Newspaper Page Text
'l'“ 1C Oldest Paper. IE4" (.hln-sliux..< unsw. i'.-.1 {n u flLOIH the u-untry. Sunni-in vq-Xw {no « n appli— outlme. Volume XIX. ”Elle WWII: fit as ‘ e 5 3 ° l‘l'l’l ISHED EVERY Till l:>!|.\\'. Port l‘nwnasml. Wn-hingtnn 'l‘vrritnry. THU.“ “i" ‘l l'n-‘I “‘l’th. (me y“! ......_...=.' '~-' 'i‘f.'v‘-.-!l!'n=! ,va- ‘l~ Six Ind .ta‘ ‘..‘-“ In. ‘ rum-I‘- ..... :31?— \'i'x_' u . my”. 2:. ..-nl~ i‘f‘Auugh m r\-i\..n:v.,.-1 “.\TI'S Ill‘ 51"» LL‘I'I‘INU. ()ueznv-h rim: nn-rxi.-:.,.__ .31 m Eavh sub-v-quv-txt ::.>r"i :. ... .. .... .. 7” Trmhlv‘nt with? <“:|-|.'—. Ht HI-I:!e1h-v‘fiil't xuuel h- -.' r ‘.p .‘.:.- 1 x .—’.x DAILY kl’ ‘‘ US 1 \U I!) L-M'XD EVENT M‘H‘NISH 1'2)“ EI'T SI'XI)\Y. :fi‘nz-qu-uutn m nu: nu uxzmri: SI'ISS( IHP'i'lfl.‘ HATES : One 36:12... . tl‘ w : Thrun mu.x1..~.. ~£~_'.'.u Six 1::0!;3!15....u... 5 m 4 Uhr mouth... 1.!" In \d:.nmn. WIN-1' WHEL ‘13.: 211~;;:,t;'nlll' wm-ki)‘. AJyL-snriuz :1:-- F deem; A;»pi.:~;l'.'u::.‘ Ail Accounts .s'v-tflul Mon! '11:]. 1 Andria PUBLL-IH\I Co. 1 l’ilo}‘£§§l->.\il (ABBE JAMES 3). MINKLER, M. D. ”~er \".‘s!*.'.\l).\\.T om:-a:u..:'1 u \ :‘lmn l" a l‘us'mm ”mum. Rl'vid-‘E-“I‘, 2:! < i". ‘lu'l:ir«.-;n‘~4 imnm‘ Lnnlori) an mix: ih) :p: - 7,1 ‘l'. 4m 'i‘uyiur sin-r 2. 'l'z-lcpixl-lh- .' if”: >lm‘u, um‘v':.~i'..:«~ any or “1:“. N.) Hi I-. min l'r i‘vfilxli‘lmu'fii-i. Nu, of winphmw fnr 031 mm ‘2l. {'32— U'lh'!‘ iIf)‘:!‘.~: ‘1 X” X‘l. A. V.. 210 .'v and? In a. P. l. srp.‘od.t“‘lf m DR. C. \V II (NT. r 1 DE N FIS’l PORT T 0“ NSEND. W. T. \‘nrnue ”Xi'h'gdq. Min-r or I-hioz‘m'm‘m mi uinisu-i‘r-i l‘ur mimic.“ n-ul'm ..un I“ “will. I‘. RI munsuAW. M. u. s“ in. BRADSHAW a. SACHS, 1 Attorneys (ma counselors-axiom. Puoorous m ADMIRAL". (FICI: in Bradshaw‘s new building PM: Townsend. w. T. I EdGENE BIONDI, Swemsh and Norwegian Wes-Consul [mine Sill‘VßYOl‘ for all PHEBI Sflilllil FONS. “on! {or San ancism and New York Board! of l'mlerwrilors. Representing Lloyda‘ London .3: l: rem: Yorilns. A R. COLEMAN, Att ornoy-at-Ln‘v. Ofliee: Up stairs in Court I] \use. WHIT‘I‘LESEY a. COLEMAN. Real Estate and Insurance. D. W. Smith. Wanen I llamngs SMITH & HASTINGS. Attorneys - at - Laxv. , PROGTORS IN ADMIRAL". [and for Sale, Loans Maue. Port Townsend. W. 'l‘. 1 T. N. HALLLR,_ Alarm andConuselmr at Law. P Imumraily Associated mm Burke £2 Bauer, of Seallie. Ollco comer of “'9 ie—n—l-muincv $15.. opposite slow: 0.” \\':--e~.m;|n .\. KBl2. PORT TL)“ SSESD. - - W. 'l‘. wheney :0 loan a: rediwed mt rs. Hawaiian Consul- Ol’mcn HAWAIIAN Coxsmwrn. § Port Townsend, W. 'l‘.. Aug. 28384. ALL VESSE'LS Bound to any of the Porls in the Hawaiian Kingdom are required to have consular certificates of involccs and cer tificates of the origin of oods. All necessary papers and information Ell-niche". on applica tion to JAMES G. SWAN, H. 11. M's Uonssui, \‘nn Bokkelen’s Building. (law :1 r Adair: St.. Port Townsend. F. Anthony, [BATTLIL - - - - WASH. TER. a . Prfeucal Bookbinder. All kind: of Paper llu!ing,exc..done on short notice. Price- to Suit the Times. and Best Quality ol fiyflflv Work Done For Sale. A Seven-ton Sloop In gnod (rder, complete with rig ging, 5815, anchor. e‘c. Apply at the Anal's Agency. BRITISH COLUMBIA BOOK BINDERSf. Govemment and Broad :Ireels. Victoria. B. C. Elegant Call and _ Blorrocco Binding-s A Specialy. MUSIC AND LAW “'ORK Will receive our hes: attention. R. T. WILLIAMS. Drop ‘ Stu-tux. WAS: .Tlmn. i Boarding and Day Sch “‘4:- ll :enn opsut Angus! E. ,n --u cliuniulhe Enznsh Br: n. ulfon and .he Langnné 4of o eneuced [Pithtl‘éh Bu" om _lous. Log‘iou pleas ITIIL pxls reek-Wed a. any H pro lioned. For uimuiars i [all ngul 4. 1881’ No E CITY AND C l’l‘An IS finished and nut are to: .ck: g at Ins. Dur Townsend. 3mm . H. H :NED, notion: Oomn merchant, OPE? LD'NG, - uhin: I‘owusend POP N SEND I B: ‘IIICI .kl‘hlldren'n D SHOES an: I l' LATEST PATTERNS. :nt reverence ton ash 0 JOHN Frrzn'rmcx. 5 H , JRTY ‘OENTS. y .’o: a new )lckle Phted Stem i Setter Watch. just patented. d :KSON, Box 15. all 1251101“! | Innue- this paper. .‘v "' ’ \ ‘ "‘“‘~“‘“" ;~____,_ ‘“-’*:————————-—————————————'~~———~ -~ —— ~ . “—---..--- ~ _.______ “WM [1“ ‘i ‘% ~I - \' /'jl‘L, ._V aA! _ i 5?". e x 1 \~ \ r ’n - I x ' pm 3 . ’33 i B “11133" J 9 L 351”! 1? ‘ (Mi li‘a' 'E‘IiLEGiHI’II. rin; mm. t‘t-.\l.\ll>~'lli.\’!llts. Um ‘.n i\. l‘X-li :3. (iowrnor Scin p‘n- today appoint-«l -l. I‘. Parks of Sp xliano county. H. J. Snivvly of Yakima county. .1. A. \l'it-kcrshum of l’ic-rcn county. and Win. Hi Doolittle oi Whitman enmity. as L'quIIJISSIUHH or” to rcviw and euzlify the territorial lit“ >. 'rznc ultxnu's BILL. ‘.l'twnxu'r-ix. l’t-li. 22l.——Thf* liill up n “hit-h it “11> agrt-t-rl to report f;i\wl‘2li)l.\‘ altthursz-s li:\' 1'! nitlt‘uth of Illt‘ri‘ '.t {flit-Fins tn ("it-CI tit-lt'giltcfi it) the (-onruntioa pr»pnr:i->natc in num— lu-r with iln,‘ population of tho comr ti.--. 'l‘lnx apportionnivnt of deli gatm- will In) lllt'lilil liy tho governor, L-hivt' justice and Initial Stan-suitor— in-y of s-ach ti-rritory and the I-lcction will I(‘ lll'ltl on tho first Tllt‘h’tluy at t-r tia- first .\[undayof in-stAngust. 'l'ho Ilillllllt‘r of dulogatcs to coach con vvntion is tixml at 75, except in the canu of Dakota. whcrc tho numbcr is 15th They are to meet at the seat of g-m-rnnicnt of each turritory on the second Tuesday of September next to adopt tho constitution of the United States and to form a state gth‘l'Hlill‘lli, t-xpi‘t-»:sl_\' dirt-homing in ia‘s'ur of tho L'nitzul Status all title- to unappriipriatcd public lands and Indian lands lying within the terri— toriz-s. 'l'ln-y arc alm rvquircd to as— sumo territorial dclils and to provide and maintain the public school sys— it‘lll. 'l‘ho constitutions are to ho suluuittvd to a vote of the people on tho Tut-sila)‘ al'tcr tho first Monday in Novoznlmr in-xt, and if a majority art- in favor. thi- Yt‘rllltfi shall be cer— tilii-il to the president of the United Stattu. Until the next- gvncrul cen -5115 the now states. with the exception of Dakota. ill't' to he allowvi one rcp n-svx;tztti\'c, Dakota will bu allowed tw-i rnprost'ntmin-s. The loprcscrw 'flll\'t'-' arc to he 0]» toll on the same day mtl: the governor and other state ofliccrs. Sections 16 and 36 of the land in each township. or an equivalent, are granted to each new state for school purposts. fifty entire sections arol granted for the erection of publicl buildings, ninty sections are appro printed for agricultural colleges. and five pprccnt of the. proceeds of the sale of public lands in the new states" is to be paid into the fund for the support of their public schools. Other large grants of public lands are proposed to he made specifically for the schools, mines, coaritable and educational institutions and water— works for irrigation. An appropria tion of $50,000 is provided for Mon tana, \\ ashington and New Mexi~ co, and $35,000 for Dakota, to defray the expenses of the Conventions. After the‘acceptanct- of the constitu tions the Legislatures are to meet and elect: two senators from each State, and when each State is admit.- ted into the Union by a special act. of Congress, the senators and represen tatives are to be admitted to seats in Congress and the State Government will become operative. The New Mexican Convention is able to con the question of change in the name of New Mexico to Montezuma, and the Washington Convention is to submit to the people of the roposi tion to name the new state “'l‘hcoma” nan-u or w. w. coacoaas. W. W. Corcoran, the philanthro phist, died here at 6:30 this morning of senile bronchitis, in his 90th year. moxsr 'ro anssm. VIENNA, Feb. 2-L—lt is reported that a syndicate of French, Belgian and Dutch bankers has advanced to Russia the sum of 30,000,000 roubles, refusing to grant a larger loan unless tho Bulgarian question is settled [eacefullyn smrsaoon. \\ ASXIIXGTON, Feb. 23.—8 y a strict party vote the house cummitte on ter ritories agreed today to report favor». ably Chairman Springer-’9 “omnibus” bill to enable the people of Dakota, Montana, Washington Territory and New Mexico to form constitutions and state governments. The repub licans will present a minority report in opposition. wiLL MEET IN ST. LOUIS. “'Asamo'rox, Feb. 23.—The demo~ cratic national convention goes to St. Louis. It was decided unanimously on the second ballot. The committee decided to change the date of hold ing the convention to June sth, in stead of July 3rd. The first ballot resulted- San Francisco. 17; Chicago, 16; St. Louis, 13. and New York, 1. After the first ballot there was a recess of ten min-v utes taken. Another ballot was then taken, but before the result was an~ trounced Walsh, of Georgia, stated that thus far he had voted constantly for San Francisco, but as he was sst< isfied that city would not be selected he would change his vote to St. Louis. Other changes followed and St. Louis was chosen. SMALL—Pox cases. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 23.—Two cases of small—pox have broken out in Chinese aboard the quarantine hulk Shenandonah. SIiAMBI-‘UL suaasxnra. New Yoaa. Feb. 23.—The follow— ing is Richard S. Spaflord‘s dispatch on the proposed fishery treaty which he has sent to Luther Haddock, pres ident of the National Fishery associ‘ .ation at Washington: Mr. Chamber ‘lain deserves the peerage. His victory is com lete. The treaty is a more shamefui) surrender in the day. of our national power, than was that‘ of 1818, extorted in time of our nay tional weakness and peril. Making} no indemnity for past outrages, it not? only cancels our commercial rights but robs the United States of large and valuable fishing areas, both in bays and deep seas. Thank God! the American senate is still extant and is not an inconsiderable part of treaty-making power. WILL a: menu our or ran minus. The Tribune this morning prints an interview with Senator Frye in regard to the fisheries treaty. The Maine senator criticises the treaty severely. He says privileges have Port Townsend. Jefferson County, \Vashington Territory- Thursday, March 1. 1888. i boon surrendered. now exclusions lintroduced and tishorman‘s necessi ties juggled with. Tlll‘ ’l‘rihunc lsays: In View of the fact that Frye's judgment in all matters relatim,r to fisheries is paramount with his re publican colleagues in the senate. it is. not. too much to say that tho fate of the treaty is sealed. It will be re— jected by an OVt'l'WllU‘lHiug vote The [only question is by how largo a ma— iJority it will be beaten. DESTRUCTIVE rimL WAVE. SAN Faun-13w. Feb. 23.~—Steamer ’Allfiil‘flllfl. which arriyod from Hono» ‘lulu this morning. brings news that la cyclone and tidal wave struck the ialand of Hawaii Monday, Feb. 6th. At .\[ohuk' ma the wharva-s and ware houses were swept away and many thousand bags of bugar destroyed. At Sprocklcsville the devastation was extronmly marked. The build~ ing which had been used as a sugar mill was shattered into kindling Wood. Seven houses occupied by employees were carried a long dis tance away. Fortunately no lives werolost.' Schooner Nellie Merrill, at anchor at Warmea, became a total wreck. She was worth SIO,OOO. DOMINION PARLIAMENT. OTTAWA. Feb. 23.- The Dominion parliament. was opened at 3 o'clock today by Lord Landsdowne. In his speech in relation to the fisheries he.l said: “Negotiations betwnon he!" majesty‘s government and the Unit ed States for adjustment of what is‘ known as the fisheries: question; have, I am pleased to inform you, to } sulted in a treaty which I will venn ture to hope will be considered byi the United States as honorable andi satisfactory to both nations.” l as THE JOURNEY. \VAsuiquoN, Feb. 21.~—Tho presi~ dvntinl party left Washington 11:45 o'clock this mornin;r hy the Atlantic coast lino for n visit to tho huh-tropi cal exposition at Jacksonvillo, Flor~ idn. The party uonsistml of l’refii~ dent and Mrs. Cleveland, Secretary and Mrs. Whitney. and Col and Mrs. Lament. The train will make its first step at Savannah. Where it will arrive at 8 o‘clock to morrow morn ing. The party will remain tin-r oan hour, and will take a drive over the principal thoroughfares. They will arrive at Jacksonville at can o’clock in the afternoon. A visit will he made to the exposition, and a recep— tion will be held by the President and Mrs. Cleveland in the evening. Thursday will be spent in St. Augus tine. eimxn ARMY ENCAMI’MENT. l’oa’rmxn, Feb. 2l.—The annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic. department of Oregon, convenes in Albany tomorrow. Sev eral delegates arrived today and many more, enough probably to swell the number to 26,0. will arrive tomorrow. The otlicial board will hold a session at 10 a. m.. tomorrow, and the regular business ‘of the de partment will commence at 2p. m. A reception. with supper. will be given the visitors at night. roarairuas. \Vasmxoros, Feb. 21.»~Before the house committee on public lands yes terday Congressman Herman ob jected to further considerations of any pending measures until the ques rion is determined as to forfeiture of unearned land grants. He insisted that as to his state settlers along the Northern Pacific grant from Wallula to Portland should now be heard. As it stands now, it was a gigantic fraud on the people. He wanted that forfeiture considered, unencum bered With any other questions, so as to insure its passage now. He claimed that about five million acresi are involved in restoration. and that} hundreds of settlers whose homes are‘ under a cloud, are tired of waiting, and claim attention. He propc aedi that their rights be recognized, and‘ that as to those on odd sections who! have made pre~emption proof at 1 double the minimum, they have a re-’ hate on repayments made them of the excess of $1.25 per acre, and that this latter be the uniform price here~ after; and that the equities of pur chasers of lands on odd sections from the railroad company. as well as those who have settled or improved the same, with expectation of retain ing them shall also be guarded. HEAVY mos FAILURE. Prrrsnune. Feb. 2l.——Grafi', Bennett & 00., iron manufacturers in this city, assigned today. The failure was a great surprise. In 1883 the firm failed for about $1,200,000. and were granted an extention. Since then they have paid about two—thirds of their indebtedness. and were sup— posed to be doing well. The cause of the failure was an investment of of all their profits in an extension of their plant. No statement has yet been made, but it is understood that RAILROAD RUHOR. SAN Fasscxsco, Feb. 20—The fol lowing was published here today: “There is now no doubt in railway circles as to the truth of the recent rumor to the effect that the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Patil company hadpdecided to build to this city. It was stated that the company had of— fered to purchase the immense num~ ber of 10,400 acres of tide land on the Oakland side of the bay, having a water frontage of seventeen miles, and would invest something like $1,500,000 in grading and dredging, in addition to the $700,000 said to have been ofi'ered for the land.” The Financial News of London is urging the Canadian government to secure conlrol of the C. I’. railroad. Quite a boom has struck Oyster— ville and Pacific county generally. The railrord from Ilwacco seems as~ sured. Hereafter the legislatures of Ore— gon and Washington will be in ses sion at the same time. This Will en able the states to cosoperato very thoroughly in all matters which are common. The association of chambers of ‘commerce of London is recommend ing a treaty to arrange for arbitra~ tion of all differences as they may arise between the two nations. This isan excellent plan and is a long ‘lkpforward. ' Sm: or Tm: HAsTixus MILL—The Vancouver, 15. C.. News says :11 though the legal papers completing the tranrl'er have not yet been signed it is understood that, one of the largest transactions which has taken place in Vancouver is practical] con cluded. It is the purchase from the present owners of the. business car— ried on by the company known as the Hastings sawmill company. and the transfer includes the extensive mill, with the site on which it is iocatetl. the steamers, timber limits, etc. We believe the price is in the neighbor— hood of $170,000. The purchasers are a weolthy American syndicate, at the head of which is Mr. Freeman, the large capitalist and operator of San Diego. ‘ Robert J. Burdetto of the Brookiy Eagle preached in San Francisco on Sunday last, in the Baptist church. It is said to have been a masterly ccrumny. Mrs. Dr. Prints is again to do the Sound country. Pretty-soon alltho Bill boards and {Glut}?! will team with gaunt Ikelctauw an! nude mun-i. Good gm ciuns! There Is now just :1 little probability that Rom-x how the land grant. between Wallnla and Portland which Delegate Vomhoes siiccce-ie‘] in managing for the R. R. Co. last your will yet he declared forfeited in spite of him. The San Francisco Chronich' isngri‘at manger. We notice in Monday's edi tion :1 quarter of n column on the mar ket St. rat pit. All the exploits of the days are named—Great Journalistic cu terprise! Wonderful fine reading! What ut-xt? The report of the dangerous condition of Tillamnok lighthouse at the month of the Columbia should be promptly in vestigated. If the rock is liable to give as}; 'mdl r the shock of the huge waves that, lent against it, some other locality should he Selected at once. It is unjust to condemn the light-keepers to the dan ger of the awful death that would be their fate in case the stat'on succumbed to the sen. -__.V- _,,._ 7 -.-—l.— Nllipplng Sou-s. ‘ __ 1 Alaskan arrived this morning. i Bark Sarah S. Ridgway went to sea last night in tow of the tug .\lastick, coal ; laden for 'Frisco. . The Edith was late arriving from up Sound this morning, cause: handling a‘ large amount of freight. ‘ Passengers for Port Townsend from i ‘Frisco, per Mexico, duo here Mondayzi Miss J. Williams, R. Hickman. M. Dad-l 16;]. i Passengers per Olympian from Seat tle this morning; J R McDonald. J McCurdy, J Kennedy. 0 E Burbs, Hen schobe. C Baker. 0 V Cooper. Capt C L" Clancy. J Race. E l“ Amall. TBrown,. c w Cook. A J 'l‘hoos. Dr. Liebeg mm! Rev J B Oolwell.. l The ship,Alexander Gibson, now lying i in the harbor. is to decide one of the most ‘ important cases in admiralty, which has 1 for a long time been before our courts 1 The trouble arose when the captain of the vessel found himself at the mercy of ‘ certain shipping agents who proceeded to load and unload the vessel without‘ consulting his wishes or convenience. He refused to allow them to proceed for a time. Finally. he yeilded and was un loaded and then loaded without any agreement on his part. When loaded he left Tacoma tor Port Townsend. aflirm— iug that he had contracted no debts and would pay none. \Vhen he arrived here he was libeled for costs of loading 8:0 to the amount or 88000. The case is now in the courts and will determine wheth er ships masters are masters or not mas ters of their ships in Puget Sound or not. The whole shipping public is much interested in: the result. The Gibson is not the first vessel which has tonn'l much trouble in loading at Tacoma. Feb. {EL—Am. ship Prussia went to sea last night in low of tun Blakely. lumber laden for ’Frisco; also. Am. bk. Emerald in tow of tuzTyee. lumber laden from Gamble for ‘Frisco. Arrived: Br. ship Pbasis, in tow of tug Tyee. lumber la den for Melbourne; Am. bark Tidal Wave, in low of tug: Rip Van Winkle. lumber laden for ’Frisco; Am. bk. Sarah S. Ridgway, tow tug Mnatick, coal from Nanaimo. to ship crew at this port; Steam collier Walla Walla. San Francisco. 23d—Arrived—Ship Geo. F. MnnSon, schooner Cassie Hay ward. beanie; bark Canada. Tacoma; bark Normntum, Port Madison. The tun Dolphin sunk on the bar of the Golden Gate on Sunday. in :bout ten" futboms of water. Sfmr. Evangel left- ycsferday for Dun goneea and P.od; Angeles.—Among tne passengers were: 0. F. Clapp, Warren Hastings and Capt. E. H. McAlmond. Antwan—Am. Ship Prussia, yester day in tow lug Blukely, from Port Bad lock, lumber laden. This ship belongs to the Blairer Mill Co. A Card of Thanks. Em’ron Aneusz—We desire to extend through your Columns our warmest graf itude to the many friends. too numerous to mention by name. for their kindness and thoughtfulness manifested toward us in so many ways in our sore bereave ment. We appreciate such sympathy and consideration very much. Respectfully. Harm}: LANDES AND DAUGHTEBS. Port Townsend, February 25, 1&8. For: SALE—A good horse and new buggy—nt a bargain. Apply at this "flice. Fresh Creamery Butter just received by Burkett & Eisenbers. Send in your iorders at once and secure _so_methlng very nice as we have only a limited sup ply. 1'25“ Fon SALE—TWO blocks of deairabel city property. Apply to F. M. TERRY. FOR SALE! FORTY ACRES OF' LAND. at Port Ange‘es, located on the line of Ihe maen‘xlmQJrea} me water from. Apply to T. JAChHAVx. mu Pan Townsend. W . T. Wonderful Cures. W. D. Hoyt & (30.. Wholesale and Retail Drugqista of Rome. 6a.. say: We have selling Dr. King's New Discov ery. Electric Bitters and Bucklen‘s Arni ea Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies that vsell as well, or aim-such universal natishction' There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirclv cured by use of a few lmt— tles of Dr. Kings New Discovery. tnku. in connection with Electric Bitters. We gunrantee them nlways.‘ fluid by N. 1) Hill & San —-7-r—-——<°>——i7-- ~ 7 "' would cn'o our dinner ‘3 \s°\-\' and are. piezeiited by Dys— pepsia. use Aclier's Dyspemia Tablets. They are a. positive cure for Dyspepsia. In digestion, Flatnlency 11ml ('onstinmic-n. \Yc guarantee tht-zzz. :23 and 55513:. Sold hx'lsxlixncr tk (‘O. ‘...k~ Two story lzuuse and inside lot. at :32.‘.’.5(|.-—five minutes’ walk from the “earner landing. Apply quick at this Lice. __ -.F“ Better than “old ('an L— truly raid of that new and ctlimcimi" i'.-mmly fur (‘unsumptinu :mtl disuasus of ill“ 'l‘lirnm. (‘ln'st zmt] LII L'S, halite .\bic. tnr it i~ pleasant to the palate and death to 11 (MM. {iiiji-rxiiy‘cm“ “:Irruntcil by JAs. l). .\lxsnl.z:u,tl;~- m— .0. —— -° ' niwars linvo ~i\\. Egg“); Am.“ 1 .0. Soother at hand. it. is-tlu: r nlf :..fc medicine yet made that “ill nu - n!l infantile disurdo-rs. It C(‘tltnii‘n I: M iv»: 'V'l‘ Jlnr'phinr, but. givrs the. i" 21.1 . :rwi we‘ i'l’um. smin. Price 2‘,- rc..t . ‘. : lr. luuimm‘ t‘; ('O. ——.. Mn!“- nu Mistake. ‘ liy Ilirprllmg thusrmptmns sontlt‘n inf~t::l\en ‘ f - t'unrummxnn. SANTA .\llll‘} has brought LSlmllll'S‘ to many a lumiwlwltl. By its prompt ‘ nu: t’nr breaking up the (will that tnnutten duh-l --‘Ol-! in!” that {iitill‘ tliw‘nN', thoufand: run l»- .szn'wl [mm an t:ll!lllll‘l_\'£:l':l\'t‘. \uu lnukv rm 1 misurkc by kin-ring: n In) tls-ottliis pleufianl rem edy In your mu<--. (‘AIJI-‘UItNIA FAT-lt t‘l'lt E is runalh‘ ell'ertiw in erudiratingull thin-s of .\‘nsnl t'utarrli. llmh hf tin-<0 mmdvrtul 1' .l ifflrniu mun-(lies urr- .mm and warranted ln_\' Dr. J. l). .\linkler. 31.00 a nut-Rage, :: for 32.1". ...,“ S“WQ: the Children. They are es ' pecially lmhle to sudden Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. “'0 guarantee Acker’s English Remedy a. positive cure. It saves hours of anxious watching. Sold by Latimer .S: ('O. , 4.... . .\ Sound Legal opinon. E. Blainbridge Munday Esq.. County Aity., Clay 00.. Tex. says: "Have used Electnic Bitters with most happy results My brother also was very low with Mn larial Fever and Janndiee, but was cured by timely use of the medicine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved his life.“ Mr. D. L. Wilcoxsou. at Horse Cave. Ky.. adds a like ttstimony. saying: He positivelp believes he would have died, had it not been for Electric Bitters. Lhis great. remedy will ward off. as well :15 euro all Malnrinl Diseaaes, and for all Kid ney, Liner and Ltnmach Dis~ orders stands unequalled. Price 500 and sl. at F. D. Hill & Son. ”on t Experiment. Ypu cannot. afford to wnste time ex perimenting when your lungs are in dunner. Consumption always seems at first only 9 cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King‘s New Dis covery for Consumption. Coughs and colds. but be sure you get the genuine. Because he can make more profit he may tellyou he has something just as good. or Just the same. Don't be deceived, hut insist upon getting Dr. King‘s New Discoyery. which is guaranteed to give relief in all Throat. Lung and Chest at» fections. Trial bottle free at N. D. Ilill & Son’s drug store. ‘ ~~—~———<.~—-——— 'Brace ['9 You are feeling depressed. your uppe tite is poor‘ you are bothered With head ache. you are figiry. nervous and gener ally out of sorts and want to brace up. Braeeupbut not with stimulants, spring medicines or hitters which have for their hasis very cheap bud whisky, and which stimulates you for an hour, and then leave you in aworse condition than be fore. What you want is an alteralive that Wlll purify your blood. start. healthy action of the liver and kidneys. restore your vitality and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will ‘ find in Electric Bitters. and only aOcts, a} bottle at N. D. Hill Sr Sons‘ drug store. ‘ _—.—.O.< _ 1 A CARD. 1 10ml who are sum-ring from the errors and} li.dis;.-etions of youth. nervous weakness, early ‘ (ii-my. loss of manhood, the. I will send it recipe that Whiciiro you FREE OF CHARGE. This‘ great remedy was «lirt'nwred I? n miminaarf' in South America. Send a boll-ill tlrnsxscll Cll\'(‘ up» 1 In the ltnv. Joan-n ’l‘. Imus, Station I), .\eri York l'ilu l ._ - ...~- ,~ 1 Everybody needs a spring medicine. 1 By using Ayer‘s Sarsaparilla. the blood‘ is thoroughly cleansed and tnvrgorated,‘ the appetite stimulated. and the system \ prepared to resist the diseases peculiar; to the summer months. Ask for Ayer‘s Sursapnrilla. Take no other. _ ...--rA—~—-—— 1 At Peace. ‘ A stomach in revolt is an ondurnti- rebel. (‘nr- ‘ reeled with llostmtvr's Stoninch Bitters. its dis— mnlions \tith the food introduced into it in 1111-‘ wury moments of nplwhlr‘ ceases. Then it l.~‘ :it 1 pence. Then dvsiiepsia abandons its grip. Then ‘ such fractious: manlfestatjniis us henrthurnm sinking sensation in the pit of the abdomen he :ween meals riid unnatural fullness uni-i‘wanl~, flatulence. nciil zulpinm. hilimisness. an. cease to inflict martyrdom. After a course of the national tonic and nlteratiw. the liter and l‘ow els. always more or less disordered during: a pro longed attack of indigestion, resume their rum-- tions and beeo__u regulizr. Thus not. only dys mp>ia.bnt its concomitsms. constipation and lilllonsncss. are conquered by the medicine. which remedies their lruittul cruise, weakness of the organs of digestion. The epimtstric ncn'e. cellular tissue. in x-liort. every organ that ligairs a part in the digestive prnce-s acquires Vigor lllp ri-gularitv from the benign invlgomni. 3 Nights in the (Sum. k %\ees complain, of thousands snfiering from Asthma, Con anmption. Con hs, etc. Did you ever try Acket's Englis‘li Remedy? It is the best. preparation known for all Lung Troubles, sold on a. positive guarantee at 10c., 50c. For NllO hv Latimer .2 Co. _ ....- , Helping the Right side- ‘ To help the right side is not only commendable in a general point of view, 1 but is judicious and prudent when that‘ help is enlisted in behalf of the right‘ side of the b dy, just over the lower ribs ‘ in the region of the liver. The most ef-‘ ficient help ii afl‘urded by Hostetters Stomach Bitters, an anti-hilions medi cine of incomparable efficacy. auction of the liver is accompanied by constipa tion. sick —headache, furl-ed tongue, nau sea, occasional vertigo, an unpleasant ‘breath, yellowneas of the skin and balls of the eye. The author of these symp -1 toms, liver complaint, routed by the bit -1 ters is accompanied by them in its flight. Fever and acne, which always involves the liver, dyspepsia, rheumatism, debil ity and kidney troubles are all maladies to the early relief and final cureot which this standard medicine is adapted. Don't use it by fits and starts. but systematic— ally, that its full efl'ccts may result in a, perfect restoration of health. —————.——————7, ~ _.,~_ , V, .-- - .. -. “:2 - TEE 5&3 EFE‘EETS -. :5 Eu - ~ . . n-vm-rh'. fur :IH oliwuw: :n'i~3l2-:’ mm: :1 div: 1": I I"~ l‘i2~ :;;v- Mnulw‘ {rum Um ( n2‘~l~:'ml run-litinn n!‘ l 2: - durum-En nr Exzvz‘. Iz'zm -! I Mz‘:n~i< :mti :lvlim rcmwlinl [win i~ .\fflf" 15333. 312'». Il'lrlul ( . Mr; ;'-e\'3;-" ~ 4" 12:?th \:'.-‘<'!::"Ix- >12!»~!:HI:~~. Inn. (11-:'!i:unfu'.‘;ll. Pm. u'z'ii- : "1%" Th- _~ :.2‘r. lizv :‘u .'v: '. fur :1:-~;x-(-I234'9i’- s~ :Jl'l {hm-.- }w:n‘~ l '.x'," NEIL-Tm! I‘:th 1.5 L? ::l‘.':~i':l".t".‘:‘ 7". fir Zz' x‘niiz'n'ih‘. ‘l'luvéiv. ("-:n'x-luim. “rim! tin Lu: g':; I'l ;-.~ E: :'-! io'f. , “ :~ {'::-:1 i'El?‘ tux-l" In; 21;:- :'a:.- ~-.n!u!r;-. bu: n-uu'nl gr: In .'-11. I '.‘cil:;:.:'} :1: -..- ~ 51:12.: ;- mun-:24 «lrzl v, l~ :41?wa M u~-- A; ar ~ 333-. :.;.i. 2'. {.:m.‘ »‘.i. 2:1: :.\iLI-~. 'i‘: le‘... Vii ~: is“ IL _' u! 1‘!" m. !=. lish- .~:;‘ 351‘ .' E~ i: 2.: ‘"i 11.1: c '.z- 3. . 2‘2? ~ In? .\'.--:::'1- 31 .1 :' viz-vii} In-tfi'lg‘ r'-:::"i?‘?'-'.." 'l‘}; . :.:1 1 Liz. :- 1: .hi- -- ‘-‘.? 2:. any]: :5. z'u-lifb.“ -- ..E"-. “'l4:- X. 31.. \'.'i".~--: ‘ ! \-.. - .3. )I. Elm-J -2 2|. I‘l’le-yx‘. 2'. 1121112.. “1'32: »; "‘ 'hll ‘ '.vzi “‘- I". (nub. ._- -. I " ".".}«1"~;l:.-.' Inn $131.!” ::~ ;! ("zilmz'if'u ~- ~- blimp z: -ul-'-~. i.-.Y “ .«-::-- ..-.. ‘ gm. 2 ..:; x I‘l3. 1..-final Mgr-:1 'l.- -~'- : \\..-‘ x:::‘ EL: :1: -I. ~._ ,\ . ."~ I 2'. ! :'| ~'.; ~ ‘l2: 5' wild !:;_\' I‘3 ." ;' .’ ,!,--~,', thfv. Twain. )1, ‘. ~ . 3.! .\.f. :i.'. i.“~ Ant-fun (33.. -: “ .'x, - :"3 TIER ":.7-2‘l L- ;.1' :- » 3 -\-.':E v»: " 3.3.. (':::Z.:u‘;?:r THY». ‘11: i - ’~ I‘I:ILE.-A'22‘~‘Z:‘-v:x'-.‘.“!:3A‘Y1:..31:A.:1-E :‘r-‘:;:" hi :; .-:' :- 2:2; z'n stark. “’lie'zl :2- -. f j.:-:x:'~. {'s' :' 121': '.E- 3:) v-rnximuilijx. uzntiz'hz" -' .:z :::- L: the (l'u'illi‘i {:fil-J "Hing: 11w but “'l' ir 2133:." E.) do :‘;;;. -.. J." F E“?\ V‘- " 'I flygifl‘jg 5’9”“53 -‘ ta E {‘s E '-‘ '~ 9 I‘EIXZI'AXU’H BY 0". .I. AYI'ZE: 6;; (1)., {Arr-'0“, Haas. 1'.!~‘..\ Far :31,- §;'.' 1;?! X’x‘lltzifi: . _=.“—' I T 4 7 l 44—, LATIMER a; (30., :5 '1: $3.2; A4A? ) l .533 f, , zVthL-snlt- and human IH-tiiaxl's H V ‘ —--"'%§' ‘ I 135“ Druas,Chemicals,EPatent’Medicines 8:, Fancy Ariices Pain/s. 0:75 (I): Glass-warp; Winesfiand Liquors or Medical Use. Orders rifle with Diupzueh '{ff‘T’r-éscriplions Carefully Cmnpnunth-11, hay (I; Night. 2519: '6' nlvr 1.. l'uri 'l‘(n\‘n.-cnd. V. . i Wm HASTINGS COMMISSION HOUSE. 11-\H'I‘IN(ES’ \VII.\I§I“. Denis. in all kinds nf~ I Farm Produce, Feed, Bran, coal, Wood Etc., : :Ljém'l‘Oß CASH ONLY. ”gs-g FRANK \V. HASTINGS, Manager. And Real Estate Agent. *0- 2’ 1' l"inv rosidc-noo properly in L. It. lluslings‘ first and sot-ond :uldil ions” (XXIAIA l;ICl“()l§lC I’IIICC‘II;\§IX(}. [wztf Agency for Hastmgs’ Steamboat Co. HENRY LANDES Pres. N. I). HILL. Vice-Pres. M. L". llILL,L‘t\sL-39r. OI" PORT TOIVIVSEND. IV. T. A uthorlzed Capltal, ~ $200,000 A General Banking Business Transacted. ‘ Deposzts recezvecl subject to szg‘ht draft or check money MAKE!) on Apruovzn secmu'rns. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection Sight and Telegraphic exchange payable in all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. CORRESPO\ DENTS :—LONDON—TIIe An 10 Californian Bank (Limited): BERLlN—Gebuder Meyer; New YORK—Th 6 ig-lanover National Bank; six FRANCISCO—The Anglo~Californian Bank (Limited); PORTLAND, ()R., The First National Bank; VICTORIA, B. 0., Bank of British Columbia; IiA'LIFAI Now. Scorn, The Bank of British North America; Hong Kong, The Chec- L‘x'ed Baal! of India. Australia and China. Agents for the American and Red Star Line of Steamships. Tiekcle for sale to and from all parts of Europe. Q. We have a secure and commodious Vault. where we will receive v;- uables on storage at moderate charges. DRUGS i‘./waRUGSI PalntS, OIiS, Varmshes= Statlonery Wholesale and Retail, by N. D- HILL & SONS ,1 ~ Jinan-a _’ A— Q? - a 9, ' . / ’.. . x... 3 DRUGS, i__ ’SQAPL ‘ MEDICINES, . / I’PMADES, u ' g . _ VIVERFUMERY. “Imam“? - 2‘ ii ' HAIR OILS, Tmyv' ' /' ' WALL I’AEER. ‘ASS, BRUSHES, PAINTS, _ I Eté. ‘ OILS, And all articles for the Toilet. , Patent Medicines of all kinds, Quick sales and small profits. ‘ ‘wopw, ‘ .'"l‘ B ’k t & E’ ' ‘° 111 e t Isenbels FOR THIRTY DAYS. ' Now i~' your lime anirlly Blankets. Hats, Cans. Boots and Shoes .\l :l i’-.\liH.\iN. “who! in tl.i.<nplmrtnnitj.‘ :I- l~y h- ‘lill'l'iLlM- :I Nli'i’. Fl'l'l‘ Hi“ ('IJDTIH‘ISHI‘IIII HYI'ZIU'UA'TH! ililnnhl )‘l>lll‘ll\\L.\' l’i£l('l’.. SEE HERE ! ()\'0r1'n;115,,..........1..,...(|id l’ril'v “$23 01) , ~\'«-‘.\' ~ #1:“ “ll 1 “ -~ ....xut‘m. '- ....lum i ” “ ....Ism " ...,lnm “Int-i “ ....L'Tyjfizl...,...n. “ ....Z'lll') ‘-’ ....22:»n......... " ....I~~u-I ” “ 20(M).......... “15"“ “ ....11m..._.... ....Izm “ “ 1L’T111.......... “ i""'" 1' (,‘ulm: and we or yourself and he runinm-11. ARGUS REAL ESTATE AGENCY FOR BARGAINS. Number 2. some, . Slgg/‘ffl AND FRESCO w > INTI N PAPER * HANG/N0 1: AND ME 009 A TING A :1: SPECIALTY l'ls‘l'nn‘l‘lcs (MEN AND (‘nxruwrx‘ I'.uu:.\' «xx lluI'M: l'uxmu. R-»::aw|C:zll mad Enazntiuc I'VUIUI‘,‘ It 5: unr Ci";'l'rmscuggg. ‘ Head onulncy 51. Whul'f. A blmr: of pmwnugo mlu-iml. ' I “'M. ”009, Propriztor I’ch Towxsszm, \V. T., I This House is New and Newly Furnished and possesses all the appointments 0! a l 153' at Class Hotel. ‘ lb [an i 4 supnllwl \\ ii‘i (inl best of Wine" 1 Hind-n: :Ill'l (,‘imrs. ’l'iu-ro is a. first-class Billiard 'l'uhhl and Reading mum in the Hotel. Nothing u :1: h.- L!!! umlunu to mull! this lioielsecond to 2p- in tho iwrritury. Nm ‘l‘ .51?"- ow u_~_.£iL so ' 231'.” ‘ 1 mm osmhlhiml :1 New Hotel at EAST .\UL'ND, San Juan (minty, called the 118‘ EAST .\‘UI'NI’ HOUSE, J l \\'!.E« li ie now rprrn for tile nrcommodation of the, g—‘nmiil public. j;i:xl.'!f W. SUTHERLAND, Proprietor éfi STEAMER EVANGEL. , ~ .1 In: J. \V. 'I‘AIITE, Master. \VILL I»: no sziillu .‘l'imluy two a. m.. for Sam i lithium] \iu Port Townsend and illezlalandn. I .\.\ i) On Thursday. 7 n. m.. for Port Angeles via l'nrt aniismid and Dungeness. Returning, lrmc l’orl Angflm Friday 7 a. in. janltl’ fiSTEAME}? EDNA. r > .- I 'V nuiso DAILY Tim's Bmzxn’ Port Townsend and Port Discovery, WILL LEAVE UXION WHARF every Inor‘ noon at 2:30 o‘clock r. 1.,1nd Port Dia rovery each momimz at 7 o'clock. For freight o: passage apply to James Jam‘s , or on board. Jobbing Done at Reasonable notes! dw-u 81. M. RACE hum: STEAMER WILD WOOD, fl LEAVES PORT TOWNSEND For Irondalo at 8 A. I.; also. for. Whidby lehnd at 11 4. 11.: for Irondalent 4 r. I. every day. [might or puaage apply on bond. A. W. HORN.Mut3I DISPATG H, fi JA S. MORGAN, Master. Will leave Port Townsend for Neal: Buy and m, gong every Mondny morning: on arrinl of a) oundataoiner. Returningw lloniveon Wading; due. Towing and charter: at muonobiame Apply on board. or to L. B. Hutinzs,at 6.03 Burtlett & Cafe. . N. B.—We have just ndded to our fleet two ecowa. titled with tunaulina. for (retaining. gem GEO. E. STARRETT. Contractor and Builder Port town-end. W. 'l'.| Plans, Specifications. Estimates, ete., Prompt!) Blade. and Carpenter work of all kinds done on short notice W'shop located on Wave:- street. near Chalet dw-tf Hotel. The State ins uranoe (:0. OF SALEM, OREBBI- _ {sfiTire insurance on farm property, Machin ery, Churches, &c. .130. GOVAS. Agent fll‘rimw— Sequin), W. T. SEA CAPTAINS, I)HYSICIANS.VOL‘ALISTS’ PUBLIC speakers and the gofessitha anneal-l? recommend SANTA AP! as the best of medicines for diseases of the THROAT. CHEST. LUNGS. BEWARE OF IMITATIDISJ See that our trade mark, SANTA A 312 is ll every bottle. Satisfaction gumwed or mane: refunded. . («SING O_TAST£.-DCAT;' Taco G EL/E’ERTM” COL ". 1‘ I I :2 aE,4 - ‘ D ;» ETE‘<=E 5' 5'1": git; 54' == “LEEEV .-E_ ;'=!' 3 5: .. 2.7%:‘3-4 . ~ a ‘ ’ Left-E; E:=———‘_-—‘ gig _. E— -5.557%. éeiiég I—= 5 a r¢-L:_:?-i‘1=’:~.——:. : -‘ ._ (9 ‘15:: d , _.:_—-.=: ._-;- =— aéigtg 5:11:53; 45'.;i‘-;_:';~ ~E= “,1 d. r HNGQm‘ ’ (c A-‘ ’2 (NSUMWWW ‘ @uxzsAerm’fioijsz 4unu\\Bron chltlngfi k . “a” D'SEASES‘FTHROA G "NE A LUNGS 759 M o‘l Ilka n] 8 end or,P‘_—' “"1‘3,?.’, 2" ; ABIE lNErAEUEcomoqu (AL. 1 Make No Hiluke.i- ‘vl ‘ ;~_~ _. n :1 -s_ .1 smotten We] ‘ In: It‘l‘:llx.~";it;ll;llll§) .\K‘g'l‘lmA BIE bns‘ ugh! mum-u to many 11 houaehold. am! immoralit 1, breaking up we Cnuuh and told that to. aru-udavalm» into \hat fatal WW“! ’o': m..- llmu:anLl.~l from an untimely grave. \q mutu- nn mismkv bykreping nboule Q 111 l plumanl remedy uluuvs 11. the house. . 95.1.; D T‘ _— > I if 1 ‘2‘“ 1., “a: MKRV- "' t , nu n. 7 t. ”I M \ - MOS. THE 0 W Y 56mm” ‘ (NARA ED “(1 ”A 1' CURE‘ER E B{ . ”-.. .‘ Sr-Marwa—JcacweE CATABRH EEIETINEL'E tCc: OROVIL- _. A \I'AIHXTEICD .-\ r-MTXVB ('UWFOI (1’ (‘_.’-.:l'.'!l."nlxl in xlm chdJlav Fg-ufialmso 1‘”! x. t'.n:.rr!.:;l lh-qum-i and Sora‘le . Re .smrm 1h- ~cn~u of lush; and >llllf“; jenny” 1,34 2340 .mdquuh-ujum lure-tum. raggx;%£ '- '~':"Z. -fi: hush u: . K‘Hz"; I‘}!!th misali-Il‘ng ii|‘l\van‘ri.n!o7f’fiv 1m :rz,~_:'~:.~ $1 . lurz £1.11) :7 m- L 8% or .:r.” .‘x‘ M {\elgli‘illxh‘ )IVI'ZD‘I‘".\L. oN l’K‘x'Y.HrmilleJlul .\~k fnr . :T sss'rx ABM-2 .\SDC.’.'l'—~R_l‘l_§l£. ‘ r“ r -:1.~- by J“. I). MINKLCH. ‘l. 1).. WM. .\ rnl , E ('umpgny. 7 Q —-- ' $ Jnmho— Jumbo, Thu (n‘izinul A-m-I'm- Uimmenfzl ton‘hplo! U i: z. n- l~l§ u ml u,‘~ ‘9 S Lg:»-‘ri!|'.r-_xnlt'\c‘»!:lornx‘w-‘E Inzfx'nr-fis‘rlilz‘jjfifizgzm‘ ' «iv . '. 4:1” . ~ u: u a. I .ML» 73123!“ “r 11.32:.1'.‘ 33; rm; xxx-pf}. i3ll ixz‘ :xz ~-.. I'. '::V« u‘r xl'. I}: Jim‘DEHngllexzn, ALL 1;. Dlrugzisk [gate Companr. . - V 34“ mil