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_,,,‘ - . ._.”.-.v “mm—K. TWi f» r . . .4! 2w ‘ , \..~~‘ “-‘.~‘.:A : ~ -.~‘; . ii-i" ‘_ ’ . Mir-‘o‘.” 'l‘i‘.» . . ‘ Il- ‘ ."~.;: . . 'f . .\. zr . g 2 . s 31: l'(' c . .’gnz‘.-‘?~l 1y n m-h: \' , cv.':z.v-., 15-=.; - .L'l 2:71;: -5.“.‘.,: ' l-. . :- g u’. 1 . l‘-‘lv > ' ' ' > :nn Ll v‘ , in x 2 ~ .;- ~ i'\' I‘} 7. ‘ E ‘. , ('\\l.2‘. ‘..,1- a. '. . ' .\l'y3t; : z‘ _ ‘i;'. :-\‘:,‘:_,- '..; > 1 - ’ililt. '\ _ . . , lizh-‘l :‘. - ' _ .\xzi: ~' ~.->I «E'iEl-kfi." '; j,»_ I ‘ 1m ~~ ;:. 1‘ A . . ~H" :!__; ‘ _ ‘ ii'htgqlfst'“! '. '..." . “Uh-31'. E : TIM-1w“ §;}*._,. ‘2; .. (‘l‘z'iw « ‘13:; . ‘ ‘. 7 . = . til'lll'i.HEV.-'“: ’_ . . -- ‘ :zt‘ll‘f‘rin » I“ x_. . . , . \'isltin; )n' m’ -, " 1:~(. .\ t! .: - gutlwr \“l‘ ,1 ‘ ~ ‘E x Sumh- jri. mg. i‘.: 9-, . . piz>>ilnly 11. .~ .- ‘2'. ‘:' .s .~ “2‘: 1' 0111' l- '22: i~.1‘.;. --Y.:i-. X‘ A‘-: 'gq-llur :3.» ;:.‘*-r : 2:! ~ :: own: w:- :l;;.- a-z' . - . ..c., (Hun-3;; .'.. ( :ru .:;, '=;"_:i :‘.'.~_ '.. Thu (“hut-(in; v- : ::..|- wi- ..m SPIN-Yul f-r: HA :.- I'. ."z ~‘. .’ ' v - of ()kmuurur: \‘(m ' z t'. ‘7 \"C rung um! .1: i.|: E..:. 5. 'l. -. :*: ‘ mun pre.m:.t!_-. .‘....‘gg’y 1 :.‘ Hanan}. ('. {2, :..-x :: ("v-‘v :.':1: tur. who ~-fu“. 1 ix ~ LL: .'Eg «la-put). 'qui' vii-M ~:«. ~ . 9v . was: >c‘:::‘! ly !.‘. 1- - , {I s _‘ Olly, “VJ? : l 1.»; .'.:2' (7 ,3 ' ‘ I l:H;.aunl H's") iii": 1 v ’ . 5 . :m-nts fur it” ‘l'. -. . 2 x; !: (aw-nus .::i_v.-.-.1?. r , I .~ , .v. 01 Ill“ E'vLJJ. i‘. x . ; :L ' - clean-. 1 l'r‘m‘e. in; '5 ~ . -‘ ; -..i L' -, . at C 5913“, 13:13:. .§_J‘.‘:.!‘. v.l. [lii PM)? 1.1:! Irvin: h. im-K WV : B. l’u'm-n- was unis v-w-r :;' W Mallot schmyl ~11; ‘ inf-r :. 1 2 ‘v handsszirl‘;\§!|y:4i: 17. if 'i a“ r: .- (‘lzm‘on ,'ru'--u‘r juJ-g '. 9. '3, "~" .“- nld jnsinws .1 !m- gr: w‘ :3 ..: : -.l ';' 1 Bash resign-d. :1; (l \'w w «z: -e.‘: .I ‘.tn drr ”3'? 1.1-: “~an ;- :x., " .1..:: :_; and them “its ix u;-~s~u-:U cum: 'v u stub'm. .\rmn uuv '.. =.' A: :.-: Lu pruvéde (mum-v am“: :.v': 1:: :1 .: jail. ...-. fl ~ _, Life-Saving pernuu Major Blakenvy, snporiuig-ncian: (:.' the United States. Lif:--.‘Sa:‘;l:.-g::rr vice oftl2i3 district. has row-fl“:- l mili cial 1101100 that (Le munilfly ._m“. »f surfmen has Lea-u intros-m: urn) S4O to 361') a month. from and aft. 1' April Isl next. Thi: iEN‘EW‘R.nZ‘. wim 3; by the way, is the may.) ‘ :zm :zxni wages paid to blll‘fmeil (m 12'.» kt lantic coast, has been long llL‘hiX‘e'l and urgeci for this district, as gym: dlfl‘icnlty has been gpcl‘iemwl in obtaining competent mon to remain at the stations for the 30w wages paid. Surfmen are generally saiiurs. and heretofore they Would frequently no sooner become Well trained than lhey would ship on coasters, where higher wages were obtained. Under Um new schedule it is expected that able and trained men may be kept in me source , The recent Vin“. of Linzitvmint Me 1 Clellan and Engineer Yon Bryor oil of the Life—Saving Service “'11:; my» 1y benehcial to the interests of this department of this c 0451. They came partly to see th-nculsnlni partly to investigate pertain char-sn: preferred against Suporinivndcnl Blakenoy. Investigation rcruitml in a complete exoneratiozi of the Super— intendent. They have now returned to Wash— ington, but are busily engaged in preparing plans for the tlu‘oo new stations on this coast nuthorizad by Congress one year ago. Thu sites chosen are: (I) in this harbor just east of Fort Winfield Seott; (2) at Point Reyes, on the beach north of the lighthouse, (3) at Point Adams, inside the baron the south entrant‘o to the Columbia river. \‘y'ith thaw and the present stations, the aervico on this coast Will have nine well— equipped life-saving stations. The armnt locations are at Noah Bay, ape Arago, Shoal water bay,Cnpn Disappointment, Humbolt hay and Golden Gate Park. The additional stations will be of great value, and all interested hope their erection will be no longer delay-3d. It i~ hoped, if nothing prevent-i, to get them up and equippnl heft-retina end of the present year. A Sugnfi‘ufiure Ellensburg Locali;er: Our del-.-~ gate has not procured mail facilities £Ol the Salmon mines. It was said when he was elected thal he was in harmony with the majority- of the lower house of congress mm] per con— sequence could enlist more aid in anything that he would ask for than any republican could possibiy think of getting. The only thing he has asked for and insisted upon is put~ ting Idaho’s pan handle on our pm. In that effort he has signzilly iuill He news to study nothing but im~ gosmnf‘ities. Two yczu'a ago in“ tailed to 15k tor the forfeiture of 31:22 lauds down the Columbia i’rmu \'i'azl lula to Portland. But he wont all his energies on an attempt to 30: -. forfeit of all the lands of we odd sections from the Missouri xiv-er [:.‘ ti 6 Pacific ocean. He “111119de lb 1 I hog or none. and he achieved tl e latter. He has proven hinifiz‘il the weakest man that has met bf'i‘i‘. s :.'. (tom the territory as a delegate. Sullivan anzl Elfin-hell. A dispatch to the New York World from Liverpool sys Sullivan hue clml~ longed Mitchell to tight. in n 15 foot ring. Aruur Maginis agrees to haul; Sullvan for $243,003 and makos u. be: of 35,000 that John L. will knock out Mitchell in forty minutes. Sul livan says of the late fight: "Kabul; was more surprised than I at the nu salt ofthe late encounter, and Lu: not ashamed to say so. But all wl3 fair and square. I can‘t say tliui Mitch-- ell ever dropped without being hit. but. he fell at the slightosz much. ] only got. one good Whack at lulu an 1 that disabled my arm. Another C'lh' like it would have settled hun- It was no use going on. so I was smin: ‘ fled to make it a draw. I don't think ‘1 Mitchell will over {llOO me or any body else again in a serious fight He mabetter man than I thought h:- was.” A dispatch from Lonlon sags Mitchel, when seen said: "No! I shall not fight him :gain :mr uni bidy else. The in; I fogé -; ~. .'. that a man with a f nizizy d .. - on him must be careful übaui [52.655 ing in serious enmunters of mm. kind.” . « - _ -- - :4 . a. . -."; :.p. '.‘ ‘ . P 5‘ $13512“. .! -'»‘ .: ~ \. \. r~'.'\‘~; ' .' ‘; _-‘. 1,1...-'.:-.!.1. x ;- ’.r "h 1: ». r-‘A ..: -. :..; .. :1 :..._i ~.: .» :.1 7.3:. H. _.£~.! :..; ~ , , '1: »:i'~“:.- :.::.'i'.-..'t.t in:::- < . A“? 1‘ an . Hr" .‘.-~;134.-X‘.!Euzi . -~ :5 z. z’- 1.15 ". .- 1.11 " 4:. radix}. . .~ :: .\ :.rt‘»:‘ .1 T" . \:.':.4. .‘.i 2 :. :2, Thx'u :~ : . . ’~. g':. 1 1’ ':.J:-:,:1().’.‘ V . 1. . 1fl )5 1_ ‘ .;( n'zx.l:.:;;. i . '-.'.';|: l.‘.>~‘1;l£;:-i 1 ~- - L. Z. 4"! huh} ‘ -. 1..-“ w. » ..- ‘-. l:.z\-- Inf": --i ' 4.. : a E : :4 1.»,.!.‘;2--_\'r..-!| I .' ‘.. :-.311 L- :i. 3: i:.?r:v-'..~ (a! ' '~4~lv ..:. “..:A .:.-_~E"‘n'~' ‘4 ."x 1. : :.‘ :»--'; - :13. . -- .‘.: »ai. ~ Kn“: Y 2'}; I v I: .41- 's’u:.:~::t«§ ‘ ‘1 if». . . - ‘ .2 I; -...z )2 ~~’i: 21:. .\ if inli . 1“ E. 1' “ 1 - :1 'l' ”14". h! ‘ ‘ : '. . >3 ‘. llzl'j: ‘l_‘. -I . i '1 ' =i'.. .. .’.vl"'-R.E«-:- zlu ‘ 3‘ I- N". a z. \5-..!:'. vx':.‘.§ll37él:. i 4’5:.' "52.1 .:' lelXu-Lzsid ‘: 1 '."'.. Z';.i ".4!::~'—\‘.:i‘ ‘ :\-§.:‘ ‘..-rSO“. Ifxiluqun :5 : I‘.‘ 1.. _:.-E xn :.-':=‘§. (h'n :..“ n "'l3: i . . , 2 I;§..- {I (“11115: (li, lib" 3‘: ' 1 El ..v :.‘” 2.; 54 u :‘i.(‘;-‘ ;. E. '. I.‘ '4' :1; :1.- * .. .- :.x‘u m: .1 ‘. z'x:»“i -: 1' .=-E:. ('...,.-"l2:_'=‘|'\\'i:‘!ei! ‘4; '4';: ‘ =2? .5 23532 é“ :.1:-!21;=-§! .:--.-' 33' 4:4}. . ~. '.22 1:4 1'.i;in:~:I 3 ‘l2 :' £:_1':;:- s‘: 1551- :r~;2§' (If 5.2.1';' ; .. t i :-:i.l -. =‘-...~14:‘ :;~ 2. i' ::;:.x.;. .‘.. Hard: :3.’ 51‘2“.- .nmx :1 Hit: -.--:. 5.1.5:. :.unl m..-nib é-z .54.;31 §.-:':::::¥ig. Jil'nw‘h‘l 21 {3': .‘st~ rup 21'! : :..-31.11‘» min hiii. H... ..:n was,” Wink-10‘. this gunning :1. Up uni: mum-. 1 :4" .5.-nanvrusiz- nx:-ml).l‘s.: 573310 L'ntnuaittvn :: §j4xl:l‘ll.‘-3 :.'.ihjrr: ‘i'i vulni' 23'“ a-é‘uimrz". Tim prawn i 4 :1:i1h-;‘~Ii:;.dirq:‘ i- ’...;x‘ ”vii” H. 152»: l‘opurtvd to thr— 11 um li::‘=.:i‘zizx_\‘. ' 1 .‘. S:re::;§'ui -’.2.'.t:-‘;u:.-;‘. 5 Luxnvx. Rim-51 :.‘:P. -3"l:lth~.~a‘ .E-w 3 ‘mm -:'. 51m Lanai-. 15.: .15 HP 15 4:} n I'3 lilnulvr n: ()3 min :.h- m haw! it: Ig-z'uves :41) hr- :. .Ew niini hulnrufld. .'ij Int 5-"; x 1W) 1! di ‘ll .-<) ‘3? Imu- Ew u; i‘.-a':.v.'.n-d. It Is b.-!im«'-.‘~:i that ilwi 'list will In; gr-uuiv iuurcew'd win-:J tho 51:" xi»: is. civ'u'ud :quy. l F 1303 in the Missouri. 5 I i’--:-§.u:. 31.-uh. H‘u‘cl: 22.~-—Tl:n§ :guz.: 1195.1 5:: 135-.- nppvr Miswmrii lc: :mium 4. 1211:! 22.0. rim-1‘ is. still riding; lrupizliy. Tim-I‘.- is :ix fL-t-t.l){ watm- 5 ’uu Hm I‘2““ny :2! WM: l’.»i:.t.nn.l! Mi ';:.'-3 m - ziil wash-d out. .\liik' I‘rwr gorgn i-a omummwiug to break I 111:: and the couzxiry is fluuded for ~10 I miles. urouurl. If Hm river gorges. at | this point the luss will b 0 immense. DExxls KEAHSEY FAILS. \l'.-.lzmsuru.\'. Mar. L 1 21.——Delmisl Kearney hm! an iutvrviuw the presi viz-m today and denuuncad 'Llo pund~ ing Chinesejreaty. Hu said that un— der the gla‘n‘se porruittingaCbinn- Ezi'lll \vnrtll Slum; m 5. turn in (1:50 .lw‘,‘ left Hm ('011ntry.«~::cl1 llmuauml llallm‘s would In»1)):ulwhdudllly for :.. Ulznenual iucuming (.‘lziunuwu. Tho gn’czixlt‘nt said that 110 though! lhv irrzxty would be at lt‘lh‘t trial for :1 \z'lxilv. Kearney said if it was that it wunl-l mnzm the loss of fourteen eluc tnml votes of tlu- Pacific Coast to the Dmnncmtic party. H“ told the gzx‘ositlvn‘. that it would requizoarmvd mun at (awry [arty rods of tho hnundary lino betweun the United States and British Columbia to pro u-ut Chiumneu from coming over the llnu. T u a reporter Mr. Kearney said: “I'm going back to Szm Francisco tstorrow to roport my non-success to my people. I have been unsuc cessful befom the commutes of both houses and a: the white house." TERRITORY or ALASKA. WAsmxm-ox. March 21,—Honse Committee on Territories tu-dny (lu— cidt-d upon the bill for the organizzb Lion of the Territory of Alaska. NAVAL STATION. ‘VASIXISGTON, March 2l.——ln refor— euce to the resolution presented in Elie senate ai' v days ago by Senator .\litc‘noll. of'a'egon, providing for the appointment of a commission. to be composed of three competent naval olficur-s, whose duty it should he to make a careful examination of; the North Pacific coast and select a site for a naval station, Porter, first‘ admiral of the navy, has wrttien a letter to Senator Mitchell endorsing the proposition to establish a strong and complete navy yard and station at Port Townsend. on Puget Sound. "The British who are quirk to im prove important. positions," he writes. "have of late years given much zit-l tcntioa to their naval ostahlish'menta at Esquimalt, on Vancuuvor island.” [ho valuonf this station “has been much enhanced by the construction of the Canadian Pacific railroad. Every largo gun that has lit-nu sent t from England for heavy fortificationsl now being built. has been transported ‘ over this road. All stores. implo-‘ ments of war, machinery. in fact everything Wanted for a navy. am no tongs! shipped around Capo Horn. but are transmitted via the Canadian L‘acitic. This gives Great Britain a 73:12.[firt‘pczztivrttizfl- along tho whole lino of our northm-storn possossions, and x ommand of the Straits of Fucr‘. Gulf of Ut-trgia. Puget Sound, Ad— uitralsy inlvt and Hood’s Canal. plzt’ctng at their mercy all that lung liifiC's'L‘! chain of islands, inlets, bays and rivers, for which this region is so l'anions. Here. are permit a great and grasping rivai to establish a 3 powerful naval station right betnocn ‘us and "mi. possessions in Alaska ‘wnhont taking any stops ourselves iin the same direction. Alaska can ‘ not dept-ml for protoction upon a ‘ navy yard as far distant as that at ‘ .'.[aro Island. Indomi, our whole mount from San Diego to Behring la‘u‘aits may he considered as wholly lunprotectcd.” The admiral beliews 3 that, as a strategic point, a navy yard 'it Puget Sound would he more valu able than the old one at Mare Island navy yard. This is an absolute accossity if we wish to maintain our position as a naval pom-r, or show my disposition to defend our terris tax-:.' against encroachtnt-nts. 'l‘h-e :aa-crvtary of tho navy, Wilili‘ improving of [no gunvml proposition gives littlo encouragement to the sc it-clion of the site. CHIEF JUSTICE \'mm: DEAD. \VASIIINGTON. March 23, Chief Jus tico Wane, of the Umtml States 511‘ ; remo Court. dim tins mormng. He had been soriunsly iil nncn Saturday v':o_aing. {Elam}; 12 was but gout-rally ~111'.:1‘.'.".. His ilinws: “:.1; due: to hvur .u"; r; .’M-n trmlL-E: wnnpfivuto-d with 1 very painfni 5.33:1: "h défliculty. rm»: scrum: cocm ADJOUBNS. \‘l'Asmxa'rox, March 23,—Tho At- ._. (la-2,331.91 mu] members (:f the ..' -. gr- :‘h‘. in t'xzu court mum i» n; 3‘ 51.; “it a; Um court assezu :-:~l 31;": ...-.315 vntsfla-tboruil' .- '.E--’. whiz rfi-TIILHHS. Thel m ;- -;' if: 1." -3ii—ii""— \‘v'mh- was! -;I. 3. E “-Izu 1111 p: lull in nu] ~lr .3 ;-~ v 1 El 3 {LN upp--;ir.;zuru (If; ..u a'iz niwx' -,:i\-~ indirmiuzx Hf HH-i .. :.szi xumuu- u! liau 90335543.; :‘-. i; .-. :i..‘ v 122:: um! ussoxulxlugv‘; 1. .«~. :3: .3. -.":1~:;'.--- .‘ziiiirr. in a Emu! =3l; 3:. '.'~ic-~. rrl‘d: ! "if ..w 2:.; p m..”!!! aim) :u unzmumui 3: |::u 51:1‘ "1' '..-.i.‘ (u 'ix': {hut in [um-3 :- . =' Iw} i] f::' ' zivli-‘ilh'd this Elf": §f\ :3- 1': 12:3,: :x2 “:33” ("fl/:.1“. thin: ~ :.u‘. :..; «1"1-51J hm ikn'il'ly n-S~; ='.:.~ 1.! -:i--.3:v;qzi- I.x on xlw snhjwl.f ..ix‘r‘n “ii! 6.3 «lwne- in «1:10 um:- i im- r‘ 31.-z “.I.:.‘.j'nmuullemnizayi It; .i. ..'. ! z“ zzx Hi-rl‘lii.!'.~’. ; "\‘. :3. ;. .\inwii ”iii—"Phl- Sufi i -; :.';m .’./.'wn'vl 3:33:11 giw.‘ 13030! =3“ \: ~r:3.. :: in i 1 - i~~!:.- uf tni< \w'm-k} 3' 23:1. (-.':~§r!.;v 3: .if I‘2'4‘2-11 truniénn in; 3: 3;‘ 322 mm —‘. i- :-::}> lin- Indians; u" ’~- - aux-5:2: 1.31392. m-m- m-x;n|mni.~—' ‘.' ..::::..i.l;'xf‘-. :-f :3 running 1- m-Etfi -.. whlh' vi- ings .-.r my. 'iaaz? win-n iht'? {-'fi !‘-_“ ;‘..~:.: i: “‘35! 52-". h:- (It ’.hl’ll'! v‘.‘.‘:: A"=!»i:. '. Ting." 5:1)" that 111:“ :‘.'i "l'mai- '- 3 i !!-’!3lHl:|f “my m'ht; I xx—x- -:;..! "my :u‘v nl'mid Hm)" '. Ii 132 w- 1., .i H; Hwy :zz'v Hum-In. j ‘-.\-.’rl::'.i: \Rl;i:~'!{. ‘3 riff-312:3; Main-ix 2:3. -'l'\'.'u p::<~ -.=:;;_lz‘:‘ Uniz. u. aln- l’ifL—lnguzi.‘ Lh‘J’ Ell' l'nifl'lflh! (' liizh'zl {Ul'ty mi‘ 5 \',(--! 3‘:-3 '1 l‘ill. 1.3;); {his HLUI‘H 3.. «in-. 5 \'{z‘iv' ‘x, 3:; \‘.'A‘ Tin-fl: one -.r.:. \~.?;~ I:.‘Y3.!i’i.‘.' 353ix‘xl :mzi nine .3.; .5 M‘ 3,.u—._\' ‘ExJ‘HC-(l. t:‘._\v RAELR'M‘J'. ’ WALL-x \\.u.v3.-.. Marx-h :32.-—'l'his af u‘n-nm: 11n- huarxl 1:5" tine!" acr'i'pthd ,an ili‘UElU—hia-ll uf t-uxm‘ucmrfi. W. Hum tn lnzild u wily-wad from Wul~ {21323 \‘ize i’.-.‘.n-l-s. 17133 I‘, this city frr gamma, - ‘ ..--» , . ~ Esquumlt's Position. \'iv-Inz'i. '2‘::s.=-~j _ 'i‘iw ."un win-2:23.. :n'v t-videnfig Iw :Tnuim: tn raudizn Hw inmurlnnz-v u? l'l«u];l§3;.:x'3t ::< :3 yawn-W543: [mini Ihr “gijiizu'y inz'pugivu. 1139130“: ga‘iix'i“ :.Hy mmr-wlfl! Hu-A :lwcumg-lvtim: ..:" 1h» (‘ 3:;udizan l‘m'illc Railway |::.s :uI-In‘. inuuvnm-L‘.‘ in (1:13 inn-dig" nf Indium}! as :c. plill‘t' (l’urmvs. In major 13) mvumm‘zzcr. and to h.» in :r [7O El'oa m vluwknnt - Britirh [le‘l’ gnu} rngn'nmzn'y in than» uorihorn wu fu“. it 55 511231203“! lay Hm Amnriouns In ('r.-i;r;l]‘=i(". a um :11 yard at Port l‘u‘.‘.'us:-:::l. win-. 3- ulfl) ()‘hcu‘dufun ~ive non-ks. will in- vrm-u-ul. From a Lnlidun dirlmtt'h puhiiellml in an utlwr ca-lumu it will be uhsnrved that ”32‘ Canadian national highway. and HS burning upon British nu‘iitury :izatlnyg sti'l (Medium-. 4 lua (ram uh V min“. It is definitely duvidml Ills on :i‘at the ('Hlll‘x‘ l’m'ir: sqnaxlrun ili'rl'Hfti'l‘ will ln- mmmirsimu J and rupain I] at I‘Lquimrilt and in a. larger scale than viilh-r :;1 ”~leng 0r Haifa. 'l'l-fs nu :lnnlfl isllu-rhijt 12.0 Impz-rial Gnu-rnmcnt has in Vi('\V in mum-"(inn will: lhn [,rupusmlon— larguzwni of the nru‘al } an! and in oroasml ioi'liiimfiuna in this “righ h:,-l'lwu.l. Thsmo wlm are supposed :.. lmuw whorqui” Ila-y .~puak have dam] that [he tlwt t; he shuioned :zt Esquimal: will Im a powerful one. embracing heavy \'ussi-ls of a higher class than any which has yet flamed in :l-e.~:n waters. Hvrnal'ter it will not he necessary for these floating for tramps to return to Englandmwry three. years fur overhauling. That can he accomplished at Esqnilualt. ro=ulting in a large saling to the ad mirally. eslinmtod lItMMHK) a year. It is evident from the various; move~ manta going on that. Esqnimalt is destined to become second only in importance to Plymouth as a naval station. Hero will always remain in reserve of British men of war. as livoll, possibly. of infantry. for any miners-envy which may arise in the ‘l’acific endangering the supremacy of that flag which fu r I‘. thousand years has braved the tattle and the breeze. Loggers In l'ouncll. Tux-mun Newt] Many of the loading Puget Sound 103-013 are in session at Seattle to discuss their grievances and devise ways and means to rvmodythnm. Among those prcsont lustm’ening were 5. Coulter, of North Bay. J. R. McDonald. of Suimp: Dudley Blair ohurd, from Sunfish; thoDuy boys and others, from Skugit; E. D. Smith Isaac Unthcart, T. Elm-i 1 and others from Snohomiah: Terrence O'Brien, from Stuck junction; Juinos Mono gue. from Squuk; I. C. l‘lilis, of Olympia, and many others. Their grievances, us one expressed it, is that "the miil ownurs,uot content with living and letting live. organ ized thunsdvos inlo :Loorporaticn "known as the Puget Sound Broker age association. with lho avowed ob jnct of regulating (ht-price of logs on Puget Sound, or in other woxds. they Combined to do away with all Comp-"lition 1n buying logs. The loggers, un'ooknown lu Hu-msvlves, pzircolled out among thu different mills, and n logger who had been set down as belonging to Mi-iggs. at Madison, was deburred from selling his logs elsewhere. as ono oflho jt!‘l‘lll§ of tho combination provided } for this." Tnoy will demand that tho opera tions of that brokerage assuciatioqbo permanently suspumh-d. and that a uniform and honest scale be adopted by the milling companies, so that the loggers wiil get a fair shake when they sell their lugs.” They say that they \z‘illstaud to gather in this demand “ fur they cau uut. afl'ord to make a failure of this mow-uncut at. this time. A failure now w :uld mean a dvstruciiuu of the !oggiug ink-rests mi Puget Sound.” They are "nut organizing to raise the price of logs “how the present pi‘iCus, and will ha Siltlsdfid with low~ .r [)IiCPS whom-wr tin-slaw of the inmlu-r murkrt demands it. but want the piiviloge of selling 1035 where and to whom Hwy see fit, at as high a price as they man got for “1911", with— out any outsidn interfrrouco, and to :iccumplish that uhjuct they will stand firm and iiuitml." Jo (5 years ohm—" Auntie. what is that thing crawling?” Auntie—“A ladybug." Jo—-—“ Kill it.” Auntie—"“lls3 no. Gmi made it.” Jo (mt-dinning a whih‘)-—-"‘v\iell. God can make another." Tm: CHILD REL-munch. 7My lime girl. aged seven _vmrs. was :.1}!I.- 0.1 with a severe cough and culd. She mum not sleep but coughwl Ammsr l.\'('2ss.\\".m'. \I was induced by :1 fnumi hr tn: Chum. JbCrlain's Cough Remuis um] Wu»; “stan ished at the immediatu r.-¥i. 7‘ :t gave hfl‘ and the cure it prndnm-d. l “mum not be without it in the Emum fnr :n; pric’e. I have tried many runs-divs for coughs and COIdS. but this 79 :‘lllu'rinr it) any. thing I have e‘er tum]. Paar. J. M. Mm. Capital City Commercial Col lege, Des MoinesJown. Sold by Jae. LD. Minuet. ‘ PICKINGS. 5:22: Funnfism is :u-lvuring quar iltflnmzi 1):: ‘~~u.';_;'vl'.-z, .'ill'i W‘s-9L". l-Ax'u rvgmhliv-zans s-umum over Pimmir-r Aim-41; :i- n pl‘o~i.ll:utinl onudiluh'. Tum. Kruu:--k3‘> übwumiing trvas'urur. |.::.- Lva-u imyo .chud. Hi‘ ~21: I’YJ'JI' is about SZHIUEUC). .1 Knight.— Truly! ri: dlzv is suou ‘- - h- 131mm] in 1111.4»! 'l‘y. m-nkiug im- iztxé: i 1: \‘v.2.>;!‘;h‘__'3‘;il i'vz'riz-try. I)» Lvssvys says Lu- “in ulwn the i'mrzmn mum} in ESSA. Tim: d9~ gu-:.:z.\ ugszru how many puckcti be my. own; in [hs- umnzuizuv. {human-xx zal‘u [tr- 3 :zrir; h» “‘UX'L‘ :.m imiw slung Ihn- nag-m- (' fiumhia XLE- >:-:..- x::. 35am! _\-'::1‘ “.r)‘ fumul rut—l:" l'.-.' ‘w :w H, \\‘{ai"32 IL: _\' Add in [Diem-burg. 1.2:” mm: s‘; ;-.~; ._-i .1“ {Em !: yard of :-1::z wanna >§4 .\\~. xlw imai :mmlwr .f y)»: :;:r-r~ l;n.lm! :I‘.ti.4-[r:!l‘tuf ."-.'«-\~‘ Y I“. ai: ring Hm gr»: .\vzu‘ m 2...} i'.” 2.139.513. ‘ V . 1:. - « Htg- J. B. "Y .s:{-‘l':'-'!|t)l“s mist finding 1: ;_7;: nun Br I iz'ip fx-un Shut— tiu riu- iwi law: tum”. hum-u] Drmlih‘ .\lz'2lu :.xul Thl". ii: nu The two x::=,-:| \w-xm m'wp.’ {2‘ 4.: lén- jilvlrmnm. 'i'iu-I'v is :m i: Mung mm" 2- axing ufl' xim mum! «f (h‘vvnizuul which is [olll‘ I:.iEx-s lung, in.» liliil'h \~.':dw and “20 [at uni of wuh-r. its day”! imiuw 21w >url‘m-a- is suppmml tn be 9m) {vs-I. ' Tin- th‘ilfu \'nila-y z'umyrisu.‘ an (‘l't'fl (If “EMU” M‘H .~ {'s I'l‘vu‘uk- lulxd; v-m'h Hn-m) ilf'l'Ufi' wiil “UP A! two pquv, m‘ (hr “'hule raw-:1 u pupil?“ ‘.iuze d 13.0””. At Hm sumv ruliu she ra-umy um Hippul't u [numb-Jinn of 4”, 000 souls. The eon-nut and Amuse committee - u revision uf lilu laws lmw decided :Jmmt unnuimnnaly tn In part in joint :‘u'niHflwH s-r-vp sing :m :unsndmcnt l 4 x'm- cam—lfix‘diun {m- [ht- x-Ix-‘Ctiou of 1‘2." Unit-xi Shaw svuuwr.‘ by direct, “Mu-s '..-1' NW pool-lat. 1 !'~ axing '.hnt '\\':..~E;ingfuu Torri ith'y wiii «:u‘u-pnhm- ién-ir MM ‘2 al':l (axillary. Hu- j-:ln'm.h> sof D 2.- ikextu :u'n yuldmhmg the my! harv— ;l.‘:;(z. .1 Item- in r. gun: in it. '1 llZ‘y are ig-nX'EM-iilurly muflz an i’.;grt Sound Izmzi :3on admin)“ m-»; -;f llza- L':l:~lcadvs. “..::i; nu x:.-:- 1; 119-".Hh-annuii~‘ so [1: min-.nn-ui that liw\\'u2'i.m~h in nu . ruin-1:; imu!‘ \" r; u!i£t::::-llv 3h:- shn..~ fir. ul nu 112-: rihrl‘ SMO. A dwi zau-r 1,3" .é .xum :-I'Vl'X:!l'£'H h: vig'n '.. vu mu Uf i rognx-s i> he'll}: made and Hal mu-k will has (muplulml übuut Slay lst. liupnblivun vluhfi mu.- hving furmé‘ul :qu uvu!‘ the cmxutrg.‘ with an vnlhnsi‘ a~zu (Lu! reminds nu” MI MN famous (hum mun-nigu nf 186$. lilinuis hm just lei a un-utrmn‘c'utiul uf la.-;.n.-<um..tiv.w of 10‘s“! ch]! 5 at \vm -h 21:”) tlolvguh 5 “Peru present, and it “as Imtiovublu llmt tha- mmw of WHHH'Q. Gresham was m-vur mou tiuuod without :1 trt-uwnduns burst, of uppaulre. 1".—I. .' 111-v. Slul ltxn Jan-1:501), United Status Lft‘llc'l‘ill agent of fidu cation in .\lalm :2“-in horn from the t-.:-.’. 121 t l‘\'l‘illllf.-:. In spa-aking of his H'pul‘lé-vl drowning. Mr. Jat'lb son said: ""l'hu man who wasdrown ed was llov Mr. slit-Hon, :z Church nf l‘lnglan-l llll\>lulll'.l‘_\', and ho was druwmul in tho Skvna riwr. British Columbia. and nut in Alaska. Dunlt ‘lms; llu- similarity of our naluo.‘ led to tho mistaku. I shall prccond to tln- far fulfill a! once. In the mom in}; I go to \'itt Jria and from them I will sail for Alaska." The storm which oxlvndod from the Delaware Capes to Cape Cod. last \Vt‘t‘k. was tho most disastrous that has occurrt-d in that country for for ty years. It is ustima'wd that $30.- Ulltwlm wmth of propi-rty was de— strnyl-d and forty 01‘ titty lives lost on land and at m-a. \Yrvcliage is strewn on the coast for miles and dead bodies are dnily being washed ashore. The storm was a combinm tion of blizzard and cyclone such as was never witnessed by the present generation along tho. Atlantic sea~ board. ' ' Bismark and Gladstone are the two leading figures. in European his tury. 'l‘hs- accident OL. birth can place heirs uu thrones, but. nothing but ability can put pin-mninent such men as tho German and English stutvsnu-n. Bismark is a unique fig~ um. When the emperor dies an other succeeds; wlwn he (lies. his son steps in: heredity, marriage, hoir~ ship supply sucm-ssions. But. when Bismark dies who stall succeed him? He is Unrmany, unified and invinci blo. On his ruccvssvr more than one king, or kaiser depends the unity of the (German empire. He will be 73 years old on the first of next month. l‘be Gresham “boom" is growing with remarkable strength. The Chi» cago Tn’bunc is working for him with the greatest. activity. other great newspupvrs are falling into line, and it is noticeable that the New York Sun, "'orld. Herald and other inde— pendent papers speak of him in the highest terma Judge Uxe<huiu is without doubt the strongest candi date the republican party could 58-- loct, and with senator Huwlrsy of (Jouuiclicut n 5 vica pn-sidont aticket would be iu the field invincible to all assaults. Gresham and Hawloy would sweep the Pacific coast like u prairie fire. Read Iho lit-nth Ball. Which the bills of morta!ity of any large city may be titly designated. and yen will find that renal and Version] mul adies.that is to say. those that affect the kidneys or bladder. have a remarka— ; blot prominence—lw had almost said Ipxepcuderance. bright‘s disease and ldiabetes in tho clirnnic stage are rarely cured. and gravel. catnrrh of the bladder and enuresis. slay many. Yet attbe mtlsetfirhen the trouble m-srti-ly amounts to inactiv.ty of the organs inVulved. the danger may he nullified by that plena atzt rt-nal tunic and diuretic.. llostct lcr‘s Stomach Bitters. which impart: the rcquisrto amount of tone in the ar tzaxzs, without uvcr c-xvrciting them, and the use of which is Convenient. and in vulvcs no elazburute preparation. Dye pepsin, n. usual cuncnmitant uf rena complaints, and dcbility. which they in variably produce, are remedied by it. So also are constipation, malarial, rhen matic and nervou: ailments. V A 4-... 7 A l The Verdi" iinammoun i W. D. Snlt, Drugaist. Bippns,lml.. testifies; “I can recommend Electric Bitters nsthe very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured at rheumatism «at 10 years' standing.” Abraham Hare, drnggist. Bellvile. Olziu. affirms: “The hast .r-vl lingz medicine I haw rver [ranked in my ‘2") :.‘r-ars‘ experiencv. is Electric Biltfirs " 'l'tmxmarrlq of others have added their testimun)‘ S’! Illrll the verdict is m..-mi nions that Eltctric Bitlr-rs dn rum ail diseases u? ”l(' Liver. Kidney or Blur-d. Suchamcdéciue you will find in Elm-,- lric Bitters. and only 50 cents a bottle. N. D. Eur. a: Box. “HAND WORK" IN SWEDEN. _ How the Use of Implements ls Taught In the Scandinavian Peninsula. Slojd. or hand work. is the art of using ordinary iinplements-.~;uch as a knife, a raw. a hammer or a paint brush. .\lr. Signet-rs sci-uh: to have had some shadowy nutiun of this s'.‘steln. “C—l—c-a-n, clean: \\'-i-n-d~c-r. window: now go and clean it." mad that practical person. Slojd teaching is to technical in>lrnrtion what a liberal ed ucation is to profesfional training. It is rained. not only a-s the first step toward lvarninga trade. but also as a training: for the faculties. Appreciation of form, a. proper value of time and method. neat ncss of manipulation and habits of indus try and self reliance are some of the bless ings with which it is credited. Enthusi asts, mormvcr, hope that log including manual work among ordinary school sub jt‘ms hodily labor may in time he raised from the low esteem where it too often lies. Slojul .n'as invented by one l'no Cyg na-us. a Fin. who. after qualifying in sev eral handicrafin. hex-ante a schimlmzuter and was ('lhll!iill>'\lullutl to draw up a re port. on which the Finnish system of gov ern: :v'nt :chooh; is hosed. In Sweden his syn .-:;i was: copied runn- tiitcen years ago, ani :2 l: lllt‘l‘i' : pi‘t'ml so rapidly that in mar. r : tT;-: cuninnm :zchook s!."th forms part (:.'~ 132': regular course. Those who vie-:.‘ l!.".li‘l not]; merely a; a training for the faculties confine their teaching to simpli- work in wool. But those who \‘alm- it aim as sniwidiary to technical in struction ti-ach sloj‘l in many branches and carry it beyond the use of the sim pic»! tot-ls. Bookbinding, tinkering, sinitfin‘ \tw-i'k. painting, basket. making Sllt'é’ldi'lilli'i and tailurlag are among their subject-z. and they spare no ctforts to mob- thl- ; ;;.~ tL-m ultra: tire to pupils and [illl'i'illrt .\t ritillle Sz-lim-lfi pupils are al luuwl to limp what they have made, or to buy it cheaply; or, to :‘ccnrc continuous attendance, they an- crcdited with deferred pay, which they forfeit by leaving before. mstipulated course has been completed. On completion of the course the pupil is presented with a bank hook representing L-is accumulated earnings and receives a. parting counsel to increase them. The parents' sympathy is also angled for. At a school in a laboring district it is a rule that pupils shall be taught, to make and use such common implements as are most serviceable to working people . —rakcs, spades, ax handles and the like. ‘ Assiduous young tinkers, tailors and shoe \ makers are allowed the use of school im ‘ plcments to make the family repairs, and thus exists in Sweden the phenomenon of a self repairing boy, who niends his own rainient and cobbles his own shoes. In Sweden, in Norway and in Fin land the system hm proved most SUCCCFS in]. Thu-L- seems no reason Why it should not be intrmluu-d and become equally successful here. The taste among non lnborine: classes for Using implements is universal. Too often. however, the hawk; that guide the implements are rather zealous than skillful. But it schools taught; slojd, these manual short comings Would be rum-died. The tool chest, now :1. Pandora's box of evil, bring ing terror to paternal bosoms and. itupre~ cations on the donor, would become a blessing. Instead of amputating chair logs or undoing the furniture with tin tacks, its skilled posseseor would do the family‘s odd jobs. The penknife found in the pot-kct of every schoolboy but Macau lay‘s would whittlc and carve, under due supervision, to the advantage of the fit tings and its owner’s lingers. Adults would cease to slice their faces in vain at tempts to shave tliexnselres; and to the adopt. in slojd, the. opening of a. meat; tin or sardine hox would not mean lockjaw. If to the use of ordinary tools some crafts like bookbinding were added, brain workers would grow up with n reereative hobby ready made. liven a course of darning and button sewing might. not come amiss to youths intended for professions, where, according to the registrar gencrul‘s re turns, they will be condemned to buchler~ hood till 30.—-—London Saturday Review. ° ': r. l n ( ~i\\ “\sfix’t 31.“, ‘1 3: £ ‘ ‘ .4 Soother at hand. It is tlzo w 1: :..!'3 medicine yet. made that. v ' ! r ‘ - :92! Eut'untilodiwrdc-rs. l'. en's. " . . . "r lllt'rphi/uz. but riv- 4 z - 4 ': . I: ' I'l'uL'L v-u’a. !:iisl\':l \ . 5 Lu'inu-r C; (‘1). #—————.-..——. Wonderful cures. W. l). Hnyl & (3n . “'lmlesule mu] l-frtuil Dru-guide: of Rulnt‘. 6.1.. s n)‘: We have selling Dr' King’s NQ‘W' Dist-Iw (~r_\'. Electric "llti‘l’N‘ um] liimltlou‘s Arni r'n Salve fur two yvnr.’ Haw never irnnlk‘ll term-div; that sell as well. ur gin-such uiziVi-mnl sutinhvlinn‘. Threw lizn'i- been 5 mm wonderful t urns efl'ccteil hy thuse melicinos in this city. Several cawsnl’ prnimnncod Fonsnmplion luiVe lwnn cutirelv t‘nrml by usu- nl’ a few but “l 3 nl‘ Dr. Kings New Discoveu. lnktl. 11l connection with Electric Bitters. “a guarantee them nlwnys. Snld by N. D Hill & Son .7 ,-4..,___A___ Better than (mm (‘.in he truly said 0! that new and t-tlli-urlnus rmumly for t‘unsunmlinn unil dlsa-usi-s ot the 'lhrount'liost xuul Lu as, Santa .\hia. for it is pleasant to 111~ pwlntc mm dam]: to 11. culd. l-In-ry Ix tile warranted by J‘s. 11. llisxuzimlur hriizui-i. ‘ \0“ would enjoy your dinner 5 . mduopmvented by Dys~ pepsin, use We Dyspepsm. Tablets. They are a. positive cure for Dyspepsia, In digestion, Flatuloncy and (‘onstég :.tion. “a guar-str-o tlmn. ““u “:11 5) cents. 501.1 ln'ldlllltlcf .1: Co. "OPS“ DIES! READ 'l‘IlIN. Tux VoLTAIq BELT (30.. of lllzlrpbnll. Micli.. ut n-r In 50ml tlietr celebrated ELECTRO-VIILTAIL "El/1' and other ELEtTIHC AI'I'IJANFKS on trial fur tlxlrty than to lllt‘ll (young.- or olillamicted with nervous tlolvllltv, loss of \'ltnlity and man hand, and all kindred tumbles. Also for rheumn iiszu. izmmilglu. pnryalysis, and muny other dis; Fflfiflfi. Complete rvstnmtinn to health. rigor aw inzllilmfl'l guaranteed. No risk in- incurred :is thirty -1:‘.y.~" trial is allnwed \Vritalhem at once ..: . :litv‘lnlle\l namxnhlnt tron W\ .. why Ackcr’s \QI \ ‘.4 S3O“ Blood Elixir is warranted. 3 because it is the best filood krepam'aon known. It will posi tlvel‘y cut. all Blood Dist-mos. purifies the who 0 syrtmrunnd flmrngflz’y bu i ids up t‘.:a constitution. Remunmbcr, we guzlre‘JZr-e it, thmvr 1; CO. _..u__~.—.o.O—— - _— An Almanac furs. . Thu Original Alumino Oin'mc-m is «My pu: up m huge nvoounre liu boxv: Lllil is nu nhsulult: cure for old sorts. burns. wnnnds. chapped hamli. unduflmlnerupliuns. Will puunruly \‘me :1” Linda 0! pih-s. Ask {or 13m Urigim: Ahivliue Uiulmvnt. Sui-pr |)r..ln.~'. X). Mink «r, .\l. 0., at 2':- cv-uts p:r box, hy m til 30 cents. “'llich was it 2 Bacon or Shakespeare! The authorship of the dramatic pro ductions attributed to the last of the nlwvc name! is agitating litern'y circles to the very cuitre. but efi‘ects the prac tical mas; ea fur loss than the momen tous qua-tion, hnw to regain or perserve health. that essential of hndily and man tal nativity, luminess success mud the “pursuit of happiness." We can thnm more light. on the latter subject than the must profound Shukespoarinu cam on the question first prnpunmied. It the system is dep'eted. the nerves slinky; if indignation or cunstipntiou bothers one at times. or c instantly; it the skin is yel low and the tongue turret] as in billions ness; if there are premenitnry twingos ut ut nut-timing rheumatism or neuralgia; it the kidneys um inactive —use Hostetter‘s Stnmuch Bitters. the fined rt-(npemnt in an age prolific in beneficial remedivs, Remember. if mztlm'ia or afflicts, that it neutralizes the poison and fortifies the system. TRY ST. ancn‘n Puma and cvmpnre their effect with any other kind made. they contain the gmzd prnrcrtit-a of the «rider preparation; in the market com bined with the must valuable medicines discovered in mud-em tiu‘ea As :1 cuth nrtic and liver pill St. Patrick's are: er t'rction. Sold by Jns. l) .\liuk'er. __...—__— Bueklen’s Arnlca Emu-o. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcer“, Salt Rheum, 1% rvr .‘w‘uremTetter. Charmed hands. Gin]. Mains. (3- ms and all Skin Eruptions, sth! p-uitiu-ly cures piles. or no pay re quired It is guaranteed to give pertect Hatinhciimi. or money refunded. Price; 25cm per box. For sale by N. D. Hill & Son. {:.‘ . ._. the origin '‘l \QYGQS LITTLE U s . . 2:5.» ‘eas‘m‘ LIVER j uvgatxve QC}; auexs PILLS. EUR“? 735313333! PLlh' 52L? mama: [actuated :xx :3 12"!13 l‘lll.. liars no! grim. ONE: PElll-L'l‘ A 9051;. ‘ SMALLEST. CHEAPEST, EASIEST To TAKE. vam‘c of haizmznns, containing Poisonous meuus. Always ax~7i fur hr. Pi. rm's Polk-tn. gl‘x'u-‘u ‘11?” meh- Sugar-cuaud Pills. or Anti -1101:”. xl'lel'i --;. ‘ Being Purely Vegetable, Dr. Piorm's Pcllrls Iqu~l'.;7i_‘ \vithuut disturbance to the Fyfixcm. (iv |. -,~.r (.m'l!;l;17?021. I'm up in 12km! vials. hurnu-rin-ally :‘vulml. Ahmad {rt-5h and n-Imlvl". Thur :ln' u 2mm!“ kualfiveg or an zurvivu purgalivc, ecu-omin; to sac of dose. [GK 'EABAEHE s..- Em: a~ ,1 Ixiiioua Ileadaohr, 5 7 _ Dizliucsc, (‘ullhllpa- ‘ . tion, ludiueslion. , Biliouu Anarka. and L I;}.- ull dcrangonu'nis of ~. L 4.1 . the slomach and ”v' "_gé’ D‘nvels, :«rur lzrnmmly _7’ u" vii-"ml! :md pvrn‘uu. mly ‘ mm Al by thx: ":1- :-f Dr. Pin-cO9B P 108381“ Purauiivc E’\"l:‘l!<'. In explanation of the rpm. 49:1] “.\vmw-t‘ xix-m- I'vuris over so grout a Yarn-{v of «liq-45ers. It may truthfully ht' Rm! lil‘ll lhl-ix' :xn-linn upr-n lln- sptnm is univer r—ul. nu? a slum! nr “-\'llo («wag-in; their sunfl tivv imluvm u. Sol-l Ly «lrxz;zi.~::-. fur :55 owns a mu. .\hnmfm'turr-xl at flu.- (‘lu-miml Lub nzamrry nL‘ \szun's Ibzspaxsnw MEDICAL ghs‘u'iA'rlmg Nu. dd”: Siam SL. Bufl'alo. X. Y. " HElllllll ‘ 5u o _ 4% $ 1 ‘ \- < Ruff: ri-v’. bylho manufactur ~ ‘ a. «»:-< ..t‘ luxfiagc’s Camrrh ) " Ilmuodiy, for :1 am" of ‘ / . V (‘uiarr l in the Bend ' which thr-y cannot, cure. SYRPTOHS 0F CATABBlla—Dull hI-au‘y lzi-uulm-hn. ';h~‘i’rl! tion of the nasal p:l~«r-.!Z"=, «li<i~ix;irw's falling; from the head llllu (lzl- throw. mmntinms px-nluso. watery. sun! xii-rid. m nthwrs, thick. tenacious, mucous. plinth-m. lilmoly uml putx-iil- tho eyes are wmk and mmmy: then: is ringing in the mil-5, ll“.lilll':<. !mvking‘ 'u' coughing to clear m:- umiug, .-x;n-unnuion of ullunsiu- manor. (11;:"lln'l‘ "'IHI swim from ulcers; the voice is <-h;ul::ml and has a. “nasal twang": the him-Ail i 3 niTo-nsivu: muoll nnrl (“Stu are ini rum-IE: ihu-r» is :i sensatinn of dizziness. with h!“H:i.l I! pi’r-Ps-iun. :1 hacking cough and gon n:r.. lvluiiny. Only a tow ol‘ thu- “hove-named Sylllliltnil< :iro likrly to he prrsvnt in anyone ('.lV'. ’i‘hmisamis ol‘ mvs annually. without mxziiii‘4'sliiiL: hxill’ of tho above symptoms. rc m'lt ii! i'uiiitilnzminn.llnd and in Hm ngl'. .\‘n 11H: :Iw is .20 (‘Uli;|l‘lul‘i. more dt-cvmiw- mid Golan-rung, i.r |n;;s unrli i‘FlO’Hl by physicians. ”3' iii lm’bi. s":nlhinir. and hcahnu prom-nits. ”i'. fi'lL:l".\ ('i-Jm'rh “vim-113' ('urva {luv “'ler 1‘23»; nl' (‘azlarrl:, ‘5 (“old in “:0 llcnd,” (Rut-'l4:, and ('aiarrhsl flit-mindle- NH ivy I!l':l,"gi,~:s m'erywlu-rc: 50 cents. “i'nlsld Agony tron: Catarrh.” l’r-rf. ‘.‘i. iiu'sxm. thr- famous mosmorisl. L; 111, . -i. .\. i'.. “Til-'8: “Sum.- i--n your: film I I:ll'--‘.'v:i umul-l ngrauiy {rum chronic nasal mun-z h. My family physician gave me up as ii'.:~:n'n.‘.i!v. #1241 will I must div. My case was min-h :\ m-l «'.m‘. that, «very day, towards sun r- z. m}: \'nim- would hot-ulna so hoarse I could m:- l;.' wink nlmvo awliispfl‘. In (In: morning my unuhinu' :mnl «'lmiriug of my throat would “Immr strangle mo. By the nan-0f Dr. Silgv's ":l'lll‘ril ”mm-11y. in tin-m months. I was 11 well “In”, and lhl‘ cum has been pcmmnvnt." “Constantly Hawking and Spitting.” 'l'nmusz J. RFSHING. Ram. :90: Pine Strut. 8!. Louis. Mm. writes: “I was a great sum-n 1 frulll vanii'rli for tlm‘e years. At times I could hardly hn-utlw, and was constantly hawking un~l spitting. and for the last eight months could not bri-nthu through the nostrils. I lhomrht nothing could be done for me. Luck ily, l was advisvd to try Dr. Sagc’s Caturrh lh-mwly. and 1 am now awoll man. I believe it to I)" tho only sure remedy for mtarrh now nmnufm'turml, and one has only to L'iVe it n fair trial to experience astounding results and l a pvrmnnnm: curP." 1 A oomph-to Treatise on Catarrh. giving val ; unblu hints as to clothing. diet, and other ; mutton: of lmlmrtanoe, will be mauled. past paid to unj.’ m dress. on receipt of u two-cent posture stump. Address. World's Dispomry Hedlcal Initiation. No. 888 lain Swat. BUFFALO. my .. % ~- . ‘ It‘ _ : . ~.. iii: l}. ‘2‘- ‘- :5.- L. 1. enj; ‘1 ' ‘3' . ”TS-:.'." "1.25:: :17 .5.: - mat-:2““: ‘3??? 5.5. :21?" w Rum-'31??? . .-:';-; 5 _‘~ 99:15:15 .i I ZS: ?- I . -‘.'.-‘-:- \\§-"\\‘~‘ .’2:£ss::‘.:?'4'-' {33:11 if» .1 x. )4 ~:1-'::’-'.'.v‘.. :1 x"c F ‘n;“~“;;;s?;:- -~:-.~..:' 5 ~.»-. ‘\‘:s.;- 3:\_ >'- ‘ :Li‘g-Y‘.‘ :; tkg-fi‘ $1: ‘ 53‘)“ k i- 4.915“ .- _ r . \xn‘f.‘ ‘-.'-:..\‘ <ss} , , \ze \w 5%. _:-‘-.:\> "-"‘-»’“,‘\ $53 -. 3‘:; 5 *1: --‘,~‘~“ l The above Pic-Sure Bcgn‘camz's 1 CAPTAIN S. GREENWOOD, 1 Easter at the 515 mm mam 3 Ahout a year ago he obscn-ed n strange change in his feelings. He felt. tired instead of vigor ous; nen’uus instead of strong. His npfetite beet-mt: poor and his slung) broken. 110 U' ed to Qvormme thew feclinvzs, nt they quld not go. He then noticed pains and irritation in the 'uh‘r channels, and that the fluids passed were often thick and with :1 scum on top or lbflt'k lust neoiimt'llt at the bottom. All these were the lure symptoms 0! that leun'nl disease, Cnturh of the. Bladder, which has always been consid ored incurable, and they continued until the Cnptuin wus in :1 terrible condition. But he is the picture of health and Ham today. and he lova-a it entirely to that wonderful medivlnc, Hunt’s It-‘mmly. Capt. Greenwood says: “I am 5 so certain of the great value of Hunt’s Remedy, Ihnt. I nlwnys curry :1. supply on ahlphunnl for t file u.~e of my men, and l prl-scrlhu it whenever they are ailing. -\iter curing me as it did. nnd l maturing my wife. (whom the heat physicians of 1 New York mid was dying of tumor,) to perfect: 1' health, I swear by it." \ Th 15 Gn‘nl [icmcdy nbrolulcly cures allKlduey, \ Lin-:- and Urinary Diseases. i For Sale by all Dealers. 0. N. CBI'I‘I‘BNTON, General Agent. 115 Fulton St" X. Y. } mill: to Hui [laur'l ”firmly (‘.. , _l'ran‘Jrnv, I. I. ..:;-=' -.;~‘ ,- {53'1524-39, e" ,*-- .T-‘axz. "a . if ‘ at. ‘ 7%: w L 5: - :.’«- "m. . .-» an ‘ . .:u 'l‘ ”fluff “if". .' fihru". I’s ‘ 34%;? as ‘u‘ '2’ ”79"“ =2 £sl. :17. '-. i 3515‘; ' ‘2‘ .3.“??? L: :.5/ :93}? 'i'u.‘ .‘..;;:.'.E'_ ;’,.“"="~" Thisis the 'J‘< :1) of the GENUINE Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. Allothcrs, simiiurzu‘c imitation. .13 1_ ;_ 3:11:25 (‘52:: ct Label 1’ iii; lefgf;r-. isonczzch I ‘cnrl 0 Q 5 ski-31313: ‘3- ,A- . - . -P 1.3:? 737"} lvpChmm-e’x‘. I. I ‘31": 7' . V " . ..‘_ 3.. jjfyfvf-tg‘gAccalcm ‘s'; any . 11". -- ".-.:s’:-.""-"' :‘.i::i:i:311;3.:i2::.. .O‘§%:W;.” \ than (:2 E ".Di‘tofi' .‘ 2:.: I: . . _ Insistuponthcl3:32:ll: i‘. .I _. F 63 SALi F_V‘,‘T"":,';"-’r: 5212-;17: ' > SEO. A. MA8fitz:.:;t~3.,2:13:24 4 _ “33% %S:IM:MQ N S . ‘;/:_lz.’ " L :—'\ ‘ . «,, _ ~~V ‘9'"- /'fF. 31' LG ULATO R. '“M' ”55 FAMILY MEHIBINE ME. L:- "I have used Simmons Liver Ib‘gulumr for many years, hav -1::.: made it my only Family .\lmflicine. My mother before 111" was very partial to it. It is 9. >399. good and reliable medl cim- for any disorder of the system. and if used in. time is a great pronutire of okkneu. I on: u recommend it to my fricnds, and shall continue to ’0 50. “Rev. James M. Ro‘lllns. "1 1:53» 11. E.Church, So. Fairfleld,Va." THEE AND WGTIIRS' BILLS SAVED bu always keeping Simmons Liver Rogulatar in the house. “I have found Simmons Liver Regulator the best family med- Icint‘ I ever used for anything that may happen. have used in m Indiuufion, Colic. Dian-ham, Bilimuucu, and found it to re lieve immediater. After eat;- lnga hem-(y suppor, if, on going to bed. I take about a teaspoon ful, I never feel the efl'ects of the supper Paton. "OVID G. SPARKS, “Ex-Mayor Macon, Ga." G‘ONL‘! GENUINE‘“ Linc, run- 2 Stamp on front of Wrapper J. r!. Zeilin & 00., Sale Proprietors. Prico. 01.00. PHILADELPHIA, ?Ao ——_~— —____._.._;_fi-.__._.____ ‘——-———-———l. __ -_.—.._. __...... __.__' 1W”. \9, ' ° 19 01' ( Q ‘’ N 101119 'LL. x J O _ ___ ~-I u I . WOHdBI‘fUI " Sarsfieéd I Remedies fl li-XVI' made calyplvtu o.l}le nf «litiiculi casvs hi Liver and Kidney troublofi Rectal Liam's. 1‘ ls'thlm, Blond l'msommz. Hm Disease. Heredit ary Blood Imm. Lem-mu :mu Sim: UIH‘HN‘S gout-rally. Send For Circu'ars (lnqrihin: 'h" ('nrm 1)! .\l Hunk iHvl (“Ans p.lll 1n nu lhu u‘Or‘ :‘th- -( ~::-.I‘n':| 11l ('zvuur: in): FRANK VASSHDY. “I !‘~-' .. ;:1. THUS. \I:".\l H. u!" Mirh‘glll 1: m 2; W I; 3‘ l_‘{l'll.m' Lin. win l’lmo-r ('-¢l2!l'\': I:i.\.' .! i I“ l i'.-.5 Tunw‘l' >xa.i-.n.UreL/un; .1,\,\11-;\ .\lu‘uHNIH‘A, \i‘-.-l’w-‘.|lvn: ”.L. "f liml-E :;: W 3\'_ .\UL‘ 'i‘«-,\. 1.11.“, .\.-min: W. . lm.\‘-}. 8 Imm 1.10: .mim IIIHM'UI.L. (‘niuu hm. Wm: ... Wm .rn'u; 3:15, "s‘,an unumnlmu, 3m», ¢'||.\!:Lu|'l r: _\. HILBEH'I‘. .\11.~.,\1!.l \. MEN H. U. :l.\l;l:l.\'nTUN. of >:ux X~'l'x;l‘i.<:-u: .‘H.’>. .\l. .1. .\l!.~\.\l\’. \ERS L. I’. ANDERMA. t-v‘ ."at :nllzv-nl-u. References by Permission Mus. sun” I:.ram:l-;:.-, .\'.l:<. A ll.\s,l.x'.\'.l-Imi-'. DE):- MAX. lll).\ INA H. HUI'I'T. .\. 11. I'.\Ii\'H.L.“LIVER HL‘JIJCY, l.|2‘.\'l< i'. ‘~,\HH.§:H Fran ri‘tn: I". h. \'\'.‘.l'k£l.’ll(>l‘>l-I. l. .\. I‘l’M'N. Nit-rulurnm.".\lH'lJß.Lim‘dnz S.~\)!‘|.('AS .\IIPY. l’ctullmu .lrtlm': \\'. .\. DEAN. Mu Frum-xsn-u It'u-imv'r. >.\|.'Sl-‘I!".l.l)‘fi III‘I‘JEDY P-‘l'. 'l‘lih' HUNDDf-A «‘{t-W Tl“ 5“" "h: ME-N :‘ui-‘ln‘: .’rnm diso l.xu-r_ Knhu- s. x , niripuzi .n_ _‘l:;!:u'ix. lilu :41 i'ni-vw.|-:.-;. >: :omin. .‘.-u; l.hrum.annl t \m'm '_’ {mm [:l4 (M lxnpluilicx 3?." {ICE}. $1 1301' Bottle. ‘.UHFHQ i) " I‘EHII)I\'Z(‘ [Vii In“ ‘..\l.'~'l-I f-srlh-d'nz'n' n! ('in'lmjn’ l'ikl‘l‘i :II;,I Sums of new .;.- . ;| :.:, : I'. /,>>::.;:. 1 .!-~.-. \2..: -,.... i'Ln-rr. 1;:3- :zmmr, \\\.-li.n;= and >kin Dina-cs gel “.'.-h. PR ICE. $1 and 50¢ per box, mmrdin: to $7.2. \ \Eh‘l-HZIL‘I“ H‘iHXLZDY F-IH IHI'IHZHIIU. \ .\N!’ i'Ni-tl‘.‘.h)\l.\f- .\ Slwrific'jfnr Diphthfl. l;n;',_>, \’ e'l’hxu.:, \iu'..[v-, "nil l’;.: .2: Hi .1 :fl‘ (- I’l:.->: :.m! Lungs. PRICE. $1 and sec 3':—ol' box! “""mding‘wu’ 'l‘vdimuny olflflov. T. .l. Hull. 'LI z-x'm \’rsnns, “PW-"HI. Aug. '5, X 856. 3 'l'.. ~ ‘z‘:-.-. >.\: >ru.- I: Ir. 1; I. ~1 l 1 2 :-v 1..- m “mum:- .\.,ghxhnzl‘. L'- I-n-uivu. and It. m..-y. ;. .x J :.1: 3;.4‘. . o 1': r »E .: i z .- 1.; uni -. h- :vi h'E Al I!» 1- “\l (li'nl l 0 >;lz}.-I‘i| : human il_\' {.zu in; l-"HW' ;.~: my - -. mr:‘ (' imx “i 1 1:»- 'u I -u‘.i¢-~ \\ lr :2 lil~l l \'.::.‘ inxlurel 1n! - :'- 2' 2:11 niwth inn-Jr l \\ ---‘ )0! .:sc x.:l‘.!!x». .\’n.\ l muml :.m‘ In-arl)';l \I-i !~ 1 '3 p ':n >2 ::l:1 ~' ‘ “gun-v; '1 ix: 'llH‘l'l:t'.i’ I an! Inn-- in .-i for I“. Zu- _u-nrr. I !zz.d lriod H... x .2 - n~ -.1 x? I..:ur\ or: , lr:=~:14- an: ;.,i in! Lib-I; x.- <:'?-. X 11m k (Rd fur hi kind ‘irru- ‘h‘: u- :E. :! L:- l. a-- .- ~ (7.) n \w r '.wlri l'u l-‘lhl' 2'=~~. l “01:“ na- :nnwwl :x t film 8!. ‘..; 4-; ‘1 1:: I: an :1 E’. i‘ I,“ ; .u:‘ 2' ) .‘. - 11. {inn 1012'), >:u~.~;.‘-Ed'.~ rvur'dy {.‘r the ISerlnnd my "‘ '- ‘.v \'w. L ~ . h.- a [.:s i~':i:.l'<?.:x :.'- Hun -. unL: in ”j. vu .’z‘iJiV-J: l Inn.» \Vilid's‘cd mu emu-3 .l ‘ , i 4l.l4'!|l«f!|tl~.‘»!li,i'il!‘ -.':\v n l.;l' in )I ll -:x!i»t.l :iun. . I; ?.:_'! .->u;:~:t¢-:v! l:- ::.-- .:-.—~‘ «- ~m- n .~~1o.:'i: vu>nruv \nti; the Hll'l“ m' war rc‘meihl. . :.. \U' r~ tr.:|y, “BY. J. T. lil'lF. E-h-.f I ('l. lr. I»). r:, >'('x‘.:r - i In. ——.\l ‘.Vi ‘."Al‘i l'lila!) BY THE—- ‘9 ‘ RAF! L. E3EMc DEES CO 1 a ' 95 9 . \\9 £1 ‘3 Lu.- ‘-..~ 3 \ it. .9 ‘ II 5 EDDY STREET. SAN FRANCRSCO .:V n. M;.\:§;:.::I:. 3:. In. .\hl'lN'l‘. - - l'ou Townsendyw-T --‘ ’- "2's7“?4’wiffim ..-»... . - . -=<n::':;7-7:::~"~;:;v 4-"? I'L ”at! fi=':':a‘-~hf',3'{s3f3?n.~ a ”Tm: I: ' s2lll. Imin; ranks. Paws; ; _ (mg-7....21-30u33u4';;-;J~.‘:_~J}, ' I} -3: figs-'s‘ stanza: ;.:.,::.-:i;jmgof , ‘ ml’ungN Inn-Juru v ...?“ ‘1 5. IV v'-~?§}““‘f“"5“:"’ Uuubiu.nnd d! E - tiemushxrnuorcra....A' ‘- “'s‘ V.:."e'zhl'w'mvazxnHmblaedthuh'vio 3’. ,“m2.omuu.m..-m;n-.>was] :2”-v. '- ‘o:*l€ii':?:,.T-l.eab-Julmn’: n 1 Ragga} terarstorcdwriilzg‘hz u-c’. :.r 3.7-: . , ._..‘Gf;"':¢:(‘:"‘? :t‘fLU “’w-‘méhv duel M E‘- " I‘ ' "P: iJ.‘ h 'r‘u'" ' ' 'h , man u; '.., ' nu»:- u ‘ "Afigf-S.’ SEMEHHL 33.33.3493: ‘l‘:_ :5 ;y«;‘.‘-y‘"“§=”n."?mv=s:xnnny n firm”. AJquchlCumfor OPTIGZLIL‘DI:I37:Li.;:II_ ‘ "fx‘ga :.‘fig; 035 mm“: 'gmiul p:ir.o-zpr'u.a, iicunmaudfgfiicaU-Ecayi :A 344.1,: 3 I: :2. ‘11:]; '1 _-_i.u.v - ‘Pi’ IFS-‘50“? 91" gas otdimiu'pc «Ho Amines. ruswl f!u‘hL‘,,bl'i-u:2 .-. :.\.'.r.z\ . ‘i;;2.-’__-‘:'—"-‘~'-=‘ {WU-IN! 4911:. m :bcmnticnsea they cumin-3:: yawn: :~'- .. Nr' ." ..:? “ti-”rif-ej‘ffi’“ “Zululand-u art! nn'! brakan den-n mu 2 1 {Eu 3‘:. m.. x ; r! 9‘ , V‘ . , ..'.‘f'..". ‘ ”-‘L‘ ".";.~"-‘EF-‘§‘€!"¢-"mvlh£ ;;39‘j‘31di§u3.§x33¥52'iwL-_sl ‘...x ‘.. 1.2.; -.' ' '." ‘ ‘ - gaitfitraw-a‘mm ' 3::‘.-T{ 5:: r' .1: -..-» ...r_.'- ‘. ..- 4 3%“???u?:c-T§’b7}ler;,d.3?.‘a;a. .9312; ~'- . '*'- ' ' 13"“ ‘ '"rrfi'fif'JE 313-1325.. .11 :12: ..:. :.. "‘._';a'-.'... H,“ ~. . v.‘ I..“.‘Wx. .. .2 .'.. . 4 .2 " _- s-m-Y u». an cm... :fiubl'igm-Ju-z213-23135—. An ~.. ~' - : . i v'.l;l~:.:::.,:2' RUPJURED 9129-».23.‘ .u“ .~'- , . . . -,. . - _l,‘ ....-;. ‘..~L'. '55! Tflfmzl can ’ L ER. L, A N {:.. S W " ' ”K“ ' nae 033.16 ‘1 ‘— ‘ Beef, helm, lron, and Wine An Unequalled Nerve Tonic and Blood Invigorator. Especially Adapt—Jaw the ’i‘rcallueul of Nervous .\fl'ectimls, lmpowrish mom of ”in Blood, and Gen oml l’roslration. Fur Sleeplessness. Loss of Appetite, (:‘ronoral Derangement of the Nervous System arismg,r from ‘ whatever cause, Brain 3 - Truuble, the result 1 of overwork, etc. in is I'ALATABLE and EFFICACIOUS. ‘ A faithful trial will prove it to he the greater! Fmrc-(lenrmling. Life Suplalniu-g Syurm-Vx mlxziugumtl Home-Cheering reu-ed’vcvcr oll'ercd to ”la ulllicted. ‘ J. D. MINKLER. M. 0.. ‘ PORT Towxsnxn AGENT. HALL 43803., Prop‘m and Manufactm-«ru, Aurl'n'nllllu 9" Clay 51.. San Francia-co. ('al r. w . l S 3'03 flgwm'll J x < I a)?» _ 4. 9!? oF ’1 ‘.. .3 lb A 4 :4-»1 , -; - ‘i ,‘4 a .3, l \\o&§Bh\ :1, Ts - IH7;- ’2? x:2 A 543! =1 e» 1;. HEMJH ‘ - 18:1 E. l.e Illchan‘s Golden Banana 50. l. Cures L'hnncres. first and scrond stages: Sort-. 3 on the Lt-gr- and Body: sore Ems Eyes. Emma-Ic, ("upper-colored mutt-hen, Syphiltllc Catnrrle, diseased Scalp,and all primary forms of the disease known as syphills. Price 83.00 per Bottle. Le Blehnu’scolden Balsam No. '-. . urc Tertiary. Mercurial Syphilltlc lihoumtltism, l’nins in the Bones, l'ams in the lltad. luu l. of the neck, Ulcemtcd Sore Throat. Surlrllim L‘nrh, Lumps and contracted Cords, Swimm ol the Limbs. and eradicate: all diwuscs tron: the system, whemer ran-ml by ltrdbcretlon n 1 abuse of Mercury. leaving the blond purennd healthy. Price 83.00 per Bolllet Le Ric .nn‘s Golden Spanish Aalldolo in: the cure of Gonorrhea. (:lnet. Irritation brutal and all Urinary or (Sunlml disarmngomoms Price. 82.50 per Bullle. la.- nlchnn's Golden hpnnlsl- lujectlmn, {or swam cases 0! Gonorrhma. Inflammatory Glam, Slrictut‘es. .tc. Price. 81.60 per Boille. Le Blchnn‘u Golden nil-lineal. for the or: {active healing of Syplnlilic SOrt‘fiJllldel’ugl lions. Price. 81.00 pn- Box. Le Richau‘u Golden I'lllu. .\‘l-n‘emul limit] treatment; less of phy-icnl patronexcess or over-work, I’rosil‘nlit-n, etc. Price. 83.00 per Box. Tank and Net-vine. Sent everywhere. C. 0. D..securely packed, par sxprcss C. P. RICHARDS & 00... Agents. 427 J: 429 Snusome SL, Cor. Clay San: Francisco, Cal. a'L‘IRCI‘LAR lIAILBD FREE. Nouce of Dmluuon of Conmnershxp. Notice is hereby given that the comrtnmshi here'oforc existing: between the nndrl‘sigLetfi and doing business in ihe County of Jefli-rsnn. Territory of Washington as Llnnberinen and Loggers, under the firm name and siylc of Mn] lers Bros. is this any dissolved by mutual con sent. Snid business will frnm this (late lm con ducted by Aipnonse Muller and John "an, they nssnming all lialnlities of mid firm. nm in whom all debts owing to said firm “ill in: paid: E. V. Manor and Hun-em. Eullcr r~ tiring iron: said limi. , Duled m Seulwcli. Territory {1 Washin (on: lhi~ 21st ul)’ of February, 1388. ‘ 1 Sigurd ALrl'osu: Mun-m, LAunzm‘ MULLER. lz‘. V. Ml‘Lu u, Juux lIorP. mum If. Nance for Public .ttton. l'sl-rrzn Sim-r:i LAND Diner. 0 Seattle, W. 'l‘.. Much sth, 1398. ( Notice is hereby giten that, in cmnpiiancewith lin- prn\'i~'innsof the Act of Con-31's: approved Junt- li. ISTfi. entitled "An Act for the axle of Timber Lands in tho. Status of California, Oregmh Nevada. and Washington Territory." Alexan ‘ivr McLean. of Sezittie. Comm; 0! King. 'l'errl turyn! “'fltdllingion, has thin ny tiled .n this ”mu: his xworn statement No. 2790, for the pur chus.» of tin- South "3 of Norluest 1. of Section .\"I. ‘."J. in Township No. in North Range No. l Eat-t, and will offer proof to ehow lllntlhelnnll :ought is more valuable for Its ‘ timber or Hone Hunt for agricultural pnrggfles, and to establish his claim In said and {me the Register and Receiver of this office at Seat tle, King Co . \i'. T., on Monday the 4th any of June l.\'\“. ll» names as witnesses: Charles S mrks. of Part Ludiow. J ‘ Cgumy. “ii £111! 1’ cl'erson amog 'i son. 0 ur: Ludlmr, J Ciipnty ’9'. T. f P efl’ersou rim-r vtcrson, 0 on. Lc:llo County. \\'. 'l‘. w. Jen-e” n Jumrs Peterson, 0! Port. Ludfow. Janet-gen County, W. 'l'. Any and all persons clnimin’ adverse} allove—dcwriiwd funds are requegtt-d to 1113:1335, vlatms in this omc: on or baron: Mid 41h any uf June. L 55; ‘ JOHN Y. CSTIIANDER. mnr‘mwlvt Raine.- Notice of Dlssoluuon. .\‘ntice i< Im-r-hy ziwn Ihat the partuehhip heretofore twirling lctween W. H. .\lunirkami n‘h:-‘. 5. firl‘lu. dnin: tun-inn»: rum-:- Yhfifirzu nmmt-nf'fl'h'un 5. Grill“ «Q: Ca.” is ‘his day dis - .-,-.-.l by mum] (nun-mu. \\'. 11. Morrivk n-lir i: -_: from the mm. 'l'h.l “Mimics of (ha flrln :m-:.<~nn:l| hv Vim. S. Grill v. :0 Hum ail :Ic mm; :m- 1:. re luid. (‘mxu r.- .~‘-. Gluun. W. 11. .\lxuuu‘x. l'nrl annsva .\1 arch n. 1588. wwwaswgzmwa Bags. MW" .00.. awn-h Iy. _. ._ I: :: ‘~ I , r , x i \_ \- 2&- fifi r 5. 'l! .25; 5% 2' '~ ~."/”-»‘" ‘7; 15 just what its name implies 1 Purely Vegetable C u pound, acts dxrectiy upon- the: I'v-r; curb‘ themanydxscases .cu‘h (“hum portant crgan, and .- » s i 'ugthew merous ailm ts 6‘- - arise from m deranged or ~- .'. tion, such a] Dyspeps'\ -. . . - 'ce, Bilio Cos\enes 4 slaxiafiick-he She ‘.. M; etc. Itpis lherefou D - - ... $ “To have Good the Live ’ must be kept in 0.11:1." DB. SANFORD’S m Imam Ilvizoratcs the Liver, Reguiates {in Bot cls, Strengthens the System, Punfiel til. Blood . Assists Digestion, Prevents Feve Is a Household Need. An luvnhua Famii y Medicine for common comphi - D 1 5.132033% LIVER amen _An [avian/A rf gears, and 35:1 :.’5 (f T(s!imom'als prove its Hera. lon. sum: BY ALI. DSALEBS IN mm For t :11 Information sand yam: 11de for page I‘nn‘: rm t‘;e " Lin-«r and its dueua,“ mmmw 21 Va: 3 er . 32w 1m m o ’ f C file/VEMTfl/i '“T §l§~Y%T¥i§w% \ . 2 I ' n - .- ‘ TRIAL inmuaxfx’mzaxnmx} ' 3:31-17:20 c‘igll’ois" 1‘? "11'0“” ; g3Ol'rLE §nusanfi phi-gain Dir i i‘éiirui-‘Efiém’isfij‘é'é’i‘i‘ék \ FREE-Uiiibiiixsiismfiii'im: \ isumcm m iii‘iin'nziiriri.=:&ai: ‘ im‘iz THE MER- i.'i;‘i::;;2§:::: ‘ 2173 CF THIS, THE gmoprodu-xd " I mange: emu; e Il’ gsmsscmsmmsg J A,” fusuzmcs ma; #s.!“me EHERVE mains; Is the only remudy t? z ‘-i I'lv22’ Wu. F r.‘ gL‘JILL CE 52m TO =2 a.i~.-..??xgd3y 2‘33; am one AFFL‘K- E 225, rig-2.17%: £53213?! ‘ im- cv L_la;‘ marzimzzsuixzv I -. m Mover—rd m ‘ E ' :i-f‘ l L. wen. 33' 1 gTCiJS am not“; _-12‘.i‘.!‘jJ‘--:! m..? ‘ nu. ccmsauxzm. ‘.~; 5336', (3:); 51339 57:3:33 572 mm? ;I‘.3;3“§;.§‘;;f“”° ‘ ’ ’ 2:.-33:33:?“ at? ,1 /‘ ' . : ' f' y} :LLTTEi: <53 Atéoyfl/ém’ , ”flffjjiff‘...“ .§‘~ 2%.“ . w: ~21! 5, {5:2 . wit-. 2 : .'. ll ...!‘l 1,3.“ .2:: ”1",! .- rsu. {-7. . :»."> :L v -'~'-‘1 5 - :‘Vu 'I:t:. I. I'- .‘. . 553341" " " .‘..L'tfilu ‘4 135?: 0. El BALE-132.32 E -. JI-"arny .55., 5:3): Tr: :.'.a.., I =' =m~ - UP'gun ’~ : 1-"- a , . uicu All 5 ifsgéL.’ (Sinnu’b tho an. 55- - . 41-5,". up uu. Pdmcz's r r; ; MAGNETIC ELASTII Tl” =_ 7 F ‘ The Gunmen. Ind 0181.! 5 ‘~'_, 5: ELECTRIC TRYOS. A ‘ - - n-nuner. Fnsy Rowen. "an“ E nn-n' rmo. Haw-um! thounnds. End] Q rand fur Ffi‘e lHuslr’t’d PmphlotNol. ‘;' MAGNETIC ELASTIC 7908‘ .3 204 u. s.ler STREET. 31'. um . E 7043AC'M'NTQ IT. .SAE 23} U! 325$ LEE Rin '~ ' ' ‘*- DLPI I W» $423} as “I"'Qifift32Bé3‘igafxfim‘m' ' ‘1?“ W) " dun“! :.‘...- £03751 \, 339‘“ hung u. _ . Ev. ,_ _ with.“ laid-c. chlluy, -; " ‘ J‘aln iqch. Buchlidney gyspcpsaa ?§"f_.:cl ‘thtfinmtulu, “'euh a! an.» a ‘l, "..‘.., ‘ f uToxrnc answering-{(grf‘éo‘fs .. “Elem-Eco. ('=82;.l;& s. sigh .: .s. I b. Thelj'". :,__ x ‘ll 95 .'.‘155 if." f ' ' ..'l‘ f-caz‘.‘ .- ' _ ._’- .-. " ch)" . . Z : . . ‘1 ‘ . ;. d/yszrwt‘ :. ...' . 973.145» c 3':. - '. - - ;’ . ‘o'” :1.:: ..u can clczhe :21 . . . . 7‘ all the 31:7 :. z; .2 .1/ npnli:.;l":7 "1 ' . , .. ' .' J’. 03.2. i‘.:tt, ‘2 ‘ 5. - » , .;-. or :12] air": :.' ~ ‘- '.:-:. styles :12! :1: 1. .. . :..: What s‘. -_~*,"»'.lu‘ l.u .' , . ."4 COUFG 51?. 32'1 :.'U‘s; >. :" . "411:: OSUI‘JE‘. ‘: c. 13.; 111-Ar, ;: ' - ; A '4.) GUIDE... ‘..’!~ic.\ ‘uzll '.: : 3:252.) recelnt of L) (..:-:11. 1.) ~ v ..‘.;c, MONTGOMERV Lt“; 50. 111-11'}. Exchizan Avenue. Uh.-.;_; 3.1.4, w -. ; . x I prescribe and fully ' ‘ ‘é; dorse Rig (3 as mg 031’ cm“ ‘f filn‘cmc turzhc-cenaxncuu u':,,°:.,,n,?, 3‘ M ‘11”? QiM}“9}‘lAu M n ,_ "‘_ u...'u:A ~ 'L/ Amaterdum. I‘. Y: E Inwlwfio \'v'e have sold I‘Elizncgg - .. Chain! many you: An ‘I h . . given the best. 0! nu:— “‘ " ‘ g!" ‘ .at‘tinn. , OMO- 3; I). [’.. DYCHEt CO.. . ' : Chic-. 5011“. m ‘ Ind 81.00. Sun by Druzwz For Elle W N. D. Hill .1: Sons. ammo.