"”11: a? M a ' r i
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a x r 2133 (Emma
. ,1 ; . »‘ . ’ g
ELL .. -;fi;. Vl2: .1" V _ |
. :3
1:13'i;-*"»\}2“E... .~ ;
, __. .._-,. "-..”-u -... . n;
'l-‘l-I'. 1:: ‘L i
'riW-I'uh". i.;x~r"._l~ i" i
"1131-1419.! -1.,-;.: ' ‘_ - ;
inv‘thmai' \‘u 1 1.1: y; I ~ .2'; ~‘ . E
rnlim {1 m [111'111;.-‘551‘.}: :.,: ti: 4.?
“a: l-I:;1:?;n-1 val-12.2.; .: i ’. '
if." :u'dz-r 11'; '- ...} El. 1 ~ '1
5..) Img; 32’. ...;x:.=f_' .’ '.-' » -
gm "at; T>>»1:1-.1;.1.‘;2:21. :' ~ . :
in in} 215111 at; .12.». - g
em-ry (.. 1214111 2:3: ‘1 121'. I}: :. ': i:
ahun‘id lunar-pi 11.."; .225: .'~.- {.2 1., . .i
\Yx-mnu aLd «-E.i!.l izv in: i >.~.:; :. g
1:.) :aizmd tugvi'uw 12-14:: '2 2;. , i
SllCCt‘.\.~. \Vlflitz'fi'i' ‘VL -' 2:23.34; ‘ .-l
forms cf :mtzzguni, m 1') liti- .;xi\.'. 2' I
sily uxtorpriw t‘z.-.~r.- :zn- ?n .15
the Call nflicv. v.l: do 32-1 1 1 ' 2:: .
if such furor-s do Hut «315: '.E-ucl: 1%.. re!
are certainly u.'ca-iu:.:d :~_'.'m_:m-z'.:.~1
that are misiondiug. )3; digit I'2--
publir‘ht‘l'a' of that 31:21:"; \Lndd !
menily deny that ting.- :n-z- iv}: in!
the 553111051 draw-c lizafz'iczl‘z‘lg 9.» 3
ward a univcrfity at l’urt Rum; r=:.-.E.
under the auspices 1.! thn 11'. 12‘.
Church~but their ennui-act has no;
always been in hormony with sun}:
denial. When every n'crvc was being
strained la>t spring to l'.;i§~‘C tlzs‘ bonus
that had been contracted for. th-
Call dolibu‘uttb‘ publinhod 11% ii...
judgment an assertion that “:0 thing
was impossiblv; it. ids-z) game :15 2111'.
result uf alleged whoa-sale £lllll
- with uur citizens, the Muir
ment that 1111-3? didn’t parlicnhzréy
care whether they got the ixxstimtiun
or not. A fine picture of the lack of
enterprising spirit amuug our lle-gplu
to send abroad! \\ hen Tlls Amwa
proceeded to denounce such pu!.~‘,.ca~
tions as those of an enemy to the
best interests of the town, our com
temporary “ hauled in its horns,” so
to speak—and, later on, when the
bonus liznl bi c 3: trials-:1 has l;.' 3 lulu ti!
in more than mil luLerliiU'. it guns}
fosscd satisfaction. New, 1. tli-x trazttsl
ter approaches another (:i'l:l:‘. tlm' l
paper comes to the front with anchor]
douche of cold water, its f-.xllo‘.=.'.s; l
“ The Port Townsend pc-upic hx‘iu
apparently lost their ‘iutt'i'sri in 129'
institution. :1 largo nnrnlx-cz‘ (.f [llv
property owners who previously sub- 1
scribed to the bonus saying thny will
have nothing more to do with it." l
The foregoing quotation. which is
evidently from 512'. O‘Briun’s pun, n. I
only represents tho mos; unw:=r‘;l:y,
moss~grown, unprogrwsive fizi'nllud‘ifi '
in the town, but is simply it wad of
ammunition for the Tacoma schomers
to clip out and send to the Bishops
who are soon to vote upon the rubs
Joct. The real status of the case is
about this: The local members of
the conference commission stand two
for Port Townsend and two for Tas
coma. Bishop Fowler is known to
favor Tacoma, and to be ready to do
anything possible to locate there.
Bishop Foss, who had been imposed
upon by Revs. Devore and LcSourd,
was induced to recall his vote cast
for Tacoma. and to visit the Sound
in person. In that visit, though he
reached no other point. than Tact-mu
itself, his eyes Were opened so clearly
to the trickery, land-scheming plans. ‘
and deception of Tacoma real cstatcl
boomers and Tacoma members of the l
. commission, that it is morally certain j
that he will either vote to proceed at
Townsend without further ado, or
1130 Vote to give us the disinterested
arbitration that our people are de—
manding. Bishop Warren, the third
member of the commission from the
episcopacy, who probably holds the
‘ casting vote for the whole matter, is,
so far as we know, entirely untram
tooled—and upon his fair-minded
action Port Townsend must rest hex
~ hope of securing ms'rrcs. We have
. won our fight long since, if we can
‘ but secure reasonably fair treatment
in this present crisis. These Bishops
’ have been requested by the local
members of the commission to meet
together personally at such place and
at the earliest time as will suit their
convenience. The Rev. J. N. Deni
son is chairman of the local commit
tee authorized to confer with them.
and is willing to take the time neces
~ sary to do so if only his bare travel—
. ’ing expenses are paid. If Port
Townsend does not take enough in~
tarsal. in the matter at this time, and
with the necessities and prospects of
the case as they are just now, to raise
’- the funds required for the trip, then
Port Townsend does not deserve the
university. It will avail us but little
.. if we patiently and laboriously se
cure this great pailful of creamy
, milk, onlyto have it kicked over at
thelast moment for lack of a little
core and expense. Tm: Axons and
2-: its publisher did not enter upon thie
; this memorable contest for the fun of
tho thing, nor for the glory there is
;fl,‘ (for our experience is that as a rule
1:. than who do most. for the town get
9" hat thanks) but we went in to win!
~ 429 do that seems to require a tenac—
fiyof purpose that. will stay with the
coil-s till the last ditch is reached.
711“” local publlc is to be divided
'ngainst itself (whether by the Call
4 or any other influence) just at this
he, then defeat is certain; if, on the
.; an. hand, it remains firmly united,
Elf-glee is more than a fair fighting:
I chance for clean, clear-cut victory. l
. Which do you prefer! This criticism ‘
. on our contemporary is in the kindest
gig premissible under the circum-
W A man’s worst foes . are
" ' ,of his own household; so With a
.. . ‘ty. We confess that it is
"1 :"ficouraging to be obliged to
~53? '33; £OO3 without and with
‘ég pooMon requires, the
is" :s ,
E l‘urt ’l'uwn-~vxnl!nE-zn who stands as an
E-!' 'iirh' 3".- lim may .-:‘ 1'0.“ '31.“?
EH n tang-inn. sh ll l.:*.':,= lzia
E‘ z7' i 1: .- 1 hurl walnul‘. 11- 9.-
E: L.' .i'flL .-‘vi-';ll‘llx.. l‘i [minim
Ei. ..;~. .u;..ix-:. n-.'r:il§
:2 ' ‘.. Q" ::~,-. .ni' i!|"11‘.12l21l.:-
E: 2 ~ 1. a.-:.; 2:::.:;ie-;:~~:u.-'l ‘i’33Hl-i
E;'. 3:1: 11. . . :i‘ -'. lag-fl: in 1,2911%}
i:-'.': l -3.;:;.ii ;:. AW 2'50 gingh-
E“ ‘.;.E ~ :E " .I‘l 1". E-i ' :"ffl'rQ: iiil‘ T Lv"
33 r 2:331‘11-I.‘ Fin}! '.u- 5:131; 4‘21:
: 1..' ~ .'-.'. i _i.-El 11m paint 1 :g
' v, .1 .i ..:;~~. Ylttd' .' Tin
y,’ ~1.. ;. us 2.1.. ,‘sum ..n-l n‘
E: x- :‘wlll :;t- ~i ~nr \Yt‘i.l.-l\7.‘.'-"ll 0!;5-5
, ,9. _l l: lliid'l-dlg-‘I Kl:-'!‘v
E... :‘i. '1 - ln’ u! ‘.n n that v..-
l-' 7'. -: ;:. 11:2: ..; -.:'1:.;-.-ill:l.~
El: ..:.. 3.. 1:‘!:::.1 ilj' r .‘.-::i‘;:r lni‘u.
E: 3-1 i;‘ 312' :'.-E.‘:::lll=-. 2:.li';
:I ,i ; 3.2 , giant- m- ruin-L
E -_' 23‘ ..j} .‘. !.- l'l'alu ll.“ Ulllrlnl-':
"p. 31 '. . :n‘. :. r-‘li-"lltllili'ilxg .nnl v?-
E'- :Ln- .. :i; ll»- i‘n‘nh going on in
Eu .r l‘r‘ 1.3; t‘uhflull- ">l3; aiming: tho
Eta-an n: ; r .~: in l‘\"-'l'l' livful't’i In View
Evf :1.i.~'. 22W; "llil'llrll 21ml pitiful comps
Ell-m :i~ ”in that our oun poopic
E\'..‘;-) mu- 1:) IN laz'uefitml numt in the
Imm '2'...» will "have nothing Intro (0
Exln will: ill“ 'l'iw snhsm‘iptious all
E'nu'zal me'ul. aux-1i wo “1:11:21! the asser-
El 3 H mm \Vlii'll fziiili is kt-pt with the:
jsiJarret-il‘w-z's.e-v--r_'-;ui.e uf them will be
Ellllll: ri‘ilmgll to 111-“0*. his obligation
E willr-ut lu-:-ii::linn or trouble. Auy~
thing; lmss would {in highly tlisCl‘i-Jit-
Eulzlo tn tl-um. There may have hem]
scmw whu fell :1 sun of independent
spirit wh-n our rzxilr-Jzul prospects
(qr-510:]: R) bright; but such persons
will have tht ir illusions destroyed if
11m ruih'erL-l {culnpziny lots :1 rival or
ganization With another objective
{mint gel the “inside track." Bo
that as it muy,tlic-ro never was a
time when patriotic, united, harmo
nious effort was demanded in the
university matter as Now! .
Sistcrly Action.
The acliuu of 11m Chamber of Com
mcrco of Seattle in endorsing the
. 1. . ... . . .
;;-_\'éti:x:, pf l’t'i'l 'l':,v\‘~.'nm-x:(l ft'i‘lilrl
('l.'.':~‘l-=i :aggu-miutiun f-n' our Gus—i
ton; llhllrl‘ i»- :: ur-igliimrl)‘ and friend l
l_\' iit‘t tint cmtninly will ho. npprechl
il‘ut’tl. '1 Lu appropriation is Broiled!
h - thc whale customs district. The!
fling of tho l’.~l. at Port Townsend’
is wholly undeserved and m-ver
\-.~‘a.ul:l have llt'k'll thought of but in“
I‘m- silly lublx of the Port Townsend}
Correspondent, who. by the way, is.
an importation and has nothing in
common with Part Townsend‘s intor~
esls, and v. he seemingly takes ngreut ,
llt‘iil of delight. in misrepresenting
l’ortTmmsend’s people and hcrin
With Seattle, Port. Townsend hasi
ever had the very best of businessi
feelings. The only rcason,if any
exists, why we should not immedij
atcly favor the sub-posts of entry at‘:
Seattle and Tacoma is the fact that
our customs district is yet without
a custom house and our oflicers are
really out of doors save as they
rent poorly equipped buildings.
With this custom houso completed
we recognize that sub-ports of entry
will be nnccessity and we really
thinkthut we Wlll lose nothing by
our sister cities getting their wish.
Port Townsend‘s interests are not
served by decrying the interests of
other places.
We are not altogether friendly to
Tacoma She has shown her cloven
foot in the university matter until
we are compelled to believe that she
carries a swine’s suont, and hence we
owe her no good will. .Yet we are
not going to imitate her in trying to
defeat legislation that is for the good
of the whole Sound country. In the
matter of commercial relations she
shall yet feel the hand of Port.
We certainly wish Seattle success
and shall be ready to reciprocate her
,__._,_,,,,,_- _
The Situation in Europe.
There is no prospect of a war in
Europe in the near future. Russia
is moving her troops to the frontier,
Simply to be ready should the oppor
tunity arire to play a winning game
on the checker board of European
state craft. She of course desires
Constantinople. She ought to have
it, too, so far as real right. is con
eerned. The only reason why she
has not had it for a long time is that
she would thus become too strong
and great for the safe-y and peace of
Europe. \\'i:h this in view England
and Germany have checked her am -
bition, and she is very impatiently
hiding her time. Germany is very
strong from a military stand point.
and the result seems to verify Bis—
marck's prophecy that “Preparation
for war would minister for peace.”
This. is true and the two blood 1
hounds of western Europe will con -1
tinne to growl at each other and
martial their forces until the millions
of their soldiery tire oi- the senseless
show and emigrate to more peaceful I
lands. “No war in Europe,” will be
the news for the next ten years.
> ‘Fifty or sixty families of negroes
‘Wlll soon leave North Carolina for
Ithe Pacific Coast, to supplant that
1 many Chinese laborers.
1 Hon J. Quinn Thornton of Salem,
‘01:. npioneer of ’46 in that state,
idied this week. He was a promi—
nent citizen.
The high water on the Nooksuck at
Lynden washed out a bridge one
hundred and eighty feet long across
an arm of the river. The bridge was
a private one and belonged toR. E.
Hewley and Mr. Mitchell.
The sum of $1,142,500 has been
spent by the government on the
Cascade locks. and it will take a
million and a half more to complete
The Port Townsend 3mm. *"
Few pi'i-pi‘? realize what a valuable
franchisu- this. my} can securei? it
viii yin-'2l iw bassiuu's and secure its
right of way. 'llmrw is room for but
«am» Inna} .‘wxz n 1139 wozt side of Hood’s
9:213"). That) is mom] (of but one
m2}? Hm‘vngh LolanJ and Quilcene
v.;il»~_\':'. :url yo: than: is no otht-r
'l‘ ==‘=f-- by ‘.vixivh H mm! can l‘l'al'h tho
‘Simim A? Fawn. A rui'z‘umznutiw of
[Tim luv-I‘s r-‘chlg.’ inta-rvimvvd n
[‘l‘uf‘ith-n! wiiiciul uf t'lv- 583 th S;
[Cash n: ."..-i {:2 ti-” hnsiua-‘s done by
that row] «in h: iir—f thirty milvs.
3‘ max avnz‘ I '.h-z? Hg..- hn‘iunss
:whs '.‘rry nan-".2 mug"! £323.31 the cnm~
tram} L-111 c->::hznpl:l£ul. and that it
ivy-. 5 :1. g: :7. ;::.:.'I:I;; lliV9“tll)«"l)'t‘f1"‘!n
59in mm. 3:: ml! thi- Yuri luwu
Iwmi Faint-Tn I-- as it runs through
In ;_’-‘-ul zen'iculhn‘ul and a mod vl
- timlwr socfiinn of the country.
il“uz\\‘::nl gvxztlmnvu: and them are
ifi‘l!‘!llLv:: almnd fur you in this must
Helium-1n fmm'hisv. But if you are
Ina. active zmuther will take the
..... ._
' Su-zmtm' Mitch-I], of Oregon, sug
|g-x~.‘.s thn nulucaiou u! duty on opium
{tom $lO tn $3 per pound. as :1 rom
edy to pix-wont so much smuggling of
the drug alarms the homer.
Mr. L'laaiiu- 12:25 precipitated anoth
er puiitiml sonvxtion by duciining the
presidential nnuiinution in advance.
Ii is aim-mi; hinted. however, that he
may he nxnmninn-‘od in spite of his
pmtmis. In fact. Hm publication of
his lotior of dvclination may only
wrw to ‘ZI‘H'TOIIFD iil". furore in his fa
vur. Alruut the bust thing the repub
lirzus party can do now will be to
mmci-mruto on John Sherman.
'l‘lu- (‘ull imagines that anything
filial fl -1' the university is wasted. It
Would be really (00 bad if this little
misrepresentativo slmet should fail
in defeat the onturpriso. Already
the university movrment has been
worth :1 luindroJ thousand dollars at
least to Furl Townsend in the ad
w-rlising it has given us abroad. and
the way in which it has braced up
roal estate values. It's too progres
aivo by far: must kill it. ofi‘, you
Om- rooonl lz~gi>izitnro will go down
in hishry a-~ the most extravagant in
the history of Washington territory
It has. l'rrlCllt'Ll down into the treasury
deep enough to leave a deficit of
four or five. hundred thousand dol
lars. There are but two ways out of
the dilexuxuafiei-hor to horrmv mon
ey and issue bonds, or issue warrants
to be discounted. Either course will
saddle a large load of iLterest upon
the taxpayers. Probably we shall
have to return for n time to the old
system of depreciated warrants.
‘Bankers and speculators will make
money by it-—nnless they decline
‘handling paper bearing only eight
lper cent. interest. It is probable
that they will ofi'sot the low interest
rate by insisting upon discounting
heavily from the face of warrants.
As a result. people who perform serv
ices for the territory will charge ex
orbitant prices wherever possible.
and ofiicnrs with salaries will be
tempted to “even up” by question—
able methods. It was thought that
this sort of regime had been ended
years ago when. under Governor Fer
ry’s administration, the last of our
territorial debt was wiped out; but it
seems that we are to be saddled
again. Whether the advantages to
be gained will be anyway near com
mensurate with the price paid for so
much legislative grandeur or not. re--
mains to be seen. At present writing,
however, it looks very much like a
case of being governed too much.
l University Commission
All the members of the local committee
were present. A motion wns made by
Dr. Dillon as follows:
\VKBRBAS, them is a serious business
conflict betwaen the Board of Trade of
Port Townsend and the Puget Sound
annual conference. concerning locating
the University at that place. therefore
Resolved, that we are not prepnrrd to
vote on the bids presented to us for loca
tion of anid finniversity. but! that we do
hereby recommend that the ditfioulty be
settled by urt‘ifrntion in the manner
prescribed by the discipline of the
Methodist Episcopal Church.
Dr. Dillon and l'cv. Lny voted for this
resolution; Rev‘s Devore and IleSourd
against it. The chairman then called
(or Votesnn the propositions from Port
'l‘nwneend and Tacoma. The vote was
then taken, Dr. Dillon and Ruv. Loy
voting for Port Townsend; Devore and
LeSourtl for Tacoma.
Those proceedings of the local com
mittee nreto be fonmrdvd immediately
to Bxshnps Fowler, Foes and Warren.
whose Concurrent voles. whether for ur
bitration or location.wiil decide the
questions involved.
Capt. Neilsun has res good the man—
tership of the schooner Eclipse. and the
mate, Martensen. rs his successor.
Geo. M. Layde has been appointed
railwny mail clerk between Helena and
Portland, to succeed Doso Temple, rc
Complaint comes from Ln Games
there is no money in the place. The
paper and sawmill are three months he
hind in paying their hands It is to be
hoped that these companies are not ser
iously embarrassed.
No other spring medicine has won for
itself such universal confidence as Ayer’s
Snrsaprilln. It is the most powerful
combination of vegetable nlterntives
ever offered to the public. and is not:-
nowletlued hy the medical profession to
be the best blood purifier.
Captain Ross has resigned the master
ship or the steamer Ferndnle, in Sun
Francgsco, and was succeeded by Capt.
Hughes. The former master is superin
teudiu: the construction of a new steam
schooner that will hnYo a speed urtwetve
knots an hour and cost $30,000.
Oregonian: By all means them
should be it lighthouse at Damon's
point where the Abercnrn was wrecked
and a life saving station some where
north of Grey's harbor. Within the
past ten years there have been nine
wrecks on the twenty-five miles of coast
north and south of th: harbor. ;
‘ ' Ballet's Trio townhmgton.
l ’ A 'rbporler for tha Seattle P. 1... in
l lerviows-d Mr. G. M. Hallor the other
lday, with tho fc-ihming result.-
I Reporter—lt is reported at Port.
Townsend. Mr. Hal 92', that on your
{rec-out eastern trip you Went to
. ‘.\':ashingtun (‘ity chiutly for the put
-1 yrs“ uf trying to 1'; mow the an:
"2:” llUl‘nl' {rt-m l’ttl't 'l‘uwnsund. IS
than any truth in that report?
1 Mr. Hallz-r --.\'u, thorn i~ not; tht‘t‘e
{is absolutely no truth in it. I was ll]
1 ‘.\ :nhiugtozt Inst :1 wry few days. and
I not only did !;:911.111g. and said
In thing about tlzu (‘tzn‘tulu hours in
I'm: Tawny: [ML l ut the matter now!
m-cttrrml tn Inn at all. Tin- fztc! is I
l Envy :tlu‘zt3s lit-2n of the opinion, and
Illill now of lhu opinion that the
l yt‘ul‘t‘l' i'lfll‘." for this 011310”) houso on
.t’ngut .\‘a-unzl i 4 at Port. Townwnd,
:zn-t l haw timer and again 50 «x»
pi‘msud mgsttlf. Port Townsend, lty
Virinu oi i=4 L'kCcllL‘fll situation, in;
pmximi’y tn Illi-nix-:ll),luust-"onliulle
to ln- 1:;- principal port of entry of
Puget Sound: natum long ago set—
'.lt'tl that qllt'bllUil; and so far from
sa'cliit.;.: to huvt- tho custom house rc
lllo\‘t’il from Port, Townsend to Saab
fit», or in any other point, I should be
among the first, should such a move
he so: on foot, to oppose it, and the
great majority of the people of Seat
110 view the xnattm in the same light.
1 think. however‘ that the necessities
of commerce now require the mak
ing Seattle :1 port of entry, with a
deputy collector stationed here.
This would be doing no mom for
Seattle than has been done at Rocha
harbor, San Juan island, and I am
szttisliml that. the business men of
Pout Townsend Would concede this
much to Seattle. I hun- no sympathy
with the narrow policy which is nn~
nnyvd and takes alarm at tho pros
purity of an‘,' community outside of
the one a person lites in. The pros—
perity of any one place 01 Puget
sound means the prosperly. to a cer—
tain extent. of the whole of Puget
Ropertor~Do you think that the
additional Hlll] of money will be up—
prupriated for the completion of the
custom 1101150 at Port Townsend?
Mr. Hall Pr—l think so. It cer
lainly ought to be done, and tho Seat
tlu- chamber of commerce did the
proper thing in paw-ting resolutions
for such an appropriatiun. That
custom house at Port Towmend
ought to be. cumplf-l'c‘l; it in very
much needed.
llopurter—D-i you think Scuttle
nn-i ’l‘ucomu will bu mzulu ports of
wintry. with drputy collenturs. as you
speak of?
Mr. Haller-v- It seems to me so. The
demands of commerce require it. As
those institutiuns are made for the
purpose of nidingaand promnting
commerce, them is no rmxson in the
world Why [1105» two places should
not be made pnrts of (antry, with dcp
my collectors.
A Mistake.
En. Anous:-—I noticed in the Call.
of the 13th inst. the assertion that
the 11. E. conference took away the
university from Port Townsend and
put it up to the highest bidder.
This is a serious mistake or mis—
statement. as to the action of the
conference. It had no power what
ever to take away the university from
Port Townsend. It did not even
try to do so It did refuse to com~
plete arrangements with its own
hoard of trustees. It did declare
itself as morally and leg illy free from
Port Townsend. It. did not put the
matter fly to the highest bidder. It
simply CI‘O-fllkd a commission to
whom it referred the whole matter of
university and transferred that com
mission its own power in full. Hence
:thc commission is in university mat
ters. the conference. The local part.
of the commission is a tie on the
claims of Port Townsend. Port
Townsend's bid has not been changed
or modified in the least. If it was
desxrable to cope in amount with Ta~
coma’s $75,000 we could do it. as rise
in values has fully made up the dif
ference between $50,000 in July and
$75,000 now. We are endeavoring to
show the non-resident Bishops that.
the claims of Port Townsend, rest on
the moral obligation of the confer
ence to Port Townsend, rather than
on any competitive valuation of the
bonus. Nothing is decided as yet.
No location is made at any other
point, while Port Townsend has her
University duly incorporated and
ready to begin operations. Shall we
surrender before we are defeated?
I hazard nothing in saying that the
University movement has already
paid Port Townsend property hold
ers more than the $50,000 subscribed
———and yet. not. ten men have paid a
cent. toward the. enterprise. If com
pleted it will pay ten times its cost. in
rise of values in three vents. One
piece of property valued by its
owner at SBOO one year ago, has just
sold for $3,000. The sale was direct
ly due to the university movement.
The movement has caused an ad
vance of probably not. less than 25
per cent. in all real estate values on
Qannper Peninsula. So soon as the
buildings shall be roofed, values will
have gone up not less than 30 per
cent. igher. The institution when
builded and manned will bring in to
this community not. less than SIOO,-
000 annually. Very truly, etc,
Jome N. Dawson.
Stephen Girard’s fortune amounted
to about $7,500,000, and of this he
left $6,000,000 to his university. He
gave nearly all of his property to the
public, and out of his whole fortune
his relalatives received only $l4O. 000.
The papers of the northwest are
quite generally noticing with pleas
ure the fact that Mrs. Molloy is ex
onemted by the Missouri courts.
The Oregonian might make an
“amlmde honorable” in good taste.
Tacoma is to have a business col
Many underwriters of this city
have given the British bark Glanoven
up as lost. She sailed from Astoria.
Oregon, on August 27th for Livop—
pool. and was spoken ofi‘ Falkland
Is ands, by the ship Scottish Wizard
Three days afterward the Wizard
barely escaped being wrecked in a
terrible storm, and the bark is sup—
posed to have gone down.
While on the surface there seems
to be but little interest taken in the
appointments which the governor
held over when the legislature ud
jounaed. as a matter of not there is
a great deal of ‘figurin’ going on.
The figuring hasn’t so much relation
to the selection 0f competent men as
to the adjustment of the wheels of
the complicated machine which Gov
ernor Semple has been trying to get
into working order. The attorney
gennral struggle has left more un
swept-up political brimstone lying
uround than all the refit of the up
pointments put together. It requires
an immense amount of soothing
syrup to keep the ‘infante’ still.
monasesn BY snanm.
Pnovmncr, Fob. 10.—~The Young
Men‘s Republican Club was ad
dressed this evening by Hon. John‘
Sherman and Hon. (5. H. Gmsvenor.‘
member of Congrws from Übiufi
Sount|.rl~Sht-runin in his address re»
f~‘lt‘d ii) the auspicious opening of
tha presidential campaign and the
important influence the young men’s
r.-pub|ipan clubs would exert. on the
movvments of the day. He spoke in
the InOfit vigorous. decuncintion of
the L-mmigrmion to this cuuntry of
communists. anarchists and soctalists.
Touching upon the tnrifi' upon wool
and sugar. he said that the Demo—
cratic party wouid take the Unit? 011'
of wool, but strenuousiy objected to
a reduction of two csuts un sugar for
the rvnsun that sugar grow in tho
S ruth. H 0 would take the tarifi’ ofl‘
sugar and give the gmwer a bounty.
He then entered into an exhaustive
minlyais of the proposed reduction of
the) tariff. Heuas presented at the
cluse with a handsome gold headed
cane by the club.
ammxs or Tm: sx—rnsmrn.
SAX Fruxctsco, Fob. 10,—Tho re
mains of Walter Murry Gibson, late
ex-Premior of the Hawaiian King
dom, wore placed on the steamer
Zualandia today. The steamer
sailed for Honolulu a few hours later.
and the body will be buried on the
island of Lanai.
CHICAGO, Feb. 13.—A Columbus, 0.
dispatch says that John Sherman.
who is in the city, on hearing that
Mr. Blaine would not. allow his name
to be used before the Chicago con
volition, said that he had been ex~
peeling some such utterance from
Mr. Blaine for some time. Ho had
undm‘stood that it would be forth—
coming. Mr. Blaine was one of the
foremost Americans whom every rc<
pulilican would have delighted to
honor. and it was n. source of regret
that ho had not concluded to make
the raco again. Mr. Sherman did
not care to talk much about the
Blaine letter, and thought it would
cause a number of other candidates
to como to the front. He proposed
to take the race for the Ohio delega
tion and would contest honorably for
the nomination. Mr. Blaine was a
republican that could sweep the
country. if nominated. but he had
understood all along that he would
not again seek the nomination. It
was on this hypothesis that Sherman
had entered the lists. .
GEN. nswur’s ormtox.
NEW YORK. Feb. 13.—SenatorI-law
ley who is staying at the Astor Ho
tel. when shown Mr. Blaino's lettnr.
said: “Well, I am not altogether
surprised. and yet I did not expect
this. I was talking to some of Mn:
Blaine’s closest friends only a fewj
days ago, and they then had no idea;
that Mr. Blaine would come to such;
a decision. They did not expect any-;
thing of the sort. In fact they were
drawing lens for a Blaine campaign.
Still. as Ipsaid before. I am not alto~
gethcr surprised at Mr. Blaine’s ac
ssxnon ALLISON ox BLAzxz.
Wasnmorox. Fob. l3.——Mr. Blaine‘s
latter was the leading subject of po
litical gossip today. Mr. Blaine‘s
fri.-nds in congress show a desn'e not
to ex ress their opinion. but insist
that tiie letter only emphasizes the
disinclination which he has shown to
$3.085 his claims for the nomination.
ho prominent men known, as op.
ponents of Mr. Blaine, hail the letter
as an actual withdrawal on his part
from the presidential race. Senator
Allison and others who ma be
classed as presidential candidates.
content themselves with saying that
Mr. Blaine’s expressions are nnques~
tionably sincere, but that he would
have to yield to the demand of the
party that he should become its can
didate, if it ahouid so express itself
in the convention. Among promin~
eat democrats in both houses the ex-
Frossion seems to prevail that the
otter is far from establishing the
fact that Mr. Blaine will notboa
presidential candidate.
A Beer cans 121.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 13.--The roof of
the ordnance building at the Wush~
iugton navy yard fell in this morning
being unable to support heavy weight
of snow upon it. The damage is
estimated at SO,OOO.
TRIAL consumes».
SAN Fsaxcxsco. Feb. 13.—The trial
of John A. Dunning, accused of the
murder of Henry Benhayon, was
commenced in Judge Murphy’s court
MILITARY rsnsems. ,
Wasnmerox, Feb. 14. - Senator
Mitchell introduced a bill in the
senate yesterday, to provide for the
construction of a military telegraph
line along the Oregon coast, connect
ing Yacgiinn bay. Coos bay. Sinslow
buy an Gardner on the Umpqna
river. ‘
BLACK sun.
\VASRINGTON. F eb. l4.—Lieutenant
-Commnnder Nenell, of the U. S.
steamship Pints, reports from Sitka
January 25th the discovery of gold—
bearing sand. known as black sand,
in the western portion of Alaska.
scnooxsa Asaons.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 14.—A dis~
patch to the Merchant’s exchange
says: Schooner H. Bendel, seventy
three _ tons burden, lumber laden,
went ashore at 4 o‘clock this morn—
ing. The crew are saved and the
vewcl is testing easy.
Random Mention.
Pendleion. 01:, has the measles
pretty badly.
Senator Dolph is making a stren—
uous effort to have the Indian War
claims of 1855-56 paid.
Clateop 00., On, is to have a tine
new Conrt house at Astoria. It will
cost away up and will be built of
The Astors are said to own 8006
buildings in New York city, and it is
estimated that their combined wealth
is fully $400.000,000'
The find of a rich vein of copfier
in King 00. only help prove t at
Wash. Ty. is one of the richest min—
eral sections of the nation. Millions
upon millions are hidden away in
our mountains.
Boise City. Idaho, is the center of
a large mining district. A report be
fore the Board of Trade of that city
shows that a great amount of the‘
recione metals in being!r taken ontl
from that section even in the winter
The Western Cannel Goods asso
ciation at its annual meeting in St.
Louis decided to prepare :1 memorial
to congresz for the removal of im
port duty on tin plate, thus placing
cannel goods‘ in the reach of all
classes of people. .
ram my” - r
Attbrnoy General Garland has
published a letter contradicting the
report. that he intends becoming a
candidate for the United Status sen—
Chicago Inter Ocean: Senntor‘
Voorhees wants to make another
tarifi‘ speech. He has already ar
guud for holh sides: perhaps he
wants to split the difl‘erenco.
The national democratic committee
will moot at Washington, Feb, 22, to
name the time and place for holding
the national convention of that party.
Dam Lamont, the president's pri
vate secretary, has an itchin‘! to be
governor of New York, and is said to
he laying pipe to secure the demo
cratic nomination.
Boston Globe: Let us burn the
reminomant rags of nnlmppy past,
forgot all about the war, and go into
it ugo Ml. square up and up fight on
the turifi', and may the best sido win.
Philadelphia Press: All attempts
to commit the farmers to the presi
dent's free-trade policy have failed
dismnlly. The discovery that farm
ers are not fools has been a painful
surprise to the tarifl tinkers.
The Now York Times is moved to
remark that Gov. Hill, as an aspirant
for the presidential nomination.“is
simply too ridiculous to be taken
seriously.” The present occupant of
the White—house is an illustration to
the contrary.
Chattanooga. Times (Dem): Sher.
man’s speech is one of the ablest
presentations of the protective argu
ment yet- pnblished. It is worth
reading without reference to what
the opinion of the reader may be of
Mr. Sherman as a man and citizen.
Cleveland Leader: The republi~
can policy is the best one; abolish
the entire internal revenue tax on
tobacco. and devote a part of the re
maining surplus to establishing one
Cent postage. What remains of the
surplus after that will not be dan~
Some of the repnplican opponents
of Blaine are very confident that an
important Communication has been
ecezvnl from him by those who are
regarded as his chief friends and
managers in this country. One of
the statements is that VVillinm \Val
tor Phelps has a letter from Blaine
which authorizes Phelps to announce
that he (Blaine) will not be a candi
date before the republican conven -
_, ,7-..-n__.
The steamer Alaskan, which was
originally built to run between Taco
um and Victoria in connection with
the Olympian, will be brought around
in a few days and will shortly after
watds be put on the route. This
action of the Oregon Railway &
Navigation companp has been forced
upon them by the necssities of busi
ness on the Sound and by loss of
business they have sustained while
running the Olympian alone—Led
Great indignation has been caused
in army circles over a pffitiou filed
by the friends of Gen. .A, Miles,
asking for his promotion to major
general in place of Gen. A. H. Terry,
who is now in Florida on a sickleavo
.Gen. Miles is now commanding the
department of Arizona and the peti
tion which asks for his promotion is
signed by all the senators and rep
resentatives of congress from the
Pacific coast. lie is the only briga
dier general and the one he desires to
supp nut is the only major general
who is not a graduate of West. Point 1
academy. Gen Miles began his}
militiary career as captain in the:
;Twenty~secoud Massachutsetts in—l
lfantry. and for gallant and meritor-‘
lous services became colonel of the
lFortieth infantry. and was the
youngest regimental commander in
the service. He has sat influence
in militiary, social angl- political cir
cles, not only from his staudin as a.
fighter, but from the fact. that is is
a. nephew of Gen. “1. T. Sherman.
-‘ ‘u :'= rtn its weight in gold," in a
common expression. But, while the
value of gold is easily afi'ected. the worth
of Ayer‘a Sarsaparilln. as a blood pun
fier, never depreciales. It will eradicate
scrofula from the system when every
thing else fails.
The State insurance 60.
0F SALEM, liiiEllll
”Fire insurance on form goperty. Inchin
ery, Churches,
JNO. GOVAN’. A 82!“
{-15-th Sequin. W. T.
New Time Card
. h
Stettmer Premier,
Taking ofi'ect February 18. 1888.
Leave Vancouve 9n m. Arrive Townsend 4o tn
“ Townsend 6 um. ‘* scuttle tum
“ Seattle 10 n tn. “ Tacoma 19. noon
Leave Tacoma 2p m. Arrive Seattle 4p In
“ Seattle 6 a m. " Torn-rent” a m
“ Townsend it nin “ Vancouver 6p in
F. M. WHITE. Master.
Jxo. invtxos. Mgr. C. l', Co. Stra. risdwim
y .' ~
bltvewfi 8 Sale.
Notice is hareby given that 1 will sell at public
auction. to the Itiglfl'rl bidder or hidden {or
cosh. on Saturday. February lath. two. at 10
o‘clock n. m.. or that day on the Fremises
known as the Little-field farm on the on his
covory road. near Port Townsend, the same
inn-1y occupied by Thomas Bishop its a a angli
ter house: the toliotvtng described and named
p-oporty. to—wit: Kbout 39 head of cattle.
about so hood of sheep. about 3‘5 hogs, 3 horrol.
i call. tiid other live stock, etc.
This rule is made under and by vino. of an
ordq-r of court. mndn in the cm or (3151111)“!
Fuerintch against Thomas Bishop. in the is
trict Court. holding tenns it Port Towns-m!a
and in pursuance of a itinnintion on tilt: in sat
Sherii! oi Jeflereon County, W. T.
Dittcd Port Townarnti. Built H. 15w.
' )
Shertff 8 Sale.
In the District Court, holding turms at Port
Townsend. v. ashington Territory.
vs. No. 1024
C. J. Snwrnt. executor of the 93-)
into or John Y. Seweil. deceased
at al., defendants.
Until-r and by virtue of an execution And de
cree of foreclosure tsnnrd out or the District
Court of the Third Judicial Din-trier holding.
term< at Port ’i‘ownSund. on the 11th day Orl
February. lass. i , the shows Lntitird action
wherein Chil'lr's M. Bradshaw the above named ‘
platntitf obtained at judgment and decteang-tinst}
t). J. Sewn“ executor or the estate of John Y. 1
hewell (incensed. on the 7th day of February‘
1868‘ l tun commanded to rail ,8“ that certain
piece or puma] 0! ix lid lying and [wins I! or near
Penn's Cove, in the County of Island. \\'n:hik:—
ton Territory. and containing onv- huudn-d and
sixty acres of land. tin) some bring the donation
t-iuim purer-ted by the Government of the
L'niacd States. to Ciaiissa Hathaway. wife of
Eli iintimwnv. and bounded on the North by
[lands belonging to school., on the East by lands
lof J. B. Montgomery. on tho South by innit: ot
lAimon Hancock. and on the We~t by animal
1 land: and other lands, togothor with all Ind lin
gulur the tonernentu. hereditnmcnts Ind appur
tcnancay tlterettnto belonging. or in mywise
Kotico is hereby given that on Friday. the
16th duv of March. was. at 10 o’ciock n. tn. of
tint tiny. at 'he door 0! the court-house in the
town or Ceupviiie, in the county 0! Islnnd.
Territory of Washington, i will in obedilnco to
3 .id execution and uncm oi' tor- insure tell the
above at scr bed pmpt-rt v. or so mat-h thereof no
mo}: ho- nt-teSsary In said pinttititfs judgment
With Intern-st thereon and costs and tum-used
costs. to the highest bidder for cash I! nhiic
auction. J u, “)ng
sherifl of isinnd County. Wuhin on Territory.
Bunstuw & Sncu, Att‘yl tor ghtntim
Penna-r: 15, 18344
T k ‘t ' Th' 1
a e I ~ IS 0 n
, l ...
during the spring and suxnmt-r montlw. lis the time to take Ayer’s Scrum ;
The peculiar taint of scroiulzx lurks in tin- A. F. Willard. Rogers’ building, m, =
constitutions of multitudes of man. but 3132;” rays: "1 know of no remedy of
can be expelled by tln- nu- of Ayn-‘5 t-vgunlctilcnry with Aycr's Smapmugm
Sursnpurilln. M. J. (Gamay. :33? Hicks (2151" n! ilzhility. and as a spring medl
st., Brooklyn, N. ‘l'" write: " ’fxw yx‘u‘ra cinr.“ ltZL‘h'd 11. Lawrence, M. 11.3812!-
ngo I was examined. at tlzc Lon; lziunul ; t:i'.':’t‘. .\ltl..\\'ritr:‘: “ll nfl'urda‘menlemm
Hospital, in lllli city, :2an my yum “2:51;; eta-lily to thc success which Ayex'. .'
declared to be Salt Rheum. Lll2‘_.’l' mar, V r‘;.-.-~-:;a:u-i':;:z hu.~ had in the treatment of
covered my legs, and wurv mn-knnig .v'..:::'.i_ !':l~ :lnalothcrtlim-aaemarislngtmm
dropping off; my oyw, :ulm. wvh- hwlly ‘:: '- iliutvwl mmliiiun of the blood. Were it
afl'ectcd. My only relief “w, in warm -::lt new “‘.ll’}. 1 might git c you the names 01
water baths. 1 was unable to rt-muin in :1 lift; in'ii'. illunls who have been cured of
warm room. and could only sir-4:13 und- 1' !'=ll'f‘ri:!lltlill‘: complaints, h)- the me Q!
verylightbcd-clothcsmithvlxca:im-n~;;=: Ll Ayvr‘s S'irsnpzirillzt. It is a specific to;
the burning and itching. Thc us: of g the most obstinate cases. Aycfls Sam-
A er’s Sari sa. arilla
saparilln gave me great relic-t. Tho itch- V is, without cxvt‘ptiou, the best bloodpufi.
ing abated, and I continued to improve ; til-r and prophylactic with which [ 111
until the cure was complete." E acquainted."
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer s 0).. Lowell. Man, U. B. A.
For sale by all Drugglsts. Prlce 31; six bottles (or .5,
N r- ‘ ‘ 1*
CAbH Fifi-(X BER.
Opposite Central Hotel. Head of Union Wharf.
Port Town”; 5171'. 1"! ‘.‘.
DJAIOI' in all kinds of
I O \
Grocerles, quuors, Tobacco,
Cigars. Pro duce.
'I I I
A u-u-c d P f RR
3““ °‘ " ana lan acu IC . .
& g Winter service it om Hallifax.
\Vbite Star, from New York. lowan, from New York. Cunard,
from New York or Boston. Guiou. from New York.
Anchor, from New York.
Orders on any point in Europe to Port Townsend, or any other point in
United States or Canada.
{VSubscripfions received for all papers and periodical published in the Uni“.
States or Europe at publishers prices. fad"
Cms. E. Wonvzwmn. J. O. Wnn-sunv. J W. CL’EICK. J. K. ELnlnux,
President. \’.-I’rcsxden(. 'hreasurer. smm.
9 ' i
The Farmers and Mechamcs Insurance 60.
Capital Stock- $300,000. ‘
Albany, Oregon.
J. H. LIVERMORE; Agt. Port Townsend
DIRECTOBSh-Knn. R. S. Suntan. Hon. J. L. Cowan. J. O. Writsnnn. J. K. lldurkh,
Chu. Momeith, b. B. Monteith, J. W. Cuuick. G. F. Simpson. Chas. E. Wolverton. M.
—Dc:|ls in all kinds of—
Parm Produce, Peed, Bran, Goal, Wood 216..
3' FOR CASH ONLY. ..fi . , .; ,
And Real—Esgitfa’Agent. ‘
"- Fine residence property in L. B. llustings’ first
and second additions.”
Agency for Hastings’WStoaLmboat Co.
1 HENRY LANDES Pres. .V'. D. HILL. VICE-Pres. K. L. HILL, Uuhm
Authorized Capital, ~ $250,000
A General Banking Business housaotod.‘
Deposzts recewed subject to szght draft or 317201.
noun mum) on Appzovzn fiEC‘lJlll’l'lß.
Collections made and proceods promptly remitted on day of collection
Sight and Telegraghic exchange payable in all ma principal cities of tin
United States and mope.
:, COBRESPO\ DENTS:—LoxnON—The Anglo Californian Bank (Limitedx
anLm—Gebuder Meyer; NEW YORK—Th 9 Hanover National Bank; Sn
1 FRANCISCO—The AngloCnlifornian Bank {Limited}; Ponrmn, 011., The
:First National Bank; Vrcronu, B. 0., Bank of British Columbia: BALI!“
Nov. Sco'nA, The Bank of British North America; Hong Kong, The Chu
‘ “red Bank of India. Australia and China.
1 Agents (or the American and Red Star Line of Steamships. Tickoh
for salc to and from all parts of Europe.
‘ Q" We have a secure and commodious Vault. where we will receive uh
nables on storage at moderate charges.
———l)EALEus IN—-
General Merchandlse,
We carry the largest and most complete stock dig-1V
Men’s, Boy’s and Youth’s Clothing
[9?” 0! any housezin the oin
‘’';r \ , \ V
@Qnfifi E—umiéhmg Ggoo <l3.
We arc headquarters for, and our lino< :m- full in awry particullr.
Ilats, Caps, Bouts: & Shoes
Are to be found in our store in the greatwt varivty and BEST QI’ALITIBI.
We can cater to the most fastidious and tarry by far the Lost :1~--v.-lwi xi“ 0‘
Staple and Fancy an‘crius to be fuunll UVI Puget Sound.
Country Produce taken at the HighGSi Pnces.
"All Goods dcliveted to any part of the City Fun: 0? CHARGE. Coll”