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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
NOGALES INTERNATIONAL— Nogales’ Home Newspaper— MRS. WELTY AND SONS ON TRIP TO NEW YORK Mrs. Mary Welty left Thursday for Phoenix from which place, ac companied by her sons, Don A. Welty, who has been attending school in Phoenix, and Billy Welty, student at the University of Arizona in Tucson, she left yesterday to spend the summer in Schenectady, N.Y., with another son, Joe, em ployed by the General Electric Com pany. Joe will return to Arizona in September with his mother to com plete his final year at the Univer sity of Arizona. BEJARANO ILL Frank Bejarano, manager of the Standard Garage, has been very ill the past week at his apartment above the garage in the Wise build ing on Grand avenue. Pacific Brokerage Company, S. A. Customs House and Commission Brokers —Quick Service— Kl this unique radio program CChSta rs with H }sax\ Gay music first program on°WtaS' ,une2 - - 10.115»« « K o t-ttt* -* S "•* For ALL Os The News Os NOGALES And SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Subscribe to the NOGALES INTERNATIONAL —Delivered anywhere in the World for $2.50 per year. (By carrier in Nogales) SUBSCRIBE TODAY! NOGALES INTERNATIONAL, 225 Grand Avenue, Nogales, Arizona. Put my name on subscription list to begin at once. Send bill ( ) —or remittance enclosed ( ) Name i Address $2.50—1 year $1.50 —6 months VISITORS LEAVING TODAY FOR PARKER Rev. F. C. Taylor and wife are leaving today for their home in Parker after visiting their daugh ter, Mrs. Harold Stiles, and family. They will be accompanied home by their grandson, Billy Stiles. Rev. and Mrs. Taylor journeyed to the Uni versity of Arizona commencement Wednesday night. Their danighter, Margaret Ann. was one of the grad uates. FROM ALAMEDA Mr. ajnd Mrs. Harold Rauch ' Eliz abeth Dumbauld) of Alameda, Cali fornia, were here last week visiting Mrs. Rauch' mother. Mrs. A. Dum bauld. Rudy Cooper and family left Tuesday to spend the summer in Boulder. Colo. Miss Robin Nelson, high school librarian, left Wednesday for Los Angeles where she will remain dur ing the summer. Joe Rosenthal, photographer for a San Francisco paper, was here Tuesday enroute home from a va cation trip to Mexico City. NOGALES, ARIZ., SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1941 New U. S. Submarine Is Launched JLk ' I - ; : l§§,. Uncle Sam’s latest submarine, the U. S. S. Drum, is shown here going down the ways at Portsmouth, N. H., navy yard. Mrs- Thomas Holcomb, wife of the Major General Commandant Thomas Holcomb, U. S. marine corps, was the sponsor of the Drum. A 1934 act of congress authorized this latest addition to our fighting fleet. STATE COMMISSIONERS HERE FROM PHOENIX Corporation Commissioners Amos A. Betts. William Petersen and Wilson T. Wright were here Sun day enroute to Phoenix from a busi ness trip to Bisbee. According to reports from Phoenix, Betts will be a candidate for reelection in 1942. He is now chairman of the com mission. AT DOUGLAS DANCE Misses Mary Eva Smith. Helen and Mary Louise Damon, and Robert Bloss. attended a dan'e in Douglas Saturday night. FISHING TRIP F. E. Westerlund, Ted Chaney, and Victor J. Wager. Jr., left Tues day to spend ten days fishing in Northern Arizona. C. H. McNulty, manager of the Citizens Utilities Company, return ed Wednesday from a trip to Bisbee and Douglas. Ferald W. Parks nas returned from Culiacan where he was sta tioned during the winter vegetable shipping season. date A. Gatlin of Patagonia graduated from the University of Arizona Wednesday. Mrs. J. L. Kuykendall has left for Menard, Texas, where she has been called by the illness of her mother. ZACHARIAS’ FATHER DIES IN ST. LOUIS Dr. Charles S. Smith received a ' telegram Wednesday announcing | the death in St. Louis. Mo., of the | father of William P. Zacharias, for ! mer Nogales business man. Funeral i services were held at the Wills Fu ! neral Heme in St. Louis yesterday, j The deceased was a pioneer St. ! Louis merchant. Bill Moery, son of Mr. and Ralph j Moery. and Athol Flanagan, son of j Mrs. J. H. Flanagan, had their ; tonsils removed yesterday. Sheriff and Mrs. J. J. Lowe will i attend the commencement at the | State Teacher’s College in Tempe ! ! Wednesday. Their daughter Lucille ; is one of the graduates. Harry Lowe, who attends the Uni i vensity of Arizona, arrived last evening from Tucson to spend the 1 : summer with his parents. Sheriff and Mrs. J. J. Lowe. Maximum temperature the past ; ; week was 94 degrees Monday, and : minimum, 51, yesterday. Puzzling sequel to the Tale of Old ! Rip Van Winkle, Dan Packer, pop- j ular sports writer, discovers, a des ! cendant of the long-distance sleeper taking life easy today up in the; Catskills, and uncovers a peculiar : controversy over a missing stone wall tha.t old Rip himself may have built. Don’t miss this odd. original. : mirth-provoking- feature in The I American Weekly, the magazine dis- ! 1 tributed with next week’s LOS AN- i f GELES EXAMINER. (Adv.) j i Miss Eugenia Brown, who taught here the past school year, left Wed ’ nesday to join her father who is a surgeon with the 4th Marines at i Penssccla. Florida. He was recently ! stationed in Shanghai. 1 ! I Orville Field has returned from a i trip to Guaymas. Miss Estella Caste ten and mother left Sunday to make their home in Tucson. I John George got back Sunday ! from a trip to Mexico City. NOGALES THEATER SATURDAY Richard Arlen in “POWER DIVE” and Cecil Romero in ‘RIDE ON VAQUERO’’ j I ■ | SUNDAY | James Stewart, Hedy Lamaar in “COME LIVE WITH ME MON., TUES., WED. | Jack Benny, Fred Allen in “LOVE THY NEIGHBOR” THURS. & FRI. j Lou Abbott, Bud Costello in 1 “BUCK PRIVATES” VACATION TRIP TO PACIFIC NORTHWEST Mr. and Mrs. Ferald W. Parks are leaving next week in their new Chrysler coupe on a vacation trip to San Diego, San Francisco, and on | up the Columbia highway to Port land. Oregon, and Boise, Idaho. Mr. Parks was reared near Boise and this is his first visit back there since he came to Nogales in 1916 with the 2nd Idaho Infantry. GRADUATE ENLISTING IN AVIATION SCHOOL Alto Coffin, who graduated las; j week from Nogales high school, left Monday for San Diego where he expects to enlist in an aviation' school. He was accompaneid by his father, Milton Coffin, who is lo*i eating in California, and they wilT.j be joined there the middle of June j by Mrs. Coffin and the other three Baffin children—a son and two dajughters. The Coffins, residents of Nogales for the past nine years, have sold their Sunshine Cleaners, 339 Morley Avenue, to a Mr;. Car rasco. Mrs. Mary Welty has rented' her home in Jund Heights for the sum mer months to E. R. Price, owner of the Close-In Courts at Tucson,, and the Jefferson Mine nortth. of Nogales. Jeff Parker and family were in town Tuesday from Parkei Canyon, j Ed Sloan and Dick Wdoddfell have ; returned from a fishing trip to the J Arizona Ranch in Sonora. Sloan, a recent hgh school graduate, will : attend the Northern Arizona Teach- j er’s College at Flagstaff this fall, j I watched the Old World crumble. < Extraordinary memoir’s of one' of the j former leaders of Russian and i French aristocracy, who paints an intimate never-before-revealed pic- i ture of the trivialities, tragedies, and j comedies of European courts and personalities. Don’t miss the open-1 ing chapter in The American Week- j ly, the magazine distributed with 1 next week’s LOS ANGELES EX- | AMINER. ( Adv.) I Lincoln Hathaway has resigned his job at the Standard Oil service | station to accept a position at thei J. C. Penney store. SEIF.BASTINO j yt,.:;’- " ! Keeps me»t» moijt PORCELAIN ENAMEL . L i capacity. Reinov- A . tIZO-WATT >r‘ 1 able for cleaning. ELEMENT i Assures even heat L pt.i^nd^d~ l keeps kitchen cool / ' in 18-QUART ' RIM If IS ’ OVEN Here’s the biggest bargain ever offered in electric cooking. y A famous Westinghouse Roaster*Oven that ccoks every- *'■— Mtmxr.-. thing—from complete, delicious oven meals to delicious Omi' ~~ ~ I angel food cakes. Gives you full 18-quart capacity at Wj l ! practically the same ope.’ cost as small 12-quart roasters. Easily portable—olu~ it in anv A-C wall outlet. ~ , - ' l-:i\ fer cooking, perfect for » . • . , , „ , serving end refrigerator storage. See It Today! Order Ydirz Wilde Tr.ov it*i L.-..-ge meat dUh and 2 covered dlehes. ON Terms---$3.95 Down—Balance $3.00 A Month To the first five purchasers we will give a free gift of a glassbake meat platter. BUY NOW! ..n* PlTizenS \J UTILITIES COMPANY W 316 Grand Avenue A NEW BOY 1 Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. ■ Harvey in. San Francisco. May 24, | a boy who. has been named “David.” | Mr. Harvey is mail dispatcher at the Nogales postoffice. Cedric Drew," who recently resign- j ed as manager of the Southern j Trust Company, is leaving today ; for his. home in Los Angeles. i NOTICE! NOTICE IS HEREBY GlVEN,,that the TAX ROLLS OF SANTA CRUZ COUNTY, ARI ZONA, for the year 1941, are now on file in the office of the Board of Supervisors of* Santa Cruz County, at the Court House in Nogales, Arizona, and open to inspection by any interested persons and tax payers, desirmgr to iiispect the same. FURTHER N OTICK, is, given, that the Board of Supervisors will meet in their office in the Santa Cruz County Court House on Monday June 2nd, 1941, and will sit: as a Board of Equal ization and will continue in session from time to time until the business of equalization is com pleted; provided however the Bharrf of Equali zation will conclude all matters to come before their June meeting not later than Tiiesdav June 10th, 1941. ALL TAX PAYERS having matters of equal zation to come before the said Board of equali zation will appear before the said board during the first ten days of June, during which time due consideration wall be given matters of valuation. Dated May 20th, 1941. WILLIAM G. SIMONTON, Clerk, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, Santa Cruz County, Arizona. OlfO PAGE TWO CAMPING TRIP! j Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson ; and twin daughters, Helen and j Frances, left Monday for. a two ! weeks camping trip in . the F*ayson diatridt.. ' VACATION ONn COAST I | Miss Bee McGinnis, teacher at ; Elm. school left Monday to spend i the summer, in. San. Francisco.