t’ ~7Ae~Meteor City *
Lowell Observatory at Flagstaff
Seeks Data on New Winslow Meteor
A. L. Bennett of Lowell Observa
tory at Flagstaff, is anxious to
gather authentic material on the
meteor seen here the night of De
cember 9th, by Night Marshal Jtube
Neill and several others. In a let
ter to the editor of The Winslow
Mail he asks those who saw the
“ieteor to answer several questions
so that an official and authentic
record of its appearance may be
made. The letter follows:
"The Lowell Observatory is try
ing to obtain a complete account
of the meteor of December 9. We
have received a large number of
letters from persons west and
south of Flagstaff who observed it.
These reports have come from
Parks, Puntenny, Drake, Prescott,
Jerome, Clarkdale, Claypool, Casa
Grande, Florence, Superior, Ray,
Phoenix and Tucson. There seems,
however, to be some disagreement
in the data so far received, prob
ably due to the cloudiness at the
“To date the only information
we have had concerning the meteor
as seen from Winslow or the sur
rounding area has been through the
Daily Mail. Will you kindly pub
lish in your paper the following
questionnaire, asking people who
saw the meteor to write the Lowell
“1. What was the time of the
“2. In what direction was the
meteor first, seen?
“8. At what angle above the ho
rizon was it seen?
“I. What was its appearance as
It flushed across the sky?
If any sonnd was heard,
what was its nature, and how
long after the meteor was
was the sound heard!
“6. What was the exact loca
tion of the observer!
“7. In what direction was the
meteor last, seen? Give landmarks,
such as mountain, lake, or canyon
In line of sight.
Information should be sent to
A. L. Bennett, Lowell Observatory,
Flagstaff, Arizona.
Bisbee Cattleman
Freed In Slaying
P.TSBEE Dec. 24th A.P.)— Robert
Mallory was acquitted of murder
ing Lon Guy, cattle buyer, in a
local suburb December 21, in a Bis
bee justice court this afternoon.
Mallory took the stand after his
counsel’s motion to dismiss the
case was objected to by the prose
cuting attorney and told of the
fight which preceded the shooting,
exhibiting head and face wounds
to bear out his story of being heat
ed severely with a pair of pliers
by the >lain man. The defense
counsel again moved for dismissal
on the grounds of self defense,
which the justice of peace granted
and Mallory was granted his lib
erty. The prosecuting attorney
did not intimate whether lie would
file another first degree or a man
slaughter charge in another justice
HATTIESBKRG. Miss., Dec. 25
(AP) —Van Martin, engineer, Lane
Langford, brakeman, and Ernest
Scott, fireman, were killed when
the engine of a Gulf and Ship
Island railroad train on the Col
umbia branch plunged through a
washed-out trestle south of Silver
Creek, Mississippi early today.
Although Winslow High's toot
hall squad tailed by one game to
cop the northern Arizona prep title
two oC the local gridslers were
named by F. W. Kerr, chairman of
the N. A. A. A. advisory board, as
candidate for the Arizona Gaze
tte’s all state prep eleven, inas
much as Kerr's selections are tak
en as final from the northern ter
ritory, his squad can be said to
be representative of the northern
section, and hence is an “all
northern Arizona crew.
John Scott and Clarence Rouek
were the locals chosen on the team
that represents the pick of the
grid talent in the northern sec
tion. A story appearing in yes
terday’s Gazette named Scott, with
quarterback Hicks ol' Prescott, and
Hubbard. Prescott tackle, as the
outstanding football talent of north
’ eru Arizona.
Santa Fe Adds
New Equipment
To Phoenix Train
PHOENIX, Dec. 24. —When the
Santa Fe train for Ash Fork pulls
out of the Union Station at 6:45
o’clock this morning it will have
new equipment consisting of a cafe
observation car, the latest move of
the railroad toward ease and com
fort of travel. Number 1510 is a
new and modern railway convey
ance and it wiil nave a sister car
to carry out the service betwween
Phoenix and Ash Fork.
The Santa Fe purchased 14 such
cars for its coast lines, according
to T. A. Kirkwood, city ticket agent
and two of them were sent to
this part of the division. Tne cars
were completed in the puilman
shops in Chicago December 10 and
were delivered directly to Phoenix.
As it lay in the yards yesterday
the new car was the pride of the
trainmen who appraised its equip
ment and compared it with cars of
the past. The comfort of the pas
senger is taken care of largely
through the weight of the car
which displaces 85 tons. Its over
all length is 85 feet.
Its construction is steel through
out. The interior is decorated in
a soothing battleship gray with tan
trim on the panels of the walls.
A conventional decorative design is
worked out on the walls and mold
The 20 moveable chairs in the
car are mhde of wicker and are up
holstered with a gray leather. They
areconstructed so that individual
service trays or smoking outfits
can be placed on them. They can
be moved about to face the broad
window' or too form conversational
groups. A writing table with a
small box next to it is provided for
the passengers.
The case has a seating capacity
of 20, more than that of the cars
which are being displaced. The kit
chen is completely equipped with
coal stove, oven, steam table and
other adjuncts of the culinary
department of a dining car. Re
frigerators, service pantry, cup
board all go to make up a complete
service department.
The two cars which are being
released for local service have not
been ordered away from here yet.
they will continue their service on
some branch of the Santa Fe sys
tem, or be. made over into a type
of car which can be used on any
Chino Valley Turks
Grace Fred Harvey
Christmas Tables
Three hundred turkeys from
Chino Valley, Calif., were Used to
grace the Christmas tables of the
Fred Harvey system along the
Santa lie coast lines, it was an
nounced here yesterday, a large
number of which were received in
The turkeys were shipped from
Chino Valley to Newton, Kansas,
where they were dressed and dis
tributed this week to various Har
vey Houses and dining cars to
serve the traveler who could not
take dinner at home on Christmas.
Kerr was impartial in his selec
tions. Three other schools placed
two men each on the team. They
were Williams, Prescott and Je
rome. Flagstaff, Clarkdale and
Kingman' each placed one on the
The All-State prep team, com
piled by W. A. Ridge for the As
sociated Press, will be released
Kerr’s selections from this re
gion follow:
Hoffmeyer L.E Williams
Pikes L.T Kingman
Pace L.G Clarkdale
Scott C. Winslow
Comeron R.G Flagstaff
Hubbard R.T Prescott
Grow R.E Jerome
Tlicks Q.B Prescott
Lebsch L.H Williams
Houck R.H Winslow
Pecharich F B. Jerome
The Winslow Mail
'With Interest'
:•:< ;■ wBSL
Seventeen years ago Harry Cohn
(upper), president of the Amer
ican Savings Bank at Memphis.
Tenn.. lent $125 to Abe Plough
(lower) This fall, when a cashier
defaulted and left the bank with
a 5230.000 deficit, Plough made the
deficit good and turned the amount
over to Cohn. He had used his
SI 25 loan as the basis of a fortune
(hat is now worth $1,500 000.
Fire yesterday morning brought
an unhappy climax to a family cele
bration of Christmas, when the J.
W. Parrish home at 110 West Cher-
ry street was partially destroyed by
a blaze that originated apparently
from a defective flue. Mrs. Par
rish and her daughter, who were
awaiting the return of Mr. Parrish,
a trainman, who waws to return
from his run early in the ftqrnoon,
discovered the lire about 9:00 a.
m., but on account of the choking
smoke were only able to save a
few personal effects.
The greatest damage was done
by water. The Winslow fire de
partment was on hand soon enough
to quell the blaze before it bad
done much damage to the interior
of the home, but the fact that the
fire was between the roof and ceil
ing added so much tQ the difficul
ty of reaching it that a great deal
of water failed to reach its mark.
Fireman Clothes Freeze
The excessive cold and wind
made the task of the firemen a hard
one. Many were drenched through
and their clothing froze in the
chilly winds.
The Parrishs little daughter was
heartbroken at the loss of most of
her Christmas gifts. Her mother
managed to save only a few' im
portant papers, and one of the
child’s presents, a doll-buggy.
Winslow people, stores and or
ganizations showed ready sympa
thy for the family so unfortunate
ly driven from their home.
Gilts of clothing, toys and neces
sities were presented yesterday be
fore the last embers of the blaze
bad been put out, to bring back
some of the joy wiped out by the
Property Insured
The Parrish family rented the
house they occupied from C. H.
Jordan. Mr. Jordan arrived in
Winslow yesterday afternoon from
Holbrook. The house was cover
ed by insurance, as were the fur
nishings, which were also the prop
erty of Mr. Jordan.
The tire department used the new
American La-France. pump truck.
One 2 1-2 inch hose was laid, and
two smaller lines of hose received
water from the large one. The ef
ficiency of the pump in keeping a
strong and steady pressure through >
out the fire was tlie big factor in
the quelling of the blaze.
MAYENCE, Germany, Dec. 25
(AP) —Two French soldiers were '
attacked and beaten by a group of
seven Germans as they left the
garrison chapel this morning as- I
ter attending a midnight mass. I
Today’s issue of the Weekly Mail will be the last to be issued, as it’s
publication will be discontinued in favor of The Daily Mail. When
The Daily Mail was started the publishers announced publication of the
weekly would be continued, believing that many of our subscribers
would want to continue the weekly instead of the daily. Since the daily
was started, however practically every one of our subscribers lias
changed to the daily, making it unnecessary to continue publication of
the weekly. All subscribers who! have retained their weekly subscrip
tion and who are paid in advande will either be refunded the balance
due them, or transferred to the dpily subscription lists, as they desire,
and will be so notified by mail. \
This move is made in order to give Winslow a better newspaper by
devoting all our energies to tile daily, and to all our subscribers for
their generous support, we extend our thanks and appreciation, and hope
that they will continue on our lists as daily subscribers.
PHOENIX, Dec. 24 (AP) —Cover- or engineers to protect Arizona’s
nor W. P. Hunt today tendered
Arizona a Christmas present, the
exact value of which will not be
known for weeks. It was an ef
fort to forestall action on Calif
ornia’s Swing-Johnson Bouldfer
Canyon dam bill through the call-
ing of a special session of the Ari
zona legislature to vote funds to
send a committee to Washington.
The legislature will meet Janu
ary 3, a week before the covening
of the eighth state legislature in
regular session.
Means New Battle
Coming on the heels of apparent
unsuccessful attempts on the part
of the California, Nevada and Ari
zona river commissions to effect
an agreement for the development
of the Colorado river. The move
was interpreted to mean that this
state’s administration does not hope
for an equitable settlement of the
bitter controversy between it and
California, a controversy which has
waxed and waned since the draw
ing up of the Santa Fe, New Mexi
co compact iu 1922.
The proclamation calling the
special sesion pointed out that no
appropriation had been made or
funds made available to defray the
expenses of committees represent
ing the state, or to employ attorney
Governor Hunt Points Need of Drastic
. 1 i * 7TT ,
Action on Bouldex Dam Bill In His Call
For Special Session of State Legislature
The full text of Governor Hunt’s call for a special session of the
legislature, copy of which was receive here yesterday by State Rep
resentative C. J. McQuillan, follows:
WHEREAS, the State of Arizona lies almost wholly within the
drainage area of the Colorado River and constitutes 43 per cent of the
entire drainage area of that stream, and it is estimated that Arizona
contributes some 28 per cent of the water of the Colorado River sys
tem; and
WHEREAS, The State of Arizona has in its Constitution and up
on its statutes certain provisions governing the utilization of the wa
ter resources within our State; and
WHEREAS, The State of Arizona has been content to progress
and devolop under the general provisions of the law based upon prior
appropriation and beneficial consumptive use of water; and
WHEREAS, The Congress of the United States has authorized the
making of a compact between the seven states in the Colorado River
basin and each of the seven states iu the Colorado River basin pass
ed a law authorizing the appointment of commissioners to negotiate
such a compact wwhich resulted in the making of a compact at
Santa Fe, New Mexico, which was signed oil November 24th, 1922;
WHEREAS, The states of Colorado, Wyoming, Utah. New Mevico
and Nevada have unconditionally ratified the Santa Fe compact. The
State of California ratified the compact in 1923 hut rescinded its ac
tion in 1925 and adopted a resolution providing for ratification con
tingent upon certain conditions being fulfilled which were specified in
the resolution of adoption: and
WHEREAS. The Legislature of the State of Arizona has twice re
fused to ratify the Santa Fe compact; and
WHEREAS, Committees representing the states of Arizona, Cali
fornia and Nevada have repeatedly met in an endeavor of arrive at an
agreement and apportion the water available for use in the lower
basin among these states and to determine an equitable basis for ob
taining revenue from the development of hydro-electric power for the
states in which the power would be developed; and
WHEREAS, The proposals made to Arizona by the State of Cal
ifornia have failed to meet with the approval of the Arizona con
ferrees and they advise me that they catmot accept the terms Cali
fornia offers and do not believe that the Legislture or the people of
Arizona will accept these terms; and
WHEREAS, The general situation as it affects Arizona has been
endangered and aggravated by the approval granted to a certain
measure known as the Swing-Jolinson, Boulder Canyon Dam Act by
the Senate Committee ou Irrigation and Reclamation, and the com
mittee of the House of Representatives on Irrigation and Reclamation
of the United States Congress; and
WHEREAS, Under the terms and conditions set out in the Swing-
Johnson, Boulder Canyon Dam Act. the State of Arizona would be
injured and its rights jeopardized and its sovereignty invaded; and
WHEREAS, No approprition has been made or funds made avail
able to defray the expenses of committees representing Arizona or
to employ attorneys or engineers to represent and protect the inter
ests of Arizona in this great natural resource which lies within our
domain; and
WHEREAS, The State Highway Department is severely handi
capped in its activities due to the lack of adequate finances to match
available federal aid moneys and the State of Arizona is in danger
of losing federal aid money appropriated for highway purposes un
less the State matches its funds and earns the same;
NOW. THEREFORE, I, George W. P. Hunt. Governor of Arizona,
in consideration of the premises and by virtue of the authority in
me vested by the Constitution, do hereby convene the Eighth Legis
lature of the State of Arizona in special session in Phoenix, the CapL
tal of Arizona, at ten o’clock on the morning of Monday, January
third. A. I).. 1927, for the purpose of providing legislation on the sub
jects hereinafter following:
(1) To enact legislation and make appropriations to properly
conserve the interests of the State of Arizona in the Colorado River
and to provide for its development.
(2) To enact legislation and make appropriation for the finan
cing and administration of the Arizona State Highway Department.
interests in the “great natural re
source which lies within our do
“The general situation as it af
fects Arizona has been endangered
and aggravated by the approval
granted to certain measure known
as the Swing-Johnson Boulder Can
yon act by the senate committee
on irrigation and reclamation,”
Points Arizona Hazards
Under the terms and conditions
set out in the Swing-Johnson bill,
this state “would be injured and
it’s rights jeopardized and it’s sov
erignty invaded” the statement
A committee to be sent to Wash
ington to appear before the com
mittee on irrigation and reclama
tion, an Arizona river committee,
that body reporting it’s findings
on it’s return and saying further
that President Coolidge was inclin
ed to aPPTeciate Arizona’s view
point. With the Swing-Johnson
bill reported favorably by the
House committee and the inter
state river conference in Los An
geles apparently at a deadlock at
adjournment, the administration
seeks to take a definite look-
ing toward defeat of the bill i
money can be voted to defray th
expenses of the delegates.
“Spirit” Hel
‘I am tht- spirit or thy lead muth
er. Intoned Mrs. Augusta Heber
lein. Cleveland medium, in the dark
ness of a seance. "That s a lot o
hooey—my mother's not de:;d. " re
torted Detective Victor Ivlopp. Now
Mrs. Heberlgin is under arrest.
Gammage To Talk
At Wilson Banquet
Here Tuesday Night
A tentative list of speakers for
the banquet Tuesday night in ob
servance of the birthday of Wood
row Wilson was announced yester
day by It. L. Moore, who has again
been appointed by the national com
memoration committee of New
York as chairma nos the Winslow
Grady Gammage, president of the
Northern Arizona Teachers college
will probably deliver the princi
pal address at the banquet which
will be given in the basement of
the Baptist church. A turkey din
ner will be served.
Other speakers on the program,
according to Mr. Moore, will be Rev.
E. H. Hayden and Itcv. W. L. Mar
tin, Paul Geary lias been selected
to preside as toastmaster.
Last year approximately 100 at
tended but it is believed that even
a greater number will turn ont this
Others on the committee in addi
tion to Mr. Moore include; E. Leon
ard, C. L. Giragi, Edward Clark,
R.”C. Rhodes, Mrs. Horace Evans,
Mrs. Fiona Parr, Sam W. Proctor,
RUG. Bazell, Mrs. G. T. Stevens,
W\ P. Geary and Mrs. M. G. Moore,
Flagstaff Citizens
Provide for Needy
Public-spirited citizens of Flag-
staff co-operated in making the
Yuletide blessings reach every
man, woman and child. Hundreds
of packages were delivered early
Christmas morning and wiilt each
went a message for a bigger and
better Flagstaff in years to come.
Students at the Northern Arizona
Teachers College who remained on
the campus had in store for them
many happy surprises which Moth
er Hanley, matron of the dining
hall, looked after.
4'4*4 , 4*4*4*4 , 4 , 4*4 , 4 , 4*4*4*4*4*
tlf Your Car Must *
* Bump Into Someone *
* —Well, Be Careful *
+ *
+, The next time 0. A. Hollo- +
4* way, of McNary, decides to 4*
4* bump another car on the high- 4*
4* way, it is more than likely he +
4* will first be sure that the oth- 4*
4* er machine is not driven by 4*
•> one of the powerful arms of 4*
the law in Navajo county. Ac- 4*
4* cording to reports, Holloway 4*
4* is nursing SSO worth of re- 4*
4* morse over having collided 4*
4* with P. A. Sawyer, Navajo 4*
4* county procesuting attorney 4*
4* and city attorney of Winslow, 4*
4* The National Old Trails 4*
*> highway between Winslow *>
4* and Holbrook was the scene 4*
❖of the meeting of the two 4*
4* cars, and the story goes that
4* early in the week .Mr. Sawyer’s 4*
4* car took an awful bumping 4*
from the machine driven by 4*
4* Hollow'ay. 4*
4* Sawyer followed the other 4*
4’ car to Winslow, made a com- 4*
4* plaint against Holloway on a 4*
*4* charge of reckless driving. •>
4* and Justice of the Peace J. P>. 4*
4* Drumm collected a fine of 4*
4* $50.00. 4*
4* Moral: If you must bump 4*
4* someone, fight shy of county 4*
4* attorneys. 4*
4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4" 4* 4* 4* 4* '!•
Flagstaff’s New
Toboggan Slide
Is Nearly Ready
FLAGSTAFF, Doc 21—Flagstaffs
municipally owned perpetual mo
tion tobaggan slide will soon be.
ready for action, was tlie announ
cement given out by the local
chamber of commerce who with the
Northern Arizona Teachers College
are sponsoring the directed pro
gram for winter sports this year.
The slide is being built on the
north slope of Observatory Hill
just above the new entrance to
Lowell Observatory. A shelter
has been built which in addition
to being a haven for the lovers of
this sport will be the starting point
of the slides.
Tobaggans to accomodate four to
six people will be used. It is said
that the tobaggans will attain a
speed of 60 miles an hour and that
they will be plenty safe enough in
rounding the curves in the slide at
this breakneck speed. The slide
is also, being banked high enough
to avoid spilling.
Leaving the top of the hill the
tobaggans drop off at a 45 degree
angle and attain such speed as to
climb up another hill, less steep
however, before reaching the end
of the slide a quarter of a mile be
yond. The second lap of the slide
is only 100 feet away. All that is
necessary to reach the other slide
is to carry the tobaggan this dis
tance and be whisked away to the
starting point of the first slide at
even greater speed.
M’Quillan Cancels
Appearance Before
House Committee
State Representative C. J. Mc-
Quillan, who was summoned to
Washington to testify before the
House appropriations committee on
the needs of the Reserve Officers’
Association will not make the trip,
he announced yesterday, due to the
special session of the legislature
called by Governor C. W. P. Hunt
for January 3. The appearance be
fore the House committee would
have required iris presence in
Washington at a time when lie will
be required to be present at the'
meeting of the legislature.
A telegram to this effect was
sent yesterday to Prig. Gen. Hoy
ilofman, president of tho Reserve
Officers’ Association at Washing
ton and recommended that, someone
else in Arizona he called instead.
McQuillan, who is president of
the Arizona department of the or
ganization was recently appointed
a lieutenant, in the engineers corps
of the reserve officers of the Uni
ted States.
Auto License
Application Is
Now In Order
Applications for motor vehicle
licenses for 1927 are now in order,
according to announcement made
yesterday by County Assessor
Wallace Shumway, who was in
Winslow, as the plates have begun
to arrive and will, as in the past,
be issued directly from the as
sessor’s office in Holbrook.
The plates this year will be cop
per with black numerals.
The Arizona 1927 plate is un
usual in that it is distinct from any
other state. Not only is Arizona
the only state using copper, blit
it is the only state using a color
representing the native product.
Application blanks will be avail
able in Winslow and in other por
tilons of the county at practically
all garages, as lias been the cus
tom i:i past years, due to the fact
that many owners find it inconven
ient to apply in person at his of
fice at the county seat in Hol
Owners should not forget that
certificate of ownership to their
< ar is necessary before license can
be issued, Sliumway said, and in
case the owner lias no real estate
on which the assessment on his
car may be attached, it. will be ne
cessary that personal property
taxes be paid first before license
can be issued, under the state law.
To have survived 10 forest tires
in more than 200 years only to
fall victim to the lumberman’s axe
was the fate of a fir tree in the
Blackfoot valley of Montana.
r~ "l
CPJ&ceir&e SurC
L- —<■
A full house and a well pleased
audience at the close of the even
ing’s entertainment were the gra
tifying results of the Winslow
High Schoool Seniors’ play:
“Adam and Eva,” presented last
night, at the Washington auditori-
The tliree-act comedy was a riot
of fun and held the interest of the
entire audience. The exceptionally
well selected case of seniors filled
their parts in a manner that
brought the amateur play on a
plane higher than the average, and
received the acclaim of local crit
ics in dramatic art who witnessed
the presentation.
The first tw r o acts, the scenes of
which were laid in the Long Island
home of James King, a rich man,
centered about the life of a pam
pered family who, accustomed to
the luxuries that money could buy,
had lost sight of the real love of
home and the companionship of
family life. Tiring qf the attempt
of their father to manage the house
in a business-lisle manner, a plot
is conceived whereby a neighbor,
a doctor interested in the family
millions and the young unmarried
daughter, declares that Mr. King
needs a lengthy rest in some far
off secluded spot. Dr. Jack Dela
meter, played by Paul Evans, who
ably took the part, and Ivan Han
cock, as James King, was all that
could be imagined in an irritable,
worried father.
Adelaide Martin cleverly carried
out the role of his daughter, Eva,
a ready assistant in planning the
affair. The scheme is discovered
by Mr. King, but glad to,leave for
a time he consents to go to South
America and to spend three
months there. In his absence he
places Adam Smith (John Scott)
as business manager and paternal
head of the King household. Smith,
a big, awkward but likeable young
chap has spent several months on
the plantation.
This role was particularly well
played, and won many enthusiastic
Ciiton DeWitt (Pair Lancastei
son-in-law of James Kink 1 1,1* 1 :, Julie
DeWitt, his eldest daughter (Laura
Smith), Aunt Abbie Rocker (Ina
Render), his sister-in-law, Lord
Andrew Gordon, his would-be son l
in-law (Clifford Bengston) all ac
complices in the plot to have a
gay time while father is away, do
not extend to Adam Smith the
friendship he expects, and when
he refuses to furnish funds for
their extravagant purchases and
games of chance, find excuses for
excluding him from their family
dinners and other affairs.
Clyde Brady, playing the role of
Horace Pilgrim, furnishes a great
deal of amusement. Corinthia, the
parlor maid (Daisy McGregor)
loyal friend to the family.
Perceiving that, such conditions
proved a helpful little soul and
could not continue, Adam Smith
conceives the idea of announcing
that through a radical change in
the stock market, they arc now
practically bankrupt.
Act three finds the King family,
including Lord Andrew, on a
chicken ranch in New Jersey, all
contentedly working. It is not un
til James King arrives home for
the Christmas holidays that it is
announced by the young, business
manager that the bankrupt story
was all a scheme to bring about
an awakening.
Lord Andrew, who has also un
dergone a decided change, discov
ers that it, is Adam that Eva loves,
and gallantly retires, permitting
Adam to claim the girl of his
People Thanked
For Assistance
At Postolfice
A message of appreciation of
the co-operation shown by post
office patrons of the Winslow dis
trict during the Christmas season
was sounded yesterday by Post
master A. It. Kleindienst.
Kleindienst was particularly ap
preciative of the patrons’ prompt
ness in calling for packages when
notified. During the Christmas
rush it. was necessary to add sev
eral extra clerks, and despite the
fact that, this year’s Christmas
mail and package business was
heavier than in any year past,, the
postmaster said that deliveries
were made promptly due to the
fact that the public did it’s part in
co-operating with the department.
As a part of the service Mr.
Kleindienst secured a special per
mit from the Department to allow
for delivery of packages during
the last few days of the rush,
which greatly aided the office as
well as giving patrons speedy see-