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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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NOGALES INTERNATIONAL— Nogales’ Home Newspaper- Plans For (Continued from Page One) measures. 2. State Unemployment Com oensation Commission. This com .•nission is regulating defense em ployment and training of skilled workmen in defense industries. 3. State Highway Department. A three-man board, headed by Supt. Hcrace Moore of the highway pa trol is concerned with transporta tion of troops, military supplies and industrial products. 4. Sheriffs' organizations. A vol unteer body, headed by the state’s 34 sheriffs, will function in times rtf disaster or emergencies in place erf the national guard which has teen called to active duty. 5 State Resources Planning- Board. This agency is concerned 'Kith natural resources, water pow er and development. 6. U.S. Bureau of Mines, which is engaged in a search for strategic minerals necessary to U.S. defense in wartime. 7. Private agencies, including' the YMCA, YWCA, Salvation Army, Boy Scouts, Red Cross, civic organi sations and other groups. AIR RAID SHELTERS The Arizona coordinating agency would be allied closely with the na tional defense civilian program, | | POCKET WATCH s|.so Chrome finished case, unbreakable crystal and easy-reading dial. Has a second-hand. Also NEW Ingersoll Sweep-Second Watches, $1.95 to $4.95. Xngeraoll-Watrrbury Company Water bury, Conn. | ALEC TRICITY SAYS: HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN Since the electrical system of your car was inspected? HAVE IT DONE NOW AT THIS SPECIAL LOW PRICE, BY TRAINED MECHANICS AND WITH GENUINE GENERAL MOTORS PARTS. 1. Clean and tighten battery terminals. ,2. Check battery, add water. 3. Clean distributor. 4. Check ignition timing. 5. Set and synchronize breaker points. 6. Clean and set spark plugs. 7. Check high tension wires. 8. Cheek generator output, check and set voltage regulator. 9: Test and focus headlights. 10. Cheek light switches, ll’ Test coil and condenser. Labor Only $2.60 “Everything That’s Best For Your Car” CHESHIRE MOTOR COMPANY Nogales, Arizona f|lf| create a sparkling impression than teeth that simply ill 4 glisten ... reason enough for me _ _ to use Calox Tooth Powder." In- I jr | deed! Calox is a real beauty tooth #m |||| 1 powder because it contains five TAAT „ DAum rn |f| Vai polishing ingredients. TOOTH POWDER JI : ’ * OUR DEMOCRACY — "—by Mat j headed by Mayor Lia Guardia of New York. This program is de signed to provide air raid shelters, civilian police, fire wardens, air plane spotters, gas wardens and anti-bomb squads. Arizona, ait present, has a defense council appointed by former Gov. R. T. Jones. The council, however, is virtually ham-strung because of lack of funds and has communicat ed to the governor the necessity of a larger agency, the spokesman said. It was believed Osborn would in corporate the present defense coun cil, headed by Col. Power Conway, NOGALES, ARIZ., SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1941 | Retails Sales In Arizona Gain 21 Per Cent * i PHOENIX. May 30—(U.P.)—The i U.S. Bureau of Census today re i ported sales of independent retailers in Arizona during April were 21 per cent higher than for the same month a year ago. 1 Sales for the first four months of j 1941 were 11 per cent above busi- I ness for the same period of 1940. the report sa’d. Department store sales registered Si gain of 33 per cent; apparel and furniture stores, 22 per cent; lum ber-building-hardware group. 18 per cent; general stores, 17 per’ cent; and food stores, one per cent. Stores located in areas of less than 2,500 population reported an average gain of 12 per cent. Phoe nix had a<n increase of 27 per cent over the previous year and Tucson in the coordinating agency. Insofar as military defenses aire concerned, it was pointed out, the state is well protected. Before the end of 1941 Arizona will have at least six army air corps bases in operation, mostly in the Tucson and Phoenix areas. HUACHUCA EXPANSION A scheduled expansion at Fort Huachuca, which now is training more than 5,000 troops, will boost the number of regular troops inside the state to more than 35.000. Boulder Dam has been under fed eral guard for several months while most of the state's private indus tries. including- Phelps Dodge Cop per Company, employ private police systems. TOURISTS! VISIT THE Concordia Bar HERMINIO MACIAS, Proprietor Just Across the Line ‘•tkrki&r The Best of Liquors and Reasonably Priced, too You’ll never forget a visit to The Concordia. Kidneys Must (lean Out Adds Excess acids, poisons and wastes in your blood are removed chiefly by your kidneys. i Getting up Nights, Burning Passages, Back ache, Swollen Ankles, Nervousness. Rheu matic Pains, Dizziness, Circles Under Eyes, and feeling worn out, often are caused by non-organic and non-systemlc Kidney and Bladder troubles. Usually In such cases, the very first dose of Cystex goes right to work helping the Kidneys flush out excess acids and wastes. And this cleansing, purifying Kidney action, in just a day or so. may eas ily make you feel younger, stronger and better than In years. A printed guarantee wrapped around each package of Cystex in sures an immediate refund of the full cost unless you are completely satisfied. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose under this positive money back guarantee so get Cystex from your druggist today for only 35c. J. A. McGimsey (Continued from Page One) from Boone county, Ky„ during the gold rush in the 1840's. He came to Arizona in 1910 and from then until 1914 was a mine operator in Mexico with residence at Douglas. He lived in Ajo from 1915 to 1917, Cottonwood from 1917 to 1924 and was engaged in the auto mobile‘business and farming in Mex ico from 1924 until 1930. the year he settled at Nogales. He is proprietor of the Aut-O-Tel tourist apartments, 1017 Morley ave nue, and the Mexico Guide ( Service specializing in hunting and fishing trips. The new chief's family consists of his wife and two children. Charles McGimsey of Los Angeles, who mar ried Miss Marjorie Bird of Nog-ales, and Miss Henrietta McGimsey who is employed by the agricultural col lege of the University of California at Davis, California. Bombing Range Near Sahuarita Proposed TUCSON, May 30—(U.P.)—Tuc son’s rapidly expanding civil and military airport facilities today were assured of further development. The state tax commission author ized the city to make a special $86,- 700 tax levy for purchase of a bombing range near Sahuaritai, completion of a new municipal air port and acquisition of additional land for an air base east of Tucson. 23 per cent. The report was cased on a survey of 246 retailers located throughout the state. % m cannot be duplicated elsewhere! Look over ■■ this long list of favorites and make YOUR iThis Newsnnnfir group a— select 2 magazines % pwpvl □ McCall’s Magazine 1 Yr. Q Pathfinder (Weekly) ...1 Yr. [' 1 Year anil □ True Romances 1 Yr. □ Modem Romances 1 Yr. L „ » U4IU uFact Digest 1 Yr. Q Silver Screen 1 Yr. & Five Matrnrinpc □* crcenland lYr - □ spom Afield i Y r. I IWO IVAIXyUAAIIoS □ American Boy 1 Yr. Q Open Road (Boys) 1 Yr. P ALL FOR PRICE Q American Girl 8 Mo. Q Science and Discovery.l Yr. SHOWN C Paren,s ’ Magazine -.6 Mo. □ Christian Herald 6 Mo. — GROUP 6 * SELECT 2 MAGAZINES \ ALL SIX □ Household Magazine „1 Yr. □ American Fruit Grower 1 Yr. < ONLY □ Home Arts Needlecraft..l Yr. □ Capper’s Farmer I Yr. If! A □ Pathfinder 26 Issues Q National Livestock VVj Bfgl □ Hunting and Fishing. ...1 Yr. Producer ..IYr. * • Ip JUU □ Successful Fanning IYr. □ National Sportsman IYr. I J GROUP C SELECT 1 MAGAZINE □ Comfort (Inch Good □ Leghorn World „I Yr. FOR BOTH Stories) 1 Yr. pi Amrriran pirrv Iml iVr i NEWSPAPER □ Farm Journal and O Amer.ou. Pltry. Jml Yr. AND Farmer’s Wife I Yr. ° Brccder * Gaiette „...l Yr. I MAGAZINES □ Mother’s Home Life 1 Yr. □ Rhode ls,and Rpd Jml. 1 Yr. I 1 ■ f<ilijM 1— □ Plymouth Rock Mthly.,,l Yr. □ Poultry Tribune 1 Yr. L Bm'8 m ' 1: I : sggss m, I *S ■ a is Sss-Sif-ss ■ iSA QS2SL lS5«* -15 Rw.rldOiS'"- Bis : s BssrtSSE:«* dvo “ ■ PILL OUT COUPON • MAIL TODAY PLEASE ALLOW 4to 6 WEEKS FOR FIRST MAGAZINES TO ARRIVE I iff Its 111 fGentlemen: I enclose $ _ lam enclosing the offer desired 1 with a vear’s subscription to your p? t >er. . mmnm g **«* s; - I I Ilfni M Ikd 4=l postoffice RFD I ! Neu) Shortcut Road, Bisbee To Ft. Huachuca 1 i BISBEE. May 30— (U.P.)—A new i road from U. S. 80 directly to Fort j j Huachuca today had approval of i the Cochise county board of super • visors. ! The new shortcut route would lea-d I from a point seven miles west of j here on Highway 80 throug h the San : Pedro valley to Fort Huachuca’. It [will cut the distance from the Fbrt j I ] Rheumatic Happy; Relieves Pain Quick Thousands who suffered from tiie torturing pains of rheumatism, sciatica, hxmbago, neu ralgia and neuritis—are certainly happy ov r their discovery of NURITO. Now they have found a quick-acting formula which speed.!/ relieves those exhausting muscular aches and , pains. NURITO is trustworthy and dependable —contains no opiates. If you wr.n! iokti again 'the joy of relief from pain—so you can work in peace and sleep in comfort—lie wise and try NURITO under this ironclad guarantee. If the very lirst tliree doses do not relieve that cruel | pain to your satisfaction —your money will be refunded. Don’t sutler. Ask your druggist today for NURITO on this guarantee.- (T.N.C.) Asthma Mucus Coughing, Gasping I Thanks to a Doctor’s prescription called j Mendaoo, thousands now palliate terrible re curring attreks of choking, gasping, cough- i I Lug, wheezing Bronchial Asthma by helping 1 nature remove thick excess mucus. No dopes, j no smokes, no injections. Just tasteless, i [ pleasant tablets. The rapid, delightful pal- j liative action commonly helps nature bring | welcome sleep—a “God-send.” A printed i i guarantee wrapped around each package of Mendaro insures an immediate refund of I the full cost unless you are completely sat- j isfied. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose under this positive money J back guarantee so get Mendaeo from your j druggist today for only 60c. to Bisbee from 42 miles to approx imately 24. INDIGESTION may affect the Heart G»3 trtprftd Ln atoouch or #uil«t may act like > hair-trigger on the heart. At the first sign of distress smart men and women deDend on Bell-an. Tablets to set gas free. No laxative but made of the fastest a. ting medicines known for acid indigestion. If the FIRST DOSE doesn't prove Bell-ana better, return ■ bott.ld to us and receive DOUBLE Money Back. 36c. ON GOING AHEAD JUST as the railroads turned to the new streamlined, high speed trains to afford travelers the utmost in ser vice so must a bank recognize its responsibility to its depositors and patrons by making available a financial service which meets all of the requirements of the day. This institution offers its customers every phase of banking service that is consistent with sound business dealing. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NOGALES Nogales, Arizona Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation I Notice Os Change In Schedules i EFFECTIVE May 16 schedules between Tuc son and Nogales will be as follows: Leave Tucson 8:30 A. M. Arrive Nogades 10:10 A. M. Leave Nogales 10:40 A. M. Arrive Tucson ....„ 12:15 P. M. | Leave Tucson 3:00 P. M. Arrive Nogales 4:40 P. M. Leave Nogales 5:00 P. M. Arrive Tucson 6:40 P. M. Citizens Auto Stage Company H. A. DALTON. MANAGER PAGE FIVE jNEURITIS^X Rheumatism" To relieve torturing pain of Rheumatism, Neuritis, Neuralgia, or Lumbago in a few minutes, get NURITO. the splendid formula, used by thousands. Dependable—no opiates. Does the work quickly. Must relieve cruel pain, to your satisfaction, in few minutes or your money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for NURITO on this guarantee.