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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
Prescott Arizona a City of Push and Enterprise “THE EARTH-BEST INVESTMENT” SAFE INDESTRUCTIVE SOUND SECURITY VALUES GROW WITH YOUR AGE FOR SALE 320 ACRES—IMPROVED 80 ACRES IMRPOVED Sub-irrigated, deep loam, rich and tit . , productive. In abundance corn, Including 11 acres apple orchard of spuds, beans, maize and all kinds of 36 varieties, about oO head Hereford produce; 60 to 70 head of Holstein Rattle, also hogs, horses, poultry and and Durham cattle, horses, hogs and arm e( l ul P men t. poultry. School near. Located near school; large income. PRICE $17,500 PRICE $26,000; $16,000 will han- SUBURBAN RANCH, die; balance in 2 years. HIGHLY IMPROVED 2 ACRES IMPROVED 24 acres, more or less, including 10 Splendid chicken ranch; garden soil, to l 2 acres good garden soil, balance splendid orchard; 4-room dwelling witt modern J* b * th ’ '™° d «“>-■ conveniences, has 4 rooms, bath and 2 sleeping porches, outbuildings, PRH E $4-00; S2OOO cash; balance greenhouse in connection; well- !? n . established trade; also Jersey coav, i, ACRE, improved, Home ACRE 1 mare and all poultry. Half mile -trace, near city limits; 3-room from school. Price $8000; S3OOO dwelling and outhouses, will handle; balance 10'years. PRICE SI7OO BARBER SHOP, 4 CHAIRS and 3 BATHS, well-established trade, modern equipment splendid income. Reason for selling, owner retiring from busi ness. x $2200. Our list is full of offerings in grazing lands, cattle, farms, city and sub urban homes, income property, apartment sites; business including hotels restaurants, garages, etc. , 6 ’ SEND FOR OUR LIST THOS, E. HINES, Real Estate Notary Public Office 110 South Montezuma Street PRESCOTT ARIZONA TILLMAN’S GROCERY I :: . :■ :: Full Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries at :: RIGHT PRICES •• Free Delivery to All Parts of the City. :: - • Your Patronage is Desired. :: :: , :: j: Phone 267 -212 So. Montezuma :: i: THOS. A. TILLMAN, Prop. :: :: PRESCOTT ARIZONA ♦ ♦-»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» ♦+♦♦♦«, ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» ♦«♦♦♦♦<, THE BANNIE MINE Predictions as to Its Extent and Rich ness Verified by the Exposure of a Wide Vein of Highly Mineralized Ore (Prescott Courier) General Manager Garrett, of the Bannle Gold Mining and Milling com pany this week mounted his bucking automobile, visited the workings in the Bannie mine and brought back with him a lot of ore which goes far toward removing any possible doubt about the Bannie group being des tined to take front rank among the great precious metal producers of this section. In this collection of ore be seen pieces heavy with silver, other pieces almost solid galena, and chunks of this sort of ore weighing hundreds of pounds is being taken rout; other pieces of the ore are rich •in copper, while in another pile of ore from the same mine can be seen pieces full of gold visible along the surface to the naked eye. The • Courier man saw this ore to which reference is made. Manager Garrett, ■who has hung to this property with most commendable perseverance backed by an abiding faith in its fu ture greatness, says that three* ledges converge six feet in the bottom of the winze, on the 160-foot level, back 200 feet from the shaft. Drifting was carried through the present shoot of ore in the drift, at the start ing point, was eight inches wide and at the back end it is six feet wide. The winze is being sunk where the ore was 14 inches wide. The winze, now 14 feet deep, has six feet of ore ir. the bottom. In addition to this there is a shoot of ore three and one half feet wide on the hanging wall, which was being carried down In the winze, but was dropped for the reason that the winze was not large enough to carry It on down. The ore Is making toward this 3-1-2 foot ore shoot, and It is now only four inches away. The assays from this 52 foot shoot, made from ore taken out while drifting, gave values per. ton of $34, $98.03, $98.39 and $165.13. The plan of Manager Garrett is to put the winze down 100 feet before drifting or crosscutting. The Courier has al ways held that the Bannie had all the ear marks of a big property, and It looks more and more as if that is just what it is. • THE PHOENIX TRIBUNE—ALWAYS IMPROVING a rich ore bed of copper situated a few miles from Prescott, and of which he i,s the sole owner. Most of his time is spent at the mine, where a number of 'men may be seen busily engaged in development work and the installa tion of mining machinery recently pur chased by the owner. Mr. Garrett turned down a cash offer of $500,000 for his interest in this mine. He is of the opinion that if the mine is worth that much to some one else, it is worth even more to him. The mining men of that district say that Garrett has a fortune within his grasp. Be sides his shop and mining interests, Mr. Garrett owns a number of houses in Prescott which bring him a month ly income of considerable amount. Prescott Hospitality Before leaving Mr. Garrett’s place we thought to call up Rev. S. E. New ell, pastor of Mt. Olive Baptist church and a former representative for the Tribune in Tucson, Arlz., so as to let him know that we were in the city. He at once recognized our voice over the telephone and informed us that our coming had been anticipated and that preparations were made to en tertain Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Hines •-♦♦♦♦♦ tHIHHHtt 1 »♦+♦ ♦ ♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ + ♦♦♦♦♦♦+♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦+ + ♦♦♦■++■♦♦♦ + ♦■♦< FALL 1 ! OPENING McCarty’s Second Hand Clothing Store We carry a full line of Men’s Suits slightly used and Misfit Suits, prices range from $11.50 to $22.50. ;: Mens Suits, slightly used, well mended $7 to $10.50 COMPLETE LINE OF OVERCOATS ;;;; Misfits and Slightly Used Overcoats from $5.75 to SIB.OO Trousers, from $2.98 to $9.65 A; All the latest styles in hats, Priced at . .98 cents to $2.98 A small'assortment of Ladies’ Suits (new) and Misfit • Coat Suits, at $3.85 to $9.89 :::: We save you Fifty Cents on every dollar’s worth ;::: bought here. COMPLETE LINE CUTLERY, JEWELRY, NOTIONS ** When in Prescott, make our store your headpuarters. McCarty’s Second Hand Clothing Store 136 So. Montezuma St. Phone 67 PRESCOTT - —o— o— ARIZONA COLORED CITIZENS! ;0F PRESCOTT. ARIL ARE W DE AWAKE '■ (By A. R. Smith) | We left Phoenix Fri day morning, ■ October 24, and arrived in Prescott ► early that afternoon. Aside from us ' ual purchases of nick-knacks and the 1 like from the news agent and fruit > vendei\on the train, our trip was un ; eventful. A Cordial Welcome ► Mr. W. D. Alexander, an employee [ in Garrett’s shop and the Worshipful ' - Master of the Masonic lodge of the . Texas jurisdiction, met us at the sta- j ’ tion and conveyed us to his home at j ’ 110 South Granite street, where we l • were assigned a comfortable room ’ that was to be our headquarters dur ’ ing our stay in the city. At Garrett’s Place * The first business establishment we ’ visited was an upto-date tonsorial par > lor on Gurley street, owned and man * iged by Mr. R. M. Garrett, one of Pres ’ cott’s leading citizens. After an in ► troduction to Manager Garrett by Mr. I W. D. Alexander, who has charge of ’ the first chair in this shop, we met ► personally all employees of the place, ! and, to our delight, there was one in‘ > the group whom we have known for > more than nine years. This establish ’ ment is perfect in all its appointments ■ and they cater to the best trade. Six | . chairs are used in the transaction of ’ the business and are presided over by • the following gentlemen, every one of . whom is an artist: W. D. Alexander, ;ij. R. Jordan, W. H. Young, (who, by -{the way, is the one we have known . for, io! these many years), Paris Tab \ron, J. C. Garver, R. M. Garrett and Russel Cannon. Mr. Cannon is not a . barber, but it is he who keeps the , place clean and attractive, thus mak ing it possible for the master barbers to draw the trade. Manager Garrett ' said he was Just as important as any I man in place. The Bannle Mine •| While Mr. Garrett is generally known as a barber, his chlej interests land thoughts are in the Bannie Mine, JOHN SDDDOTH THE LONE STAR SHOEMAKER Prescott, Arizona tiIIMMMIIMIIIMMQIIWmniIMfIIIK A good shoemaker wanted, $25 per week and up ward. Address: P. O. Box 110, Prescott, Arizona. E EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY We display a smart line of the newest ideas in PATTERN hats weekly, featuring this week— GOLD and SILVER hats. We have a large line of beau tiful TRIMMED hats and TAI- LORED STREET hats that are A COMPLETE LINE OF CHILDREN’S HATS Our Prices Are Right Mail orders shipped promptly. To avoid delay send picture of style desired with order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED LADIES STYLE SHOP MRS. L. V. HINES, Prop. Phone 250 110 So. Montezuma Street Box 224 PRESCOTT , ARIZONA and myself at dinner that evening. If there is anything a newspaper man likes better than an invitation to dine, it is the actual dining. Returning to our room at 110 So. Qranite, we were met by Rev. Newell and Mr. and Mrs. Hines, who conveyed us to the “ap (Cantinued on Page 6). Prescott Restaurant i • * • A Good Place to Dine •> > When in Prescott, look us up. :: ■* * M. H. Fuertado, Prop. 222 North Cortez Street Prescott, Ariz. :: q Madam Hilbert’s i! M\ New Idea Store J oLv;v;&\\ Everything in Ladies’and - ¥ ,|\ \\ Children’s Ready-to-Wear :: / ' LA Garments. " IjWflgp Up-to-date Suits, Coats, ;; __Evening Dresses, Gowns, ;; \ /11 Capes, and a beautiful Line • ■ j 1 |l - of Millinery. r\ We also carry a complete U line of Hair Goods of all :: * kinds. ;; < - Send Us Your Mail Orders t • <► Madam E. E. Hilbert, Prop. :: ■< ► North Cortez Street :: Prescott, Arizona :: < * Depot ♦ *► Restaurant •< ► * > -» -■■ < ► r < ► <» ■< * Open Day and Night «* < * «» Quick Service Our Motto ■* > < > T ■" T?I? z 9 m - - • c, < *- * I- Jas. Grant, Prop. < > < * Prescott Arizona ■* ► i > PAGE THREE