OCR Interpretation

Puget Sound weekly Argus. [volume] (Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Wash. Terr. [Wash.]) 1888-1???, February 16, 1888, Image 4

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96061109/1888-02-16/ed-1/seq-4/

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c a it fig; éfianJ-z
'l‘Hl‘liM-u‘ . 2’.\- 1 ;;. 1 '
.‘.o\\ . '2. ': _ ‘
lit-I’ll.“ : l. :; . - ‘
Stunt, ('l' “a .> . .A ’ . '
the Hullma ;. ‘.U 2 ~ . _
terdny fur :.h.-_.-.' ' , . .
10‘. blll l'l‘(‘\".‘." _' ' al ‘ ' -
torial l‘igishmn' . ' -. l: .
away “111 l LL; .' 1 »
“'nshiuglwn t»: 1. ;. . ' -
Oregon pith 9 :.l .. ; _ -
bin rum." 1.- .l' ’ l.
ends. It >-. ‘1 .1; ‘ , ' -
av. which ‘. vf . _ ,'
Iferetnfun- :1 :, ' ‘
could takv 1x ~~ .‘ -
requires n. }'i; '‘- .
this respurl 1 .1 l ‘ ‘
CUBSOq‘.lcl;tl_»‘. i . , I
with the Urvg-‘L‘l‘. ‘ .. ' ~
ton territury 1.. .. ‘ V ._ . L '
boat, but 1151111 ..~ -:. . .
firofitalflc. h'l .'. ' ‘. ' '
is money. 'i‘:. l l. . A; l a ' .
tho Orv-gal pilu‘n. :- . 1 1 ‘
named (hunk-raga: | , ' v .
asked me to rum .: '. 'Z_.
then pending- in tl.“ in :.l _.l . ' ' -
refused,u»«h:! :.1 I ‘ A- l l.
A. Seulmrg. l 2‘. e~ '1 a , ,'
it [rum Guru!» -::. in! :.w W.
smntion the Hill x; :‘Ey :-‘ -' .
rcmuvul hum I’m- .' mm. x Z v :‘
now cousinis m l}. .'L r» 'll} l 2‘ .. ,
Johnson and Mix-“2“} ll . ‘
, u... '
Menard "1':le :zu ' _~ :‘z‘
The follo‘.‘.‘lh;; rm .. ,ux- ‘ :-
unanimously :nl' : I. l :.i I}. ~ " ~
meeting of 11;» mm“: ‘ :.-.-.
ASSOCiation on .‘xlx mi. l 1‘
“711211555, “1:, El. . 2,352. , ml .
Seattle Minismz'hl 1.5-: ~:-i..::, ::. a ‘
posodof the pus L-r; m: 111 11‘ ,2. ---,
churches of S-ruitlo. han- ;;t‘<‘..-E
and co~operuiud ll: ihe-{i-vy 1 :.. :4.:
finance mectiugu saxnilix'u- : ,
essrs Hughs {Jul '\'.';~lCz uzui r
fluSpices of ilw ‘.‘u': 2134113 (3.13 “3;:-
Temperance L'uiozw L‘ Snaiél ‘. i. -.
nin Jan. I7tl1;;;.l.~u-_!iz.‘; i'.,‘:. c;_::,'
1885, in this ciiy; and ;
Whereas, ’l‘l;r~=u;.;h {is}; .~ : -
hundreds of drinkingtzuz. :, 2:. H
them drunkards. lum- Irv-1; ix;-i:‘_ 2‘
to Sign the tutal übsiizmzx-u yi. lip-7
during their nlk‘tllllgn Linn" 1.“; ‘
may indifl‘ereut ITLL'SLAIES him" I; :ruj
aroused and their symputlfim: ~' 1:1} ;
in the temperanw way-3:. mt:- . 5"” -- :
to the cause such an imz. :11 K. ‘.
has been known bullyr- i ; iii:
therefore be it ‘
Resolved, That vso I'o:*m,zl.u;~,.‘l
Messrs. Huges and “Run! :0 m -
fiance of all GIRL-jinn zlzrl thug-. 3
Once people, as able, uni-mn-t anti: 1:
cienhous WOTkC‘I‘H‘».
Resolved. That L3l:- L:
this association in» il2>i;u:;:z-:; :9. 3. m 3
1: cogypf these rc:;ol:1..E-.ux~_lu lxl-kihl‘fi.
Hug a and \Viu'd. aw: 1h; :1 c :s}; :.K
--furnished our daily pupa-I's 2::sz pulp
liation be requested. ‘
new COVER): 2. x.;::‘:;.u.
Loxpox. Feb. .\;~ H; .-,. .‘-E:. >~':,
lay, of Preston. ~;.EEE : E :. L?
Lausdowno m. (Eb-. 1215; ;' ii- ;'
Canada If. is lulir'n a: 111;? !. :;-: ~
tax will be sow. m Imm.
.9. 313535;.
Sumo Times.)
The papers in :1 13:;; mi ik.;'«l~.:.~x~
:ges were filed in tho diirjd $331.1
as yesterday. ’i‘).-;- (‘ix‘cnlthalllrvyn
Eving rise to 12m .2115: 1.13113 Ln}: 1.,
e memorable Bth 1‘; Q: (:5 l‘cln-msy.
1886. The dole-Jams {vi-313:; :.l;'.\
Ex—Governor \‘(ntaan U. Squire, 0:
this territory, and Brigndior4'w..er--
1! John Gibbon, commanding the dc
pertinent of the Columbia. Tho
gfintifl‘ is Junius Rochester, one 0:
e - men imprisoned during maniui
law. at the time of the Chinese px~
Citemont. and now the judge of the
m“ court of this county. The
' charge made by the piaintifl
; it for imprisonment from the 15th of
v February of that. year for the two
flog: succeeding. It is understood
that the papers in a number of other
unit! at: like nature will be filed to
,. 3%.: ”Gen. Gibbon is made a dofeuv
““10! utting in execution the or
‘60:! of G'ev. Squire at the time.
Sulfate 1:: England.
Prior to 1882 the suffrage in Eng;
land was very limited. In that yum
it was much extended under the
ministry of Lord Grey. Lox-t 1 Gay’s.
humus reform bill admixtml the
“middle class” to finfi'mgv, but 111”:
the “working class” out. In 1807 UL
dfl Lord Derby. :1. second Culm‘gx-~
meat of the sugrage was onuctvd.
,mohised all male lxoussimlllurn
in boroughs who paid poor rah 5 and
ill lodgers paying not lt-Es than £1”
o your rent; and in conutifi all pen
ions of roperty of the clear :Luuu-al
rout. of £5 and all occupiers of lands
Bnd tenements paying £l2 a year“
In Scotland the conditions werel
'_ made very nearly the same. In Ire
land this bill left the county from
' shine at £l2 and reduced the borough
'- Machine from £8 to £4.
~ ‘ .Voting by ballot was vmmtml un—
fisdu? Gladstone in 1871 In 1385
1:: ’Bhdlbone gassed another refit-rm
3f,- Hn-vhich t raw open the franclzivs
[h the working class in the boroughs
‘ Ind the agricultural class in the
" counties and enlarge the sum-age by
at least 2,0“),000 votes. There are
”dill some classes that cannot vote in
England. but the property or rum}
phymg niremont is N) small that
tho agrifimral laborers or Working :
rople genarally now have the 692 |
M 3 or the Coroner's Jury a: ‘
wellington. I
Hr. Coroner: “'9 the jury, ac‘
“ding to the evidence produmul
unanimously agree that Robert
Qumran. on the 24111 of January
immune to his death from {lu-
Mof an explosion in tho 01>!
w of NO. 5 shaft in tho \Vellingt-m
”Dioxins, cansod my :9. blown out
M inßobinson’s place igniting (In:
Ed. and dust. “-0 lwlicve thul
pit was a well Yelliilaimi 122:».
w. tho agreo that the munngwmnzl:
of the mine was good, and Vic 5.11145“ 1
IO bllmo to the managers. \‘i j
would recommend that the doors u”
- all mine: be supplied with whiz.
fit or that double doors. 1»:
Oonwiraed, and that the mining no:
I). “Wm strictly carried out in regard
f. ‘é‘rimu cuts. and less powder be usmé
-:' in blasting and that competent men
1*- ’ finployed to OVersoe the firing of
st“ -: We. the jury, beg to thank
i.‘ ~ ;<.- - 1 - tnlnte you on the courte
£ss: plan" 7 in which you have con
,9! this lfiquiry.
' 33: fig- _‘: V’Ronsn'r Giuxr. Foreman.
13;}. .v-v- eighteen months 20,0U0
-. a.' been added to the railway
;':-_ ‘ 'ihoeountry. at an expense
- 75.: _ ‘2!'._ Foreign capital is
' ji-L” jigging a disposition to
_‘ ” .': 7f "m- jmflay bonds.
, ~,_,,v,,,,,‘ 3
firmduz-I ‘Trnuou. l
{in ~ :g’ld' 7-.L.c;: u- 21.‘ i:- again
{I ‘:.‘. _ 'l7. x \.'l ..r.
13 :Ln 1:: -_; '---‘, . - ‘.'.':.3‘ {-:il‘. Eh);-
;.i:7 11" 1.9.3:; ..
1" ; \‘gidznx'l IZ' .3" g.) 3‘:»:
:_. :‘ A: J. ”in; '.,. lfi” grill 2' i".
Z‘)‘ 71.; .
7L:‘ £:;: "4:524:13 j! I‘l,l=‘.~
"j. 1"". a 3." :1 ‘ '.l :2;;‘: Hi" (with
{l.w fazzz'tm‘s . . -: 2; 'E. H. .\I
; ‘ ‘ f in i. ”3. > 3*i.z‘l)-£} a!)
Stun-33.23:;- ?- «.7; mi (33:14]
- i {a ‘1 142.223: Iraqi:
'-.'\'i'h~' L 21‘;- "".'.L ‘
'1:-~ ."-_—'.‘ :5 .u . « 2‘3“: (};:‘:if'- 513;.
:1 ': .; ix- 13- i;':- ..--i in .\‘ifz,.3i2'.
-_ ; ‘.Z. In '1 i‘ ti'fl'n‘t
- ..7 =_: ‘. {.Z'L‘L‘isz: _. i “,“".r:'.'_\' strum“:
.f .\. ;,. ‘ '.’ -Z,'; é-\ f :tEUJ‘S-U
_ .1: 'j ’:'_‘.‘ t.:;-'. ‘.‘-£‘.‘!'i|i 5 1:1: th
‘:‘l.‘ ii I:sd"":£§:.‘l;'\\i :.- - I: ivniful‘ir:
hr' \ .94: zi.: 1' «tour-1M 13.9 {niasagv
z-‘J '1 i :L‘. 1.. :1; = iL:-_- '.L'cz‘rimr)‘ of
Ul. 1'.”!7..:.‘
":‘1; ‘ u -I {auxin-J Qniéu Qua ranch
'.~ i'.-f;.'~' 1:: Lat-1:2?" 33:15 him-:1
.' 1 ‘-- L: ,l_ ..'_'»R.“.:l OI- i:'l:!113:'! fL-i‘
'l2 h' ,' -E,;".;':.
31111:} L); {hie \.‘;.‘u:f‘ :.vazt pm‘
.i;' 1 1.: IL}; («awry 2‘ 39.3 m hm".-
u >s-‘..i in six duya' m2O m New
Yuri; city.
(’23:? :a 12 thousand :zqzznru miles of
(f2?:l2‘v'ii‘.“illlai)il 2:1 Tzn'liuy is devas~
1:12.11. and tzznnsnnfts :.z‘ poor people
:‘.:‘ \ ‘!.‘“”.‘_l m caauqueucc of thu
“so coral xnimrs in 12.“:er the
Edwin u: iha l’uz:n:aylr::z:iu cuul ro~
warm 1:11 nu :: .iil'lku and ‘ucucce a can!
Lannie 1:; as uummeu on the east
Cunzt as an tho “Tit.
311‘. Joseph (Jixzunhnrhnd, the
High Joint Cumn‘zissiuuer on tho
it'c'xzcry qm‘stwn, 15 report-11 to have
tv‘ru caught in the no: of :: “ashxug
-30:1 lzcilc, ‘.ziznm La.» “‘22! martyre
gsnalms of Canada‘s \‘thvS on 11::-
ma.ru:o league.
-1 i't-zxriul railroad collision oc
curred on tho Gamma} Pacific R. 1:.
at ihe Guid Run. Four IL-comutives
were smashed and two men were
Reprvsaniatzw Herman. of Ore
go::, :5 dt-slrous oi ascertzumng the
pains of the bum: dvlrzu-zmrut toward
“use! owners in Cubic-rum and Ore
gun, winch were alt-zud in Alaskan
waters lutaly.
Awarding tu a recent. pmtul ru‘u:
lettels placed dzrcctly on the cars
m“ be left at. thy- first peatoflicu,
whom they wxll bu atzunpcd and fun
warued by the: mad. rimm- time
wm be Just carrying ymzr loner-1 {‘o
the cars. '
3.23 m": victim” in Inland aL-d
L..:i-‘ i_=:i.r2:+.u:::.=«.~l;is far all who
.«;}::2l.~::ii;3m whiz (Em puor unforhm
3.1:». 'i‘iz: 3211.33: \‘iciim in lit. Hum
Sufi." L;~;"~.r‘.'.'2‘. L'X‘PO~t-}.i'£:"‘-T gon
’i‘cézsmiapmbably iu the Soundos:
finzmcml coudlbmu uf any state in
Uzmrn. L‘Lem IS a cash surplusoi
$1450.01} :11 her treasury, uudtla‘;
ahead-y 20w mm of State iuxaths.‘
mzxy baa further rcdncozir—x‘xltu.
Wiggins now predicts that. thew
wxll to no mute earth «mks: {cl-six
iuunyeurs. He 15. b on those.-
l:e foretold that war a mflhculm
512;; just about that much. As for
the rest at us, we shall begm to get
ready m: quakes.
General Sherman, in "The Grand
Sirategy of (to \Vm‘of the Rebel~
lion,” in tho forthmmiug Century,
demonstrates his belief that, in the
main, the war was prosecuted on
sound miliuu'y principles and re~
marks upon the failure of most for
eign military citiss to understand
the character of the war.
Bismark’s new army bill, which it
is said the leaders ofall parties in
Germany will unite in passing, will
add no less than 700,000 men, availa—
ble. for immediate service, to the
army. This would raise the lroo s
that Germany could put into (Be
field to 2,200,L00.
Ex-Socrctary Lincoln said to a
reporter a few days 8:30;” “They
still mention my name once in a
while {1.5 a candidate for tho presi~
dency, but that i-z ociy when they
have nothing else to talk about. l
um not paying the slightest. attention
to such math-rs. I tun out of politics
to stay.
England has %b?r!_v.~fuur judlzes,
who receive from $25000 to 50,000
per aunmu. The Federal judges in
this country are eighty in number.
and receive from 335% to SIO,OOO
per year. So England has less
ju‘lges. and pays them an aggregate
$910,011) per year. while the United
States pays only s3lß,ooo.——Alta.
The death of Eso-Supromn Judgo
Thurman, of OIIL‘OD, removes «me of
the ancient landmarks of pionevr
timvs. Judge Thornton was always
a fer-ble man. He was given up to
(lie in his early teems with consnmp
tion and all his life he struggled
with that dread disease, and yet be
liv. d In La 80 years old and died
from 01.! ago.
Sonatur Riddloborgur of Va, suc
ceeded in making a fun] of himself
on Monday, by demanding of Sena~
tor Sherman, the exposition of some
executive business in public session.
Mr. Carlisle promptly sat down on
him and poor liiddleberger retired
in disgrace. Sherman has too long
a head to be easily entrapped.
Tacoma has the amullpox.
Among (he population inhabiting
Puget Sound are a great many old
sen captains and sailors; men who
have sailed the world over. Some of
them are We]! to do and others are
poor, but after a life of rumbling
{buy haw: chosen Puget Sound as
their final abiding place. They
think Puget Sound unites more good
qualities than any ozher country.
A letter from (fenlmhn says: The
cuul miners engaged at Bucodn, three
mules from lxere‘ have struck for higher
mun-s. .\lr. Cuulter. one of the partners
was immediately telegraphed for and
mm the strikers. Al! were diseharged
but about fifteen mm, whn were put to
work in another pnrt of the bank and
the mines will be closed for three months
A Methodist church in North Car
olina recently secured a quzu-tette to
vicariously do the song worship.
>Ona old brother wmistml in the old
‘way. and liftwd his voice. regardless
0f time, tune or the feeiings of th“
qmutaue. For this he was arrested
and fined. He carried his case to
the Supreme Court. and that body
11.115 just decided that he has a right to
smg ‘
Hef'lmnéi of f?;~x;§:uu9 Fans pay
freight hill< aftgwgzztiug about SIOB.
{To :1 Vast“. :' j‘f’ ‘.jzr- Renew.
12.- 3-2‘~;- a“. 2 Vi:- rag-h liué br—
-1: "'1: 1'!» :I~ix€‘.l‘; :.zv} ii-Jnnm rive‘
mini“. i‘ v}; :. t: ’2; b? r 2323; {Gi'
" trim-3» if: Jamil i.
'f‘» Kn? , is n.” 3,.:.1n\.r L 930. do~
‘1 3:»! 9:; :4'72‘. ' i' 1'- y- :‘ .-: 'H.
' M: 231 12,312: r-p:~x::!rr. in
5.1". 3. -'...-:.x:': :.-:.': \‘(y~=!r.i.zg Vanley.
UH: Ll?"'.!~..~=.;in. 1‘1.» 2 . :-' :3?! ':--;|. ‘.v.‘
LE :11 :‘g-;:._ 31"? 3 "'l' 3.7 ’ "i: Eifk‘i'i
;:' iv: 11w- g-z:;'~11i: ~.‘ 21 3'3” 11021.
GE? 7'. it: I. .1;L-3;,j_; v 1; 11
'll g». 1' 2w: ox?Shut-.l23.«stint-.205
:‘m- pz'ssvzzt ;w;7212:-.l:'s-z: of thz- tvz'ri
i- :.i. {2:334:97 an bush 3‘:? {‘SIOJJU”
if: :E.-::-.~:yza.1'.
‘ 3 . L‘i. Fix-“fitnhrr. pf Efrfighurg.
flaw Evin-vi :: t-Lailc-rrgu L 3 :::;_'.' 121.1113;-
|:~..:'.i: in 31.1-Suz'rizur}' tn :m-e: him in
§ :2: 9.13 aunt, I {knit a: EEU’J 3 Sid».
'52 x- 1;: -I~Z a-i' U...- Dxazm Luna-um
In EL:- Hummus“ timing I:‘:\‘ ya-gu‘: 1‘57,
. .-. m..-1 PJZJH‘I'LUU”. ’iiais v;:;:- (he
;,f:\u?_:ta-1 (.5 TENS!) Ll 5 of ('l'9.
Tl k‘ Sam I‘l'isuLiM‘u Mud lu’. 06am”;
D. lihi.‘ I;~‘£:£ii(‘§. apron-5'03. l‘t‘hri‘k‘ z:
(u mgr. .-.~i-:-x:.'.i rumufittm- thn min-r
ivt‘ej: 23'. $641.35 n? wrtuin )z‘Jwr assacfi
g E' ’E“. Razz-nun) 2:';« «-::‘.=I(-;l 1.:1 (-fi'vr
I‘m Hugh-3.11 f"- 1' :‘z;-:- >tz-zzmvr Linn-L!
I 1': L anxix. Yiiia] if i' i: 2233; Mad hr,- xvii}
'Ei.’ :‘122- \'-'w.«‘>‘i :a\' J. “31:57]; timulro
l 'T-n- g-wazwersr :hzm' and museum.
'E‘iza Standard Uil Cuznpzmy has
L’uiahi. .1 up tits-3 mi] 121'“: ..f “'unhhm‘u
A; Sun of s'. Lnuis, an] in now with—
uut. any upposiiiun in the south
worihy of memiun.
I Jnlm P. St. John, fin grant ape-51.103
of )zlrnlzil-iaiuse, says Elmt the} win
uuminuh- :x 01113333.?“ x'r-r prv idmfi
land 3‘:; imu {ho campaign of 83 with
arm't'nt s-gu'rffs.
Then m‘v nazvim‘.) mon cmpbyed
in 11m Casmdntunuv]. An uvemgn
prugrvm of fifhwn {wt :1 day is |;u~
ling mndo mzd Hm tunnel will be cum—
;>Z-vts~! by May lat. afier which fiftovn
days will be required 2:) lazy tracks
and put it in cunditinu fur uprrzh
1 A mammoth petition to 11m con
'grc-r—s of the United Stan‘s signed by
wet 1000 ciiiznns of Alaska,
against thn pnasagP of the bill recent
3;: introduced providing for a terri—
l torial form of government of the dis-
Hrici uf Alaska. was brought down by
‘itm- Anson on harms: trip. and has
{iv-n {nrwm‘akzi 2::- :~'\'-nnl.or Vest at
i The last of in» thirty—o:29 whiin
mine-rs who were killed by ”rev:-
plasinu at- tho Weflingtun. B. 0.,
"on! mine were ”covered nu the 26th .
' The greatar number of thvm wera
young unmarriad men, and only two
...f 23:13 :um‘yiod mm: navo largo fam
iii-xt. The hum-mi. one n! th? 53:]-
(1:5! sights izzuzmgiuubh‘, occurred my
the 20th, and occupied the. whole day
and was Intended by m-arly all the
inhabitants of Wellington and Na
naimc. ‘ '
The patriarch of prnhibitinn, Neal
Dow, in :1 stun-mum mm‘u) through
leu Na‘.\fiY<‘:rk Warm, is: war» frank
.‘nun snug} :-.s In {hr intrpnaonflhe
political pruhihitiunist =.. In his up~
infirm “pro‘nibiiiou cannot win in the
iifalima of the republican party.“ and
he might have atldazd in lbw lifetime
of the dvmucz'zauc parly alas. The
1) am inference. ho‘.‘:c¥'€!‘. from his
shah-mm: is that the first object of
{ln} probibiiionisti is to kill the to
puhlican party, and tu mis Hui {he
12r(3bil:itiouistfi, he said, “'.wnld com
centrate their (-flbrts in New York."
Amzzmmmh {mbiinu to (32-3 com
grass of the ”Univ?! 528 m- Sigurd i-y
over 1,000 citizens of Alaska, was
brought down by the Ancau on her
last trip, and has gbeen forwarded to
Senator Ve.=.t at Washington city,
The people of Alaska. inciuding mer~
chants and miners. are thoroughly
aroused over this matter, and only
fear their remonstmuce may roach
congress too late. The: claim that :1
government such as exists for other
territories would be practically a
doad latter for a country like Alaska,
with -a population of 2,000 people
spread over an area of six hundred
thousand square miles.
The ransom given for Hm removal
of Fort. Cnuby are thus oxp‘uined:
“Col. Perry says Fort Cunby is now
four miles 'distant from the Colnm
bin river, owing to the changing of
the current. and i: is impossible to
defend the river? from Hm present
HilO of the fort tis of difficult ac
cess and costs 5510.000 annuuily to
maintain communication with Astor
in. on the opposite of the hay. Sup
plies are the highest on the Pacific,
and the men are nnubluto receive
competent instruction and drill be—
czmso six months in the your them
are rains and fogs.”
Oregonian: It costs onr- dollar
per 1000 font more to send lumber
cargoes from the Columbia river to
California ports than from Puget
Sound to tho same ports,ulthnugh
the advantage of (ii-stance is with the
furmur. A V0359] of averngn size and
:1 fmr sailor can make eight round
trip.» in :1 your twtm-on Columbia
river mills. and San quci-co. and
only Sle‘u ruund trips between Pu~
get Sound mills, hut notwithstanding
this udvuntagn, tho lumbar rate is.
higher here, as stated, than at the
Sound. The increased rate is exact—
ud to GUI!!!)PUSBiO the ship for the
heavier charge: which she must meet
Thu president has approved 12nd
prcmulguled a rovisiunnf the civil
service rules which mnkos SOVural
very important changes in the system
of a pointmsnts upon tests of fitness
applged to the applicants for plucos
in the departments at W nshiugton
and in the classified customs officm
and postofl‘icea. The commission has
also revised tho civil service regula»
tions to conform to the new rules.
These revirions have been under?
cousidnration by the commission dut ‘
in: tho greater part of the year, and
limb have. received careful considor—
n‘ion by President Clewlund. He
rund them at length several times
and made changes and modifications.
No one old rule or regulation I‘o
- in its orginal form.
| At the lmginning of rho session of
Congress. Senator Houriiilzmluccd.
by request, a bill that, was referred
to tho committi-ns on foreign rela—
tions, to authorize the construction
of a railroad from the northern
boundary of the United States
itbrough British Columbia and Alas
‘ka, to n pniul, upon Ruining sea
This is the bill on whiz-l: Sonnior
Frye an adverse rnpurt. In the: uh
pox-z Frye says that tln- judgement of
the cummiltee is that it would be
phisically impossible to instruct any
railroad as the bill proposes to build.
The scheme is but a little less im
practicable than one brought to tbs
attention of congress several years
ago by a St. Louis man named Help
her. who wiried 2c buLlc’éalfne (f'
railroad frum tLe Uniud States
through M’s-x co and the 09mm]
Amorzcnn Halos int-J South Amvrica.
President Cleveland rat-anti; con
fes ml to a friend that “mitt-T pfirty
believed in €ll9 civil 5073'??? ml.” It:
woul»! uzgre-zu‘ that !11.‘ yrrsidrntl
th-noi'uru !;:;:‘. (it-ta-rmim :1 m‘. in: mi
t'm- public '.iil‘uj'ur . ut 1-2’2373 gnut‘
mus-I‘s. fiftl'l law ! err. ('lzzmgr-dfl
um: «i '. (32:13 f--:‘.,r:?;~(§.=.~‘s ;:«~.-.(m:'.s-l
this “ah-3:1- lint“ lu“’i: 4432341.) ("izilh'C'PTi’i
:11“! :lm ii-tnr-jininr ‘.miz’ad Lari; lrveu‘
‘mvulo ivul fa 2' .1; hr: lii]? I':va Fifi-312':
immts are so 5-51.21} :!;;.: sin-«likes
lcould not be gin-n i-“‘i:_‘f. I'Drtlfh
lluk‘rt'. thirty-two out cf thirty :in‘e
’f-rx'rigr: minisi. 2:: 31mm- !~.o:-:x. ("a urged,
all the (”lira-turn «:5 iLi-si‘uni :«vwnuc-l
{:E'I Hair-3‘23 132! Elm (Ollrt'Z-H‘S c ? cus
tmih‘. .‘xixl 5.; t u thxwgh ilw
u‘lxirln 335?. of L-iiit'iuls. (Jim vi the
civil wrx‘iz'a in»; z‘f<>11:11!,'ll :i‘ilt'V‘»! the
“tin.” of n Bum-23 r .t\-r;»ri::-. and
that 1‘11:- c‘nazzcn of :q-gulinhnont is
about (we in till-‘O. Sim'o the “231mb
ézat'on of lhnt'.v:l.!x:is;~ihu ally 1239
persons ENE?" luau nxxligirdml from
its certification.
l The govormm-uk mi (1": runny (and
Auflria have Ilm'l':-.:'t-\l to publish the
treaty vi 157‘.) inuixio: lc will the
doubts (-iitertxzim-zl regarding its
purely dufemivu intvntiuu. Tin- first
articlu of tho treaty stipulauxl that
:.lwuld either of the hm mummies.
wntrary tn anu rut-l u 351). b.- ht‘
tacked by Ritz->33. I-nc'u is pimlgnl I‘.»
assist the other with in»? FullH‘ mili~
tary force, and to conclude peace
upon terms mutually agrm-zahle.
Should eithvr country i» attacked by
any other pout-1' tin- uiiru' plmlges
ilSell' to maintain an attitude of
neutrality unless. Rurasjz‘. should as~
sis: the aggressnr, whuz. war cpornv
tions should lye (‘lu‘l'l-Al on 5:: CUEHHIUH.
Bush partirsuxpmss xlu: Lay-3 that
Russian mu" pmpzzratimts may no:
prov-o in l‘i‘flllty menacing to either.
‘Shuuld this 1:02.63 prove arrochus
both partirs recognize it to be their
duty to infunn Ali-under that, an
attack Upon une would ha rogurdvd
as an attack upon butb. The publi
cation of the treaty is comidnruzi as
a warning to Russia and tlznsu who
have [won trying to divide Grrmzmy
and Austria. It. is nndvrstvol that
Italy in 1887 accepted all tho stipu~
latious of the treaty, both in am .'u'téve
and a pas‘ ive sense.
0 EA
/'.".‘_°~ "
ROYAL 353.9513
-. not"!!! '
;- 1 r ; . V:
:8 i;
>I , a
I. 1 ,
[NB '0
""41“: fl?
‘1 .. o- . .
Absolutely Pure.
'fl'fis powder never varies. A man'Ll of purity.
strength and “holesomcncss. More cmnnmiual
than moonlinnry kinds.and cannot be snM in win
petition with the multitude of low tent, short
weight, alum or phosphate powdura. Sam 05‘ LY IN
3}“; noun 8.55.150 l'owvm Cu, 106 Wallet.
DR FLENi 2' ‘
. b
V ' 3‘ ' E
.A- ,
a J 23 g E ‘.. u
’ 11%;“.(2L-n-gw: is \iuvd film] 15‘ xu‘lh-m
_‘_, :2"»; d‘.’ili:‘4’..;::, and in inn-smug 1') 3r. gumm
§' fit in}: 0;!th Lu; itinx ulna namely" L 323
'1 -"r chis’gmu o.’ [Li-1 (JUo-C e! am; In: Cqull
'l.“ aka this Hugely at. (trace—it. wizl 01.1.:
‘ - nu. 31.50. Fucdphra (math: with
cash bank: or mailed tree.
W Y.
a: a
' so“. 3
¢\ , It '5 nix-an var" «(LE-:1; it 2:11 v.l7}: Hm!
4,1?) of a laxative t 3 gin; a ‘.Lry yam»; c‘rlzl
V»;. who is sufferiz': frat: :mmr'ysrf .:. ’A‘hc
a only mealtim- whh-z‘ a. 1.: L..- r: ~ firm
(/ pedccfly rah my! 3ng '..» Ink. is
ILL-mt“; F 433. :5 cams.
Mal: Dmggisisz or mix-2:3
d. d. MACK a 0n...
6 am; 11 frfr'h S'a‘. Sm k'mncisco, cm.
~"-‘;'..--v’":;. 2 =97! 1:7”? £4???
g'Ef'Lfg ' .' .s‘7' 'v‘.‘
23» £4 ‘ , ' a;
it. :._ ‘, [~3l
“1351],; '.‘~',. :- 2 .../'5. 3475.5"
... : 2’ gr; flint;
, fluwv
’; 'A. ‘ I ‘ff'Té
i'fz'z': «:lez-kG'a-‘TzI’INE
lJa::.;i"-.I- -. .’ .Imlp Chimney.
Ail-fair: '.7:.-’;:‘.':‘.r:.tinimion.
.-~ 2‘“- r:" - V. A.
. {‘s3}; . -. 5.2.; LXJCL Label
_. zu _ g}; :.uzxazzchi’cnrl
~_‘.¢>—.~.g.‘,‘q a.” .
34;?» i‘; loiuvimanc}.
. h'w' _ 71.! .I.a§---
431., ..J ‘..., “.47....“ .qnysay
$3 ~,‘~_ :2”} {Lin}: he has
a» . '.-, '- .‘ .
07.“? (3.2:L12. 33 good.
q BU r m: 21. x; NOT.
Insist upon the Exact Label and Top.
[in Sun humans. (.4225: our! 3‘!
< I“ ‘V I C. ' '
35:. A._ Wu?!" cu 5-8., Pastsbmgn, Pa.
"" " V
BE _: ".5 a A'i'flsD MEN.
You an altar. M aft-cc. trial (was: ’1; day; cube
:59 of Dr. 1m": l L-:( Lmled volume Belt with
flit-uric burp-:.uw A] plight-ch. for the ipe—ndy
nliof and perm n- :.'. k we of Krmt-xbrbi‘lx'ty, loss
at Vitaiily n::i .13" ...‘1 .01, mu! an kindmi lraubie‘
Aim (of mar: .Jrz- -:- divans. run-plate rattan»
Mon to R-‘uhb. H,“ and lmhnod unnamed.
\‘u rh-x Lu Inc-:5". 121;“:mnlp0-5133Imxahi
My: uni-3:4 Two. I" “FIFO-I"
YOLAAZG 3213‘! 00., Kai-9371‘
People 3 Market,
Cor. W-azmnd TnfiorSireexs
% I’m-t '3‘ownssnd. Wac‘n.
Thomas lackman,
THE vary bcelquallzy of all kind: at that
at wholesale and null. 3311:2495. New]
f ' - T 333114 ;:
fix 3,: _: . :31: ;~_;;.
1'" r”; :" {fir-x ‘fl:\ :v .
£15,?“ 'lf‘ - . ‘;}\ . "‘3 ,u‘k
-:—-_ «3;: :15 4 «R 355 ~3wa
@5341. d»._g_.a?é,_ gyr- ;. m..-é
”1‘; ..3péizétzawaggfiy 3 . ti? ::-.
41?...- ‘54-‘4. "_ «‘..avéjzig‘l +5113. ‘
Lir— WIS" ‘ ‘1? .
fl; 92:11:24 53? 1‘ *Wfi " "it: -
.'"_“:'7S“ " "‘.___fl~'_..‘ ‘ '_-‘~ ._ . I ... :- ‘ é...
3:». .. 1. ...-=;:_:.:~:.;;;‘:;; -‘ “4"»-
E‘Mi 'salgasfituta
3:24;. ..2 tanks! «fig! 2
ZS'CJT?F,=‘LLO- Ii". '3?-
ers-fi-fr-w‘: ":13 a 2313 £3.35 a: dam
£511“ :1-.s€|i 3.553 522111953 Phgflciln’
:a-fi :.zrreeaz is: {he :2 2:19:21: ct
a} Clara-. 23 32:23:.
:3 9<'-- 13." E ' A
a..-“ n 1. qr: as
L :34.- iflséiafj 33%. Sbfiagg o
armor. f. 31:32! Clam-flu. fibres: and»
Lung banana: Liver and Kidney
Bisnafts, 1311:1401' 91001315, Disease
-91 ‘.i‘oz'gon.l3zoofl Disease: and Nerv
-0:33 Aug-(91191”, cured turn or a: horn
wit; a: 'c.;ro:l £34m; the What. Coma 311%
39 :15, or sapfitzn‘ cema m manna to: our
Uri-5:: 1:32:15! 14-21159 Each,” which gives
1.1”- .2”... Rervonsnamlaty impo
tg....._..m Macy, Noczurnal Longs,
54:1.“ 1;; «at: an Morbid Conditions
; . 6.111393 by Uonfluul F0!-
vgp‘faft 3. lion em Pfrnicioul so]!-
=--“‘:-‘_'__;' 7 31:7 franks: are awed!!!
11‘1“?“ ujd pennaqentlg curul ..y our
u;:-::;’- -: £2034;L yak-13:44.1 (:23. in 8mm“!
finif—"m’hi’ Ziu‘grtnro, 01‘ I‘d‘mfsh, radi- \
;., "_ .T‘ ~ T,“ dilly guru}. mahout tux) knife. ‘
FEZLL- .'_—, w.tnr:u:. dependence upon .
i 1 _ _»7_ __ .7 Mfg-:1 and win \ery lung:
‘1 "1‘ “T" " 1143- 43-I». m-u: for my. 2cm:
:2.- i: {13253533 m 1 nrnzcrrsns‘
5~. e 7:114: 1.50 5.12.52; mm "lii. Emu: 50m.
:..r i, :x arms Ra nanny. A-tdrzia Wnumrs
:I:>:~~-.::.:.u:'.' Hanna, Airs-muzzomw Main
21:: .’t, .l. 4121qu Y.
":3.“ ’ '2‘!" (nmfment Of many
a; 0'56”“ q thousands c: (2.909 of those
aiggiuib bf mans-4 pecuiiu: (G
: WEE-‘33 WOMEN. :
9 “w - at the Envnfids' 11016:! and
km“ .Sunueal Institute, has at.
fcr:r_d _!:tge explriznco in xdaptzns mm
.‘c.’ mu: cure. as)
33. @EEZ’ACE’E :
322?.“ - ”9.: _ ”.1 a n .
> *3‘!‘ * Fifi ' rs 33M
5 22:9 5.5 1E": 33.;
E 3 the r:~:u:'; c: iL-‘J vast cxgoréence.
It is ,1 Eq'vl‘r‘hgl Bestcrativa Ton!!!
sn-i 8.:.~rv..-.1-3, unpzu-is Vigor and en‘vnmh
1.. up :5. .ytcm, and (rm-. 1. 2:3 1 by magic, Leu
(t-Jr: igczl, or “whites,” ex’vcasive
flow. i 155, palniu; menu-simian. nu.
naturai (eupgreulous, proxaysus or
mums; Q! t a uterus. wreak back,
hnmvcrsaon. :etrovenion, bearing
‘duu'u sensationg, .chronxc (:Cflfieio
lion. inflammauoa and. 1:309:33 on
{OB um womb, inflammafion, pain
and wndoruc-as In ovaries. internal
heat, and “female weakness.»
3: prmngfly ”have and cun's Hansel.
and “Ken I 169! 01 3301112053, indigen
tion, 1210311112. MITOBS.PI'I}§‘ ration,
and. sleeplessneu, in cxlhc: hex.
PR’fiE I 00‘ 01% :3 aromas
Au I ,ms $3.00.
saga by Bragginaevn-ywymre. Send
tan (39:13:; in; pumps for hr. l’:f.‘!'cc‘s large
Treatise on Dumas-5,92 Wcmcn, auuszx‘ated.
‘ as? ' : - -
Ems. a hammer Ecimai Esscczahaa.
063 min Biz-mt, 30?? th O, N. Y.
:1“: \» unions Headache,
:; , - Business, Cour-up:-
‘gfi' "\ tlong Indigestion,
4..- f. 1 ~‘\ and Bllloun Attacks,
-'_ 3:}; {5-5) 5.1; promptly cured by Dr.
, ‘24 Piercefa Pleasant
if ».' " mee Pellets. as
a ‘ cam: a v'aLby m
Your Liver ?
Is the Orienta-Isalutation,
knowing that good health
cannot exist Without a
healthy Liver. i‘When the
Liver is torpidithe Bow
els are sluggishand con
stipated, the food lies
in the stomaah undi
gested, poisoning the
blood; frequent headache
ensues; a. feeling of hissi
tude, desponglotcy and
nervousness inditate how
the whole system is de
ranged. Simmons Liver
Regulator has been the
means of restoring more
fieople to health and
anpiness by giving them
a healthy Liver than any
agency known on‘earth.
It acts with cztmor»
(31mm; power anal efficacy.
ever use anything: (la-e, an. { hue never
been dizmplmlutcd 5:2 tum-72:"? i rm}: 4:
time“)? (t)? ihcefligifilé“ .‘fi‘v‘ffi'l'lliitf'tf' ’ "'5;
‘-‘.'. J. 3m“? ill-mun. A 2;:-
It is an established fact that; Hood's Sari
sapariiia has woven an Invaluiblo remedy
in many severe cases or rheumnism. elect
ing remarkable cures by its ponertul action
in correcting the acidity of the flood, which
is iilc cause at the disease. and 1111118111:
and cam-hing the vital fluid.
It is certainly fair to aaaznnq that what
Hood‘s Sarsaparma. has done la- others it
will do lut you. Therefore, “you ruse:
the pains and aches of rheumatism, give
this potent remedy a (all trill.
. A Positive One.
:‘I was troubled very much with them
mm in my hips. ankles, and wrists. I
could hardly walk. and was confined. to my
bed a good deal of the time. hing reo-
I-mmended to try Hood's Samantha, I
\(‘Zi four bottles and am perfectly well.
; r :xoeriuily recommend Hood's Samparilla
- are or the best blood purifier! in the
.; ‘..z." W. F. Woon. Bloomington, 111.
For Twenty Years
tun-*0 been amicted with rheumatism. norm-a
A ‘3. l 1". :.ud no relle!, but grow worse. 1 mon
vv-gztn taking Hood's Saranparilla. and it did
.30 more Imm] than all the other meéicine l
:vvr had." it. 'l‘. 34143021, Shirley. Mass.
“1 suflirul Irvin What, the doctors called
muscular rhomzzzlism. 1 took Hood’s 51r
sapnrilln and am (-:xliz-oly cure-. 3." J. V. A.
nonunion“, letter caniur, Chicago. 111.
We shall be glad to 592:1, Stce of cim-ge
to all who may desire, abovk ccninlningmahy
additional Slillfnlflltl 0:" cures by
_ l
Hood’s Sarsapanlla
Sold by all druggists. 61; six to.- 85. Mid-'-
only by C. I. HOOD &= 00., Lowell. Mass.
£OO Doses One Doizar.
\ o.__ver 6.000.000 P_.._._E°P'~E use
* FRY'ssagag
\ n
: 55¢ umsamm
} Y ~ mujmiftcd tatutlm
‘ ' ‘ *2 Largest Seesaw-m
. . in m ":3 “01m.
‘ ~g§fl£§_ :1; D.H.P£".3YBCO'3
3 “‘7“ ' . “‘3ls'::s‘J'.§ff"”"
2§13~);;.v_ SEED
#3:... 45.? . ANNUAL
‘ ?.;.’E,»-,;-,‘; . > I Val-1883
1 .7 3., - ; \ '. L
‘ \gflj": ‘ ‘-/\~ “ omyhc'mm. and
‘ 3::3;5§.~ . .\ ~ ' .f: to m; fem-{ms
fi.:'f~a..a;~u~u xx): 2.- 53321-3; “ “it
.5 .- \ “‘0 va. . ~ 5‘
qu,‘.;_ ;_ _ j- Imazuabsnonn.
~ g; '2; - £53.97. Every pagan unn;
‘l3::ng ; f Cunen {Hum-flow
-1: , if; - -~ :- :~u (‘flrtuaJ-mdk
~'~ «Our-”e ' ‘- 4») :I. Amul
'. 5' I‘R‘J. ‘ Q‘QJJIEOH.
13{_) i )Ix' 131 N])ICI€ ‘3’,
Govt-11.:nont um! ‘.Eroad E'frc‘v‘ \‘iclnrin, 'l. C.
LLlOgfldlt Cal 1 and
Blurroci-o Bindings
A ngcialy.
SETS! if AND L.\\V “'OBK
“'2“ receive our but ntention.
R. 'l‘. WILLIAMS, 3!”.
’ It}: 1? ifl R '11"
110 mm 3.0 c 211 d
1 . . . .
Cascade .Dzmsmn, makmg
11’ Ma Simrlrst, Best
£ll nrl Omelcmt, ‘
Tim a'i::.n; 4‘3: ii '=i‘.-~ Dire-:2 Hour». .\‘c‘:
“via: k. [‘ll- ”—1 T'diL-S. Tit kcfi.‘ ssh! X 0
:u'E PL'U’HIil-flil Point; Through
. '1! Nu ELIH und
50.3:1'1- an
Tina-r 133: l’niumn Dam in: Roam Shawn: Cars
Tu :4":th l 5 and S‘uum-uzvrfl:
Bo : aux-3:1. :;!;.l G... t. x .:.:ILv a mistake. but he
uh: tn lain- .53:-
' ’ , yng‘x: h q ' 1
I'l;an vh Kali-32.01 Si- q-in; ('zu‘r- run 0!: ram.
inr rum >l4 Imin; |»'l:L'l.'l M 11:» line. Barthel
{fr-I Durst mi»: Quiet-Ms! zilsa.
Scars: Lin ..1' {£l9 Lampny, N 0.2 'e'ash
-5‘ do; ‘I; 5 Parnand. Orcgo-v.
" A 1). Ungnnrov.
I’.--; .' Eva-Inn. Passenger Ag‘l.
\‘sz H. ‘.‘.'522, .. -' -- 'l' [‘l !;.-1 Jam.
Fur: Tun-n ~v~nl‘.. 'x‘. 1:912. Trrr.
‘ ‘.______________.
Garrying the U. 3. Mali.
P2l Tommsendfienttle & Tacoma Route
()7; 1i (li~ THE ‘.V. ~1. 1*: 'l‘. i'u'sg a!
31h, '~- .1: run tinny -~-:;c--r»t >l.;udnyllr.:u-.'m-n l'cr.
(or [.sv-rx'l 51.11 Tut-mum l-avipg PM! Townseuc
.' I. 2:.1 ::x.i 10. x: hi": a: Port Ludiow. l'o-l
dunnl-Lu Pa“. Mh'liivl (“-.i 59:12!!!» Hmuxning
~".'.' -' ’!:;'-.=:.-\ 11113;. ‘ , -'; r:r=‘i'.‘u.! o! Hm "air.
:.-'u.:: I'. new}.
Ssaitia—Wbatcom Route.
'E‘nv «1.19.1: -x' \V . ii. Biol-“~11; will lea“
"LEUA (mu-1';- 51121'1..'.. ’i'J-xzk.) and Thursda:
Iz-xrmu. at J n'czm '3l for \3 inatffim. calling 3‘
-!n;.z::A_-'-. TuEz’igv. H.lll Ltd: lhubor. L'x
"IlAi‘Fiv'. [ii-'3'. !.~'r. EVE-Habit .\lna~oric;~. Gimmes
unnah. tartan-n. {:va :v sham :md Schuma
_¥:a:urnn.,;. w.“ ‘r rm- 'l‘. 31:11. mu every Hands)".
\L-«lnuarlny anti '.ri.!:_v «*~"’!‘.i!.::§‘lit 9 o'clock.
in)? >c::t‘«-. («11151; :I'. inulrmedinux points on m:
Seattia-Skagit River Route.
Tho “game-.- Imam},- wen impa- Sgault- to;
«1:32;! '21:: : ..an '.vm' pnrln over” Monthly amC
{huts-lay, raiurnm ; ": 5:131:11}! 3121 f Fridnyg.
F 3." h't'iihl :X;(l}19~§l;:4‘ :1” 1y at Zicthschild a
I'l3,- “mm on Quincy Ann-v. wharf, or on beam
:221- hum-2.41.: the suzw u had.
du-u’ 62.1). S. JAL‘OSS. Sec‘v.
7'. *1 ‘
PAC! 3‘ {C U. )Ab' i‘
, - :5”? -
',l ‘ .
3 £1 13511:: 1 1
FHESVHI no? r‘» ’3 q :1
211.1121 3:; {1510119211 Home.
.\zp:n::haps x‘r'u'ryu' it»: {viinuic Mafialy'l
-. ms. “in wave than} way What. No. 1. 5w
.'-.;.ci:.r... carry I-‘riu‘q 3.1! 1. 92., for VIC
,‘L -'.H.\, B. C. l‘blzi‘ _’l’u\\’l\'SE.\'D SEAT
. 1.22.111“! I.IL :r-‘ZA, swung at Victor-a. l}. 0..
'..-r}' Marcy: r'. I 7 :. m.. l'u'.’. Townsend am
~-.-—.n"~ m: :x' .\znmz-x; p. ~u.. :.ml Tacoma ever:
1'2:~.-.v1.~.‘: :2. m .r-~x.x-u~...:-,: with s'u-Muors f 0
\x;:~‘.‘n!u-1m...-.n'l will: -_-x--:L';.ln.-.-v.ls. 0:15.. fu
“mall Fur 3:,1 (’.zhiir nun». Sunnis-0. Se
'.'.-s:\z|i.:::».r. Yam. um.” ah other importan‘
fi-uilkt mu; 1“I;2:3\:-' v.l 1 p. m.. For: Town'enzl
m-ry I“:‘.-k.;_\',1\.::_ ,:I‘=! “Eczuria (“'cl'i" Satur
La'.‘ .11 1 ;2. m.. fur :.m Francisco. no Sun
Fund-(u Tm.- :1.._»»» .l- m.
fur-«dun léoute.
Tim Ann-. 1; will lean: '.‘m‘! Townsend Jan. 9
”A" :-. 1;. .\‘m’ 1:. A 1::. ‘.o‘ my 7. Juno 4. July
,I'. .\u .17. .\um. '..‘t.
’2 he Idaho luau-s l‘u.‘: '?~~wr..-vnd. Fab. 2?.
Jazvl'. ’Ji. .iu! :Lwia I» {nilom-d by the 51'. G.
IV. LIL-2'. .\er .'J, 3133' :3. Juno 13,Ju1y16.
Ahg. 15, 5-115. 10.
11.1.. I‘X‘JRALS. Jr,
.\.‘z-u: for Port Townsend
. O
1 3
01 egon leway 85 Nav
. . p, ‘ .
. 741-
lgatmn Lumpany.
"c‘ouuubin l‘ilvcr lloutu-"
[huh 2"»; Um 15:1. : $3lO '11.... ....1....i.,.1ip. 11111.
3,1 \ 5W tum-. 1 r m principa ms n! u
NLRB“) l'nixcil Slum. (‘ausfi‘t Europe.
Elegant Pullman Palace Cars.
EEEZRBI 551333133 CHS Bun 319313,?) [‘s REYES mm
—‘m ‘-
Fra- of Charge and H’ilhout Change
‘ Its.l (mu-r inns. n: rut-Jam] for Sun l'mucisco
my! Pugh! bound :wiuzs.
For {nrlé‘rr 'mrlimlars :nquh‘n o! “3' A t
u! the ('Oélpn'h)‘ or A. 1.. Mauve”, A. G. 1’- fl.
\., Portland. Oregon.
A. G. P. .s 'l‘. A.
W. H. NOLcOMB. Gen'l Manager.
Customs Agent.
.' v[a
.1 A . .753 5-5;: '2 :2’
‘.“‘;:::'; > Iv? . :43.
‘ 7‘ .\ a:
‘1 3'73? . .‘ >
3:21: _ “5;" (a; M - _ 4 ..-
{.3 {2:. "z : ‘ ' int-:53;
a22:l:\\g a «Na-'3’. *. ,\ \3-3-
fix ; I. ' ~ ,
F; '. \‘x-‘v: _\\L ‘l." . ‘ ' .
“‘3‘ M. g -, J
.-\\\\\\\2 ' , xii-(:51.
‘.~.'-:-.\ ' V : s {ax-:7
'-‘-:-:-:.§.\_‘\ .-;2 :32;- 3 ‘ ..r\
'4 ..~..~~~
The above Picture Represents
hastar or the szeamshlp mans.
1 About a year ago he observed a strange change
‘ln his teenage. {u felt tired instead of vigor
‘ our; nervous Instead of strong. El: apfemo
bucame poor and his sleep broken. Bo tr ed to
overcome these lcclinzs, but they would not in.
He then noticed pains and irritation in t 6
water channels, and that the fluids passed were
«(LL-u thick and with a. scum on top or a brick
dust sediment at. the bottom. All these were the
mrc symptoms of that tearful disease. Cnunh
of the Bladder, which has always been consid
rrcd incurable. and they com nned until the
Cupmin was in utcrrible condition. But he in
me picture of health and vigor to-duy, ahd he
owes it entirely to that wonderful medicine,
Ham’s Remedy. Capt. Greenwood says: "I am
so certain of the great. value of Hunt's Remedy.
that [always curry :1 supply on shipboard {or
the u>c of my mm, and I prvscribe it whenever
they an: ailing. After curing me as it did. and
rvsmring my \x'ifc. (whom the best physicians of
Raw York auld was dying of tumor.) to perfect
health, I swear by it."
This Great lit-med): absolutely cum 11l Kidney.
Lh'cr and Urinary Dueascs.
For Sale by all Dealers. >
C. N. CRITTENTON. General Agent.
115 Fulton EL. N. Y.
lav-um 121"").le 10 na Eunr. Randy m, rnmdrnrc.‘ z. I.
\ ..
ELEuANT Ant-...
3 ‘ .«i’k ‘f' ‘. ‘5
E - QC}?!
: (1* ;'-‘ _~'
In. 93155}
' “.3“ EV - .13
0 «$32,» .. .
‘ i ,p-la-:3:‘- "4
*9 £~~".»i-f.?».
F * - -439”
c ;i’;;:.;:—. >
.u'. ‘ . .. 7 ,LA hf
' No. 3. 1
m JOHNSON “703va £05.32 ' "
Wm! prsrmnur 5!!le Anjcs‘mau: I _. .'
hiya". ClergymOß. Physirhns.
Editors. Bankers. Tc'ud :.. .
Merchants. Students.
and all who md Leah.
Mad: 0! IrL-n. finished in black, ‘itf‘. 2m.
«namemauan, i! cannot warp. (i'cnk. 3;“ '. :
order. or utar out. Each the”. 15in x.» ,
16 \:.!s. size (-1. .‘xprleloc‘. Cyclop'nlz... : .
bank; I;: !:s, spar: lhan any o:her dc.'E:-.
No. X. i'ur ’l'.;'x.l:.to hold 1 tier of Lu 1:“. -
“ '42, “ " “ Skiers “ ,
‘1 2' l- :‘isor’ I. . I. It V
M 3' .. .. u . u u
.4' H II Q. 4‘O (h -. :
Tl':‘- , 3:: fsrgcnmiuzfl,‘ -. '.
$25,. 5 '. :.0' racked. on u .
.‘> ‘. .‘UN CYIiU-I .
T‘s . ' x1!:.inl: "‘
173,: .- 1.4. ~' run of t‘ ..
Ntu . , . -.;._.5.,,;: , _
AEZLZJLQL: 5: 133“ STATE"... -. .. . ..
7 Bond Slreel. New York, 9. 1
.’ o o
18 01' K‘ 1' fl
' ... i ' 1' .
—-r fail: —'—"” '
r I ' I ‘ 9 I
on rf - . a»? . as
, 1A . .; a. .r
de "I ars :85 -.5 Eu: igfijgiis
Have made coxgpleta (Elms. uf «lifi‘icui: _(,.;;-.~ ..f 1.1:): 11:1}. Ki 1;;r_~.- 12.1114“,
Rectal Llcera. I- lhtmus, Blood Paw-. 512. 13.“: Y‘E. “*O. Urt'edit ' " ‘ “’3
my Blood Tmnt, Lox-12121 12:13. 23711.1 Li 41‘: u}: gs‘zzl‘rzz'Ely: 1" “:3
85nd Fer circularsflcwrmm' 'l2-71-1313-‘931‘3: 47:61.2; “~ ~-. !. ‘. ~ '- .' E 1.; 1 - “1.11“”;
can- -{ fen-1111:) In California}; FRANK (7.\5.5111Y.4ui z’r'J'. x _ n: 1..-.‘: .‘Cv " '-'.-' V .\ll 512 mm
B u:!; W B. l’lHl'flJ)! Linmin. Hum-r county: 5U}; ' 12111 3: . . .’ -:- I'l'l-11. U 713“.
.:Al|-;S. 51;,(‘me(:K. \"icv-Prnida-nt flux: of Hui-1 vf; \‘.' Y. . .‘ixrifh‘S. i---!i~‘. fQ-‘zmh: \i'. 3..
UUAKL. chnmo-nto; JOHN DIUSCULL‘ l'ninu in». \‘n' ‘3l'l‘:Z!.\"‘.:-'-‘. .‘I3'.\.IHZNI:Y U.
GOUDRIDHE. MRS. CHARLOTTE A. GILBERT. 5111:» .-‘.: 1 i '11:;4. I}. 1!. 1i.‘x:".31!.‘-L:'L'u){ :.z:
of Man l-‘rlnciscn; MRS. 1!. A. ADAMS. 1111231.. I‘. 1:31:23: -ux.. r: ~.9-:-’:.ln, '
References by Pfinrnlsezanfims suuu u. «mart; m.. (-.. -\--. Ll-y;_,.;m,~711,:_\._
MAX. “05'. IRA G. IUI'I'I'. A. D. (211511.11. ULH'L‘H 2.2 * '.‘i‘.'. 1 li‘.‘ I“ : ,\._.Z'. fin- Fran
rilcr-z F. (i. WATKNHUFSE. I. A. l‘i'SON. 5.31'1‘41.-' '.z . 'l‘. :I ‘.111'1'211,1.E:.ui.»1: : ‘.‘l'Ll'AE‘.
SIDY. l‘cmlmnn Arqwm.‘ \V. A. DEATJ, Sim Fancy-. 0 :‘y'.:'.7 /: 3 9-333
hAI’.S?IELD‘.~' masuzm' FO3 T1111!BI.T)0V6!;KIf":.7 .. -. am": (sun. a 5...“ ...,
I.l.er.l{ldnc s. CA-muipmi- n. Malaria, 12335.411‘umgm. ‘. ‘-« .‘u' .. x. ‘ '. - Eu ::;;z. .-.:.:i 1../"1M“.
taming from Blood lrzu.urilir<.
£33103. s'l; 373:. 2:73:21? 1 <2.
SARSFIELD‘S«IIIS3SII7 (1.11:1:$.~.1.\‘I~:'!&:3~,;»41....- ..r < : 1. .. ;- a s ~.r 1..",-
uc~lljnplicuz Ecumn, Vitus, Ruins: : I'l ~orr. In?! 1. :.1..:‘ ':. .~ 1: -a. : '»‘ m :lES’il-ri gau
cra Iv.
PRICE, $1 and (30:: pox: L". : ':':., v:':‘.:- ‘l. 3m.
SAHSE-‘IZLD‘S REMEDY FOR 1|!!‘H'l‘!11§1:1.\ .‘~..\'E‘v ; ‘ "'~' '.T ', 1..., 2 !-=‘ Man
from). S-xre’t'hnmx. an.:-. an: 11:51:.)12:ssim:n.1 I; v: 1:» -‘ : . 12:: ,
PBIOE. $1 &Z;d 800 Etc-3f 11:33:... .: . n. 5, '- = -.
Trszlamuy of Styx: 'l‘. ..3. {52121
'i'z: - : . .‘ TAIL-X, ('l‘ 3.11, .'.".,' T, f: 4',
To “Tn: SAHEPIELD 1?}:nEzp:;:-' ('0."~-L most Mufti?) Tl. -- ‘ ME. . =. ~ 31,4, 1,“.
dasiruus that my incvrmvur-zv! 213.31 In» M-Tml “'l:.‘.‘|‘_l" '.. .‘v: 1‘ . 11' rain! (o’2 '.r , . -;r;_: m tunn
ity. lia-c he‘d “11111173; expmic: c" in a uzmczicn '.I. 11:. 11. a» .‘ . ‘.' :. :: ‘.r~' 1-3 Ir. Ewe;
min 1110": my .'xinm s llmughl 1 xxx-“1'1 1:01 We 1ft?" t'_ PUD-1w- _3;" I _1‘»"!‘- =1" 1- "Hyzi
“cigix 212 nnxutds: am :lnmm : :u; Ein {win-r :.:-:.1:r. ;: :.'. Ax 11;;u- :- xmr » . w ‘_-. .1.,.«: mm
n.:n;}'dm*mr.~o gm] manymimr 1‘(~.‘|1v:i:":‘_;1n-I £ll Ear! fr! -' I . .. -. 1 fr <2"! .- 2' iv kin-1
yrnvidcm-c 1125'. he 1m! my. info“ gm: ;. .-"r ‘.xnxiJ x" .. ‘ :.‘nvl 1‘ \-(~ 5 '. :..a "71:1 1 uhg. :n-e
mafia—in: fzmnliiuml1111301111: many.'i.‘_-4-r;-.m-::_l;.'.nr :::' -. i. - ' 5 - 1- w‘ ‘ v~i . il4l M.-
l'lu‘r Salvo. . .
51hr!-lthFLn-‘h‘thihhinzdmllizn :1 2:..1 wwufln: ix: 1;.- 1» 31.3.1 2 1 1. 1:1! ~' ..2 1.: 1:11:11 :11
11:0 remedies upon Min-w. and i‘ I.;u :11:le 1110170.: 1.: lirfJ'. :.. 2|. ,
Wishing the .\msflcl-i hummitvs Cn. 3:.(11‘5‘ (o; .:... ..~ 1;: tr '\ 2‘ v. H..- :.- '-::' (’i .....1: rcn,(§fii,a,_
l;.:n. Ynure uuiy. 13,-. . .1. 'l‘. 111‘: t‘.
ne‘er to 120 v. Dr. Frat. fincnummw.
————SI.\.\‘L'FACTI'RHID ‘..Y TEE
'I3: _ ‘ ~
SARSF IELD REM Es" 155%; S C: is
- u 5-9 a £233 9;, ',
I IS EDDY STREET, SAN s’9:'-.?di!£s€o.
J. I’. SKINKIRHL 3.1. 11.. AGENT. < - E't‘r' '."m'. ”smurf, \‘-.‘. 'l‘_
’4" (‘l‘ 547’?“ 573-13". '- :76 5“" .- - . ' '- " ' ‘ ‘' T '-- 3""?!
. . ‘. ~v_l;.-’s.z;' :_ .-‘tu'n. ‘; ‘ V . ‘ .S; X
’ ' d!!;2.:u§;§~;.i<f~%.'-“.: ‘=' * ¥ . “I‘3:
11":qu Eifig. ~ .1 . . v . _ ~-.'..:? ‘
' flit-414:...» mummy:- .;, ‘,-/.*_ 7. ‘;._ . ~ . .~ __;X(§‘3r
- ‘ "uni-lawsx‘wuu-n 534‘ I.}?- ' -' ~ ‘- V . - *- ‘. ~«; ‘bg-gc‘.
fiaunmka'uhuuww L-i;;~ , x. . ‘ ~ A . ::‘i:l:.u::.z
Bi Ea w‘:mJ-;‘.“PL“" '4‘!” ,“fiwé 2'; . 115., .'fi . ‘ , -’::‘- ' ' ' ‘ 9‘5 '3"-"--‘~?
' ‘ ' '- 27:?“ ‘--f-:‘ ‘ _~-‘.‘ ' . ':-:. .L:.~.5-;7.;_
gElfi“! 85:1“. Efig‘gztéifl z “'q\'°g,~, ‘ I: .3. '- . r 1, v 1,3,1
.1 u (hunts: MUWALW,¢:.‘.. -.- ‘11“ .J,’ ~: g - - . '. ...... -‘;
iVuhc-audlkdodlaoijr- 1.5.1.: 51 1:..1- w}: '5 - - ..-- .u 0': n
:1: “all“. can! In 33b1&;:2- 2:.-.4: fig“, t,‘ a _ - .. ' inn-:4
{has-nan.- ficv min-u rut-nil ;.‘at~-..4:«. ~' - ' _ . ~ ‘ ""535“,“ r. . .
«can bnmn—wfiatguquv-uga; ~, . ~ v . _”- i'iffi‘r»;
pork-«ulna ‘hluuind \(,-. 1 3:: . ‘ ' " - _ -~—-. -. _. .»
Titian-Ital..- c-omsiuLx... f ,x - ‘.‘ u , -. v, . ,_ ,7 n."
E 2; “but by I.4km x.:-;~.-..:.,:. -.- _. ' ' ‘ -- g > -L ru-w- a-I- .
“or um”l-d_~uin._;_. “t: 1' ; . - ; - q .-
“yum-.umuqu I. .‘z: ~'.' ~- -' ‘ . . ‘ .‘ .; an CELL-2;.
mucuealnnwgmw-c x-i.-;: -A. .. V ’. - 21.122.513.110, ‘
BUPTBRID PNSOIS ul- Lit-g -.' ;l_- :- . . . . ' . ‘ ; j :I. -;‘ {1737 75:51:25:
Wino Tonic
Beet, celery,
7 Q
Iron, and WIEE
An Unequalled Nerve Tonic
and Blood Invigorator.
Especially Adana—far “10 11021 an
of Nervous Afi‘eciions. Impovorish
uncut of 'he Blood, and Gen
eral Frustration.
For Slueplesnness. Loss of Appetitr‘.
Genera] Derangement of the
Nervous System arising from
whatever cause. Brain
Truuble, the result
of overwork, etc.
.»\ mimm mm will prov.» is tab» the g:ua;e:.l
Funce-(ienm‘nxing. LifeSustmniuy, Syszrm-Yk‘
mining, and Hume-Cheering remedv me: 511'ch 1
v.O m— azniLtM. J
J. D. Pa‘IiNKLER, M. 0., !
[‘URT 'ruwsscxn Acmz'r. '
HALL 3305., ,
Profit. and Manufacturers.
wmfim 1'" Clay 51.. San Frantieco. Cal
‘ - ‘ .'a .
599 u ’fl
‘ fit 5" ’-
1;: . 3‘. ‘il '.;.-';-::+_I
21¢ . .fi 0 R w:,
-_ , 7"“ .' "7., 1
= v: A . . ' -!
~:~._ )3 (ox » ‘. ‘:
?’ \ Ex! 82.5 v 912‘;-
Ir: ‘ ' .. .. .’_
H~ALTH. I A 3.
Le llclnu'a Golde- Ill“ 80. I. Cures
Gunners-s. um and rec-ond 3133”“; Sores or: the
Legs Ind Body: Sore Bars yea. Nneemzc.‘
Copper-colm'od Blotchel. Syphmzic Catmn,
diseased Scalp, Ind an primu'y forms of the
din-one known a ayphiila. Price 85.01:
per Bottle.
lac Incum- fickle. n-lum hie. 2:. .um
Toniny. Mercurial Syphimic Rheumnism,
l’dnn in th. Bones. Pun: in the mad. bath
of me neck, Ulcaratsd Sore Throat. .\Jyphilllit
11..-h, Lump. .nd contracted Cords. Suxmess
of the Limbs, nu! endicatel all digoasea from
the synem. whether cnuwd by indzscnnion m
“use of larcury. Inning the Mood pumand
healihy. l'tlco $6.00 por Boule
lo Ila u‘u Golden Span!”- Antmntc m
the run of (immune-1.. (Heel. Irritnuon (i rave]
and an Urinu'y or Genlul disamnqemcnh
Price. ”.60 pen- Home.
[4- Bk'luu'o Golden filial-II luketlan,
for sevens can: of Lionel-thug, Inflammatory
(Hart, Siriclures, 3:. Prize. $1.60 per
Betti-. 5.
Le Inch-lii Golden "human! for we a!-
{votive hrnlingf of Syphilitic Sorcsp'xnd erup
tionu. Price. 81.60 ¥cr Box. ‘
Le Bic-Inn‘- Golden I' fly. Kane and Brain ‘
trvnunx-IJ: loss of physical power, exciss 01 1
ox‘ci-xvrxrk, Prostrsxinu. etc. Price. $3.001
per Box.
Tonto and Rel-vine.
Sam everywhere. C. 0. D.,secure!y packed,
por express
C. i‘. BIK‘IIABDR & 60., Agents.
«(‘27 @129 Sansomc SL, I‘or. L‘lsy
San Francisro, L'RL
”CIRCULAR 11511.51) FREE.
73x Msrkat Surat. San Francism
.- Go and warn huw to avoid disea; a
and how wonderfullv you arr
made. Consultation 311.! tren
mon: pereonuliy or by letter 0::
wen. .mn-‘s and all diseases of men.
Send tor book. Prh’atn umce
211 o.2an strut.
BARTHROP & 60.. Props.
(“‘35 AND 9103 PAY‘STIKU. KahumEn
1 H lnthaninc. flinging, and Carpvt Luring
1 rumpnystterdwd to. Terms reasmmbze. 511..
{ac 101 guaranteed.
Carriage Painting a Specialty
'Givr us. cl!!.and Von ml! and :2. prcmp
”“1 emciem.
ufll rota: bane {er flutes-n
Port Townsend :
I _
(ico. VV, Do‘vns,
A and rich": flooring :.an Dicefirzl Lum
bar cf all Jim-n-innr.
Urdcrfi turned for Aunt-wt ‘xn tnxvn or far
shsnmeui. «.12:
.' :=‘~".'r;=. lscoxronATED l 3“.
‘ 3 ‘ .'u ‘d .‘
. ;l; - -
: ma Nursery 00
.-i~ A - I
..W,‘ . .
7 '; g _ {1 km! 3121 SEEM-TNBM
. .v . ,
‘ .~ ' if. ‘a
j‘..2 it} GRAPEVINEB.
‘3: iii'iea mama».
2 5 3:".CEST STOCK
+l.s: 5 v. 1..; ‘k‘ecifi: Gout.
‘ _ 3:354:13:
"‘ '.‘Z COLA}! STOCK.
‘ - 343141.22: cm! shflrping to db.
* '1 :.s-.';,l.l¢éd.
- " ‘. v,:u.'. Andras
uuscuu "It!" BIL.
: -LV: :zscx, Manager. Nu“. Ce“?
. El 72.
! ’3}. g ’1 1’ - 1" '. ,
I 3?: .5; t; ‘>l 1‘: ‘
3 Efisfi'g‘j in R E
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‘9 a :.3 ~ :53”: 3:1.
3 F
I i .
‘ . ,
| 4 u - n u
3 153.155 mm: xts name mphes; .
E i’urcly chciable' pound, Hull
3 ,- .' $ ' .'
.3 act. duecy upon-£11? vr, curing
; the manydwcases othatm
’ portzzt organ, and gthenfi
4 menu; film '125 arise mm
‘ figmged‘ or ' ' tion, such ll
DY?C§sl3\ ' . e, Bilio
Cosfinessfls nda,Slckp
21h: -- J@ etc. It ,{5 111 m
' I
:23:ny “To ‘have Good
' their? mustbc keptin min.”
| Ina-2":ratz‘s she Liver, Reguhtelthlnalfi
l eh. Elixngtiscns the System, Pnrifluthfl
Blood. kaistsDEvestion, PreventsFevcfl-
Is a Houschqlflqued. An Invaluahh
Inmily Medic-. 30 for common compklma.
132. ELYEOPE‘S mm meow
An, (3:532:13 of filmy years. and'm
3.77er: If fixinzrmfala pix-t: its Hail.
. lon mm; 22? Au. DEALEREIRMEDI I
For {-111 mfomulon send your Addre- fl!
psrn RWY: rn 1‘29 " Live? :21 “I duet-u,“
“wear: 5.) mar: |:.. m Inn
'_--_.A—.-- ”—....m
,a) . ./ 4
'. l: I - I 4 / / .
.» {1:77/‘5 ' 3 ’ I
“1T gimTlagmA
‘ TRIAL inmmui unan‘énvs
E BOTTLE gone ant! i’héi‘avfl muzz
é {ss3 V 1532! thsticna
: . 2:31: omm
; FREE\U}\€enkuczg Promanro
; a m eta:
«:urr .msm 70:1";‘0:‘_‘)n?’nfijfi mom...
. : : 4 H ‘ co
grim M m- gaudaaa‘xighszfi
;us 0? THIS, THE geuaseproduccd “
gcasmzsrcnug n “I;
gnEaEaxzs A 39; 1 ' RM?“
§ KER‘.‘E 'x 53.75135, Ts :‘m (2215' rmmdy an:
; :lr-‘ra :..‘3 .11". :5
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23'.u':.i.r.;.essvmn : r 1,: m- menu?!
:nt .; :¢'." L Aer
if-tfitt #5.": £35. Hz: lusting: 34:35:33!-
3.a'_=. 2195.93595331 ' 3r‘7ilv-t’ffisffiig
“-5, 9732::‘m’é3 :..‘f F: "1" “ '
:v‘.,'\.—'"‘§ .-‘.':'.L 5": gar-$5.15“; ‘5
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[WEE-'5, ll.‘ . ;-"-:L1:—~ ‘. '
- .'icarfrf/ if. ~"4 _ . : .
.\‘UEH‘Hr-So as to inruu puree; m
haze mlopmd :- pri'mve addressi. under which
rack-mgr! are forwarded. and which wt!) be
mom: In pnlxunlg only. upon appiluflon.
_ inle—H
2* ~.V a. , ‘
s’l fl-m.k¢ I. II P“
:L m" “-1171“ C'-
. .1" -~ fax, "3‘ (‘l'llo b a.
5 ~ v 3;. .' up 91.!th
i T - ‘ iAGlszl [MINI
‘ ‘.. ‘ . 'l‘." ogunu: ul our
; .»' “up-1e 7. CC. A
“ 10-I|IO? ”phi-l.
3-“.7 In. iuuxnu‘ lion-nl3.
gsu-x h»: no. Ill." #4 Pupil» I.
13";37 F’Xf'li ITII". I .
me. a LIFE REI
,5” ”"J -‘ m.. rnxm In
I; Gin/A 5:89:01“ “a vain gun -’
mm; .2; «2:1: . mam
“1175- km . "' ' ‘4...» and
flu.“ ' K ‘ has.” in hid
in D ‘ Mans l-fldu.
Debug; :' .: ruin; m. am In“:
Dun-pr: v, f: Kgntlamibu. Wash 3
'l' if . I I C,“ - ' ‘
Liking: g: s'9me 5:
K nteucrlbo cad «111%
c l d 0!" Biguumom
| ‘81? I flea-me lonnacumncu'.
can." 3 WNW“? uu D
‘. K. -’umu A . - 0
mm Amurdun. xv:
I'M-191m We have sold gigicga
Mahala. many yen" an I. u
Chunk”: 342.1%?” but 01 an.»
Ohio. D. 1.. DYCHE‘ 00..
- Chimo-lu
*3“ in: 31.00. sud by Drum-u.
for :.IL-‘uv .V 1). 11.1; _. .~ ... .ix.:r.\z:dwlv
__ ‘ 77‘ MW ,___ _ _A__d
r MEX or AK" AGE: "Aim
; anytu rl. svr> ‘r-L
“ 9 . Epunluni Lu.» l-übc‘ztjs, mm!
A .. 503‘". o
, 1.08? 31131100». ‘-
w ;!i xf‘rvmzs I'vhilll)’.Bf‘l‘rmhlofl'hC-u
~ if; Manual LOMI.SOIIIII_II
‘ 5" V I‘3. lawn: Mn na-r}'.\\'enk L!“-
p ; ' Lug-K of rim-143'. alxo [Hood and
i . ' - ~‘ bxix‘l'Lv’-- ‘ \,.';4.ll.>.Erur4hns.
- ~ :1 A llmrl‘ 'l.;m!’aln-.SW'€H'
ln'.’~‘. .‘ ' N . l ;‘- r 5, m“
a! lon-en". Km: 33“,” Troubles,
WeaanckJiunuinzl :r: I mums»
two-prompc rum-I 2"": .. no ,
.1L 7 . s. ‘
By 111. twain-mt n ;;:AX'L‘. no. I) roulrlex
-101. free from : ;': .- '« ~ ._ L.-cz..;endh
gnpuunfiexzc..t :. - V . x:~.:x»u.:2l.¢_‘Bfl _
hut. ‘ .m; .;; ‘z . ~.-(ulu~~c:I-'
lzdacdbhaz; " ' ‘ >.' - .gzulsflumcd}:
owillhoruh. ~i . . y.“ .I~‘:‘:lh:c.xse.
"(hum-u. ‘.x .\. ltr. u;.. ihuun Iti‘pcm. ’5
'5 learn: Su-ccl. sun z‘runeheo. ‘

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