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NOGALES INTERNATIONAL— Nogales’ Home Newspaper- NOGALES, ARIZ., SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1941 LEGAL NOTICES! LEGAL NOTICE! OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE Santa Cruz County Board Os Supervisors Office of the Board ' of Supervisors Nogales, Arizona March 19th, 1941 The Board met pursuant to recessed meeting of March 3rd. 1941. Present, Louis Escalada, Chairman, R. T. Frazier Jr., and A. B. Sorrells, members, Wm. G. Simonton, Clerk. The Board met to attend a meeting of the State Tax Commission %i regard to a special levy. There being no further business to come before the board at this time, they adjourned to meet on April 7th. 1941. L. ESCALADA, Chairman j ATTEST: WM. G. SIMONTON. Clerk Office of the Board of Supervisors Nogales. Arizona ! April 7th, 1941 | The Board met in accordance with law. Present Louis Escalada, | Chairman, R. T. Frazier, Jr., and A. B. Sorrells, members. Wm. G. Simonton, Clerk. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved as read and ordered filed. UPON MOTION of R. T. Frazier, Jr., seconded by A. B. Sorrells and unanimously carried, the following pieces of property weie sold to j the various persons listed below: Diego Ramirez, Lot 7, Block 7 and E 1 !- of Lot 29, Block 1. Sold for , $50.00. Ana M. Vasquez, So. half of Lot 14. Blk. 28 and the No. half of Lot 14, Blk. 28, City of Nogales. Sold for $350.00. Carmen Bachelier, Lot 2A and 28, Blk. 10, City of Nogales, sold for $55.00. Guadalupe Brickwood, Lot 7, Blk. 14. City of Nogales, sold for $25.00. Cecilia Wanless, Lots 32 and 33, Blk. A, Mountain View Sub., sold for $20.00. Buckhorn Tavern and Investment Co., Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, Thomp son Subdivision. Sold for $6.00. Ada A. Cumming. Lot 1, Blk. J., Noon Sub., E. K. Cumming. Lots 12, 13 and 14, Walnut Grove, sold for $75.00. E. K Cumming, Lots 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 29 and 29, Cum ming Sub. Sold for $25.00 each. E. K. Cumming Lot 11, Block 106, sold for $5.00. E. K. Cumming, Lot 8, Block 106, sold for $25.00. Gene Sykes, Lots 4,5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block A, Spragur Heights Sub. Sold for $60.00. Lela F. Moore, Lot 11, Block 5, Ellis Ranch Tract. Sold for $25.00. Pastora C. Figueroa, Lot 16, Block Q, Patagonia Townsite. Sold for $15.00. W. W. Barbee, Lot 13, Block 7, Town of Nogales, Sold for $116.40; Lots 47 and 48, Marsh Height Sub. Sold for $18.94. Milford L. Noon, Let 11, Walnut Grove Sub., sold for $20.00. J. A. Harrison, Lot 21, Block 16. City of Nogales. Arizona. Sold for $609.00. Buckhorn Tavern & Investment Co., Lots 25, 26. 27, and 28, Block 1, City of Nogales. Arizona. Sold for $20.00. Joe T. Bennett, Lot 14, Block 18, City of Nogales. Sold for $50.00. . Buckhorn Tavern & Investment Co., Lot 26, Block 8.. Mountain , View Sub., City of Nogales, Arizona. Sold for $5.00. Buckhorn Tavern & Investment Co., Lots 5. 6 and 7, Block 17, Towrn j of Nogales, Arizona. Sold for $18)00.00. Tom Morgan. Lot 1, Blk. 7, Town of Nogales. Sold for $120.00. . Josefina Mix Kibby. Lot 5, Blk. G. Sold for $15.00, Smelter Tract, City of Nogales, Arizona. Antonio De La Ossa, Westerly 71.5 feet of Lot 4. Block 1. Ellis Ranch Tract, City of Nogales. Sold for $40.00. Cirilo Salazar, Sr., Lot 8, Block O, Smelter Tract, City of Nogales, Arizona. Sold for $25.00. Herminia Villasenor, Lots 26 and 28, Block 16, City of Nogales. Ari zona. Sold for $75.00. Thomas F. Griffin, Lot 1 and 2, Block 12, and. Lot 3, Block 13 Sunnyside Sub. Sold for SI.OO each. William Rosenberg. Lot 7, Block 4, Town of Tubac, sold for $20.00. Edward Alvarez, Lot C-26, Block 1, Town of Nogales. Sold for SI.OO. Juanita Sierras, S I iNBV4 Section 7. Twp. 21, R. 13E. 120 acres. Sold for $120.10. W. H. Roper. Lot 26, Walnut Gtove Subdivision. Sold for $25.00. John M. Svmmey. Lots 36 to 56 inclusive. Walnut Grove Subdivision. Sold for $40.00. Richardson Real Estate Mining and Com. Corp. Lot 3 and 4. Block O, East Side Addition, Patagonia, Arizona. Sold fer $5.00.' Eva Matrecito . Lot 23, Block Q, Patagonia Townsite. Sold lor SB.OO. UPON MOTION of R. T. Frazier, Jr., seconded by A. B. Sorrells and carried the following resolution was unanimously passed and adopted: RESOLVED THAT the real estate assessed on thei tax rolls of Santa Cruz County, Arizona under 'assessment numbers 330, 349. 354, 333, for the years 1937, 1938, 1939, and the First half of the year 1940 repectively, would not sell for the amount of taxes. Interest, penalties and costs levied and assessed but remaining unpaid thereon for the aforesaid years and that the aforesaid property would not sell for more than Three Hundred Eleven and 21/100 ($311.21) Dollars, for which reason the taxes shall be and they are hereby compromised for the sum of Three Hundred Eleven and 21/100 ($311.21) Dollars, and the County Treasurer is authorized and directed to accept such sum in full payment thereof for the years aforesaid and to distribute the same to the various funds to which said taxes are due in the proportion as the amounts bear to the whole amount charged against said property. UPON MOTION of R. T. Frazier, Jr., seconded by A. B. Sorrells and •carried, the following resolution was unanimously passed and adopted: RESOLVED THAT.'the real estate assessed on the tax rolls of Santa •Cruz County, Arizona, in the name of Beatric O. de Valdez for the years 1934. would not sell for the amount of Taxes, interest, penalties and costs levied and assessed but remaining unpaid thereon for the aforesaid year and that the aforesaid prqperty would not sell for more than Twenty Five ($25.00) Dollars, for which rea.'on the taxes shall be and they are hereby compromised for the sum oi Twenty Five < 525.00' dollars, ar.d the County Treasurer is authorized and directed to accept such sum in t’ l 1 payments thereof for the year 1934, and to distribute the same to the various funds to which said taxes are due in proportion as the amounts bear to the whole amount charged against said property. UPON MOTION of R. T. Fraz*er, Jr., seconded by A. B. Sorrells and carried the following resolution was unanimously passed and adopted: RESOLVED THAT the real estate assessed on the tax rolls of Santa Cruz County, Arizona, under assessment numbers 202, 207 and 210. for the years 1938, 1939 and the First Half of the year 1940, respectively, would not sell forithe amount of taxes. Interest, penalties and costs levied emd assessed but remaining unpaid thereon for the aforesaid years and LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE that the aforesaid property would not sell for more than Six Hundred ($600.00) Dollars, for which reason the taxes shall be and they are hereby i compromised for the sum of Six Hundred ($600.00) Dollars, and the | County Treasurer is authorized and directed to accept such sum in full payment thereof for the aforesaid yeais and to distribute the same to the various funds to which said taxes are due in proportion as the amounts bear to the whojp amount charged against said property. j UPON MOTION of R. T. Frazier. Jr., seconded by A. B. Soirells and j carried the following resolution was unanimously passed and adopted: | WHEREAS, the United States of America Soil Conservation Service ! has agreed to construct a certain Flood Detention Dam and Cor.trcl j V/ork near Patagonia, Santa Cruz County, Arizona as mere fully appears , in the H. B. Riggs Plan of Conservation Operations with the said United ■ States of America Conservation Service, if the County of Santa Cruz would agree to be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of said project upon its completion, and WHEREAS, the construction of said project would be of great bene fit to the Town of Patagonia. Santa. Ciuz County, Arizona and to the best interest of the public. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF SANTA CRUZ COUNTY. ARIZONA, that the Counfy of Santa Cruz will maintain the Flood Detention Dam and Control work to be constructed near Patagonia. Arizona, pursuant to the K. B. Riggs Plan of Conservation Operation with the United States of America Soil Conservation Service, upon completion. # UPON MOTION of R. T. Frazier, Jr., seconded by A. B. Sorrells and carried Louis Escalada was appoTifted a member of the Santa Cruz County National Defense Advisory Committee to represent Santa Cruz County, Arizona. This being the day for the Board to Check the Treasurer s office, they proceeded to do so and found as follows: BALANCE * $43,187.52 Receipts 3.688.43 Total ...., $46,875.95 Disbursements 3.625.85 Balance on hand »- —~ - $43,250.10 CASH RECONCILEMENT ACTIVE FUNDS First Nat’l. Bank 40.915.58 INACTIVE FUNDS Kountze Bros.. New York Estate 7 O -91 CASH DRAWER Checks 1,657.73 Currency - - 438.00 2.095.73 Coin: * • Halves 5 50 Quarters 850 Dimes 5 00 Nickles 110 Pennies .... 38 20.38 Demands 14/.50 543.250.10 UPON MOTION of R. T. Frazier, Jr., seconded by A. B. Sorrells and unanimously carried the Treasurer is instructed to transfer from the Emergency Allowance Fund to the Expense fund the sum of $271.75 and from the Indigent Sick fund to the Expense fund the sum of $2,381.14. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION AND PETITION OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ REQUESTING AN EMERGENCY TO EXIST IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,000 00 Order No. , 156-1941-3 THIS MATTER HAVING COME ON for hearing before the State Tax Commission at the Court House. Nogales. Arizona, at 11:00 A.M., March 19, 1941, pursuant to notice duly given, and the commission being fully advised in the matter finds: That AN EMERGENCY does exist in the funds of the 1940-41 Budget of Santa Cruz County in the amount of 56.000.00 for the purpose of caring for the Indigent sick, which emergency could not be foreseen at the time of the adoption of the Budget, NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered and an emergency is hereby declared to exist in the funds of Santa Cruz County as set out in their 1940-1941 Budget In the amount of $6,000.00, and the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to create liabilities for the purpose of alleviating said emergency in said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, provided, that any sums received from ■ sources other than direct taxation in excess of the amount antici | pa ted in the 1940-41 Budget be first used or applied to decrease this emergency levy and that the said special levy be made for such ! amount remaining after application of the extra funds. DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED by vote of Members O’Neil and Peterson, on this 30th day of March, 1941, at the office o-f the State Tax Commission, Capitol, Phoenix, Arizona. SIGNED: D. C. O’NEIL, Acting Chairman ATTEST: SIGNED: LILLIAN H. SWISHER. Secretary. j The widow's exemptions of Dolores Vda. de Cordova was allow'd for the years 1939 and 1940. The Widow’s exemption oi Josephine Burley was allowed for the year 1940. I J. J. Lowe was allowed a leave of absence from the State, starting April 4th, 1941. Helen O'Keefe was granted a leave of absence from the State start | ing April 28th, 1941. The monthly reports- were received from the Sheriff. Assessor. Treasurer, Recorder, Clerk of the Superior Court, Justices of the Peace. County Physician and Sanitarian. i The following claims and demands were received, audited, allowed <and ordered paid out of the various county funds: Wt. 61, J. E. Haiat, ! roadwork. $10.00; Wt. 205. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Supplies, i $26.20; Wt. 206, Laura Edwards. Hospital Misc., $45.00; Wt. 207. Louis Escalada, Chairman of Board of Supervisors, Unemployment Relief. $255.00: Wt. 208, Emest Bartlett. Misc. Misc., $20.00; Wt. 62. Marse’o Tapia, Roadwork, $20.00; Wt. 209, Chas. W. Johnston, Furniture and I Fixtures, $4.34; Wt. 63. Jack Turner, roadwork, $75.00; Wt. 63. Gilbert i Lopez, Roadwork, $10.00: Wt. 63, Rafael Amada, Roadwork. $15.00; | Wt. 210, Mrs. Ruth Simonton. Clerical work. Bd. of Supervisors. $62.50; | Wt. 64, Leonllo Larriva, ! Unemployment Relief Proj. 1120, $20.00; Wt. 65; Luie C. Barringer. (Roadwork, $75.00; Wt. 212, The Triangle Case. Feeding Prisoners, i $122.85; Wt. 66. Juan Argules, Roadwork, $10.00; Wt. 213, Leandro 1 Canelos. C. H. Misc., $10.00: Wt. 67, Wm. G. Simonton, Road Mis... LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE $35.00; Wt. 214, Leandro Canelos, CH. Misc., $10.62; Wt. 68, James G. Fraizer, Roadwork, $6.50; Wt. 69. Chico Pons, Roadwork, $i0.00; Wt. 70, Paul Schiller, 'Roadwork, $10.00; Wt. 216. Ernesto Encinas. Repairs and Imps., $12.50; Wt. 71, Leonilo Larriva, Roadwork, $87.50; Wt. 72, Luie C. Barringer, Roadwork, $75.00; Wt. 73. Jack Turner. Roadwork, $75.00; Wt. 74, Marselo Tapia. Roadwork, $20.00; Wt. 217, Chas. W. Johnston, Repairs and Improvements. $5.74; Wt. 218, Triangle Case, Feeding Prisoners, $117.99; Wt. 75. Rosamel De La Ossa, Roadwork, $10.00; Wt. 219, Clerk of Board of Supervisors, Stamps, $25.00; Wt. 220, Geo. Bercich, Unemployment Relief, $20.00; Wt. 76. Louis De La Cssa, Roadwork, $10.00; Wt. 76, Dougles Edgell, .Roadwork, $10.00; Wt 77, Mark Boosinger, Roadwork. $10.C0; Wt. 78, Juan Yourgules, Road work, $10.00; Wt. 221, N. Karam, Misc. Misc., $200.00; Wt. 79, Ramon Quiroga, Roadwork, $10.00; Wt. 79, Juaquin Queroga, Roadwork, $10.00; Wt. 79, Joe Argules, Roadwork, $10.00; Wt. 79, Jack Turner, Roadwork, $75.00; Wt. 79, Geo. R. Hay. Roadwork, $10.00; Wt. 80, Alfred Mar tinez, Roadwork, $10.00; Wt. 222, James Duarte. Hospital Misc.. $20.00; Wt. 81, Vic Wager Agency. Insurance on Truck, $112.5-0; Wt. 82, Foxworth Killen Lumber Co.. Road Equipment Supplies. $1.03; Wt. 83, General Petroleum Corp., Oil and Grease, $49.74; Wt. 84, W. H. Roper, Surveying Roads, $65.65; Wt. 85, East Side Garage. Equipment Supplies and Repairs, $41.14; Wt. 86, Nogales Welding & Mach. Shop, Road Equipment Repair, $1.00; Wt. 87, Economy Hardware Co., Road Supplies & Equipment, $37.84; Wt. 88. Standard Oil Co., Gas and Oil. $48.43; Wt 89, First National Bank, New Equipment. $216.32; Wt. 90, Southern Trust Co.. Road Misc., $31.00; Wt. 223. Shell Oil 1 Co:, Unemployment Relief, $79.80; Wt. 224, Ndgales Welding & Machine Shop, Unemploy ment Relief, $96.13; Wt. 225, Foxworth Killen Lumber Co., Unemploy ment Relief, $2.49; Wt. 226, A. 8. Henderson, Unemployment Relief, $45.00; Wt. 227, White Front Garage. Unemployment Relief, $1.00; Wt. 228, East Side Garage, Unemployment Relief, $4.69; Wt. 229, Geo. Poulette, Unemployment Relief, $10.00; Wt. 230. Eugene Siddell, Unem ployment Relief, $75.50; Wt. 231. J. J. Lowe. Sheriff, Various items, $62.06; Wt. 232, Agnes G. Hamlin. Treasurer, Various items, $147.50; Wt. 233. R. H. Fleischer, Assessor’s Traveling, $42.70; Wt 234, Mrs. Lula (R. Larimore, Traveling and office expense School Sup’t., $33.60; Wt. 235, Rudolph T. Fleischer, J. P. Court Expense. $10.00; Wt. 237. Clara Edwards, Misc. Misc.. $75.00; Wt. 238, R. H. Fleischer, Oifice Expense, $5.00; Wt. 239, Counfy Recorder. Office expense, $4.50; Wt. 240, V. R. Davenport, J. P. Stenographer-Superior Court Expense, $27.00; Wt. 241, Clerk of Superior Court, Office exp., $6.20; Wt. 242, Floy W. Gidea, Clerk Sanitarin, $37.50; Wt. 243. Walter Noon, Sanitarian. $25.00; Wt. 244, W. F. Chenoweth, M. D. County Health Misc., $50.00; Wt. 245, Gordon Farley, Superior Court Expense, $8.50; Wt. 246, Arizona State Highway Dept. Radio Service, $12.75; Wt. 247, Fry Distributing Co., Rent SS and Welfare Board, $37.50; Wt. 248. Citizens Utilities Co., Light and Gas, $71.25; Wt. 249, Mt. States Tel. and Tel Co., Phones and Tolls, $90.70; Wt. 250, Carroon Mortuary Co., Burial Indigents. $175.00; Wt. 251, Nogales Daily Herald. Welfare Board. $7.50; Wt. 252, I’. W. Hannah Ins. Agency, Prem. on Insurance, $5.00; Wt. 253, Economy Hardware Store, Sheriff Office Expense. $7.50; Wt. 254. Nogales Merchants Credit Ass’n., Assessors Off. Exp., $7.50;, Wt. 255, Nogales International, Printing and Supplies. $207.00; Wt. 256, Escalada Bros., Misc. Misc., $8.82; Wt. 257, Nogales Plumbing & Electric Co., Welfare Board, $4.84; Wt. '258, Wilde’s, Supplies, $79.55; Wt. 259, J. M. Soto, Jr., Finger Printing, $20.00; Wt. 260. Don Smith, Immigration Commissioner. $200.00; Wt. 261, City of Nogales, Water, $25.75; Wt. 262, Western Union Tel. Co., Telegram and Time Clock. $13.04; Wt. 263, Southern Trust Co., Prem, on Insurance, $33.76; Wt. 264, Mountain States Tel. and Tel. Co., Phones and Tolls, $95.30; Wt. 265, Chas. G. Boice, Auto Service—Unemployment Relief, $142.03; Wt. 266. Western Union Tel. Co., Various telegrams, $6.06; Wt. 267. F. W. Hannah. Insur ance Agency, Prem. on Official Bands, $20.00; Wt. 268, Art Burnside Co., Sheriff’s office expense. $2.28; Wt. 269. Bracker’s Dept. Store. Jail Expense, $2.44; Wt. 270, Kress & Co., Supplies. $6.10; Wt. 271, Phoenix Blue Print Co., Misc. Misc., $20.54; Wt 271, Phoenix Blue Print Co., C. H. Misc., $15.21; Wt. 272, Nogales Herald, Printing, Misc. Misc., $12.00; Wt. 273, Nogales Feed & Seed Co.. C. H. Repairs and Imps., $4.90; Wt. 274, Bower Printing & Stationery Co., Supplies, $32.82; Wt 275. Keuffel & Esser Co.. Board Supplies Misc., $1.70; Wt. 276, Postal Telegraph Co.. Welfare Board. $0.64; Wt. 277, Foxworth-Killen Lumber Co., Various Supplies, $4.28; Wt. 278, General Petroleum Corp., Fuel Cil. $3.91; Wt. 279, Dr. W. L. Minear. Doctor. $50.00; Wt. 280, Dr. Glenn L. Harker, Doctor and Hosp. Misc.. $58.80; Wt. 281, Dr. E. C. Houle. Doctor, $50.00; W\. 282. Dr. Z. B. Neon. Doctor, $50.00; Wt. 283, Dr. M. I. Merritt, Doctor —Hosp. Misc. No. 2, $75.00; Wt. 284, Dr. Chas. S. Smith, Doctor, $50.00; Wt. 285, Dr. T. B. Fitts. Doctor and Hosp. Misc. No. 2, $58.22; Wt. 91, Jack Woonsley, Roadwork. $10.00; Wt. 286, Wm. G. Schultz, M. D. Doctor. $100.00; Wt. 287, Dr. W. L. Minear, Hospital Misc. No. 2, Hosp. Medicine. $8.55; Wt. 288, Clara E. Brown. Hospital Misc.. $66.00; Wt. 289. Lena E. Dumbauld. Hosp. Misc., $39.00; Wt. 290, Dr. E. C. Houle, Hosp. Misc., $7.50; Wt. 291, Dr. Z. B. Noon. $2.50; Wt. 292, Madeline Van Hulse. Hosp. Misc. No. 2, $19.50; Wt. 295, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Hospital Service. $17.00; Wts. 293, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Hospital Service, $321.06; Wt. 294. Good Samaritan Hospital. Hospital Service, $115.00; Wt. 295. Brunswig Drug Co.. Medicne. $59.91; Wt. 238, Saldamando Drug Co., Medicine. $175.80; Wt. 296, Saldamando Drug Co., Medicine, $22.60; Wt. 297, Dr. W. L. Minear. Medicine, $17.60; Wt. 298. Geo. A. Bieon & Co., Inc., Medicine. $8.14; Wt. 299. International Drug Co., Medicine, $20.29; Wt. 300, Mission Drug Co., Medicine. $24.16; Wt. 301. Brunswig Drug Co., Medicine, $14.88; Wt. 302, Martin Drug Co., Health Dept. Misc.. $88.o4; Wt. 7, Olga Holler, Auto Plate Account, $75.00. The following names appeared on the payroll for the month of Mar ch 1941, were audited, allowed and ordered paid out of the salary fund. Wts 144-178. Gordon Farle|y, Superior Court, $166.66; Wts, 145-179, V. R. Davenport, Court Reporter. $130.00; Wts. 146-180, Bessie Parker, Probation Officer, $82.50; Wts. 147-181, Helen O'Keefe, Clerk Superior Court $150.00; Wts. 148-182. Dorothy Titcomb, Deputy Clerk Superior Court! $125.00; Wts. 149-183. R. T. Fleischer, Court Interpreter. $125.00; Wts. 150-184. N. Karam, County Attorney, $166.66; Wts. 101-185, Emma Gourdin, Clerk County Attorney, SSO; Wts. 152-186. Agnes G. Treasurer. $165.66: Wts. 153-187. C. Mignardot, Deputy Treasurer, Wts 151-188. R. H. Fleischer, Assessor, $150.00; Wts. 155-189, Mrs. Eva Wheeler Deputy Assessor, $125.00: Wts. 156-190. Mary Bettwy. Recorder. $150.00: Wts. 157-191. Mrs. Ada E. Jones, Deputy Recorder, $125.00: Wts. 158-192. Louis Escalada, Chairman Supervisors, $100.00; Wts. 159- 193. R. T. FTazier. Jr., Member Supervisors, $83.32; Wts. 160-191, B. Sorrells. Member Supervisors. $83.32: Wts. 161-195, Win. G. Simon ton, Clerk of Bd. of Supervisors; Wts. 162-196. J. J. Lcwe, -hern , $250.00; Wts. 163-197, Bert De Vaughn. Undereheriff, $150.00; WtN. 154-198 J. M. Soto, Jr., Deputy Sheriff. $150.00; Wts. 165-199, A C. Dalton. Jailor, $125.00; Wts. 1-36-380. Joe Peters. Jailor. $12o.OO: Wts. 1g, 7-901 Blain Lewis. Deputy Sheriff. $125; Wts. 168-202. Ennqueta Lown, Jail Matron.:' $.50.00; Wts. 169-203. W. F. Chenoweth. M. D. County Health .Officer, $100.00: Wts. 170-204, Carolina Montoya. County Nurse $125.00; Wts. 171-205. Mrs. (Lula R. Larimore. Counf,v Schoo cup’t, $150.00; wts, 173-206, Dorothy Hopkins. Clerk County School Sup’t ’ $125.00; Wts. 173-207. Benj. Teyechea. Janitor. S l2O -f*2OG, Chas E. .Hardy, • J. P. Prect. No. 1. Wts - L Forsyth. J. P. Prect. No. 2. $40.00; Wts. 176-210. Harvey W. *25 00• Wts. 177-211. T. E. Burke. Constable PTect. No. 1. Slo.OO Wt. Blain Lewis. Constable Prect. No. 2. $5.00; Wt. 213, Claude C. Parker, Constable Prect. No. 3. $5.00; Wt. 214, K S. Edmonson. Supt. 1. O. R-. $75.00. The Notary bond of E. S. Edmonson was approved April 3rd. 1941. UPON MOTION of R. T. Frazier. Jr„ seconded by A. B. Sorrells and unanimously carried it was moved that the Hoard of Supervisors mter into an agreement with the United States Department of Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine m junction with Agriculture Department of Arizona for the 1941 Grasshopper Control. UPON motion duly made, sercr.ded and carried, the Treasurer is ordered to transfer the sum oi M. 189.12 from the General Fluid to the (Turn to Page Six* PAGE FIVE Camp Lawton (Continued from Page One) the Arizona state laboratory. Scouts and leadens who enroll for the 1941 season will enjoy a varied program of scoutcraft. ath letics, handicraft, hiking to nearby scenic spots, nature study, and re lated activities. Forest rangers from the adjacent Palisades ranger station will cooperate with camp leaders in presenting a program of forestry and conservation prac tices. , Camp councilors will lead in a program of scoutcraft, advance ment, bird study, wood carving, lea-thercraft. basketry, pottery, met al working, outdoor cooking, leanto building, bridge building, ana the construction of signal towers. Games and sports will faeture the camp’s prgoram. Map making, sim ple surveying, using the sun's rays to signal by means of a heliograph and other instruction will be offer ed. The evening carnp fire pro gram of songs, stunts, stories and dramatics will close each day’s pro gram LEGAL NOTICES! i IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ. iIN THE MATTER OF THE ) | ADOPTION OF SUZONNE > I JANE MEDLEN i ORDER Herman C. Medlen and Cecile B Medlen, husband and wife, naving j filed in this Court their petition | for the adoption of Suzonne Jane Medlen, a minor child, IT IS ORDERED that the mat ter of said petition shall be heard in the Court Room of said Sup erior Court in the Court House, in the City of Nogales, Santa Cruz County, State of Arizona, on the j Ist day of July, 1941. at the hour jof 10:00 o’clock A. M., a na that, a i copy of said petition and this order (shall be published once a week for ! three (3) successive weeks in the | Nogales International, a weekly , newspaper published and of general [circulation in Santa Cruz County, I State of Arizona, the last publica tion to be on May 31, 1941. ORDERED FURTHER, that no ; further notice of said hearing shall be given. DATED this 16th day of May, 1941. WILLIAM G. HALL, Judge of Said Su perior Court. (Pub. May 17 . 24. 31. 1941). IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Os Santa Cruz County STATE OF ARIZONA NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of H. E. MIELLER, also known as HARRY EDWARD MIEL LER, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned J. J. Goodman, administi ator with the Will annexed of the estate of H. S. Mieller also known as Harry Ed - ward Mieller deceased, to the cred - itors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice to the said Administrator at the law office of Nasib Karam, Room 11, La Ville de Paris Building at Nogales, Arizona, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate, in said County of Santa Cruz. J. J. GOODMAN, Administrator with #ie Will annexed of the es tate of H. E. Mieller, al so known as Harry Edward Mieller, deceased. Dated this 15th day of May, 1141. Publish May 17. 24, 31, June 7, 1941. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF SANTA CRUZ COUNTY, STATE OF ARIZONA. In the Matter of the ) Estate of ) CARLOTA DE LA VEGA ) VIUDA DE ALMADA. ) Deceased. ) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. Notice is hereby given that M. C. LITTLE has filed with the Cleric of this Court a petition praying for Letters of Administration of the Estate of CALOTA DE LA VEGA VTUDA DE ALMADA. deceased, that Saturday, the 7th day of June, 1941, at 10:00 o’clock A. M„ of said day, at the Court Room of said Court, in Nogales in said County of Santa Cruz, has been appointed for hearing said petition, at which time and place any person inter ested may appear and show cause why said petition should not be granted. Dated May. loth, 1941. HELEN O KEEFE. Clerk. (Publish May 17, 24. 31, 1941).