Newspaper Page Text
Saturday, March 8, 1919 Society and Local News j E- E. Hilbert Making Good — That Mr. Hilbert, 334 West Jeffer son, the rheumatic specialist, is mak ing good, goes without saying. Mr. Robt. McConnell, 1033 East Jefferson, 'who was confined several weeks with a severe case of rheumatism, is a walking testimonial to the skill and efficiency of Mr. E. E. Hilbert. This case and scores of others have been successfully treated by this eminent specialist Revival Meetings Begin— Rev. C. A. Gilmore, pastor of the Second Baptist church, corner Fifth street and Jefferson, began his prayer meetings Wednesday night, prepara tory to a series of revival meetings which will be held at this church the coming week Rev. E. M. Clemens of! Fort Worth, Texas, has been engaged 1 to conduct this revival and will preach his opening sermon Sunday night.! “Readiness for Service." i There will be baptizing at this church Sunday morning and everybody is in-, vited to come out and worship with ■ us. Rev. C. A Gilmore, pastor Protective League— The meetings of the Phoenix Pro tective League will hereatfer be held the first and third Mondays in each month at Douglas school Public in vited. . Eexcutive Board Met— The ladies of the executive board of the Federation met Monday even ing at the residence of Mrs. Lynn Carter, 714 West Grant. A very in teresting meeting was held and busi ness of great importance was trans acted Mrs. Geo. White Writes— “ Los Angeles, Cal., Mar. 3, 1919. Mr. Smith: Dear Sir:—l’m a little tardy with ! my renewal of subscription for an other year, but, however, I’m sending I same with the 25 cents that was due on last sub. All praise to your until - -1 | To The Colored People Os 1 » Arizona | YVTE, the colored people of Phoenix, seeing the necessity of a closer union of the ||| ” colored people, in order to secure better facilities for the education of the colored children, also better economic conditions, did on the First Monday night in December, meet in Doris Hall and organize the Phoenix Protective League. HI pqj Its aim is to promote the general welfare, provide for the common defense and jjf| p| secure the blessings of Justice, Liberty and Equity, to ourselves, our posterity and our less fortunate brother. Hi p| An entrance fee of 50 cents has been agreed upon and the monthly dues will Hi be 25 cents. Six dollars and fifty cents a year. , M HI JAS. A. GREEN, President y R. D. SIMPSON, Secretary Jj 111 All money should be sent to the corresponding secretary, who will receipt you ||| 111 for same and issue membership card. The name and address of the corresponding |g| 111 secretay will be found below. jj|g Hjj Fill out this coupon, cut out and mail. Mrs. L. A. Walker, Cor. Secy. 346 West Jefferson St. |||| / Phoenix, Arizona. jpjj lifi Please find enclosed the sum of $ entrance fee and payment for months dues in the Phoenix Protective League. IIH Acknowledge receipt of this remittance and send membership card to ||| Address __ ; ing efforts in establishing the Phoe : nix Tribune, as 1 believe it will to be | a great factor in establishing “unity” i among the masses of Jhe citizens of | Phoenix and a combining of each lit j tie town and hamlet for a common good. The Phoenix Protective League has been a much-needed factor in Phoenix, and I’m sure glad to hear of its advent ir- the community and hope it has come to stay. Everything for the good of our people must be foremost in our minds, and this is a time for unity, a time to establish a greater foothold for our people, because there is more trouble coming for us to face, and pre paredness is the watchword. Efficiency is the key which will make it possible for the Negro to suc i ceod, and determination, backed by a , co-operative community, will make things possible. Yours respectfully, MRS. GEORGE WHITE. Charity Club— The ladies of the Charity club met 1 Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Chas. ! I. Carter, 715 West Grant street. A : splendid meeting was held and ad | journmept was taken to meet next i Wednesday with Mrs. A. Stewart, 23S West Jackson street. These ladies plan a grand entertainment for March j 17, St. Patrick’s Day, and request all ■ clubs and other organizations to Quits Pastorate at Mesa— Rev. C. A. Gilmore announced his intention of resigning the pastorate of the Baptist Mission at Mesa. His next visit to the Gem City will be for the purpose of tendering his resignation to the members and officers. His charge in this city, the Second Bap tist church, has grown so large in the \ way of membership that he feels duly ! bound to give all his services to the i upbuilding of this church. Offered Charge at Denver— I Rev. R. H. Herring, pastor of the A. M. E. church, received a letter from Bishop Parks last week, offering him the pastorate of Campbell Chapel in Denver, Colo. He declined the offer for the reason that his physical condi tion is not such as would be improved by a removal to a cold climate, espe cially at this time of the year. This is a flatering offer as Campbell Chapel is considered the Second church in the Colorado conference in point of membership and salary paid its pas tor. This splendid offer.from the bishop is a fitting tribute to the worth and value of Rev. Herring and show's that the bishop is watching the prog ress of the church here. Mrs. Arnold Indisposed— Mrs. Charles P. Anold, 1705 East Jefferson, has been on the sick list the past few weeks, but is slowly con valescing. Great Crowds Attend Revival— Mrs. Wilson, the evangelist, who is conducting a revival at the A. M. E. church this week, is drawing great crowds every night. She is preaching some strong sermons and many are being taken into the church. She will preach at this church Sunday morn ing, March 9. You should hear her. The Brick Church — Rev. W. R. Burgess will hold serv ices at the Brick church, corner first street and East Madison. You are in vited to the meetings. The C- M. E. Church- Regular services will be conducted at the C. M. E. church and all are welcome to attend th4e services. Grace Baptist Mission— Sunday services will be conducted at Grace Baptist Mission, 822 South Montezuma. Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. All are invited. Rev. J. H. Jones, minister , Phoenix Tabernacle— Phoenix Tabernacle No. 9 will meet the first and third Fridays in each month, 1:40 p. m., at Dorris Hall. Mrs. R. M. Henderson, H. P., Mrs. Ed Moore, C. R. Parent-Teachers’ Association— The Douglas Parent-Teachers’ Asso- j ciation will meet Tuesday evening, l THE PHOENIX TRIBUNE—ALWAYS IMPROVING March 11, at the school house. Every one interested in the welfare of our children should attend this meeting. Call on Governor Campbell— A committee from the Phoenix Pro tective League had an interview with Governor Campbell, Tuesday, March 4. They are working in the interest of better school conditions for the col ored youth of Arizona. The governor spoke favorably of their plans and promised any assistance he could give. New Club Members — At a recent meeting of the S. I. A. club Mesdames Larue Moore and Matthew A. White were accepted as members. Both of these ladies are refined and highly cultured and should prove a valuable addition to this splendid organization. Los Angeles Visitor— Mrs. P. A. Lee, recently of Ash Fork, Ariz., but formerly a resident of Los Angeles, Cal., is a recent arrival in the city. Her husband is in the train service, operating between Phoenix and Ash Fork, and they expect to make this their home. At present Mrs. Lee is staying at the residence of Mrs.. Oralee Mims, 1333 East Madison street. Night School for Colored— The city school authorities have granted the use of Douglas school for night classes among the colored peo ple. Any person over sixteen years of age may attend this night school. Just as soon as six or more pupils can be secured, permission will be given to attend the night classes at the Phoe nix Union High school. The class at the grammar school will meet Monday night, March 10. Every colored per son in the city over sixteen years of age who wishes to improve his educa tion should enroll in this class Mon day night at Douglas school. A good chance to brush up, if you are rusty. A chance to advance, if you have been retarded. Take advantage of this golden opportunity. Get busy now. Join the Phoenix Protective League. —Adv. Back on Terra*Firma— Miss Juanita White, 1119 East Adams street, Los Angeles, Cal., re ceived a telegram on the Ist inst- from Charlie Lewis, one of our Arizona boys who went to France, stating that he arrived safely at New York on the 128th of February. Charlie is well known in Phoenix as he used to oper ate between Ash Fork and Phoenix in the train service. Miss White is the daughter of Mr. N. E. White, 1333 East Madison street, and is attending school in Los Angeles. Over From Mesa— Mr. C. B. Bobo of Mesa was a visitor in Phoenix last Sunday. He came over to see his wife and take a gen eral view of ihe greatest little city in the greatest state in the Union. Mr. Bobo is employed at a garage in Mesa. Mrs. Lindsey Indisposed— Mrs. Clarence Lindsey, 230 N. 11th street, is reported on the sick list this week. Has Finger Amputated— Mrs. B. Smith, 201 East Van Buren street, underwent a slight operation Wednesday morning in which she had one of her fingers amputated. Blood poison was about to set in and the finger had to be amputated to save the hand. Dr. Louis Dysart per formed the operation, at St. Joseph’s hosiptal. Back From Mexico— Mr. G. F. Smith, 137 South Seventh street, returned last week from an extended trip through Southern Cal ifornia and Mexico. He says- that earthquakes are not infrequent in northern Mexico, and for that reason he believed it no place for him. Mr. Smith is now comfortably settled in his home at the above address. Over From Chandler— Mr. Alexander Hamilton of Chand ler was a business visitor in the city a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gray, also of Chandler, were Sunday visitors in Phoenix. J. W. Snell Indisposed— Mr. J. W. Snell, proprietor of the Fish House and Snell's news stand, at 27 Sounth Second street, was con- fined to his bed several days last week suffering with lumbago. He ! s improving at present and well on the road to recovery. Chinese Wash— The ladies of the Goldinol club will give a Chinese Wash Tuesday even ing, March 25, at the residence of Mrs. Georgia Owens, 519 East Jef ferson street. All bundles of laundry, also refreshments, wil be for sale. All members of Goldinol club re quested to make one or more pieces for this occasion. Public cordially in vited. Prom Los Angeles, Calif. — Mr. R. J. Murry of Los Angeles, Cal., a brother of Mrs. Lewis Dixon, who resides at 901 South Ninth ave nue, is here visiting the latter at her home on the south side. He is fa vorably impressed with Phoenix and if he can secure suitable employment, will reside here permanently. Alabama Physician Here— Dr. C. O. Booth of Birmingham, We Solicit Your Trade and by offering you the highest quality of merchan dise at right prices, believe we merit a share of vour patronage. TALBOT & HUBBARD, llic. HARDWARE “At the Sign of the Dog” Phones: Office 3089. Residence 8797 MORE AND BETTER DENTISTRY FOR LESS MONEY 36 E. Washington St., Goldberg Bldg. Phoenix, Ariozna. Fish, Oysters Lobsters We are now open for business at 116 North Central Avenue and we extend a cordial invitation to tlie public to visit our market. We will carry a large supply of Fresh Fish, Oysters and Dressed Poultry. Will do both a wholesale and retail business. West Coast Fishing and Canning Co., S. A. L. M. RALPH, Prop. 116 N. Central Ave. - When you want House Furnishings at the Right Price and sold on the level GO TO THE BARROWS FURNITURE CD. Corner First Street and Jefferson Phone 1666 CARL ANDERSON Everything in Insurance and Bonds The largest General Insurance Agency in Arizona—There is a reason— We know our business and satisfy our clients LET US FIGURE YOUR INSURANCE Adams Hotel Building SOME GUARANTEE In addition to the well known guarantee of 6000-7500 miles on KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRES We now PERSONALLY GUARANTEE to keep your Kelly Tires in repair as long as the tire is worth repairing, whether run one mile or fifty thousand miles. ABSOLUTELY FREE Cause of damage makes no difference, cuts, blow-outs, bruises, rim cuts, tread or fabric damage, it makes no difference. SAUFLEY RUBEER CO. Phone 1585 Cor. Ist and Monroe PAGE THREE Ala., is a recent arrival in Phoenix. Ho comes for the benefit of his health and is staying at the residence or Rev. C. A. Gilmore, 429 East Wash ington street. Dr. Booth practiced for 15 years in the state of Alabama, eleven of which were spent in the city of Birmingham. He is suffering with a severe case of pneumonia' and tubernulasis and has only a fighting chance to recover. Quarterly Meeting Held— Rev. Allen, presiding elder of the A. M. E. church , preached Sunday morning and held his quarterly con ference Monday evening. Mrs. Wilson noted lady evangelist, preached Sun day afternoon at 3 o’clock and again at 8 p. m. She is lecturing nightly to a crowded house and bringing many into the church. She will con tinue the revival meetings through out this week and will preach at this church Sunday morning- You should hear this remarkable woman.