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Saturday, September 28, 1918 •5* *s* *s* ❖ *2* * CLASSIFIED ♦ * ADVERTISEMENTS * «$# *’* Read These Ads Carefully. You’ll ❖ **• Find Just the Thing You Want + * FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE Watch Phoenix Grow 3-room house, fine shade, $1,050 — SSO Cash, sls a month. 5-room house, close in, $1,150 —$200 Cash, S2O a month. 7-rom house near High school, $2,100 —s3oo Cash, $25 a month. M. H. SHELTON, 215 W. Washington. Photography DON’T FORGET THE ADDRESS— Electric Studio, 37 W. Adams St. Ping Pong Photos, 3 positions, 10c doz. Post Cards, 3 for 25c; 60c doz. FOR SALE —$1600.00 4-room house, screen porch, bath, etc.; lot 50x140; close in on Jefferson street; small payment down, balance same as rent. BROUGHT & WILLARD Phone 1353 130 N. Central Ave. LODGES Have formed a club for the purpose of organizing a Temple of S. M. T.’s in Phoenix. We meet every Tuesday night at 1033 East Jefferson. Any lady desiring to become a member of this order will kindly meet with us any Tuesday evening at the above ad dress or call on Mrs. Ella M. Brown for further information. Initiation fee is $3. MRS. ELLA M. BROWN, Deputy Organizer. 1033 E. Jefferson Street V^EVERYTmNr' l " l MUsicAr* ,l "7 REDEWILL// \A MUSIC /Jy The Firm Vc\ Established That Made in Phoenix Arizona \ if in Musical \ I 1881 BARBER WANTED For Shop at Fort Whipple* Barracks Apply L. J. HARRIS, Box -tit), Prescott, Ariz. Keys Fitted and Duplicated CAPITOL CITY CYCLE CO. LETIS R. TEMPLIN, Manager Everything for the Bicycle 25-27 E. Adams St., Tel. 6-5-8 PHOENIX ARIZONA IT SURE IS DELICIOUS Donofrio’s Pure Ice Cream Vanilla Strawberry Chocolate Order Your Brick Ice Cream early Deliveries. 10:30 A. M., 11:30 A. M„ 2:30 P. M., 5:30 P. M. PHONE 4301 WHEN IN TUCSON VISIT THE DEMICA 106 W. Congress Street Home Cooking. Quick and Court eous Service 'A Trial Will Convince You J. A. C. JONES & Wm. WHITES. Props. HEATH STUDIO First Ave* & Adams : SOCIETY AND LOCAL NEWS | . . T T r T T T ......... I~ - . Mrs. Stewart Entertains . One of the pretty affairs of the past , week was the party given by Mrs. A. Stewart, of 238 West Jackson street. The entertainment was given m honor of Mrs. Ectelle Smith of Miami and ■ Miss Inez Stewart of Ray. Dainty re ( freshments were served and every one enjoyed them. The evening was spent ) at cards and other social games. The guest list included Mesdames Rice, Gilbert, James, Maddox, Washington, Wiggins, Lucas, Hall, Johnson and Russel, Messrs. Ben James, Jr., Hall, Gilbert, Lucas, Johnson, Allen, Harris, 1 Hammonds, Hartwood, Rodgers and 1 Russel. Music was furnished by Stewart and Allen. A bond in the hand is worth two in I the booth. i Home from Prescott Mrs. O. G. Howard, of 726 West Grant street, returned last week from * a three months’ vacation spent in Prescott and Ash Fork. Birthday Party Soon ‘ Mrs. E. J. Williams of 334 West 1 Lincoln street wishes to inform the ’ little children who received invita tions to Wander’s birthday party that f she is going to have the party real * soon. Be patient. 1 Notice Palm Chapter, No. 127, O. E. S., will meet the second and fourth Thurs days in each month, commencing Oc tober 3. Visiting members are cor dially invited to meet with us at Dorris Hall. Mrs. D. W. Young, W. M. In Charge of Athletics John E. Lewis, of 728 E|st Wash ington street, will have charge of athletics at the coming State Fair in November. See him in regard to matters of this kind. Liberty Bonds speak louder than c words. i 1 Delightful Affair In honor of the sixth anniversary , of William Johnson, Jr., a very en joyable birthday party was given at the residence of Mrs. A. Stewart. 238 West Jackson street, on last Thurs day afternoon. Wonderfully attrac tive decorations were used. The color scheme was pink and white. Many beautiful and useful presents were given. Promptly at 6, o’clock the children gathered around the table. A beautiful birthday cake, embody ing the culinary art of Mrs. A. Stew art, and illuminated with six dainty candles, was brought out and placed before the children. Mesdames Hall and Washington served the guests. he evening was spent in games and dancing. Music was furnished by Mr. Frank Stewart, who delighted every one with his selections on the piano. The invited guests were Misses Jean King, Irene and Anna May Roberts, Viola Clay, Joenella Mangum, Odessa Nelson Garret, Helen Floyd, Lucille Johnson, Bobbie Stearns, Annie B. Minims, and Inez Stewart; Masters John Taylor Green, George Wilson, Jr., Otis Oswald Barnes, Jr., Lellben Barnes and Theodore Mangum; Mes dames Stewart, Barnes, Washington, Hall, Roberts, Minims, McPinion and McCullough. Hobbs Funeral On last Monday afternoon at 5 o’clock, the funeral of Mrs. Z. Hobbs was held from the Second Baptist church. The Court of Calantheans turned out in a body and accompanied the remains to the depot, where it was placed on board the Southern Pacific and shipped to Houston, Texas. Mr. T. T. Turner, brother of the deceased, accompanied the body to Texas. Rev. C. A. Gilmore, pastor of the Second Baptist church, delivered an address on the life and death of Mrs. Hobbs. Burial will take place in the Texas city, where other relatives of the de ceased reside. Buy—Buy Liberty Bonds—Bye-Bye Kaiser. Convalescent Mrs. M. Trent, who has been con fined to her bed the past three weeks, is able to go about again. Boy Scouts * John E. Lewis, the untiring worker iu the interest of the Boy Scout move ment, informs us that he has at last | received a charter for the Colored Boy Scouts. Mr. Lewis is a man who believes in doing things. The Kaiser started this—You end it. Buy Liberty Bonds. S. M. T. Progressing Mrs. Ella M. Brown, deputy organ izer for the S. M. T.s in Arizona is de lighted with (lie wonderful progress the club is making in this city. They have eighteen members already cn , tolled and Mrs. Brown says that any lady desiring to enter as a charter member, will have to hurry, as she is going to set up a Temple of S. M. T-s here very soon. The iniliatiou j fee for those who enter now is only | sl. They meet every Tuesday even iug at 1033 East Jeffersou street. Visitors are welcome. Birthday Party . In honor of the fifth anniversary of THE PHOENIX TRIBUNE—ALWAYS IMPROVING little Marie Gish, a beautiful birthday t party was given on last Saturday afternoon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. 1. F. Silvas, 1427 East Jefferson street. Dainty refreshments were r served and the children were given 1 all the goodies they could eat. Attrac • five decorations were used. The color 5 scheme was pink and white. Those t present were: Albert Arnold, Ophelia ) Williams, Corinne McCutcheon, Tom > my Trice, Sarah Fluellen, John T. . Green, Jean King, Paul Green, Jr., 1 Harry Green, Eleanor L. Smith, . Rachael E. Smith, Bobbie Stearns, . Steve Burton, May Farrell, Chalmers 1 Harrington, Edgar Harrington, Vivian t V. Hamilton, Teddy Essex, Buster Es sex, George Wilson, Jr., Dorothy Jones, Robert Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. i Gish, Mesdames Stearns, Green, Smith and Fluellen were afternoon callers. t You don’t need a bank account to t buy Liberty Bonds. l Colored Dentist James A. Rosser, son of Mr. and t Mrs. Richard Rosser of this city, has 1 sent his “Sheepskin" from Meharry - Dehtal college to be viewed by liis many friends in this city. James is I well known here and we are pelased to learn that he is now. a graduate dentist, ready to enter upon his pro fession. He is in the east and prob- I ably will engage in business there. - We need a colored dentist here, ■ James. Why not come home? ' Get into the fight. Buy Liberty • Bonds. Church Dinner a Success f The dinner given at the A. M. E. church on last Thursday evening was I a decided success. Mrs. Charles Fish, 5 who had charge of the affair, reports everything sold out and a neat little sum realized for the benefit of the j 1 church. C. M. E. Conference Upon Us The California C. M. E. Conference is now in session at the corner of Seventh and Jefferson streets. The t Rt. Rev. C. H. Phillips, D. D., is the j Presiding bishop. Many notable lec tures and sermons will be delivered at the church during the next few r da y s - Go down there and help “carry on.” 1 m 3 Home Mission Entertainment 3 The ladies of the Mome Mission Society of the Second Baptist church . will give an entertainment at the . residence of Mrs. Essex, 109 South . Seventh street, on next Monday everi [ ing, September 30. Everybody in l vited. Plenty of good things to eat and drink. Come and bring your j friend. Money means munitions. Buy Lib erty Bonds. , i , Back from Prescott i Mrs. B. Smith and daughter have , returned from a pleasant vacation spent in Prescott. They are back in s their o, d liome at 201 East Van Buren street. 1 Globe Visitor . Mrs. Geneva Simmons of Globe is , vi «Hing her sister, Mrs. A. R. Morris I at 407 East Jefferson street. She "ill return to Globe in a few days and will he accompanied by her mother, i who is also visiting in the city, i Eleven-Piece Orchestra “Sonny” clay says that he is going 3 to give (lie colored people of Phoenix, I Mesa, Chandler, Tempe and all the; > surrounding towns a chance to hear | , some real Jazz Band music on next Tuesday night at Patrick’s hall when , his eleven-piece orchestra makes its debut. Tuesday night, October 1, is I the date and Patrick’s hall is the . place. . $50,000 Blaze s Monday night a fire destroyed the . warehouse of Babbitt Brothers, en tailing a loss upward of $50,000 Man> new automobiles were destroyed , and quite a few second-hand cars. Rev. Gilmore Returns Rev. C. A. Gilmore, pastor of the Sesond Baptist church, returned last . week from Little Rock, Ark., where , attended the Baptist Convention, which convened in that city. Mrs. Clemons Home r Mrs. Annie Clemons, who has been . spending the summer in Tucson, visit t ing relatives and friends, returned to ] her home in Phoenix last week. 3 Wonderful Sermon Rev. William Solly preached a won derful Sermon Sunday morning at, the i |A. M. E. church. His words were j plain, logical, deep and forceful. Five came forward aud connected them selves with the church. .. Money talks—Make yours say Lib- B orty Bonds. y, i- Circus Held Forth y All Phoenix was circus mad ou last r .Monday, when the big Barnum and e Bailey shows held forth. Many [. stray dollars that might have gone u toward the purchase of Bouds of the y Fourth Liberty Loan were carried i- away by this aggregation, t. Card of Thanks 1 wish to thank my many friends for their kindness and sympathy if ehov.u me during the recent death of my beloved sister, Mrs. Z. Hobbs, who departed this life September 14. I wish especially to thank the Sisters of the Court of CaUhlthe for the con spicuous part they took in funeral procession and for the beautiful floral offerings. Yours in sorrow, T. T. TURNER. Prescott Visitor Mr. J. D. W. Stewart of Prescott was a visitor in the city a few days this week. Home on Vacation Mr. O. G. Howard, the popular trainman, who operates between Ash Fork and Phoenix in the dining car service ,is home for several weeks’ vacation. Forgot ’Twas Wednesday Our school reporter forgot the Tribune was a weekly paper and thought he could bring in his news at the last minute and have it pub lished. We are not complaining as all news matter received after Wed nesday goes over till -the next issue. Visiting Her Mother Mrs. Rufus Graham is visiting her mother, Mrs. N. W. Bradley at 339 W. Harrison street. She is enroute •to her home, New Port News, Va. She will stop off at Coiunrous, N. M. to visit her husband, Sergeant Graham of the U. S. army. Chandler Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gray of Chandler were in Phoenix Monday to take In the circus. Under New Management The O. K. Tailor Shop at 41 S. 2nd street has changed hands. Mr. F. C. Cleveland of Tolleson is the new man ager and he said that he is ready to clean up that old fall suit so as to make it look like new, or he will sell you a new suit, tailored to yopr measure. Mr. W. E. Ross, the retir ing manager, will probably engage in a different business here. Tom Campbell Speaks Wednesday night at the Y. M. C. A. stadium, the Hon. Thomas E. Camp bell, Republican candidate for Gov ernor, addressed a large and apprecia j tive audience on the vital issues of I the campaign. Rev. Wimberely To Preach Rev. J. A. Wimberley will preach the 11 o’clock sermon at the A. M. E. church Sunday morning. Rev. Solly will preach the evening sermon. o * »l* V ♦J* •*. **♦ eje * CHURCH NOTES * & .5. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH—Sun day school, 9:45 a. m. Preaching, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. All are welcome to these services. Rev. . A. Gillmore, pCustor. C. M. E. CHURCH—Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. At 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon j the dedication sermon will be preached by Rev. Z. Z. Johnson. Bishop C. H. Phillips and a number of out of town ministers are here attending the Con ference which is now going on at this church. Come out and worship witli lus. A cordial welcome awaits you. i A. C. Caldwell, pastor. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH—Sun day school, 10 a. in. Preaching. 11 a. m. Everybody come. Rev. J. H. Jones, pastor. A. M. E. CHURCH—Sunday school, 10 a. m. Preaching, 11 a. ni. and 8 p. m. Everybody welcome to these services. R. H. Herring, pastor. o ... .j. ... * BISBEE, ARIZONA * (Miss Myrtle Threat, Representative) •j* •** »*« iv *'• »*- *£**£**s**s* Mrs. Roberts, who has been visiting Mrs. H. E. Thomas of this city, re turned to Paul Quinn College at Waco, Texas. One Good Bond Deserves Another — Buy More Bonds. Miss Lillian Grice left for Bishop College in Marshall, Texas, where she will resume her studies. She will spend a few days with her grandpar ents in Fort Worth en route. The infant son of Mr. aud Mrs. For rest Flemming passed away at 7:30 p. m. last Monday. He only lived 31 days, and the name Alphonso had been given him. The Sunday school at St. Paul’s Bap tist church was conducted by Mrs. Pius and Miss F. E. Alexander ou last Sunday during the absence of Rev. Humphrey. September 30 will be the opening of a new term in the schools of Bis bee. Booker T. Washington school is j looking forward to an enrollment of j about fourteen pupils, which will be la largo number for this district. I Liberty Bonds save lives —the lives of our sons and brothers. Buy Liberty Bonds. Those from the Tenth Cavalry given commissions of second lieutenant, af ter an examination in Fort Hauchuca, are as follows: G. G. Grant, 11. W. Fields, 1. J. Williams, J. Clarke, B. F. I | l’reslon, H. C- Bennett, A. Chambliss, ■ James Everett and John Ford. They • have all been scut to different camps. He also fights who helps a fighter II fight. Buy Bonds. The Rev. W. C. Butler of Elizabeth ; City, N. C., for fifty years a minister of the gospel .died recently, 82 years f old. TOPEKA INDUSTRIAL AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE Biggest and Best Agricultural and Industrial School West of Mississippi River FOR COLORED STUDENTS STEAM HEAT, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE Strong Faculty selected from ten of the best Schools, Colleges and Universities throughout the country. High Moral and Education Stan dards Will Be Maintained. NINE COURSES OFFERED 1. Academic 5. Automobile Repair & Operation 2. Agricultural t>. Tailoring 3. Woodwork , 7. Domestic Arts 4. Ironwork • 8. Domestic Science 9. Music OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1918 For further information write G. R. BRIDGEFORTH, Principal, Topeka, Kan. *j» »j« *s* + RAY, ARIZONA ♦ F •> Archie Lewis, Representative ❖ ❖ * *❖•>**❖*> -J* George Hardiman, who formerly re sided here, is now a corporal in the United States army. He is stationed at Camp Lewis, Washington. Mrs. L. H. Harris was quite ill last Saturday night and Sunday morning. She suffered from an attack of indi gestion. Her condition is greatly im proved at this writing. Miss Inez Stewart returned last _ Sunday from a pleasant visit in Phoe nix with her mother. She reports an enjoyable time spent in the Capital city. Mr. J. A. Lewis has completed the remodeling of his home, which was damaged by the recent flood. Abe Buford took a party of friends to Hayden in his car last Saturday evening. They returned the following Sunday. The occupants of the car say that when it conies to driving a machine over steep grades and nar-1 row roads, Abe is in a class by him self. “Jim” Rosser, who lived in Phoenix \ a few years ago, writes from 78 1 Blossom street, Chelsea, Mass., stat- j ing that he has opened dental parlors i in that city for the practice of dental i surgery. “Jim” is a graduate of Me harry Dental College, Nashville, I Tenn., and signs his name thus: | James Rosser, D. D. S. James says 1 that he has recently taken unto him- ! self a bride and intends to settle down j to earnest “painstaking” labor. J. J. McDonald is in receipt of a I letter from one of his brothers who is j with the national army. He is sta-j tioned in Egypt and says that he is 'viewing some interesting historical j sights over there. Mr. McDonald has i four brothers in the service of the I government. Mr. L. C. Reese, formerly steward of the Florence Hotel at Florence, Ariz., arrived in Ray last Saturday. He has accepted a position as chef of the prange Blossom Case. Messrs. McWilliams and McDonald have received their questionnaires. Mr. Lewis Hudson, formerly a resi dent of Mesa, Ariz., but more recently a drafted soldier stationad at Camp . Lewis, Wash., is a new arrival in camp. Mr. Hudson received an lion- m crable discharge from the army on account of rheumatism. He expects to remain here permanently and will send for his wife, who is in Phoenix with her mother, Mrs. I. Smith. Wel come to our camp, Mr. Hudson. On the Ray Front.—“ Gen”. Mose Davis reports that five men of his company attempted a raid on the I Hayden trenches last Saturday night. They became badly entangled in the j .barbed wire, but managed to extricate themselves somehow and retreat in good order to their own lines, where they were decorated —almost —by their wives. There were no casual ties. | j ill |Sm | I Put Your M starting 'w\ ! / Battery Problem W \ f Up to Us Qi || I We have the solution." I : Ask us about our free I V testing service—it’s f insurance against J j 1 l(f|P» many.battery / jgjjb troubles. I J. S. REIF Successor to I White Electrical Engineering Co., 305 N. Central Ave. Phone 1173. PHOENIX. ARIZONA iifthH t ;iiiii»iiiininiiiii»i»ihiii..’-.utii. , n!nnnT3il; Los Angeles Grocery i 601 E. Washington St. STAPLE AND FANCY GRO CERIES AT REASONABLE PRICES GEO. HURST, Prop., Phone 1740 I r . . i : BLANTON BARBERS’ SUPPLY j We Resharpen Safety Blades, Grind ?| 1 and Houe Razors r [ 3 208 W. Washington, Phoenix, Ariz. 1 ] LET US DO YOUR TAILORING GENTLEMAN’S TAILOR SHOP CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING The kind particular people require, at reasonable Yndalecio Estrada and made 102 East Adams Street Like New. Phone 3029 SOMETHING NEW ~ Jazz Jazz Jazz THERE WILL BE A GRAND JAZZ BAND BALL AT PATRICK’S HALL TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1 Music By CLAY’S ELEVEN PIECE JAZZ BAND GRAND MARCH AT 8:30 If You Appreciate Good Music, Come Out SPECIAL INVITATION TO OUT OF TOWN PEOPLE EVERYBODY WELCOME Admission ....: 75 cents MEN ATTENTION The greatest tailoring event iu the history of Phoenix. For a short time only your suit tailored-to measure— Extra Pair Pants -FREE GOOD SUITS FROM $19.50 UP This is without doubt the most exceptional proposition ever offered. The extra pair of pants can be made from the same material as your suit —or different material if you wish, and will make your suit last twiee as long. Think of the way prices are advanc ing, then consider this almost unbelievable offer. - Satisfact ion guaranteed. Come in, inspect our woolens and be measured today. Palace Tailoring Co. “Arizona’s Greatest Made-to Measure Tailors” 419-421 E, Washington St. Phone 1242 PAGE THREE