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l ‘3‘ 0 Q; @111: at mm; x i 33:71:33? I _; L .‘ ‘ 2:;5: ( ALLEX \‘ )‘l::. 1‘ , - i 'rut'lmm, 1r: :_. i Marx-- :I‘-A_.».._‘3 ,- - ‘ ‘g 9113 21321.13 raw-:32; . i —>- | Additxonai 31:5},‘g1‘: f - .t': 1 Alettm'fr-inu‘e‘g '.L‘“. " :1 jor Vim HAL-l : ' , A-f ceiw-l this. t.:' ‘.'i. . " . V I follu\vil.=g.~ig!.l:E-zs : in: rt: "Mr. varht-w ;‘ 3‘ t:. 1;". i ‘ diaxm this“: vrniza iam- .. _-, surod that v.ll L; ‘.».'i i: .2: j public buil‘hn; ;.f x 1m". i . .- L hair) that \w “AH g--: 12:? -. t: '3 ': $120,000 uppnu;.lnui -.i:,l‘ , - 1 civil bill." ' i It will Im rect adatxtiuule :4»; :2»;-.;. : . 1 $38.01"! ha» :-.‘r-.-.l_'r :w: ~ '. t ,L. housus Hf <:-r:t:":'t~< .‘4, ;‘ ~ {g I‘.‘_'. Senator Mitch-li. ..." H. J ‘2. :_. a. : an amendment m 1?. -' A bill, granting Slime“ :zzé Eiéiur.‘ i u:- thepublic building :1: i’ lend—and it hm, hum fr It:‘x-':.‘E_'.' p3rted that h: c mil 1 “11:3; n-‘SEH . t to succeed. Jll l-.ju iizmzf- i '2 -r 3 . dicates that Kiwi.‘ “to ruin: .:-.Z J grounds for t-xgh-Cti7llls2‘; -~< .- -:1 ~- it will afford a filllatliil't,‘lv-Ci;‘-: 1.: s229,ooo—wlxio): will ilitt7l'~'i'_ l; 1;) proximately the tigixz‘m :a‘zui-z'ulg: ' needed for a lmgixmiug vzzghh‘ :_.i‘ .xt public work. _ _, M... , Editorial Rota-a Seattle and Spnliznm Fall: [la-pin are talking l'illli‘uile lm-inw: in :‘. way that "moans llllrth‘S‘ Gas works will; u SWLUHH plan! iu‘ dicate that outnidu (:intalid; l; m,- faith in Port 'l‘uwnwnd's fuimwa Suppose Bismark stuysv-ut rf I‘lw German governmmt. Will it mt be another unsettling fii‘?lux‘ in European peace? 1t sol-ms th-l 11w.- emperor is inaugurating a new pulli')’, after all. Three cheers for the custom hullw bmlding! We am advis-‘d that Um prospect for securing sl2o,um) for it isfiret class. All honor to Sonatas Mitchell and Dolph. They are “’Ux’k ing like beavers in our behalf. All the tinkering attempted thus far on the name of the future smm of Washington has thus far afibrdud more casual employment to the tiu‘ kem;but results will be tlm same, the retention of the grand old namo, \Vashington. Let it stand: it can't be improved upon. Republican voters of J ell'orson county will realize the fact that their campaign for the coming L-lecilun is just opening. The primaries are most important, and if voters do mt see to it that their wishes are ex pressed at the initial point they need not complain afterward over the choice oi men who do not Correctly represent them. Hon. “7. 0. Bradley of Kentucky, who came so near lifting that state from under democratic rule in the gubernatorial contest, is being boomed for the nomination for vice president. It would be an innm’a‘ tion for the republican party to se lect part of its national ticket from the south—an innovation worth l'ry— ing it there is really such a pro-ipnct as there seems to be of making a break into the solid south. Agentleman who is in a position to know informs us that if the pm— ple of Port Townsend and Jefferson county are liberal enough forrail~ road buildin'g the road will be built. speediiy. The Southern Pacific men mready to negotiate; but it will not do to be niggardly in these days of competition. Other points are. ofler~ ing flattering inducements, and we must educate ourselves to a lively appreciation of the. philosophy of givinga minnow to catch a whale; of paying a dollar out .of one pocket in order that ten dollars may pour into the other. We will not he the poorer by giving to a railroad b(mu.=, but infiniteiy richer. Our destiny is in our own hands. It will he moss backism, or, clear cut enterprizem just. £5 we shall elect. The visit of the Southern Paci fic R. R. oficials to Puget Sound is significant of future railroad build ing northward from the Golden stale. Unquestionably this compa ny hm an abundance of capitol to build feeders for its transcontinen tal road and if its oflicers see it to be their interest to extend their operations to Port Townsend bay there will be no doubt on tho loore of the needful which makes such enterprises "'go." If they are ready to receive propositions from our citizens, or to make proposi» tions to us we should meet them half way. An outlet and connec tion with the great railroad system of the United States is what we most need—no matter who builds it. “Yes,” said a prominent citizen yesterday, “We will be able to build ‘the first section of the Text Tuwu~ send Sourthern’ railroad ourselves, if none of the large companies take hold of it. The bonus on Port Townsend bay, and what will be 59- ‘ cured between here and the Colum¥ bin river will amount toa million dollars in value at least. \\ ith this as a basis the company will not Lesi “to strike out. with active opu‘a , 60118.” “We expect,” he said, “that 1110 Southern Pacific Will get hold of ‘2?- an: E'I::i~:'. X. thug; -i-.V. m: n w'fiwr I‘m" l-r.-';. :;:I’.. ‘. ::..- -_; .Wcfl :Z.‘- ;.‘-. 1." 2a,. :1: Ln}. ‘l' 'le-l pun; v. 15“ ».Ea:::; Eu'.‘?;~‘ Mo}: :19 inziivi it ii;- Il‘ 12'. l! 31:]; »_' ”UL-f; 31 n. poi-is id‘pil‘v(lo2‘.l§~ix"f.{‘v. ‘i'm- :12' «51‘. EMS. is ui‘ I? u: .21.; an}: :zr- nil PM! 33v": =!.'1111-:-. “:37: 1!. ‘y 331» don”;- min :3 :u in E: :t: w :.=v~_'p: is ' :-:1.:-;' ..;-I fully. . {wk-«bi zli- - a.-. I L 11;» 34 3:. F! icing -.:;,- 1:5. :z- r- :1 C- rush: , .X': f: ':. 2‘.:!:3:ii-i i -;'~V:.‘E: ;.I~ .2 ; slehyf-riwl E: ... 21 2‘- .;...-:~:,..~§ 1Z > I'l' W.- I;L':':§l'i 1 ‘ I i ‘23.. : 152:: Air—£s ,::..' :.: :~ii-~. "2': '... :. i"!-\.'.‘ H” :K';' ”2?. :z’tE-‘z K 11:3 I 3.?” Xv-i ! t.i;.->-} .3~x- z.» .. .1.::Ix«r bf! Ex' li=’_‘~. --L‘ 33' - .I‘. T.f3; 1' {uni-E ‘L- :3. : ,: #223: r. 2 \;i»-_--: thug: ’g.- 7 i-- - (E :- Uz'cguzs win»; Eh 1*; fr“; {“2 . -:\-. ~ ~i;;.('§;e:]_}‘ ”Him"! %:.2-:.;1.-.:.::. . .;; 5 ; My i:.K-‘:v" :-.! !{' 'lxr;.i-'ii2._.f :L.-- :L = 1;: :2 “912.229 Hui !I'-.;=l'L: van-3"”.- in 2:.“ {ll%. L'Euu xix-.f if: 3; :;.~r.::?§s zanz.‘ 1:“: 2w; :Liz‘u- :A'! ‘3: \2i:l::=__r :::-! :ix'.-:_-a£\«-‘ iw. n'..~:'» 3.; .\1 up 2~ 1:41»): and. '15.: 'h: Gray-q!» :-'- 5- >9!“ ‘wiirJ Link-gun: z; i:~.- :!~ .' airman: f- 1' Us ::~Lf If. r 1': t-.: Sm: -. an] z:.-: - r t.‘ zm'riih‘; iordimuu {-zlntmm 2mm. - i’h‘ililfllii; iai.~a:‘;-i :. x 'z:.- !-._;j '..:lv,~__-‘{ 1 .zuy (:st z mm H'. . i ~00~ 2 ‘ Gem-nor Squir: Eaten-flawed. i Ginny» .\li'lu‘: 'l‘nxuh'vzu‘. thus. lwrih-a up an inb-l'vinw with Hun “Evan; (2'. Sqlih‘t' of (his 1- miun'y. lanai PUEJE>LPS Xi!‘.‘l«;3xl.’)‘§illthfl Cincin nnéi Enqm’rcr of March 29:13 Fzzliing in with Ex‘Gnvernor Squire. uf ‘.Vzwhingtun turritury. who isthe Fun-in lsuv of Rmningtun. Hm :u'uh' 2xn!::|z’:;nnlr-_~l' :1: liimz. N. Y" I Hiizl in him: ""4 ‘m-l‘n in Ilium. v-tim-i 1;: "I‘.i«lik is :11) ~11! iim-A mihs nut uf Hakim I'. .‘J. Y. lii-rE-jazwr is u phuzn (3f 1301 M) m‘ 40”” i::h:EM:-.:n:-. wise-h? Warm-r Mil”. in?» h'a-z :;:-..r u! 13m Unite-l Slam-s. liv~ >. and im 1:; our ui' 1320 murt t'illL-l‘s‘l'ir.i)l;.t('i€§z\‘!!.<,. Wt thunght {hint .\iiih-l' \vnnH coma in \vilh same of “31 and svcurv this ::J- ; [nimble fuctury." 3 “How dew: .\leio-z 5111de (award thei gen-3nd mun-mum in xhiza State in fax-_ \‘or of Chauncvy Dolww for l’resi E dent?" E “I think that Milh-r ‘ls cnrdial and! well dispused toward )Ir. Dvpew‘ 01" rather toward the Depow, or rather toward the I)('pl'\\' movmm'nt. I; think that when MiiL-r was a cauflidu 5 atdfur re-eh-ution to thv Sonata he; had support rather than uppnr‘itiuu: from Da-pew. It luoks to me as if? New York would probably come to— gather this time 5 WITH DEI’EW r 01: I'rs mix. The); may say that De-pew supported Grecly in 187:3, but that is rallwt‘ un« cieut history. Mr. Plutt. wLu is an ucxive, smart man in cuntrol of New York politics. is) still, I think, desir— -0:15 of doing the work of bringing the Republican party into harmony after ils many bickm-ings. One can understand how he felt a little miffed at Milk-1' after Plant haul resigned his sea-t in the Senate. [3th u smaxt man can generally be relied upon to Come right. If he does not come right he sacrifices his reputation for clever - ness.” "How would Chauncey Depew run on the Pacific Coast ?" “Uut there he would run first rate. Our Pacific Cum! pimple like a bright, man with a bright fun-v. If New York presents him there will be no hustil ity to him in the Royuhlican party of the Pacific Stutvs. He is a very l":- marknbie man in that regard, as he‘ while the executive oflicor uf a very in: ortam highway, has Men :1 peace maier eVor since his had any cuntrul; the corporations nuw dug-ond on ml ent rather than talent. dvpending on the corporations.” “ Governor, I want to ask you about the relations of Washington Territory to the tariff, otherwise pro— tection.” “ Now, as to thut,” Enid Mr. Squire, “are you a protectionist or a hen trader? I ask tho qut-stiuunmrely in the .‘iue of courtesy." Said I: "I have dune my free trade apprenticeship; when I saw tim \Vest starting up in the xu-inufuczur~ ing line I sympathized with them.” “That is my case exactly,” said Governor Squire. “ 1 was a free trader, too. At 5011001 I studied ‘ \Yhnlen’s l’pliticul Eronumy,’ the first. bcok on that subject which got into our schools. and it inunlethu students free traders. Besides there. is aomuthing in thu word ‘frt-c’ that charms the mind and 1110 our. Wu think about free labor, {l‘oo tut-u, and then the Word free trgdu oumc-a'in. But experience operates- to rectify all those views. Living, as I havu been, up in the far Nurthwe tuf thu United Stateml perceive tuut the greatest freedom I can understand uudvr maiden-u conditions is. {we intercourse and traffic with this great country. You can never feel that hem in the East as you do if you “119 an Amen icau putting ynm‘ plant and hoyos in such a ' vrur REMOTE ItEGi’ON ' As Washington Territory. That is north of Oregon and right up on the. t Canadian linu. I burn burn living . out there a good many Years, and l ’ know how the system of our general tnrifl" which cot'ers the vast free ' trade of the United States, Works in ' behalf of tho slmidfust men who , have gone so far from homo to carry the civilization and energy of their country. If other persons could see it as I do thuy \vouid have :i Culupufi‘ . sionate and generous fouling toward ‘ those people. Nobody knows the] value of a home market in Mich an extensive country as ours like u citi» zen of the East who has been trans ferred to the extreme. new I art of the land. Up there it is everything to the people.” Said I: " Governor, I remember that when I saw you for half an hour at Seattle lust ()ctobi-r you spoke of coal ruined natu- Scuttle in Washing ton Territory, and said that you had 50 cents a ton protection and that tho Americans of the 'l‘urritory Were My titled that protection owr British Victoria, close by." "You remember that?" said the Governor. “Well. that was what I was coming too. You must under :tand that on that (‘uitb‘t there is no coal comparable to the coal of Penn sylvania. As fair as I understand there is no coal in tho world to be ‘ compared to that of Pennsylvania. But the l’t-nnsylvaniu Cord. bring re» moto from Commt‘lct', can not ntforu that great transportation across more a ’mu ,3 = . :-.'.2 v ni' 5:2 «~~::‘l::.=n:i§.‘ 2'; 7. mt: 232.2 £15931} " §.:.\' - 21 m: .'. . ..'; vx .x ;: =2 15%.“; Hi) 31‘239‘: can“ W; '2 _‘.‘ v» 13...: fr-m Harland" '32? ~". ~ }-- “123 an (u my.» «m ’.u the; !I:'.":-- \':-.:-_-\ 122:4 'i‘rrzimrixw fur} ii .27. ‘-.‘-'i. t: ‘.lsr.’ r-uzl lzmurht in? i: :3‘ '~:‘ is H! t =: I.‘ um‘ii Hm {trim- hf: :nlii‘ :“z'fi Lam-5:112, I ti; -‘:"{':€ 1h" pri 'l‘! hi can! s') 3‘:'.=2<'n fi'zzh‘nnhizz. Tim: 'l2 :~I 13:12.32; ‘.‘nhmxl-iu is ' ‘ .~ v:-:::~.\:¥>\1: 11-3123. 2 I i'Un 2‘- 232-1? m‘ “\‘.':l:~i:iz‘.;:=un Territm‘y l g 152' L: E:- ; 2;< may H. 352. :rviy :dwui: #5 31,-. Imm. it; 4155» n 2" Lui‘u rmh‘nxdg inn! :- 'zrlzz - U'nzr-{r ahatinn ii:i‘=‘=‘.‘x;'ilé li'wf 4-2. ‘ {.2-1: 25. - ('O3! up I‘ni‘h‘: w-ufl Pi; . i' :2;.2:-- :-. in". Mars :il': ‘52"- .- 331-2: -:r 'f':-:';§::~r_'-.' r-z ii: fwr :55? :1; lfxxzz. ‘ 2232 f. 1:1;92- i: ;.-::!‘=.l_\.' :zv—l Hummer? :14: it. i. -- qualiij; of ”an! Iv» >9. 33212 {iv in I“ not that r-m‘ g':""i‘:" r:-.u min.- :.!::I hu-rkwi thvn'i 'a-nr-i 22h}; that pr-viwcii =2l c-f iifzyl Law‘s .'2 ich (-:-‘.‘.» [-3 “3! :ho fiz‘fi’i's'ftmz'm i:332e'l.x’§;:'n:2:"~~:::f 2219:3234 ltn '. Yn‘!'l‘ssl‘l‘_‘.'(iia" (him Eiim 3221.336: 55.13.“. 325-31” El::7:'}‘:-.3i\’:\:zllillzt‘fis‘léf I‘lfl ’ i: 2319 iSrnEJ) \‘b-zwin. :‘s-e I haw-i i2‘!::l‘=s‘-!rtu,-:-:_\' an: 122235 :2: Z:;:- gryn‘n] g; : -.. «mr wmtur u: min} was 'mw' E“ 51:! t'izi» }l‘ ‘fv -fi~.'.\ 3):;U'2‘u i< (0123 i! §:.< :v'u'ix fining turn-i: pay! 221: hmm‘i 220272921 “'ll-. a; ‘.hvj: mini! mm! in! 2‘22':v~§=3h_:!:z:z aw! )n'u‘kr-t i! ::Yi§:l-Ir| ‘1: ~22; tbs-r.- :al‘i:—(-~; zliwizxiiy 22f busi—l .li-->~‘. :2. §~:l'l:!3f!l§!:v=fiu€lnnul‘)‘. amt ‘zgu day-:23 Charade-1‘ ‘..'¥:3:"in marks this! 1 lfvpn’ Sic wiwrov-«r 39m striko it _! fir: lzx [l2-52 42:: t.) \'\':2-!2ixl;;tu:’s. from! {FLA-Mu liaisgua.“ 2 t ',})s23.'nxl.!l.u-tz. think that Suntalefl; é:u \i'ushinxzmn T- ;‘ritory. is :1 hrth-r} 2 22.“:1 than YM-u'in M) much order” 15': HIESHI Culumhizz‘?" f "Xuzthc' nun \nml mum-I'3 yum" I‘m->ls: :z. Smhlo is Amvricam. 0n lain» .‘ziibi‘l'it‘liu side «if the lixm, uni gummy-r whvrv. yuu go, is thu romproa 5325'. {ln- “I".ful‘, (he eruumun widow! ‘ES!::l.1‘!il:;:. (If 9. hynmgsnvoflf. cqunLl -.~-:m::--:vi'-': 32mph. Nu Hl‘il::.:>;:!‘ he}: l'm'xu navy-\‘.'ln‘!‘x- but In iiltix‘ nwu c-nzlinvm and p :mirul h-X'ritui'y. 1 might giw‘ y- n m: inn-mum: whzz-h \s‘uul‘l pr-Wnkuim :u‘gmm-nt. In}! x:x-~l‘-- i’. ii. time mi‘u‘s mfuf bluntiiv 1 Izzm- u farm and raise buy. You mm! nuduxx‘mmi that “am! of 1h: 1:) :nzmlins Wu :1” :mt [nu-sm- m: rivnhnw. I'S:'i'!’: in sump pill‘ifi Hf ('.Aéiéni'niu. :-~ it Er: 21mm in the- liwu. Kim 3. few pox-mugs lmw. {mm fnuaL ld‘fii f--r ugrirulnzro, or forethought. t-u'nml Hwir mmnliun inthrz' «lirvv- Hwy. 1 huvc plum! H. hundrml mm}.- u:: my pin-"u. lhu inujurily ni'thl-xn thuhhgh [mu] 1 man thh-uhmr drwi (HUS Hi [my last 1.4‘211‘, p.l‘li:|p<. Tin'i‘l‘ am! “11le Win-Ex tin-tr, hzw has 'nrzt-ng'ht mu in tho muri—zo! A-i' Suutth‘. 'l‘\\'ENTY-I-‘l\‘E Imm. ms .\ TON. The C(lilfit'llilt‘XZCl! in that lin- home market makes thu grunt-ml inh-lli~ gum-. 3 of thu 'l'errit-ury hunk to [his diVura‘ny nf pv-wducti-ms. Other per suns want. to rnisv hay. In tinn- it Will not Cost M) much. Bnhvlwncu have We obtained it hvfurcé' Why. \w bruugnt it up frmn Sun Francis co, night ur nine hundred mile-s. au-l soldit at Seattle. that. price upon the hay brought fr an a. grvntdis— tance was the (‘nuae uf myguttiug rim price I mention. fluth-r the pro h-miru system We can ‘ ship hay {mm .\luinc even around the Horn. and EU“ it at particular times away in Washington territnry to advantage. You sun how that hay brings its pricu. The rest of the people are attending tu lumbering and to win— ing. 1n c-ithnr the mines or the for-- anti! thvy have to use nnlnhvra‘ of {runes to haul um, the lurigs or to run ihu mining; cars. and nobody was lugkillg nth-r the subject of proven dnr fur tho horses. Horses have to BJ. It is not better that the hay shnnid be raised adjacent tuncity like Snuttle, and thtrefnro develop thn surrounding waste, rather than be brought to us from a gren‘ dis tnnce and the mom-y fur itdepnrt from us. or puss tumy in exchange? Our rxchangea grow mum and more at ‘nuinv. If they want to pinch us fr: :n n distnnm on the mutter of pro-~ voxuh-r, what we raise musas DOWN THE PRICE. 1t lht'rt‘ is to be ii piuch we get the [wk-“lit of it within the territory. 'l'tit-rcfore, we have raisvd in that far nottlnwsturn green Corner of this country a. population of more than two hundred thousand people. We hum tlwrc establishrd a city which is one vi ”)0 points of crmlit to the visitor of tho \V'ltuio tum]. Strangers come to us, and inhil‘fltl of swing a Plill\'('i 11;; body of peupiu living on «me. or two productions, they sm.- that 'u houw marlin-t, makes us all active.” “What else do you rtiiseiigricul tlix‘nzly'f" "I have mentioned tho cattlo; it 11:15 how to thu intvrest of a few men nmh-r our ”stem to improve tlw stock, and, then-fore. milk and butter and lwt-f ill‘t‘ as good at that far point 2.5 you can find thvm unywht-ro. But Wu l‘illsl‘ hops in Washington Terri tory." _ "Where do you 50nd th \ hops?" “\‘in send them to New York. This is one of our host points oftthmeut. Wu and thvm to Great Britain, too. “I supposml that you wont! s.-il your hops in Sun Fruuciwo to the I)l't‘\VCX‘il"‘ tin-re. What do you got for hops?" ‘ _ ““3711, guess," said the Governor. “I do not know much about it, but there was a lime \vhcn Hwy got over a (lunar a pound for hops in New York State." I “Uh,pshuw3 We don’tgut anything ’like that. Frém what. 1 nnd.-r.~lnud when our pauple in Washington “‘l‘ ritory can get ten cents a pound for hops thuy have got :1 pretty gOud thing. Imlvud u numb-r uf our hop plunti-rs have become independent. and stand among our most Sllbfi'fllh 31in] citizens. You must know that only a fmv years ago it was-i supposg-d that Cnlifornm, with u“ ils good soil, could not raise wheat um- mukei flour. and. thc-roforv, the early setl-i let's brought their flour from Chum two or three thousand miles away. ' Now our Pacific cluatar of states and I 'l'urrizorius provides flour for 11 large i part of the world. Wu have, pussod I beyond flour. and am' going into these new productions." THE REAL ESTATE Boom. Governor Squire took out as his porkel a bank book an I showo mo 3 dt'posit ho had just made of over $2.000 in New York. Saul he: "Now." that represents rout estutu in Wash ington torritory. Most of it is about the! city of Seattle. I suppose that; that real astute originally cost me} 5300. Taking the chztnoes, holding i it fur a time. getting'tha zulvantagvs of the American home market an that for point. here are perwns in the want who pay that amount of money t for what I have boon taking care of. ‘Can you Wonder that we adhere tenacioualy on that cuu- t to a system .I which has built us all up, first taking! up tho; West. then going to the Paci tiv. and now picking up the South?” "Let me flak you what you think about thfi: real estate boom or blaster {at such dictum: pu‘nts. and in such' dishmt 31412.1; {-izirb.” "VIEW. 8: is g-z-rium?3 uuhu'ui. \"x'v ix‘E-‘Jug. {a :9. 1.;30 which '.'.‘.:::i.- for“.- l1:-1'L a: LéA'list‘r-{i‘ZL-i, and. mow tzmn that. the :i ‘jz'rr‘v‘i'i-‘ii 4:l' chins. Yuri: J ii;v_‘v‘.-~lz‘i-'.~' :izz-i in. :nu mini-nus. Fur a guru: winiu 13' \ auxin! wag ugh: Lure in Nut: End-z. -La; ii'uilstz'eet, whflm i:'.:".l I--::‘:{_:.:: r-ziirzmd siucks‘ and lmmls may! syrcuLm-nl in lhvmj 9.1. x! :I“va : ; 2:721} i‘r-I. In :31" cuan‘w bf ti:.~:-- {bu Cuzulxtiuus -.-'f ‘zluij (nuk- L‘vt’fidln‘ I}L3-".\ixii"i. 'i'iw automvr did luv? inIYP rauugn mum iuf the pixie! u' E.i~ [tinihzi-t. .EL- \msr‘uh jn-t ‘Lz‘ :l‘iiflt'izlil3s3s“!!! bank. or :u 3.31 -:_ li-t Lav-4 riv'ks and a .1121 inf-r : -;-.i («this in :lw-tu 3' .:~;:.., Huh-2; arm: . There 1;: 5:03;. :{ml 11-.- {want-Inna! :54 := luv-thin; (anginlz‘. if the prim) 55 (u mark-J up:l‘ dawn he cm uuu‘k :i i' a:' E=Em=«_-éx’. If he goes ixm: a pine-1 lik“ Umzzhavr Kansas (131;: or U\2:‘y’(-I'UE‘ Ems .\nguhs or ,—... MI“. h-v «.zn;."—: "\YCIL “I: ~93 isiucizs ien‘ ;'l‘="\'{l-1;. 1 will 1;:qu my ah:.:mo and itzzf‘x‘u‘fi‘ my glz'uriw-I‘iy. filil‘t'iy. 3 have gut :m~n;v:iz;u;;‘. '.u'lu‘ruu; an iuz'nsinxm i 1: SEAL-EH ow." which I harp nn 6.» no! «1.411535 me- :_. he umdv hm mm. in-rhzqrs u‘.‘ inst-1:5 in Ma‘uiia or in pmvr avlm ca-llii‘lfl these ‘visiie;:~'." 'i'ipzt ss wily Hm real estate muwmvu: has gum.“ ”in-mgr)- iu Ami-rim; .-\ lzalgu number vi the pcuphz LiilVi‘ Hum! i'm-ir “wavy, have got it. and [in-y hn'u imhiiwd the spirit of the euniinout. Twat is \‘fhy I)Pl“i2|}_:~', lizu stoei: murkut in Wall street is lizmi<h. The bunkers now Ru m; I}; r~~~ azi~mht miiaw an : «iaevvl upul-mts :2» v—o'l z:.-; 1111-) zurim-rly km'w ”My Uu- raiinmd |;i"*iw‘.'iil‘:‘." "What \l‘fW ‘iu )‘u-u tuku 01' {km l'(‘~ aunt railroad dI-h-inwm sit tuwm’d \\'z:.~.lliu;,zhm 'j'm'l'it-,r;.' "“lvn. Hu'l'u- :5. {hr Canadian l’ib uitic Kaiirvu‘i. \\ == (Humidor it up there as an .\mx-rivnn :x 'l."\'.i:i n'y whiz-h 11:22: up m {his xium dun? n< goal in warm-ling “I‘m: gn-rml‘n tn llu- cozmt. l nxzdvr.~::::.J llzzn (hiwrzxor Stanford is‘ ()m‘ :‘3' Nu- vnligim-uv-l xxx-u um [in-m win» 22:14 qumi ()\’«‘l' ('3 u muw :~:;-u>fii:i\~ hen-‘3' ui' :; 11:23:.» la: mun. :uri huHs that u'.'.~l‘y 'lh,-dyv.‘!m in brought tu lim l’nuzic U 21.1: Ii :1 {'ll-‘lol‘ vt‘ vul -120. ll: *1" rt. I':_vx'('3.'.'nnx m ",Hi’l v: \\'\:~"r. Tim gown! .‘.l:i--;'I- :-.:i -: innii'.~_\l~~ £O3l is n i:il"li[ i-t I'Vri)’ lolly “no come-i 11,) ‘.‘.-, nu Inn'lv-i‘ \'.'ll {he‘l' ll" is .\.:xu‘ricnn wr :ua'uLn. Ki) i‘ul'~-i;; Wlln gas uni m’,‘ m (ll'fill|'> (ulnrm any cnnn_r in the [Mini Clzvt‘ Fifi-‘1”. His innnu-xiiul. ly N‘i‘h' iin» ln-Ilt‘ll! :u hian-lf and iii». piani. l‘iu- ‘.x'ui‘l‘l an lliL‘ 1)].1':‘l'.ll Luiu is (annimling bully fur irudv. Dam in 5"llill .\zu i-ricu. win-w ilu- ltnlinns ll.) lin- Work. on the La Plain, i! is. film cwuplziint ‘llmt llmy llllrllilHJ iimir 11min”: ;.n\l ‘ulllllllllt‘ly crury it :ill Lug-l; in Itulg. But \vlnru llu- Ainvricnns ill-wimp ‘tho foreignma slay with Ill“!!! and ‘ become inwseors and pawns uf on terpriso. Thai. Illéllii‘a' America iii!" fel‘ent [mm any ()lllt‘l' nz-w par! of l’al' earth. 'l‘hxsi-e 21‘) lain-.wurrn'. m the Canadians and Audrulizms :iml utlwr folks that tin-y haw their :«iinilm' systems. 'lmldlng thu: wlion unmn has min" to aim country he owm something lu (ho plaice whvrn he made his mom-y. Saw. the (Janu diun’ l’uciiia Ilsilruud. lim'mg lni-l various [natives fur its cunsirnciiwn, has had far in: principle utility to minister to uill' l'nr iiui‘ilx—is'csu-i'n part of llll‘ L'nilml Stun-s. fin-3' haw born cuxnpcllczl to cam-r to [his American trade. for it is übuut all they luwc got. L,i.~il»yi'dl'lllfl_\' sold tickets from New York to Semi..- iind back again to New Yuri; for $l2O. The influx-nun has lhureforc been gum]. though I can not say \Vllctljl'l Wurking fur such a: rate has been of benefit to flu: railroad. I came over that line on my return from the P4s— two or three nimuhs ago. I izp‘ preciuleal the cnlu‘prino of the Cunn— diuus nnal lllt"li‘ creditors in building the road. Thuy have superb scum-ry on that linr, ln-ltur {Hm I have sun on any of the uvurluud American lines. At. some of the [IUDtS and stations the picmr 'aquu vfll-ct is da iighlful. I stuppod at, \Vinnopug. where tin-y hum some wry liiw blocks of buildings and vxccllunt public edifices. But zzf'c-r it was a cold placc, and tho (lisndvunlagvs are more apparent to thu [lu'Opll' there than it is necessary to expliin. They all sulfur from the want of this general continental system. which the Americans wire :ld‘i‘ell at the outset to adopt." s‘rnwomi. "What chance have you of gt-tting \Vashiugton 'l‘orritnry into th.) Union as 11 state? ' “Under tim renditions which new prevail nt \Vihhmgtuu I think we have no L‘lliltlCt‘. Tu-rriturii-s larger than (Hlls am still kept-mt of thu conditions of splt' gum-rmm-ut. We have fully twu hundrel thousand peuplo. which is t'qual tn the [ruplllu tiuti of any of tho'grt‘ant Status. in thu Rust whim the lit-public was duclznr ed. 0:: all th-a questiuna Lilil'lt arise at \Vnshtugtun--liku llli‘ pub» lic buildings, the harbors, the [nth lic lauds —we should have u m n" animation from thv pmple dirt-ct tu take [) rt and guide. The 'l‘x-rrimr~ iul coutlitipn annoys the Auwrin'uu citizen whu has cmno out of a stat.- und taken upon himself thu appren ticeship of u Territorial mun. He works with all his might, to grow in to the status of atiairs he 10“. He finds that at \\'_zishingtun all sorts of' political drejudit-os and questions about. voles keep him in his nppruu- \ ticeshi condition. Still. it [can but said agent thu people of tlm l'i-rri~ tories in general that they kunw that their time will comm Tin-y llflVr' learned. under our great systmn. the law of obvdieuco, of passivonoas, and tlm discipline: that, comes from wait— ing." l A gentlvmun from Port DiSCI)V6Fy isuid: "Wu hum one of the most ‘liyely ports on the Sound at present. |\l e have “-550.15 in port unpu [hlo of carrying twelve million i foot of lnnihor and twu more are duo. iThose in [Mart new are the English iships Silvm'dulo, l’vteraln-ruugh, ißlairuil, Pursue and Koomngzt, and l the American ships Edward O'Brien. éSuntheru Chief. Jeremiah 'l‘humpsun innit bark Mary Glover. The mill €runs day and night. There was a iboat race on Sunday, in which the get-ems of nine ships participated. fur in purse of S9O The crew uf the ißrairail won first money and got 74) : per cent; the Kourungn took resend i money. ‘2O per cent, and the Edward lO'Brien third money, 10 per Cent.“ ‘ i On the recent. trip of the Mexico‘ ‘ from the Sound to Sun Franci‘co. 1 when 03 Cnpe Flattory. Capt. Hunt.- ‘ington was taken aivl: with pneu— ‘mouia and on his arrival in San Francisco was compelled to quit the ship. When she was again ready for sea Captain Huntington was still \‘t‘l‘) sick. and Captain J. H. Bennett, late of the Alki, was vu gaged to bring the vessel north. Eli; ’E‘Eiééliéfiél’ii. (amumxu CRITH'AI. NEW YORK, [\er 9.-—The condi flan uf rx-b‘omnor Cunklin: this marmag is "my vriiia‘ul, and thun m'u I". m 3‘ (2f :1 {and :ormiualion. «mxxu :c. naumucs. va YORK. Ami! 10.—Ex-S-ezmtnr (.‘xmiEing has been 1102111501152 in night. 115- is \‘z-ry low this morning. (1:151: 1:; Gummy: L man‘s, April B,—Ofllcials of the g-ermncn: :em coucorurd in resurd In if; - Unfit] (This. ley fuar that Ila» -.:2'H‘.\’i::g: irritation in Germany f:"_€:-;l::-"( Hr;- cmpn‘fis and LAT mother, (3:2w-i1 Vii-twin. wiil min-w! :0 1i):- ;1;ixi~1; ration, resulting in llz'u-x --tint-El In 1": H 23 Cnl’tiiilll':‘}£:‘;s.';XS\'K SsfiL-g bui'rmfin the. t 3?) cmgurcs. It is 93591 zimt Lord Se:li.~.hnry has bfigifm] the: Queen to alvsirt fun!) in— tr-z'irwmm in the uontruv-srsf; UVCE' fun marri'g-I Llf Prim»? Ak—ssmvler and ":3: Cam Virturiu. In}: :mwiusu 'rngtmxrr. D: Imm. April ‘J.-:\ dEsputch harm Tanciur says: "A truuty Was aignwd «Hing \anrc-‘Jy tL-o 5111:1111 :sgrm-a in 10-JLV:‘ Ihn infimtv lu-‘nvovn Yua- Unite] 151 mm: and :\{uruc:-u to {lls- duciswu fub' Ha» Manx-fish rcprvsauta:ivos zuul ilha‘AJm-l‘imul cunsul. If may fail 1 to ugrwe u Euz-upem referee will ”if Laminated Wham Ilm'iriun slmll In. iixrui" 'lhc .‘iit‘le'ill‘y of smh- tn-dny n-cviwd a cabin Ups sage {mm United States Mud I‘o ca-m ll'un‘nh-a‘ with 11:0 Hamish g'nk emmA-zi have Ivecu satisfactorily sui tied. No details am given, but it i:; siuttd at {he (l-Ipartmout that HL h'x‘mn‘ are hunomhlu to this gnu urxn.:«=::t. Iii—MARK suzxui'va sum. BL;:1.1:\', April 7.—~Bi.~mrirl; i 4 svri ()!l~i}‘ ill and confined in his rt'UlH. ,li I:.iis of his Him-. 53 are limp! secret. _u'rmz MORE TERRITORY. ()I"r.\w.\. April ‘.1.-—lt is mum-real t‘mn Elm government mmvuiplutes ill" annexation nf British \Yi‘st [111“ :m lslniieis. in the own: of Legotiu— :iuu: for Hm annexation of" New l“.mmll:-.:ul living snccossfui. 'i‘ln gozn'zmnnt- is considm‘ing plans {1) I‘iliillj§fl the Wi-st Imlizm t'rmloruul l(H’S"ll!ll>lllll. regular line of steam .-i'.-: lutwonu the [\vu vomiti'ii-s. ovum THE c.\.\x\Di.\.v I'At‘lflt'. » VAXCUUVER. i 3. 0., April 6.~~'l'lie nt-unusliip Butzzviu sailed for Yuko— luuu'i with i-lm'isn passvngers. {0‘11" tn-vu (.‘lllllla-S'J and a full general cur— go. A large quantity of ('zu‘go was lL‘fL lwliiii-l. which the steuxuur was not all: to tulip. Immigrlion has fairly cmmnenced hero. sztm'day’s (ruin lmd four immigrant sleepers, ull crowdi-d, besides the l’ullmuu anal day couches. :zu'nzy Him: veroqu. ViC‘romA. April 6.—Thn hill incor— porating the Brenhey hay branch (it ”in Island railway has passml its third vending in the house of the as.— H-mlvly. The bill for u furry botwm-n Bum-hey hay and the Amiriczz blllt? him passed the house of cominnm, and will anon become a law. J:uus~‘ McLuhan, of Buckingham. anhu; is how for thu purpose of arranging for the duvelupmnont of timbi-r limits acquired by his firm on thn island and mainland. It is said thu: he will put up a million with u cupm-ity of 50,000,000 feet manually. Jtnwnu is the metropolis of Alas— kit. It his a winter population of some 80’) people. but this i-J liu'goly incrvnsml during the sum'nur mouths through a migratory population, :11 etly minors, who outfit and estab lishtlwu- heudqnarturs thore. Last )‘Hli‘ it doubled in size. and town 1015 that, ia-ut. spring Wi-rc rated at $1001? am: now holdnt $2500. nununumx. Lnxr'nx. April 7.—'l‘hn trims-At— lmun- :twumship companies are stop ping me bi‘voklng of lush Immigra— (inns because tho nlunber of applica iioui fur pasmge 18 gronter than can be accommodated. V -..... . , PICKINGS. Thu widow of Jacob Sharp is set wnsly xll. The engagement 0! Prince Ahab anaor of Germany and Princess Vic torm uf England has been brokuu off for fear of International trouble. A committee of Portland business men met on the strcet the other day, and in three hours secured subscrip— tions tn) the amount of $6,000. for u fund to be expended in advertising that city. New pnstofiices have been estab lisbcd at Clear Brook, in Whatcum county, Lexington. Uuwlilz county, and at Norman, Suohomish county. John J. Fuller. J. S. Hammond and N. R. Toole have been appointed Posnuush-rs at the respective oflices. 'l‘lzo British Medical Journal this morning publishes tno following spucml tvh-gram from Berlin. Ern ;;er:r of Germany is getting along most satisfactorily. The disease ap pmu's quiescent. there are no signs of spreading and tho glands are not in the least. involved. 111:; health is or cellunt and his appearance shows no Ltram of illness or sufl'ering. except 1 that his hnir has become gray. ‘ There can be no escape from the ‘fact that the union soldiers. now so largely ropresented hy the Grand; Army of the Republic. saved this} gowrmnenl’. Ago cannot withvrnorl custom state the infinite varielyofl usnful lessons to be derivml from this fact. One is that no paiitical organizntion can safely wound tho sensibilities or afi'ront the honor 01" ”10 old soldiers. All ill timed and nttnrly uncalled for attack on the! Grand Army of the Republic de frntml the democratic municipal licku-t zit Helena. And it was a good tit-lint. The twenty-second national-on cmupmenjs to he held the wound week in September next at Columbus Ohio. will in all probability be the grandest meeting of tlmtorganizu tion ever held. Arrangements are being inadu for a grand reception of all the Gram] Anny boys who attend. The committee on campsuud bar» tucks hil-l been tendered free use of wtbo large camping grounds and ‘unough tents to uvcommodnte 70,050 mun. Being situated at a central portion of the United States will make. 5‘ comparatively easy for many, tnattcnd. Any posts or corps dew airing to attend can obtain informa— tion by writing to Alfred E. Lee, Columbus, Ohio. i Um- late chiefjustice filled an ex :zltcd station. Since the begining of our guwrnment he was the eighth in rhv liun fi usbington first appointed John Jay who was confirmed by the Senate Sept. 26, 1789. He resigned inil'hlt to accept the pozitinn of i‘ln— hwy Extraordinary t.) England. ”i ‘ . snow—en? John Rutlmlge of Smi'h? C '.X" linn was appointed July ISL, ‘ 17135. but was not confirmed lxythu Sunnto \\'n‘—.lniugion l‘non I:ominn~ I: ll Wm. thiun of Mass. Jun. 27:11. ‘ Him. Ho was associate justLCe zit' thzv timn lint declinml tn :xcmpt. Oliwr Ell‘worth of Gunneticnt “‘h‘n‘ i thun fi!)[|‘=ll‘-tod and cnnfirmml March ; 4:11, 1794;. and presided at the August 1 term. 1797. This same year lie was; appoint-2d l’enipotentiary to Frauen, l amlrosignvd the Chief Jllslle‘Slllp ; 'i‘o till this vacancy. John Jay was i {Main apa-intml and continued Deal 11L Limb—he was governor of New; Yuri; and declined the appointment. ; \X'usilinut-in then appointed Jnlzn i BLUEIJIeI at Virginia, who at. that: time was sucretary of state. Hi."~ ap— ' gmintmrnt was euniirmud Jzin3l. 1801. v Fillet Justice Marshall then sat on i Hm bench until his death inlß3sg 3’n->i‘l(-nt Jackson than appuiutvdi lil’lgvr B. Yum-y ul' Marylnxni In till ; 12;» vacancy. He was continnml - illnl'cl: 15,1835. and sat until his; death in 186}. Salmon I’. Chase of I tUniu was {ht-n ndpoinlnd liy Pry-si-l :lonL Lincoln to succeed '.l‘aney andl i a rill. until his death in 1873. l’rvs , iiiunt Grunt then appointed Mur— ] risnn 11. \‘(nitv 01' ( ’llll). Chief Justice i . ill IRT’L l Tim ()n-gon lvlgislaturo to meet IH-xl January will he. unlit'tl topt‘u~ \‘liln :or tlm eslulilisimmut of at part ago. fistula at Thu Dallus and the (Encodes It is claimed that tho Work could be done at a cost of .\.“.BMHJMHD and that its ixuizcxliuiz- office! '.V-Illltl hallo greatly ‘l‘educe the cost of grading tlio produc‘u‘ of the Upper Columbia valley to lllfll‘kul. Tho g-rmral government has a plan for building lot-kslli both Elm Cascades and The Dullrs. Considerable work has boon done at tho Cascades. but ‘uotlnng at all a! The Dulles {‘Xz'fk'pl ‘2O make pinus. le Oregonian thinks lllmt the river will not be opuuml by iinugcm-rul govrrrumvut in lime to lav-nail! anybody now living, and llu-l‘vforo nrgvs the state to tako hold of the matter and establish riw-r competition with the railroads by nmkiu; it possibly to movu freight down the river at a low cent. If the proposition possesses all the merit claimed for it scum parts of Einsh» ingion territory Would be quite as I mm-li benefited by it as Oregon. Did you cvcrsce- finer spring weather? Macaw; of ladies m I'. M G. A. IL]! tmuurrow aftermmn at 2:39, to organize an :mxiiiar)‘ sncu-ty. Thu! button making machine at Curri gnu‘s is a genuine uuvehy. Cali around and see it work. Mncliiuc portry is grind—io ease pain, snmctinimmnn the theory m” applying severe remedies. That is, you forget the original ailment. A lml_y.fur years n resideutol Port T~IWIIF(‘Dd, writes buck from Kansas: "The. people here (in KB"Sfl§)dld nut. rum- i! spent of anything last year, and tho blizzards took mostul' their stwck null :multry. A more desulatc looking C‘vuutry I never saw. The people want to :1) west. I tell (Lem tn go tn Port 'l“.'wuseud. They want u climate that in white man can live imam] a country when: they can misc sumptblug tn live 0:2,! The lady adds: "I nmiu luvo mil: Puget Sound." lu-nl Estate Transfers. March 7. E F Plummet J: wife lo ~”whine! Salmon. lots 5 and 7 block 10 l’hlu’xmer‘a addition. $725. Match 8. Chan 0 Bartlett to Jumus L Smnh, u e qr 1:! s w qr. It) and lot 5 515 £29 11 r 1 “377.94 acres. 8300. March 13th, lfiss—Jzunun Jones to (‘hzlrh-s ('luwmn, lease of rnuthwcslerly huh uf N 1:.“141 of N. W. ‘4’.n-te(‘. ‘.‘4, {fr-19,7 N. R. ] \Vfior 2 years. at SIOOO 11“; :mnum. ,_ 7 _ .luhn 11. Bartlett to George E. Stun-cl, lease of parcel of land on Luwance street rity of Port Townsend, for 10 yours, :It :1 monthly rvntal of $2.50. John H. Bartlett to Thonms M. llam nxond, lcusv of parcel of land on Law rmn-u street, city of Port Towmwml, for :1 term of 10 yours-1, at a monthly rental of $2.50. Marco ll.——-llenr_\' Landes to S. L. (‘ulnlwrlinflmntl for a deed tnhlot'k 20 in \Vcluslvl‘ addition, (‘ity of Port Town svntl. Consideration S6OO. Mun-h :o.—Mary L. Smith to Thomas Jackmun an undivided half interest in 5 acres of I and in J. L. (‘lingcr's donation claim. I,)nedulizu. Mun-h 20.—\\'inlield Maine &. with to James Morgan, undivided half interest in block 1:25 of L. B. Hastings Ist :ulnli lion to Port Townsend, S2OOO. March 21.—-—|lenry chher and wife to .\llcn M. Fletcher 3 acres of land in Loren 15. limitingu donation claim, S3OO. March 23.—-Jmnes Sinnns and wife to Albert C. l’hilliln-I the xenuth sixty :u‘rvs of tho west_ lmlt'_ot' the east lmlt'pt‘ the Ucnj. Run-‘0 clunutinn claim in sot-{inn 35$ ands-LT. 31,)". R. Iw. SISOO. Jzum-s Simms to Mary Jflllt' Fiunus 100 :u-n's in west half of cast lmlint‘ chj. lium- donation claim. Considera tion, Lovcuml :m'cction. ‘ . _ March 2(3.—llcnr_\' Lambs to ”in city of Port Townsend, Int 1 lrllx'k 44, city of Port Townsend, SOOO. .\lan-h 27,—].zuim .\l. Mead and hus haunl In Allt'll Weir. hits :3. ~1, Ii and :5, block 1, l'cttygrovc's lst addition (u l'urt ’l‘uwnsund, 51500. L. l’». Andrews :uul wife to”. Jan-obs the south west ‘4 uflhc nortn wvst ‘4' of N'VllUll H, 'l‘. 24. X. It. 1'). cast nml the N. IC. ',, of the N. \V. ‘.. of sec. 2:0, and llu' \V. '3 «If the S. \V. '4 (ll: the N. \V. ‘4’ Hi we. 11!, T. 30, N. R. 1 west, SIOO. John .\. Van Bokkelin to Mrs. Ann 1). Slarrctt. Lots 5) uwl 7,.b10ck 1258, city of Port Townsend, S6OO. Robert \Vaurincr to Herbert Adams the X. I'2. ‘4’ of the N. E. ‘4 Of the 5.1-1. ‘4 mi sec. 7, T. 30, N. li. 1 west, lOucn-s $2300. Mam-h flit—Oscar l). Tabor tn Fred H. (jistunncr. Lots l, 2 and 3in SCI. :4, '12:“. s'. IL: w., moo. \ Ton-55;: J. M. McCuln- to “liver John ‘snn. Lot 4, blot-k 39, city of For! ann ricllfil. HOOO. l'ch-r 11. Storkaunl to Levi Pays, piece of gruuntl 150x118 feet on Learned ava nuu rity of Port Townsend, $11.30. Susan K. Wilson to Charles l‘lix-lewis parts nl‘ sec. 3, 10 and 11, 'l‘. 2:0. N. N. 1 West, being part of Henry (2 “'ilsun's 1h “uni-m claim, $23,000. 3 .\inrvh 30.—-.\lury L. Smith & Cynthia < Jau'kinun m Thus. .lm-knmn, undivided! nnr hull of lots l and :5. lvlmtk S, rily uf ‘ Hurt T 1 nvnsoml, S7OOO. ; William Fisher to \Vatds ('. ('olzton tlxv E H. 1‘: «vi the 5.1‘1. '4' and S. ‘._. of the N. l i 2. 1; visa". :5, '12:», x. 1:. 1 w., mm. } Suphiu l’cttygrovc to B. S. l'cttygruvc | HF; arms of land in l’ettygrove‘smldi-i hon tn cilyuf l’urtTuwnsend, $125). l .\luriun Paxton to Allen Weir and .\«i.ulinc .\. )linklcr, 23 acres of land. known as James 11. llussy’h‘ addition tn rity of Port Townsend, S3OOO. l-‘mnk Link to Wm. F. Lournotl all of llll‘ \V. ,‘._. 0f the N. \V. ‘4’ 0‘ S. E. '4' of sec. 4 in T. 30, N. R. 1 “'.. 5 awn-:4 $330. April 2.—James Jones and wife tn E. J. Lanning, 15 83. acres in sec. 17. T. :10, NR. l \\'., $475.. , William Payne and wife to 11. L. Til)- lvals, Jr. the 5.1‘3. ‘4' of the S. W. 14 of Her. 17; I‘l. ,‘._. of N. E. '4 of sec 19 and the N. '3 of N. W. 14' of sec. ‘.‘o. T. 30. .\. R. l \V., $3500. Allen Weir and wife to George E. Stur mtt part of lots 6 and 8, block I, Putty grm'e'a addition to city of Port Townsend S2OO. James .\l. Riley and wife to Henry L. l Tibluln 72‘: acres of land, $1173. ‘ \Villium Payne slut] wife tu Elizabeth lluswy lots ('v and 15, llluck (3, l". \V. l’ct- 1 tyaow's lit addition to Port Townsend, $22.3. .\txgust F-lull and wife to Albert C. Phillips the X. E. '4‘ of the S. 1-3. ’4’ and lli” .\. if. ‘, vi the N. E. '1 of Sec. 30, T. .30, 5. li. 1 “'.. M) arms, SIOO. Jos-‘ph 11. l’lruorhm'k to Oliver “'nml, ll'rc mm hull of lnts 1 and 3, Mock ‘J, l‘luunzwr’s wldiliun to city of Purl Town .sa-thl. “”00. Apni 9, L}. C. Hnfitmgi to I’. M. Stuukaud 5 acres at land near Laurel (hove Cemetery; 8300 U.L[Uill‘£l Wal'ul to John Mal-rum: by 3’. Samuel Carry the N l‘: I; of Sec 1 T 25', N I: 1 W, hid acne, S6OO. 1:. W. 1).. Lion Cu wnc ll.» ’i’imoiiay B Brawn m.- 0 Nut the soqr of the n 9 q: nf sec 15 'l‘ 31) u r lemmzu acres; 5%!) March ‘26, 5 N (Jotzel to [lurrzet A Ric-.\." le and Fannie V McArdlc, lot 3. rm? IN. 'l' :17. nrl w: S7OO. H'xliiuux fl \\ uodlcy to Alli-ml M Crilz :100 fut square at the county arm-a roads an Chimacum. Jcfl‘. 00.; SIOO. llcnjx an :5 l’ctzygruyc & Wlf'.) to Jusv ll Belyruqvieco of land parallel to w 2; -:l l)!‘ cl; 3, vi PctlygroV‘es first addi tion, 1315312001}; 53000. Ag-rii 3. Cyrus F Clapp and Jusepb H Ft‘ucrhn'cll to Jesse H Bob'cfl, Quit (‘3 21:1: Dctzl tn parcel of land In Pony ;:;:\’c‘:a first addition m l‘urt Town-29m1; :_5 1).). M W Dthru & wife $0 Emil Hen :t;?r.'x).-r. the w bf uf the s uqr of the n C q: a? find in’. 'l‘ 30. u r 1 w, 2!) (10103; SM). W J Hulk-33k .% Wife to 2.l:;er Grace Baum-«tar. huts 11 am] I'2. him-i; 2. town of U::rr..\%.-tr;;. Jcli'. (UL; #IOO. Hun )' anics 1o Rubart ‘.i'arzmcr u' d John Sick-tubamn. all (if s w qnf n v ‘11:”: mu 8. v: qr u! see 12'“, 'l' 30 in fl w, 4!} norm; 560:0. iii-wry hunks :4) Wm. Dad-1. an” of s w qr n 5 u a, qr \‘f :1 w qr of sec 13, 'l‘ 30 n rl w, 1%) news; SSO. liubi‘l'l S Sula-lair m J N mebuch. [mt of In 5 5 undG. abiuck 11,621] of P‘rft’i'lHV'xh'qu; S6OO. Jumvs Alt-sander White to Port Town -‘:-n~i Ware: l'umpauy. right and tide to watur flowing in stream. known as J‘:‘-’(‘;-'J \‘v'mé-zcrsuu's creek thmng'u lot ] uf S-‘C 2531‘ 29 nr2 w; SSOO Charlvs Eisenheis 8: wife tn (‘atber hm Md‘urdy. 31§x351tiume corner of of and Mom: the westerly lino of lot 5 Mhr‘k 41 cxty of Port. l'nwnsund; S2OO Orange Jac-qbq & wife to C E Hum», the n 9 qt 0! the n w qr of sec 30. and Kim w Mof the a w qr and the swqr of n w qr 0! sec 19, T 30, nrl w; SIOOO. PIULDRIZK OF THE RICH. THE SOURCE OF ALL TRUE HAP' PINESS UNKNOWN TO THEM. Farts Conn-rniug the Most Neglected Class in Any Cumlnxunity—Tho Bo slrainls “'lllch “'ealth [Huron-”Noth ing to \"isll and Plan For—Contrasts. There is apparently nothing more need ed at this time than a “society for the tmwliormiun of the condition of the chil dren of the rich." The poor children up peal to the sympathies of every one; we have them with us; on our hearts and con sciences always, but the childrcn of the rich an- the ntoat neglected class in any community. First. they are neglected by their own parents. What with the summer months at a guy watering place, and the winter spent in the giddy whirl of society, it is a. fortunate child of the rich who knows its own mother. The father‘s business occu pies his time and thoughts; from 20 to 60 years of ago he finds that all of his fuciillii-s are required to repair the dzuiingt-s of one panic and provide in ml - fur another. If the child is well clothul and has his or her school bills sent. in regularly. the man of business cares helix-Yes ho has tulilllml all the obligations oi nu indulgent father, conscious that ha ha»; «lone mun: for his child than was done for him. i .’l‘hus the child is driven back on his nurse, or the groom, or the butler—ac~ cording to age or condition—for sympathy and fellowship. Here, if not his manners, his morals and his views of life are formed. I)}:leth THAT ARE DESIED. But of these (limdvnntages the child is not himself conscious until, later in life, he reviews his beginnings. \Vhat- most troubles him is the restraint which the wealth of his parents imposes on his action. He is cut off from the associates of his own age, if we except. a. few caged animals like unto himself. 0f the free dom of youth lte knows little or nothing. The delight of anticipation is denied by the gratification in advance of all wishes for balls, hats, kites, and the thousand and one things which the happy boy of the poor makes for himself. No rich boy ever felt the thrill of delight, of conscious power which comes to the boy who has constructed out of nothing a. kite that is sailing to the stars and almost drawing him after it. The boy of the rich has bought for him those lopsided, fantastic Japanese abortions which do not take naturally to the varying waves of our up per atmosphere. For the child of the rich there is noth ing to wish for. to plan for, to deny one's self for: everything is at his command, and his boyish llllilll‘t‘ is smothered by his nunsunl privileges. If he is permitted to go to the circus at all. it is only with some 31d fellow whose memory of his youth he! faded. and to whom the smell of the saw dust has no suggestion of past delight, and as he paid at the door for a reserved seat the poor child of destiny has no thrill of fear and terror when the boy with the lemonade whispers to the man at the door . and points significantly in his direction. 1x ms .\‘A'l‘l'ltAL STATE. A Dog: in his natural state is an animal who revels in the freedom of disorder, and under the system of doing for himsell learns. to do for others. Every faculty he has is quickvnml by exercise and hidden strength developed under necessity. But :hc sun of the rich is. as we have said, a :agmlaml pampered animal. Before he reaches years of conscious intelligence he is the Victim of ennui. and all ambition hnsdied within him. He is not spurred on by the thought that (one day he may be president: he does not understangl why one should want to be president, and, be sides, he learns from school books that it is a position reserved for the sons of pOOI but honest parents. The contrasts. as they suggest them selves. are in:numernhlc—they are sum cicut [or a \‘ullllne. Enough have been noted to Convince the reasonable man who has in his mind any recollection of his youth. that the children of the rich have as yrt an um‘vcognized claim on our sylnputliivS; that they live without fear ox hopc: that they are denied alike the pains and pleasures (f early years; that they are impriwnul from the beginning, and so lit-112001 in by (mnvcntiotialism that the source of all true happiness is ever un known to than. It is strange that in this period of the world, with philanthropical societies innumerable, we should not have organized a Sm-iuty for the Allielim-ntion of the C-m-litinn of the Children of “I: Rich—«l \ ‘lh- Courier-Journal. We \Vun‘d call the attentgou of those rz-e in: h .mm-puthic remedies that we huh" u fu!l “no and respectfully sollcxt Ihvir patmnuge. N. l). HILL & Soxs.‘ Remember Livermore‘s. near post (like. [or Emma and Shoes. flats or Caps. t GO In Hi” & Suns for Homeopathic mnliciues. Guides with complete— MA TERIA name.“ to be bud upon npplicm tum. ‘ To the Public. i'uzu‘ To“. SPEND. \\'. 'l‘ , .\er 5. 1888. \Vhilu l Llll u'm-nl fr-vm l'or'. 'l‘m\'u.—und. Mr. N. Hum int-Hwy “in nzmlncl mv milk husi» xiv-h. mull u ill ru-u-iknt for ufl hilis in lhr‘ stun". )h Illil-llh' ulhirsl .Ir. Frark l'ellyg m'c uiEl (lend tnnl In) rum s‘. :!w B. S. I’ETTYUROVI-J. ‘ ,7, ,_ "M“... . a 1 _Chddrenjry jorjtchgrjs‘ca‘storla. 1' 1‘ ‘ 4. C. C Bzu tlett - ) 1 «S: Co. General Merchandise. Shipping 81 Commiss’n Merchants. Clothing 8: Gonts’ Fur nishing Goods. _ FAMILY GROCERIES I ‘ We always Keep in stock a complete line of Choice Family Groceries, and will sell them at prices which cannot be beat by any firm on the Coast. Will deliver all goods free of charge . to any part of the city. Give us a trial in this line and 500 if we don’t please you, both in prices and quality. We are now ofi'ering our large and well selected stock of Mens‘ and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods at Lower Prices than Ever Before! Our stock in these lines comprise the latest styles and best goods. Come and see what we have to ofi'er ,bel'ore purchasing elsewhere. A Large and Well-Selected Sim ol Ilurdnvure,’ Ship :Chundleryw ' Crockery. Notions. Tobaccos. (Jigurs. ‘ \Vincs. Liquors, f&c.. 1 Alwas in stock, which we ofl'er as has ’ value and at lowest prices. I G. 0. Bartlett & 00., Port ITownsend. - W. T. O Timber Lands For Sale. Two hundred and twenty-five acres of timber land for sale. Distant half mile to a mile from the water. down grade‘ to good harbor. Within six miles from Port Townsend. For particular apply to answuv & SACHS. Port Townsend. m 5“ INSIDE LOTS.’--;s‘6’o Each, #2O Cash, and $lO per Jflfonth till Paid for. CORNER LOTS-$75 Each, $95 Cash, and 6‘lo per .Monlh ull Paid for. 51219 01' LOTS--54x1f34 Feet. STREETS—BO Feet Wide; 15—foot .xllleys. W APPLY AT ARGUS OFFICE! PORT TOWNSEND Boot 8: Shoe Store .Ol‘l.Boy‘l,udlen’qlllssel‘kl‘hlldrel'l BOOTS AND SHOES OF THE ‘- . I IEST gum” AND [ATEST PATTIRIS. I?" have a great revexence (on uh customers. Joax Frrzn'rmcx.