants made horn $11 up to $M. Corr.c
aud examine my goods. It don't coat
you a cent to exan'se my goods.
Chaki.es ILinraB.
Bauer's Block, Fourth St. Tonibtone
The Land Adjoining the San
Pedro from Fairbank to
Ked'Ungton Bloom
ing like a Rose Cattle and
Horses br the Score are
to be seen.
The asricu'turai indutry of Cochise county
arc I..51 asS'iinlnv ia)tr.ec:e proportions. It
i-a p!ei-iii:g sii.!it to see the acrtsof Rraia
trrowini; mid nutarinu: alcnij the entire
lenuth of the splendid valley of the San ?e
dio.a fewye-trtasjoltwaj generally conceded
timt if Arlz.ica not a success . a dining
region, it wa not, tit far anything o'se with a
in slblee"cce5tioiitif n home for the ADaches;
but eipericnre ha dm ji atraled that the
Mill of Arizona will respond liberally to the
demand of the man who will give it some of
his attention.
Ihe San Pedro Valley commencing about
three inlle-t north of Charleston, Is In a high
stoll of cultivation. The ranch owned and
watered ;y the Biston mill company which
con-dsts of 160 acre- of arable land iurround.
iug their mill produce tua finest crot of
aiialfn we Ime ever beheld, and It coald by
proper inanigcment nodi to be. a very val.
liable ranch, the only serious drawback ia
evidently on die Tevis land crant. Travel
ing i-ori'i frora tbis place you tlrtt encounter
r"'U r :'ie N'5't? Br0J- 'AUa 'ae
-,-"2r ago t-imcto this Territory from the
.... , , ...... 1
ijtsteuf Maine auJ K'tated thu (.late, and
they have bj frugal and Industrious manage,
m.-nt t-urceeded in aninsslug 11 nice fortune.
The sale of bay alone from their property
for the past vcar iia3 been some six thousand
dollars, ilius II Is clearly shown what can be
done by nutting the slau'dcr to the whccl
This prodiietii- valley from the city of
fbaile'tn:. to the ranch of H. Taylor which
in fc'imethii.g over one hundred miles down
tln river is one continous gaiden, and any
mid all kinds of cereal-? are to be seen grow
ing 111 iiuiiciancd. Jue river is nere mm
thtredot'cd with prosperous little villages,
tit largest beiog the town of Benson which
contains about 500 souls; it is situated on
tiie wctl banks of the Sin Pedro, .O miles
from the city of Tnmbtoiic and is a thriving
buisy town and will some day in the near
tuture bici tne a laige and propcruus towi;
it v:s ealert into xiiteiice by the Southern
1'ai Wc inilroad and made the fliiri i? point
fr 1oinbftoue. The smelter at this pl.uj
turns out nearly a million dollars worth of
bullion annually, wliieh ndds very sub
.taniially to the iriowth of the place.
Cliarlestmi, Fairbanks and Contention are
all gradually c-liinins the" scale of magnitude
and all hve their future which is nn un
qiuvtioanl'Ie g.ioj one, all having tic ad.
vantage f splendid mluing and agrleultural
'Ires Alatnns, eight miles below Benson,
signifies thiec tottoiiwood trees. The village
voulali s sis.i.eoOO ttood .i'n;!c principally
.Mexic.ini, hut at the pre-ent writing is
mpi-tly riiliug up with Auieiicans aiixluus to
avail tluiasehe.-of the chuiircs u-jw to bs
hud. Ilere-'wc linil die ranch of the Dunbar
calle company tilth occupies nine miles d
die finest poi linn of the San Pedro river, and
bears evidence of thrill aud good manage
mint. Herein this u'dtn town which in
jears gnuc by rt-stiundcil 'o the suiigs of the
murderous A aches uud now bear 6 evidence
o. tlietr erueiuy, !iieiou.g 01 i.citis 01 tue
prnsperou- ruiiilcrs ar.d tie waving fields
if ei.rn ank barley, bear silent eviueace to
the fact that the- day of tie Apaches are fust
fading away and over the graves of their
numerous victims and the Sshes of the long
uiserted wigwam, a'c growing and thriving
aprosp.'iouo ai.d nappy country. .
Leaving the v illkge oi Tres Alamos somo
four unles down ll.o river i- the newly
lu.-ated raiith property of Mr. While which
gives promise it no distant day to rival the
old tlaie abwvt-of theDuub.tr cattle com
piny. .Mr. W'jile and tin Oberfelder Bros,
are leaving nothing undone to make their
piace both aitraelhe and valuable, both
of which they have succeeded in doing
from the ranch of Mr. White passing down
the river on thu Inst but not the least ranch
on Ihe river is that of Z. 11. Tavlor who is
raising tome of the best blocded horses jn
'l.e territory Mr. Taylor is an o!d Tombstone
bulsnesri man who fold out his business In
the city and hied himself away down the
river to build up a fortune for birascU ahd
hts genial wife that the has suceeded iu so
doing can not be galnciad as he now has one
of the best ranches to be found In Arizona
with a tine large commodious residence and
outbuildings rotrals and etc., suitable for the
business. He has now some SOO head unhor
ses running on his range which nili amount,
he expeet. to increase in the next two year
to 1.C0O head this staking himself the largest
hcrsc raiser on Ihe coast Toe ToMwroNB
wisher Mr. Taylor tncess as wc know he is
a vrnrthy honorable gentleman and has lab
ored like a trogan in the wilds cf Arizona to
build bim tip a home for those he loves.
Shooting Gallery.
Chicken, pigeon and target shooting
every day at Col. Dean's gallery, Alien
street, between Slli and G'.h, attached to
the gallery is a cosy saloon, where All
kinds of cool and refreshing drinks caa
be bad. je, 30 tf.
avatar 1

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