Newspaper Page Text
THE Oldest Paper. I? anstiona answered free about the country. . Sample mpicn free rn :«pplr eatian. Volume XIX. DAILY IXLU b 1‘ x~~l r _. EVERY .\IUILVINI; l;\"l.‘."l‘ >l'.\l! \ Y. Dc) 'eu-d by mat ~r "..I-Lula SI‘BM RIP I l”\ 1: HT»: One Year..... ._.34 m ‘ ”.m- Bin-:1. .s:.'n siXxll|‘!‘.‘,,,. 3ln (nu~_\luu:h.. . 14w ll) .\ i'.;ttmva What u-w-k. 2::U‘IA"L ])A}u in w ‘..; . A-chriisinrj r:.L-:> f:.x‘...~:;-~i «numb .'znn. Elle ai‘rékln (it 115’“ - , 5 a .- I'L'BLlsuxm urns 1 ill {.qu Pon Tawnsund, “inhi-Irtnn :1 1 rah-1} 'l‘muh’ur‘ .\i Ile MPH-IV; one Year ...; .f-o ‘ 'l:.r-~~ .\l v' .T’u'h Six Noun» Lb'Wln‘MUH'h .. . *J'u'n Slnglut‘nh},l-’.t~‘.'.~ ‘3‘ Ah“): in :u‘.\..m"'- .2?) RATES OF ADVERTISING- Uuo mrb, 11m! aux-mid” , . __....5l Elch lubsmluem inwrzn my ~... .‘ . . .’a: WTrnnncin .l a'l\'.-r;i.:ng '.u mum.- ii.~-‘l'll-I!I must be ll‘culnpnnicd W ('13)! ALL AC»'UI'NTS >sl FL!“ ‘l-DNTHIJ Alzm s l'l‘lquluXu ('O. W I'BOI'EHHII)S.\I. (‘AHII§. JAMES I). MINKLER. M. D. Pour Tuwxsxsu, w. T. 041 cc und Drugvlnn‘, m‘n' Hm (‘zxs'mn "mum Residence. In. E. Hulhrupn‘s hu.l~(' {armcriy Occuriod by Capt. Uiivur. on T:-.yinr arm-x. Ta ophono in drug uture, lll‘l'uxaiuic duv or light. So. of telephuue fur rcfildulrs}. 33. '.\'u. of wlophonn for unite. ‘3. Urncn Horn: 9 to N m.. '2 (05mm 7 to s D. 111. swp‘lmlwlf. DR 0. w. chr, l)0ut ist, % POB‘I’ Towxszxn, w. '1" ‘ - Nitrous oxide uni. ell)»: or chloroform :ulmiu filtered for painless vxlrurtion of new. C. I. BRADIIAW. —1!. B. Su'us. BRADSHAW 3: SAC [ls, PORT TOWNSEND, w. 'r. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Pnoo'mns m Amman“. Okrlcn: In Bradshaw‘s .\‘ew Builtl’n‘; J. J. CALIOVI. A. 11. COLEMAN. I'm-ting Any. CALHOUN a. COLEMAN. A! torueys-nt . Law AID PROCTORS 1N AIIMIRALTY. omce-—Clnpp building. «in! Port Townsend.“’. T. EUGENE BIONDI, PORT TOWNSEND, W. 'l‘. m :2 Norwegian Vice Consul. .'Ulfllo Bnrvovor for All Puget Sound Ports. Ago-t for Inn Francisco and Xew York Wit! “undorzliiug. L 0 (1 d B noon n 3 0v ‘ n on an urean Yank. D. W Smith. Wnrren IA llashngs ' ‘ "I z .' n. HASTINGS. A - Tnawv. L a. I. h T. N. HALL‘. mmfluullflratuw. P rilflllnlty Auction! with Burke & Bnller, or Sunk. Old corn» 0! Water and Quinn? SLI. opposite non of Waterman a nu. [oll']l TOWNSEND. - - W. I'. 'llch to loan at ndnogd mus. m nouns All) STEAIIIOA'I‘S. Climb HOTEL, 1’01”.I TOWNSEND. W. I‘. Wm. Dodd. Pnprieter. ”know II NEWmd NEWLY FURNISHED human Manninmenh of a _ FIRST—CLASS HOTEL. ’ mum hlnppllod namobestot Wines, ‘3” ad Cigars. . mun much-s mm“ tabloud Reading mu tho Hotel. Nothing 111 l In “dog: to m this now second to none in the n'l ' Ina. EAST BOUND HOUSE, ' an 30mm, w. r. 7 W. Sutherland. Props-Mot. LII" mill-bod I Nu! Haul “Bataan“! In Inn- Oounty. all“! the "But. Sour-vi '..? which is rumba-n for the accommod- Into! tunnel-.. 1 pn . jams a ‘. Steamer EVANGEL _ . , “ram, Inter. . [01:11:12th for Sen end mdthe llhndz. un— br Port. Angles vi; Port anus. 1h min: leave _, n. In. inn! ‘ Steamer EDNA, . w —-r _ ‘ 1 n. I. RACE. Halter. Inn-g dflh mmwenn Pat Ton-end and ‘ Dinning. Will In“. UNION *0 every nnernnon “gluing-Id Pew much momlng u I. m. for [night or [mango apply to , gJOlumx-on ban-d. , , DING DONE AT mimosa“: RATES. fl' Str. wnnwoon, w :4' , A. W. HORN.lhstor. mm Port ‘l‘iwnund for Imam, at 8 a. m.. ‘: gain. for Why Island at u a. m.. tor Irondue ' u 4 p. In. oven dny. For freight. or passage uppiy on heard. ‘l6 Sir. DISPATCH. *- JAS. HORGAN. luster. Will in" Port Townsend for Noah Bay and II! pom ovary Monday morning on arrival of la; Bound Simmer. Returning will arm-o on cane-days. Towing and chm-mm at meann llo rues. Apply on board or mL. B. Ratings, It 0. C. Bunion s & Co‘l. N. I'L— We havouinli till-d to our fleet two-cow. fined for arm in: In: firefighting. Brick for Sale. . [An A )lmmon 8310; to: Sam. AT 8 l 0 per Thousand. "9” “ Gso. E. STARRETT. ( i 10. E. STARBETT. ’Pon‘r 'rowxsmm. I Contractor & Bmlder. Din-smile“! nu t.t. u km “a cmmzx 33.3%.? 13%?" 3’ done on short notice. “In: on Water 8:. men Charles hotel ..a “‘81:“ Ins G x: 0 nrance 0. 0? SALE)! OREGON. Minn-co on farm property. Inchin ery. Churches. etc. JOHN GOVAN, .. .. ....‘~. ... Agent.‘ .SEQUXM. WASH. TER. {lslm ‘ i l'. ANTHONY, EBANLB, WASH. um Practical Bookbinder. a: kind. 0! Piper Buliiug. em. done on uhort no: co. grim to suit u:- timee. and BEST QUALITY or work done, jlyfiply. 13150". gunman-mum cutlegngmmmdm . Wynfllounmgurmmtlu .1" 3.9:” 7:33;; :1! Launch-nu. fig ‘J‘ in. Papal" Pg“, GM Scent AW. an. Cum- And Funny I'm-no. End 0... a! If. dz. ‘AH for only 2.5 cc. l- min. .. orldl rg Go. 1221 mm: ONLY FORTY N 8 a W MP! for I new NEIE: Palm's his: and Sam Setter Wuhan. g“ 3093: gallium .ucxsox 80:15. i flaw]: FIN. ILY City Indian III! piper. ' ~. 1 x? ’.‘a I ', ‘1; “\J', 1 '\ -- “'3' 5’- r‘gr r: '2: V 4. ifi .' ~2~g , Lg? ‘2‘ r' .-. st"? ; 17:?3; se. “ waa Hag?! ‘ ix . ‘- 2' :fi:, a" Q £l.l\ - ' K \-‘-"13 a f- r ’3- ’ « ”as-:5 r 23 i qvffi. %: ;- V- _ i; 5' l"| [' x ‘ ':“ "$2 I'i '9] W; I‘3”}; ' \ :23 "f” .A \ 51¢. 3’ r . - it'- . r F I \ .- _ 5 ~51 1, 1 ; __. :.‘: ' 5 ‘.. , E"! ,- 7 " @O/ ‘55?- /l l - -. :.» \\\ I’‘ II ’ 7i~i ‘ g ’s! t ‘é-y Wig, _, ‘ / {7 ~.‘ \V ‘ ’.- A\ _~' -:~. \/‘ ~ - ‘ . f‘r ’;’ ’ if, ' ; b /17 ~‘ - w \ .\.; {4.11" . . ,1 4 \-—-: @93 ‘\ Boom-a-rang 'er Un! (‘LxLLMi L‘ni'x rr. March 7, 1587. .\ll:. l':lIl'lHl!Z-‘-.\'U\V that the Glou— L't‘rlv‘l' ti.-lu-rnwn haw ill'r'iV'ml. anal llw .\lolin- Adams. mm of tha'll‘ Vt.»- sclr‘. mui that Part 'l‘.,l\\'n~-':ul is in he the headquzu‘tvr fur all. and Uh'Llll ally to l'uc-uuc tlio"silli-.lo\-.'u was" Gloucester. and the great prmpwcts your gl riuus t urn has as '.Lm lur minis o'. tho 5 unborn l’aclli - i'.;il road (or a brunch termini». tin mun \'::ll han- .'.). anal your custom hon.»- . nil‘ling. anal new .\lli,s‘.:l!llllll bra-l; Hooks going up on». Elli-1' :.':nllivl‘. a harbor always tillml “iii: lln- "pruul k’l'.‘ of ()itl Uccan"~ why l'or‘. 'l'owu send should not raj-ico anil l‘wl frisky your COX‘A'L‘rii mile-n 1 can't iinagmw. ln'l inc Congratulalu you! But there. is a speck in the otherwise -un(-lomleJ sky (lending. so it is said, tha! a further down to th A rim place is to become the grout END or the l’acizic knob to tho \Yx'alt‘l‘ll door of the Southnrn Pacific railroad. Al ruznly booms are being inaugurated. i’ort Angelvs pufi'oil up a trifle. Lots anal other real and personal ostato suddenly sprang into great domain] in the old “First Camp." and then as quickly fell backward when her very unsuitablu, poor, misi'rablc harbor ("Tho worst on the coast,” as a cer tain Dungom-ss man exclaimed) was (llSL‘UVl‘l'tNl to be so. It ht‘tfmfi that a new survey had been made of Port Angelo; harbor by some of our Brit ish neighbors and they, in their great Wisdom, doomed tho spot, and took up that charming, “snug harbor." Crescent Bay—a water locked harbor, whose term firmu sidcis 03 edge. But they propose to tunnel. You know, now-a-days a raiiroad is not considered Well put up unless it has a ma. tunnel and some water lots‘ and that’s no doubt the only objec tion to Port Angeles, none being necessary there. Crescent Bay too has any quantity of water lots, in fact that is another feature all rail roads must have in order to be a rail road. They can water their stocks so easily, you know. But then Ores - cent Bay may lose ground, and in her turn fall back. You see, the railroad magnates have not yet seen Pyscht, nor Noah Bay, and last. but not least, Tatoosh. Ah! Tatooshl The veritable “Lands End,” with several harbors limitless in extent, upon whose gentle heaving bosom the merchant maritime fleets and navies of the earth can easily be ac commodated and yet there would be room for the “water flyers” of two or three more planets. The inimical beach of Tatoosh is just. as good as Crescent Buy and a little more safe to approach in time of “northeasters,” and has more land surface on which a town of some future note can be built. A first-class tunnel willbe needed, under the waters. just three miles lcng to connect it uninter ruptedly With the mainland under the mountain to tho prairie back otl Neah Bay, or still more a suspension ‘ bridge, just to think how great a chunco- there will be for expert en— gineering and money expenditures— a tubular bridge perhaps as uross the straits of Meani, England. Water lots tili ion can’t rest! Olifi'y lots also! an sceuor that will knock the bottom out of ’l‘acoma. though that essential part of' her building up Tatooah don’tearo for or take any stock, as it is all real with her, not in the least drawing on any imaginary palpatatiug scenic grandeur. So let the glorious development on, it is a pleasure to your humb‘l: corros pondout and he count. on it being thus to you and your numerous read~ on. _ Inmm. The Delegateslup. stoonvnn, W. 'l‘.. March 1. 1888. Eorron Assam—Looking over a late number of Tm: Axons not long ago, I noticed your remark that my name has been boomed a lime for delegate to con gress. I frankly confess that when this matter :was first broached to me last summer. by a number of friends. it sug gested possibilities which had some at— tractiens. But having recently occu pied. as president of the legislative council, a position which, under the pe culiar :circnmstances, I regard as of higher political honor, I am constrained to step aside in favor of others, equally able, and possibly more willing to serve the people as their delegate in the United States congress. I don't suppose there was much dan ger of my being struck by political lightning—but somebody has said that it is “ the unexpected that always hap pens." At any rate no harm can come from my gentlyreuicving myself out of all possible range of the political electric fluid; especially as I desire in this con— nection text's timely name that there are a number or temperance voters who love the grand old rcpnbiioan party {or her glorious history, and don't want to be driven out of her by any failure to recognize their principles in a fair and equitable manner; I any (air and equitr ble because we don't expect to have all things our own way in a great organ ization which represents a number of conflicting ideas. This last item may seem to be induced with just a little ah ruptnesa. but there is a reason for it. which will probably become manifest ere long. With many thanks {or the kindly man ner in which you have always referred ‘to me in your columns. I am your old ‘, time friend, Jon B. Tnollpscx. Notice to Muller- By order of the lighthouse board a first class can buoy. painted red and black in horizontal stripes. has been placed to mark the north and of Yerba Buena shoal. San Francisco bay. The buoy is in twenty-one feet of water on the following ranges: High chimney st Potrero over center of Mission rock; Point Diahlo in line with north 'end of Alcatraz island. - Fairway buoy. first class nun, p. a. stripes, and the mid-channel buoy, first clasa can. [1- a. stripes. that were lately carried away, have been replaced on the Columbia river bar. New spring ribbons It His. Hari iaon'l. Port Townsend. Jefferson County, Washington Torrfiory. Thursday, March 15., 1888. I)II']I). KOIITILIL -Iu thi-i City. March 8, 13815. \\ ulnui Kurter, aged 43 years, 15 days. [beesuscal was burn in Bavaria, Gur iuzmy, February 22. 13-15. In 1861 he mm.- wnh tan» Muthvrs tn America. ur r:\'iu«,: 1n l’urt anuwml. July 10111 at that year. Ullujlirnllu‘r, .lncuh Kurtcr. mar: iniiu’l I-Ulilt'. your; 215:” at Nunaimu h} Um explosion u! an UL! hmuh shell. \untlwr hrutlwr is engaged in the man nfucturcuf \x'irulnw :shmlvn in (‘hicuzu Judge Knrtvr was fur a time employed in rink-51mm 11l the stare at the late Uuu. () l". Gurrish. :ithcrwnrds he was in husi‘ uvss for u f w years in Port Ludluw. Suiiso-quoutly he returned. tu this city. however. and remained hero in the hur bor business till cmnpeilenl atew mnuths ago tu retire nu acetiunt of failing health. He was elected in 1876 to represent Jet lersnu county in the Territurinl Legisla. lure, and served With credit to himself. After returning to residc hamper-mn— neutly, he wa‘a elected justice of the peace in this precinct, and also city mug istrfia. His term at office was charac turizcd by u practical administration of justice. His family home is here. where the nnw widowed Wife and five children survive. He was a. member or the order of Workman. and 3180 of the Improved order 01’ Rod Men. The latter organism :iuu has been specially attentive during Judge Korter's lute illnesfi. and will con duct his funeral on Sunday.llth inst. The family have the sympathy ot the whole community in their bereavement. and the funeral will doubtless be very largely attended. JAKINS MA! Point No Point Light Home, March Bth. William H. Jukins, aged 52 yenrs and 9 months. [Deceased was 11 native of Maine. came to this cans! in curly days, worked for years at milling—in Purt Ludluw and Port Discovery—returned to his native state where he mnrried Mrs. Stinson; cnmc West again and has lived on Puget Sound for many years. He was head keeper of Point N 0 Point light house at the time of his death. He leaves a most estimable wife and grown up daughter to mourn their loss. Death was caused by paralysis of the throat preventing the swallowing of nourishment. Mr. J. F. Tukey. who was mth deceased in his last hours, says that death resulted from actual starva tion. Mr. Jnkins was an upright, huh ornble man. who had the respect of those who lino»v him. Funeral from the M. E. church in this city on Sunday] ___~—-‘.>——— School Report for February. mon sermon. ' ~ Enrolled. 25 Days of ntlendance. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .427}; Days of übsonce..... .. 48 Average duily uttendance.. .. . .. .. . 90 Times tnrdy.... .. I MISS Paula’s noon. Enrolled..... 47 Days of attendance... “146% Days of absence.... "119% Average daily nttendnncs.... . 86 Times tnrdy........ .. l 9 nus. nmn's noon. Enr011ed......... .... .... 48 Days of attendance. . . ”705% Days of absence. .. .. .. 73}; Average daily attendance. . . . . . . . .. 39 Times tardy.... .. 14 Miss man’s noon. ‘Enrolled..... 44 .Dnys uttendance.... ..............7(Xi ; Days absence. .... ....130 lnverago daily attendance.... .. . . .. 84 ; Times tsrdy.... .. 6 . lass renews Boon. Enrolled. 45 Days of attendance. ..659 Days of absence.... “1% Aversgednlly stteudance.. .. .. 77 Times tardy...... 86 MONTHLY EXAMINATIONS. slur scuoom. Pupils psssed...... 23 Pupils failed. . . I swam: onunun. Pupils ...... ................ 34 Pupils hailed... .... 8 m Gunman. Pupils passed. 85 Pupils 15i10d....-. 10 mom) Planar. Pnpi15p555ed....................... 33‘ Pupilslniled.... 21 Hits! Bantu“. l Pupils passed. 14‘ Pupi15t5i1ed............... '1 Go to Bartlett's for all kinds of sewing machine needles and attachments. A good steady job awaits a competent man to do milking and general farm work. Apply at this 0606. Sun Penman—A limited supply 0! Early Bose and Burbank Seedling pota toes, for as aby 13mm & Erswsms. ——-————~———-‘.-————-——-—- Mr. 3. E. Cummings would respectfully announce to the public genersllv that he has engaged the services 0L Frank Douling. a first-elm barbsr late of Mes sachusetts. * __.....-._._ _ Two story house and inside lot, at sum—ave minutes' walk from the steamer landing. Apply quick at this office. . , ' .'——~.....—_.——_—— Call at the Axons agency for figures on 80 acres of timber land on Qnimper peninsula. State Insurance Company 0! Salem. Or., is the best for farm buildings and dwelling housus. Ron’s. Buns, Agt. The lllxhwny offlluons. The broad Atlantic. is ever a stormy thoroughfare. Yet blow the winds ever so fiercely. and ride the waves ever so loftily, seamen most men the good nhipa tourists will brave the passage, and com mercial travelers andhuyern must visit the centres of toriegn trade and manu facture. That atrocious malady, ree siekness. together with colicky pains and much inward uneasiness is ooten en dured when Hoeteter’s Stomach Bitter wonld have fortified the goyager against them. Sea captains. an in fact, all old salts and veteran travelers are acqnnited with the protective value of this estima ble remedy. and are rarely til-provided with it. Emigrants to the far West should use it no a safeguard 3111th me laria- Soak the aid of the - hitters (pr dyspepsia. constipation, liVer complaint. Ikidney troubles, and' all ailments that limpair the harmonious and vigorous ac— tion of the Vite! poweru. Mr. (l-,:rnw:ill's B._B. & B. C. R. R. has paid $1669 tux-vs on 3200 acres of land around Boilinglmm buy. which inrlulos the Sl‘llOl‘JO t-wvnsite 31.1111 railroad. .‘lvsfl‘n. Eldridge and Burter my lays on about 2900 acres of 1211241 in \\ imtomn county. including the [mm-it” of B-liing~ Imm. 'l'iiey are the lu-nvmsi tux poyerj in tile county. 0. l’. Hunilnglun has n-zircci from iiiu "cling urinals-mew. of the Cumu ]wnk «\2 01:3” i'.:ilruzzd i'ulllpfluy, of which. for many _\'k'fll‘.~', he has been pi‘v-iilvnt and director. and E. lu~ gulls, llrv‘hlili‘iil Hi the Uineinnah. In dianapolis, >sl. L'vnis and Cllloligo railroad. popularly known as "Big Four.” and now acting general mun agm' of tho (Qlicanpnzzks 8.: Ohio sys tem has been elected to rho prear dent-y. There will he at least 875.000 in— vested in ilriol: hotela in Pendlemn this year; $60,000 in a new court house. and at least $40,000 more in a paper in)“, unless :1 "trace" breaks, and l’emiletcn traces don’t often break. lionderful cures. } W. D. lloyi {c Ga, Wholesale and ‘ Retail Drnzgists of Rome. Gm. say: We have selling Dr. King’s New Discov ery, Electric Bitters and Buckien‘e Arni— cn Solve for twu years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well. or give such universal sutiehc—iion' There have been seine wonderful cures effected by those medicmes in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by use of a few bot tles of Dr. Kings New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them alwnya. Sold by N. D Hill $5 Son ’ 1 "flu...” ”E. i All Absolute Cure. 3 The Original Abieline Ointment is only put up. in large two-ounce lln boxes and is an absolute cure {or old sores. burns. wonndr. chnfped hnndr. and all skin eruptions. Will ponit rely cum all kinds of piles. Ask forthe Origin-l Abietino Uinunent. Sold by Dr. Jan. I). inka ler. M. 1)., at ‘35 cents per box. by mail so cents. Fresh Creamery Butler just received by Burkctt & Eiscnbeis. Send iuyour orders_ at once and secure ‘somethiug very nice as we have only I: hunted sup ply. 125“ .- .. .‘..... -~_ Better than Gold ' Can be lrula‘ said n! that new and emueiou remedy for ‘omlnmplion and diseases or the Throat. Chest and Lungs. Santa Able. for it in lenaant. to me pain": and death to n cold. Every homo warranted by JAS- D. BlmKLlanho Drummer. would enjoy your dinner ‘8 ‘3O“ nod are pmentedbyDys pepsin. use Acker's Dyspepsin Tubletg. They no a. glove cum for Dram In (l‘ivgestion. atulency and Constipation o guarantee them. 25 and 50 cents. Sold thatlmer 3', Co. YOUNG MEN! BRAD 'l‘llls. Tux VOL-rue 13er 00.. of whammy...“ for to send their celebrated Burrito-Vanni; Blur and other Bunnie Arr-Lune“ on trial {or thirty day! to men (young, or old) “lined with nervous dß‘Dllildy, loss of v um!»- and man hood.nndallkindre troublel. Also orrheuma iiem. neuralgia. pnrynlysls. and many other dis eases. Complete resiomlion 10 health. vigfir and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred a: thlrty day r‘ trial is allowed Writolhom M. on" m -:--..xr:u->-| :umi-hlel Ire- Wk» \‘L c. 6530“. gm, A 3532: 5 wuranted: .3 because it is the best Blood Impaire'inn inn-am. It will pcsi. tively am all Diced 1215‘ 3:091. p 1: rites the whole system. and ilinrngv‘: "-.- [11:33.3 up Ll2O constitution. IlcmcmL-cr, we gun mama it. Latimer 5: Co. _., ...... _ ,_ A Nound Legal opinion. E. Bluinbridge Mundny Esq.. County Any. Clay 00.. Tex. says: “Have used fileoluio Bitters with most happy results y brother also was very low with Ma larinl Fever and Jeundice, but was cured by timely use of the medicine. finfleatiefied Electric Bitters saved his 1 0. Mr. D. L. Wilcoxsou. of Horse CnVe, Ky.. adds a like listimony. saying: Be poeitivelp believes he would have died, had it not been for Electric Bitters. Lhis great remedy will ward of. as well no care all Mulerinl Dieeaaee, and for all Kidney, LiAer and Ltomaeb Dis orders etaude unequalled. Price 500 and sl. at F. D. Hill 8: Son. h t]: (Sunk %\ce\\ Elam 0‘; thousands anfiefing from Asthma, Con sumption. Couihs. etc. Did you ever try Aoker’e Enfilis Remedy? It is the best pre tion nown for all Lung Troubles, 3013 on a positive gunmntqo at. 10c.. 50c. Latimer fiéu' .uerohants. Read This. I To those subject to the vexalions of humus lilo. dyspepsia and a feeling of dehility, lrrim bility and deapondency. we ray‘iako bimmom Liver Regulator. TLo lieuulalor is tree from any injurious mineml subsmnce; not disagree able; can be taken at any time without interfer ing with business or measure. II is neutle. sate. undo good digetmr. It is unequalled in the cure of pllosi) cozislipnllon, had breath, sick headache and llione complaints. Blake no Mistake. By dia‘pelllnz the syninmnis so often mistaken for Consumption. SANTA AB”: has brought gladnaos to nnny a household. B; its prompt use for breaking up lha cold thut looofjen devel ops into thnt fatal (11-0:190. ihonnnds can be saved [mm on nnllmelygrave. You make no mistake by keeging a no lie of ihlseleasam rem edy in your ouse. CALIFOR. IA CAP-R --GLRE is equally emotive m endlcntin All from of anal Catarrh. Both of these wondertul Cul ilornla remedies are sold and warranted by Dr. J. D. Minkler. £I.OO a meme. 3 for $3.50. A Veler-nn 0! Two Worn. Mr. I. W. Gnflith carved In both the war ‘vith Mexico and in the late war. and is gobobly as well known as any citizen of es Moises. lowa. having lean o ree- Ident of that city for many years. read. what he says: “I have used and thor-‘ oughly tested Chamberlain's Colic.‘ Cholera and- Diarrhoea Remedy. both. myself and family. I find it to be the best medicine I ever used for bowel oom pleiut and the purposes for which it is made. I consider it thoroughly reliable. and hereby recoomend it to the people and to all my friends. I. W. Gm ’ Ohamberlain’n Colic. Cholea and D_iar rhoea Remedy is sold by Dr. J. D. Mink ler. Saptl. ' Bucklcn’s Anne: solve. THE Bus! Suva in the world for Cute, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Foo ver flares. Tetter, Chopped hands. phil bleinl. Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay re quired. It isauarauteed to give perfect utiefeofion, or money refunded. Pm 2508 per box. For sale by N. D. Hill & 800. __-.-"..-W- Toke Ayer's Seminal-ills in the_uprin¢ of the year. to purify the blood. mvngoro Ito the system, excite the livento action. and restore healthy tone and mat to the whole physical mechanism. Remember that quality, not quantity. constitutes the value of medicine. _ ' always lnve k‘t “\gh’s, “he” My Soother At head. It. is the only safe medicine yet made that will rHuu'FO all inf-mile disorders. It contains 7w Opium ‘vr Napkin. but. gives 111-a child mama-d WIN!!! vain. Price 25 cents. 8.»:4 l-v -. _ W ‘OO ‘- ,a‘fx' , :15: ,2; 2:. 3 x; ..‘.: ~. ' ' ' “wk—3‘:? <:‘C- " ‘ ' ‘ 2’15": ' ‘ " 5: :.‘ I wk“!!_7‘7flr\ ' ROYAL E‘n'flo’ia EN“ "'r'ii'J/‘"lf “’l‘; =-- : r, :5. ‘ r? . lINS 0W R“ n l rfi’: . f»; n - --‘ ‘- Absolutely Pure. This powder ncvu- varies. A marvel of purity. strength and “‘holusomcncss. More cronomimi than the ordinary Lind:=. and (unnut lesnhl in mm petition with th-- multitudu t-l law tut, short weight, alum or pho:~phnm pmvdnrx'. Sum on? I! 5:3; ROYAL Bzmsa Powuus Cu, 106 Wall-Bt, {lf 25: 1.. .7 9 .3 3 -..}.,i» 5; n 12$. 35" ‘ 3 :4- .: ‘ ‘4 v. . 13:ij ‘ e; -. z» ‘ -' ' «__‘w-Lgrz " “x \‘\:- i g 3 : , I'3-‘VSSEEEK "' : $3; \\i-: 1 9&5533‘2 $§ 3‘4‘6 ‘§\‘: ’3 ‘ - ~- >G\\ ' -, \\\\ , 1 WW 3! \ .‘..," . .. .:,-.-:.:.-._..2-\ :3?“ w 1 MR. JOHN V‘J. F URBUSH, An Army Veteran. ‘ 0F WAKEFIELD, tho has pljobnbly suffered more than any mnn o: woman In America today. Tukcu sick while in the Army! he has endured untold «monies Ilnce. Descrdflng his firsc aa'mpmms he said: “My head nclxcd and my cgpclih’ was poor. I felt n (“111116th at the p 25 0!! no stomach. and I: bid taste in my mouth. While my skin was sometimes hot and Eumvlimua cold. I next felt pain In my bat-t; and around 1:10 lnwxg‘fuorfion of my body, and noun-1 a. neculisr or and cab: In me Water 1 pass-n], w xiv}: was spunky at one tune and tree at whom. Snmciimcsitpained Inc to void It. and again it was almost impossi— ble to dc so at all. lmmv I begun to pass clen blood a'gcompauled with the greatest strain and n . Woks; than 20 eminent physicians attended )0. Furbnsh at vnxlana limes, but an: one of them could help him. He was neu- death'- door. And F” be sun's: “I am ulh'o and well today, wimdy through the wonderful Eowc-r of Hunt’s Rcmuly which took me from t o vetgo o! the grave." This (Hen! Rcmcdv a.‘u.= «I'2l?er care; (11'! Kidney, lecrnnd Crhzary Dis-:33; For Rule My all Dealers. 0. N. _CITITTEZ‘ITON, Gary-:1! s;;an 115 'l’n‘zifin St, B. I'. “fr ”...-4.2:: (0 :19 L’nul‘. Rand; - -.., Pro. I -. ...-r. Al. ,3 “l IMMfiN Si _\ ‘ , ’\’ ‘3! /‘3 R EVG U L AT 0 R “I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for many years, hav ing made it. my only Family Medicine. My mother before me was very partial to it. It is a. safe. good and reliable medi— ' cine for any disorder of the system. and it used in time is a great prmnuve of sickness. I often recommend it, to my friends, and shail continue to do so. “Rev. James M. Rollins. “Pastor-M. EChurch, So. Fuirfleid,Va." TIME All! DDBTOBS' mus SAVED by always keeplng Sham Mm Regulator in the hence. “I have found Simmons Liver Regulator the best family med icine I ever used for anything that: may happen. have used it. in Inclination, Colic. Diarrhea, Biliuusrwss. 1:"! found it to re lieve ixzmuii-"vly. After eat ing a. hmny s. , 1 .pcr. if, on going to bed, I take :ilmu: a teaspoon fui, I non-z: fccl the effects of the supper eaten. “OVID G. SPARKS, “Ex—Muyor Macon, Ga." WONLV GENUINE“ nus our 2 Stamp on (tom of Wnpper J. [l. lei/in & 09., Sale Proprietors, Price. 31.00. rummxamnm. Im. I Rheumatism 12 In an established fact that Hood’s Bar sapnrillb has proven an invaluable remedy in many severe cases or rheumatism. clien ing remarkable cures by its powerful action In correcting the acidity of the blood, which I: the cause of the disease. and puritying and enriching the vital fluid. It {a certa'lniy fair to assume that what Hood's Susapariila. has done (or other: it will do tor you. Thereiore, it you Inner m pains and robes of rheumatism. give this potent remedy a. (air trial. A Positive Care. "I was troubled very much with them £lsm in my hips, ankles, and wrists. 1 could hardly walk, and was confined to my bed a. good deal oi the time. Being rec ommended to try Hood's Shrsaparilla, I took four bottles and am perfectly well. i cheerfully recommend liood's Snrsapnrilln ~. ono of the best blood purifiers in the .:ld." W. F. Woo», Bloommgton, In. For Twenty Years L have been afflicted with rheumatism Before :333 I found no reliel, but grew worse. I then .cgzm taking Hood’s 8111311311ng and it did .111: more good than on the other medicine I ever had." 11. 'l‘. Emma, Shirley. Mass. “1 Marco from what the doctors called muscular rheumatism. I tool: Hood's 83:. saparflla and am chain-3;! cured." J. V. A. 2806930013 letter czm‘iei', Chicago, 111. We shall be glad to send. free of charge to :11 who may desire, a boa-i: containing many additional stalemate 0: cures hy ‘ _ ‘ Hood’s" Sarsapanlla ‘ Sold by all druggists. 81; six for :5. Had. wlyby C. I. HOOD s: 00.. Walt, Mue -100 Doses One Dollar. WW W. H. H. LEARNED, Auctioneer " AND Commission Merchant, OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, Washington eh, Port Townsend. ' ."‘. . 7 er 3 any as ora » a I: . d.x:i_-.1-r ur cum-hing :: >lltltll‘ll cold. which may (ll‘vt‘lull Bronchitis, l’uou~ a .i :. lfiphfln-rimcr smut-mint dungrrom dist-um of Ih.- lhr-mt and lungs, has du "‘XC.~.‘S.:I'::IEZI :Iml main. ”:0 important-o of providing for jlht surh cincrgc'ncios ~ 1.,----;-in_: on hand .l lmtllo of .\yor‘s Cherry Poctorul. O I O W 111 Cure Bronohltls : 'J .\.. slum. Fu;'z'~l (irm‘v. Oregon,; J. M. “'luu'lon. Jmmstuwn. .\'. ('.. : ".\. 2.x: {E'zz' “$0 1 land sm‘orclwritcs: "l have u~o¢l -\yor‘s Clu—rry ""295". .\ when! of my bruthcrsll’m‘lul’nl :l low: limo, in my faunily, and 1 Ix !:.i l d 3. :1 nin‘r huin: similarly , have yr! to we in failure to mire Bron » l l l‘ -.:;:x-- PLHHHI. :iml ('ozit-irllinl troubles m- (‘uuglis of any kind.” ' :». ll': 1: -« ;' .\.; t ('livri'y I‘m-mortal. 1 Jun “’uhlou, Byhuliu. Min}, writes: "I K :. !. -':i»~ ‘:.;~- -l 1.1". 'i'lu: lmublc lm . : ;~llll'vrml eight years {rum Brunt-hills. and '.. \4 r ; .e:-'.r-E. :..:.l i lr-lim‘c that the E was vurml l-_\' the we of A 311": (‘lu‘rry L lu ' i‘a sit-":.'l mu -, :l my lilo.” IPcctoml.” ' And Asthma. .\li--. .‘.Zui-y .\. 11. Johnson, Ilonnuwn, Pm, writes: "I am now (‘1) years old. 1' km! awnl lx.~;1ltl:,uu!il ulflirh-d with A~lhma, :1 low years ago. This was accom (uni: «l l:_: :i awn-re (fl-ugh. I sum-rod {or ow-r a year, until I lnvk Ayn-r 3" Cherry tum-Mud, whirl] rrlin-wd and cured me. I bvlicvu it n God-solid." ' I AYER S CHE RRY PEGTORAL, PREPARED BY Int. J. C. AYER 8:. CO., Lowell, 31:55., I'. S. A. For sale by all Dmggials. me.ficmm ’ LA l EMER & {AG :#T%/_ ._-] a; ~ 2‘4l””,l‘x33‘é‘la; VV holesulv :nztl Hymn! l (‘Hi'cl's u :* ‘:_'- i'.:u :5 T—— .g_-_’_:_’“ ._.”. \= 1, :35? . 'VL V A —I ' I I ‘ t" ' t Druas,Chemlcals,lPatenl.Mediclne: & rancy Artaces Paints.§oi/s an Glass-ware: I Winesfindjiquors or Medical Use. . Orders l'lllc 'wuh nupatch E'Prescriptions Carefully Compoundcd, Day or Night. 4}}: \Vntcr Sh. ‘l’ol ’l‘ou’uaun l . \V . FISHERIES. 1888. . We shall be pinnced to demonstrate to the Fisht-tmen o! the Pmific. with mom: Seine: and Samples {Er perronai ittapectton, (Le STOWE NETTING For Pound-x ant! l'urpe Seincs. of magnitude that. mm. in our opinion, SiltVE 4x LAR(}E ZLABOR C( )S’l‘, .\iuitiply Catch and mcrensc the not prams. Experience proves ligh‘tnwé with strength. saves muscle. and increase: thv- nntnlwr a! hauls daily. _ _ Our Mr. Stnwn made the first Purse Seine for markerni in this country in 18:8. and one pound or twine lnzldo nu: eqtturv yards netting, and the improvement: he has made since tttojn give do square yards netting to one pound. All of the 350 I’n.r=e Seluos n' win ll<u in New England are of the fine kind. A lull—pound Seine. of the kind in use on the Pacific. requires about. so Indians to haul. we are told; with the improved twine. 3.00:) pounds make the rum), 5320 Swine. and 39 intimns can hnni it in about half the time. nut! its Slrengtlt 0 Equal to the [lea ry Kind. LIGHTXESS IS PROF] T. _ All 8 O : An exlm nice commonosztine ’l‘wim, made on the latent! improved Browne]! Patent. Twisted We” Stretched in the making. On.- mill is well ewnpped (or Tuning by s!»2.l“t,hungin:, etc.‘ and our hands have the longest experience of any in t 1! country. With the rules of hommbie commorcn, we hope to command :1 Hum nit e Pacific's )mt'nn age. and invite correspondence for flnmnlt‘fl and prices, with estimates. i‘r‘ma satisiartm'y. An, nnd all kinzisol Nets "=0 Spirits made (Horde:- THIS NEEDLE CASE 4 »- ,-- ~- - - 'm-g ’V;’,' V,. 3;;11 nevi-:.’} :1???" 51:; ’ , midn- memixed In“ “unbeaten .‘ 52‘.” “In"! W.“ a . 33:; V , in“??? y papers um un~.- 4;‘ 1; —.- - 3“ ' ‘ ghgfizfiiéz -3:, ea.) which-"mg“;n-mn rs: - 2~ V. -.:;. ' . “ 1:;31-‘44 prices. Ourngmtsullmmu‘ gall-Ad g . at. .3 4“,; , .3 v ‘xfiE’L‘fl uh 815 10820W'”k- he pic- !;-- ,1; may“ . '3--——- —— _— firfe; can then gt:y7?‘nn 0; III: I Data, E. ' id'hfl—ék‘c‘t' 2-;: :.-*.=;J"_’m.,:«,_;’. An“ N“ -' W ”-3”: I ;; :r. ' viii "" 'i "‘ ',__“‘ . :1- E3;- perhtmdrcd. WRWAx-I-A Efi'l’éifi .- .2 .i,’...}"'(;«' - A E .1254: ~_- udvfllundlumpia k for er? ~ #73144" xiii-Tr: mby man {or 0115 la Silva- } a fag-ff _' ' -‘ _—‘ -‘-‘:{= or young- amp. I thh "pay; - 2:33: ' 'V;”1“j~;_;;r_:::;‘ .ßtll.tég=.-_;, ;.- —. ~ L - ~- , HASTINGS EOIMISSION HOUSE. IIASTINGS’ \VIiARF. DO.“- in MI kinds of— Farm Produce, Peed - Bran,ooal, Wand Eta, . $3” FOR‘ CASH ONLY. ,gvg FRANK W. HASTINGS, Manager. And Real Estate Agent. __.o_ ~, m Fine residence property in L. B. lltu-xtings’ first and second additions .m CAIJL ISEFORE PURCII‘ARING. [WM Agency for Hastings’ Steamboat Co. ' P “w“ BBLLEB ORGAN 75:3,, 'l‘ W”%—'3j§-.;. .7 tfif'er'o American ‘ “5" :37"- : ' :' , fix: : ‘.- . v'c B a “W E "KM ~ ”541,4 14:33? 333513:§%5,“rf..§.‘.:‘5§;.?.3} Kg": iii: gnaw-o!“- "‘ ‘ . _ .;;u-.» u ..: ~;. :.u 0. flv‘ 3% fa fau§€§Es"o'o'CEAß rumor: ORGAN ' “:7 C .‘ ‘ “ «‘.. "I l, and ten “me: name pix-nun. ' 1;... (km-n} b megahe , in . ’ . ! QJQS _'_' i,'l’:'- > as tion bfyflluilicgnhllliut‘uc'ldzori‘d.lYE‘C yummy-l an man he- . .1: M f T 33:33::- ...‘3?.‘3'1.“.?‘.1.,5;3LRED MUSIC, at" .«c; ' keg; InncunsMuzes,Pemmms,nEELs. _ ‘ . \2\R "fl: 7 ' fi‘r} Oper. Stimuroputnr 801325, Church pysie, in well 5:" .:‘SJ,\_)_ 7:"?- flyéfii : _ u 3.1-, mun. imam: rung, frhcomhxning so may g ' w‘M ’,. c.” —; ‘.‘ features cu- he found in Prsncnnr >x..:: MuaL. I nxrs. 1:01-1- -».' ..% , 0 ’:'~’:-- _ V -_ in. sun we WAN? A Si’iii‘lAL “ssl! 0‘“: . fi‘wayry sl., 4’ E I:l'l‘llßßfi_EyX_.lNEiE_Z_;\_l{().(t.§.lgl’l'‘ 3,3,, g, “‘33-. 7;- —" "FFEB Mc n 1313.2}.mnyla‘ THAT *6 , \ ~._ . K 3 5L ‘75 E EAR}E§T\VORH}’.LP~IAS3OI! rAIL'm 9‘6“ - ' \ _ »." gen 3 1551\138 810? T”! $30.2 I'LL’. 3HI¥TIL ma mosx .- ..: 601“ ° = margwmzfir Price 8311 811 Dollars. ' v in BEAUTIFULLY FARVED CA?“ vflh music. Sand for em: I! 'm an you wflh mid-Mun! delight. If nu mm! it sent CJJJJ. send 82.5 thm you dewm“ 3031.11 m; on 122 N 313 N York 0 “v - l - ' mummmAm . assan 81. BY I Francns W . James Quincy st" Port Townsend, W. T. WILL BUY AND SELL Dous'nc AND FOREIGN Excmxaz, Puacms: CITY AND COUNTY Wmm'rs, MILL AND Sunrise Duns m crass WNEGOMLE Puma. mamg mmmwxn Ea; mm amass -—:ox urnovm) 5:013:11:- About for the Gninn Line of fast steamship: between Liveapool and New York. chpnid pangs “cleats to and from ports In England, lrelaud._Dentnark and Sweeden to N-‘w York. ”hence by rail to al: parts of the West. and an": from £1 sterling u . available as above. @- ISSUED AT LOWEST muss. _fi Corrcs yondence rollci‘cd. Reference, by permission, the Bank of British Cohmhia. \‘utnria, 8.C., “A Fun Francloco. Cal. . ‘- junc 4, 1551-11. DRUGS I@DRUGSI‘ PamtS, Olls, Varmshes, Stationery Wholesale and Retail, by N. D. HILL & SONS ":5: r.» :'i' .- -“ DRUGS, - ' SOAPS, ‘ MEDICINES, POMADES. CHEMICALS, PERFUMEm. . HAIR OILS, TRUSSES’ « ALL PAPER, . . GLASS, BRUSHES, ’ ' PAINTS. Etc. OILS, And all nnich-s int the Toilet. [ Patent Mgdioincs of :3 kinds, V. Quick ales and small profiu. ARGUS REAL ESTATE AGENCY FOR BARGAINS. Number 4. ' ,‘:(f(’lli(‘, Sign (17er Fresco i P Ep . ~, A. 1.4” {£le .’ TIH‘ g; i 1 I’npor Ilunging and Decorating a Specialty. Estimates niren and contracts taken on House. Painting. :Ef‘CaH md (xnmixzt- work; it is cur ili'fwrl mm: Head < f Quincy st. wharf 33?". x mum: of YATBONAGE aoLICI'rRD. BRITISH COLUMBIA B()()I{ BINI)EI{Y'. Gmcx‘mm-m am 111': 2d Knob. Victoria. B. C. Elegant (‘ull and - Blurrocco Bindings ‘ A Spot-Yul}: Jil'h‘li' AND LAT? ‘I'ORK “'11! receive our l'cil attention. H. T. WILLIAMS. ”ran ACADEMY OF THE HOLY NAMES SEATJLE. WasiL Tamil Boarding and Day School for Girls» Full 1“")! opens August mull. Thorough n»- Amati/m in the English Branches. Mane, An Elocut on and {he Lnnguuz—‘s by a full corps of nxpu-nmzccd Teachers. Building new and com nmdinun" Location plenum and. h allhml. Pupils received at any time and charges pro pmtioned. For tin-um” addrers. SISTER Scrzmoll. August 4. last PORT TOWNSEND Boot & Shoe Store len‘l,no"l, udm' ,llhles’dzfiildlfi'l BOOTS AND SHOES 0:- TB: BEST gum" All) “TEST PATTERNS. ‘3' have a great reverence torus]: customers. Jonx FITZPATmcI. LE‘SIKG 0- Asrnrncn’r oco C'H . E/flEme 60L . l I v E. g r.—' 2 Du = . 2 $35 E 3.: :gl‘K’ s‘; ".3.—Ernst: 173-: ,w-J. 5 g: : €55??? GEE—SS%. 2"- ? E , ’30:? lfifi‘Ff‘fi' = : : :- ~ %:Jv§}:*—:‘ edifigé ’/' : .« ":.E “212:4: =_ ,sz; g‘f’glé: EL :.'Z‘ ' - , . .4 ...; N - » Ia WBIB m @ster flows «.0, fibronChntlS-dgsl' anaSD'SEASESwm§OAT-/ m LUNGS 75°: «1 Gun I: .8513! or circular,‘l.§ezkflit32zg Mill _ IN MEUEco. cam/1m: (AL ' MAKE NO MISTAKE. B'li‘ 'l' all 5 fl nuke {ol' belgpfiulbaon .‘e $312???) shoe: b: 1n?!“ glad noxs 3° many a hon-chow, and :.’ woman] kaakxnx up 1119 Cowl: or Gold t t 100 often de‘wiaps l .10 that fatal disease will yet. an thousands from an until: ely gru‘o. You mph. no mismke in keelfil‘nrsmome of this plain“ remedy 11qu in house. a" ‘ Runny!!!“ R , A, i I ‘ _ A ‘ not. me ONLY “EQMW‘L awwlnm 2313“. 2 ‘ CURE'TO. Sm ' u“ CATAR . Elli.“ [lt a 1;1V_.,,. C GUARANTEED A Palm CURB In! Camus“! In the may!" I'm, no. Cold. Gnu-rm Defines m ion Ryan. 1.- m thannaeofmueandmll; M had new and “plenum. m an)“: mourn. Manama-m: no In. F lowdlrectlons and: can I: mama I. Wu. :1 pubax;§l.lo and; H cine-1 u- lo ABIEIT B 1041. 00'- PAN’Y.orovllle.thl Ankh: SAKTA Alla AID CAT-I 0!!“ For use by .us‘ D. mKLBLID..m gist. Agent of Company. - Juno—Juno. The original mm 01mm: in o.!ng up”: large two ouncetlu bonemnlisu lutocnm for old ml, burns. won-m buds and u: akin mpumu. Wfllagm cup all kinds 0! puts. Ask- for the original ““31?“ Wmmwfi‘xfff‘“ 3“" :{Wminn‘y- A - "va‘" Port Townsend r! a: SAW MILL -‘ imrzm Geo. W . Downs, MANUFACTURER 0F LUMBER. um. and Plelrcvs: Flooring Ind Drwd Lun ber of all dimendons. Orders received {or delivery in town or (or shiument. flaw ______._._.__.___. I City Meat Market. CHOICE FRESH [BATS 0’ ALL & 150 0:13:35 ’l3; ‘3l Pagdmm: mugs: Head Chane. e 1: .:Xvnylan hand. Home Cured Hams, Bacon and Lu! Lard. Give us a can. Satisfaction guaranteed. Order! (Aden and goods gellvend mun-um. the any. 0. C. COLEMAN lg 00., Port Townsend. W. ‘l'. ESL-n door to Wuermun An Razz. 11' ________—————— 1 People 3 Market, Cor. Wawrud Taylor Sum % Port Townsend, Wash. Thomas Jackman, Propnetor. ‘ - be lit f II is d of X 6“. Tu: figlezri: “:1“! ’ze‘iuf Sag-:3“, Bull Cheese. Bologna Slang“. etc..uvuo on hand. gar-o.lm. delivuu to nll mm of the City. =5 @ I have come TO STAY! Win GUARAPJTEE GOOD WORK In all lines or Dentisu‘y :u pritc’ “I‘m" a. much of u“; ,_ . Teeth hxtractcd ‘Vlthcut Pam. aromas: Second Bog; cggamficw' . ‘ v 0 u ' BunJ’mE, next door t I. ’IWIL