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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
PAGE FOUR Sense and By Marion Noble t . Did you see Mrs B at the Anniver-1 rary of Rev. and Mrs. Herring? She looked kind ’er good, don't you think? Did you say from Chicago or Cali fornia? Who's he victim? Your humble servant ran acress a j triend’s husband and was so glad to J see him she hugged and kissed him I before she knew what she was doing Now don’t everybody write at once, lor bad news travels fast enough. Have you seen the beautiful bouso ! at 13th and Jefferson street*? 1 would like to call it the Maple Cottage, for its color and size remind me so much j of one I saw in Europe The editor of j this paper and his little doll wife are ; the owners. Their children romp and play over the beautiful lawn, happy l as the birds. Mrs. Fred Gardiner, who has been doing post graduate work in Chicago, rushed to the station and demanded reservation ot Phoenix at once. The genial agent replied: “Madam, your reservation is the limited, but the lim Ued is so crowded you cannot get on." “Sir, I will take a standard, for 1 must be in Phoenix in three days.” You bet she caught the last train coming to Phoenix. There it is again. No, I can not tell you how much 1 am getting for writ-; ing in this small space. It is a neat little sum, though. Now don't all ap ply at once. 1 have some very classy neighbors. Always something new, such as silks, satins, crepe de chine, high-heeled boots, and what nots. Sorry 1 was not at the N. A. A. C. P. meeting Monday night. Would not liave missed it for anything. Catch you next time. Mrs. Lauda Walker has hauled off and moved out in the country. Might as well. East Jefferson. Who wrote all that muss in the paper a few weeks ago? 'Twant none of me. —More Anon. Fort Huachuca (By Mayme Clarke) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prince enter tained a number of their friends with a delightful party last Thursday even ing. The party was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Hubert. Mrs. Margaret Prince Hubert and Mr. Hu bert were married in Pasadena, Cal., last month, and with Miss Hubert Tn their party, decided while on their *************^****************tt******************************#'******^ * 1 * ... " ' ■ * • :■■•*’ 1 I * ;| I „ • i * I INSURE YOUR INCOME An EQUITABLE ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS POLICY in the Commonwealth Casualty Company, of Philadelphia, pays:— $25 Weekly Sickness Benefit $875 For Loss of One Hand $25 Weekly Accident Benefit $3,500 For Loss of Hand and Foot $25. Weekly Hospital Benefit $3,500 For Loss of Both Feet SIOO Emergency Belief $3,500 For Loss of Both Hands $375 For Loss of One Eve $3,500 For Loss of Both Eyes I $875 For Loss of One Foot $5,000 For Loss of Life I ENTIRE COST $lO [PER YEAR NO DUES NO ASSESSMENTS NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION I The most liberal Policy ever issued by any Company and sold to men and women of all Nationalities in all occupations be tween the ages of 16 and 70 years at the same low cost. I Insure Today—Tomorrow May Be Too Late 1 Don’t say you can’t afford it. Don’t say times are too hard. It will be worse for you if you should lose your eyes, hands or |j feet. Don’t go another day without our plan of protection. You may be seriously injured tomorrow or stricken, with a lingering sickness. - - . For full information write, phone or call on A. R. SMITH, General Agent Phone 1250 Peerless D epartment 1302 East Jefferson Street | Wk &"'■ i” ' ■ Phoenix, Arizona ' ; LIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN IN ARIZONA * Twenty-six Years in Business Over $1,250,000 Paid to Policy Holders | I 1.1. .1. I 111 *—- I .. VPpp.p -I-.-’ - ' ■■■■« n.i 11■iiuii ■■ ■l■ P Nonsense wedding tour they would stop for a few days at Fort Huachuca to visit the bride’s brother, Mr. Harold Prince and wife. The Prince home was beau tifully decorated with ferns and cut flowers. From the chandilier buna: numerous ribbons of all colors, and at the end of each was hung a bright new moon. The guests were Chap lain and Mrs. Scott, Sgt. and Mrs. Williams, Lt. Lewis, Sgt. W. D. Smith, Miss Mabel Smith, Miss Ruth Scott. Sgt and Mrs. Clarke, Mr. James Scott and Mr. Albert Scott. A number of selections were sung by the Tenth Cavalry quintette. The Pleasure Seekers' club was en tertained last Thursday afternoon by- Mrs. M. A. Harris. Mrs. Bertha Lewis and son John will leave September 8 for their home in St. Louis, Mo., for an indefinite visit. Mrs. Lewis wishes and trusts that all “// It’s Electrical We Have It 9 9 AT THE RIGHT PRICES All of the Electrical Comforts for the home New State Electrical Supply and Fixture Company Telephone 4430 228 W. Washington St. Phone 1039 Arizona Machinery Mfg. Go. Cylinder Grinding Pistons and Wrist Pins 222-24-26 North Seventh Ave. Phoenix Arizona ANTI SKEETER LOTION and POWDF.R Keeps Them Away Oet a box of our PRICKLY HEAT POWDER—solid comfort in every box. Mason’s Pharmacy 'Me PfiOElfe ■ - . 1. . ■ * ■*— lof the ladies that have visited her I beauty parlor will patronire Mrs. ! Head. Mrs. Head has been doing this i wcfk for the past six years, and Mrs. ! Lewis feel 3 positive that she will be more than satisfactory. The SoCiai Card club met iast Fri ! day afternoon at the home of Mrs. ! James Cranson. Sgt. Lee is back in post after hav ing been on a thirty-day furlough. Band Leader Burnett Mcßeynolds, formerly of the Tenth Cavalry band, is with us again after seeing service I overseas. o ARE CIVILIZED? (Rochester, N. Y., Times) j Whatever may be the cause or pre | text, the whole business of race riot ing is sickening and disheartening ,To see thousands lose control of ! themselves and turn into mere beasts makes one wonder if, after all we are ! even partly civilized. o i Patronize Tribune Advertisers. f • ' When you want House furnishings at the Right Price and sold on the level GO TO THE BARROWS FURNITURE CO. Corner First Street and Jefferson Phone 1666 SAN DIEGO FISH & POULTRY MARKET 319 West Washington St. , FRESH FISH RECEIVED DAILY Grain-fed poultry—dressed ready for the pan High Quality—Low Prices Phone 1320 Phoenix, Arizona Phenes: Office 3089, Residence 8797 P PHanTtrrysTs n: nP .# * t r - -/ - - f -- 1 MORE AND BETTER DENTISTRY FOR LESS MONEY 36 E. Washington St., Goldberg Bldg. Phoenix, Ariozna. SbelOon Ik lewder Gentlemen’s Watches Wrist Watches # Diamonds “If You Buy It Os SHELDON You Know Its Right” 106 North Ist Ave. Phoenix, Arizona 1561, ' STANDARD itURNITlJfcfc CO!*If»ANY SECOND 0 HOUSE FURNISHINGS . SOUMSR TENTS, CAMP EQUIPMENT 237-239 W. Washington St Phoeliii, Arixgna - -- * - ■ -- ' f ■' Great With Your Breakfast Mush! 1 *- creamer* c0 ’ pen ix,arizqna^^^ Made In Thorough Made In Phoenix GoodriOSS Phoenix Oatmeal, cornflakes; in fact cereals of all kinds will taste dif ferent, and have an added sweetness, when served with rich, creamy, Maricopa Evaporated Milk. •‘MADE RIGHT—in Phoenix