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Nogales’ Home Newspaper- TOG ALES INTERNATIONAL* LEGAL NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ. WADE W. BARBEE and ) ALMAH R. BARBEE, hus- ) band and wife, ) Plafoitiffk. ) vs. ) A. L. GUSTETTER; ROSE ) GUSTETTER; FLORENCE ) BONSALL (formerly named ) FLORENCE GUSTETTER. ) also formerly named FLOR- ) ENCE B. GOSTETCTER, and ) also formerly named FLOR- ) ENCE GUSTEITER BON- ) BALL); EMMA BUDGE (also > known as EMMA M. ) BUDGE); THE FIRST NA- ) TIONAL BANK OF NOGA-. ) LES, a national banking as- ) sociation: J. H. CALVERT. ) as Superajtendent of Banks ) of the State of Arizona and > Receiver of Nogales Build- ) ing and Loan Association, a ) corporation, an Insolvent ) buildihg -alia lean association; ) A. E. JONES: J. D. JONES; ) JAMES V. ROBINS; MARY ) D. ROBINS; HARRY RAN- ) SOM; ANNA MAY RANSOM; ) j CALIFORNIA STANDARD ) j OIL COMPANY DE MEX- ) ICO, a corporation; J. H. ) CALVERT, as Superintend- ) j ent of Banks of the State ) of Arizona and Ex-Officio ) Receiver of Sonora Bank ) and Trust Company, an ) j Arizona banking corporation, ) I Insolvent; STATE OF ARI- ) ZONA: SANTA CRUZ COUN- ) j TY. a body politic and cor- ) porate; and CITY OF NO- ) j GALES, a municipal cor- ) poration. ) Defendants. ) SUMMONS THE STATE OF ARIZONA to: the above named defendants A. L.' Gustetter; Rose Gustetter; Florence Bonsall (formerly named Florence Gustetter, also formerly named Florence B. Gustetter. and also j formerly named Florence Gustetter Bonsall); Emma Budge (also known : as Emma M. Budge); The First ] National Bank of Nogales, a nation- ! al banking association; J. H. Cal vert, as Superintendent of Banks of the State of Arizona and Re- i -ceiver of Nogales Building and Loan Association, a corporation, an in solvent building and loan associa- j tion; A. E. Jones; J. D. Jones; James V. Robins; Mary D. Robins; Hairy Ransom; Anna May Ran-: som; California Standard Oil Com pany de Mexico, a corporation; J. H. Calvert, as Superintendent of. Banks of the State of Arizona and Ex-Officio Receiver of Sonora Bank and Trust Company, an Arizona banking corporation, insolvent; i State of Arizona; Santa Cruz Coun ty, a body politic and corporate; and City of Nogales, a municipal •corporation; YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWEN TY DAYS, exclusive of the day of seivice, after service of this sum- j mens upon you if served within • the State of Arizona, or within] THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without I the State of Arizona, and you ana hereby notified that in case you fail j so to do, judgment by default will j be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. ] The address of the plaintiffs is< 434 Crawford Street, Nogales, Ari- j zena, GIVEN under my hand and the 1 seal of the Superior Court of the j State of Arizona in and for the j County of Santa Cruz, this 2nd day ] pf May, 1941. (SEAL) HELEN O KEEFE. Clerk. (Publish May 3, 10, 17, 24, 1941). NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOB THE PURCHASE OF UNIM PROVED REAL ESTATE OWN ED BY THE CITY OF NOGA LES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN j that the Mayor and Board of Ald ermen of the City of Nogales will at the hour of 8:00 o’clock P. M-, on the 16th day of June, 1941, re ceive written bids for the purchase ot the unimproved real estate own ed by the City of Nogales and par ticularly described as follows: PARCEL 1. Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot thirteen (13) in Block one (1) of Nogales Townstte, thence northerly and per pendicularly to the no th line of Noon Street, a distance of appro ximately ninety-five and thirty eight hundredths (95.38) feet to a point on the prolongation westerly of the north line of Lot thirteen (13) in said Block one (1); thence easterly thirty and four hundredths (30.04) feet, more or less, to the northwest comer of said Lot thir teen (13); thence southwesterly along the westerly side line of said Let thirteen (13) to the southwest comer of said Lot thirteen (13), l LEGAL NOTICE the point of beginning; being a portion of Lot two (2) in block 1 of Nog-ales Townsite in the City of Nogales, Santa Cruz County, State of Arizona. PARCEL 2. Lots Ninety - eight (98), One Hundred (100) and One Hundred Two (102), according to i the amended plat of the Western Subdivision of the City of Nogales. Santa Cruz County, Arizona, as ! surveyed October 1-15, 1935, by W. H. Roper and as delineated on the map or plat thereof on file in the office of the County Recorder* of Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Separate bids must be submitted for said paircel 1 and for one or more of the lots constituting par cel 2. Bids must be delivered to the City Clerk of the City of Nogales not later than the hour above nam ed. The right is reserved to reject and or all bids and the City of No galea will .convey said real estate to the successful bidder or bidders by quit-claim deed. DATED May 9. 1941'. ALEX L. DURAZQ. City Clerk. (Publish May 10, 17, 24. 31 and June 7. 1941). Application For Treasurer’s Deed TREASURER’S OFFICE Santa Cruz County, State of Arizona Notice is hereby given that State of Arizona,-has applied for a treas urer’s deed to the following describ ed real property, owned by J. F. Johnson, and situated in Santa Cruz County, State of Arizona. DESCRIPTION City of Nogales, Lot 6, Blk. 28. j Sold for 1931-1932-1934. Taxes, which, on the 10th day of Decem ber, 1935 was sold to State of Ari zona for taxes, interest, penalties and charges amounting to One thousand three hundred fifty four dollars and one cent ($1,354.01). If j redemption according to law be not i made before the 11th day of June. 1941, I will convey said premises to such applicant or his assigns. AGNES G. HAMLIN Treasurer of Santa Cruz County. State of Arizona. (Publish May 10. 17. 1941 >. ’ . i i IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ. In the Matter of the Estate of ) THERESA VIOLA FESSLER. ) An Incompetent Person. ) NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an order of the above named Superior Court has been made or dering, authorizing and directing the sale, in separate parcels, ait private sale, for cash, of the fol lowing described real estate, the property of said estate, situated in Santa Cruz County, State of Ari zona, to-wit: An undivided one-half (V*) interest in and to Lots Eleven j (lit and Thirteen (13) in Block C of Patagonia in Patag-onia., Santa Cruz County, Arizona. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said real estate will be sold as aforesaid, on or after the 27th day of May, 1941, and bids for the pur chase of said real estate will be re ceived at the offices of Duffy <Sc Robins, Attorneys at Law. Room 212 Trust Building, Nogales. Arizona. DATED May 10. 1941. H. B. RIGGS, Guardian of the Estate of Theresa Viola Fessler, an Incompetent Person. (Publish: May 17, 1941.) •’ ■ i STATE OF ARIZONA ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRE SENTS SHALL COME, GREET ING: I, WILLIS G. ETHEL. SECRE TARY OF THE ARIZONA COR PORATION COMMISSION. DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT the an nexed is a true and complete trans cript of the | AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF- INCORPORATION OF ’’THE S. LEEKER DRY GOODS COMPANY.” Renewing corporate existence for an additional twenty-five years, which was filed in the office of the said Arizona Corporation Commis sion cm the Ist day of May A. D., 1941 at 3:00 o’clock P. M.. as pro vided by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND AFFIXED THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF THE ARIZONA COR PORATION COMMISSION. AT THE CAPITOL. IN THE CITY OF „>HOENIX, THIS Ist DAY OF NOGALES, ARIZ., SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1941 Sufficient Feed . And Water On j Arizona Ranges PHOENIX, May 16—Over Arizona ranges as a whole there is at this time sufficient feed and water to carry livestock safely into the pe riod of usual summer rainfall. | Cattle are pairing in flesh and early calves are coming in unusual numbers. All cattle available for spring delivery have been contract ed. while a few contracts fori weaner calves in the fall have been report ed. RANGES Over most sections of the State below three thousand feet eleva tion. range feed continues to grow ■apidly to the state of maturity. is budded or leafed out and mesquites are budding. An abund ance of water is- available over all these ranges. At higher elevations the growth of feed was-somewhat checked by a freeze on the 18th;-but later re ports indicate that growth is again well started. Over these sections prospects are excellent for early feed. Here as in other sections of the State, there is an abundance of water and soil moisture. While there is an unusual amount of loco on the ranges this spring in most sections, desirable feed plaints 1 have kept abreast of it in growth and little trouble is expected form this plant. Even in the Navajo In dian country, all lakes red tanks are filled to capacity, most can yons are running, and soils are satu- LEGAL NOTICE MAY A. D. 1941. (SEAL) WILLIS G. ETHEL. Secretary. By D. PALMER. Assistant Secretary. AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE S. LEEKER DRY GOODS COM PANY THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at a special meeting of the -tockhold ens of The S. Leeker Dry Goods Company, a corporation, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Arizona, held at the office of the company at the City of Nogales, Comity of Santa Cruz, State of Arizona, on the 22nd day of April, 1941, due and legal notice of the time, place, and purpose of such meeting having been sent to all stockholders, by a vote of all of the owners of all of the issued and outstanding capital stock of said The S. Leeker Dry Goods Company, said owners being present in person, a resolution was passed which, among other things, authorized the amendment of Ar ticle IV of the Articles of Incorpor- 1 ation of said The S. Leeker Dry l Goods Company to be and read as follows: “ARTICLE IV ‘‘The life, tenure, and exist- | ence of this corporation shall be, and hereby is, renewed and extended for the period ending I May 14th, 1966. and the r'ght of renewal and succession as i provided by law shall be re tained and enjoyed by this corporation.” I IN WITNESS WHEREOF said The S. Leeker Dry Goods Com pany has caused this certificate to be executed by its president and its corporate seal hereunto affixed and attested by Its secretary this 22nd day of April, 1941. (SEAL) BENJAMIN CAPIN. President. Attest. P. M. CAPIN. Secretary. STATE OF ARIZONA COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ—ss. This instrument was acknowl edged before me this 22nd day of April. A. D. 1941, by Benjamin Capin as President of The S. Leek er Dry Goods Company, who stated that he executed such instrument on behalf of said company for the | purpose and consideration therein expressed. DUANE BIRD j Notary Public. ] My commission expires December sth, 1944. (SEAL) ENDORSEMENT ARIZONA CORPORATION COM MISSION INCORPORATING DIVISION FILED MAY 1. 1941. At 3:00 P. M.. at request of Duane Bird whose address is Noga les, Arizona. WILLIS G. ETHEL. Secretary. j Bv FLORENCE E. LANC ’ rated. Range condition on May 1 was i 95 per cent of normal, compared I with 93 percent a month , ago, 84 I percent one year age and 83 per -1 cent the ten-year average, j CATTLE i As previously mentioned, cattle have come through the past winter i and spring to date with practically ‘no loss. In all sections of the State ' ' they are reported to be steadily! gaining in flesh, while in all sections j of early feed come reports that cattle are slick, fat. are rapidly approaching a range fat condition and cows with calves are giving an abundance of milk. Many of the outfits report they ] are now keeping men riding be-; cause of the necessity of milking cows which are furnishing more than calves can take. This is like ;ly the first year when such action : i has been necessary at this season j of the year, although in past sea- • j sons milking has been necessary as- j ; ter good summer feed has develop- : J ed. Naturally under these conidi- ; I tions with a big crop of early calves ] | already on the ground and with j j an abundance of green feed in sight, all ranchers are planning to vac- 1 cin ate against black leg. It appears quite evident there will be an unusually large calf crop j in Arizona this year. With the crop j' early by about a month, cows giv- j Ing plenty of milk, an abundance ] of feed in sight, heavy weaner calves are to be expected this fall. • Due to the unusually mild win ter just experienced, there was heavy survival of screw-worm flies ] which are already at work and one of the worst seasons for screw- ! worm activity is now generally an-; ticipated. Because of favorable na.- ; tured conditions and the unusually ■ early calf crop, many outfits have | already started working, which en- j ables them to keep a close check on | screw-worm damage, even in this | early date. Nearly all cattle available for, spring delivery have been contract- j ed. Yearlings are expected to be unusually heavy on delivery dates ' in May and June, although a con- , siderable number of animals of j short ages will appear. The con- j • dition of cattle was 94 percent of ] : normal campared with 91 percent j' one month ago, 87 percent a year ] 1 ago and 84 percent the ten-yeair j average. Out-Of-Town Printers ... Don't pay taxes here. Don't buy their groceries from Nogales merchants. Don't come here for their furniture. Don't patronize Nogales garages or service stations. Don't purchase shoes and sox here. Don't wear Nogales clothing. Don't smoke cigars and cigarettes bought in Nogales. Don't ride on tires bought in Nogales. Don't keep their money in Nogales banks, ry # \\TT? t Don't pay wages to Nogales labor. L)Ut WE* LJ(J. When in the market for printing needs remember that money spent with the Nogales Interna tional stays in Nogales and keeps the wheels of Nogales industry moving. We PRINT or SELL .. . —A— —E— —M— —T— Announcements Envelopes Menus Questionnaires Tago Advertising Folders Envelope Blanks • Milk Coupons Tickets •-* Engraved Cards Manuscript Covers Time Cards Meal 'i’ickets —S— Typewriting Paper —B “ “ P— Monthly Statements Briefs Folders Mortgages Sale 3 Boofc> _u_ Bill Heads Financial Statements Mimeograph Paper Sale Bills Blotters Schedules Ungumnted Labels Business Cards _N— Statements Booklets "**'*' Greeting Cards rards —V— Grocers' Statements Name Cards s>ncw Laras Gummed Labels Note Heads Society Stationery Vouchers ® Notes. Promissory Stock Blotters Visiting Cards Calendar Blotters ~ H ~ Store Sale Bills Cards Bills —W— Catalogues Holiday Letter Heads Order Books Checks Hot Check Notices Office Fofms _r_ Warrants Charge Slips Hotel Note Heads Wedding Invitations Coupons' _j_ _ P _ P-dad Signs Wrappers Contracts . . , «. . Receipts Cireniarc Invitation Cards Placards —Y— rhriktmL r,rrf. Invoice Forms Prescription Blinks Enclosures imnstmas oaras Postal Cards grains Yankee Statements • —L>— Pamphlets ‘ Year Books —D— Labels Posters Report .—-cs Drafts Lease Forms Premium Lists Rent Cards —-Z— --■j«u. Letter Heads Programs Dance Programs Ledger Sheets Punching Rubber Stamps Zinc Cuts Phone 45-W morales Unternatkmal Sheep Trekking ! To Summer Feeding Ranges j PHOENIX, May 16 (U.P.)—Thou • sands of sheep today trekked to ' ward summer feeding ranges in the national forests and mountain j slopes in the northern part of the ’state. The annual migration, closely su . pervtsed over the government trailwh.ys, began yesterday with the flocks leaving central Arizona ; ranges and moving northward at a j rate of three *o five miles a day. j The best forage in years was in prospect in the northern part of the state as a result of heavy rain ] fall during the winter, i All flocks in the central part of : the state, where the animals are pastured in the winter, have been : grazing on the open desert instead ;of irrigated portions of the Salt 'River valley because of the excep tional condition of the range. ! In the north, range conditions ] were said to be the best in 15 years by Jerrie W. Lee, secretary of the | Ar zona Wool Growe § Association. State General Fund Out Os Red j. PHOENIX, May 16 (U.P.)— Cash on the line was the order of busi | ness today for the state of Ari -1 zona. I Payment of $123,962 in registered warrants enabled the state general fund to come out of the red, ac ' cording to State Treasurer Joe Hunt. I Hunt said the fund probably ! would stay on a cash basis until ; July 11, when $1,500,000 will be paid out in school funds, j | Three Colleges Added To Border Conference TUCSON. May 16 (U.P.) The Border athletic conference, of which Arizona's three college instiutions are members, today was composed of nine schoc-ls after addition of three Texas colleges. The new members were West Texas State at Canyon, Tex.; Hard- in-Smmons University at Abilene; : and Texas Tech at Lubbock. Tech, former member of the loop, was 1 suspended two years ago in a dis pute over eligibility standards for football players. The three new members will be ! Notice Os Change In Schedules EFFECTIVE May 16 schedules between Tuc son and Nogales will be as follows: Leave Tucson 8:30 A. M. Arrive Nogales 10:10 A. M. * Leave Nogales 40:40 A. M. Arrive Tucscn 12:15 P. M, Leave Tucson 3:00 P. M. Arrive Nogales 4:40 P. M. Leave Nogales 5:00 P. M. Arrive TUcson 6:40 P. M. Citizens Auto Stage Company H. A. DALTON, MANAGER HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN— SINCE THE ENGINE OF YOUR CAR WAS CHECKED ? Special Engine “TUNE UP” Service. ADJUST—Distributor Points, Timing, Carbure tor, Valve Tappets, Fan Belt, and Generator. CLEAN—Air Cleaner, Battery Terminals, and Spark Plugs. CHECK—CoiI, Condenser, Distributor, Voltage Control, Battery, Vacuum Control, Com pression and Heat Control. ADJUST—Cylinder Head, Manifolds, and Hose Connections. At This Special Low Price $3.00 Labor Only —GENUINE CHEVROLET PARTS. -BEST EQUIPMENT. —TRAINED MECHANICS. -LOW PRICES. “Everything Thats Best For Your Car” CIS® MOTOR COMPANY Nogale.;, Arizona Flagstaff, Arizona PAGE FOUR scheduled in football by other con ference members during the season of 1942, it was said, ana then will be eligible to compete for the con ference title and the right to play in the Sun Bowl at El Paso.