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PAGE FOUR "HEALTH SUNDAY" (By E. Richard Petskey, M. D., Urolo. Bist and Sexologist, Phoenix, Ariz.) Tomorrow, Sunday, February the rinth, nineteen hundred and nineteer, has been designated as “Health Sun day.” Every American should make it a point to go to his place of worship on this particular day, if at no other time. It should be a sense of DUTY calling us to respond to the call which has been given out by so great a man as our friend, General Rupert Blue. He is indeed the American’s people friend, for he is striving without re cess to make the American people one of the healtiest races of the day. Tais is a governmental call . It is a national call. Respond to it heart and soul. When our boys were called to the colors to save our country, noihing was spared to make them “KIT, ana now that they are about to be re leased fiom this work. Uncle Sam j still keeping his hand of protection over them as they return to civil life.! When we were children there were j so many times when we were repri. ; manded and forbidden to do tjiat and! that, or to go to such and such a place, or to associate with such and such « person. Then we did not realize what all that meant to our future and *n the future of those who at some later period of life would be placed under our care and guidance. Uncle Sam is umo the parent. He is warning us and is anxious to see us all grow up to be "HEALTHY” men and" women. JUST ARRIVED THE OAKLAND Sensible Six $1240 PHOENIX America’s greatest achievement in a light six. touring or roadster. We have since June, 1918, to get delivery on this wonderful car. but until after the war was over and the Oakland factory started back on production, delivery could not be secured. Production is getting back to normal and we have been promised a limited supply. Ihese cars are now on display and we will be pleased to have you look them over and let us demonstrate. R. D. Roper Motor Co. Phone 1050 211-217 N. Central Distributors NO MATTER WHERE YOU MAY BE. ANY TIME OF THE day or night, in fair weather or stormy, an enclose! Wiliys Knight Bor open Hudson Buuer Six taxi cab is ready to sueed toward you at a moment’s notice, Whether in emergency or in the regular course of events, you can depend on our service. Memorize our telephone number, and you can enjoy all the con veniences of a privately owned car with expert chauffeur attention. Just re membei this, our ears are no further away from 3 r ou than the nearest tele phone. Use. them. L. E. Butler & Son Phone 4 1-4-0 24 E. Washington Street Phone 4-1-4 G ‘ I Red Star Cooking School 2 to 5 o’clock Friday, February i4th-Special Class for Colored People BRING PENCIL AND NOTE BOOK McNeil Store Co. Southwest Flour Co. Distributors of Star RED STAR IS FOR BY ALL GROCERS Os late, a great deal has been writ ten on the subject covering venereal ; diseases, and it has had a very great moral effect already. Fortunately, , the day of "prudery” has passed, and passed away for ever. There is noth ing to be ashamed of about the body , that God has blessed us with. No, , i hut there is a great deal to be | . ashamed cf in the manner in which we abuse this wonderful body of ours. It is the object of the government, i ; and many societies and physicians in ! private practice to do all in their power to eliminate venereal diseases, and this can only be done by con stant co-operation from every side.! Are you doing your bit? When we have tuberculosis or ty. f phoid fever or any other ordinary dis-1 ease, we do not go to a drug store j and buy some patent medicine and at-1 tempt to cure ourselves. Then, why ! should anyone suffering from a vener : eal disease attempt to do so? Far less so, then. Veneral diseases re j quire the very best of efficient treat, ment to assure of their elimination from the system. Unless properly treated and cured at the time, they 1 may lie dormant for a while, only to break out again, and to break out in a more virulent form than before. I is an absolute injustice for a man or woman who is suffering from any form of venereal disease not to go to a competent physician for the proper , treatment. Every such person ought ! to display enough honor and self-re-j, spect 1o be only too anxious to be | J j CURED. Many a case of INHERIT, j, ED VENEREAL DISEASE do physi- < THE PHOENIX TRIBUNE—ALWAYS IMPROVING cians all over the country see from day to day, just because some person was not honest enough to present himself or herself for proper treat ! ment at the time of infection. Many | are there who are this day syphilitic, not through their own actions, hut through the inheritance of some ne glectful ancestor. A common opinion seems to be | prevalent at present that when a per son goes to a doctor's office for treat. I ment for a venereal disease, that his cr her name is made public. This Is absolutely erroneous. Each physician j is required to make a record of such j cases, but he is NOT to hand out the name of the patient. When the boys come home you will be planning to HONOR them, so do j not allow profiteers of vice to take ; advantage of days of festivity to DIS HONOR them. Make sure that DE MOBILIZATION will NOT mean DE MORALIZATION. Once more do I appeal to you to do your part and go and listen to what your minister has to say and stand by him in UNITY. Union is strength. Yours for the obliteration of vener. eal diseases. o LOCALS Thursday evening Mrs. Gabie Bouie, 219 West Sherman street, gave a de lightful luncheon in honor of Mrs. Susie Williams. It was a farewell luncheon for Mrs. Williams, who was ending her stay in Phoenix. All pres ent report a delightful affair. ) LIBERTY IN WAR I II When the announcement came from | - Washington some months ago that | / the United States had loaned five mil-1 , lion dollars to Liberia, we wondered j t what the money was lent for. There ! - was no obvious consideration for a! i loan of this amount to a republic of j s Negroes which had been formed un- 1 der American auspices on the west j ' coast, of equatorial Africa —except, i | perhaps, a general feeling of friend- j liness on the part of the blacks of I one country for the blacks of the | other. This, however, hardly seemed ; to justify such generosity at the ex. pense of American taxpayers—for money sent to Liberia seldom comes [ back. , An explanation may perhaps be . found in a statement recently made by a bishop of the Methodist Episco . osl church in Liberia. Last April the . colored republic suffered from an at tack by a German submarine, which ( shelled Monrovia, the capital, and ' sank the President Grant, the only : vessel of the Liberian navy. This was because the government of Li beria would not comply with the German demand for the destruction of the French cable and wireless sta j tion on the coast. On the contrary, ; the Liberians took charge of the plant themselves and sent 200 Ger , mans to France to be interned there. ■ They have also supplied the French . army with hundreds of colored la. borers, who received military train i ing that qualied them, in case of need, ' ■ to act as soldiers. According to the Liberian bishop, 1 the Germans have heretofore con- 1 trolled three-quarters of the commer- ! cial enterprise in Liberia. Their in terests have been seized and sold, 1 since Liberia declared war against 1 Germany in August, 1917. In view of ' the vigorous action of the black re. public against the common foe, we are not prepared to say that our gen erosity was misplaced. And no doubt the Liberians needed the money.— ‘Munsey.” o The first note in “high places” that j has sounded against Wall Street i' from Representative Heflin of Ala bama, who states in Congress that thousands of farmers of the South have been robbed by the price of cot ton being driven down from 37 to 24 cents. He’s a bolshevik; he’s pro- German; hang him! o Tackle has been invented by a l Washington man to make a falling tree pull out the stump of one cut i down earlier in a lumbering opera tion. o An oil well being driven in West Virginia has been drilled to a depth of 7 363 feet, and is now the deepest inj the world. o Pulverized peat is being used by the Swedish railroads for fuel with success. GIVE THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE FEBRUARY 10-17th mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmjemiiamammmmmmmmmmm* Fish House Fried Fish atall Hours ; REGULAR DINNER EVERY DAY L Special Chicken Dinner on Sunday j Old Fashion Home Cooking j Give Us a Trial J. W. SNELL, Prop. 27 S. 2nd St. j Classified Ads . | USED CARS THAT REPRESENT IN VALUE EVERY CENT WE ASK FOR THEM No. 1071 —Dodge Touring, $750. New ly painted—fair rubber—new top— an excellent value at this price. I No - 992—Chalmers 7-passenger, SBSO. j Actually worth more than SBS0 — ■ look 3 like new— upholstery fine— good rubber— in first-class mechani cal shape. No. 1052—Chalmers Speedster, $llOO. A beautiful car—cord tires nearly new—a classy car for someone. No. 535—Packard Truck, $350. Priced low, but years of hard service in ; this truck. A ton capacity—power plant in good shape—truck body ex cellent. We recommend this trucK to anyone desiring a good truck for little money. We have many cars and trucks— among them Buicks, Chevrolets, Chandlers, Cadillacs. Jeffreys. Nash, Overlands, Oldsmobiles and Pack ards, that are priced low and rep. sent honest value. We would like an opportunity to show you. McArthur brothers Central and Madison i Central and Jefferson Telephone 4321 DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS WANTED—A COLONY We have 640 acres within ten miles of Phoenix, on a railroad, close to sub urban town and gin—just the right location for a colony—affording your own station and schools and trading stores, etc., etc. This land is level and ditched, and fenced and part in cotton. Is under the project but has temporary water only. We will install pumping plant which will serve double purpose of irrigating watijr if such should be necessary, and water for domestic purposes to town lots and all tracts. The water plant would be turned over to the land owners when paid for. This land is worth one hundred and I fifty dollars as a whole. If we can j get enough of a colony ot cover this j tract, we will make contracts on twen ty and forty acres to each purchaser, with share in pumping plants, at the wholesale rate, or $l5O per acre, pay able in Seven years, in equal install ments, with interest at 8 per cent, and give immediate possession of the property. There is time enough to get this whole tract in cotton for this coming crop. If you are interested in getting a part of these colony lands write for further particulars— H. A. SMITH 27 No. Central Ave. Phoenix, Ariz. ■ ■ « We Fought and Won the War to Make the World Safe for the Smaller Nations NOW HELP THEM TO HELP THEMSELVES ARIZONA CAMPAIGN FEBRUARY 10-17* A Genuine ASehr Bros, flayer V is so simple in operation that it can be easily played by even yonr i little girl or boy.—Do not deny your children the extreme joy of music.—You cannot afford to be without music.—See us about a 1 piano today. V% ? EVERYTmNG*"^USICA!^" , 7 \<k REDE WILL// ~ uviusic Company 222-224 West Washington St. Phoenix, Ariz. \ yf Phone 1569 FOR SALE —A few volumes of the j Life, Works, and Poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar, the famous Negro Poet, at $2 per volume. While they; last, we will mail to any address on j receipt of price. Address S. L. Dan iels, Sales Agent, Mesa, Arizona. HAIRDRESSING j PORO TREATMENT given by Mrs. Mattie Lindsey. Call at residence 230 North 11th Street. ! FOR SALE —Watch Phoenix Grew! 10-room modern brick house, din-! ing room will scat 30 people; 3 f lots, well located for home and i business —$5000; $750 cash, balance ( S4O per month. 10 ACRES, house, well fenced; close! in. $2,800; SBOO cash; bal. to suit, i M. H. SHELTON 215 Washington St. LODGES Mrs. E. M. Brown, 409 East Van j ! Buren street, has been appointed Depu tw Organizer for the U. B. F.’s in Ari- j zona. She is organizing a club in j Phoenix and just as soon as 15 or more ; members join the club, the Grand Mas- j ter of Denver, Colo., will come here j and initiate the meT an diet up the | lodge. If interested, communicate with i Mrs. Brown at above address. I PALM CHAPTER. No. 127, O. E. S., | will meet second Thursday in Febru-1 ary at 3 p. m. All members requested to be present. Mrs. D. W. Young, W. M. Rooms 50c, 75c and $1 COMMERCIAL ROOMS PHA.NA TATE DEAS, Proprietress 10 Rooms 40 Cots 138 East Main Street Mesa, Arizona THE INDISPENSABLE A. B. C. For YOUNG MOTHERS s2. u o Prepaid E. R. PETSKEY, M. D. Box 76 Phoenix, Arizona I ——■ ■ ■ - •Suits Cleaned £ 1 AA and Pressed... Every article thoroughly disinfected Phone 1896 Third Ave. and Madison Saturday, February 8, " ji ,!ri T" "H'Piiiiiiiillfil / Put Your tfim J / Starting f Battery Problem W wl [ Up to Us JJJ |J| l We have the solution. i l V —_ . Ask us about our free I I testing service—it’s / I insurance against J I ! gNSfi many battery J j troubles. I j ini : lllik J. S. REIF Successor to | I White Electrical Engineering Co., |II 305 N. Central Ave. Phone 4473. I PHOENIX. ARIZONA ' llrrnTiiTiiiiiii min iiiiiiiiiiiii!iimiiiii ii mil! mi minll Keys Fitted and Duplicated I CAPITOL, CITY CYCLE CO. LETIS R. TEMPLIN, Manager Everything for the Bicycle j 25-27 E. Adams St., Tel. 6-5-8 PHOENIX ARIZONA BLASINGAME NURSERIES First Avenue and Van Buren St. Phone 1494 Branch Sales Yard at Glendale BLANTON BARBERS’ SUPPLY We Resharpen Safety Biades, Grind and Hone Razors 208 W. Washington, Phoenix, Ariz.