OCR Interpretation

Puget Sound weekly Argus. [volume] (Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Wash. Terr. [Wash.]) 1888-1???, February 16, 1888, Image 1

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96061109/1888-02-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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Gldesi: Pager,
5’3" Qr‘"s!€.‘:sp mature} f:
about the onustry, (O
tinml-L- lan-L: {me My .'Lp;.'.i~
Volume XEX.
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Earn Viv-Imm: i:.sv.".!- ... V .V.‘ 71‘
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.\iyc:;:.~‘,x.; rsf-c F 4" .m-d. ’m .uvpiluu-‘inn.
A}! .“"t 1:...‘5 {K 3"} J; 350%.! ‘ll]
Auaa'a l’csuszlnz Co.
axfi'gm't‘ “‘35:", "51“." T 1“ 7‘ E“ ”in“. W
:‘Bs}}'s*»§Ju.~-y : x (1.31:5.
JAMES Esl. FfiifiiiLEß, M. D.
H-HT ‘1") .S‘XSEX‘D. \.V .
umcv. :1:n-.'.!):II I :s Vm. away lE:'- Cuplcm House.
Radiant-:3. Mrs. E. ‘-.‘l‘li:rup'.4 Mum humus,-
assumed 2); 'lpLUh ' r, o.) Taylonuun.
Trizmhumu L 'lru,: 3:011" acrcnibm day I):
329,2“. 3;". :J to. em tar rrsidez malts. .\‘o,
of whyimne for ofiu «I. '23.
. Q- 0330: noun-z 'J to IE, .\. H., 2‘4.- Dnlid'o' m
e, r. I. Seafiljlwlf
r “IS
flunkliflxl'i-tad-i,."h‘ai‘ nt- "l:}-\r(l{(){‘ln ud
ministn'ud zm- xuqu-ms cu r.-; -. .x .. ' "cl‘u.
c xmfiéfii‘. " ' uglLészj
Attorneys (ma counselors-g!—£aw.
Puocrcné: nu Anxxmn.
urn: in Bradshaw‘s hl'W building
Put Tov.-.-.aand. W. T.
630. ILJosv, J. J. CALHUUH.
l'rozecutin Atty.
Attorneys-at. - Lav:
Conveyanccr and Notary Public.
Jamar-0n Cnumy, with complem lazy a! nil
{FUN-1:1: nu Hairs Barllan'aetsne bld‘g.
‘tt or n 03' on t- I. axv .
“on: Up stairs in Court [I \use.
In! S‘Late and Insurance.
RV. Smith. Warren 1. Hastings
sum-1 & HASTINGS,
_..Attorneys - at - La‘v.
5 morons ll “mum.
[ad for Sale. Loans Mau e.
' Port Townsend. W. T.
' m mesmm a 1 law. Proctor umuam
undated with Burke—:Ballcr. 0! Seattle.
7 “a comer of Watemd—Quincfiv 813.. opposite
_ sum of Walemuu & 'stz.
- rou- NWNSEND‘ - - w. T.
‘ "loney I. [can at featured rates.
_EUGENE monpl,
-Mmll and Norwcglan Vice-Consul.
. was Surveyor for all Puget 80mm Perla.
J's-n tor San Francisco and New York Board!-
of Underwriters.
muting “oyds‘ London 5: l; reau V'eritaa.
Not ice
‘ ' Int-had and read: to
Car. for the flick:
Y‘altuln. DzmAxvso‘s. Pan Townsend.
Auctioneet "w
Commlsolon Merchant,
Wilmington at. Port Townsend
Boot. B‘s Shoe Store
or '1‘!!!
. U' have a great reverence to!" ash
Bazaar of F ashlon
. ‘ $fl
Angacggat: 1:318:11? Us“: skhe :ms now
- 8 0 60 ‘GC 0
525:0? AN!) Erns'hmxn (mops,
V m‘nfix'ipsitfig 10 (xii arid cumine Gouda.
2 Hence for Pubhc .tion- ‘
‘ Una-u) Suns LAND Orr-‘10:.
Seattle, W. T.. Dercutber 20, 1887. 1' ‘
‘flbo in hut-by given that, in compliancewith
“I ”Ct-Mona of the Act of Congress tipprOYHl
in. 8. 1875. entitled "An Act for the rule of
M Land» in the Stat-=5 of Caiifomia. Oregon.
~_ finds. uni “'auhingtun Territory." Jute L‘.
”lint! at Port DISCOVO')‘, ('ounty of Jeflerson,
”(it Territory) of Washington. has this day
N In thin nuke his sworn statement. No. 21153,
“Input-chase of the hnrthwost u of North
‘ K 0! Section XO. 3!" in Townlmp No. B. N.
a Mr £O. I Went, nnd wtu otter proof to show
a. the and wnght 15 mon run-bl. for its
- “or stone Run for agricultural pru
; ”ambush bu claim to aid Land Eton
“- incl-tar and lucriwr of this one. 1! Seat—
In. King Co . w. 'r.. on Wednesdsy tin nth any
, Clan .3“.
in lumen u «ism-nan:
cm Debut: at Port Dist-awry, Jefl'erson
flu?” Pitts. of Port Discovery, Jefl'erson
. '39?! louro. of Port Dim-every. Jam-non (30.,
'Biyry Med: 0! {'ort 3'::LVYCI')‘, Jefl'dtson CO--
AI! Ind r‘ “Prion: I minim: advele thu-
W ‘uma are reqm-zitud to file their
w! t on or bctura mid nu: day or
.2,_“:-),,'- I's: :‘ ‘-~ ,7,“ : _‘.“_ L 9%., ’ x" . “' .53 9“ : ,> _ , 1 3.3
: ‘2 “§: «5 (=1: : ~. ,2 :: <53?“ 2:: f‘%% ;.3:5 ,2. 55% .
‘'3 'N ‘35 5 / 1 ‘3" 3 ‘i ' 3 ' 3"; Va“? “‘s‘ ' 3'-:/ : V 9}! 5 327'; 4%! " 4 '
"‘ i ‘ 1“"$\ '3'i 5 : 3 L '5 \‘! 13?; i 3153 E : 3% ‘ :E..'- 3%! 3 ' ’
N: :‘iw" 3' "a: :1 . 3 3''3 - I. i. , «5-3.5, ,3 '3 g 3:52, 9‘33 ) 2.
' ‘9‘ 3; (\s' ~ I @ “a?“ ' l ' /'\l\\, \‘\ ‘ '3‘: ’ 233‘ \% ’% ”k Q} 33;»,- r ‘3; , \: :,: 5
\‘e;-_,__<_l99’ ' ‘q% -“‘7 ,
’ EIGDLA'EIVH mi r-iCs
.1 s‘ratnmx Earl-u.
4. ‘\\' . 'i“. l-X-h. 4. 1534
ffJlJw.‘ (17' TM! lawn. [Mir Sire -
Vi “gain: of 1110 batik-11:16 L'iL‘Zil'i-ii
“2...: , (-22:4‘ Lulu unr Area: are fun
in :z! 2!.- - prewL-a-c ux' tin“ L'Iil"133"”iil"-
;...i:;::l'__'.'. v:1\‘:a1r;: and 110313 an'xéici'y
Ina-xx.- .'ir’:-.§~3u;z'.:l;-_l.'lat-rtr again yrqim
--:_. .u (4.1?” 1:231) acme ft".'\'u'x?;
1;.“- ;:‘.=.:.: 4.12- dinm-nnta-d, uni} at last
2%,; .- -\':-r.ri:::l li-ir-J house I'CiLTL‘i 5!:
fix-2:.». Aftxr xii xiv.- dig. ~’_-cniv:~,~zui;
and Hznnmi ui' lm- 935' day. arrsinu,
‘ :Lirty nz’ which won frittmx Ci away
_ 111 i iivi‘.€>s. um qm'bziun naturally
1 mm mm, " \‘(hzst be» 130912 Clone fur the»
3 hclmiit of the Territory?" More
if?!" :zaliy due a this come with pea-m
:mr zuu-rupriutunevs frmn thurse who
;L.-u\'u :9 foo: uii the hills-4h:- pour
gunfurtnnam tux-payer. In uni-9r 1U
gem-Mu the} inner 1.; judge as Eu
'5 :viwllmr their representatives have
5 Maxi good judgment or not, as far as
lily. lil.an<:izzl aflhirs vi the Territory
Ino Cunu-l‘ln-J, your corrosion-dent
;huw\\i:h aubmita for perusal, a com—
glaiizz.a list a: .5: appears in the Orega—
‘ uiugz of nil the appropriations made
idunug its oloventh biennial session
iuf the Legiziutivu Assembl ' of
‘ \Yusbingisu, which has just cicsed
its labors. These figures show the
amount of appropriations intended
for 1h” ensuing 1m; years, are as fol
l’ros. Ait'y. (being 1:3: in
crcaae u! $17,700). . . . . . . . .3 36.700 00
Ad’y {Sczz‘i a Bit“: otfice. ... . . 3.6 L” 00
Bren-Linn of insane Aayinm
at Medical Lake. ..... .. . . 60.0% 00
En-ctiuu c-f schuc] lor defec
tive youth, Vaucauver. .. . . 30.000 00
Support of name. . . . . . . . 12.000 00
fjnppurt of .huswital {or in
3mm. Stellacocm” . . .. 75.000 00
Deficiencies and improve.-
nenls for sums. ..... ... . . 15,914) 68
Deficiencies. improvementa
and support penitentiary. 173.490 00
Bupburt or university at Sc
at:3c..... 10,600 00
Eszimuted expense of bold—
ierms Supreme Court. . . . . 2.0“. 00
Printing Supreme ( nufl re
p0rt5vc13................ 1.50000
Files and fixtures for Sumo. . 250 00
Legislative incidenmi ex
penses”... .... ... 8.516 92
Expense code cnmmissionera 7.000 00
Sinking urtesian well in Yak
ima c0unty............... 1.00900
Printing Governor's massage
nndrep0rt................ 1.00000
Executive oxpcnlea. 712 00
‘Piloi commissioners Oolnm- '
bin river and bar ultimate. 200 00
Same for Puget Bound . . 200 00
Estimated expense of trans- ‘
porting convicts to peni'n‘ 15.000 001
namu‘ or
Payne Bros. and A. Farqnbn: 120 00
3.141150% and othczn..... .. 138 40
Rev.W.H.Eugau.......... 18000
It 1" leebaugu, 1’ B Johnson 111 00
WARayn01da.............. 14080
FJParker................. 30600
:3FAibert...u............. 19040
FWi‘uine................. 8600
Skamnnin c0unty........... 790 00
’B3nJuan county..... 13000
Nations] Bani: Scattie.... . . 1.500 00
Hairs of J M Van Syckla, cs
timatad 1.03000
Adjt. Gen.BGO‘B'ieu..... 150 00
Billings and others. estimat‘d 1.793 00
Making a total of.. . . . $461,375 20
Estimated outstanding iu~
. debtedneu of Territory
previous to the passage of
. tneub0v01awa...........- 120.00000
Tot:;i.... ....mOpUO 00‘
The estimated disbursements for the;
next two years according to the Auditorsj
‘ report it follows: ‘
Transportation expense of In
] 5ane........ 820.000 00
.Ex use of Auditor‘s and
i {insurers 0fice.......... 8.50000
1E:- Librariaunud Library. . 900 00
fSupt. of public instruction. . 2,500 00
Board of education ..... .. .. . 1.000 00
i Printing and advertising. .. . 6000 00
Judicial expen5e5........... 1,60000
Extradition expenses.... .. . . 2.000 00
Incidental expenses... .... .. . 5,0“) 00
5 47.400 00
Total approoprimed by the
present legislature. .. . .. . 3461375 00
Estimated indebted men and
loss to Territory. .. 200,000 00
Estimated disbursements for
two years as above . . . . 47.400 00
Estimated interest for ensu
ingtwo year-............. 91.22500
Estimated amount of cost
bi1i5...................... 50.00000
Making loin} of . . .. .. $850,000 00
To meet this enormous expendi
ture, notwithstanding the many im~
portant and judicious suggestions
made by Auditor Reed in his report
for 1887—8. abut which were never
'rend or considered. and which if
acted upon would not only have
bron ht in a larger income, but
woulfi in the course of a very few
years, have entirely cleared the Terri
tory of debt, yet these sages, in
their sublime wisdom, allowed these
enormous bills to accumulate while
the only resourcee available are the
2% mill: tax on property val
uations, about.... .... ....8300,000 00
10 per cent from licenses for.
liquors, about 35.000 00
Taxalion on railroad prop~
0rty.ab0ut............ 75,00) 00
i 'i'0mx................54m.00000
Of this amount there will
probav Iy be delinquent. .. . 30,000 00
Making the entire re
sources 8450.000 00
From this it will be seen that {or
two years the Territory will labor
under a debt of roan HUNDRED THOU
SAND mums, with no chance what
ever of a reduction, or any possibil
ity of throwing ofl‘ the burden that
has been cast upon her shoulders
through the action of the members
of the Eleventh Biennial Session.
What these honorable gentlemen
have to be proud of remains a com
plete mystery. but that it will result
1!} a complete reformation at the next
general election there seems to be no
doubt. ‘
At the opening of the session there‘
Were two, and nulj two. objects in
View: First, lu reenact the Woman
Suffrage Act, and bect'jfid, to wipe out
that " infamgnus” groan earnings. tux.
Both of these objecm having been
accomplished, the members started
L‘ (’
'E‘ 2. §‘ 888
q o
3? 9 ‘SO E Q S» y b? l 5 ii 3'l 4
‘ 1
1 {m
t 3 9 r? V
'l' 01
in amure-utiy to bankrupt the T9rri~
tn'y. and how far they haw -u---
eve-dad is only tmy apparent on m:-
aunmcg tho abate figures.
" Sumsncgg"
Judge Kuhn‘s Trip East.
Tim lii-unit. i‘.—l.’.~ Parr. 'l'uwnsend
CUII'L'LEIiJnGItflt 3;} .'-.~-.; the iuiiozz'iugex
piuuutiun of math-r 5 l‘u'93flo dis~
enssvd—m :: rmuk of an i'stmviu‘r:
with lion. I}. C. fil'd uf Shiv. cilj‘:
Not many tree-1:1 3g) .2 telegram
frvm \\'a~‘mugiwn was rota-ind in
11115 cnty, which n-au]: "Lu-ck out for
your custom b 01159. Murris Hillier is
Lara" The names of the sender
and receiver Warn withheld.
“I went. over to I). \V. Smith's of
fice," said Mr. Hil}. “and aftur dis—
missing the Xiltiih-i‘ we concluded to
lawn a :snirzl‘l'iliiiuii taken up and
san Joe Kuhn in \\'zisiiin;:tou, not
fiur the purpusn of opposing Scuttle,
but to get our appropriation of $25!),
000 for the new custom house mum-d
through lit-fore tL-c bills for Seattla
or 'l‘ucuinzi W'Tif cuuaidcrad. The
reason being if bur biil was consid
ered first then Seattle and Tacoma
cculd with every chance of success
step in and have their appropriations.
It was with this idea, and this alone,
that. we sent Mr. Kuhn to Wushiug~
ton. It was not to oppusc Seattle,
but, to push our own bill. and than
assist our sister city. Seattie. if also
required help, to secure the suliiport
of entry. The link of friendship
that has always bound the Queen
City to the Port. of Entry is being
welded stronger each day, and no
move could ever take place in Port
Townsend that. would in any degree
be a detriment to Seattle’s interest,
with the business men’s consent.
With great pleasure we announce a
genuine surprise for our people; it. our
prirc in the form of a unique and valua
blurontnhutiou to our national litera
ture by :1 mist celebrated author. Ar
rangements hare been perfumed whero‘
by we shall. at an early day. and of
which further notice shall be given. be
enabled to place before our readers the
latest and some of the most readable.
intereating and captivating chapters yet
contributed to the American press,
Widow-s with man and woman or the
Revolution." The illustrious historian.
popular and venerable citizen. born 14
years after Washington died, whose an—
nouncement need; no further introduc
tion than his name. Bcnson J. Loosing.
L. L. D.. will 3ch in narrative form.
reminiscences of his experiences and
discoveries. Many yearn ago a casual
incident in his lira at Connecticut, urged
him. With an inexprtusi'ole desire. to
seek such memories of tho great conflict
for freedom uni] independence wherever
they might exist, and buforo it should
be too late to make a pilgrimage to the
dwellings of living men and women who
wore actors in the stirring events of the
long past. and hear from their lips the
story or their experiences and rosollec
lion: in the birth time of our Republic,
and record them for the benefit of his
country men. Wheraupon be “under
took a pilznmarze of many months, em
bracing nsarly 9,000 miles of travel. in
the thirteen original States of the Union
land in Canada. to all dwellings of living
linen And women and places of interest
inundated with the events that marked
the founding of this powerful and free
republic." How well be accomplished
his purposes and matured his studies
and investigations. his celebrated Field-
Book of the Revolution attests. But. he
tells us. that “in the vast storehouse of
recorded incidents and objects that he
gathered and preserved. there is much
that could not he used in detail in his
published works. “and,” is with this old
and unadulterated wine that we are to
be rolreshed.
We shall discover in this how the lit—
tle aids incidents of. life become impor
tant factors in momentous issues, and
we shall be brought face to face with
heroes and heroines with whose names
we had not hitherto become familiar.
We shall find reflected in tho man: mir
mm which the honored historian places
in position. the horowm. valor patriotism
nobility of nature. genius and pathos of
those “forts in council and in war,”
also in peace. secured for us our coun
try. We shall also be favored with an
introduction to the last survivor of
Washington. who participated in the
great events; we shall see the last 0!
Sumpler’a men, listen to Washington‘s
last surviving bondwoman, and be intro
dnced to tho last anrvrving belle of the.
Revolution. We shall admire the fair
courier of important secrets, take lessons
from Montcalm's errand boy. he told of
the captive child of Wyoming. learn
something new of the last battle for in
dependence. and discover some interest
ing detail regarding the great seal 0! the
United States. adopted by Congress six
years after the declaration of indepen
dence. We shall call upon the patriotic
widow ot the Congaree. accompany the‘
cicerono of Ticonderoga. and pay later-l
attention to an interesting communion-l
tion concerning the famous and heroic
Flora MacDonald. wtiore husband. the
Scottish General. Donald MacDonald,
taught on tho wrong side.
Moo. women and children pass in to
view and crowd the story. which in re
plete with matter of a highly interesting
character to the American people and
has never before been published. The
literary gifts ol the distinguished author
are all happy ones; his style is pictur~
csquo,lucld, and always pleasing. In
this instance he surpasses himself.
Hem-y George and Dr. McGlynn‘
have quarrvled. The formvr appears
tobave umdo a contract to deliver
the United Labor party (-ver to the
dumocmcy, un 11 free trzuln plutfqrm
—to which 311» lam-r ducidedly
objects, Their convention will be
held in April, when it will ge decided
[as to who will control.
: ..___,_
l Gnu-mo. l'K-L‘. lib—Tim sub—com
{inittm- of £SO republic”: nationnl
'coxn:nittm-, clcctuzl (in; Fitzsimmons.
ioz' Chit-lago. Surat-nutfizt-zn‘ms o! 111;:
znutionzzl convention. The Grand
Elfin-ilk: was which (l 2:; (ho p“l‘luli!‘.<
gout huudqumtt-rs of the National
;(;v::::ui€!eu. Tho ooaniniiivn tool; 3.
jj'JU'A' .2;- ilzo Auditorium lrziihiinc. and
won: uppuruutly {Hillnil‘fal tin-i [to
Hi“: oilillco Would ho romly fv .* llw
Conn-align. Thuy will :1r:‘:s:;;.;:- for
admission bol<.~re adjournz-it-zxt.
VICTORIA, B. (1., Feb. 10.—'1‘lzo Van
couver 0031 company and Dnnsnmir
4&2 Sons? collierics commenced tum
ing out coal yesterday. tho latter 15:}
tons to the former 1000 tons. 4 No
Chinamen are employed.
To xxvaa'rxoug TUE LlQL‘uI: TIKAFFXLX
WAbnxxoTox, Fm. Ill—Aft”: list~
eniazg 9-) nrgmuunt from A. M. Powa
all, tho l’ioaitiuu of tho National
To:upcl‘m;co Society, tho Senatx-l
Committee on Education, by “mini“
mon: vote. instructed Senator Wil
son of lowa to report favorably the
bill providing for the up )ointmont of
acommissiou of five all of whom
shall not be advocates of total absti
nence. to investigate the alcoholic Ii»
quot traflic, its relations to revenue
and taxation; also, its general oco~
nomic, criminal, moral and scientific
aspects in Connection Will) pauper—
ism, criminal and social vice, public
health and roncml wollfnre of the
people, and {.5150 to inquire and take
tostimoncy as to the practical results
of license and prohibxtory legislation
for the prevention of iatem erauco in
the several states of tho (llama.
“an: or RATES.
NEW YORK, Fob. 10.——’I‘ho Cann~
dian Pacific road has rvducud second
class passenger rates to the Pacific
coast. Its agents have been author—
ized to meet tho competition of all
rival lines. Some weeks ago the
transcontinental ronds made an
agreuuiont on passengor traflic \vhica
secured to the Canadian Pacific :1;
difl'erontinl rate of $lO on lirst~clnss=
and $5 on socond~clnss pnssongorsl
under rates by directmmorican routcy. ‘
Rates were to be advanced Feb. lst l
The Canadian Pacific advanced its
rates as had boon ngrrangod, but it
seems that- Amcricnn roads did not‘
do so. The Candainn Pacific, after
finding that for several days it did
none of tho business, resolved to lg
more the contract.
TOLEDO, Feb. B.—--It. is thought
that D. R. Locke (Petroleum V.
Nasby) will not live more than 24
hours. His diSßflbO in consumption.
shipping Soles.
Tho loss of the British bark Abcrcnrn.
on the ermst about 50 miles north of the
Columbia River is reported. It is in all
probability the result of carelcrs sca
mnnahip. She had taken a pilot on
Feb. Isl, but as the bar was rough she
decided to lay 03'. and allowed herself
to be swung due north instead of west
or south as should have been the case.
The loss of the ship and cargo amounts
to $120,000. The steel rails were for
the 0. B. &N. Go. All but three men
werslost, her crew was 25. [t is strange
that with the coast charts, and the
knowledge-of the cddies' consequent on
the outlet of a great river her master did
not hold her 00' shore:
ma vnssnn's rumour).
The British vessel Ahercorn. which
was lost near Gray's Harbor. was an
iron bark of 1262 tons register. built at
Glasgow in 1885 by Stephen & Son for
P. H. Dixon & 00., ofGlasgow. She
nailed from Newport England. on Sop‘.
213; last. consigned to Balfour, Guthrie
a; Company with 2000 tons ofsteel rail:-
tor the Oregon Railway &Navignzion
company, She made a good run to the
womb of the Columbia. taking on Pilot
Charles Johnson on Jan. 23. when 124
days out. Since that time she has been
beating off shore. The Abercorn first
arrived here in November, 1886. when n
cargo of coal from Sydney. sailing for
the United Kingdom in December with
a cargo of wheat. Sho next arrived in
February. 1887, from Panama in ballast.
nailing hence in March wilh a canto of
flour. Her master, Captain MoCallum.
was known here as an experienced sen
Journals of Northern Idaho territory
lay the sentiment of that part of Idnbu
against annexation to Washington has
been growing rapidly during the pan!
”’5”. and is now nearly a unit against
The Puget Sound Fishing campany
have recently received a new pound net
for fishing in the buy. The net cost
8600. It was hauled in yesterday for the
first time and was found to contain over
a. thousand pounds: of fish. The com
pany inland buying four more. after
which there will be no scarcity of fish in
Tacoma—Tacoma Ledger.
It is now definitely understoood that
the Northern Pacific has decided to
build their large depot for use of their
roads,lnclnding the O. & W. R. R., at
about nine mile from the 0. li. & N. de
pot. where they already have erected a
large tank, having procured an max.
haustible supply of water at a depth of
twelve leek. It. is the intention or the
company to make many extensive im
provements in the vicinity. among which
is nbuut 1000 feet of coul bunkers. The.
town of Dublin, (15 that portion of ‘Val
lulu is called. is the most. thrivinzund
shows unmistakable signs vf the town
drifting in that direction.
Srmxxn SOLD.——Tha steamer Lone
Fisherman hns been sold by H. E. Lev-v
to the Cutting Fucking Company. and
she will leave in a few days for Alaska.
where she will hereafter be used use
sort of tender for the cunnerics owned
by that company in the far north. Mr.
Levy refused to say anything about the‘
transaction. for publication. but from a
gentleman maniznnt with the facts, it is
learned that Mm mica paid for [hast-mm
et by Mr. Mchz.al;l, Collin-4‘3. "great
wai 82500. The an- Fisturmnn has :1
Very ennui-‘11? ("at - r ':n 2IIL-.".;";xi, a :4}
unkind pauple hav: :‘x’rtl ashlar-1 Ilv'l' n:
having been er gnged in the smuugli‘g
business. She is a goud imle burn, but
has nave: made much money for any
body.—P. I. ,
I A sun-cu an: rent.
E At ”113910500! the opiebruto-l ca.
Hm» mnv:-rsa!i«;~:x butwec-n Nnnzmn
land Stead. Mr. Husmcr. (it-zu’ral
‘ Managfir u'i tho (‘. I’. R. h-ngruphst.
rr-Crivod i‘m- fullawing cable frnm
Eliza Stead} “Thanks fur this uniqae
“-mn'm'satwn at “Wm; thunsaud milw
j diitmzcu, the longrxs‘. rnngn at which
19.12;: 0:10 has an“: |n-r-n intorviu‘SeJ
flint-u Hm morning slurs suns: tu
gt-thvr.” Norman win-d frmu Yan
icu:n‘~_‘l': “I don't know lm\‘.‘ in tbzuk
ynu. It has [won \‘zuili‘ with 11m
r-u-zs: and :u-em'my u? zamirnrh: I?
i: :uavvvliuus in my eyes. I wil!
burn A Juss stick m y :11 :7 l“u._an_';:ov.'."
—'\’iL-Loriu Times.
The Pod Bhix-Ey mili «Ir-~22n-s'ed by
fire 13% week mu :mt Hm lawn-J “n
Pug-ct 51mm}. 1'! was Hm max! Eu 0:.-
['élK'i‘y m w- Tucnmn “A”, which has
nhvays lows-en the largest.
Henry Gcorge is out fur Grover
Cleveland on n I've-9 Ira:}t- basis. But
this may no: help Gruvor Glcvrlund.
13. H. Flagg. of St. Helens, has
just issued a pamphlet of sixteen
pages clearly and accurately descrip
tiro 01' Columbia county and itsru
sources. Its object, frankly mom-3.,
is "to secure immigration to Colum
bia county." ‘
amp can Accnrnx'r.
KAXSAS CITY, Feb. 9.- -'Il:o luv-r of
z; grip ("11' on the cable road hero
broke lust ~ovvning and the cars flew
down the incline at u terriblo rate of
speed. About on» hundrod persons
were injured.
-.... ~
Sotlea- la Jinx-inert
Tho disabled whistling buoy
outside of San Francisco Bar has
reilaced by another buoy
‘y order of the light. house board.
(Signed) Nicou. Lvnnow. ;
U. S. Light House Inspector. 1
“—-.~___ ‘
“I was troubled with an eruption on 1
my fire, nbich was“ murcu of constant
annoyance win-n I wished to appear in
company. After mung ten bottles of
Aya’s Samaparilln. the humor entirely
disappeared." filmy M. Wood, 40
Adams at. , Lowell, Mass. 1
An Oncu hotter.
PUYALLCP. W. T.. July 25. 1887
2.19 am. A. B. Stewart & (10.. Seattle.
Dam Sirs. My Wife was troubled last
winter and spring Willi :1 severe cough.
which became very alarming. in she
nth-n coughed blond fr-m the lungs.
She tried a number of lung remedies.
but of no avail. She had almost given
up all bnpc, when glancing over the pa
per pbe saw n stntcmi‘nt at C. Darling,
n! Suntrle. reccommemling yuur ann
STAR Conan SYRUP. which she decided
to try. With littln faith I got a bottle.
Strange as it may scam the first duse
gave her relief. and one lzottle cured
her. {or which we are very thankful.
We have [Ecclltnglelldt‘d it to a number
nf nnr afflic'ed friends. and will lie ewr
really tn do so. Hoping you may be
successful in your business. and be able
tn placa. this medicine in every house
hold in the land. I remain yours respect
'nlly, E D. MASON. Pnyullnp. W T.
For sale by all drngzistn. Sample
"the. j‘l'lil‘.
Ladies call and see Hm new style of
corsets at Mrs. Uougill‘s next to Hunt
and's. j3odt
A Sound. meg-l opiuon.
E. Blninbridge Mnndsy Esq . County
A 3132, Clay 00.. Tex. says: "Have used
Electnic Bitters with most bnppy results
My brother also was very low with Ma
larial Fever and Janndice. but. was
cured by timely use of the medicine.
Am ’satisfied Electric Bitters saved his
life.’ .
Mr. D. L. Wilcoxson. of Home (3an
Ky.. adds a like ttstimony. saying: Be.
pnsilivelp believes he would have died,
had it. not been for Electric Bitters.
Lbis great remedy will ward Oman
well as cure nll hialarinlDircaar-smnd
for all Kidney, LiAer and Ltomncb Dis
orders stands unequalled. Price 500
and 81. at I“. D. Hill 8: San.
__ ~........_.._
would enjoy your dinner
‘8 “3°“ and. are prevented by Dya
pepsia. use Acker’s Dyspegsia. Tablets.
They are a. positive cure for yspepeia, In
digestion, F latulency and (‘onstigmtiem
We guarantee them. 25 and 50 Cents.
Sold vaNlmer & Co.
The—iriiunlnegu Booming.
Probably no one thing has caused guob
a general revival of trade at N. D. HI" &
Son's drug store as their giving away to
thezr customers of so many free trial bot
tles of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption. _ Their trade IS [imply
enormous in this very valuablo article
from tho (act that it always cares and
never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asth
ma. Bronchitis. Group and all throat and
nag diseases quickly cured. . You can
test it before buying by getting a trial
bottle free, large size B]. Every boule
An Abnollne mm.
The Orlglnnl Abnorine Olnrmpm is only pnl. up
In largr iwo—ounro lln boxes sud ls. nu nbmlule
cure for old sorts. bums. wounds. clinppml
hands. undull skillerupziom. Will poritlvely
are all kinda of pilefi. Ask for the Urlginni
Abletine Ointment. Sold by Dr. Ju. U. Mink
er at 2'5 cents per box—[JV mail 30 cents.
3 Ni hts is the
Gun ’s %\oc\\ “gym: 0,
thousands sufiering from Asthma, Con
sumption. 00:535. etc. Did you ever try
Acker's Engl’ Remedy? It is the my
[infarction known for all Lung Troubla,
301 on a. positive guarantee at. 10c... 500.
For sale bv Latimer a CO.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need an
special mention. All who have used
Electric Bitters sing ihe same song of
praise—A purer medicine does not exist
and it. is guaranteed to do all tbntis
claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all
diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will
remove Pimplea. boils. salt rbnnm nnd
uthnr afl'ectiunscansml by impure blond.
—\Vill drive Malaria from the system
and prevent as Well as care all muluriul
lemme-For cure of headache. constipa
tion and indigestion try Electric Bittera
‘—Eutire satisfaction guaranteed, or
smoney refunded—Price 50 chi. and
;31.00 per bottle at N. D. HILLSLSON’s‘
1 drug store. ,
fiacklgn’s Arnlca unlvo.
THE BEST Sun: in the World for Cuts,
Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. F»-
ver “moi/{Vita} i‘ilfipl'rf‘d hands: Chil
hinizm. Corns and all SE-in F’t‘m'invw.
'll-»! n taiiivnly curt»: giilns. .-r ~, - v
again—l 1:1"- 4::i:r'..:i ! z ‘1“
la; r n'--:‘ :...'=.-.- z. 3, PJ
i'lsi-tc ya." i; I. in,- Safe by "w. i). Lin? .'~
} ”tn:
Ema! wwmu- m
salad m.
3 "HEY T?) A ' H 'l‘ 'T‘
= 134.2% HALL . C {£3ll
K 1:3: "mm. 31:: v:
i lam in,“ 'w. 'a‘ _
:i‘hi- H-ure' ;- Xx -‘ 1:15! .‘i; v- 1' 3t;;:Vs.~§v€-XE
513.3 gr. :.~: . 531‘?!“ rip; Jilin-uh 1.; :1
i 3'"; .'_-,1 Ci". .1. . -' o'2s}.
Eu R: 3- »:;:-::.~‘ 2"; '? 'v-si of 3555?"
‘E. f w»; ;_.'. jr- ~ "g ~ =_. -., ._-.,_ “319:”;
g ‘. :~- 1‘“. 3;” , ‘ ~,.. ". ,5 !: .-' :7:,-:h'-.r_'
‘.- 1 : v ::.-" ~=:-~ W 2: a.
E 3 . _ , ~{x ...
; DI ..ri DL 1
I In; A. ; .. :~.\~.~ m.. 9: EAST
.' ‘ 'i"=l‘-. .._ ' .1': ‘I: 1‘ 4.1'573'. ':-.”.' .; 1! :~
‘ £25" zcaxz‘ «4‘32: nmwr. ,3!
317.5 z h 111 m , ;=; 2‘ for :!~(:m-('(,I:‘.:no-T:|1Lvn of
3 1M- " llu'l'ul public.
1j..n!.',1f ‘n'. SL'THI-11”..~‘.x1‘. X’rnguriewr
3 .... -.."- ._ u”- ---“-mmm...“
5 17‘. .-.%.nthony,
§<e..=.r'rLH. . - - “xxx-n. TER.
. 'A ' ‘
I Practmalfiogkbmder.
!.' $2 LCM!- l’irvr i?l1li:::t,clr:., £122.: » n ‘iZ'll'!
. : otfsv.
[Prinz to 55:12:: Timas, and 3:3: (3.61 in c:
l 'l‘, .'::R'. ‘thk Dan:
I “553-. 3-2. STE-. 11 KETT.
".-*.-" .~..' ' ‘
[Wigwam and Bquer
‘ 5111 fonnaxnd. W. T.’ ‘
.'- 2x, :‘jv - '23.‘ flora; Eminzntan em. Prom (I ‘
Ih. ‘O. ulit'urp-znlvr work z)! nn‘ kindsp "
an“ un PIA”?! Latin:- I
“(53” “Ni! iC-"tzf-‘J on Water 52:961. nerd-Charles
_. :f Bud.
l / .' -
.1. \v. 'I‘AR’E‘E. luster.
Wu?!" Ivan». S mule Monday iwn n m.. for Sun
LGmoo Vic. Pun Townsend and Jr: Islands.
On Thursday. 7 n. m.. for Port Ann-109 via
Port ’t‘uwn-vnd amt! Duargmwss Returning.
h-zu‘c Port .\ugeles Friday 7 a. m. jun!”
44‘ A
.. ‘ I \BING DAILY man‘s nm’mm
Port Townsend and Port Discovery,
\VILL LEAVE UNION “'UARF every aflex
noon :1. 2:30 o'clock I". 11., md Port. Dis
rovoryouch morning at 7o‘clock. Fox-freight a
[mange Ippiy to James James, or on board
Jobbing none at namnnblo Bates:
dw-L! [LILRACE Janna
WILD "700 D, 55g-
For Irondale at 8 A. 2.: aieo. lar Whidby Island
at H A. 1.: (or [tonal-Jan 4 P. I. every (by.
freight or pus-age spy]; on board.
.\. W. HORX.I!asLe:
J AS. MORGAN. Master.
Wl]! {ems Port. Tuwxanom; for Sean Bay and wt,
pane awry Monday morning on arrival of v]
Soundswnmer. Hamming WillarflveouWodnh
days. Towing and r'ulrlors at reasonable Ime-
Apply on Mud. or to L. B. lustingeat 0.0
Bunion. a": Cola.
N. B.—\\ u hnw )5“ added to our (met two
scou‘ t. (mm with mwaulins. for {rt-fighting.
Brick For Sale!
Ilalt'a ngiifion Brick
101' Sale. at 25510 per
thousand. 41])1)]3’ to
Geo. E. Starrett.
I)H\'SI(TX.\.‘IS. \‘ LH'AL 151‘s . P U B L I C
sprukwrs mad th- pmfe‘sious Eeuenuf
remnnw-nd SANTA AM}: as the lwst of a)
mr‘dit'i!:v~ for (theme: of the THROAT.
Sec Um! our "mi-,- mnrk. SANTA ABIE h: ox.
evt-ry‘l)(>lm.-. Hatislnclion gunmmecd or mane)
b'fmu «:1 . ‘
2w....L’AE’V‘,‘Z','.'7.;7‘.'_:.f C'."!f__—. .2, ....
1 E‘Z'T‘Fzfi‘" a ‘32 i
I :3fi3333gfifigéfi 2833
.c L ' ’ ' ? ’rJ A
aggi‘h‘mrsmx ‘ *m’ ‘25-":th
I g _. -~'— * , u.“ '7'.
[H ‘ ‘54::- f ‘si’g‘flék
{ .1; \ I”. "it“, ‘ a “‘i“
..__: 3) >3 ‘ -?£':,_~,iifi_gfltxl f _
3 “~12. ' ' ézgga'o‘ 4"”;5 $6515; 1
. .;.- 4 : a ”73:; Q .I._ ,-_
*2 -. fix“ -‘ @2322;
u '. : j .;_"u: 3‘:! 3‘7]. ”Jr-r):
‘5 <2 '7' j, 4.2!”?
4335'»; ;i‘ .. -" ‘34... if-z‘fitm'i V
W» 3323». ~ F. -
a 2. g 27-4," -
i ‘V- ~ .. ‘ .: . . _‘
:31 a": 4% 225:1: Jfl ~ ,
is, $93!; 024.54 ’7' -
:q‘.€?;§;itizz -.;~.- 3.533’ ~:. >
Li§~l§gfib .1“ £332» , ‘
':-‘ J- r *Y
0;").5» :1; I; “fix ii
5.9.392??? ~' a
{1.1352}: , . OF
I ‘27? a?! -
i ~: 1:. i: 3:11:13.
: ’.-. .m*l_-.:-3 11,;
1 dui..../t.--.'s*.3 has
nnke .\‘o ”intake. '
By dispelling die symptoms so often midsu
for Consumpnon. SANJ'A AME has brougm
alauncss to many a hon whom, and by prompt
ly breaking up the Cough and Com that too
often develops imo um mm dimes will ya!
saw thousands from an untimely grave. \on
make no mistake by keeping nbouie of thi
plcasant remedv uiwuvs 1:. the home.
I". . ‘3‘ 1‘ w ' v
‘2} L 1 1* L: :4. N E A
'- a»- 2,2 « .e
‘ 5“ --’—u._ ~‘ ;-_ fi ‘
; 3555558525: if ‘ 1*"
i :2'.‘ '-*‘_."‘ «$511,;
;" -, V 91‘
: wag
1 ('alnrthfnld in the “95:1,“:w Fever. Row
Cold. “fittil'fhiil Ilmfnvr‘s and Son- Pym. RO
- th- wnse of mate and smell: rpmnvet
had taste and nnplmsam breath, resnliltgii
from (‘znarrin Eafiynnd pleasant. to use. F
'mvdireclinns and a rnre in warrtnled in all
Drnmlsts 51 per box: sl.lO hv mnii. Send fm
-1 PANY. Urovillfl. "nl Ask (or
For sale by Jas. D. Mixing-R. M. 1)., Dmr'm,
Agent of Company. ‘
Thu Original A #olin Ointment is only pm
up in lama tmimunre tin inxcs, and is an abso
iuw rn ['9' {or on mrra. burnt. wounds, rm pod
hands :mri all skin m-uptinn... wm DO‘ilß's‘l
mra all kin-h of pi!».—. Ask for the Uflfiirufi
Almtine ()immom. t 1 (en's nor hqx. For saw
u,- .1 u. I). .\hs'iium. )1. D. DmL'zisi. Agent 0!
5: MT”; WASH. Tum.
Boarding and Day School for Girls
Fa}! h-rm omm .\ugns‘l 23m. Thnmxxzb gn
«ruc'i xn in the Enziirh anflmn. Muse, An.
Eloen: rm and len Langnnz-a by a fun rorps of
experienced reach-rs. Builfiing raw and com
modinuc. Loenllou plmnm and h nlzhluL
Pnpns received at any timn and charges pm
portioned. For circulars addmyy.
83115:: Stu-mum:
Augnlt 4. 15.17
For Sale.
1753“ A Seven-ton Sloop
"'> I’. V ) . .
5“; "I!" _ Er _" “.1 r"..»~_ 9 mp“ !- .ulh rz-z
.:.~ :. vita .13. .'l2!».‘-.--.:
Gt-JLV Fifi: “JV ".:.-INTS..
[u pusmgv stump: fur a rcw Xi: Mm hated :lem
Winder and Stem Sane:- Waggh. Just patentml.
“dress BUY JACKSOX. Bcr‘l_.'>. 311 in“ Kmh
“ml. 81 City Kenna um "per.
fig-f‘fi’fvii‘i-FfaflQxfififii’iflfixxiii" ,_ W“\® ~ ~
if?" "gag?g;<§;§:‘:§‘§?ixizii;4;§a: L "3&1‘1’543‘33fii355 3‘4": ‘ ;
. ' ~ 'V‘ . -.. e' -"'. -‘1
e» 3:; r 2: « g a; 2:., A .’
3" = ‘ 's,~-s—. {2:l F 5; 13-9; :3 .5
A: .7 - ' ..V'N' 15.: ~ ._‘:
,; ; - z A .
fl; :2; ' .; . is a: :x E? L. 1'
A. *1! A. ‘, . ’$ {:7 $.45 ,2 "E 3’? ' ‘
2.; . 'i r" v‘ fry, $57172 :51} E -, >
fi‘fi‘iz": 2% an; :- «4.1“, -‘f:-‘-""!-"g' , :3“; 7 7 H
‘;‘-~,-:.‘-;t=*:i.-2f.-:m?>a mm“ a .cwmfig‘:¢:mxtxz '
for Infants and Chadian.
“Cutarla is sowen sdnpwdtochfléren 21:3; (3155:3113 cvxrcsrColicfi ('Jcmstlgaultélogll‘.”l
[recommenditmsupexorwmyprgggpgm 895:3: sprn-zca, u;._rr (123. Elm: .
mmtome.“ H. A. £111.22. li.D.. r‘f‘ir" 3"” use!” “‘1 pm In. a.
111850210111 Emmi» H. Y. z “Yuan; ul;‘;.'i¢;23 mafimmn.
' T 23 szncz'. C< nus-'l', 2‘3 Fulton Street. N.Y.
.. ‘“' 3‘:-,7 5.337
gilttayij 11(13L.‘-71}é5 raw?- 3' e—trzll [Bealel's "-
744;: 36":
2;: ‘féi, :1
DruasfihemicalsJPateniMedicine-s; 8: Fancy Artices
Painis. 0175 a}; Glass-ware:
Winesiand Liqusrs or Medial Use.
Orders run» with ieispulrh
ayj’i’rmV-riytinnt‘ Curcf'uiiy (7'..n~.poundz-(‘:., Hay (-2 L‘t’iglnt.£§
iVuacz- L. I‘Or: ’i‘usvnscnd. W.
° ,
Ouincy Street, Port Townsend.
Money advanced at low rates.
Agent {or the Onion Mace! fast. steamship! between Liverpool and New York. PIE-”k
usage tickets to and from ports in Engiulfl. lre!nnd.Denm:‘.rk,SwoedenandNewYorhtmg
Ry rail :0 a}! parts of me Wat. and drafts from £1 sterling up, available as aboveJlaludn
Correspondence soliciwd. Reference, by permissisn, the Bank of Britieh Cohulbh. Vim
1). Ll, and San Francisco, Ca!.
Port T ownscnd. June 4. 183} [II'
Truck and Expresss Stables.
Teamng and Expressing done.
General Jobbing on Short. notice, Night or Day.
[S‘lhy and Wood For Sale. Horses Bought and 80111.3
E “1.35 B:2;9grgfi-:§;;V:fizl‘ront,
Water Street, Peg—fglmsend, W. T.
Boots or if Shoes!
Eisenbies Block, ‘A Sea Tall Front.
Fine Stock Displayeu
512:". f-"Z——-.-tT—-—-
B kttßs E 0 be's’
1 T "
Now i-' )‘H’JI‘ limv I-Ehuy
Blankets. Hats, Gags, Beets and Shoes
;\t:l|3_\l{(}.\l_\‘_ 1).. ha! in? am- uppurmngty :1. i),- In pnrvhusfl'u NICEib'UIT
U!" (‘I.‘)TIIE>‘UF:UI UVI‘IIH'UXTzIt 3.}me yum‘lflVH Pliil‘l'l.
lv)\‘.-n-o.a?‘=‘ . V V Hll 3’:-9w ‘7'.” I” ..Nu\\'....s‘.’o;oo I
“ ............... " ..'_'ovh)v “ ....lfim
| " " .V.l-_'m“....1000
I Smith.“ .. " . ‘.VU'. . “ 2000
E “ ' 7379) "....1800
5 ‘- . " V “ ..._I6OO
‘ . " ~ 1 I “....1200
' _ " ~‘.‘z_‘70......... “ ....1000
§ ’ . . " :Hm..‘... "... 720
l ”(blue unzisw .1-1' }'<,.ur.~a-liu:a22,-cn>:u;|lu~d.
Nmnlvm‘ 52.

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