Newspaper Page Text
Ulw mm 1: as. a é 5 Froln Tllursana's Daily. 1. 1.”; ' '5 ,\-.‘\ lIi'EELIiIU .I?‘ \ Hf apfugvx'fizng‘ at Mr: U urrV~u'x‘~ .\. ii. \‘ vL-mmn ha: returned frv‘m 5-s --.'f x . . “1L; 1m». s.n|v.l nlmut mulmqln {wt '. f ; '.ut. " 3311'? :1 n‘ .m 12w iii‘C‘Tr‘»;~‘ u. ‘4 n l‘rul t“.~;’»'. 5~. 1“. - "-:r u in“ a; 'uruhtmul : :..i 3? £15.25: ‘ ‘ “ :.l' : “a, w“! v.- ‘f‘ 3‘”.- ' __ - ,- . 2EI, Hz.:::>- :- ' ,\v‘-, A :;'. 1;; HM“; Kan; 4‘ h- I : madman: 9EI" fwl iuuu mi {:u v. i’wrv "ms :1 dauntxwu party at Hu .\icli‘ uii>t pal-smugc Lani tun-snug. 'l‘l: - Anson arrivml frum Ahhk‘t Jul: n”: tbv 1:151“. and z» ui Qunmy Arm: .1: v . l’mf. R. 15 Ryan. cunué; sun-dawn l vu‘. u! :Q'nkHl'na‘. was m unit. iii: wu-Ei. A :::x:u’!‘-;:r uf .\.;mz'; 903215 lrs-EH‘HI Hi» E ‘n-; U-ngx” H n surpnw x-nrxy HI: J‘uc‘wlu). I’h’afun 'l‘ruj. r-f “lungs-hung 'nrlvn-d ys ~ : 11.. fr -.. 1..-1:1,; am“. :1»: hamm -12-! H; 1.“! '. . ‘,v-:?-‘ 11“ _3 ,‘.-«‘,‘1..3‘-1,.nr.; d} .1 .1 (-v. "I">‘;. !1".‘.w':f.:.:.;~- {2" :‘ i“‘l':‘: ’:";. I);-:-.'--I‘ 'ii:'-;:2':: ' ,V H; ... ‘.:__. {f r .-. "., r ‘ , . ._ f. -. . :. . ‘ _r (I%}: hp ' y.3-;'v~. t..'\‘:-xf..‘vx\'-':v::z 1).;li .g- ergm. h .‘.v: \ MI. 'i’iuiunan list“ ‘:..‘x plum in [ln dusk-m L- .ix:" (inlay. {l2- w;!! nasal-:13. the house with Mrs. Cuugill on She {ML The Dispatch g)! her nose bumped in ‘59 culiisiun hf Hm Alabkjm vrlth l'uiox; 'bll’f )‘eslcrday. Slzc ‘.vm not be de usiucd huwa Vrr. .~ ‘ ‘ .j ”‘3 ban Pdfia brought tn Sun 1‘ ran Ollc"), 0" oer laut trip, 9020 puundsbf 5“ Xucn opium uu wbxch u duiy 0! $94,200 was paid. Ir. J. 'l‘. Flynn, a luccessfnl real es tatoman from Portland, callel gin us yesterday. He is much pleased with Port 'i‘owniend and it. prospr-cta. To» temperance workers. Hugh: um! Ward are through at Tacoma. They had about 1500 eiznere to the pledge in that city. They organized a Rescue chm m that city. Anent the nunes Washingtonia,o3ym pie, Cucudia. etc.. ..uggeated fur our new atate, Charlie Besseror. of Walla Walla respectfully risen to n nmuule ( aatona. Baird's minstrele had a full house lost evening. and their entertainment was keenly reliahad by the audience. They are first-clan in their line, and no mis take; no stole jokes. but rollicking hu mor. good music. &0. The Rev. J. H. Hector. has received :1 kind of ovation in Tacoma. Ho fills the Y. H. 0. A. building every evening and keeps the people roaring with laughter. Tnoomnis partial. She don‘t let a chinaman live there but we are glad she is good to the negro. Hears Chaa S Grillo & 00.. of the Delmonico restaurant. have secured thv services of one of the gentlemen wh» formerly presided at the Arlington llu tel in Scuttle. They now have white cooks—no their establinhmeut is becom ing widely and favorably known. Owing to the :eooident in this oflice. mentioned by u: yesterday, we If“ be obliged to unit .iuuing 5 DAILY tumor row morning, but will try to make up for the onlsaion hereafter. The indul— gence of the public is naked for in this int-nee because it is absolutely Decca nary. Preston's assailant has at last been found. At leaat another arrest has been Bade, this time at Pueblo. Col. It has been generally supposed that Presto fell down an embankment at Scutllw and hurt himself. But now the tonncenth or forty-first arrelt has been made. It may be the rightgnnu or it may be s..n:e fellow who wens free transportation to Seattle. At the donation partv last evening: a very pleasant evening was epent with Rev. and lira. Daniaon. No set pro gramme wee carried out. but the whole ahir waa informal. Some sent their re grete. but took care to send along gold coin weal-it! for good faith—nut nrccs» ‘ eerily for pubiicatiou. Something over twenty dollars was ralined in munE}, ‘ eatablee, etc. ‘ New spring hate at Miss Harrison‘s ‘ King County in apendiug o 300.] mom i hundrede of dollere to find out whether 1 Ex-treaenrer Hill stole anything or not 'Bel‘eree Coleman will have a good time before it is all over. Probabiy Hill Will get clear and no one will ever know whether he deserved to be clear or not; and yet aemethinz may be proven. At any rate, the County will have to foot the billa. l'apt. Hinds, who preeidee ,in th eountv treaenrer'e ofice, was kept busy raking in coin for taxes yesterday; like. wiee Mr. Clark Aldrich. city trannrer. Kr. Chas. Willoughby. in. has resigned hie poeitioa on the eteamer Libby, and in atartinz today to Quininult. The steamer Edith ia to be laid up as aooa ea the realm on the Andereon are completed no that ehe can be put on the route. ’l‘naxxa.—A prominent Seattle gentle~ ‘ man. who has just eeen a copy ut 1115‘ Darn ABOOS. lays: “ I wee very much pleaeed, because it indicates that you are keeping abreast of the advance that is being made in. our territory in wealth, population and general prosperity. The paper ie aeredit to you and your city. hide from the full dispatches (thich I preau-e you will noon take) it is fully equal to the Seattle dailiea." Donn of In. Bell. Dr. linkler vu called to Port Auge lel this week to nttend Mrs. Wm. Bell; who is dangerously ill and not oxpected to recover. ' [Lama—A diopalch roooived by Mr. Thurman Int evening brought Word that tho lndy had expirod. The steamer Wlldvood. Capt. Home, was charters]. and loft Union wharf at 10:30 with a baritl casket. Rev. J. N‘ Denim”). pater of the M. E. Church, nlsu. h-l‘t un the steamer to conduct the funeral.] a‘ha. Mum Hel‘. wife 4:! Remnant Wm I’. Do I. U 8. Stir l rfiicvr. was u :s.' 5' (‘siimiih'x‘Q‘f.!fr.lili" 22:13: :1: - w \‘-~ ~ uufl-z-LJ 4.1.:1 n-uc 1.213! «"anl. 11.: £1 r ilui‘v pr-v, nun-AI a. E- gr: I. Hm- ._ 3..:~ Um’b‘ hh‘ lu-ri i3:i ‘. Inn-l. il- v !)-;.i ..; vsznch 1.. 1'»: h-z;-- ;:;:.i!. 1, i";..::\" usual M H'.:'r.~ H} x! .- than.» S .:‘v i: J. - .-...-_. __., From saturaas"s nails- Spriu; .7! ram»; ;‘.~ garlmzmg 12-. - 4:! y. [I )5“; d.‘;:: “1‘ ‘l...'~'§“ .'1 2‘. . .'fl‘.‘.‘ Ram-:12! .: .19 h-..- ‘ll'. -~ *zi-x : “‘t‘u'iC. \‘gve. .i i. .. 5: -'»_;: E ,- ...—"c- I'. i _. _ - u-, A - "mil“ 5’ il. . .-. -":' i-.'.a j. i» .‘... ‘..:w, 1' . 4 :m'. .1 .3; ~11, a. . u. .i .'.l: uni.- uf 1.11:; 45.1} 311. U \V. Hi Hui" W. H'i i-llz:;.’u"x- .v. n m >0 i 5 inla’ (50-1343 iii; .u'u}: i r: 61. U‘J‘J' ' hl‘ XL‘M' VIII} 1 i ”..:.‘l Y :1: I. ::.’.‘.i" lhts >4-zi:dt.‘a .t".j_'.l-,.' at.!"- :x. >.; ;. recent R'HL'I. Th“ 1“ ku‘li" 21111). '."imw: Lad. '-".‘.L' jii 2'. such .42 ;.-::.;:-:.r .:- he l:.-.l:.\' .2; .- ~ mud. [:4 ..:iv guzi--. :xlsv ~';:i,—. w .hua. "m"- :xul m. .in- .\um- ii '. ‘ ~1. Sauna.“ 1,; ..:.=_\-‘ l'.- Emucn- .:i :-\. -;i . l‘ui! \v:_:".-: R}; ‘ \-.~ .I vf. .- H 51- 1;.» .i--. -~: A . :i " “:12. 3\'-.‘..~-. ...-' _' {l&3 5:! . 2‘. * - Z In' ~.':.:.- 9-. . .K;_. . . _u u \i H. 2‘15: ;-2 g. i.. i -. 15‘-II‘:', :- 4':~~-. . . : 97,‘ -l Luro’d ~;~- , -‘..‘:.‘- \’-; L..i..t "u ... vh'duh‘i' .‘. :1 I'l mi sing; .’h- r .> .~-.' fur i'nv c'x't'J-E in. I'LL-.'.- lain _ . A‘ 4‘! PARK»? :J, if duiu‘: .H J Uh-IH'L' i. 1;:;.( will u-Eur1.l;o;;x=~ lhwnllvrxnwn, Mr \Y. J J’~lZ(:~,\‘i;.n Ea.» h- .a-::: pluyul E. :c f r :i \‘cui! mumiz- ;:-.=: ;.‘ OJr'd-‘zl‘dhlz'nl mi ”31' Snub: [Hint-11!!!- ligc‘u;,‘<‘r, Iv iz‘purf-‘d 10 be uh mi In l;..ic_ u simitzxx Nan. h fur iimi j'i:.r..u! in Briihii Unhuflhih Dnrm; hm re»i ic-m'u here Mr. J V !zv‘h' 31:34. dchiup «I ;. dz; him “nose. fur 1..-Wax,“ and in: “ii. d-znhi ::—s prove a {in currc:po..iic:n win-run sent. Confusion ~urse CullfflfllliL'J uVrr the nnittrs‘iiy matter. A telegram {man up Sound says: “Something wrung :zlmnt university Xucatiuu m. 'l'uvumn. Huh] on." Baum curds (rum Rev. J. i’. Uw vote were sent ant culling a meeting at the hen] members .:f the c-unmiuiuu this Wat-k. nnd tho name mm! lirnugm other postal cards ‘frua: the same anurcv conufermauiling the call. Tim VLs’ijt'l' is .:it with an izflL-r :10- coant n: his luc;i!i.;u u! :12: univnxiqx .'.t Panama. The ml! man evidently rcr jl)iC:‘s,llS he pnlilinlies the n-gmr: with :he grelita-st gust» pasmlv. Gunilla:- lugl the fact that max-.- is cm H ‘.runl u! truth in lull. weck‘s report {mm lli»: Ledger, wo conns 5! care in th:- belief 4.! this rcpnrt. However thq cunt-1y and zeal of Tue-rm". may (-h'JW Purt Tum:- send the value of mi: priz -. It is rL-pnrtezl that m: “munilinn ~~learner is h be placed on the Tuwnh‘cml- W'uatcv-m rnulu next week, and {are [me men advent-ell at $1 betwccn llrs place .md San Juan islandn Mr. J- seinli A. .\lzirrill of ngwz island ll’riVC-d yesterday. suffering l’rnzn sumo "hing in the nature a pslmlyms :u Hin‘ "ace. He will have melt-.. 1 h'nutanwilt here [or the mme. The Y. .\I. U. A. reading: mum. mime room and gymnasium um to he upau for members of fine assuciutimi after trulny. \lr. D. P. Quinn will probihly liuw charge. Members 0! the W. C 'l‘. U. Will also have access In llm library. Mr. Jnhn Robinson n! Conpnviile Wm in town yesterday. He says them is some sickness on this island tram mczxs les. Alumna tlmsodnwn with it is Mr. Ellison Btoy of Ehey'a Landing. wlmse family bad a siege in Olympia. in Jauu» an'. Capt. Jacobs will have-l. is heazlquurern near Judge Briggs‘. having been nllmui ed a Ironing-‘9 tln-ro unflisient hr wharf and wlirehnusa-ncczimudutitin!. Us will have a ciuple of dozen veaada in the busmnsl this sens'in We condule mill ‘eaule papera‘tliat published thin urea! industry as buvmz b-wn l...catcd there. From noaaas-n Dan). Fish stories were quite [vieuilhll last night. ' l‘ha Roscun Club mccts at the Y. H. O. A. :1: 713:] Hus evening. The county commissioners are lmvi us the lower partuf the court Imuso rc p'ustere]. The wife of Mr. John anby. the Adams street hunt and sine man. is quite ill. Bunting was displayed trim) a number If flag poles yesterday, in boner of tha: Glnnchoster flaking whonmer. Muliie Adams. ' .\lr- Juhu Mclntyre, the new P. I. cur relp indent, arrived Saturday and tax-cs charge today. He in: formerly em ployed for three yenraon the Minn-1.1g.- alil Tribune. Mr. Junes leaves for Vic toria next Sunrday. Programme for the Blue thnn lies Ipun Club's open temperance mevtmg at the Y. M. C. A. Hall this evuuiu‘v: flinging. audience, recitation, Miss Nellie Busby; solo. Miss Dnbbs; ad irers.Rev. D. T. Gamnhan; recitation. Miss Stella Cougill. Captain 'l‘. J. Conner, of the firm Pettygrnve 8: Connor has disppse-J at his interest in the firm‘s store on Water «tree: to his partner. Frank W. Petty -Igrove, who will conduct the firms busi luesa in the future. The terms of the i sale are not mnde public. _ The Seattle Press has quite an article in defense of Mr. Penn, weer-Hy dzs charged from custnm service by Cul ieotor Brooks. Mr. Penn 18. so fur as we know, a .vary worthy and deserving vyunug man. but tbs culleclor must. have ‘tbe option of direc ing his own (owns. 1 '.Alleri Weir preached at the Methodist ‘dllhrch yesterday morningJiw. Deu ilqu not getting hack (ram lg’url Aug Ph‘s. He arrived. however, yesterday after noon ou the: Wolcott in time fur the evening sen-view, and preached to a fnil house on “Thu Church." He wilé finisli the series on next Subbmh even ng. - Mrs. Msnniefia t“, Lihln'y. “fife n! JV . 8. L 1 bbey, and (lagging: at .drs. Guuk. diva! ~_9 u ..I. home in (‘...nwvil c!’eh.~24‘b. .1303 :35! yr-hm. on“ mumh and «:1 .ims .\.l ,v I: 3) ‘ ". ‘: .z ' ‘v. 4' Cdffl‘sfl’uhfi‘. Gr. ‘ > - w _~.O I» :‘i.~ \\:|~:| b-v in; a. -‘-‘ 21.; c:X, r m ~th- r. rlw .‘I~X lw -:-. _x :‘x: - :- W f‘ :u' LAY 9 A“: : ;. ('.; -:z i‘. ‘a‘. v ‘mr mrnxd 3:- P.“ I‘L,":;-. H '. Jl' »,'.— 2:.-LL43; LN}:- lr.: ;' 55 -. .3 ‘ dun-,1 “new {ize .13 f. ‘1“ ‘ W 5' :II ”19 ("EJIJIE - -:-’. ,‘s;i.:;.i)xu‘th . f 1 i: . .:l ’... F Ill)‘ i: ~': ' : '~ ~:- 'l r-. r. ’.m: ‘ - . . 3.3. ;-. l‘ ' . ,2 _; x > ‘ . . . ,_ u . . ‘ : i‘. ' : :52'1'Hi' , n. 1,; I‘.“ ~ ‘. 1' "d‘i'iu: '3l, I'”‘ ::2 .‘ " - :. l u’ d-wct .1» 9. I.» ' 12 1 .. 3‘ i 1:: "‘.:i'!:«*\i‘lu!r:z 2' .' '.. , -. - iI:-£*'s.‘II-~'>. 2h Ill!‘ II F“: x-:- '3! ,51: ‘.{zui-m? um I": i .‘V; 4-, ‘ :' ‘l‘ ;. -.". :Em 39-1. (“Ur-li.- :-.- . *. ":"Lv ~ ..I If." 1*?1'l'l] z >- 'j. 6-. ‘ ' 1 .'n' J [WT f‘nk ;. ‘v 5 ‘ -' r fif:?t'!;,v; i:; hu --, ' - -:- ; ,: uu‘ '- {1:355 .: I‘ ‘. JD“; i-}' ('..,J‘ i 2 H i .. \Sr, i". . 3- g: .. ~ 2% .1- " . ’ ’ 1 1 .l‘ :33"! rt): \- V 11 : ' I . ‘.A" 1. 1:2 '. - ' '.al-L \zniu. ’?;3- l‘- -_ as ! ~.A {V :.'. 2i . , ~ .r. '-.';:1 ‘HT '5:- 221-35. .‘ I" s-.-‘.;. ~. 'n~.3 .-' ‘.t urcwz-e-s‘ U «- f.-‘ .- N \‘l Cl "-.‘ 2‘ 'l9l- \r-Mo’ ‘3’ K r'h .- :- ::1 ‘ E. 3 -.!'. “'l'..! n?:a})\\::..\'A-r} p“ .. .'L 13.! :1." s '1: what \S‘Jaidev-Lruf-d wul‘ {Lun‘ i. :‘r :: v’: :1 'z;‘. 11"!“ u n! woe-3- \.': «1 d m u:: his"! (7374. J'(‘.')'-.\ rr n; ~sl.‘ .2 7 ‘ :2». Aunt; rupnrtcr "(I-ii is n v m. 3.1- :~ :31: .I 1y and I am \‘c-ry :mev x a t. h In: th- .~--‘ n! 2w." di cinxrgr‘d nxd Xlz-E‘ lu ftz-m {mini-Ml and cs I “if MLJIIIL‘. but \n .L-u‘t w :k P-iumlnys; nr-t hncmsp “-.. :.z-w pun-TECH :uly rvhuinm. In]! 1H He.- ‘.r;;;."w- :-_,~.-.~ h 0n hrnu I)' up. sun) we .'am ::cce:.~:r-n.r.': m it. In Gioncerzte nv~ry :zh'm-nnl Sunday every rassvl huh-. 93 lzei‘ (Minn on! (f rrspect to the day, but nn v.” M: ii done. “'9. fisher mon dun't wnrk Hxndnys. and I mmld Ii oln mm . n? h-rv every rum-(- and em- I 1'?!) Lf:.v.~:;'(] m: Sunday “'0 hplic-x-e ix law-rm on.n flu: in save" willwnl lab." or any kind" Thwn is :1 crew n! Inn-t} pen-rug all in“. nu bnnr’trlhe .\luilu Adams. 'imy Irma- !wronghl whh flu-n --uzcir NHW Eu hm] r‘spect fur the Su hnth. mu] m Luv." :13 they koep to the gum! (:hl club-m “my will [lß’san 21- win. A}! lmmar and rwpuct In this no bk crew. We wish than) every succesn. l-‘roxu Tues.- 1.3:. '5 Daily. K 25mm;- in: 1. n: m: in dvmuu-I. ‘ :5, :inu":"= azrv- \x-ry :curcc in tuwn. \Turk un I'3. ‘.V D:‘&‘:'L'."~' new [wok res id-w'fw is :r waxing [hp-13'. G. 2 v; uh: axe m-Zu-d :xlmuf. but We 1141 f: zev- 4 'mn :u much as we “‘93! hr— im: in x f .‘.+ L:t:=rh :m m: uccd sumo UHIII‘ things. iie'nl Buulmnw & Sachs advertise meat for time: laud fur sale. 'l‘bu AB- Gcr. sun (:3‘ :.N'» has ' bargain to nfil‘! in Maui; 93 :.f Fun To“ nae-mi. ' 3'2) ‘4. Mix-2:1,". all u! 0‘!!! Hn'hnr. i\ sun-ting :2 gunstnzth and luckfim'tl: slum nn Um "‘1 Arf. h": wizi bi'i furn” '.lu bufinms‘ H-crc ii in that lmu in town. Shun-z (3. (‘. (‘.uérmuu & £70.. of Heat flo have lmught n"! the Cay Mom Mut kvt illzd wil: c mdnct it hen-utter. Their (inrrnhemt-nz appears this morning. TLc wifu u! (Juph Fzsher', uf the bark .\lcmunu. dial} a: Port Discovery yener day. Cunt Rae.- hr-xvght' L e Edna around to fine phzcu fur a burial cash“. 11. P-lurlnn. n: Seattle. manager”! the Snnrrse 'i‘efvphnne ' Cm. arrived um: manning: h) luuk after the bmiacsx inlet- Lh‘fi ".1 bi: m-mpmlyv'imih‘is city z 3‘ H - truth [l. rmurn ‘(u' Scuhlé uh thé'Olym— piuu ‘.tdny. The Upon lawn-mm! meeting 9 at (“n-nihq \‘.'li:‘- lurgn'} Michdcd. Aftvr [Le pr.r;.-r:~m”.)«-. ;; szvstihfliun Wm adoptux’. Hui-3 limb rwium-ul the uflicn -:f trv‘s un-r. mu! iii-S 3hluaiu Payne was cleeted in his hi'iinl- Sunday after muu‘a meéting at Y. M. C. A. inll‘w \3 3iherully :.heidrd. and paved - If with mun! rxanmit inter-mt. 'l‘tm prawn-m :unmuixcsd arrangement» l'ur ;'Hv«':‘l|:::€‘m uf literary. gymnasium :luJ yam» r.) m. i It. is rnrm-sflg.’ hum-J Hm! Iliin mud weather um) enmi'mc m Um: Washing— Mu street Imy h come puisnbfe. If this [lung enununm "X 8 city falhers m” uni-.9 to [mill] rafts and furryhnata in which to rénch lbexr l-lncn nf meeting. \‘(p have rcm-ivid (rim B. 'l‘. Wvlliams of Vachm s. :1 c'-{:\' u.‘ the Vancnnwr, B. C . (“tech") fur 1888. pnhhwhed by thin emerpriaiug uunt eumu. It is a crud” h its puhlmhnr. Mud will he a rahmhle Edweriisinu mm] mu fur the tnwn sand in: it out. In fact. it speaks of mm and gpnniun \m'sh-ru enterprise—~sncli-eutor prise as nl'wvrys affirm-l» Ul3 public. va J.N. Dvuuisun “exit to Senltk this tunruinu.‘ VWa‘rruzi [Listings has gone to Seattle In mic; d a Wedding. Hun. J. Hamzltun Lawis will lechm' for Ike Sx'ntile Y. 51-0. A. on the sub jock nf “ Salt." AL l’lummsr has: resisned the (zmce cf svcrvmry uf the Y M. C. A., 0.11 aocoum of so many nti-or dnlies. Wm. F. L-m'nc. was Mocha] to the p'fii'inn. Mr. G. I!‘ mes and wire. and Mr. Finch, ) r.»th:-r uf Mn; Janos, and Peter chk'zml. urrivvzl from up Sound on the Ala-Hum yz-stendn)‘. The Brit‘s-h Culliugb'a Presbyh'ry mm‘h‘. in Vlcfmia tumurrow. Hunks and Ward are at mark in 03m pin. Gun! Mace‘nud 20nd wnrk. ' ’ 'l'vrritm in! dezrzucmfic conventi‘m, Win mer-t :1: N nth Yakima. April 18!]; ' V The leiuiun unvornmem is boar, 3* wr-rk smwgiug Hie channel ot'Friazwr ‘ri’V-‘r. . ~_. ‘ ..L = i The Was-Ir. County Journal-in jnbimu love-r Hm hot but Shelton is t 9 have film: mans :er week. . _ \Vnrd enmes tum ‘lhf‘ iDICYinl‘ of Br‘tir—h (,‘nYnml~iu that (‘ntUc have «1:: H-rm‘ l‘:o£(d]}lgl} “‘s'”. | “731 n it c mu: d-vw- m «IV: 4541: 3‘ rrr'Hw" 35w ‘8 4st ("fly huntd .1-r .'Qni'k' ..:: doing-shunt “wheat work mg kgug of. H. E. lehv, an boxmi‘vd yinruvr of! “Maria, din! at Upnrt-x. l‘.~r.‘.u'l'n.‘. le-‘ 9 mi): IL- Irnws :1 mm? fan: 13' i 2; the: I’wrincJuf B C. _ “Mes l.‘;.\*;::-;.:‘.-J‘. ' f O?y:~.:p=u, 3---:re . ' his :;)--:;‘... 5- : !!.«- . ’.s', ur: gar-7:l} L unt: ring nn H E."~' 811-? 95 :.t "(M 2'.» 126 Mining. .\r; d mg»: '5 iu‘: ()75'""7:s!31f€‘ ri(:“itl:-"1r.‘l.s-i< hfi'lr‘d :-': ihj‘xm'tf ‘z'. t': }v'(V). ! 12:: ”w --'_':I!: di‘f‘a: '~' f If." F) H. 61: f; it". {gun =5;i)‘:;; v 1,! 3" Lu W 3 h an} :wJI 9.1 \‘.~. YT: nr: Elm ‘.la—L .‘.melnn ‘7l3‘R-r‘fit', 5.14:503 r. r'i-w cwn‘u c‘i -'. VS 3; tin {z ‘;7v: n/prrl- an: :. ;- 9.” ? .'..: ' ;.::>- 4; F ,7 F. Y‘ -. 4 3 EV --.'~.‘;V‘!?.- ..'_‘;v.:? --’ .', '.. .?=U-.:~,.z.= .«-' -:' - j:. :r-: u;- ii-- If - ~ 2.1' ‘.‘C' :3 ~ Err-t --3 91:10 23:13 Tar-. 1215 “.:iv “.11: -: '32?» En! 1::‘.|:I~’ H'.‘ In '-"‘ l'.‘ r!“ -!:§< {[3112 “75.1‘ The Tucnrr. {.“th -.~ :1: ..: 5: :.'sp .- ‘.'.'.- hire '(~:-:- in 2.31 m’ ..::r :x:?:=.u;:v '-~C “hi-‘3 I::.~. Mfr-Md at ”we 3:33 ;' SH -s;:"'lvrnpi'-t W. ‘.Y. "urcnrrl -. }-,-_.q :S {in-l. I' i 5 Hr !‘.v‘Y?l" g-h!;;.n-. iH-m V n-f ~c'.Ty gm: n.' 'i‘i u gunm- ;' .2 ' :uxze' 1.11%." m-"I- x::;i:r- “fun I‘m! i: .X ‘ mt' iuvm‘ m 12.3 w.l n-J‘ «42:9 . 3:7 m..:- Vurj 0:]:IS;:£13):(‘. hx? r'l s: ~ lu'i ranch L.- rn :n 1... 3- ‘: v. 7. ~ti 4: ~- Froui ‘it‘carutdt‘au‘s Rafi). .‘\":!~;‘< . I ’.r‘. 1.;_.".\i"...~»"(,'; . 'l} I!‘ {3l'3-f _§--=.'_ 3. -~.;.:- ~;;1: .3 f I: : .; _-~;»- “A ' -"\ . . ' =' “- 1.3-“!9 ink? in : 7c: ; ‘. Lax. .\l ; ' s." "U _xu'p‘c" L 'l' If. hf 17.: tOll‘l'if.€i -. n:-.:. ? "*l"..:ix Eunw “(33:13“ .k 7. «1 Manny? povm 'i of . gnzm :;I:'nlxt‘l'.s;.rl3fl. Hw- I day. 3 Spud-s :4 v.l Lhu wurxnt‘.) 1..“ 0:" ii P~.§ Lo «on! In." .\nur nlngr‘. uni su- llml uses :17-- paid. SLIi h um sprng Inillina_-I-y—jnst re c'ivrAvl :.2 All: Cougul's. m-x: dun m B:;l:-‘i:1:x.:'s. “ L l'lit'fi‘ nvw Ptylc c-viinrs and (“..fl's at 1 Mrs. Geuum'a. .1 E. Ebey says it is r. miatnku la 52) that be was (1 urn with the mow-M's. The tr uh}:- we; a mhunse of new? rlu'uma- Lian. Arrivals this morning: at Delumnioo Remmrum: J R lluH-m. W R Cum ming-x. and Luwis thun, Puxtlaml; U L \Vallougl)b_\‘, city: G E Baum, Bustou. New. spring ribbon: at $115: Hem-i --sun‘s. ' " _ D. .\I. Ferry 8! Co. 0! Duh-1i; Mich“ have {aware} tn WIN! nncM"dzze n? “)8” seal mmuals—nlsa,‘ mm a pack age of tee-ls; 'l3th are Tefiuhlejn mew line. —. - » A tumor was curxmzt this x 2: wing that Judge Kurte: had pa~sc¢nmqr aluri'u “:0 night. Au Ana's n {ruler w." dispatchel, and ascertnmwl mat it was a misml-zo. G r In Damon's fur all kind: - fsnving muchme maul .m and attachpculs. By rcfcrmuw to u dls3nlutinu untied elsewhpre x! will be sewn that Wain-r derrick n‘tirc; frum the firm at C an S. iinlln &Cu..nud is succeedrd hyMr. Ha ry “'urmr. tale sfewmdwf UN; Dn nr.l Hun-c. Yxclmin. Mr: \‘n‘nrnor :wmcs with many _wms‘ successful 03;»:- ru-ncu in ”w l:ufiil=e:s3._ ' ‘ * .\t :; uwcliug uf triu‘evn uf 'l‘rtnix} 1. ii. (‘.hmc‘a. {mid at 31:5.Cuph Stet “Q's residency. inst nvéhing. rt Wm pmc~ HnaHy (196!ch iv e;_ect_”m L'xlevusiun 16"2! ’cet Iu sxzc- at»; the Angina-‘9‘»! 1 f'the oil-nub building. 'l‘lm"'Yw'nusr Pczrple'u U-Inu'rnr'e taking Yizfijfifififitivi and the new pix-t 'wlmu fihéshquigd furnish rll ml: coat about 8500, ‘ :4 I New hair urnzxmenh -at 354:; filurri wuu‘d. _____.,_... Mr. and 5.1 m. Chm. blurrimn pt Chim akum were. in town yestenduy. E. 13. Penn. lat-o u" thdcxukoma aerv ic--, went up the Suaud today:- ' Frank .\hors. formerly pnixlishsr of a paper In Port ~'luwu.u9ud. is abut "o tar: :1 sum-m 1 pap»! a. Jutc'Lfi, Alaska. Bi ad: nxunim- nmnug tbc lul-mns v!) the (.‘uivxilu xe:~'e|vuli« n. Amos Brown has hat so” u luxsincs“ lot m Semitic [or SB3OOO. Samuel Lchqu. of Niscunnin. my: a mum c‘lu maku mun! on n uuud rental farm '.n \Vuxhinutnu ‘l‘erri2uy témn nu ma "Wu [mu m N :W Y )rk or Wm, mum, Tue Terr luriul dellhiivfnn Central: Owniniztee meets :mluy 3‘ Nut“: Yakiwu to pmvnje for an delegates tn lhn (3hr . aago presidential cwwuhuu. Ga:.a.~ 3 «Lites fur't‘uu houn- m-o repurled to be wuzce. ' . ‘ “ -:' Mr. Henry Burfieu’l. of Bellinuhaiz: Bay, was in the city yesterday longing?! up men In u'urk in lbe‘ bucknnm ‘l‘l‘ss’! _' \lr. Burficn-l has an nchr mm- .m hum]? {rum Fenland Winch ('ulL-e fur 122.10 h-r: ' .1’ smut: tn be and m the l‘uudrllcflnn | -f 1h ‘ Prey-hym-rmn church nf Um: c 333 l‘iu- slum: WIN m- ulummd tn Swine" _Y‘J‘ utcnmer um] 50er and tueu lrauxhernl tn l I! LL can) and than [muted in Int: dveti- i nminn. 'l‘lu- Mame order for me Hush-n block of this city necessimu‘s lbs gm ' piuymentuia gtent many mum—'lfl—llJ humping Suns. ;.»i i , —— : m.- 1 Arrive} \lmch 5, bark Ko-rriuuu;'anne to Pun Drcurery m luw of In: B akrly. Am. ship ngblamd Light went to sea in tow of tug Mustick. Wxth comhtor 'Fnl-co. ‘ ; .-aw- Murcb 7, nrrived in tow of ling .\fpcu‘, British ship Aeolia from ’Frism‘: 2'99 m Tact-mm to load lumber! "AtrlVfden lnw of tug Piuuear. Am. bark Dar-mp Scbnonur Mullxe Adinms but bum: (:81 ting read)" to waif-Tm“ the again»; groundh. 'in‘ul starfig't‘bia _m :rné;=:,v.' The Eden-is {xi be Bfiiéifilut: ti (Jr the Idaho on the Port.HTSWLsc-Lii-fiqusi-za r-rute. and HW [utter “she! will under go expensive repuiri. Q ' March 51!: the steamer Umniimnixr rived; ropurls a fim‘. tr pup-1m! miived Ia proud time; brought 42 tone ..f frgeiuht l'ur Port Tuwusend. ; The Wildw‘oud took on hnurd zsome inmchmery this muruing an Quincy azreet duck. for, ..ammk mm. 3 ’ Baxter & Co‘s sealing schnnnpr Teflker. -‘apt. Qainu. was In the buy vestmjdny. lulmd tor the maiing grounds. 3 ' Stmmrr fare from Pnrflmni. ln ban ’I-‘mnz-iqzn is reduced frw'n $3? W 515 ti-sv cam.) and [2' ‘211519 N: 38 Hug'a'flv daeumer lean: every Lin} d - Sui Faucxsm M are): 5.—-- 3mm- Sis-amul- 5311.: Hi Cahh-rum. l’nri», hind; hulk Hug-o. _le-t-ll‘iu"; ship Pu~ {ex-Lorunfsk.‘ PM? 'J'uwnwud; “Ji- Pulg-smw. '1‘:;e:~:u~. H .135: 23:1 1. .1‘: ‘s' ~ : .\.;11 -x‘ C: .“le [-:fi: 2.1. x !r; «I .u 23- n , a: Li 13‘:.~"a'i'.:.:-_-: Ta- »;1: '1 - 01': ran-2211!” 2.3. ,1 =ie=.. f’ ‘ _.. B.‘ I’d 1. Lui “32‘: ..:.:;’ :. Mimi. 3!. *X';‘.\‘ -': Ii f ‘2 {rum 55:21 P .lr '. ' Pmsez: :31; t .1' f’»: 2' '.' ;: -.2 . il‘-!"-.i'.l:U-HE3:!' 1‘2.- J. D. F; I:;2=:'.a.. J i; ' ..w 1 ’2. ‘. 3:22;. i :--'.;- _- i 2 ’:-'. r: ‘. ' 4 :- ' ' .it ‘: ‘ l. . l ; v r. 'I «a Ow ." v~ i'v ~. HI. = - . ‘...... ..-- i 313; L :1. .1. L '..' "'»'.:‘r.~. ' ~~ ' u r' ; .1 > 1'; i"? l.- nizi.:,; A|L|~ - .2 3 :: 31.-“.1” é :~ " .: I ..‘..-”i... .1 '.":;' :- .- . .‘.lx-:.:' :1 ; . .~ ' '4' ' -- . . . . 5' .'\'~.-, .»'.:~ ‘fi - , ‘l’\ - ’l‘.._.: i} ;~:- r» _ . . . “”3551; ‘x' ‘ 1A ‘ ‘ .‘.w"..... -1 .~ -; flirhx r . ..2 ..__ _.!.‘. ".o 1‘ i) . . . .‘ . ~ -:l;,'::‘\'\',-‘.~1; ..I . \ - VI: -‘ 2" I: ' IT:. .. :\:.-\i'-’-: .1 «If. :‘2‘ r3:}17;.‘.*.'4;~. .'qp , I‘7 - 312;- lir. ‘5; i 213.» .u; ;- .4 .. In} :‘ .‘Lup )1: i -- '." :.l.;."~ ' a! Ul'.=l-Hx‘lllx'l:‘!",g I]. v:.-, 1 L'iz- C ans: Sc-uu . .' L 7 lmu tar: " »'; _\'i ~T.'."z;-:-‘ hfiL-E'u 2.13 ‘.‘z {:9 in -: ; z :31; 1:: v .‘vlr: I'sl i l" .» 9.2;- . 'iz'u: u‘wu 'vh- mjzn d ‘in '~; in: Fa'n‘ Hrs-En}, 3*} ‘..:g (x 2. mm. ~z (PL-"1 p "-"hiL‘F-n’ :. 1.) \'.‘;'., 0 ;.--':;1 ale. 33, um] l’. Eu 3’:-z? m :s '.':l'£_v. Nu mmda-r :9... iv dun": um" g's' aw: _. un \‘i'zhhiugtnq Mrs-ct m tu- lune." inn 1 of hwu. A: yum- wim wi-l rah). mu 2. F at 11:: misvmb'e Cu'nhlinii win 5' -.~ \: } i “huh-um murfpng‘e: s 2.!cq'x r.l ;‘ 5 uhmt “h'ch “a! ~in‘t u «I. 1:; .«E t: ; fil‘w‘L T 4 8 .'l {015:5 .‘gzh'iq-yg; 3,. 312%} ' bum wm: Lll :wn :e: .-. lll‘n'rX' inn"). 3 . , ' I A gum] s'euh ; h ::\'.'.n:.~. :: m-x 'i" Zen! m-m m du “Hiking: ..nxl I'L‘X’u; 11411:! I w.»r5~7. Amdy at !‘-i: ufligg I In x: mlnnn:ar_. u.‘ H“- -1u.=..-r in'wr-L ! aruund Hume t! c Jam-"1'! \ 5:4 1..: -. i dnrimt..l-pu-xs x .=:¢;.-~ l :4." 0m :--. :. ...:4hnvn "teen pm int - hm ...:Ir: 2:) H. . an! of tiny wen, :we Yul 11y (n:- k-. and fifty might Load of oxen. [a is maimn'v Ihflt at thi“ n 5!" N2O 52x camgm r: l I you pa: 7,2E),|.):,)U fut '..! lumwu-m‘ no Futon l‘bm nu I:-‘7‘Y" W‘xa! :; lm: .- hn-ihess might be: dune nu Wrafu 1" Luke and us (1:: Nuuksn .3; rva-r ab .1: the Crossing Edam yun Hart-nu aj .nrufly :n and we J._as. D. .‘.ihwhtr xxm' 3m cur ~ -: :..A iv 1",! {illnmlw-lL‘el’s'.'.‘.l .‘ Ci} 21' :z n Lhurrhwm Bruin-‘3' ._ 1' i 4 't ;.-.:"~::7 :2 . I guard fur tum 13415 and gun s ixummhlf relief. . > .. ...—..:. —-aw:—<« >— I‘ukc- Ayor's riarmpzue l'a ha Hz , Rnrvu 3 of u.» sen‘. to purity tum uin- d, znvum. lute Hm rynteux. excem the turf In “rim . jun: :e.-1~-rv_lu- 1' in: 2x-=2v."::llt}_ minn- [u'n wh'la high-u- lmvvhuui ta. .li;x2;s'ul.! r.. 1h“: (tuning; nut. gunfight, egg -:i-. .1 .: x 'lm vflaizmup-dmaw. .. . . - . -——~—-¢l—.--———‘—lJ-—-———J—f . - If“ 5:!- PLWCRIB P 315135 32 dc pau tluur emu; wuu nuy uhrr “W ‘s;ng ”my aw'utaiu'tln- g-Md'pnqn-rliw Lg. "-ler premitahuus m thaqgm, a.“ Mini-d. Vth flan-r mnsl Palmwk‘g W .1151?- di-owvml m mv‘idrsrn tumesl. "HA3!“ cu’h mic mid—Me:- 9mm. Pmr gk's at; , g recnon. «fold liy-Jua LLMIulg er. I ‘ . . ......;.-..__... ~ - “.(‘a’ll at {be Amos awn 5" hr fign-‘rs on, 80 non-ant Um»: lam! cu Qumpfié‘ pumusuh. ‘ ' . . ' ~ .- ' __._.._...0....u-.__ J a . - ‘. 1 ' , . 1'... l ‘ ' Iva-#952419.“ Mfiflc ’O9. a" {ms—five. mmuk‘y. Wan 364.311). 33.14 :ptanmer lnnding.‘. Apply qmci _m “as 'm‘?§~ :‘ . " ' . _ .WT— : ' ' ANNEXATION OF CANADA. The DI-a-‘trnns Sub-rant to .‘.cv :rép‘lish It ‘by Foxev—A [Unmar- EZ: (: ; .I}. The rmwnt ugh 1.: -,-:i rv n -.=" 'l' z'ihe [l3-23 kiwi her-u: 111 :k'va‘iihi-r'fi! FHA i'mlrul sun-mwug me «mi» «awn m! afh-x J.- tium of ‘lm‘cpvmtrx \x';l.‘+-'firv3fii=i~il in be brought about lw hinge,- o{,u r 2114. The ‘nfnjt-br'fl'im's (fit'fla'hfiTG 1, o. ,ruve ‘ [Xi’rvt‘hll M'ontgum ”fr, ‘29 #2313. 3! we inmfiu’s pflrint, (4:30:13?! £27.)??? Ailvn :zznl'scitll \anm‘. \ltfifi‘“i‘ft“l r-l in mia imja‘inn; litmn ".X'f'vn' v 2.3; pkrn prison}? by (ht; Brmé‘h‘apd £6::‘§~"m 32.112- I.ufl,‘\sherc ha. cxpér'xb;um.l”€ér'flf huh 'rerivmont. ; '_' i‘f‘ U“ ;T" ; ‘ lt'xms Colrmel W'J'i'ler firm fife ron ducted‘hié med Auk-1y ‘l‘irjmi, tm‘vfi’J‘ vhe. mark;wifiuomfunlv surrom: J'd by d.m§::rs. Once ‘.‘-I 'nuqmery sclz‘ jlhum home Heéh‘isgtg‘jh'jr;fimegtas’ but; and ‘lhfingh {h‘é‘v wgféfivifiing’z'fid. g'o‘iffin 1c in Sefl‘ic'e,f Thev ‘;\\‘pru“}fifix;vfit "Hr“ civnt almumgiqmi'ppup i~ouldfbé mum that Acou‘mfijgz )rflu. x; x - '. .: .V ..e ..: l i “Q“.{léotjfrfmt'h "1"‘1'21'1 umrifli'! :lz‘rEvU I ho'fiiév b(*fll;e'hi§‘lu~.xfit'mm fami- gmsrys hm! fiéfifkfllcfifiitifl’i Ell 3 muse, :.‘ ‘.fl'” _3 the “Mfiffixé'zfi-fi’r‘ffii’x‘re put in than LII-array"? Hemuvllrl'éfl-‘Q Mil Imm rm.“ am at onqe_fifn#fid'-iéra€dfiaflalh9 ;:.-<.~t hiscou'amymi-win‘sheér cxlrexnih'.g Lut his unfimmfi howi‘vail, and it nus .»euon-‘luund‘ieeess&w7 to take up the hm _u;r‘gl"§t§:i;;.lgm .-.. ‘. 4.: .:1' an)!" ‘ 3':-vath m déad-‘bf-‘Wlhtfig-‘éfifl: onYy 1:1on anaijmmrmmg may 0,“. 'Tmmmbr q‘f- ' rirsnit and flr'tr'fig‘if-LJ; (1:1? pumasmfimv e‘rdfifimfl Janka :1 -z alarm ané’Mfitéihé’nM-Il' Wad)? ' rp muhled'wifi‘lmerur-o: the a my, and aided them ' ”marque.“ mu-L g-fl". c tuaHy as he was a. mun Well partial in wag-ingjofilké sick n»nil_ this .knwvlclac now umvinonrceilen: hum-:35... E " He" moat. keep’thu-nmy-in nmtrlagx. not a day’muat' [IL-.1051, :xml’)"-,'t'hc' fits iv. it"n- ‘ out any ell-«SI of llchlL‘iZlL'Q.“ ‘l’uil .se understanding llh'diliifluJ u- Qgi rum!" and ‘.bmhapand of pmimr mm; .21L;£'[iiix 4-1 lime-4, and with firms:- shits. 583111120 1:1) effecting! fish‘fié-‘iiifi d run; :8 ummfi; his men. . _ I ' .. , . . ' When T7¢j>nfl{-h‘»;.x 'fi’ng’ racing and the role (Failed; Hmizks" to .‘l-‘t'h “gnu-r but few \‘w :llK’il‘fv m ms“ra"kfl“:_rr'wiued. Col. \‘v'urL-ur rzu’ud thz'. liuw ..f :lm-‘x _dredu oi we Mu sixi<§3l¢x-, and 1m am a nonlefiwmzkfhui if..,‘i'tem_L-.ix:fi_d‘ 1131- 'lzis na'memke, li. _H.‘ “Turner; ’ 5,51}! uf ' “Eu-n r's -_:l o, ‘l‘urcfit‘p_§4,-lis'?iz‘.‘.-' pt. to givé {he sum.- kin” of rbuiwhik fin“) ‘.‘l’l‘d ti) lhl‘ DW'I'HJ U: t?)'_d;i_\’;. “I, “My. .:er’s Lug Cabin iirnmiécifi Th‘vbc r 531 twins have iveen adopts-'1 a‘fm' {herbihfi trial and invesfigjhou. and (hay urn rcu uni—:B ul' eau'viirbexl rcpms’lon UNI-g Jimmy V'egx'lnble;.ihe‘s' Cull bevused whizu any fear as tu the rusuits. . v ; .- H ' ‘ . Among the new xeuwdiefi is» a: Ears}:- panllu for the béood, -Hop;; and. mm; for the stomach -ull«iA,dig¢SL§9n'7gough nud Consumption liemwy, bumpine tor the hvad and hair, lime Cream (offing. terrible drama, ratarrh. a 1.0; Cifnh vacr hlLa Lvrg k'a'uin l‘iusrur and-win lixna‘t t- r izx'crnul and uxlcrnfl nae; Um readers may {es}; asp-um] mm. 5% ismerit m evenfy gunmen”: _ ; ' 5:- "~" " “”1” l' 1"" fii‘i’éfi . -——-——-.—‘ V ,_ M 15.7 ..i.‘ ‘ “11:1: nun-imam A. Hammond S?“ Q! ; in Dil‘ercn’cn u tmfim I 2 22422‘; s-I;.~.o.~msiens ham show} that a}; nvcnz") IZL."- brain wraith: 3 little on? fox-:;.--:;T-:_- $23, whim tho ’nvcmge {rm}: “man is a mu: ore;- tony-four or .' . r ’ :-"012: live 01:11:13 1253'. The .~r :. ;-:.'.’r:312:;: E:?;',“:":! the (:70 13 th - _‘ :- ".4 1’?) ::;.I. 1‘41; 31"r;;~cnt2)' L». i‘-~Z.?"3?2‘75'.i1211“:~ Lat Wigru ‘.i: . w ' . ‘ '11: S:l‘:::2:i‘..:r, 23:1 1‘“ i .' .V 2'. '. . 13:3. :‘1':':::- t ' . .': {1:21.‘ "I'd; t> ' ..'.' 6492232, th. * 2.,1.‘ fur-f I _ _ s -: '..' A 31;: ‘ '.i.‘ '.'V'.:‘_z:)x'.'.:f (_ ' ‘. .‘. 5“:’.'.L.-3,,‘!'~- r' ;-. 'x.;~.;-a=.~~zit ‘; ‘. > . , ff: Y r . V 3 I‘, - _ .:r..~ 2.2., \ : _ ' ' ' 1 L. 51. f. 1 I ‘ . ‘.V u:'.‘.‘:‘.’ I '9 . . ;-.:.*"._‘." ." i. '.r . 2 I: i. _ . .- : . ii.“ 13'.) - , ' ' 1 . .1.-..-i .' 1. -. 1.1;: in.- 3 . 1 ' :1 :; 1' .:L‘. i. 7;?)- '. .~;"‘ ..i '..j :1. _\:f n . . : . _ ‘_ ','_.; ' ! ' .2 ‘ V .T. V 1;, i; ‘. . ~;. 3 . , .. 5:1; : I . . ‘ Z‘l‘ i. , v '. - ‘ 3.1 c 132. i . ;. . . ; ' L: 2;, .L._.,l ;: 2'; in ~ . ’ " xiii; , : . “; t ..: 9 "312.311 ("Lat . . ‘. ..:: ...“ «‘.."V‘fzs -, ; ’ ..' . :.z-nrcxcf. 15:21: ’ I .‘ ”“.“."'£‘l m 11.:- e‘ , ‘ ‘ " g." I...;‘Vzi. ‘..1; . ‘ -. .'..: .4 v 0.31} L‘»‘. (IE-”V". £115.“ .‘1 . :,:;-.-~l';':Vll.:.l_L;_\tl,‘.‘ ' 1V _ v . -. ’ :.1‘ z::;;:u1‘ 1:1;73‘.‘ é." ; x. l . 2’ ‘_ (. ‘v'.'..L‘L‘V'l i“. t'iZ-i I -‘ ~. I!. v: x:‘ L '..~ :1 IV .1 51:1; Li {14:1372‘ . ' ":1 if 1..: min! in t?.;- I'7o {ti-i 3:373" r. . .' ”-111. cf :i;_- 1.11113?) tut-.- \:"_.“v.-| =' -5' ..: [n Lawfuruzn union". 11:01? 11‘ -' : 2'21 : 2.1;; I.\ Ln: 11.2:: it is r 3213 1:31 I“ i I'Lplc. 323:1 :LJ' v. 23 cc:;:-.‘:'_x=.._::;-.' of L‘.‘ I ~ 132:3”: i: an: :a '2‘.:'.t :I. (32.3; r 2211": 1:; 11? 1.1. “1:310.3.";1'11‘2521. TLC; 3:22.123 Hz; .2:: 13:21:: and 12:: :.-3f rags m‘ Africa, {Ea-J : Z;::’:i ; of men and women are nmci In": qzliix: in (:13;- than {Tr-5' cm in Euro; ;::-:::;.:. It \l‘CE‘ll‘l grim-:3“ {(0:11 111 i; fact, citrus the wotzaz‘n for save czztse cz' 013:0" have I: -t avsiig-d {heats-has of the advan— tarts of cix‘i::.:tin:l a 5 {..'."ors in brain de- Yulnpment to the 5:12:21 (5:115? :15 1:12:23: lzmg or that among savages iii-01'? is mt. that dimimilarlig.’ iz‘. manta} \2‘ol‘2: that is found amour; civilized uzzticns, and that hence there is 1:0: [l:9 5:12:1- Ichsrszit; for :1 (iii-4 tun-neg in Drain (IJx‘cl-;;z7‘lcnt-V l‘ur it naturally fungi-:2 that in the nor m?! film}! there i.:- a Curran-pancicum 3)} txrcztn 3L3 six-2 and that. m“ Kim-organ con— l::.-::-'.1 within it. The r. 0:2; of a woman 11 ‘.L‘Lih them 6.1.“.0n the name as that of :1 man. “or male of life, her dress are net e*€e_‘;l‘.’;:l§s‘ (Lianne except. in no faras t 1: ;: mu ‘C be Gilli-rem or) account other sex. En; with civilized zazgtiom there 13:3}, varietyin mode; of thought, in likes am}? (13-3.12; and in other mental. characteris— tics; in ncammtiun, in manner, in clothes, even in fmd, so that. the differentiation bctz‘rocn the sexes “2:4 121'? more dierJctlyt nutter! than it. is wish nations .low in thé scale of progress. Who can doubt. that. thEJ £3th direct. result of diflcreamnot only in the brain, but. mother pnrtsotthc' nun-cu: system?.—Dr: \Villfum~ A. ’ Ham-5 mend in Popular Science rddngldv. __ ‘ 311-. Beecher on Dancing. " _ Poop}: as}: as frequently. -‘.‘Do you th’ni; there is any inn-sf in dancing?" No. Ido not... There 1':- much good in is. .913, you, then, objcg‘t t‘o V‘dnng‘a‘g peg-fies?"- 330; in themselvm 1320 not. Bub'whcre unkniz yor'th', unripe muscle..un§émlcl and uwurdened nerves are put, W. in excess of excitement, treated- with stimulants. fed irregular” and Witbuhe, wimkaame food, s‘xrozmzigl-wlth New which‘ 'l3 excsgsive. and which iapmtrmed' throfzgix hunts when the? shoalgi'be 1:599, and mending it in thn'hjghestsgato 'ex; hiiar'stzun and gunman The mix nosin‘ thodnxmg new; to?“ they W. as do the mamas.- 13 m: m mrs_.upon; the Km: WWW and; in $1063.51“ it. might. b‘a mm,m 13" th : but sun as bdongtng‘tb 1110591233 _ “‘- ihiugs Gummy thnm- :: ‘ But the xraeszzil in the night, tho waste- Suchzs—l win not. say of prccfous ham 3. for hours a e um, half so p 'ch’ous as nerves are—Lhc dirzlz‘nzfc-n cuntnncd night hfli‘l' night and wool: after mick through the wank: swim), it. is 1133 I (121)- recnt: my eating 01:60.: Very life. I {an not any-2126159“ a of olmn'nm-m, but I am always thankful that there an: forty days of hut. in the year, when (021:: ‘can rest from the“: dobmuclxcs and. dlzslxmions; “11-3 nu round of excessive excitement in the pursuit. of pressure Ls permitted to come in upd ruin the Imam: and crippln 1!;9 xmtuml powers of the young—Henry Ward Eccchcr in Brookkm Magazine. . e s3th In (Dubs. ._ 'g . Expvrimonts maddict tho. Now _Ycrk ‘ z:;rrf__::l:zzr:l:;t;uion make it. appeal-1112:: - l;‘:"'..i-:‘ZAE of CE»: SCLJ win prevent, smut. ( j~;:~ :tzzlpizttie. can he yurclmscd at roé i 5. H (N: shout. mice.) cont". rcr 171mm]. and. ' i ". 2:-: .=.s:;i:c~rl;‘,::'x with Katy Livi‘m‘ trouble; 9 :.':m' s :~.:iu_:x';.;vuut<:;n nix! one-11:21: himr; i in (‘ 5011x1103 were fc‘azd to pmduco a, . alight lunuunt. of smm: Soazmd forty - 12 12:2; 1;“ [:.‘rms or the fungus were killed.- 1 {121.232. 12:21:25, achcrpmzbstnuqc, for :.';le g in Liv—l. 5:0:3203‘ or easily obtained by 5 l-:.::~‘.;i::r; \vcozl ashes, mm. moss cflecdrej 1 Lll'._“.fl'os'i'.!g ml 531 1: within seventeen I '2‘: l (xx-1:3” hours. A solution of Castile i --_) iJ water, wlt-Zx enough quiclzlémc to; .:Z r 6.10 L'qrid milky white; proved Quite, . ,'_~:;l\'e, desirayiug nearly an the smut": 21:71:; mine. which has been-recommend (l'. I: maze {:.rztmx's, is always mu: ! :.2: imu kc profitaply used. ' '_' ‘ The Lump on 3 Myth. , Cnrx'cctfn'; common errors concerning ‘ i t 1: ....LL__:..,.‘..: John Lint-dock points ,5.;;.‘.;1;-,‘,*.‘;“_;p,-i§ no avid-cu ‘hhnt'llm } 3. 1‘: :.‘; 1:; it: .11. ss.l;mfi'i'itu; that." ‘4 '- ;-:;4;~.Ic GILBUC lire :‘h‘ 3'».lL:':rorLd' ; __:,,!:2_-pin3 my 321:3:- :.'-.tcrml newbj; ‘. 3:513:35 mania; of raw hllihbcr‘vashegl' ,u‘ sun with (Emurthta of lamp oilyumt 3 l’.::;." (10 nclfltyz'pidly doze thinugh'thcit ; lz:;-< titht: "agd than they are not at. all ' ' .I\‘.'.'.:‘.’L*'.x in mixture. 'l'E:o,wintcr houses ‘ § 2.! axes: if: madly built, upon the shr— ‘ (12:9, z-L- _- fwzl is eta-113' (Silica, oil in used; '. cut-3x lec 1:12:19 as amon': ci‘;{l.::djpcop!e, 111'! 11221-15113 01‘ the \"il!:!'::'5 3‘3 Lat les scucd Ly vizzicr. wlmc dxclnzc. 5 1:31 been r:::~;;~,c:.:f<-."..—~.:11-5;a3:c'.7Innis: 2'; ' '- . ‘ '7 = ' ' - . c~ : } T.._». Ora—3.3 Reunh‘inu’p shim: can}: gvzm 7: n win H! JAM 1:65 P 4 ginni ! .\yr"ll!‘a. and win 0 Main 23026019» "UKHL'ZZ. ' <‘ ‘:_“ 1.9.. ~ . ‘s‘. ._. , :ktwnftlurjv vat—y, 0.§,,_1);.~ s_ll’mted 4‘ S. :1." firm-Na is rmnirml t9.m.¥‘-}zt‘;t‘ug. ET“? Tzr—y 'E'er-uty “Md 'nmir-hiwlmQ. § If 9-4 X'H‘y «Innls‘t'uz' if twrj-iixhflshpf 2 172 , Hm: d 9 f'u'nx‘ i‘. "‘ ‘' "z .331 j T- ww- ::rr~ 111' rn‘isn'inrs’in fh'o-Tn-rsg ; I'l -:i:i~.s.l<(‘r‘-E‘.-§‘:ir;f.:u.ry nt;,\\'r;‘s‘-n Wni‘m Q m; 41-) ';f-'\T.h"¢'n 11TH Ayv'ptr";xvf! xi “[1 Q.’-'» "'-.‘-‘m:'.-e:nf-hwlvgjnn wt"). 313-3.: with :- 3:0 w‘r‘s Sr: (14'; “'nlii: . it; «be; 1.3139. ww- Y- 111:}: ’r-f‘anntivm-Mniév ',_r 7,” 1i...» ,- ~ I' z '- _ . ' ; ‘ i ,_.'T."~. 5- 'l': 'i‘!":"}; . ".‘.. .27 -.'. H '4! ‘3 75-1553” .‘ TIL" ‘T:T.Z:,‘-..'-x';l I 3” '5. 3 “3:1 1;”. sic=~'r'l‘v:_\ 5" IS':- LQV-Wvgd' x pg. 1 i ..:U“ V. ' AT” .. ..' .v,‘ ~ 1,5147%: 3‘13.“ "I .‘.g; .'..x-zd. :'!;:,!.'"l§.~F f; , ._ ‘_ ..: d ‘9 'Eanqnh “nix-Mare .7 «malts {1 .4 ,1 a ;‘:‘-“=.~lx..ts! --’ - .:x ‘»"" ‘Y ‘ f 1 g; '4', 5‘ ~¥ "T‘r‘Hli-‘ia- n V-z‘Ww-f if ’1 ”: Ext. hag-ix", 4.x}. c-gqu-uur’u‘ I fit )1” .R‘ t lid, ‘d'«L-;‘..,:-o:'fl ';.-,:; i? ”'1": :.'}. u, ‘9' -~ .' .fin -' 21.1‘s‘lri‘ECim {4' .."ue‘ 9,: any #lll. a ‘1: :n -« " m '1 65-. w ' t"”.3;-}' . Alum-fr xq‘ -£~:s. 9: ~ -. rd «*3 r. :.Ljh." v ‘.. .-_.] E'F‘!li_i‘3 »r' '-' .. Ln, 4 3:" #213137 ”my. :.'»I *3: '3i‘u(l-:-‘::._ ; _-_ I '.. ...__- I's- ’. PI; i'IJ'L .3 gain \. '9”: flgrwrar'nlzgmr ”H at": I' f 3.3-}: J. '? > ‘.‘fi‘HJ. .3‘ .. 2; LI“. 24:: .21: my;:::_..r§=23,-.:;.paag~..a! _ -.»~‘.:- ‘ : 3 - ‘ ‘lr'm- mi :.‘c.:.“.‘~..-!:1’r-":!“' "1L '1 23593155, __ '1 é:l,.i‘:«fi 2:.. z { z> ' h 7 .--,“-1..0a!~' .2: 31?;ng ! ~'l :3“, fatifv 5 } J . it ': ' z. j A C C P ‘ 'tl tt i o 'o Ed] (J’ ' 5 i mil * . my, 1 l S f & ()0. l , i 7 ——Whole:alc & ltemxl Hum-r! ' I _~,_ gfiefleraé l “"‘W i Merchandise. :3 - ' . ‘ ' a fahippmg & (,ommlss n l E filercllants. ._ l __ l'. . t ’ {lot-lung 8:- (uents Fur . ' ' . t mslmlg (mods. FAMILY GROCERIES! We always keep in stock a complete, two of Choice Family Groceries, and .viil sell them at prices which cannot lzo heat by any firm on the Coast. Will deliver all goods free of charge to any part of the city. Give us a trial in this line and see if Wu don’t please you, both in prices and quality. We are now ofl'ering our large and well selected stock 0! Mens‘ and Boys’ Clothing .and Furnishing Goods at Lower Prices than Ever Before! Our stock in these lines comprise the fatest styles and best goods. Come and see what we have to ofier ,before purchasing elsewhere. A Large and Well-Selected Stout 11l ‘Hardware; 1 Ship Chandlery,‘ l Crockery; ‘ h’fitions 1 Tom l °"""‘ “fines. ”(Incl-swe— l Alwas in stock, which we ofi'er as be! ,__ _ -.‘. ._ __. __ ”w“ ;_,t value and at lowestprices. l ——'— ' 1 G. 0. Bartlett & 60., l . A ,I 1 Port .Townsend. - W. T. i . l l p i l l y _ . l I ‘. g ~ , . I , Just Received ' V 433’." . a _ . n 3, .4 a :3 V: ‘v’...;::‘:.<:».'='s~ 1': 3 JEN). gigs-#34: E 1 :1 :‘v .1 .15.? rm. . if» '7‘: as. Aa: «:3; l ”j’fi'.’ -=1 9.4 7114' :3 » :‘z‘ill? 22/ up ~ ’ «- ‘d’ v—a’ '5 ’ I me Piliind, :.‘ (z. x :‘2 A involw u" - LKDIILS’. ’ ' €123.51" IQ. ‘ YOUI‘H‘S , l I. 1’: ‘..1::1-.;-. . - v ' ‘ wi‘l Ln i 'i LlO 3‘ i I’.: :.' . . - ! "’———-~-—C-":i i' ;."_, , ' i I ~ -.-,~,~-.=u_:n-VS.‘—':.-:»-zv :.‘~-+- -- .--‘ ' 4:7,” 76% mp e_.?‘:‘4 '? " ’ ’7.."r£ E .__.__— ? In I'..- m..: - : ;.:.-! 1--dsv-=.--.: ; -: 3 ya. i :;-‘.. _._: a- ' 7.:ufi‘.‘ "9.1:! I 1 "s'“ 4 _ .- ,L i ’. ’l'..;an (:1. .I'2l ; ' . . X, I -':.I w ..z- L. '3! '5."- ,; "'- . ' 1 !-‘ :.' ‘ I:v!-I"l ”I" ~. -. :u-Fll'ir 1;_‘;" -.1‘,V.,\A.. ' ,1”. ‘ ‘i r ~;_.R.!,.- 'giyn -z"'?l.‘\. .. h- ;.- ~ , . ! :Hl.‘ ‘_:'-‘ EIA‘. :2! !‘~,:' 'r,|"'.;‘|'xi' L'.».i'.-: u :. -::‘ ":1 .;'A‘n<‘ 'x ,_ ’ 1,. U :1 "’i':‘:' :! ‘\-'r~- ‘5 ..:.-.u. h u v , .- '.v > ' 2..” r! "‘ .-,g :A'..- 1.. l --\'.' ':‘!.s-f— --' r:' on 1 13.31". ,' "y -‘ - :izu-zh w i. :i“..~:-“- _ '2 <-.',Vi~ ' 'rm -" .dci '}"x . =1? 2 I ‘ ‘l '» o'v .v: :‘mwn u -:.' 3- «.2:.:~ " "._ ""1310 hiti Ix". .-T| .':.-- -1 0!} ‘ - ;:‘ V 3.1 'a::7‘ " mr3-. "-554; I'. :L '1 x: 1' - 1' ~ '<-- .‘ i |' =.- " lz.'_(-r. "U'. . -; éh 3': ‘:\" 0* 'l' w ,- :.: ‘n ~_.. ' .Em ‘ ~n'nl “:"‘i >.».;._ _Q . ._:,_._V'x_.,l -. - :n! n :, ‘.. v 1" u- H; mm: \ ‘ > 2' =KI‘Q.~." .111 'I ~" '\‘ (2': _ _’ 'wmfl :v’. * - vi”. ~-..u‘ i-r: _ il." X 'li"-"1~ 2!: u.“ ;'- h v - $1:- 217 .«-x "9"IEI“.\"E'-E".TAI'E‘." .‘A’Xf.!\-‘x thy-L'nxu: 2;“ v: '9. ~ .' .“:.'.},- l 1‘ n‘ :J : u..v..., : i :x' 5,051 ‘.‘l 'Tx. 3'» I'. w} mu .- .2 _\ “‘- i"-:1':I'.-':- 1:“. (1 «vi? T' v" txi-E. x-:~: in u v:-'. rnf -.~':- Hm; u 1!: ‘h \.- .- mi a-' w »‘_ 1'; {1: 11H:- .V:;lx.rl :. H) h ht: v- -:-il~.- >~:r!;, =1! -' I! Y" .\"--'. ‘ Enl'i'i‘u -,‘--;‘v s-' -z::1 52“.. T. ."u'v‘ P I'. (nut-’.rl'Xl-l. '.E; T'. ._~ x:§‘."..'.h, \ D '-~. ha: Eu ,-;.. 53m, ‘x' r 3: :.h: .: "I:.d;rllA\‘.‘.\ urn- 'i2321:32..'> :.‘.ir'rz.x‘_'s -.x an! ’ C: a ahea Eff- a g 3.6 in ma mam-r (u.:.;:_ x; 1;]: - pry“; 2! p." 'A “ms-n", V rulx lug . 11' sun. .'s'. 0:”: um 51. [Hum-HAW. Wail lizf. ’ \ us. > 33.2.1034 . J. Szwnu.. ex on! r 0! {hr- ci-S - ulc- . 1 J 1m Y. NW“ 1!. thicuud c 3!..énfvndan‘s. . Fred» and by \"r no of an crucmi-m and du hr of f 7» ch >1 n- Is-nx '1 cm or xh Insul-v ors r! I n 'X'h -! "-1 is? IR: ir- Imui ng‘ v'm- rt I‘o t Tawny-ml o" vie 31th day - H P-hrnrrr.."§~ i We uh. u .L: i'sh'd “FL”: 1 v 3: rI-in (‘ha S- S N. n ."-!l:.‘.\ 11w 3‘10?“ “luv-"i fl :rh‘if-‘OIH'I “"11 :~ ju m: m :"m! Juno -:|-_ ”..'J.‘ -'. .LS “-1 Ii «.\.-«11 or I-f elm vs Mr"! John Y. 1 :---al dl'ct‘ ~n-L h lh' 7th d y I?! 'l- hrull' ‘ "8. 1 m ~mmn d-‘li m a---?: u‘ ’.hntreru n‘ i :5: - run "2an HI [3' mum] Erin: tor MW “vim R“l‘\'“.h! ho. Inn vnr .'-l~_nLT‘.:hik‘- nu Tvr 1 0"»'::1,d': u! i in: rri- n udr '1 ml . an :vn-sm‘hr sl. ill" m“ '- l x: Hxndnnat‘ux 4 'm lu' lxh‘d h h- Crv- film-1:1. cf rho "= i u"! fiknrs 10 ('Xu ‘35: “mince; y. ‘ifi' ul ' H Nu: :.‘-n". and haul 2:.-:1 on 1H! Kurt!) by _! mds ‘clang‘iu m schnnl ,mx lh" ban by tau-b 1‘ J. B. .‘er Imm r-.. on Hrh‘nmh xyhnd-m' \‘lrou ' am‘ret. :u-d an Ill? “‘1- t by m‘lmnl :mwsavxd ul‘er inn ‘5. mwnmr ‘ith I%.!an :in v=l:vr be n-vnms at , hpriimu'ouis a'ul appur mnnm “mu-unto :02: ugh-g. or in aura!» m: ur'ninj- g. - .\‘ntiru- :3 ‘h rn'yg‘v-wn chat on mm“. the M h -?.-;v-"-n \fa ch. NR. ."I 101nm}: R-m-OY ‘m 111:“. :u h- d or 0' ma rnn'i—tz ain't" the am It‘l‘rnxcviln, 1 its cmxnty r-rv hind. errflnry M sh vgmn. 4 “1'! n b-rlmnr'olo‘ datum-min“ and "nerve M 1m mains-cu an 'm-od snr ' M nrn~--Hy.v-x-mmu - them!“ a rh u-ses-nrv'ns ti h' ]"’"ll'lia!‘ jnd m’nt w'vh fi 'er-s‘ mernn mu! cam- and nexus-"d '$ to tlw blah >1 huld r {o* «n-lx n nnhfl.‘ rct‘n. ' .I :‘.P “"RR. lmrk ‘v! '3lwd'lun'y. W‘s-Mun or: TarriL-ry‘. Bum—u,“ & a. u-.'.Lh3:-.. fnr Pltnd‘. ‘ _ Febsuan lb. baud - Hence for Pubhcdmn. ‘ I"»"u;n S w.'—l.ux.().-n("'. Sratlir. W. 'i' . I‘m rnrus i". 1851‘ Nam-n £> I'. rod yviu‘u Hart, in romgrhmumwith 1n p‘rn‘ri-‘u nu cf Il:- .' v: v: :‘nlu-znd nan-cred lune I‘. MT“. math"; ".\;1 M 4. {-5 the ml! of Miwr 1.3; "a it lllv M". :m' ('nhh'rr"? :. Gregor», v".:ll‘.:e. H" ‘-’-’.»!.i:-'.":. 'l‘c.’rl‘(~:_'-z" Jun C, rhn-l: 41 I’ PI w \'-- I.‘ (up): I J~ [Ta-ram. arr (01‘1- -vi w)‘ 1' :.<E.f A n- .‘ 2. ll)“ dw)‘ ‘! d in :H» I {fit-.- I! s uvnru SlY'Hran f. \-. 2313, in th-- (m fl: 5: n! t: n _‘uu'lw'v-u- L; of North «l34:: Fr: '1 11 Sn 3:. n T min: \n.m.N. :nnuh‘b‘n. l \Yry, :1“ u in . (.'u‘r -rnm‘ In shl-w hfljiolzznd o gh‘ £4 mun: valnamu for :3 Huh rn- mum ‘l-un (“r :r: la: '2:':ra! unrtvoscs, r' tnvs "ma-h Iv!- rl m ‘n uz'xl and info-'1 ll! ' 03 r '40:? “Ii R I"-'-\‘ v; (3" Huh ‘ He" at Rm l-- Kin :t n \\ . Tum: Victim-51:23 the lab any i ll r h .'a 8. s w mm»: 's wan-«we: Ric‘ur-I lulmt: uf iou‘Di-mvv-r}; Jafi'orson C .“‘.'l" » (‘nlm-v n Pins, 0 Par: DYg-n-L‘l’)‘ Jam-m v.O. \i' 1' John Monro— n! E 0:: Dis own-z qu'crsnn Cm, T. 1‘ «"ng .‘.h-ek n! "ext wavéry. Juß'rrsun 00., Any 1! d all r 390% likim'xtz adversely the .I'mth-ecrflml hm s arr n q'u-xtrd m up that} main... in (his cm" *4 n c: hz-iure said M]: day of “to" h. 1.“.55. - JOHN Y. (S'TSZA‘CDER. ' dflwlfm r-fiycr. S .’_. :;§?i‘§." ‘.‘f‘ 13:: a: h " . gigéition for the Next? . 1.49 “u f 4 s'" '1 . ARGUS OFF-113E! 3‘. ,7. (‘0372 371-3, F‘. \V PE’F’L‘YGROYE, Jr _ . - Viv-. 21 NP“”2A"2T‘-a r :wafit & . P ' v "."i; . -- : .II . -—:;s&nx:s 13—— ” ‘ _, r; Aw" I" we». .3 «2:: Z h o ‘ rev/5.x; LX~£;3;2_';3. 4;}. 43.5 erc andlsq‘gu . ~-.: 19391 "'-~'-: 1‘- .1... . : af'féir'fi? :1 9 3,33??? 1 e ‘ , : EVE"? E'! *1 s‘: Pi ;' “if? 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