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Nogales’ Home Newspaper— LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF UNIM PROVED REAL ESTATE OWN ED BY THE CITY OF NOGA LES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mayor and Board of Ald ermen of the City of Nogales will at the hour of 8:00 o’clock P. M., on the 16th day of June, 1941, re ceive written bids for the purchase of the unimproved real estate own ed by the City of Nogales and par ticularly described as follows: PARCEL 1. Beginning at the southwest comer of Lot thirteen j (13) in Block one (1) of Nogales; Towrurite, thence northerly and per- , pendicularly to the north line of j Noon Street, a distance of appro- j ximately ninety-five and thirty eight hundredths (95.38) feet to a ! point on the prolongation westerly j of the north line of Lot thirteen j <l3 > in said Block one (1); thence j easterly thirty and four hundredths (30.04) feet, more on less, to the j northwest comer of said Lot thir- j teen (13); thence southwesterly along the westerly side line of said j Lot thirteen (13) to the southwest coiner of said Lot thirteen (13), ’ the point of beginning; being a j portion of Lot two (2) in block 1 of Nogales Townsite in the City of j Nogales. Santa Cruz County, State i of Arizona. PARCEL 2. Lots Ninety - eight (98), One Hundred (100) and One Hundred Two (102), according to the amended plat of the Western Subdivision of the City of Nogales, 1 Santa Cruz County, Arizona, as surveyed October 1-15, 1935, by W. H. Roper and as delineated on the map or plat thereof on file In the office of the County Recorder of Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Separate bids must be submitted : for said parcel 1 and for one or j more- of the lots constituting par-! cel 2. Bids must be delivered to the j City Clerk of the City of Nogales i net later than the hour above nam ed. The right is reserved to rejeet and or all bids and the City of No- i gales will convey said real estate to j the successful,bidder or bidders by ! quit-claim -deed. DATED May 9, 1941. ALEX L. DURAZO. City Clerk. i (Publish May 10, 17. 24. 31 and i June 7, 1941). i STATE OF ARIZONA ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION | TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRE- j SENTS SHALL COME. GREET- | ING: I. WILLIS G. ETHEL, SECRE- j TARY OF THE ARIZONA COR PORATION COMMISSION, DO I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT the an- j nexed is a true and complete trans- [ cript of the AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION ' OF ‘ THE S. LEEKER DRY GOODS j COMPANY.” Renewing corporalje existence for' an additional twenty-five years. j which was filed in the office of the ' said Arizona Corporation Cominis- ■ sion on the Ist day of May A. D.,' 1841 at 3:00 o’clock P. M.. as pro- i vided by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I j ■HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND , AND AFFIXED THE OFFICIAL; SEAL OF THE ARIZONA COW- ! PORATTON COMMISSION, AT. THE CAPITOL, IN THE CITY OF PHOENIX, THIS Ist DAY OF MAY A. D. 1941. (SEAL) WILLIS G, ETHEL. Secretary. By D. PALMER. Assistant Secretary. AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE S. LEEKER DRY GOODS COM PANY THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at a special meeting of t!«e stockhold ers of The S. LeeJter Dry Goods 'Company, a corporation, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Arizona, held at the office of the company at the City of Nogales, County of Santa Cruz, State of Arizona, on the 22nd day of April, 1941, due and legal notice of the time, place, and purpose of such meeting having been .sent to all stockholders, by a vote of all of the owners of all of the issued and outstanding capital stock of said The S. Leeker Dry Goods Company, said owners being present in person, a resolution was passed which, among other things, authorized the amendment of Ar ticle IV of the Articles of Incorpor ation of said The S. Leeker Dry NOGALES INTERNATIONAL- f LEGAL NOTICE I Goods Company to be and read as follows: . ; • “ARTICLE IV “The life, tenure, and exist ence of this corporation shall be, and hereby is, renewed and extended for the period ending May 14th, 1966, and the right of renewal and succession as provided by law shall be re tained and enjoyed by this corporation.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF said The S. Leeker Dry Goods Com pany has caused this certificate to be executed by its president and its corporate seal hereunto affixed and attested by its secretary this 22nd day of April. 1941. (SEAL) BENJAMIN CAPIN. President. Attest. P. M. CAPIN, Secretary. STATE OF ARIZONA COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ—ss. This instrument was acknowl edged before me this 22nd day of April. A. D. 1941, by Benjamin Capin as President of The S. Leek er Dry Goods Company, who stated that he executed such instrument on behalf of said company for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. DUANE BIRD Notary Public. My commission expires December sth, 1944. (SEAL) ENDORSEME NT ARIZONA CORPORATION COM MISSION INCORPORATING DIVISION FILED MAY 1. 1941. At 3:00 P. M.. at request of Duane Bird whose address is Noga les. Arizona. WILLIS G. ETHEL, Secretary. By FLORENCE E. LANGE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ. IN THE MATTER OF THE ) ADOPTION OF SUZONNE ) JANE MEDLEN • ORDER Herman C. Medlen and Cecile B Medlen, husband and wife, naving filed in this Court their petition for the adoption of Suzonne Jane Medlen, a minor child, IT IS ORDERED that the mat ter of said petition shall be heard in the Court Room of said Sup erior Court in the Court House, in the City of Nogales. Samta Cruz County, State of Arizona, on the Ist day of July. 1941, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M., ana that a copy of said petition and this order shall be published once a week for three (3) successive weeks in the Nogales International, a weekly newspaper published and of genera i. circulation in Santa Cruz County, State of Arizona, the last publica tion to be on May 31. 1941. ORDERED FURTHER, that no further notice of said hearing shall be given. DATED this 16th day of May, j 1941. WILLIAM G. HALL, Judge of Said Su-! peri or Court. i l (Pub. May 17. 24, 31. 1941). f IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Os Santa Cruz County STATE OF ARIZONA NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of H. E. MirJJJibe. also known as HARRY EDWARD MIEL LER. deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned J. J. Goodman, administrator with the Will annexed of the estate of H. E. Mielier also known as Harry Ed ward ‘Mieller deceased, to the ered j itors of and all persons having : claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice to the said Administrator at the law office of Nasib Karam, Room 11. La VUle de Paris Building at Nogales. Arizona, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate, in said 1 County of Santa Cruz. J. J. GOODMAN, Administrator with the Will annexed of the es tate of H. E. Mieller. al so known as Harry Edward Mieller, deceased. Dated this 15th day of May, 1141. j Publish May 17. 24. 31, June 7. 1941. , IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF SANTA CRUZ COUNTY, STATE OF ARIZONA. In the Matter of the ) ! Estate of ) NOGALES, ARIZ., SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1941 LEGAL NOTICE CARLOTA DE LA VEGA ) VTUDA DE ALMADA. ) Deceased. ) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. Notice is hereby given that M. C. LITTLE has filed with the Clerk of this Court a petition praying for Letters of Administration of the Estate of CALOTA DE LA VEGA VIUDA DE ALMADA, deceased, that Saturday, the 7th day of June, 1941, at 10:00 o’clock A. M.. of said day, at the Court Room of said Court, in Nogales in said County of Santa Cruz, has been appointed for hearing said petition, at which time and place any person inter ested may appear and show cause why said petition should not be granted. Dated May, 15th. 1941. HELEN O'KEEFE. Clerk. (Publish May 17. 24 . 31. 1941). IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN i AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ. SOUTHERN ARIZONA BANK) & TRUST COMPANY, a ) corporation, ARCHIE R. ) ( CONNER, and GERALD ) JONES, as Trustee under the ) j Last Will and Testament of ) William W. Huggett, de- ) ' ceased. ) j Plaintiffs, ) . • vs. / | CARL PARKER GRIFFIN > ' .-j and BERTHA GRIFFIN ) I CROWELL, ) Defendants. ) No. 3445 SUMMONS • ■ f THE STATE OF ARIZONA to the above named defendants CARL PARKER GRIFFIN and BERTHA GRIFFIN CROWELL YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWEN TY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of this sum mons upon you if served within the State es Arizona, or within 1 THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without. the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, judgment toy default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. The name and address of plain tiffs attorney is Charles E. Con ner 303-6 Valley National Build ing, Tucson, Arizona. GIVEN under my hand and the seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona in and for the County of Santa Cruz . this 20th day of May, 1941. (SEAL) HELEN O'KEEFE. Clerk. (Pub. May 24,31, June. 7, 14, 21, 1941). notice: To the Taxpayers and residents of j all School Districts’in Santa Cruz County: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE TAXPAYERS AND RESIDENTS of Santa Cruz County, that a meeting will be held by the School Trustees of the fol lowing described school districts | with the residents and taxpayers of j j their respective school districts, at | eleven o’clock A. M. on Saturday. | June 7, 1941, in order that the tax ' payers and residents may consider and discuss the proposed school budgets for their various school dis tricts for the fiscal year of 1941- 1942, and approve or protest the inclusion and exclusion of any item therein: Nogales School District No. 1, Administration Building. Caiabasas School District No. 3, Calabasas School House. Tubac School District No. 5. Tu bac School House. Tubac, Ariz. Patagonia School District No. 6, Patagonia School House, Patagonia.. Ariz. Harshaw School District No. 7, Harshaw School House. Lochiel School District No. 9. Washington Camp School House. Oanille School District No. 10. Canille School House. Parker Canyon School District No. 11. Parker Canyon School House. Amado School District No. 13, A made School House, Amado. Ariz. Montana School District No. 19. Ruby School House. Elgin School District No. 20, Elgin School House. Red Rock School District No. 22. Red Rock School House. Sonoita School District No. 25, Soncita School House, Sonoita. Santa Cruz School Dist. No. 28. Santa Cruz School House. Patagonia Union High School No. 2, Patagonia Union H. S. Building. Patagonia. This provision is made according to House Bill No. 126. as passed by Site Near Here Proposed For Coronado Memorial PHOENIX. May 30— (U.P.)—A tract of 2,800 acres near Nogales has been selected tentatively as site of ! the proposed memorial to Francisco s Vasquez de Coronado. Spanish ex plorer. The proposed memorial grounds j would l'e squarely on the interna j tionai border between Arizona and ! Mexico. Both the United States and . Mexico would participate in main- I tenance cf the project. The National Park Service al ready has outlined plans for devel opment of the site and early con gressional passage of a bill providing for the project’s estallshment was forecast. The two nations have agreed to contribute artifacts and historical mementos of both countries to a | museum which will be the chief at-! traction at the memorial. | Three Stolen Cars Recovered Three automobiles stolen in No gales last, week-end were recovered the first of the week by the sheriff's ; office and State Patrolman R. G. Michelena. The cars belonged to Herman Medlen, Manuel Guaydacan and Juan Hernandez. j LEGAL NOTICES! the Fifteenth Legislature 1941. MRS. LULA R- LAREMORE, COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT OF SANTA CRUZ COUNTY. Dated May 31. 1941. IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF ! THE STATE OF .ARIZONA j IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ IN THE MATTER OF THE ) ESTATE OF H. E. MIELLER ) i also known as ) , HARRY EDWARD MIELLER. ) .. Deceased. ) NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ; ESTATE Notice is hereby given that under Out-Of-Town Printers ... Don’t pay taxes here. Don’t bay their groceries from Nogales merchants. Don’t come here for their furniture. Don’t patronize Nogales garages or service stations. Don’t purchase shoes and sox here. Don’t wear Nogales clothing. Don’t smoke cigars and cigarettes bought in Nogales. Don’t ride on tires bought in Nogales. Don’t keep their money in Nogales banks. r> f .± Tyl/C 1 Pint Don’t pay wages to Nogales labor. IJUI VV £j LJU • When in the market for printing needs remember that money spent with the Nogales Interna tional stays in Nogales and keeps the wheels of Nogales industry moving. We PRINT or SELL . . . —A— —E— M- -Q- — T - Announcements Envelopes , Mentis , Questionnaires | lags Advertising Folders Envelope Blanks Milk Coupons Tickets Engraved Cards Manuscript Covers Time Cards Meal Ticket* —S— & Typewriting Paper ~ 8 ~ F _ Monthly Statements Briefs Folders Mortgages _y_ Bill Head 3 Financial jStatements Mimeograph Paper Sale Bills * r % Blotters r- Schedules Ungummed Labels Business Cards _ . -N- Statements Booklets Greeting Cards —V— * Grocers’ Statements Name Cards snow carai Gummed Labels Note Heads Society Stationery Vouchers ® Notes. Promissory stock Blotters Visiting Cards Calendar Blotters ~ __o_ Store Sale Bills Cards mg Hand Bills —' —W— Catalogues Holiday Letter Heads order Books Cheeks Hot Check Notices Office Forms —r_ Warrants Charge Slips Hotel Note Heads Wedding Invitations Coupons _ p _ • Road Signs « Wrappers Contracts , Receipts Circulars Invitation Cards Placards —Y— Christ™* Invoice Forms Prescription Blinks Remittance Enclosures Christmas Cards postal Carda Yankee Statements —k—, Pamphlets Year Books —D— Labels Posters Report —«-ets Drafts Lease Forms Premium Lists Rent Cards —Z— 'Jetu, Letter Heads Programs Dance Programs Ledger Sheets Punching j. Rubber Stamps Zinc Cuts Phone 45-W Woaales Unternaticmal El fl I JFhiS MOTIVATING HERITAGE OF OURS HAS MADE AMERICA WHAT IT 1$ AND HAS RESULTED IN HISTORY'S GREATEST AGGREGATE OF INDIVIDUALS 7 THRIFT H7£ BILLION IN LIFE INSURANCE OWNED BY 65 MILLION AMERICANS TODAY. and by virtue of an order issued by 1 the above entitled Count, the un- | dersigned administrator with the ; will annexed of the estate of H. E. j Mieller. also known as Harry Ed- I ward Mieller, deceased, will, on the ; 16th day of June, 1941, at 10: o’clock ; A. M., sell at private sale to the j highest and best bidden, subject to j confirmation by the said Court, the | following described real property, j to-wit: i Lots numbered One (1) and j Two (2) of the Walnut Grove Tract, as delineated an the plat made by H. Gordon Glore on November 12, 1915, which plat is of record in the office of the County Recorder of Santa Cruz County. Arizona, under the date of February 10. 1916. Bids will be received at the Law Office of Nasib Karam. Room 11, La Ville de Paris Building, Nogales, Arizona. The terms of the sale are, Cash United States Currency. DATED this 30th day of May, 1941. J. J. GOODMAN, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of H. E. Mieller, also knows as Harry Edward Mieller. (Pub. May 31, June 7. 14, 1941), PAGE FOUR § “j4s the twig is bent the tree’s inclined” Often nowadays we bear a father say, "How can I make nay boy thrifty and get him to realize the value of a dollar " By placing a policy of insurance on his life and hepling him dur ing the early years to maintain it, the first step in a program of life -long saving is taken. And, morever, he gets the protection of life insurance at an exceptionally low rate. The Equitable Life Assurance Society Os The United States HERMAN C. MEDLEN, Agent SftcratehinsiS Forquick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athlete’s foot, scabies, rashes and other ex ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, coolir.T antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Greaseiess, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 33c trial bottle proves it, or your money back. Ask your c!ru?sist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. For quick relief from itching of eczenu, pjruplen athlete's foot, scabies, rashes and other ex ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, antiseptic, liquid D.D. D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or your money back. Ask youi druggist today for D* D. O. PHESOfUFTIOW- Lmbm Juice Recipe Meeks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If you suffer from rheumatic, arthri tic or neuritis pain. try this simple inexpensive home recipe that thousands are using. Get a package of Ru-Ex Compound today. Mix it with a quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons. It's easy. No trouble at ail and pleasant. You need only 2 table t spoonfuls two times a day. Often i within 45 hours sometimes over night splendid results aro obtained. If the pains do not quickly leave and if you do not feel _ better, Ru-Ex wilt cost you northing to try as it is sold by your druggist under an absoluta ' money-badc _ guarantee. Ru-Ex 1 Compound is for sale and recotrt i mended by Good Drugstores Everywhere.