Newspaper Page Text
H] "{. \l“6 0M g . i c w a u .:g giggle. : rnl‘lmsn, 7.; u: 1: . 7w. E MW 2 I" "a“: ‘ ”':>- 3 D Him: a; .\lllJ.‘ 2;‘\ 12.1.“ . ‘ SEATIIJZ. Feb. :1. .‘m. r : .. V liberation (‘llit‘f .1.‘.~‘.u c -l: . . .. .'~ the com-cm uf ihw ; '.. ~m‘ xi. , ;‘ 2 may and mum-vi fur H.- i. = .. cancelled ‘ui~ :rl-x‘ -!E, chaugouf \w-mn- In 52,‘ L. u. .i - directml u clzzmgu uf \.v:.~~..- tn ‘1" x ma. ludgv liucluuti-r. ;-.u .a.‘ _x T the defendant. said in in}: 21:5. iim case would lnm‘! mummy m :;.\- ng: before Judge» .\liyn on Mun-lay. THE 'mmr'i'. “.\smxu'ros. Murvh R}. ll is r . ed the internatiuiizal n-‘n: ::~ 1 E lions Worn ugh-ml wit ya: :.i.'\’ :_x the (lt‘lllUL‘l'ZLlr vi the via} ~ :.mi z-a u-.:.,~ committu, and “all lw 11"!" iml lu ~.':..- full committm- e‘iil‘i}' Liam (it. “.1 Will be CUll>ltlrlle \‘.l‘~l: H." liliili' Y ;i:. They exprct lllt‘ t- {:11 min: ‘.i. ll 1.. 5 . about S‘llJltMMi. l'im t i‘:."‘\"l mi. except on (-i§_j:u'.~ :.zul right-inn— “.12; lm repealed, reducing: the l‘~-\‘vl.“.‘. - El‘ SI9,OWLUUH. Ila:- lIC -11:.~« (Ll! -:i~l-l'tl will make-”a furthvr i'c-dirtiuu l-u- Wfiiur and 11w million :l:vi:ux'.~ / ore is no rmluctiun uh >E~ll'il> t-i' any kind. The manuf:-.c’mnn~ ui fruit. brundies are allow ll tn [riu- .. their product in bonded “‘ill‘vlnvll‘l‘s and take Warehouse rucvipts fur lllt‘ same time (IE \Ylll-lic‘y tll>llllrrlvs th'r‘t' have. Some extreme penalties int-i been lessened. . rO5l- GAINS nls smT. “'Asmxo'wx, )lzu‘vh 3.—'l'lie ll: -li.—t‘ Committee on electiwns in lhv \\'< 21L ington-l’ost. contest. (lt'Clilt'll uzumi monsly in favor of Pent. llvpiililli-_;:=. ' to be sitting member {mm the Tenth Illinois District. THE CHINEaii 'l'o 1:; Excu'bm. NEW YORK, March I}.—.‘; “Hz—Lin;— ton special says thzu Seam-tux; liuy 3rd. in conversation with :1 wire npondent this morning. staid tlm lu expected a new treaty with ("3.41th be negotiated Within 9. few days. The treaty will provide for tho l'SCll‘l- Eion of all Chinese except those in:- credited to this country inn diplo— matic capacity. Tmowmc BILL PASSED. Wnsmme'rox, March L—The house by a vote of 197 to 4 passed the Pa» cific Railroad telegraphic bill. mourn: FOR AMERICA. Nzw Yonx, March 3,—The Hon. Joseph Chamberlain sailed for Liver pool on the Umbna at 9:30 this morn mg. No one saw him off. me; summarise man DEMANDS. Gunman. March 3. The United States warship Enterprise will pro~ coed to Tangier to support the de~ mud of the American consul at that shoe for the release of a Moor am or American protection. and who is‘ imprisoned.“ Rabat. usn ronrmwns. ‘ \Vaanmc'rc-N, March 4.—The svnatei committee on public lands today i considered the proposed amendments to general land forfeiture. It agreed to report favorably upon the provis ior:l fixing the price 10f land forfeited an ope to sett ament under the bill at slfiger acre. Hammovs PROTEST. inmx, A. T., March 3.~—At a mass meeting of citizens at Salt Riv er valley, last evening, resolutions were unanimously adopted condemn ing|the bills introduced into congreSs create a commission for the settle ment of Spanish grants in Arizona,‘ New Mexico and Colorado, inasmuch as they menace the prosperity of the! territory by opening the deer for } litigation. j A mass CYCLONE. an'rox. Kansas, March 2.—A cyclone struck this place last even— ing, destroying a carriage works and a number of other buildings, in all valued at $50,000, and causing two deaths. to ma LT norm. 7 Sn! Elmo, March 2.—Arrange ments have been made to take the Crown Prince to Berlin. ossibly within a week to avoid his distill on foreign soil. Dr. McKenzie will not go With him. rmanss roa DEATH. anus, March 2—The Emperor has signed a decree by which Prince William is authorized to act for him and w his name in case of his physi indapacity. Elma an manure. Ornwa, Ont. March 2.—The min ister of finance says no Canadian customs ofiicer on the Pacific coast has been instructed to refuse clear ances to sealing vessels for Behring See. It is their duty to issue clear ances to all vessels. ' In the House of Commons Sir Charles Tupper yesterday said no convention, agreement, understand ing or modus vivendi had been ar rived at with the United States with reference to the use or the navige. tion of the waters or harbors of Beh ' Sens, during the seasons of ifi-SS by Canadian vessels for the p of fishing engaging in the Wm or shelter. Estimates for the fiscal year sub mitted to-day fix the total sum to be voted at $23,250,000. Pms, March l.——M.. Wilson, son~ in‘lnw of exPresident Gravy, who has been on trial for complicity in the legion of honor decoration scam dale. has been convicted and sen tenced to two years imprisonment and to pay a fine of 30.000 francs, and to be deprived of civil rights for five years. omm! Simeon-. 33. . Nzw You, Feb. 28.~Inspector Halahsn submitted to Collector Mag one Feterday his report of the arrest of win A. and Ephram Gardner while smuggling opium across the Ganaflinn border. It contains an en ? of the payment of $2,000 made to erbert F. Beecher, U. S Treasury, Special Agent at Port Townsend. Beecher will be given an opportun ity of explaining his entry. ANOTHER GREAT 131125 z. Cinema, March 3.——Dispatches from the northwest report severe mow storms during Thursdayand‘ Friday, the snow drifting badly in 1 Dakota. The Northern Pacific has ad moved a freight train west of »_ ‘ for me days. The storm ‘ the entire length of Lake 'W mdwell down into the south -.; ‘ The snow is from six g M doe and is drifted. At St. 1511306 and Mackinac m are stalled_nnd no mails have mind through unce- —‘Wm_ , t . ' ' i -. i , "L' .l - i-. i ..i ' t ~ i l' . . , "i,i".:“ 1: . . . aA-j . -' ~ z,‘.:-.‘..!i i.,.' : ; w ‘ ;:. [2" ""-'.";:I“I-.:.‘i'~‘i . ;~ '. :-;r'z;i ..'. z; .' . in“ «3.3 'i ~ > , . e _ ‘ . 1 . i ' ' ‘ , ‘.I .‘ '. . -‘,_,‘ :li’.x . riz' - I I, ' ‘\“!'\ ‘ '..:‘1:.,i3.1"i1l ~27 I '.i . .' f £..:'-3‘ SJ. ‘1 . ' . I _;;'v~t".l:t i'lili '—- i-.-. f‘ *' --i. wrimiin“: :.' l":' :‘i .'... . ‘ l L i : 5,-1- " .\.u >i;i,~'.:;;‘:ls i‘. ' ... - ' "91.: :-1.: :zz::~h‘l‘§ 5~ ..; i : .\Wuni ‘lih'i ! ' _ ..\.‘i ;rt\('-..:!:[ !. .~ : - ; A ;- mm in Saw; il',-;; ~ ! .g;:-_‘. Known”! in»: :- " '\\ .i; ‘xgt‘ih inmlmezl l-I 1:; m :.:.l '.'~.1 .\in-IF-m‘ iz' 1‘ '.z ,-- .c- 1511' ?.~-! m.» int-ii i ‘~."., , I. §‘-‘7. :1 .i:"i-- xx i..m.¢-i.u.|i in? _ ._.; 2. I ~“i. 'il‘l -.‘._":2 .\li'. il. 3?. ii‘u‘ ‘ . :.' «l i» l‘i')‘. “1‘ are :.H ‘ I.“ t .1 11:“ -~§ vns v‘f liw \‘A-ri. iiw: !- I.;_'!i. “\m‘ :12! 1311'” t-wt. it'liilii! 11, Lwnl 3516'. (mar. ll~i'.\i lim lT‘.‘ :7 '. 'a'wiih if i-"t:= {U fart. 111-vi: ‘L Hi: i-‘wL K vi Adm} lit?” 3" . -1. iii r 2; i mum linlli Elwin .~. L'ililzii “‘11“ i:.~ i. N. L'mgring linen-:- ‘.‘V' is: il-~ :i i- -l. mu! 1' iril'lli‘J in 11 inri; ll‘ .:;. :.‘ ‘ '. u!s\ M. ~w-h lam-o. gar» hard :.Y:u.l-:i':-_: n Emit-s think. It; im'hm n: i. pliant-{nu iii;u'lli'~stiii('k and :‘U Earn: w; i i'.;~'.-.-::._~i with l; ii.v‘u ;: :I\'.;:.Zz~l iiu w. 'i‘iw must" :an four i: .'n'uniwr 115 im-t in height 311.1111.» i.‘g"'li" 33 f:‘--i long. She is ..'.i . of :h . :iu ~‘: r: :i'E-; «or lunnchmi in 1‘ 1; '. Sunni! ham-.\. .:i..l True-('3: Lyn-'2l mi .l;: 111 (Wot. iii-ml iilnl his nurtures .‘s‘lr- ius} iv munnzimlml l._\' Capt. i’.. tin-1:23;. 311-. Hum: Lax i 2: r-mrsouf ('zmstrm tin“ :I.{-ihuimv»:Sui-Capt. Bryant, of this thy, u! M; wiii in- put into im nn-diuto Cniiiiili‘:i‘)!i n! Smith’s cow. This is to he the largest driver in fix-215th; uni “iii “wild n hummer The :.ngiuus urn lining {-unstrni-led ivy Mom-n Uro—‘.-~ Hi-utth- Tynes, 'l'\'.'3 3‘ll:th 1] Conventions The D mama-lie National Conven— lion. whichwili :m-r‘t in St. Louis. .‘.iax. Juno 5312. Hill consist of 826 n-iz‘szitt—s stint. i; to say, two for enri: mrmhw nfvuixgn-ss and senate, and two for moi; of the, territories. the. m"; thisz vult- still prevails in the. Dennarutiw convention. 0n the second ballot zit Chicago, Cleveland revolved 683 Vutcs out of a 'tOtfll .of 620 (3315‘. The unit rule is still in force. Under it the vvto of a slate is deh-rminod by the majority. An effort was made to break it up at the last convention of the party, but it failed lrythe casting: vote of New York. Under this rule the minority in each delegation is eliminated. The Republican National conven hon will meet again in Chicago, on June 23rd. In this convention cacn delegate will cast his vote according to his wish. An attempt was made twelve years ago to introduce the unit rule, but without success. It was definitely rejected at the last National convention. It is note worthy in this conection that two re— publican papers in New York now adVOcate aretnrn lo it~ This indi cates that some furtive political Work work is being done. in that state In arepublican National convention a majority snfl‘ices for nomination. If to this were added the unit rule, the capture of the convent-ion would be much easier than it is at resent. The republican papty is in a]? things tobe regarded as the contrast, and not the copy. of its great antagonist PICKINGS. It 15 only in the West that the mail service is inefiicient. Boston, Phila delphia and a long list of smaller cities are complaining. Boston has sent. a delegation to Washington to appeal to the new post-muster gen~ ei-al.—oregonian. Oyster dealers in the vicinity of Olympia are finding ready sale for their oysters at $4 per sack. There is no reason why oystermen on Shoal water bay cannot get- $3 or even 554 per sack from now on in view of the imited supply in sight. We would advise those in the business to unite for mutual benefit and maintain a price suited to the occasion. There is good reason for the grow ing opinion that the real battle ground of the coming presidential campaign will be Indiana. It has all along been a matter of grave doubt whether any republican could carry New York against Cleveland, and the situation will not be chang ed if instead of Cleveland thel demo~ crats chould nominate Hill. The strongest practical voint in favor of Blaine has been his supposed pepu— larity in New York. He, if anybody, it has been believed could take the vote of the city (or a share of it) from the democratic candidate and since his candidacy must now be consid— ered out of the question. there seems small prospect of republican success ‘ in the empire state. 1 In a paper read recently before the National Educational Association at Washington. President Eliot argued in favor of shortening the period from the beginning of the primary to the end of the high school course. He thought that a year could be saved to our youth without any loss in results of real value. He would save time where it ought to be saved, in shortening the programmes of work and in omitting the freguent reviews and examinations. resi dent Eliot declared, however,‘that he ‘would not recommend a shorter ‘course unless better teachers can be E provided, and the only way to obtain them is to increase the security of their positions during good behavior and insist on the higher quality of their work—Oregonian. Tacoma N was .' When the omni bus bill for the admission of the four territories, Dakota, Washington, Montana and New Mexico was under cons'deration by the house commit— tee on territories, it was suggested that the section authorizing the in habitants of each territory to hold a constitutional convention to prepare ; a form for a state government, should : be amended to read “all male per- ‘ sons.” An exception was immediate 15' made by some of the members of‘ the committee that this would ex clude the women of Washington Ter ritory, where women were allowed to ‘."PH‘. .'5 r 1?» «‘45 .‘.t‘- fillznwd. and! win-n thv motion was put llu-(ozn—l :.zthk-t' “his M'mdy (“\‘iilv‘tl. Cb:lil‘~l .': Springvr i; a-l tim «hailing vow. 2m: .» lwuhi .g:'::in-t !!-..~ ii'.~p-~~i ~'»,.. ;.:3-l tuv- iml. ::»- ¥-';v riml t-.v lllc‘ luv?» . iu';<.\'t. {Lu- ‘.‘n':.=~'!iuf \‘t-ilfiilillf tun '.--i‘z'it«~r;: in I]!:<il~l'.1!‘ln‘«l pus-I‘s - (if 111-‘il' right Y.» ‘.‘utc will] ‘.h mun upnn the ilulrLH‘lhLl' :anl‘juct. S rllN‘ of L‘«uxi;;x'm~vxi:iil Springvr'.~ ’."-lil'.‘"'_:lll‘n' :m- wit-km} unnuuh to 5-3; in: lw i 4 ;:utii:=:: lllluM‘” in line- i i ..-:-.-:m- tlzn '~'-'I“lilil:.5 i-zunlitlalo {or t .é- Juasidfiugv. lfu' ihm‘w wn m:- :~.-;t~m:i l‘vvz‘ End)“ in his :tctiuu. Hr (In! .5134 righx 'lh - questiun uf :V‘n'dz'i Hill'rxjgfi- rlumlxl in dLCi-it‘l n “v i1;.";ti..~ \i [2'!\ i 2. ”11‘ tz-z’riix-rg'. H-‘n. 729-... 3:2. limn‘x. u-z; la»: Mon— Jiiy t'vtin"! {rum 1;.0 .\lltlihz‘fs oflict'. zti'tm‘ n-n .\ui-n of .- -i'\‘i4-.-. .\lr llz-ual lmw llm'll :: run-2m. “Uh-‘sl.'llpl‘igill. "mg-Ll.“ :ViyEiy-I-r, 3H:- l;iun;.rht to tlw \llhi'lé{.i_‘_‘=' .l' l.i- ll:ni~.~.~:.l:ll‘gnvxn cutiw ability and «i-xpn-i'it-nt-n. IL.- lnh‘ anint::i.il_v h. l-n nu lin- all rt tn gnnral and Ham-rt .'m- Elm-rush of tho 'l'n l'l’lL ry. In th»- .\mlitur‘s uf~ live limt‘t‘ :u'n- minty plum-S When- it i'.-quip.» n :—tmng hum], am] it firm ["l2"] 1351‘ tn withstand tln- raids, lumin lln‘lly 11pm till‘l‘l'vfir'll')‘. Mr. Rpm! his .\‘m'li tn tiaé.‘ 'l‘t‘rz‘itm‘)‘ t-Vt't'y your in .ny (inn-s his Hilary. He hasin his n-lnu't . tiih-z'tu-l llu' law making [mm-i'. tn many wifu guards tlml nll.)ll|d hn thrown urnuml the trans ury. l-y Him-ling laws fur thi- regula tinn and ('hllll'ul uf tlieAmlitm‘ in tho HHUVV'HIH't' :uul :uljanlmvnt. of claims, tlml urn pn-svntvd to him for exumiimli-m and (‘rrtiiimitu Tlu groutvst 41min lumntlm Territorial l‘i‘vusm‘y, is in the mist hills which are. [,rt-snnh-d for payment, by thu ullicurs of t-wry cunuly in tho l‘t-n‘i lory upon lllz' it'ljuurmunnt at the m nrt. .\lr. Rut-ll has (mill-d “in at u~utiun of Hip Logiflutnrn to thi.‘ muttvr, on-ry H-rsiun fursix yours. liu has stand :u-twoun the treasury and the ion lit-[ids and has su‘nlmi tluwu llnl coat hill-4. Hu-lms Hm‘d to tho 'l'urritnry. many tl=<vil<ulul duh laws. in l‘vhhing tn :nblit and :illl)‘.\' unjust. unlawful and illegal {OOS. He is :unung the host Antliturn tlii.~ or an y other 'l'orritory owr had. We wish him snot-pas in any business hr may cuncln ‘v to engage iu.—l’(u'li san. ..... 7- ISL-llm' (ham h‘ulll i'.;zi In [l' :.y - 11-l u: lllzll l'l‘\\' anal «'llituclmz i'.-m l:. (01' u' >t.~l:lxl}nf -~n :‘nl lll\i';'\'"\’ 11H.»- il.rn': . (‘lxvi‘ "'l'! L-I I‘. ‘,11.!| AM". fur ix i» ;v" ~:i i In Ili~~ j l-‘. v-ul .'mm. '9 u c ll! :1 x.\' in :‘ -~ um" ..nt a: l: J». i). “.\le . .:JLw __— k ""° always have R‘ N‘g\\x Ackcr's Baby {‘lil'illll‘r at hand. lt. is the only safe ""lllL‘lHO yvt nmdu llmt. “Eil n-nmva all :‘:u-ziludisnrd<-Is. l'. cumulus 1n) Opium i" 'fu’zim'. but, ph'n'i i'.: - (‘l2llll arm/rd!; .uiu. Palm: :33 cents. Suld b 3" Lniimol‘ .\’ (‘O. Au DIM-:1 Lviu‘l’. PUYALLI'P, W. ’l‘. Jul}- 25. 1997 .\lr‘sqrs. A. 15. Slrwml & (‘ll. Snmtlln Dom Sira. My “'lfl‘ was lrnnlilt-il lasl winlnr and spring mlh a s -wre cough. which hf‘Cilmo_ Very alarming. as alu nftvn coughed blond fr‘ m 1H! lungs. She tried 0 number nf lung remedies. but of no avail. She had almost give:- up all hope. when glancing over the pa per she saw :1 slnlcmvnt of l‘. Darliuu. 0f Scuttle. rsocummendiug your Fuck Sun Conan Ss'zicp. which she decided to try. Will) lillln failh I (In! a hull)? Strange as it may soon) the first dare gave her reliel, um] one bottle cnrml her. for which “'0 BI‘P very llmnkfnl We have recccmmended it to a number of our afflicted friends. and will be ever ready to do an. Hoping you may be successful in your' business. and be nhlv to place this medicine in every house hold in the hind. I remain yum-s respect hilly, E. D. MASON. Pnynllnp, W 'l‘. Fr:- sale by all drnucists. Sampli free. j27lf. jefiénh—dgw” They are es soAve peciany maple to sudden Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cong, etc. “’9 guarantco Acker's Eng 1: Remedy a positive cure. It saves hours of anxious watching. Sold by Lulmcr .1" to. ”on E Emmi-"neat. _ You canno' nfl'nrd tn mute time axe nerimenting when your lungs me it idunucr. Consumption nlwnys sec-ma ul first. only a cold. Do not permit an.) dealer to impose upon you With sumo cheap imitation of Dr. King~ New Di:- mwery for Consumption. Coughs und cnlds, but he sure you get the genuine Because he can make mare profit he may tell you b: has something just us gum]. or ju=t the same. Don't be deceived. hut insist upon getting Dr. King‘s New Dwonvery. which is guaranteed to giv. relief in all Throat. Lung and Chest 11! factions. Triul bottle free at N. D. Hi}: & Son’s drug stare. _— Dloke nu Minute. 3y dwelling lhesynmtflms so often miulakfli for Consumnunn. SAS'I‘A ABIE has brought Madness to many a housvhnhl. Br ils pmmpl nee fur breaking up the cold Ihnt (”now-n dew) ops inm that 12qu dlwmio, thousands mu ho snved from nn untimely grate. You make nt mistake by hanging a ho llnof I hi-n nieusznt rem edy In your ans». CALIFORNIA C.\ H:- [CURE is equallv effective in emdimting nll [run-u of .\‘nsnl (Saint-h. Rom of these woudcrlni Cul ilfornio remedies are sum and warranted by Dr. ‘J. D. Mlukler. H. 001: Bat-knur. I: for 52:0. \ __— ‘ would enjoy your dinner ‘ .‘.S ‘SO“ and are prevented by Dys. ‘pepsn, use Acker’s Dyspepsin Tablets. 1 The, are n positive cure for Dyspepsia, In ] westion, Flatulency and Constipation 3 e guarmtco than. 27‘ sud 13‘.) cents. 1 Sold hvimlmor 3: Co. YOUNG RIBS! [KI-3A!) 'l‘llls. Tux: Yomnc man 00.. of Marslmll‘ Mich. o: for to send their colebrnted ELECI'BO-VULTAH BELT and other Euzcnuc Armuucm on trla fur thirty days to men (young 5r nld)afllirt.:. with nervous de‘hilltv, loss 0! vitnlitv and mm: hood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rhenmn liam. neuralgia. pnrynlysle. and many other dis eases. Complete rcstornt ion to hgdllli. vigor nu: manhood znarantevd. No risk is incurred mo thirty dtlys‘ trial Is allowed Writethem m Imw or i ”unrated hanmhlet tree ——..-._—_ Q .. , why Acker’s \w, \ L 3.30“. BM, mm, b warrantedf 3 because it: is the best Blood Ropers“ ion known. It will posi— tivel‘y can all Blood Diseases, purifies the who esystewand I]mmu;~, builds up tho constitution. Remember, we guilt-mine it. Latimer & (to. ASonnd Legal Opinon. 1 E. Bluinbridge Munduy Esq., County ‘ Azty., Clay 00., Tex. says: "Have used Electuic hitters witlunost happy reanltsl My brother also was very low with Mn larial Fever and J anndice, but was cured by timely use of the medicine. Amnsatisfied Electric Bitters saved his life. Mr. D. L. Wilcoxsou. of Horse Cnve.‘ Ky.. adds a like tlstimony. saying: Be; positivelp believes he would have diedf‘ had it not been for Electric Bitten-V. ‘ Lhiu great remedy will ward off. as well as care all Malnrial Diseases, and for all Kid ney, LiAer and Ltnmnch Dia orders stands unequalled. Price 50c and 81. at F. D. Hill & Sun. ' 3 Ni hta in the 9m“. \ %\ee\\. cogpmm o, thousands unfit-ring from Asthma, Con sumption. Cou 115. etc. Did you ever try Acker's Englisfin Remedy? IL is the best prefarntion known for all Lung Troubles, 301 on a positive gunman-o at. 10c, 50c. Latimer & UL ‘ flea-chants. Read This. To those subject to the vexnlions of business life. dyspepsia and I feeling o!- dehillty. irrita bility and despondancy. we my. take Elmmons Liter Regulator. The IJemXator :5 tree (ram any Injurious mlneml snbsmurc: no: dim-grab; able; can be taken at any time withou'. intefleh ing with humans or measure. It is venue. um, and: good digeawr. It I: unfiuuied in the clue of pun-s constipation. breath, nick mum nun-commute. WINGS FOR HOME. at; heart hath taken wings for home,- Away' away: it cannot stay. My heart hath taken wings for homo. .\'-n all that 's host at an-ee or Roma Cm Sit-p iiS stray. My h-‘nrt hath taken wings for home, Away: 3!; heart hath taken wings for ham 0. b'.'.’.’illu\V, nu‘nllow. lend the way: Oh. hith- bird. tly north with me. I hm ~~ thonw beside the sea \\':.- r.- than mum! sing and play. .‘l3 i 4r! hath taken wings for home. Anny: My h-‘nm hath taken wings for home. llu! timu, 0 littl-r taint, “'ilt stay; 'l'hvu has; thy lanlt- out-g with lb-‘e here, Thy iz‘::2-- “i '51:; With tL-‘v through the C 193! lf'illniill~,‘;'lll_l.h!.tlil}‘. 33;: i:-~..:'t Lnth taken wings for home. Anny! My heart hath lain n Wings for home. a .\u'ayi away? it I-unm-t stny. 01;» >1" m ’ from lirt:z.--lleschi's dome. To Vt lxil‘n iv; 1 3..» ."uirinu team. 'l‘!.. n \.m: .' .:r i he my u'ny. 3!)“ hurt lmtu l.‘.ii":l v. ings {of 1301110. .\wny: » Vin-ms I‘. McCarthy. AMONG THE TELEGRAPHERS. Elusv Hours in a (ire-at Temple of Eleo tricity—Sn‘ifl Operators. A busy :(‘Cllt' was ten-:Qed when the i door openwl. it WAS. indeed, :\ small \‘ilr \ loge, for 5!") oln-rntors “'3'“: topping nwny ‘ at rut-in; spin-(i, while 12:0 l‘lt'l'kn‘ and their ‘ 50$:H‘5 utility Ilittexl in and fro. "l‘liis is our tiny force.” said Mr. Bren— nan. the assistant manager. “Ninety others take their places at night. The titty you see up Lin-re in the iznllerv attend to the cmnnu-rvinl news, ticker service, stock reports, etc. They use the Morse instruments. "What )ll‘npul'tluu of the force 18 tom posed of ladies?" “About one-fourth. " “Are they as r-tlieicnt as men?" “Not quite. Still they are very expert. \Ve have three married Indies. Most of i the \Vheutstouc operators are women. ‘ “Have you any colored operators?" “Not unt‘. .\ml so for as my know ledge extends there is not :1 colored opera tor in the l'nitetl State-4. At any rate, I never hennl ot‘ one.“ “\Vho are the veterans of the service?“ "\Vell, there are two thnt have been at Work for the company for a quarter of n century. You see. we have but very few gray or lpnld llt‘fltl‘i. The operators begin work when they are about. 15 or 16 year: old. "Where are your operator nurseries?" “In the country. .\‘eurly the entire force. took their first 10530115 in the offices along the Erie, Pennsylvania and Hudson River railroads. and in the eastern states. Their ambition brings them here. They get from SSO to SBS per month, according to length of service, efficiency and ex~ perience. “What are those curious instruments on which they are pounding with what look like pegs?" “Those are the \Vheatstone. automatic machines. It works St. Louis, Chicago and New Orleans, and averages each cir cuit 2,500 to 3,000 messages per day. The peculiarity of tho “'heatstone instrument is that the message is tlrst punched for transmission, and then these punched slips are pasSed through :1 transmitting ma.- chine, which records ench dot, dash and space in the corresponding machine at the other terminus. Each atroke o! the pegs represents a dot, dash or space. The mes sages received are printed on chemically prepared paper and are translated and printed by type writers. The Wheat stone machine has been in use about (our years. The operators average nbont. the same as tho Morse operators." “What. teams turn out. the most Inel sages?" “The operators on the broker wires. The Chicago board of trade and the New York produce exchange handle 600mm sages, while only 300 are handled on the main wires between the same cities. A broker firm cuts its message as short M possible and sign the name of Brown, Bates Sn Brown, D. B. & J ~whilo the run name is given in general messages. The cable messages are like those of brokers, nnd more can be handled than of culinary messages because of their shortness." “How last do the cables work!" “They go just about as fast as an over age Wire. \Ve send a. message and got an answer from London in seven minutes. The cables to England and the land line to San Francisco are just about the same length, 8,250mi1e5.” “You make both ends meet here, don't. you!” “Oh, yes. The operator on tho right works with lleart‘s Content, 1,100 miles east, and the operator next to him talks with Omaha, 1,500 miles west. “'0 have a. circuit with Jacksonville of 1.100 miles, and one with Galveston of 1,500 miles." “Are any of the operators affected by the work?" "Yes. Some of them get the teleg rapher’s cramp from holding the pen in one position tor a. length of time. A large number thus nil’octed in their right hands have learned to use their left instead." “Do they get over it?" “Not thoroughly. The doctors have just begun investigating it. Operators can prevent it by proper exercise."—New York Sun. Manufacture of Postal Cords. C. C. “'oolworth, of Albany, head of the concern that makes postal cards to: the government, says that at the factory in Custleton, l’n., they manufacture be. twoen two and three tons a. day the year round. The largest order they ever filled tor one city was 4,000,000 cards, or about twelve tons of paper, for this city. We use here about 6,000,000 cards a month. Chicago comes next, \dh about 8,000,000 cards in the some period. There are 450,- 000,000 postal cords manufactured annu ally. _Two cent metage did not lessen the use oi postal cards, but checked the growth of their use for some little time. The check has been overcome, and the public are using more and more postal cards every day—New York Sun. Murderous Weapons. Among other curiosities in a London collection of swords is a tleree Mnhrotts weapon called a wukdnh, or tiger claw, which the user holds in his hands, oflxfil by two rings to his fingers. With a trait orous embrace he clusps his victim, and tears him open. A knits penetrating. dollar is a reminder of the old Spanish buccaneer‘s test of the soundness of his blade, and a. proof of the qualities 0! the stash—Pall Moll Gazette. ' Dazed by the Light. During a severe storm recently at Hecln, Pa., large flocks of wild geese and ducks flying northward were driven down, and then were attracted by the light of the coke ovens. Many birds fell upon the ovens and flounder-ed around, dazed by the light or singed by the heat, and about ten swans and twenty ducks were cap turcd.—New York Sun. _. ,H...._~_ Two story house and inside lot. at 82,250.—tive minutes' walk from the ‘xtenmer landing; Apply quick at this Almost miraculous are some of the cures accomplished by the use of Ayer‘a Sarsaporilla. In the case of R. L‘ King. Richmond. Vn., who suffered fox-47 years with an age ravated form of sci-of um. Ayer’e Sursaparilla effected ‘aston~ shing resultS. -_e- .‘...“ __ - Wonderful Curefi W. D. Hoyt Jr 00.. Wholesale and Retail Druggiais of Rome. Gm. any: We have selling Dr. King‘s New Discov ery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen's Arni— ca Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell us well.or give such universal satishction' There have been some wonderful cures efl'ected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirelv cured by use of a few bot tles of Dr. Kings New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitkora. We guarantee them always. Sold by N. D Hill & Sou . An Alp-claw me. The Originnl Abiellne Ointment is only put up h large Iva—ounce [in hoses and is an absolute cure {or old sores, burnt wmlnds, chapped handy. nndull nkiuerupfions. Will pouuveg cum all kinds of piles. Ask for the Url‘zln Abiodno Ointment. Sold by Dr. Jan. D. ink kr,u.n,ut2seenupcrbou=, bylnleule _ m Eo U I m no mu fvrl dull. l~.zi._uivl. lnwhg‘riu‘d. life -2059. dial in i v‘vriiuipiy nun-mile. [h physi~ Pu”? :.I_l i. 4 '1! fly; «_n:;'\~i'i--ncc 11 541150 (ll {whim-1 i r i Swain: : it‘ll r vaili'isr. or of “gone m i..-~ .;' :I'.~ .. i («rush in the morn ing, i-n'vgf‘i :. 1:. him-i- 0.:- bnil taste in liuiiii'l. l:'.‘:‘ i 331-" iii-27.311055. frequent ii.-;;:1...I: 3 e :.' . '. .. i;--:i.‘,“lln'uizigspccks” “fur“ 11,; . -, ~. i 2. m..-1,; [t‘4-<;l‘:v.Litill or (‘.Y lliilr'fiw‘l. i.‘:'._: :3:z_-' '2! uni-t r. lint, flushes, alu»;~ii:l'i.:': '.";',';x nixirr; syn-Minus simrr hiring. litizbj- :zt. ;=.:;;;~_~ law: and llwro. cud iii-1. .Eruz'._::i:' .; -a-‘=- :' it'“:!?<. “‘Elki‘lllillt'Fs, or (mini! «4] in“. in» 120131;: sivrp. ('l‘i:‘llillt. ‘ inila-si-u’rutki» .24 5;; u: Quad. or u! ”Eyelid lDL’ C:.!l‘.llll?‘.'? _ ‘ 1:” ya: hum all. or any COUSldfl‘ill‘vlc number of 12ivse: SSlizgii-liiH. you are sum-ring from 1 that iximt m;,mmii o!‘ Allli‘rit‘lln muladivs—i Bumus l)_\’slm|‘:3:l. m‘ 'l‘wz'in-l Liver. awn-lured ‘ with {lisprilxhu or lil-ilflt’éllilll. The more C(HDDHCHH'II _\UUI' xii<~-:i.~u ll‘ls become. the greater the uuiuhz-z‘ lill'l dinrsity of symp toms. Nu mum-r what stage it. lllls‘ rr'nchui. Dr. Piorcc’s Holden Flt-diva] Discorcry will subdue if. if Ink-:1 ummuiixi: to direc nniis :nr 3 rmsmmlul‘: iviizth of Imm. If not curvd. ('Umpiil’ililulltl multiply and ('nnaump— tion of tho Lung}. Skin Illr‘vnzk‘s‘ limit Dim-nan, Rheumatism, lx'niuo-y l)lai'il§(?, or otnrr gmvo maladies are quill: liable to F-‘C ix' and,swnL-r or lain-r. iiiului-n :1. final (rumination. ; DnPlcrce’s Golden Medical Dis ‘co‘very {ii-ts pum-rluliy upon the Liver. and through that. irruut. Nomi-purifying orimn. ‘ cionnsvsilmsyr‘ an of all blmidmiimsnud iiu i purilios, from.'.vliulgvur mulsc arising. It is ‘cqunlly (:liicautmus 11l liming upon the Kid ‘ pays. and min-r ('Xf'l‘vll’l'y nrmms. cicunsmg. ‘ ctronmhi-ning‘. 11ml hriiling Ill‘fll’ disc-uses. As an mypclizinu. i‘vz'inrinivu tunic. i: prnuioti-s ilizr-sliun and nutrition, IllL‘l’l'ily building up both “1 sh mid sin-”mil. In malarial districts. this womll-ri'ul inmlivino has {ruined [ll‘l'ilt m-luhrii‘y in vurmg Fun-r lll’lll A min. Chills mid Fun-r, )uuih Amie. uml kindrml discusl-s. Br. Plerco’l Golden Medical ml tower-y CUBES ALL RUMORS, from 11 common Blotch. or Eru tion, to tho worst Scrotum. siiit-rlicum. "Fever-suns." Scniy or Rough Siciu. in short. all discus-rs caused by laud Mood are conqucrml by this wowcrful. Purifying. nmi liniullrllllll' modi- K'imu (irvat liming: Elm-rs rapidly huh under its hvnizu inlluoncn. Rain-ciuily hits it mani ivsiul lIS I‘Mll'fllcfi’ in curing: Taritr‘r. Eczema, l-Lryaipt-las. Bails. (‘arbunulL-S. Sore Eyes. Scmf uluus 50mg and Sum-Minus. llip~joint Dismsc. ”Whirl: Swellings." Guitro. 0r 'J'hick Neck, and Enlarged (minds. Svnd ten cents in slumps fur a large Tri-iuiw, with colored plum-s. on Skin Discuss. or [hit B.4an amount for a Treatise on Scrofulous Alfectious. “FOR THE BLOOD :3 THE LIFE." Thm-aughlv cleanse it; l>v using Dr. Plcrcc’l Golden Medical gnu-ovary, and good digestion. a fair skin, inioygmt. spirits, vital strength and bodily health Will be established. CONSUMPTION, which is Scrolnln otthe Lungs, is arusted Hind cured by this remedy. it taken in the iéarlier stages of the disease. From its mar- I ’veious power over this terribly fatal disease. ‘ when first offering ""8 now world-l’nmeq rem ; lady to the public. Dr. Pierce thought seriously ‘0! calling it. his “CONSUMPTION Cum-c." but. :abanduued that name as too mstrictivo for ,a medicine which, from its wonderful com ] bination of tonic. or strengthening. alterative 9 or mmd-clcnnsing. anti-billoushpcetoml, and inulritivocgmpcrties. is unogu ed. not. onlv : as a. min I; for Consumption, but for all , chronic [senses of tho ' Bi (1 dI. . Liver, on ,an ungs. For Wonk Limits. Spitting of Blood. Short ness of Bmath. Chronic Nasal Camrrh. Bron- I chills. Asthma, chore Coughs. and kindmd .‘ ancctlons. it is an efficient remedy. f 501115.166 Dmggists. at. SI.OO, or Six Bottles or . t} Send ten eentshfluapaforl‘lnl’lerce'a book on Consumption. A dress. y World 3 Dispensary Helical lssoclatlon, 663 m 3':, BUFFALG, "a Y: A Great Victory A Terrible Case of Scrofula Cured by , . Hood 3 Sarsaparilla “ In the wintcr of 1519 I was attacked with Scrotum in one at the most aggravating terms. At one time I had no less than thirteen largo abscesses over and around my neck and throat, continually exuding an oflensive mass of bloody matter disgusting to behold, and almost intolerable to endure. It is impossible to fully describe my suflerings, as the case was complicated with Chronic Catarrh. Alter three years 0! misery, having been treated by three physicians. I was worse than ever. Finally, on the recommendation 0! W. J. Huntley, druggist, o! Lockport, I was induced to try Hood’s Samparilia. And now, after having taken twelve bottles, within the last twelve months the scroiulous eruptions have entirely ceased, and the abscesses have all disappeared. except the unsightly scars, which are daily becomingl‘ smaller by degrees. and heautiiu ly less.’ do not know w at it may have done for others, but I do know that in mg case, Hood's Sareapnriila has proved an e ectivo specific indeed. As an evidence of my gratitude I send these facts unsolicited and am ready to verity the authenticity of _this cure. by dpersonal correspondence with any one who _ onbts it." mums A. Bon nn'rs, East \V ilson, N. Y. -. r This statement is confirmed by W. J. Hunt iey,drngglst, oi Lockport, N. Y., who calls the cure a great victory {or Hood's Sanaparilla. Send iorbook giving statements otmany cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla Boldhyall druggists. 31; 51:10:35. Made only by C. I. HOOD a: 00., Lowell. Mus. 100 2‘Doses LOne . Dollar. ‘ A‘An. ‘ SIMM 0 N S \ / ‘1'...” ‘ \ . I, \v J /7} RE G U L ATO R “I have used Simmons Liver: Regulator for many years. hav ing made it. my only Family Medicine. My mother before me was very partial to it. It is a safe. good and reliable medi cine for any disorder of the system, and if used in time 16 a great preventive of alckm-u. I often recommend it to my tfiriends, and shall continue to 0 30. “Rev. James M. Rollins. “Pastor M. EChurch, So. Fairfleld,"a." ‘I'IME AID DDBTIIIIS' BILLS 8"“! by always keeptna Simmons Liver Regulator in the house. “I have found Simmons Liver Regulator the best fnm 11y med teine I ever used for anything that may happen. have used it in Indigestion, t‘m’iu, Illarrlm-a, Juliana-(as. :in'i fuuiill 13 to re lieve iinmmiénn-iy. After ont inga hearty Mix-p. r: 3:; an going to bed, I take ..‘. -. m: ... teaspoon fit]. I never zit-:1 the effects of the supper (turn. “OVID G. SPARKS, "Ex-.\inyt-t- Macon. Ga. " B’Ir‘ONLY GENUINE‘B Has our Z Stamp on fr mt ef\\'mpf- . J. 11. Zeilin & 00., Sale Prqcrii- ' . Price. 81.00. l’lllLAL‘liLi’iii : . - ”Riafxff' 5" " ' . 3’ .. 9;...» *1 ’2’ _5 ,:,- ~.- ~7_ ‘. ..: ~ ‘ “-\‘"; .'~,"’-""'.""”"'. -‘ 4 ‘: '7'; 222.5,, {l‘32 €255, . ‘ . ' ,‘:_ 4.» 12215: ~n».._v»f_, 515-", .- 's', L 5" .325;? ' :zfi;-~;.r .-::-5“..'z9.';/~ .3"; * Thisis tthim ofthc GENUINE Pearl Top L-a'mp Chimney. Allothers, similurure imitation. .0793- -- T his exact Label .. ,~ R' 1‘: . ) .0 J,» wigfia.‘ maneuchl earl 5 - x. m . o PENHE 5;..- .5 lop C lumney. 0, ~23 _- Pike‘s. o 1.7 Tank—‘7‘: A dcnlgrmay say '. 723/ ‘2; 3). and thmk he has 0. ‘r 5521?... others as good, - '.... BUT HE HAS NOT. Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. . Fol SALE swim“. I»: mm av SEE. A. MAGBETH & 60.. Pittsburgh. Pa. ” Go to {Bartlen'a for the “White" Sov ing Machme. Northern Pacific Railr’d \‘l.\ THE Cascade Dlrmmn, making“ If flu" .‘.J/mrfl'sf, [Ms-f (rm! Quit-law], ‘l‘ln‘ Vim".- l‘.ir .inn. '1 In- Dina-l I‘o'2'”. .Vn Duh)». Fm "-1 Traits 'l‘n Rat.- sum to all l'ruminvnl I'u'nzs Through out 111-l Em! and Southeast Tln‘x‘uuli l‘nlln-nn Drawing Roam Sleeping Cars ‘ Talia“ sznnd I'm-men: rs: ln- (-:xn-lul:\m1 do nor make a niisiuke. lml he Izrc m luku- llu . x n lIORTHERIu PACIrIG RAILROAD. Tin-v.ll} l?::-i'_.r;|i.t Sim-pin: ( nr- run nu rr-tu inr vxrr-w irrzms lvnzili of the line. “('th free. NIH-W‘s min. (ellirko'fl Hm". Gen r 3! ivfii .. m' h: ‘ ompany. ’lO. 2 ‘.Eaah- Inglon Slrceé. Porfiand. Oregon .-\ 11. (,‘HAizL-rq-s, (io'n‘l Wmlvrn l'aesengcr Ag‘:, WM 11. “'m'nrmrn‘ I'ii‘kl-l .~ l’rrt Town ~a-nd. Wash. Terr. STEAMBOM’ TRANSPORTATION 00. Carrying the U. S. Mail. Pt. Townsend,Seattle a; Tacoma Bouts ()N E OF THE \\'. S. ‘E T. (‘o‘i y ~1-ulurl‘r\\\‘:l3hll!:llo- nr Ed ilh) “in run ilziily (th'c‘pt Sunday; hum-mi l'or'. l‘nu’nsvnvl :inll Tacoma. having Port Ttmnsenr l! l. p. m.. anzl trucking at Purl Lmllnu', l‘ml Hnnihlv. Port Mulliqun mu] Seattle. lh-inrning vn-nw ’l‘m‘nmn daily upon arrival of the {rail from Portland. Seattle-Whatcom Route le sh'mnfl‘ \V. K. )l’er‘vhl Will 1811“ Van].- uvo-ry Sundnv. le‘hilay null Thurulu: wrnlnznnl J o'clork. for Winn-0m calling ul .\lnkillnn, 'l‘nlxlip. i‘nupevllle. 011 k llurbur. 1':- aalmly, Lucmumr. l-‘iv'ulzn. .\nncurtes. (Gnomes <.-uul~ln. rnnliawn. liq-Elinuhnm and Sehmue. lit-mining WI“ lozm- “‘11:". um every .\londnv. \\'udnc.~u!:iy nml Friday m'rninus.:u 9 (Helix-E. for .\oaltic. calling in interim-diam points on an way. : Seattle-Skagit River Route. 1 The summer Daisy will leave Seattle for 1 4km! Kin-r and Wuv ports every Monday and ‘ Thursday, returning Tuenduys an: Fridays. 3 Fur frr-lgln and pzissagp apply M. Rothschild a l"n‘s “mm on Qnim'y street. wimrLcr on bourr i HIP boats n! we sumo “hart. 1 my.” 5150. s. JM‘OBS. sec‘v. . ‘ _T—, ‘2’ "A ' PAC! l‘ [0 (HAN !‘ J 1 Stcnxnshlps carrying llur Britanic .\lnjesly‘e Mniltuiil IA‘IIVc ”mm way \"harf, N 0 1. 51m l-‘rnnclscn. cu'ry Fritln: :1. 'J n. m.. for VIC TORIA, 15. C. I’Uli'l' TOWNSEND SEAT. ’l‘LlE. nml TAt‘tnlA . arriving at \‘iclnrm. B. 0.. way Mondnv nt 6 :1. m.. For: Townsend n‘u Senllle every Monday p. m.. and 'l‘nrmua over: Tum-day a. m . mum-Hing with summer: {o' Aiaskahelonzaml with sh-umhoztln. cum. to‘ lSkntil river and ('nssiur mines. Smmimo. .\‘et l“’emminis’.t~r, Yale, and all other imporum' } points. I IIEI‘ITIININB LBAVE lScnttlc every Friday at l p. to, Port Townrend lot-cry l-‘riduy. p. n. . and Victoria every .\ntur l Aluy at l t. m.. fur Sm Fran 19cc. Due Sun I Fl‘nnt‘irt'nTutu-Ihr)~‘ u. m. ‘ .\husku. l€outo. Tlu- .\mwn will Ivnva l’nrx 'ownwml Jun. 9 FI'IL I'l, ‘,\'ov H. Apr. 9. )1: y 7. June 4. July .2“. .\H .'.‘7. Sept. 2|. TIH- Illnhu lunl’s I'ort Tonnn‘ml. Feb. ‘27. “Inch '.«3. nd tl.--n Iu- folk/WWI by my 81!. G. \V. lilxlvr, Apr] 23. .\hu' ‘.Zl,Jun-e 18. July 16. Aug. 13, Sept. 10. . 11. L.TIl’"h\LS.Jr, ‘ A com for Port Tn‘l‘nauw: lOregon Rallway & Nav ‘ o O l Igatlon Company. 1 "Collunbla River lknlle.” ‘nnnh: for tho East leave at... . ............l p. m. TICKETS to and trim principal poinlsintho l'nitctl Staten. Canada J: Europe. Elegant Pullman Palace Cars. Emigrant Sleemng Cars Run 'lhmnzh on 11mm Trains ._l-0 _ OM A HA, COUNCIL BLUFFS AND ST. PAUL Free of Charge and Without Change (31055: conncc inns nt Portland for San Francisco and Puget Sound mints. t For {urllwr particnlma lnqllifl‘ of any Agent of the Company or A. L. .\lnxwell, A. G. P.-& T. .\.. Portland, Oregon. A. L. MAXWELL. A. G. l’. A: T. A. W. H. HOLGOMB. cen'l Manager. WM. H. “'III'ITLESEY. customs Azent: 'I’HE NATIONAL TRIBUNE, wumsurux. I). (‘.. A SPENDID Elh'll‘l' PAGE, 56.00111“ PAPER . 3 Printed on. Fine White Piper. 1 Only 8| a Year—Two Cents a week. 1 A BRILLIANT GALAXY OF CONTRIBUTORS Tm; NATIONAL TRIBL'XI has had tho ram good good fortune to secure for Its readers contribu tions from the pen: of an array of dutingulshed men x-uch as no other paper In the country has ever been nl-le to boast of. The following gentle-men have dready fur nlehed articles, or have them in course of pre pamlion: Mnj.-Gen. John C. Fremont: NIL-gen. Daniel E. Sicklea; Mai-Gen. John C. Robinson. m.- Gen..lnl)n Pope: Maj.-Ger.. Thom“ J. W : Maj. Can, It. W. Johnson; .\lIJ.Gen. M. D. Leggett; Maj.-Gen. A. 'V. Knutz; Hay-Gen. Manning F. Force: Bum-Gen. F. A taker- Brlg.-Gcn. W. A. Hammond; Bfi£.-Gcn. Russel A. Algnr: Brig-Gen. I]. A. Ber n: Brim-Gen. U. K. Graham: Brig. Gen. 0. K. Graham: Brig.- Gen. J. B. Turchln: Brig.-Gen. \V. W. Belkulg: Brig-Gen. Goo W. Rogers; Col. Albert. 0.3 m - ett: Col. Fred. 1). Grant. John ucxlmv. ONLV 'nvo cnx'rs A WEEK—SI A YEAR. Sent only on xe:eim of the Money. Address. THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE, - Washington, D. C. WRIIOIIEI TUNING and WECUY Argus one year: 33 25. [SAMPLE COPIES FREE. SEND FOR ONE. (GD ACRES. INOORPOBATED 18“. 1 u l l Gallforma Nursery 60 1 I lit! ~1 mm and sen-mum g"; “E GRAPH vnnzs. I ' u .2. :.'. an: rafts. In. , .3343. LARGEST STOCK 1 3'l g 0:: m. Pacifist com. .9, . _ I SPECIALTIES: _ LUMS, PRUNES 6t APRICOTS ON MYROBOLAN STOCK. our [Acnilnfi for picking and Ihlpptnz to dil l-:st polntn are “usurp-haul. L'J'SuLd f. 2 analogue. Add". GALIFOINIA IIIOEIY ..., .me nook, Manager. Nuu, Crf‘ Tho BUYEflT.‘” 2:. :.1 1 issued 3.7.311? - 31., 1 each 39.1.: A *':'- ‘ Clone-3.}, "Y ‘ _ 3:. fir “ " ' _ 2:: can clothe :55: '. : . '. ~. 5:1 all the :12: ' ‘ ' , .;_;;: appliances lu 1U . H ‘ :1, eat, fish, 1:1: ', ‘. t' ' - ”“311, or stay a: hora. 'v‘. . w _ . ..ircs, styles and qt: 1:. " ‘ ' ‘ ‘..: cut what is I‘cqn.;-:-cl t- .‘.J .- ‘ - .'r'c things coMfofiTnmj‘, and. 3'21: ‘( 2 make ufm‘r estimate of 111-3 '.".;.1'.8 u; ‘. ._3 BUYEBS’ GUIDE, which. will 1:: can! upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & co. 111-114 mom snAvenue. Clucag' 0.111. ESTABLISHMENT, ‘ BARTHROP a: co.. Props, OUSE AND SlG‘v‘ PAINTING - H 1115, (334113115. lb}: 51,35 and Cn}p§?t§fi§§ rom n en e o. - FIG iopn guaranteed. erms reuombl'g. 5"" Carriage Painting a Specialty. Givens: c 112,: d fiemciem. n '0“ Will [ad I“ PM? I‘ll! Poo-z v 9: 3 k» 13010-19 FOR SALE. & 1 500 lnlhelowerpau «mg A H‘ md’fisyaw { ’ O O ‘ ‘ Q ? (1101116 - L .L ' O . .-‘., L 7. , , _ , ~ , ~ TH I'3- - ',,1 I I I Wonderful " Sarsfneld '1 RBMBdIBS Have made complete cures of difficult cases of Liver and Kidney troubles Rectal Lloers. Fxslnlzxs. Blood Poisoning. H‘p Disease. Heredit ary Blood Tatnt, Eczema and Sktn steuses generally. Send For Circulars Ilvst'rilvln: 1:» cures nr )nnmt: llUl‘c;l..\SS (mid to he the wont ti|~t‘hl §yrnfuju ln l'-.!trnr:;l..\; FRANK (ASHBY. of l'ctuinm. 'l‘llUS. .\lt'L‘ALl‘l. 0! Michlfin ll ml: ‘-\ ll 1- 13TH. or Litu-uln. Plan-r cuuntv: HEY .I. l‘. lll' Turner Station Oregon: JAMES .\lt't'UlL‘llt'li, \'l“-'-l’t'o->ltlv'lll Run}. of llmltl: _': \‘t' W. MORTON. Reno. Nevat’ln: \'- 3- IH)ANI‘.. S'Hruul Mu: JOHN lllllSl'ULlh l'nimz lrm. “'urk.~. Sucrauit'nloz MRS. HENRY C (Hullnlllhéli. .‘lli‘. I‘ll.\’l'l'l-I .-\. GILBERT. .\lllfi .\l.l.l~‘.\', .\lltfi. E. H. HARRINGTON.B“ cf Nut I"l' .\llis. .\l. .\. ADAMS. .\lllS. 1... I’. .\XlllllbUN. of Sacramento. References Ry Permlssion' MKS. SAlull It. (innl'uz. .\lle. CHAS. LI'X. PROF. DEN— )l.\_\‘. HUN ll: I}. llUl'l'T. .\. 11. ('.\l{\'ll.l..OLlVEß “INLEY. LEWIS l'. 5.162.531! Fran ruqo: F. U. \\'.‘.'l‘lil(llUl'Sl-l. I. .\. I'I'SUX. Sucrait-cmu. T. 11. HARPER, Lincoln; SAM'L CAS' SIDY. l'culuum Arm/.4: \V. A DB \-.\’, San Franchm (’lu'unh‘li. SARN’IELID‘S REMEDY FOR THE BLUUDZ-A Specific lor Maladies arising from diso LlH‘l‘. linlne s. Cutmipzniun. Malaria. Blood l'msonfinx. Scrotum. Salt. Rheum. and t comi: g from Blond lmpurilius. PRICE. $1 per Bottle. S.\ltSFlEl.h'>‘ ('llßUNlt‘ I'LCI-JR SALVE forlhel‘urv of Chronic Users and Sores of every Ilu~lrrlplintn Eon-ma. l'tles. Vat-icon: Ulcers. lull Hzllttalol‘y Swellings and Skin Diseases gen era lv. PRICE, $1 and 50c .pcr box, wording to size- SARSFIELU’S REMEDY Fill: DIPHTHERIA AND l‘NPli')l().\'l.—\!~ A Specific :for Dlphlihetl l‘mnp. 5 :r0 ’l‘hnmt, .\lt:nxp~, untl ltflutnmfition (If the ('hcrl uml leL'S. PRICE. $1 and 80¢ per box, according to size- Testimony otglter. 'l‘. J. llnll’. ‘ Tt‘tzs'mz STA'l‘toS, Oregon . Aug. 27,1356. ‘ Tu “an. fitment-21.1; lhmmmzs tuft—l ”:05? l.t-:lr!lly intlnrsc Satstlcltl‘e Remedies. and lam desirous~ that m;- indnrmnwht shall he ):I .oml “In-rc- it wt}! do lllr meat good to sullL-rlng human ‘ ity. lluw m..] a happy pun-rimm— in tunneclloll with new rrnlutllo-s. When first IWk induced ‘ lnln 1111-11 lmy fl‘lund!illOIl:lll l wonltl rot lin- tln-u- tmnzhr. .\‘ow 122 m well and hemty;l j weigh 21: pounds: um stung-r and in LrlH'l' health tl an I have had for twelve years. I had tried 3 matxydm-tnre unduml-ymlwr rmnmlies.::ntl nil l.:ul {.‘.ilml to (MTV. 1 thank (ind for his kind 3 prm’nlcm-c tlmt he lrtl nu: to you and your wand-Thu n-nu‘xlivi. I “cum ret‘nnlmend all who are ‘ wtl'vrin: from Blond Poisrming of alt.y |l~':\'llllli(ill 10 try Ntrstlultl‘s remedy for the Blood and hi! Ulcer Salve. ‘ slum [he u~t<u~.lrhin: change it luv} wrought in mv condition I lune witnessed the efl'ect of l the rt-mvllies upon others. and li_hu.~ urn-n me best 0! ratirfalt‘liO-n. l Wishing the Surefiold Ru-nledu-s Co. ruccess commensurate Wllll the merit. of their remedies . I am. Yuurs truly, REV. J. T. RUFF. llelcr to Rev. Dr. Freet, Sacramento. 1 ‘ ——MANL’FACTURED BY THE—— I I 5 EDDY STREET. SAN FRANCISCO ‘ J. I). MISKLER. .\l. D.. AGEXT. - - Port Townsend, W.’!‘. ;_ “fix-,M“ 1’10“,“ h 5 . . _ _w _7 ~.,. ¢ __ ,7 .. _ 3. «NA -- wagons H a Fan; EN; . : .Jgé‘fm 45 .A. ;s V EALT mwmzflg‘mnwfl‘gs'“l2W Amfimzmegmmm -- BEL .... _ _ .J 1:. . fit the [:9 .' film Sisszamxmwdgh ‘ a“ 35“.; ¥fl'°‘se?€°;3..“"M.i..d~‘ 5:333: lemleiaamdmkaalth by moi :33 ‘ 5:13.323”?! 1.7: 533%» 5.5de 3' WE," .' I-FKQ“ ..‘.-LL.” Lo ,chwriw_umeu,ormoem' ymmfififiélzlg’éflékgm, «3’: A , «flaw; 5:233: Wa-knnulndl‘ugflcnl Deceyjn mango; mggxgézmqa .3. spam,“ m the m: mam m-pam: dls Acedllcn. osted forlilghtl'mra m x..-.::« ESQ-33’1“: "FMS" 93" "“10“ “Gil!- Wm! wag“? “W “Wm em Warn-«ex; , 43mmmmnxmmmm m ‘z’c'“and?“flmigffii‘s‘fiifili‘ifiigzseftic p. 333“ aux-45“.;- n‘pmym- m“ m" was Tathosewhosnfler mu” m. 7: oh? I: 33110.: ‘3. ‘ ‘1”; Va 0‘ v wnfih‘aggufc bylllkiilscrstigg. fixvéfinfxig‘url-lir-En I ‘ “if: I “Em' ,Jm “'s‘ me‘ :‘ or of m n n G. 7 ‘ '23‘T: J ..I '. J 5 wgfig‘figfi'fi‘fifig’;2:3;lLf’°“i'"‘:“"f*i3"” ; {‘15:}:358 REMEDY 00.. In Mums, , ’..“?er Eu. i'.-:;::,.hru:..~m | ' t; 11.1“ an smasher. .10. RUPTUREO PEBSOHS 82.1 (.32; Ta: 2:: 'l:.:' of 9:: .‘.ppuance. Ash tor gum-I , DR . LA N E S Wine Tonic Beet, Celery, Iron, and Wme An Unequalled Nerve Tonic and Blood Invigorator. Especially Adapte—dgr the Treatment of Nervous Alfectlons, lmpoverislx ment of the Blood. and Gen eral Prostrntion. For Sleeplessness, Loss of Appetite, General Derangement of the Nervous System arising from whatever cause, Brain Trouble, the result of overwork, etc. It is PALATABLi-afi EFFICACIOUS. A faithful trlnl will prove it to he the grease! Form-Generating, Life Sustaining: SysXEm-\’l< mlizing. and HomeJJbeerlng remed'y ever ofl‘ered to Ike unlined. . l J. D. MINKLER. M. D.. “ PORT TOWNSEND AGENT. HALL BROS., Prop’rs mu! nnnnmctnrcrs. ADI-L’Tzdsm 1"“ Clay 51... San Francisco. Ca] J_ ..:—7135 RE/ 46, q t 1 . ' H 3" 1’ El? 2 ’12,? OE ’at = p ; vs. 3’." . ‘ v 3 S, ,V : g .:2, : ~\"&.§ ’l7-, ,5. , _r -' - > n (.- EL! ‘ - F \BLE «xv. ‘ » . 7: is. an: 1 1.: :'. x - N 15:81:. :I 7:7 ‘ HEALTH ' ' DISEASE. <‘ Le Riel-airs Gordon Balm so. 1. Cures ; Chuncres. first and second slugs; Sores on the ‘ Legs and Body: Bore Ears Kemh'oeemzc, ‘ Copper-colored matches, (“nah ltic Catu'rh. 3 diseased Salmnnd all primu'y forms of tho ‘ disease known as syphilis. Prloe “03‘ per Bottle. ‘ In Rich-H's Golden Balsam No. 2. .um ‘ Tertiary, Mercurial Syrhilmc Rheumatism, ; Pain: in the Bones. Pa 115 in the Bend. back ‘ of the neck, Ulcorated Sore Throat. Sygabmtic ‘ Rngh, Lamps and contracted Cords, lifl'neas ‘ of the Limbs. and endlcates all disuse: from tbs system. whemer can-ed by lndiscreuon or abuse of Mercury. leaving the blood pure and healthy. Price $5.00 per Bolus. Le Bic nn‘n Golden SDI-Isl: .151 ch {or the cure of Gonorrhea. (Heel, Irritation Gravel md all Urinary or Geniul disamngementa Prue. 02.60 per Bollle. be Rich-I'D Golden Spa-uh Injection. for severe cases of Gonorrhea, Inflammatory 210:3 Strictnree, tc. Price, 01.50 per 0 e. - u W'l'Goldon (Moment for the el: [active healing of Syphiliuc Sarcasm! emp tions. Price. 81.00 for Bax. Le Ilehau’n Golden l’ lls. Nerve and Brain treatment: loss of pkyaica] power.excesa or ova-work, Pmllrnlloa, etc. Prlce. 88.00 per Box. Tonic and Net-vine. Sent everywhere. C. 0. D..securely packed. per express C. F. RICHARDS a; 00., Agents. 427 J: 429 Sansome St. Cor. Clay San Francisco, Ca}. E'CIRCULAR MAILED FREE, II Y 0 U Want the Earth? —.—-'rm-‘.-—— Argus Real Estate 00., wnunot nudertskoto Supply the Demandr But it. will sell you A FEW SOLID GHUNKS In and about. PorLTuleend. at the most Reasonable Rates. maooqnoo E Parse 55525135 4; g « o.u.rennvgc2.. V '2,“ , ‘ Lam. tsug‘mton , .31.? nEg'fimdéo'a ’~”?-r ‘ ~»- A “mmv ~I! i}: seen . , "_J'.’ '3.» -, ANNUAL V‘ iqu‘vk \‘r: 1 b '" 1888 \. " A 'v A mum v.~ ,1. . 4:3 ( at: 10 ALL 3x. " - v Wu. end ‘ ‘ ..'.~ -' to In: lan-99'- 3737513“ «k ‘t g‘lmmgtfi'. _f ' 13:33.32 ‘ . v ln‘valuahietoall. .. {5,55 tag-4 bet-smm a 3;“; rdogFimwFlower ‘» .SEEDS‘WE“: D. a. PERI! Yum-.Dmlfim ‘ 3 R. . _ S 5’," I ~ V f“ " ,[. . a’ 3 - _ >1“ {i‘ Lh- .' i , r J;:.;1 ns-A‘g'.’ w" Isjus: what its name implies; l Purely Vegetable' - upaund, Hut ' v - _ u . l acts duectl.yupon_ tn? u v , cunng themanydxseases c -\-\ odmtnn.‘ pommt organ, and - - ~ dingtheuul merousazlmls.\~ ‘ - arise Emil: flemnge- or «63 « tion,.such I! I --eps sx. ._ 3m .' Biliom Cos‘ -es “-1. ,Sick-headldla.‘ '3l:- \a- ‘~-_-. etc. Itqis therefoul' -- "1” “Tohzchoodekfi than! mnstbc kept in under.” DR. man’s m monum- Invigomtee theLivcr, Begukwathe Bow ds, Strengthens the System, Purine: the Blood . Assists Digfistion, Prevents Feven. Is a Household eed. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common comphlnls.‘ 113. WORDS mm mm- An (rpm-1271a If Erty years. and Thou-3 sand: (9‘ Tcatz'monazb prove in Merl}. rO2 mm BY ALL DEALERS m mamas.“ for f'ril Information send your mates. for IQ page Book on the “Lix‘cr and it: dim,” fl! nil-“”083 :24 mus: a: . 521? run any 9 fl? , twat/Emmi ;~-~-~~-——-n n I: a 2 A ~- ‘: iT mnogxmvmé s TRIAL 'anYaudfl’Eß‘v'fl i imwgmmgz BOTTLE giilfifiw’gfi 5 FR E E,U , \mGge Prematur '_:l)eo‘...e.’drzamc “c. - gsuvncmm I’o g 0; m 3“, “3“ 's',‘,'.“‘, Emma me nat- :gm‘ yggmrfomh men-I, ;I7s 0F 11113, THE gcauaepmdncad‘) ganATEsrcr-"ALL; ; smzucm'snmc; gnzuemes mm; mm: NERVE mmcs, 31:9 £3913,an remod);% mu. BE SENT to 5:11” nigmmgy'J'wmm‘J . _ :13 .. . n; gm ONE APPLY- 3:153”??fo “513%.; : -‘ ~ r ' ; v: ~ ’: < , m- m Lane-«. 313 anon“. ‘.o- - r 3 ‘ l a . sv'm-‘um “W‘sJZm-‘f' Fox-23?.“ 3223‘»! HOE-. 3!) [:.'-‘3 AGE. 13 :lodandlll’nrbid cop?"- EALL magnum:- 'i~‘§i’6€s‘.‘\m§§"ép'ix"§ #757»: 3 srmcm ;e_J;w-‘;;j“-fl 0‘ canaaznmL BY , 1.17:2 an Al 2 Ear-3:5, FREE. .3 _ :- r 393 .\‘liL Kidney and Rudder .0 LIP-L; I'.'=EE"'?:"l‘l‘f?f:.’.-‘l“‘.‘3‘i"f"’”W“; 13:7. 43:1.b?'u?1'-.FQ-‘,‘.,r}.'f- 4'2: 2'. x . ‘ . ‘0 L’ y 3:13:1ch law-12:0 [ I‘L‘L (.:Vufgxizfngnfi grimy tum}! unULL CUBA; GiYABAxTI‘M 'Vlioraddress ‘ 13R . C. D: SALFIELD‘Y ¢ Kearny St, San Ira-vitae, ' ’ é! :_'J:-:‘-é-__l - : P ‘1 ‘f' “h I“ §] \. -. _‘v 0m» tho 2: > s4l ‘- 11:: DE. 13‘ t; -- “WING ELAINE 9‘; ; The amount. ud OIL! 35 -‘ m..?‘zf‘él'gfi’fi “' ‘ §m cumnfum’nd thong-d... 2.535 mwmmwfll {330551. sun-11° ETBII‘!‘ I! §7o¢ueu'§3ns'r..3s. mfi—J £3l ;:3( ‘l’.le REII ‘ - . ”A 8.. m In W) gunman-. 1 ..V ’;. ectria . . .' 1- ' .:- 331‘ :11me g ‘1 W) ." dumb an-lw - ' I m - ‘~ Whitby-odd. -. , ~. vi out medium. Debut”, . Pdnhmo Butlfldnu . Dram . Rheumatism. W n. of . . ‘ 5. ' uterus mm-loc' ~-.-‘ axmcnu§n TB 00. ‘ 1:1’;_> ~wruco Calhurd .Bi;__ . 1. .:L‘a. "'_‘ ' 9 I [no-crib. “0 fill! an“ donelßF G u the a: 190 3 92".“ of thhcdm 0. H. INGRAHAH. K. ._.—m Amman). It? Ira-nun. ' We hue lon lawns}: m nun yen: .11 “' {Nye}: the but 0! nut uunn. m D. R. DYCHEtmm Chlm am. am SI.OO. Sold hymn“ For sale 111‘ N. D. Hill 5; Sons. Junmzd'" “m..—4— C Mixer 3 :n' An}: luv". u uuyho-r‘munr .\u-rul. lnsgu‘ “I o Bflmmml Less. human», Baal“ ..A ,- . "aw. j ' A LOST MANIIMDD. ' 'Q‘r_%3 - Non‘mu lwhhizy. .\permumnbfln . E'E“ _ sens-n3l me.§¢-xulw f‘ .1. i ; ea). Funm'; .\ll’lMUT}'.\\'m|k Eye: g F. -> Ifmfk bf Win-1 "', rho [Hood a: , , hkm I'hr‘n x\. ..:“ :.‘}Zn'mbnl': «z. 5-: lluxrr" ‘. u; ruin-..‘we mug: . Jun-hm 0! Ilene-u, Kid: ~- um- Troumgn. “kaack.Bunzinzl ~ . - \‘IL-ehb'll’o @m-pmmptreliklix. V _ V ‘ . n! M! (rattan-M a o: :‘ -. '--.. ~23 ran-Flt” 1011. free from :..111..=‘.~.- . ; . n Lnu‘L Imus empdonaew..lmi.; » : :1;..-;:‘.«;!wa.'lh.¢_‘Bl “M'Vvhcu ll i.-.i ' -. .: I: n :m'l-J (hr Cl 3 fideacflblug youru'i-c .-. 1... :x. L '. : uffi‘ll}. 11" cwulboum vou [nu-1.. 2,; -; ...lsz’H‘Lfll‘m "all or address Dr. 8.. humu- Maven"! W‘ M Street. In: Fraud-co. , ,~