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PAGE FOUR GLOBE (By Mrs. Wm. Young) Services at both churehes were well attended on last Sunday. It was rally day at the A. M. E. church. Mr 3 Mary E. Wilson, noted evangelist, preached a grand sermon and all en joyed her discourse. The collection was $33. Mt. View chapter, O. E. S., enter tained last Thursday evening at the residence of Mrs. B. Taylor, compli mentary to Grand Patron C. Scott The affair was a graDd success. Mr Scott left Saturday morning for El Paso, Texas. Mrs. C. F. Watkins will leave next week for El Paso, Texas. Mrs. G. W. Price of Miami will leave next week for San Antonio. Texas, to visit her sister, who under went an operation recently. Mr. Wm. Campbell is very liberal in his donations to both churches and attends the meetings more often than some of the members. Reconstruction is the order of the day. If you have saved you are fortified to meet its opportunities. If you have? not saved, recon struct your methods and start today. =========== Phoenix Savings Bank and Trust Company Irvine Park OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Sunday: Musical concert from 4 p. m. tb 7p. m. Monday: Open, for rint to anyone. Tuesday: High class entertainment and dancing from 6 p. m. to 12 p. m. (Colored people only). Wednesday: Open, for rent to anyone. Thursday: Open, for rent to anyone. Friday: High class entertainment and dancing from 6 p. m. to 12 p. m. (Colored people only). HOT and COLD LUNCHES. ICE CREAM and COLD DRINKS - ROY LUCAS, Manager D. D. RESTAURANT 127 South Second Street Short Orders Ice Cream Cold Drinks We also serve Regular Meals. Old Fashion Home Cooking. Come Here the Next Time I. C. DARE, Prop. EXTRA SPECIAL! SUITS $25.00 AND UP Made to Your Measure and Guaranteed to Fit YOU Have your suits cleaned and pressed by expert tailors Ladies’ and gentlemen’s hats cleaned and remodeled American Tailors & Hatters 102 East Adams Street PHONE 1551 STANDARD FURNITURE COMPANY SECOND 0 HOUSE FURNISHINGS amn°nn HAND T ENTS ’ CAM P EQUIPMENT EX ch°AN G M 237-239 W. Washington St. Phoenix, Arizona.- Mrs. Wm, Young was hostess at % delightful entertainment given last Sunday afternoon. Those present were Mrs. B. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Watkins, Mrs. W. F. Watkins. Mrs. S M. Watkins, Misses Gladys Sum mers and Z Z. Lewis, Mr. W. E. Cole man, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jackson, Mr. James Roberts, Mrs. G. W. Price, Mrs. Susie Durr, Mrs. Dixie Leonard, Mr. Thompson, Mrs. Wm. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wilson, Miss Gladys Sumemrs, Rev. and Mrs. Wm Young accompanied Grand Patron Scott to Miami last Friday to hear the grand lecture which he delivered in that. ciiy. Mrs. Florence Tally will leave soon for Los Angeles. We regret to lose this good woman, for she is such a splendid church worker and devout Christian. On last Tuesday evening Mrs. Flor ence Tally entertained in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Young. o PRESCOTT ( By Mrs. Dora Rose) Hon. J. C. Scott of Texas arrived in Prescott Monday afternoon, April 7 He gave the Chapter of the East ern Star a higher degree and gave the matron, Mrs. Paris Tabron, (be matron's degree. In the evening he delivered a lecture on “Masonry and Its Relation to Christianity" and won derfully impressed the people. All who heard this- lecture say it was a masterful discourse. Mrs. J. A. Anderson entertained Sunday in honor of Rev. W. F. Caftin and Mrs. A. Forman. A sumptuous repast was served and al! enjoyed the feast Mrs. Forman left Monday for her home in Gallup. Rev. Caftin, who came to visit Mrs. Forman, left later for his home. Mr. Eugene Lindell is among the new arrivals in Prescott. He came from Old Mexico and is staying with his grandmother, Mrs. Annie Roberts The Specific Mortgage club was or ganized last Tuesday by Mrs. L. J. Harris. The club was formed for the purpose of raising money to pay off the mortgage on the church. Each member has pledged herself to raise at least $5 a month for sixteen months and in this way the money will he available when the notes fall due. Following are the officers of the club: Mrs. L. J. Harris, president; Mrs. W. H. Young, treasurer, and sec- THE PHOENIX TRTBTTNE—ALWAYS IMPROVING retary. The organization starts out with thirteen members. Miss Marion Jordan gave an ice cream social last Monday afternoon at her home on South McCormick street. This entertainment was given for the purpose of raising $5 that Miss Jordan had pledged herself to give Miss Jordan is not quite nine years old, but is an excellent church worker and has helped in all the money raising campaigns conducted recently by the church. Yuma-Somerton Mrs, John Willis was the guest .if Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon one even ing last week and after several in teresting games of whist the hostess served a delightful repast. Harvey’s Minstrels made a hit in Yuma. Monday evening after the show Mr. John Willis gave a dance in the new Gondalfo theatre. Every enjoyed the dance. Music was fur nished by Harvey’s orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Tullis, Mr. and Mrs. Caton. Mr. and Mrs.* Snowden, Messrs. Potts, Wm. T. Rainwater Felix Thompson and Geo. Thompson of Somerton motored to Yuma Mon day evening to enjoy the Harvey Minstrels. Mr. Stafford has fully recovered from his illness. Mrs. Felix Me Crery is reported convalescing from a recent illness. o RAY I By Archie Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Redd moved into their new home last Wednesday. Mr. C. H. Vann has accepted a po sition with the Ray Con. Mrs. Archie Lewis is confined to her bed with a severe case of tonsoli tis. Mrs. E. A. Henderson is suffering with a badly decayed tooth, Mr. Anthony Smith spent three days in Hayden last week on business. Mrs, A. Bueford is seriously ill at her home in this city. Sunny Side is a genuine city now. The nice houses here that are owned by the colored citizens, are a real credit to the community. Nothing much doing in Ray this week. Nearly everybody is on the sick list. Looks like an epidemic of tonsolitis is going the rounds. o | BISBEE By Mvrtle Threat Mrs. W. H. Lewis of Fort Huachuea made a brief visit to this city la3t week, leaving later for Los Angeles. Calif. Mesdames Willis Scott, Laddie Da vis, G. Smith and a Mrs. West, also Sergeant Bradley of Fort Huachuea, were visitors in the city last week. Privates B. F. Wilson, J. T. Green, R. Manuel, C. Jenkins and Sergeant M. Nelson of Naco were visitors in the city last week. Mr. and Mrs. .Ed Thornton have purchase a nice litte five-room house. It is in a good location and Mr. and Mrs. Thornton are well pleased with their new home. Mesdames H. E. Thomas and Lizzie Woods went to Pouglas last Sunday to attend the annual sermon of the East ern Star. Tennesse Shoe Shop 222 East Adams St. The only Colored shoemaker and repairer in Phoenix YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Phone 1306 C. S. V. JONES, Prop. ♦ Liberty Bonds BOUGHT Cash Paid~No Delay B. H. DODT 3 West Adams St. Tailors and Practical Hatters Suits made to order Ladies' and Gentlemen’s Hats Cleaned, Blocked and Retrimmed. Have Your Suits Cleaned and Pressed by Expert Tailors J. CALDERON, Prop. 102 East Adams Street WINSLOW (By Mrs. C. E. Blolce) Mrs. Geo. Hartman returned Sun day morning from an extended visit in Texas. She reports a pleasant trip. Rev. Lewis of Flagstaff was in Win slow Sunday and conducted services for us. The church and Sunday school are doing nicely. Great plans are being made for an entertainment to be given on the 24th inst. The Reese Bros., minstrels, are in Winslow and we find them a jolly bunch of entertainers. Mr. Eugene Libdell, brother of Mrs. Joe Burkhardt, passed through Winslow last week en route to his home in Prescott. The Santa Fe Giants played the In CLASSIFIED ADS THE ORIGINAL PORO SYSTEM Hair and Scalp 'Treatment, Mani curing and Facial Fassage. Mrs. E. L Flewellen, 712 East Jefferson St., Phone 8068. MME. WALKER’S SYSTEM I use Mine. C. J. Walker’s System of treating all scalp diseases and growing hair. Hair preparations for sale, also am prepared to- teach the System. Diploma from Lelia College, Indianapolis, Ind. ■ Phone 8321. Mrs. Lula Dabney, 617 South Third Ave. SPECIAL NOTICE John E. Lewis, Masseur. Baths for rheumatism; facial massage. Call at residence, 728 East Washington St. LODGES Brown Temple No. 16, S. M. T„ meets First and Third Tuesdays in each month, 8 p. m., at Dorris hall. Visiting sisters cordially invited. Mrs E. M. Brown, W. P.; Mrs Cora Wheel er, Secretary BARBER WANTED WANTED.—One barber at Fort Whipple. Address P. O. Box 446, Prescott, Arizona. Harvest Is In Sight! Have you placed your order for a harvester? AYe have both Deeriiig and McCormick Binders and Headers. These machines are light draft, adjusted to cut heavy or light grain, are easily handled, and very adjustable. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW. The 0. S. STAPIIY CO., Inc. Phoenix Glendale Mesa 8i:,.,,. 11 ■" ".I rrr See our full line of Easter Egg Dyes and Novelities Let us serve 3 r ou Bring your prescriptions to us and save 25 Per Cent MASON’S PHARMACY E. CARTER MASON, Prop. Corner Second St. and E. Washington St. CONSOLIDATED NATIONAL BANK TUCSON, ARIZONA First-Class Service Always OFFICERS Albert Steinfeld A President E. Randolph Vice-President Chas. E. Walker Vice-Presidet V. F. Palmer Cashier J. C. Etchells Assistant Cashier H. W. Gill Assistant Cashier We Solicit Your Patronage When you want House Furnishings at the Right Price and sold on the level GO TO THE BARROWS FURNITURE CO. , « Corner First Street and Jefferson Phone 1666 ! dians a very interesting game Suit i day. The score was 18 to 10 in favor of the Giant 3. This is the first game played by the Giants and they are certainly doing fine. The little daughter of Mr. and Mr a Bob Lewis is on the sick list. A splendid program has been ar ranged for Easier Sunday at the Sun day school. Everybody should come out and enjoy this rare treat. o Indianapolis—Miss Alice May Her shaw, a teacher in the schools of this city, has selected as one of twelve' to make the annual tour at the expense of the city. Evansville, Ind. —Incorporation pap ers of the Liberty Life Insurance com pany, capitalized at SIOO,OOO, were filed with County Recorder Barker last week. FOR SALE—Watch Phoenix Grow! 10-room modern brick house, din ing room will seat 30 people; 3 lots, well located for home and business—ssooo; $750 cash, balance S4O per month. 10 ACRES, house, well fenced; close in. $2,800; SBOO cash; bal. to suit. M. H. SHELTON 215 Washington St. MONEY TO LOAN Loans easy to get up to $l5O on your furniture, piano, automobile, etc. Don’t be without money. Just phone us for information. The rest is easy. Strict ly confidential. MUTUAL LOAN CO., 1500 Grand Ave. Office hours 8 a. m. to 5 p m. HAIR CULTURE Having carefully studied Mme. C. J. Walker’s system of treating al scalp diseases and growing hair, I am pre pared to teach the system, arid also have the hair preparations for sale. Diploma from the Lelia College, In dianapolis, Ind. Mrs. R. W. Strode. Box 501, Winslow, Arizona. Phone 1766 Chas. E. Morton, Mgr. Donofrio Floral Dept. 28 North First Street FLOWERS and PLANTS OF ALL KINDS. ARTISTIC BASKETS OF FLOATERS ALIKE APPROPRIATE EASTER GIFTS Wall Paper Painting, Paper-hanging and Kalsomining at Reasonable Prices Taylor Paint & Paper Co. CHAS. ALTERMATT, Mgr. PHONE 1463 Shop, 1310 East Jefferson Street CARL, ANDERSON Everything in Insurance and Bonds The largest General Insurance Agency In Arizona—There is a reason— We know our business and satisfy our clients LET US FIGURE YOUR INSURANCE Adams Hotel Building Let Your Move Be Our Move DURING THE MONTH OF EASTER We have every facility to insure speedy transferring. An absolute guarantee that your goods will be handled and handled with care and caution. Old or New Time, we’re on Time. Chambers Transfer Co. Phone 3526 18 South Central Ave. We Solicit Your Trade and by offering you the highest quality of merchan dise at right prices, believe we merit a share of your patronage. TALBOT & HUBBARD, Inc. HARDWARE “At the Sign of the Dog” Advertise in The Phoenix Tribune Saturday, April 19, 1919