Newspaper Page Text
NOGALES INTERNATIONAL— Nogales’ Home Newspaper— #Socieh j Lions Picnic In Honor Os Newlyweds Complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. John rata* (Mary 'Verne Farrier) a picnic supper was given by the T.irms Club at the Lions swimming pool in Camp Little Tuesday even ing. Among those present wene Messrs, and Mesdames Gordon Farley, Z. B. Noon, J. D. Jones, P. J. Kaanta, K. C. Rader, Fortunate TOazon, "R. pinosa, Don Dann. George Boren, F. E. Westerlund, Louis Hudgin, Mack Lewis, Swan, C. E. Utzman of Tucson, and Messrs. William G. S-monton, Sr., Alberto Manuel and Robert Palms. ATTEND NEW MEXICO COMMENCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. K. K Hood and daughter Nanette and son Dickj •will return Tuesday from Albuquer que where they attended the Uni versity of New Mexico commence ment exercises. Mr. and Mrs. Hood’s son Philip was one of the graduates, fillip will accompany tavern to Nogales as *lll also his sister. Miss Martha Hood, a sopho more at the University of New Mexico. ********* LEAVE FOB EL FASO Mrs.' IS. 3. Tfamer and-too chil dren left Monday to Visit lor a wofck with Mr. DirtteneFs sister to ET Paso »nd then will go to La Junta, Colo., to spend, a week visiting 'Mrs. Dttt mar’s parents before joining Mr. gi shcin now home in Cali fornia. The Dittmers were married in Nogales 12 years ago last day. ********* Mrs. A. J. Abbott :and Mrs. ißstlph Moery drove to Tut on Monday with Mrs. E. J. Dittmer and children .who took a train cEhene for 321 Paso * # * Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bowman re turned Monday from A .trip tto Phoenix. Plants, Shrubs, | Fruit and Shade 7 irees, and other Nursery Stock, are obtainable in your home town now nfi the new NOGALES i NURSERY A department of The j Nogales Feed 1 & Seed Store A. W. STEEN SETS M 5 Grand Phone u 36 Attention, Visitors To Mexico! ■See us for FKC£ TRAVEL IN*»RMATWWL Vfe specialize in all services netted by businessmen. tourists *n« sportsmen into Mexico.. Auto Idnrumc, Money E*clu®gt jjttg the best rates Sn town), faeUttics for Tourism Cards, Auto Permits, Business Passports, avid ««M»*nete as raApements for HmtfKng and Ftsfcfcag Trips. BANCO DEL PACIFICO, S. A. TOERIGTTIEPARTMESET 110 Gnal Avenue Phone 95 Nogales, Arinu* M FINE PREMIUMS AND GOOD v FLOUR ASK YOUR GROCER ABOUT THE BEAUTI FUL CHINA WARE GIVEN AWAY WITH : LA PINA FLOUR For sale at all grocery stores. ESCALAMBROTHERS WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS Poem Os Former Nogalian Accepted A poem entitled "Fanthamless,” j recently written by Miss Margaret Karam, 15-yean-oid daughter of Joe Karam of Los Angeles, formerly of Nogales, has been accepted by the National High School Poetry Asso ciation. It will appear shortly in the as sociation’s magazine. ********* 3 NOG ALLANS GRADUATE AT STATE UNIVERSITY Nogales students graduating from the University of Arizona in Tucson Wednesday night were Winifred Miller, bachelor of arts in educa ; tion • Fannie Rochlin, bachelor of arts; and Virginia Anne White, ; bachelor of science in education. Miss'Miller is a daughter of Mr. 1 and Mrs. Hugo W. Miller; Miss ( Rochlin ft daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Rochlin, and Miss White a j daughter of Mrs. Nona White. ********* I CELEBRATE TWO ANNIVERSARIES Mr. and'Mrs. W. J. Phillips gave a party Sunday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sykes. It was Mr. •and Mrs. 'John Phillips’ 13th wed ding- anniversary and Mr. and Mis. Sykes’ flHeocth. - ********* VACATION TRIP TO LOUISIANA i Harry CShemln and family are leaving tomorrow to spend ft month vacationing in Louisiana. ********* a TO MONTANA Mis. Orville Field and nephew. Bobby Bough ton left yesterday for Dillon. Montana, to spend six or eight-: weeks. ********* STUDENTS HOME Misses Nancy Marsteller, Willa Bird and Armida Loaiza, students « at Villa Carondolet in Tucson came heme Wednesday for the summer vacation. .TRIP TO' VIRGINIA Mrs. H. J. Mallery is leaving, Tuesday to spend a month at her j old home in Virginia and visiting her daughter in Flint, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Charles ]>McGdmsey (Marjorie Bird) arrived Thursday j from iLos Angeles for a visit with: relatives. Mr.?JocGimsey fe; a son of , Chief of Police J. A. McGimsey and ; Mrs. iWCGimsey a daughter of At- | tome y 'Duane Bard. Mrs. A. J. Abbott has returned from a three wedis visit with her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Johnson, sad family’, of Westwood a suburb of Los Angeles. ********i* Mrs. “Victor J. Water, Jr., and two sons visiting relatives .In Phoenirs. NOGALES, ARIZ., SATURDAY, MAY 31,1941 Flagstaff College Celebrates 40th Anniversary £ v _ f WtfTUHt wm liftH k jfP il jrapH|Hp 1 IP®' Jr msß S WH 9 %. J 'M H wM ffl NEUMANN M Preswemt td. Commencement fim Ml tor mgc spermed J® Bw/955 |g Wmm MjnflHHnH B| FOJZT/E.-M -fINhtnfiZRSM&.OFTHE F/ZST | GRfiJWGTtNQ OJiSS OF ARIZONA ST/ITE ■! T£*QHEG£ C&U.EQE ATRJtgerAFF Commencement at Arizona State Teachers college at Flagstaff this year wSU also mark the fortieth an- ■ nlversary of the first graduation j class at the college back in 1901. At that time four students, all wo- j men, had completed the prescribed ; courses and were presented with their diplomas by Dr. A. N. Taylor, - the first president of the college. Starting with a student body of 38, !, Manuel Louie And Bride BachFromTrip , I Mr. -and Mrs. Manuel Lowe j' (Eloise Thick) returned Saturday J night from a wedding trip to Pres-' cott. They were married two wepks ago | today at Patagonia. i 1 The bride, a native of Fresno, j Calif., was formerly employed at : Levy’s Border Case. Mr. Lowe is employed at th* 1 i Western Auto Supply Company. | They have gone to housekeeping at 315 West Street. *♦**►* *•*.** Mrs. Verne Bingham and Mrs. i Clifford Van Daren of Yuma and I Louis G. Hoff of Guadalajara, were : guests the past week-end at the , home of Mr. and Mrs. John Phll ! lips on Marsh Heights. Mrs. Brng- , j ham and Mrs. Van Daren are sis | ters of Mrs. Phillips. j *'**MlUMMMr* I Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilde left yesterday to spend ten days visiting their son at Corpus Christi, Texas. | -A:*-*:*:*-*-*-*-* Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hannah of . Tucson spend Memorial Day with Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith of Hud gin street. r Mrs. Flora Jane Igo of Marsh Heights has returned from a visit with relatives in Yuma. ********* Mr. and Mrs. Jake Rochlin saw t&heir daughter, Miss Fannie Roch lin, graduate at the University of Arizona Wednesday evening. i ■ . i Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Russell and son. Bowman of Phoenix were guests Thursday at the home of Mr. • and Mrs. Wirt G. Bowman. ■' ' | Members of Saint Andrews Auxi liary Guild will meet Monday after- ! ' waon to 3 tfoelock to .the Parish Hall. -• ********* - 1 . ■ - . ■) Miss Eugenia Brown left Wednes day to spend the summer in Pensa- j cola. Florida, tors. R. M. Harrison and two chil dren). Bee and Jimmie, left Tuesday to spend several weeks in Boswell, New Mexico. • IN FULL BLOOM GREAT WILD GAME AND FRESH GUAYMAS SEAFOOD Dinners At The Famous '•[ - CAVERN CAFE 1 Nogales, Sonora, Mexico NO COVER CHARGE • a faculty of two, and a campus with one building, the college has enjoyed | a phenomenal growth so that today lit plays ft large part to educational j service to the Southwest. Unique ! among teachers colleges, it now has ja greater , number of men than wo men enrolled as students. The first term to which the men outnumbered the women on the campus was the winter quarter of the 1931-32 aca 'demic -year. Commencement activities this year | will begin June 1 with the baccalau j reate service at which the Rt. Rev. j Walter Mitchell, Episcopal bishop of i the missionary district of Arizona, jwJTI deliver an address, “Hie Place of the Student in the Modern j World.’'’ ! On June 4, Dr. Henry Neumann, ihead of Society of Ethical Culture, J S Brooklyn. N. Y., will deliver the | commencement address, “Putting j j Your Education to Use.” Dr. Neu- ! 'mann is listed in Who's Who, and! ; is one of the top ranking educators of the nation. Dr. T. J. Tormey, present presi dent of the college, and eighth in ; the succession of administrators | which began with President Taylor, Church Picnic At Mallery Park * Rev. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor of 1 Salome, former residents qf No gales, who have been guests at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Harold ! Stiles, and family, for the past few days, were guests of honor at a pic nic given by members of Saint An drews at Mallery Park Thursday ev ening. Those attending were Rev. and Mrs. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tovrea, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Edmonson, Mun ro, Earloyde, Colin and Travis Ed monson, Mrs. H. J. Hams, Mrs. J. C. Glissan, Mrs. Gladys Kelly, Miss Joanne Camming, Mr. and Mrs. j Harold Stiles and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Carroon, .Mrs. Irene Sturdevant, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Hail and family, and Miss Trixie . Jund. i ’ ’ ARTHRITIS Don’t despair , come relief in of retie* from Don I Arthritie due ; terrible Arthri- * to Sulphur de tis aches or ,_: WA ficiency. Smalt pains. The y l ' o daily cost. Mon- NEW Colloidal ey back if no lodized Sulphur UD relief after 30 capsules called . * days' dosage. h °Pa I !3&Y ,atl ” ! Your Druggist has SULFHO-KAPS will present diplomas to 45 candi dates for the bachelors degree and five for the masters degree. These will bring close to the 900 mark the number of degrees he has conferred during his administration. In the accompanying picture are shown the principal participants in the graduation exercises of 1901, Dr. Taylor, and of 1941, Dr. Tormey and Dr. Neumann. In the background is shown the Old Mato, the first building on the campus, and still the scene of much of the academic work which the college offers. m" ’z.i ~11. gf' : love, leather, white A brushed siu ed e j Bfe Napline soles, fibre heels. \9 QC with turf tan hH Quality! yL*JO trim! Sizes 4 1 - to M , ■■ ■■JJH4R !■ W Wi BMPyr ; ppr FOTiF : For a foot - eas y summer for the whole family 111 CbLlibln ♦'i . . . come to'Penney’s! Here are sortie of the Q m oxfords miracle values you’ll find in smartly styled I $2.98 * summer shoes for every purpose! soft black kid, Women’s and Girls’ Slack Shoes ■UK VK leather soles. , Trim mannish style in saddle tan m MlttV % rubber tap, glove leather, unlined for cool com- /nn no heels! s1 e e fort,; Leather soles, rubber heels. N/.Hr) J I kS> lV T/ 5 * wehs! ■ Women’s Arch-Type Oxfords Ml Lightweight porousEIXTR A VALUES in Pm. PI AV U these black kid sh oes! Leather ■« f|o ° > 1 vHi lL ! ters, insoles, outsole-s! Rübber. ■H leather heels. Cl AO ■ : Fabric Plavtime Wedgies , . TU rt * an on BLighweight porus h hopsacking for cool comfort! Perspira.tion-resistant Sani-<P| Qn leather Cmk linings! Blue with petal blue^l # j 5 ' and rubber . SI.OOB Winr tip models with leather soles, tjx heels. At. P«M, low prtMlto-JO , # PASTE POLISH-Las. ta r Shine hi Men’s Tan Sport Oxfords WHrrE SHOE “"Hh-m'iWu.:* P Yeung men’s favorites! Heavy * LIQUID CXJxMBINATI ps POLISH 9, M tails, broguish lines in anUqUed s/ # JJj) sßeg ’ U ’ S ’ ° ff ’ 111 Morlty Avenue NOOALES. ARIZONA Bertha Krenz To Wed In Alaska Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krentz an nounce the approaching marriage ' of their daughter, Bertha, to Pey ton C. Ramer of Sitka, Alaska, July 5. Miss Ann Krentz, Nogales j I teacher., and Miss Emma Jean Bohn | j will accompany Miss Krentz to, i Juneau and she will go to Sitka,; ; where she will be married. —Bisbee j Review. j FAREWELL PARTY | Miss Pauline Arend was hostess . at a farewell party this week for i j Miss Daisy Parker who has left for' i her home in Parker Canyon after j being here for the school year. CATHOLIC CHURCH ; Sundays: Masses at 6:30, 8 and 11. Week-Days: Mass at 6:30. * CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH i Church shool 10 o'clock. Pilgrim Fellowship, same hour. Worship service 11 o’clock. Theme, “The World’s Great Men j and The World’s Great Book.” Doc | tor Smith will speak. Mrs. Don M. ■ Taylor, will sing, “Come Ye Blessed i of My Father” as a special solo, and j there will be music by the choir as well. Mrs Walter Noon will preside i at the piano. O. A. SMITH. D. D. Minister. | ___________ METHODIST CHURCH j ! ROBERT A. BLUME, Minister 9:45 A. M.—Church school. 1 10:35 A. A.—Morning worship. i Sermon “What Are We Worth?”’ by ! the pastor. 3:00 P. M.—Preaching service at j Patagonia -6:00 P. M. —Intermediate League. ! j Election of officers. 7:00 P. M.—Senior League. Elec i tion of officers. PAGE THREE Boy Scout Activities By CHARLES E. POWELL, JR. A board of review was held Mon day night instead of the regular weekly meeting of troop 27. Several boys were reviewed on tenderfoot awards, second class and merit badge awards. The camporee planned for today will begin at two o’clock. Ehibits in handicraft ability, firebuilding compass work, knot tying, cooking and many other events are planned. The oaanporee will terminate with a court of honor. TO CHICAGO Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyle left Monday for their home in Chicago after visiting Mrs. Boyle's sister, Mrs. John Fast. They were accom panied by Mrs. G. E. Haegg, mother of Mrs. Fast, who will spend the summer in Chicago. **&s#*£#* Roland Bibolet, Jr., is returning tomorrow from the University of Arizona to spend the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bibolet. To look yottr best five year hair regular treatments and enjoy one of our shampoos and finger*- waves. I j ! Fountain Os Youth BEAUTY SHOP Phone 58—214 Grand Ave.